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Newslinks for 11/24/2003

This is what your "Fear" is protecting
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"...Joseph was an IRS CID agent (Criminal Investigation Division) for a little over five years. In late 1996, he happened to hear some information about the nature of the income tax on a radio show. After two years of trying to prove the so-called 'tax protesters' wrong regarding their beliefs, he finally concluded that the 'tax honesty' individuals were indeed correct in their analysis of the income tax and its voluntary nature."

"Joseph had no choice but to resign his job..."

"... he told his story and why he could no longer participate in this fraud against his fellow Americans." ...

"As time has gone by, the IRS attempted to silence this courageous young man by making sure he knew a grand jury was sniffing around him." ...

Sailor Illegally Purchased Rifle for D.C.-Area Sniper
Submitted by: Gary L. Erne

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An active-duty U.S. Navy gunner's mate illegally purchased a rifle for John Allen Muhammad, who was found guilty of capital murder for the D.C.-area sniper shootings, the Washington Post reported Nov. 18."

"Earl Lee Dancy Jr. acknowledged that he knew he was breaking the law by purchasing a Remington 700-308 rifle for Muhammad at a Tacoma, Wash., sporting-goods store. He also said he lied to police and the FBI when they questioned him about the gun."

"Dancy had reported the firearm stolen as suggested by Muhammad."

This, from the Million Misguided Morons' own website, simply disqualifies their eternal whining for "a few sensible gun laws". This story shows in stark detail that existing federal laws were once again trampled and circumvented by criminals to serve their own evil agenda. Yet these do-gooder Misguided Morons continue their anti-constitutional quest to disarm law abiding Americans everywhere... for The Children™.

U.S. may drop M-16
Submitted by: Tyree White

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"After nearly 40 years of battlefield service around the globe, the M-16 may be on its way out as the standard Army assault rifle because of flaws highlighted during the invasion and occupation of Iraq."

"U.S. officers in Iraq say the M-16A2 — the latest incarnation of the 5.56 mm firearm — is quietly being phased out of front-line service because it has proven too bulky for use inside the Humvees and armored vehicles that have emerged as the principal mode of conducting patrols since the end of major fighting on May 1."

Guns and the Dumb
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Those uninitiated into human nature think the way to stop accidents with guns is to remove guns from people's possession. Since guns will never be gotten rid of (everything you need to make a machine-gun can be stored on a closet shelf), it'd be better to teach people, as children, to use firearms properly. Just the way I was taught. It's a lot easier to minimize stupidity (possible) than ban firearms (impossible)."

"I've known several adults who were not raised with firearms as children. When they became adults and bought guns, some of them didn't understand how dangerous they were. Their ignorance caused problems that were scary at the time, but can be laughed at in retrospect. At least most of the time."

Keeping guns clean in the field
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Today’s quality firearms can last a lifetime and be passed down through several generations with reasonable care. Most gun owners know that good maintenance involves cleaning during the off-season and after every trip, but care in the field is even more important."

"Moisture, improper transporting, and dust or dirt are just a few of the problems that can be faced by shooters afield. Field care doesn’t have to be as time consuming as one might think. Here are a few helpful ideas that could add years to the life of your firearm..."

More About the Ninth Circuit's Absurd Decision (blog)
Submitted by: Randy Hudson

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"This decision tells me three things:

"1. Congress needs to pass a law that slamdunks these sort of absurd lawsuits."

"2. ATF should use this supposed information that it has about criminal trafficking in guns, and make a serious effort at suppressing it. (Of course, someone might shoot at them.)"

"3. There are a lot of federal judges who need to be removed from the bench for lacking both judicial temperament and the intelligence of a toaster."

Bio-chip implant arrives for cashless transactions
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"At a global security conference held today in Paris, an American company announced a new syringe-injectable microchip implant for humans, designed to be used as a fraud-proof payment method for cash and credit-card transactions."

"The chip implant is being presented as an advance over credit cards and smart cards, which, absent biometrics and appropriate safeguard technologies, are subject to theft, resulting in identity fraud."

"Identity fraud costs the banking and financial industry some $48 billion a year, and consumers $5 billion, according to 2002 Federal Trade Commission estimates."

Lipstick on the pig
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Pseudo-intellectuals, often in universities, declare that everything is relative, and come up with copious affirming evidence. Enclaving themselves in their ivory towers, they plot to be the best. For them to be the best, you – the many – must be the worst. You must be taught your place as the great unwashed. You must realize their superiority, so that they are no longer intimidated by your freedom. Since Freedom is a concept they do not understand, they desire to destroy it – by controlling who has access to it. If everyone is free, they are unable to compete."

Scaring Up Votes
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"Flashing the words "terrorists" and 'self-defense' in crimson, the Republican National Committee spot urges Americans 'to support the president's policy of pre-emptive self-defense' — a policy Colin Powell claimed was overblown by the press."

" 'Since when have terrorists and tyrants announced their intentions, politely putting us on notice before they strike?' Mr. Bush says."

