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Newslinks for 11/24/2010

New Jersey Coalition for Self Defense Supports Landmark SAF Gun Rights Case Against State of NJ
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) yesterday filed its case against the State of New Jersey for violating the Second Amendment rights of its citizens in the form of its arbitrary and capricious permit scheme and its narrow definition of 'justifiable need'."

"The New Jersey Coalition for Self Defense (NJCSD), an in-state Second Amendment rights group, plans to submit an amicus brief in support of the case."

"'We fully expect the typical anti-gun hysteria predicting Wild West shootouts and streets running with blood,' said Robert Kreisler, President of the NJCSD." ...

Philadelphia ‘secret police’ threaten to ‘lock up’ citizen for open carrying
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Indeed, in the accompanying video, we see the initial 'officer' who approached Roote actually REFUSES TO IDENTIFY HIMSELF upon a legitimate citizen request that he do so. Apparently, in the city of Independence Hall, secret police wearing full length black coats and red arm bands can rely on intimidation to infringe on the right of the people to keep and bear arms—and are confident from experience that they can get away with evading personal accountability for it."

Something To Give Thanks For
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On the morning of November 14th, significant other and I were awakened in the wee hours in Phoenix by a phone call from an Emergency Room in Chicago. Her son was there. He had been stabbed multiple times." ...

"A week at that hospital with the victim’s mom makes me (and the mom, and the victim’s lovely young wife, and their three fine sons) a little more in tune with the national Giving of Thanks that is scheduled this week. It ain’t just about turkey and cranberry sauce, is it?"

"I wish all of you reading this a wonderful Thanksgiving week. Don’t let celebration get in the way of remembering the name, and the meaning, of the holiday." ...

Support for Stricter Gun Control Hits a New Low
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It seems that the Mayors Against Illegal Guns, The Violence Policy Center, The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and our friends over at mikeb302000 continue to lose the battle for the hearts and minds of the American public. Gallup's released their most recent poll on Americans’ attitudes towards legislative efforts to 'tighten' U.S. gun laws. The verdict is clear enough: 'Americans are holding firm to their record-low level of support for making gun laws stricter, with virtually no change from last year.' ..." ...

Righting 'wrongs' based on wrong interpretations of 'rights'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "So why then would some big-government types like these two decisions — especially the McDonald case out of Chicago? Because in basing their decision upon the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment, the Justices perpetuated a false doctrine which has allowed the Constitution to continue evolving."

"The Due Process clause is the place where judges invent rights and then decide how much the government can control them." ...

Safer Streets 2011: We are not supervised; We do the supervising. Republicans, call your office
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The key to safer streets is self-rule. Safer streets are a culminating, final evidence that self-rule is at work, and this will not happen as long as officials feel free to supervise us when it is we who must be supervising them."

"It is a duty of ours to supervise our servants, a duty which as been obfuscated, discouraged, even punished by servants. Will 2011 be any different?" ...

The Viking Tries Shooting
Submitted by: The Viking Sports Magazine

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... "Walking into a gun store or shooting range for the first time can certainly be a bit of an intimidating experience. However, if you’re able to overcome a bit of initial nervousness (much easier with a friend), you’ll see that the gun community is actually very friendly, very safety-oriented and very normal. Entering Target Masters, which has a front window covered by steel bars and ammo posters, was certainly a bit of a harrowing experience, but once inside, Sam and I found the staff at Target Masters to be both helpful and not at all pretentious (ahempaintballahem). Meanwhile, the people shooting at the range were both down to earth and, believe it or not, incredibly... ordinary ..." ...

KABA Note: Excellent story by a CA high school student.

I'm Dreaming of A Second Amendment Christmas
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s been awhile since I’ve written a column offering firearm recommendations. Some of my readers are getting so mad and whining so badly they sound like unarmed liberals. So I’ve written today’s column in an effort to appease them. Actually, I’ve written today’s column in order to fire off a few hints at those who intend to buy me Christmas presents. The following are presented in no particular order of importance:" ...

