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Newslinks for 11/24/2008

American gun owners should be up in arms
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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American gun owners have good reason to doubt the sincerity of liberal Democrats now in control of Congress and soon to control the Oval Office, who claim to support firearm civil rights. Far too many red flags are being waved for gun owners to take a benign posture just six months after a landmark Supreme Court ruling confirmed what they had known all along; that the Second Amendment affirms and protects a fundamental individual civil right to keep and bear arms.

WA: Nickels expects December start to city gun ban
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Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels expects to introduce a city rule change in December that would ban all guns from city buildings and parks, despite objections from state officials and gun-rights advocates.

What constitutes an assault rifle?
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The accuracy and dependability of AR-15 rifles -- lookalikes of military assault rifles like the M-16 but actually much tamer cousins -- has made them extremely popular among hunters and target shooters over the last couple of years. Literally dozens of companies now make variations of the semiautomatic AR-15s, most with interchangeable parts and a booming aftermarket that provides more parts. Campaign promises to resurrect and make permanent the federal 1994 Assault Weapons Ban has done nothing but fan the retail flames in regard to the guns.

FL: Man arrested for trying to save pets from burning house
Submitted by: floridalibertarian

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ZEPHRYHILLS, Fla. (AP) -- A Pasco County man is facing charges after trying to run into his burning home to save his pets.

...Henry Ben Morgan is facing a felony charge of obstructing the extinguishment of a fire and a misdemeanor charge of resisting arrest without violence.

Sheriff's deputies and firefighters who responded to burning home Friday morning yelled at Morgan to stay back. According to a report, authorities had to restrain him so he would not jump into the fire through a window.

Pasco Fire Rescue Assistant Chief Mike Ciccarello said Morgan's home is a "total loss," and crews could not save the animals.

Submitter's Note: Now he will be a felon, for daring to act while the professionals sat it out.

New Congress will have higher priorities than guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The changing of the guard in Washington, D.C., has all sorts of stuff drifting on the political winds. One hot topic of late is guns.

Gun rights came up locally when NRA vice president and CEO Wayne LaPierre spoke Monday at Ashland University as part of a lecture series at the John M. Ashbrook Center.

LaPierre said he believes a June decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to strike down a firearms ban in Washington, D.C., will be challenged once Democrats take full control. Across the blogosphere, you may have seen a lot of similar takes about how the liberals are coming to take away your guns.

ME: Fear of new gun controls leads to increase in sales
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Sales of semi-automatic weapons and handguns exploded in central Maine and across the country earlier this month as gun enthusiasts predicted the pertinent laws would become more restrictive with the change in the U.S. presidency.

Gun sellers in the area grumbled about what they perceived as an imminent crackdown even as their merchandise flew off the shelves faster than they could replenish it.

"It's not just semi-automatics, there's a lot of handguns of all calibers" being sold, Kennebec Guns owner Julian Beale said. "There's a lot of people here who fear that he's going to try to take their firearms away. And I think they're right."

Unwarranted Violence
Submitted by: Larry

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Whenever anybody refers to the supposed virtue of a given government undertaking, Molyneux sagely observes, the central question is not whether the end is desirable, but rather “whether I am allowed to disagree with you without getting shot.”

Not every government functionary carries a gun and a license to kill other human beings. But every government functionary collaborates closely with those who are thus equipped to compel the rest of us to submit. The people in question are readily identifiable by the blue, brown, or black clothing they wear, which is usually accessorized with a conspicuous piece of chintzy costume jewelry called a “badge.”

OR: Obama also represents those who oppose assault weapons
Submitted by: Anonymous

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I read Floyd Hancock’s Nov. 11 letter with interest. He is concerned, as thousands of conservatives are, that Obama will end many of the protections to gun owners.

But he must have voted against Sen. Obama and, having done that, has done his duty as an American in a democracy and now, since he (tee hee) lost, he must realize that President-elect Obama also represents the millions of us who can see no public need to put assault weapons within the reach of civilians and sometimes their children and often their crazy relatives.

Rather than complaining, which is unproductive, he should just buy up as many guns as possible, as so many gun lovers are doing, and refuse to cooperate with the new administration.

NC: Load up on guns, bring your friends
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The results of the presidential election on Nov. 4 meant different things to different people, but to many people across the nation and closer to home, Barack Obama's election meant one thing - their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms was at stake! The message on the homepage of an assault rifle manufacturer's website, Atlantic Firearms, says it all: "Please Note: Due to the Current Political Change all items we carry are in high demand and short supply!"

Obama Appointee Questionnaire Demands Info on Individual and 'Immediate Family' Gun Ownership
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The question especially "sticks out" because:

* It's hard to see how guns owned by other members of your immediate family -- which would appear to include, for example, brothers, sisters, and parents not living with the applicant -- are any of Team Obama's bleeping business.
* Notwithstanding how he finessed the Supreme Court's 5-4 Heller decision affirming the obvious -- that the 2nd Amendment supports an individual's God-given right to self-defense, including the right to own and carry firearms -- Obama has a long record of aggressively opposing the individual right to keep and bear arms.

Debating definitions
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Writing for the Virginia Law Review, Judge Wilkinson of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals says Heller, like Roe, was disrespectful of legislative judgments, has hurled courts into a political thicket of fine-tuning policy in interminable litigation, and traduced federalism. Furthermore, Heller exposed “originalism” — the doctrine that the Constitution’s text means precisely what those who wrote its words meant by them — as no barrier to “judicial subjectivity.”