If Mr. Bush and crew truly believed in the policy of "pre-emptive self-defense," they would take definitive steps to revoke every unconstitutional, anti-Second Amendment law on the books today, instead of promising to sign the AW Ban when it hits his desk.

The truth about the War on Terrorism
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are two types of people who should read Terrorism and Tyranny: Those who support the government's current War on Terrorism, and those who oppose it."

"For the former, this new book by libertarian maestro James Bovard will reveal, in the starkest terms, how your government failed you." ...

"For those who oppose the War on Terrorism, this book will confirm that everything you fear is true. This war, as waged by President G.W. Bush, is, quite simply, one of the greatest threats to freedom the United States has ever faced. It threatens our economic liberty, our civil liberties, and our long-term security."

Philippines: Bike-riding men kill 40th victim
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A MAN believed to be involved in illegal drug activities was shot dead by one of the two motorcycle-riding men Saturday afternoon, bringing to 40 the total number of victims of summary killings since June 16 this year."

"Initial reports showed that Martinez, along with his live-in partner Vina, were on board a Honda Wave motorcycle going to Davao Memorial Park when two men on board another motorcycle followed them."

"Vina, in a radio interview, said that upon reaching Tindahan ni Mami in Juna Subdivision at around 4:30 p.m., one of the men on board the motorcycle shot Martinez in the head."

But despite the gun violence increase in the Philippines, the government has still disarmed its citizens.

MO: Judge scolds officer, fines him in road rage incident
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A St. Louis County judge scolded a Pine Lawn police officer Friday and then fined him $600 for threatening to pistol-whip a man after a road rage incident this spring."

" 'I don't have to tell you that what you did was totally unacceptable,' said Associate Circuit Judge Thea Sherry. 'I hope that this is a wake-up call to everyone, especially you.'

"We need our police officers to be more tolerant than the rest of us."

"A jury convicted James Fitzgibbon of one count of phone harassment and acquitted him of two other counts during a trial last month."

A) So only cops should have guns?

B) What would have happened to a civilian who threatened to pistol-whip a cop?

MN: City Of Minneapolis Joins Handgun Lawsuit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The city of Minneapolis has joined a group of churches in a lawsuit challenging Minnesota's new handgun law."

"Attorneys for the city and 27 religious congregations and organizations argue that the gun law, which prohibits churches and other property owners from barring guns in their parking lots and rental facilities, violates the Minnesota Constitution because it was tacked on to a Department of Natural Resources bill that allegedly has nothing to do with the gun-carrying issue."

"The lawsuit, which was filed last month in Ramsey County District Court, claims that using the DNR bill as a vehicle for the gun law violates a constitutional provision that says no law shall embrace more than one subject."

CO: Ex-deputy marshal arrested
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Mancos deputy marshal found himself accused of falling on the wrong side of the law Thursday morning, after reported domestic violence, threats of suicide and a 40-minute standoff."

"Wesley Short was advised at county court Thursday that he was under investigation for the felony crime of menacing and the misdemeanors of third-degree assault, illegal wiretapping, false imprisonment, obstructing, and eluding the police."

"Short's ex-wife said he had arrived at her residence wanting 'to talk,' but when she let him in, he allegedly shoved her into a home entertainment center and pulled her up by the throat before ramming her head into a glass-framed picture in the hallway. She also said Short had shoved her against a shower door."

OH: Unreasonable laws have consequences (Letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Congratulations, Mr. Emerson. Your Nov. 11 letter rebutting mine was an exception to most printed here. You counter-responded, logically and cogently, to each of my examples and conclusions, and ended with an emotional appeal to the concept of individual freedom."

"But I still disagree..."

"If I knew everybody of legal age was carrying a concealed handgun, and also was knowing that a definite small minority of adults are, unfortunately, prone to react to any slight, supposed or not, I would consider that a great imposition on my freedom as I would be forced to stay mainly within my own security-protected home. Actions have consequences -- unrealistic laws do also."

"Logically, it just doesn't make any sense to put killing power in the hands of any adult and retrogress back toward cavemen times. No, to the other direction, i.e., the elimination of any privately owned handguns, would place us on an even higher step of civilization."

In other words: your arguments are logical, and I can't refute them, but my hoplophobia prevents me from agreeing with you, because I'm an irrational misanthrope.

NY: Farewell to 'Angel' killed by stray shot
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A river of tears flowed among the 400 mourners who packed a Brooklyn funeral home yesterday for a final farewell to little Daesean Hill, the precocious 8-year-old killed by a stray bullet in the crossfire of a drug turf war last week."

"Daesean, known as a loving, bright kid whose parents tried to shield him and his two siblings from the mean streets where he grew up in East New York, lay in a white suit in a white casket blanketed by heart-shaped wreaths of red carnations."

It appears these tragic occurrences are happening with greater frequency in places where the criminals are armed to the teeth and the law-abiding disarmed by the state.

WI: Children who hunt taught to respect guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Thousands of north central Wisconsin youths headed into the woods this weekend carrying high-powered rifles and shotguns. But parents and firearms instructors say they've also armed them with a healthy respect for safety."

"Allowing 12-year-olds to hunt during the nine-day deer season does not mean desensitizing them to the dangers of guns. It's quite the opposite, proponents say."

" 'In our classes we aren't teaching them how to hunt. We are teaching firearm safety,' said David Gliniecki of Wisconsin Rapids, a volunteer hunter safety instructor since 1992. 'What we're trying to teach them to do is have a systematic approach to firearms.' "

AZ: Founding principles not being taught (Letter)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"I was pleased to read the articles about the 'Teen Court' here in Flagstaff and to learn about its operation. However, as a product of our public schools and as a law student of five years, I would have to say that I am more concerned about what we are not teaching our youth. What these young people are not learning about is all the brave citizens who have had their rights violated by government and who have tried to invoke the U.S. Constitution in a court of law, only to have the judge threaten them that they dare not bring up the Constitution in the judge's court."

FL: A gun owner's pain (Letter)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Re: Gun toters, you can relax, by Martin Dyckman, Nov. 16."

"Relax? When editorial writers like Martin Dyckman tell me to relax over gun control laws, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. He claims democracies like ours die a death from a thousand cuts."

"I feel his pain. Now he knows how it is about gun control. With more than 20,000 laws enacted since the infamous Gun Control Act of 1968, we of the NRA have been trying to stop the bleeding, but have yet to stanch the flow. Each and every day, there is a new attack, in either laws or news articles or editorials stretching the truth..."

Australia: Pizza shop robbed at gunpoint
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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ARMED robbers threatened staff with a firearm during a robbery at a takeaway pizza outlet in southern Sydney last night.

Two men entered the shop in Denman Avenue in Caringbah about 10pm (AEDT) yesterday, threatened the 19-year-old female employee with a gun and demanded cash.

She opened the register and the men stuffed cash into a backpack and left the store.

They were last seen running along Denman Avenue with a third man.

A good description of the man brandishing the gun was not available as he was wearing a balaclava, but his accomplice was described as being 16 to 17 years old, of medium build and olive complexion.

Police have asked anyone with further information to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

AL: ATF agent says state parole board irresponsible in killer's pardon
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Alabama Pardons and Paroles Board acted irresponsibly in granting a pardon and restoring gun rights to a convicted killer now under investigation for violating weapons laws and impersonating a police officer, a federal officer says."

"Tyrone Robinson, 47, of Birmingham, a former radio personality, pleaded guilty to two counts of manslaughter in the 1988 killings of his wife and a man. He was pardoned in 1997 with limited restoration of his rights, and the parole board two months ago restored his right to carry a gun."

KS: Town Requires Homes to Have Guns
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"Residents of this tiny south-central Kansas community have passed an ordinance requiring most households to have guns and ammunition."

"Noncomplying residents would be fined $10 under the ordinance, passed 3-2 earlier this month by City Council members who thought it would help protect the town of 210 people. Those who suffer from physical or mental disabilities, paupers and people who conscientiously oppose firearms would be exempt." ...

"Geuda Springs has no local police force; the Sumner County Sheriff's department is responsible for policing the area. Sheriff Gerald Gilkey said the ordinance makes him concerned for the safety of his officers."

NY: NYPD: Explosives missing at airport
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Police in New York City have issued a department-wide alert for officers to be on the lookout for missing explosives powerful enough to bring down a commercial jetliner."

"Newsday reports the explosive, called Primasheet, vanished at New Jersey's Newark International Airport in early September."

"Officials with the Port Authority originally 'said they did not think terrorists had anything to do with its disappearance and that their investigation was focused on who signed the explosive in and out of the agency's training center at the Newark airport,' the paper stated."

KS: Gun mandate fits town's history
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"From his motorcycle shop amidst the smell of grease and dust, Phillip Russell can rattle off the names of the notorious folk who have visited this nearly 130-year-old community:"

"Luke Short, Old West gunman, friend of Wyatt Earp, who, in the late 1890s, died of consumption in one of the town's hotels."

"The train- and bank-robbing Dalton Gang, whose relatives lived in town."

"And Bonnie and Clyde, who frequented the healing spring of Geuda during their crime spree in the early 1930s."

"Guns are simply part of Geuda Springs, says Russell, a local historian. 'It's the way of the West.' "

"Guns aren't just a part of the storied past in this 210-person community that straddles the Sumner-Cowley county line."

"They are also part of the present for law-abiding citizens."

UK: Disarmed British subjects have to rely on criminals to protect them against criminals
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"A POLICEMAN working on the Soham murder case is to appear in court on firearms and harassment charges."

"PC Clive Burgoyne, 46, is accused of harassing a woman and possessing a shotgun without a certificate."

"He was a computer operator in the Operation Fincham incident room, from where the investigation into the deaths of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman was run."