... Until June, the question was: Is the right guaranteed to individuals and unconnected with military service, or only to states as they exercise their right to maintain militias? The court held, 5-4, for the former view.

MI: Gun sale boom follows Obama's win
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the weeks since the presidential election, Justin Mundy, who owns Wolverine Shooting Sports Inc. in Brownstown Township, has held four classes for those seeking concealed weapons permits instead of the usual once-a-month course.

And Mark Cortis, who conducts concealed weapons license training and sits on the Oakland County gun board, has had people from as far away as Iron Mountain and Traverse City call about classes.

Both Cortis and Mundy say the prospective students fear President-elect Barack Obama will try to take away gun owners' rights. And people also are afraid that as the economy worsens, crime will increase. The permits allow people to legally carry a loaded firearm in most places.

FL: Election spurs sales of guns, ammo
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The owners of Buck's Gun Rack say they didn't vote for Barack Obama, but the president-elect sure has been good for business.

Assault-style rifles, personal protection handguns, shotguns and ammunition -- business was up by as much as 400 percent after the election, exceeding records that followed Sept. 11 and preceded the Y2K scare of 2000.

"Sales have gone through the roof," Forrest Buckwald said, attributing the boost to a belief that Obama would support gun control measures.

Gun sales way up following Obama election: People who weren't buying firearms flocking to stores
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"(Vice-President-elect Joe) Biden was who wrote the assault weapons bill," he said. "Everybody at the top is anti-gun."

McCutchen said people have been buying "black rifles," guns that might be classified as assault weapons, Colt AR-15 and AK47 classes of rifles. But they are grabbing a variety of other guns, too.

"People are buying all kinds of guns -- a lot of handguns, hunting rifles, shotguns," McCutchen said. "They're stocking up on ammo, too, because they fear that the administration is going to slap a tax on it."

"We're the largest retailer of firearms in the nation, and this is going on across the country," said Jack Fuller, a district manager of Gander Mountain speaking from the company's Paducah store.

GA: Jim Martin #11: Gun rights
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The NRSC has another in its series of web ads in the Saxby Chambliss/Jim Martin runoff race for the Senate seat in Georgia. Today they take a closer look at Jim Martin’s record on guns.

NJ:Three people shot, one dead, inside Clifton church
Submitted by: fms

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A man shot and killed his estranged wife in a Passaic County church just before noon today, and opened fire on two other people before fleeing in a Jeep, police said.

[Ms] James had escaped what police say was an abusive marriage. The abuse dated to their years in India, then continued after they moved to California, police said. Most recently, James had left him to live with a relative in New Jersey, where she filed a restraining order against her husband, Rowan said.

Submitter: So much for the power of paper. The comments are instructive if not always literate.

WI: Organization hopes for campus handgun rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Student groups supporting the right to carry concealed weapons on campus are preparing to push for legislation in their favor when state governments reconvene in January.

David Burnett, board member at large for Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, said in an e-mail Friday the goal of the organization is to ensure holders of concealed handgun permits can enjoy the same rights on college campuses that current laws afford them virtually everywhere else.

CO: If you buy a gun, make training a priority
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The media have reported a spike in the sale of firearms. The number of people signing up for classes to qualify for concealed carry also has increased. Firearms instructors have seen more interest since 9/11. Local instructors also have seen the fraction of women in class rise from a quarter to half.

Your elder author Linn serves as an instructor for the National Rifle Association’s Basic Pistol and Personal Protection classes. In a recent class, a student asked what the difference is between NRA classes and ones lasting only three or four hours. Linn offered to take up the question at the end of class. We’ll start to answer it here.

OR: On Not Quite GETTING It
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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There’s a guest post up on Blue Oregon called “The 2nd Amendment is for Progressives Too” by someone who self-describes as “a progressive libertarian, someone who used to be welcome in the Republican Party.” A promising headline, I suppose, but unfortunately the post itself displays a fundamental ignorance of the actual motivations underlying conservative critiques of gun control legislation.

After some obligatory paranoia (”He explained to me that if our freedoms are taken away, it will come from the right, not the left, and maybe progressives are the ones who should be a little paranoid.”), the author, Peter Hall, goes on to make some curious assertions about the point of the Second Amendment: ...

IN: Columnist's 'common sense' senseless to gun-bearer
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Dan Carpenter ("There's no break for the brother," Nov. 19) is up to his old tricks again. He asserts that the majority of the electorate is pro-choice. That is patently false, according to any number of polls; but Dan appears to be of the school that holds that lies repeated often enough will, in time, become reality.

Dan also claims Barack Obama supports the Second Amendment, in spite of the fact that as a U.S. senator, in 10 of 10 opportunities, he voted for the anti-gun position. During the presidential campaign, he said: "There is an individual right to bear arms, but it is subject to common-sense regulation, just like most of our rights are subject to common-sense regulation."

AK: Alaska senator a different Democrat
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Mark Begich settled in as Alaska’s newest U.S. senator-elect Wednesday by doing what almost no other Democrat in Washington, D.C., would ever do: declare his support for oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

But this is Alaska, where Democrats are of a different stripe, Begich said.

“I think anyone who knows me knows I’m a different Democrat. I’m from Alaska. I’m a believer, a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, a supporter of drilling in ANWR. Alaskans are very liberal (in their belief that) government should not interfere in their personal life,” he said.

I heartily accept the motto, "That government is best which governs least." — HENRY DAVID THOREAU

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