"Police said he was arrested at his home in St Ives, Cambridgeshire, on Thursday and taken to Huntingdon police station for questioning by detectives from the force's Professional Standards Department."

"He was charged and bailed to appear before Huntingdon magistrates on Monday."

MD: D.C. Officer Investigated For Accidental Shooting of Wife
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Washington D.C. police officer is under investigation after authorities say he accidentally shot his wife at their Waldorf home."

"Charles County sheriff's deputies say William Talbert was handling his service weapon late last night when he unintentionally allowed it to fire."

How do you like those verbal acrobatics to indemnify the shooter for his carelessness?

DC: Police Find 16 Guns in NE Apartment
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A big surprise for D.C. police officers who went into a Northeast apartment to serve an arrest warrant - and instead found a haul of guns and drugs.

Investigators say when the door was opened to the home in the 1400 block of Eastern Avenue, officers peaked in to see crack cocaine and a gun. Once they got a search warrant, investigators scoured the place and came away with 13 rifles and shotguns plus three handguns.

Three men and a woman are under arrest on a variety of charges. Ironically, the juvenile they came to serve the warrant on was never found.

They were surprised? Don't they already know that only the cops and criminals have guns in DC, while the citizens remain defenseless?

VA: Two Men Carjack Woman at Knifepoint
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Police want your help finding two men suspected of carjacking a woman at knifepoint.

It happened Monday night on Spring Garden Drive in Springfield, Virginia.

Police say the victim escaped without injury, but the suspects took off with her car. The vehicle is a 1997 silver four-door Honda Accord with Virginia tags ZEC 8240.

If you have any information on this case, you’re urged to call Fairfax County Police.

Where's Sarah Brady with her petulant calls for knife control?

UK: Businessman Not Licensed to Gun Used in Family Shootings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A businessman who murdered his wife and son then killed himself used a shotgun licensed to someone else, police said."

"They said the 12-gauge weapon was owned by someone they have so far refused to name and had not been stolen."

"Alan Pemberton was also under a court injunction for threatening to kill his estranged wife, Julia, more than a year ago, it has emerged."

"Armed police had surrounded Mrs Pemberton’s home on Tuesday night after receiving a call from her saying there was a man with a gun, but when they stormed it hours later she, her husband and their son, 17-year-old William, were found dead."

I'm sure the surviving relations will be glad to know that the killer used an unauthorized weapon.

South Africa: Man allegedly killed for his shoes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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East Rand police today said they found the body of a man who may have been murdered for his shoes.

The 42-year-old man's body was found with gun shot wounds to the head in the Ramaphosa informal settlement in Boksburg.

Zithini Dlamini, a police spokesperson, said the corpse was without shoes when found along Tlovur street around midnight.

Police have asked anyone with information regarding the killing to phone them on (011) 910-447.

But the South African government is still trying to render its citizens defenseless against this sort of attack.

FL: Continued Police Suppression of Peoples' Right to Protest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The police force continued operating with the brains and appetite of a carnivorous shark today as city officials kept demonstrating 'the Miami model' of suppression even as protestors and trade ministers were leaving the city in droves." ...

"At a Friday afternoon press conference, Thea Lee, of the AFL-CIO, spoke of feeling terrified as police fired pepper gas and plastic bullets at peaceful marchers. Other labor leaders, including AFL-CIO president John Sweeney expressed 'outrage' over the police blocking of a permitted gathering, and cited specific abuses such as a union retiree being denied necessary medication after an arbitrary arrest."

But only police should have guns; they would never use them to oppress the populace.

Canada: Man, 19, shot dead outside hotel
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 19-year-old man died after he was shot early yesterday in a Scarborough hotel parking lot."

"The victim was taken to Sunnybrook hospital, where he was pronounced dead."

"Police were interviewing 10 to 12 witnesses yesterday morning, said Toronto police Detective Randy Carter."

"Yesterday's shooting death was just the latest in a rash of gun violence in Scarborough. On Nov. 1, Derek Wah Yan died after a stray bullet tore into his house and struck him as he watched television with his son."

"Just last week, another stray bullet narrowly missed 15-year-old Devon Cheong, who was taking a shower in his mother's townhouse."

Boy that $2 billion registration scheme seems to be working really well for them.

UT: Locked and unloaded
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A gun, two children, a tragedy. This time a 4-year-old boy got hold of a loaded handgun and shot his 3-year-old brother to death."

"The specifics of various children shooting children differ. But in many cases, these horrors could be prevented if parents who own guns would follow a simple rule: Store firearms unloaded under lock, and keep ammunition in a separate, locked place." [Rendering them completely useless when actually needed for defense of self and family.] ...

"We would prefer a continuing education campaign for gun owners. Without one, a criminal sanction by itself would be meaningless anyway. Perhaps only people who have passed a state-sanctioned firearms safety course should be allowed to buy guns."

A "state-sanctioned" course? Is that the same state that trained those police officers who left their firearms unattended for their children to find in Texas and Oregon? Is that the same state that trained the cops who accidentally shot themselves in the leg/hand/abdomen or their family members, after forgetting to empty the chamber while cleaning their gun?

Sure. State sanctioned courses for everyone! That way they can hope to be as incompetent as the state officials.

Canada: Canada Customs union warns of border delays
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the Christmas holiday season approaches, Canadians are being warned to expect longer-than-usual delays at U.S. border checkpoints."

"The union that represents Canada's 4,000 uniformed customs officers says its workers may be moving a little bit slower, until Ottawa approves a new contract granting the right to carry guns."

"According to Customs and Excise Union president Ron Moran, his members need guns because each day on the job becomes more dangerous."

Now they know how it feels to be denied the tools of self-defense they need to protect themselves.

UK: Scandal of pupils aged five carrying knives
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"Children as young as five are taking knives into school as dramatic new figures reveal that police are being called into classrooms at least three times a week to seize dangerous weapons."

"An Observer investigation has uncovered the extraordinary scale of knife crime in Britain's schools which experts warn is threatening to spiral out of control."

"On Friday, hundreds gathered for the funeral of 14-year-old Luke Walmsley, who was stabbed in the chest in a Lincolnshire school."

"Yet, far from being an isolated incident, the culture of carrying knives into schools has become endemic. In one London borough 85 per cent of children admitted to carrying a knife into school when questioned by police officers."

FL: FTAA Protesters Describe Security as Police State
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At the tail end of a 20-foot green dragon, Julie Gouldener began Miami's largest anti-globalization march Thursday skipping up Biscayne Boulevard. Two hours later, she stood against a wall sobbing, the welt from a rubber bullet's impact rising on her forehead."

" 'I was standing in the street, just standing in the street … tell them what happened,' she told a reporter before medics shepherded her away."

"Like so many of the peaceful protesters who converged on Miami, Gouldener's environmental message was lost in a cloud of tear gas and a barrage of rubber bullets as police clashed with more violent activists."

FL: FTAA Protests: Activists Say Many Arrests Were Unlawful
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Amid new arrests Friday, dozens of free-trade protesters already in custody appeared before judges as public defenders and activists raised concerns about possible civil rights violations."

"At issue in many cases: whether police had a reasonable expectation that a crime would occur when they stopped protesters on the street, searched their belongings and arrested them."

" 'There's a clear pattern with police stopping protesters, searching them, confiscating items that are completely legal, destroying property and, in many cases, letting them go after violating their rights,' [Lida Rodriguez-Taseff, president of the Miami chapter of the ACLU] said."

WI: Wisconsin Deer Hunters Open Gun Season
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Hunters by the thousands took to the woods and fields Saturday for the start of the nine-day gun deer season, giving the heads of their kills to state workers for testing of chronic wasting disease."

"The Department of Natural Resources sold 644,818 licenses for this season, 4.2 percent more than in 2002 when the fatal brain disease was detected in the state's deer herd. The increase is still 6.4 percent less than two years ago."


AK: Gun club members feel right at home on rifle range
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"...The smell of gun smoke drifted from underneath the shelter at the Hank Harmon Rifle Range in the Mendenhall Valley." ...

"The Juneau Rifle and Pistol Club sponsored the National Rifle Association-approved sporting and high-power service rifle competition. Three people competed in the high-power service category and four in the sporting rifle category."

"The club holds 13 competitions a year: one a month and an extra one on the Fourth of July, said Menzies, president of the Juneau Rifle and Pistol Club. When he first began shooting 10 years ago, the competitions could draw up to 40 participants. Now, anywhere from four to 14 shooters compete."

Brazil: Policing Rio's soaring gun crime
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"Brazil can lay claim to being one of the most heavily armed and dangerous countries in the world. Steve Kingstone gets the inside story from a favela in Rio, where he gets a little too close to officers fighting gun crime on the streets."

So the government is unable to get the crime problem in Brazil under control, and they react by disarming innocent civilians, rendering them defenseless against armed criminals and reliant upon the ineffective police.

Australia: Shop attendant in gun robbery
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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TWO masked men threatened a Sydney bottleshop attendant with a gun during a robbery, police said today.

A police spokesperson said the two balaclava-clad men drove a stolen white BMW into a bottleshop in Gladesville Road, Hunter's Hill, shortly before 7pm (AEDT).

The passenger got out of the car, threatened the attendant with a gun and demanded the cash register be opened.

The driver removed cash trays from two registers before escaping in the BMW.

The passenger was described as being 180-190cm tall with a solid build and the driver was described as being 165-170 tall with a stocky build.

Anyone with information should contact Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000.

UK: Guns and ammo found in Co. Armagh
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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Two handguns and a quantity of ammunition were found on waste ground in County Armagh.

They were discovered during a search at Queen Street, Lurgan yesterday.

The area was sealed off overnight and further searches will be carried out today.

Boy, those gun bans are doing wonders, aren't they?

MS: Reserve cop arrested in theft
Submitted by: GUNED.COM

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"A Canton auxiliary officer has been fired after being charged with receiving stolen property."

"Police Chief Luke Gordon said Thursday he fired Christopher Gibbs, 32, of Madison, on Monday." ...

"Gordon's beleaguered department has seen four officers, a former officer, a dispatcher and now a reserve officer charged with felonies in the last 12 months. None has gone to trial, Gordon said."

And yet, Sarah Brady wants you to rely on people such as this for your personal safety, while you hand them your guns for the "common good."

UK: Staff lose personal valuables in shop raid
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"DETECTIVES are today investigating two armed robberies involving shop assistants - including one in which staff were forced to hand over their wallets and watches."

"About 1.30am today a masked man brandishing a pistol entered a takeaway outlet on the Upper Newtownards Road in east Belfast and demanded money."

"He emptied the till and then forced staff to hand over their wallets and watches before running off with an accomplice who had stood guard outside the premises."

"Earlier last night, three armed men robbed a grocery store in Dundonald."

"About 5.30pm the men, armed with hammers and hatchets, entered the Ballybeen estate shop and threatened a teenage assistant."

More victims of government disarmament.

UK: Thugs batter pub boss
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A QUIET riverside pub is the latest victim of the ruthless gang of robbers who battered the landlord 'senseless'."

"Three men armed with baseball bats and a knife forced their way into the King George V pub in London Road, High Wycombe, in the early hours of Monday morning."

"When the pub landlord was disturbed by noise downstairs, the masked trio attacked him."

"Detective Inspector Philip Chandler, of High Wycombe CID, said: 'They beat the man senseless so he could not open the safe.' "

"The victim was taken to hospital and discharged later."

MD: Smallest slight forges chain of violence, death
Submitted by: Jim Sr

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Gun control laws will stop this? How?

"The shootings started shortly after someone stepped on Marvin Lee Murray's foot at a party in January.
Over the next seven months, two warring street groups would exchange retaliatory gunfire, killing three young men and leaving four more people wounded in a series of shootings that littered Baltimore streets with shell casings. City police strongly suspect the killing of a fourth person, a teen-age witness, is connected to the violence."

"The two gangs deal drugs in East Baltimore - about 10 blocks apart - but the gunfights were not fueled by struggles over turf, cash or narcotics. The two sides simply detested each other, and in Baltimore, investigators said, that is excuse enough to kill."

Brazil: Bio-Scare in Rio as Bandits Steal Bacteria Samples
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Brazilian authorities urged residents of Rio de Janeiro on Friday to be careful after lab samples of cholera and typhoid fever were stolen with a biologist's car."

"Silvio Valle, a biosecurity expert with the government's Fiocruz research institute, graded the biohazard of the stolen material as two on a scale of four in televised comments, asking viewers to contact Fiocruz immediately if they found the box of samples."

"A Fiocruz biologist was taking the samples to a conference in a neighboring state when she was carjacked at gun point on Thursday night."

"Armed robberies are frequent in crime-ridden Rio, which is one of the world's most violent cities."

Meanwhile, the Brazilian government taking definitive steps to disarm the law-abiding, leaving everyone at the mercy of armed criminals!

Slovenia: Protests Greet Sentence for Bush Hate Mail
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Slovenian human rights activists on Friday condemned a court's decision to sentence a man for 'terrorist' crimes for sending hate e-mail to President Bush."

"Tomi Sluga told the local court in the town of Murska Sobota he was drunk and only joking when he sent an e-mail to the White House web before a June 2001 Bush visit to the small Alpine state."

" 'President, save the Earth, you ass, you will be killed in Ljubljana. Welcome!' the email read."

"The court found Sluga guilty of 'endangering a protected person' and gave him a two-year suspended sentence on Monday, the first conviction under Slovenia's new anti-terrorism laws."

But "anti-terrorism" laws would never be used to stifle speech in this country!

IN: Judges seek to holster cops' guns
Submitted by: Gary L. Erne

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"Porter Superior Court Judge David Chidester had a juror in a recent trial say she felt intimidated when a armed police officer testified."

"That's just one reason why Porter County's judges are talking about making changes to the courthouse gun policy."

"Porter County Sheriff Dave Reynolds said rumors began surfacing that court security and regular police officers would be barred from carrying weapons, putting them in harm's way when armed people show up at the courthouse. That's not the case."

You just can't make this stuff up, folks! Here we have one bed-wetting lemming who whines about being "intimidated" at the mere sight of a gun! A gun being carried by a sworn police officer! Is this what our society is being reduced to? Moving heaven and earth to appease one single scaredy cat who's afraid of her own shadow? Thank you, oh so much, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, and the Hollyweird liberal basket cases, just to name a few.

WA: 3 shot as robber, merchant exchange gunfire at store
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nollette said the robber walked into the store, flashed a handgun and demanded money. The owner complied and handed over cash from the till, she said."

"But something happened that prompted the suspect to shoot the owner, Nollette said. The owner was struck in the hand, and the bullet hit a nearby customer in the face or shoulder area, Nollette said."

"The owner, a 58-year-old man who opened the store about five years ago, pulled out his own handgun and fired back. He hit the robber at least three times, police said. Police and witnesses said the robber appeared to have blood on his face, abdomen and back."

UK: Security screen foils robbery
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A MAN brandishing a handgun threatened staff at a Saffron Walden building society when he burst into the premises yesterday afternoon."

"The man threatened a young male member of staff at Herts and Essex Building Society with the gun but when the security screens were immediately activated he fled from the building in the direction of Hill Street at around 4.30pm."

Japan: Two arrested in murder of journalist found in Tokyo bay
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"Tokyo police have arrested a third man over the murder of freelance journalist Satoru Someya, found dead with stab wounds to the back in Tokyo Bay in September, investigative sources said Sunday."

"Ryoichi Fujii, 34, who works at a locksmith company, was arrested for allegedly abandoning Someya's body, the sources said."

The ban on private firearms ownership in Japan doesn't seem to be stopping those intent on committing murder.

KY: Fake gun battle left one man dead
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"...The events unfolded in the mid 1880's, in Hawesville. It seems some youngsters in the town invented a game where they chased each other around the streets and alleys with firearms which shot a projectile called a hard wad, which is comparable to today's rubber bullets. The projectiles were supposedly non lethal."

"These fake gun battles occurred with the full knowledge of town officials and its Marshal George W. Black, but no one made any attempt to stop the games. The games were a frequent occurrence in Hawesville, according to reports."

"As a person could reasonably expect, tragedy eventually struck. The events unfolded on Christmas Day, 1886 at the intersection of Main and Main Cross. A youngster by the name of James Jolly and a companion were standing at the intersection engaged in a conversation when one of the running gun battles occurred. During the course of the battle a stray projectile struck Jolly in the head, causing a fatal injury."

"The story does not stop there. It seems the boy's mother, Mrs. A. Jolly, sued, claiming the city was responsible for the marshal's negligence. Her lawyers argued that since Black was an appointed agent of the city, functioned on its behalf, and the incident occurred inside the city limits, the city bore responsibility for Black's lack of action."

UK: Blair plans new laws to curb civil liberties
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"SWEEPING new emergency legal powers to deal with the aftermath of a large terrorist attack in Britain are being considered by the government."

"The measures could potentially outlaw participation in a protest march, such as last week's demonstrations during President Bush's state visit, making it, in effect, a criminal offence to criticise government policy."

"In an attempt to give the UK government similar powers to those rushed through in the US after the 9/11 attack on New York in 2001, it is understood that a beefed-up version of current civil contingencies law is being considered. It will allow the government to bypass or suspend key parts of the UK's human rights laws without the authority of parliament."

"In the US, the Patriot Act has been widely condemned by civil rights groups throughout the US. Many lawyers have blamed the Patriot Act as an excuse for eroding civil rights that dated back to the founding principles of the US constitution."

"That the UK government is considering seeking similar power in a crisis situation indicates the heightened level of concern following the terrorist bombings in Istanbul."

UK: Disarmed victims frustrated by police inaction
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"Many of you expressed frustration at police inaction in your cases, saying that officers rarely bothered to investigate them properly."

"The police appear to have been stung by the criticism. Some of the victims of crime featured in The Telegraph report last week said that the police were now showing renewed interest in their cases."

UK: Sweeping new emergency laws to counter UK terror
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"Sweeping measures to deal with terrorist attacks and other emergencies are to be announced this week, giving the Government power to over-ride civil liberties in times of crisis, and evacuate threatened areas, restrict people's movements and confiscate property."

"The Civil Contingencies Bill, which covers every kind of disaster from terrorism to the weather, will be the biggest shake-up of emergency laws since the early part of the last century, replacing legislation which saw the UK through a world war and the IRA bombing campaign."

"Some of the proposals in the draft version of the Bill, drawn up in the summer, have alarmed civil rights activists, notably a clause that gives the Government the power to suspend parts or all of the Human Rights Act without a vote by MPs."

NH: Freebooters swoop on 'live free or die' New Hampshire
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"The state of New Hampshire prides itself on its 'small government', for its sense of freedom and laissez-faire attitude. The motto of the only American state without a compulsory seat-belt law is 'Live Free or Die'."

"But things may become even more loose in New Hampshire if campaigners get their way: they are seeking to turn it into a haven for American libertarians by organising a mass influx of like-minded people to shift the balance of local politics." ...

"New Hampshire was named the 'chosen state' only a month ago, but already some have migrated there." ...

SC: FBI investigating school drug sweep, shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The FBI is investigating whether any civil rights were violated in separate incidents involving a school drug sweep and a shooting."

"Federal agents are taking the lead in the investigation of a drug raid earlier this month at Stratford High School in Goose Creek."

"Federal agents also will review the case of Asberry Wylder, who was shot to death Nov. 7 by North Charleston police."

"Police say Wylder fought them when they tried to apprehend him for alleged shoplifting. Wylder was shot twice after he used a knife to stab an officer wearing a protective vest, police say. Witnesses say police beat Wylder and fired the second shot after he was handcuffed and on the ground."

This is what happens when only the government and its agents are armed.

DC: Officer Shot After Trying To Break Up Fight
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"At a news conference Friday afternoon, D.C. Council member Jim Graham called the shooting 'troublesome.' He says the city is seeking to shut down the nightclub, which has been located in the Reeves Center since the late 1980s under different names and owners."

"The shooting comes as D.C. police announced that they would deploy additional officers to crime-plagued areas of Northwest Washington - namely Mount Pleasant and Columbia Heights."

The gun violence continues in "gun free" DC. Instead of allowing citizens to protect themselves from this growing problem, DC officials continue tightening their grip on the law abiding.

DC: Police Send More Officers to Crime-Plagued Northwest
Submitted by: Anonymous

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More D.C. police officers are being redeployed to better target areas in the city that have seen a recent increase in violent crimes.

D.C. Police Chief Charles Ramsey says he has sent an additional 22 officers to the Columbia Heights and Mount Pleasant neighborhoods in Northwest after recent shootings there. One of the more serious incidents involved a running gun battle in Mount Pleasant last month that left one man dead and a Metrobus driver wounded.

Police blame the problems on a proliferation of drugs and gangs. Also alarming, says Ramsey, is that more criminals are using high-powered weapons.

D.C. council member Jim Graham says neighborhood residents feel like they're under siege, and says he hopes more officers provide an added sense of security. Most of the additional officers will patrol the neighborhoods on foot or bicycle.

Why isn't Mr. Graham interested in real security, such as allowing people to take responsibility for their own safety by returning to them their Second Amendment right?

The only people interested in a "sense of security" are power hungry politicians.

IL: Would-be robber picks cop as victim
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Clearly, he didn't do his research."

"Police say an armed man tried to pull a stickup at a West Side ATM about 3 a.m. Saturday."

"Except he picked an ATM just a stone's throw from the Fraternal Order of Police building in the 1400 block of West Washington."

"And the ATM belonged to the Chicago Patrolmen's Federal Credit Union."

"And the man making a withdrawal was a Chicago police vice sergeant."

"And he was on duty."

So is this reporter is saying that smart robbers should look for victims who aren't cops, because they are better victims, having been disarmed by the city of Chicago?

LA: 'Lady Beware' course will be offered
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Slidell's 21st Century Learning Center will present 'Lady Beware,' a self-defense course designed to encourage women to become more aware of their surroundings and teach them what to do if their safety is threatened."

"A self-defense instructor will demonstrate basic self-defense techniques and offer tips on personal protection and situational awareness. Participants also will learn about laws, crime statistics, criminal profiles, home security, shopping security and other safety topics."

"The instructor will teach participants basic handgun safety and use. Each participant will need either a .357 Magnum or .38-caliber revolver for the course. The Sheriff's Office will provide guns during the class for those who do not own one."

NY: The red tape of packing a pistol
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sheriff's deputies were drawn to the Ford Bronco parked near the end of a runway at Albany International Airport because its custom paint appeared to match the airport's yellow security vehicles."

"When they confronted the man behind the wheel last May, it wasn't the paint job or the fact he was dressed as a woman that most alarmed police. They wanted to know about the loaded .22-caliber revolver next to him and the pair of rifles in the back."

"But police said after questioning the Rensselaer County man they had no authority to arrest him. They took his guns, but the man had a permit to carry the revolver and there's no law against driving around with rifles."

So no law was broken, but his property was confiscated anyway? Welcome to the police state.

FL: Legislators' attempt to block police from ownership records absurd
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you're a prosecutor or a police officer in Florida, here are some names to remember:"

"Juan-Carlos Planas of Westchester; Carl Domino of Jupiter; Ken Sorensen of Key Largo; Mark Mahon, John Quinones and Mike Davis of Jacksonville; Curtis Richardson and Lorraine Ausley of Tallahassee; Don Davis of Naples; Dennis Ross of Lakeland; Jeffrey Kottkamp of Cape Coral; Kevin Ambler of Lutz; and Gaton Catens of Miami."

"These are not friends of law enforcement."

"These are state legislators who are trying to make it as difficult as possible to trace the ownership of guns found at crime scenes. Every pistol-packing felon in Florida should write these knuckleheads a thank-you note."

This moronic editorial ignores the fact that firearms can already be traced to the original owner via factory records and Federal form 4473.

This paper's goal is not to help law enforcement. Their goal is to vilify gun owners and infringe upon their rights.

Today the taxing power, rather than chattel slavery, is the instrument by which the parasitical element of the population subsists. And that element, which includes politicians, panics at the slightest reduction in the state's power to plunder. Once you start liberating taxpayers, even a little tiny bit, nobody knows where it may end. —Joseph Sobran

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