Easy Access to Guns Fuels Hate Groups
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"These are dangerous days. In our uncertain political and economic times, the U.S. is experiencing a surge in right-wing violence and intimidation. Perhaps driven by fear of these uncertainties, individuals with such a radical ideological bent are increasingly threatening to harm our democratic civic institutions and progressive-minded political and social organizations. The rise in hate groups and individuals is being nurtured by reckless, mendacious broadcast and print media pundits - including elected officials and political candidates - who incite violence against these targets." ...

Teen Supported by NRA Lawsuit Fills Facebook Page with Violent, Threatening Messages
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Violent images and messages fill the Facebook pages of the 18-year-old Texan, who has brought a lawsuit, joined by the National Rifle Association, to give 18-20 year-olds a constitutional right to carry concealed weapons in public, according to the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence." ...

"... Many of his postings over the past year reflect his fascination with gangsters and outlaws, often quoting them, and include violent, threatening messages, such as these:"

"'Death is but a doorway', October 6 at 5:28pm," ...

Submitter's Note: Yes, the full quote is "Death is but a door, time is but a window, I'll be back!" from Ghostbusters II. Oooooh, Ghostbuster, scaaaary! Wait, wait! Here's another Violent Threatening Message from the movie:
Poha: "Ah, ah... why am I drippings with goo?"
Dr. Egon Spengler: "You had a violent prolonged transformative psychic episode."

Sexy (or Sexist) Post of the Week: Hot Shots 2011 Calendar Shoot. (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"God, I love my job. When I grow up, I wanna be a videographer/talent wrangler/assistant whatever on one of these shoots. Holy Mother of All That Is Guaranteed to Get a Guy’s Attention! Okay. here’s the 411 on this one You got yer hot women. You got guns. You got yer noble cause (in this case, profits go to a charitable org – Help for Heroes – that takes care of wounded troops across the pond). And you got the U.K.'s biggest firearms importer (which either means next-to-nothing ... or that you gotta give ‘em props for staying in business given the gun climate over there). Result? The 2011 Hot Shots Calendar, and not coincidentally, the 'Making Of' video we share with you here. Couple of things of note . . ." ...

OH: Ohio concealed handgun licensee thwarts violent armed robbery
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Massillon, Ohio's The Independent is reporting that an Ohio concealed handgun license-holder thwarted a violent robbery in progress outside a supermarket this weekend." ...

TX: Evening burglar fatally shot by armed homeowner
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A homeowner reportedly used his gun to stop a burglar."

"Police say that just before 6:45pm, a homeowner encountered a burglar in his house on the 100 block of West 4th Street in Lancaster, Texas. Acting in self defense, the homeowner is said to have fired his gun, striking the burglar and ending the home invasion ..." ...

Mexican Marines Reconstruct the Death of Don Alejo Garza
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"When Mexican Marines arrived at the San Jose Ranch, 15 kilometers from Victoria, Tamaulipas, the scene was bleak: The austere main house was practically destroyed by grenades and heavy gunfire."

"Outside of the home, they found four bodies. Cautiously, and with their weapons drawn, the troops continued inspecting the exterior and found two more gunmen, wounded and unconscious, but alive."

"Inside the house only one body was found, riddled with bullets and with two weapons by it's side. The body was identified as Don Alejo Garza Tamez, the owner of the ranch and a highly respected businessman in Nuevo Leon." ...

Submitter: We need Americans with this level of courage/marksmanship at the next Katrina or other assault on our liberties.

College president lying about concealed carry, and media covering for him
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "As always occurs when the possibility of an expansion of legal recognition of the right to armed self-defense is discussed, the 'Personal Protection on Campus Act' is drawing harsh criticism. As is often also the case, the criticism is coming from people who are either clueless, or utterly without integrity (although I suppose we should not rule out the possibility of them being both). Meet Kilgore College President Bill Holda, quoted by KLTV 7 News:" ...

Kilgore (TX) College Prez: Luby’s Victims Shot Each Other
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dr. Bill Holda, president of Kilgore College in Kilgore, TX, will have to do some fast backpedaling if he’s to have any hope of outrunning his recent comments about the 1991 massacre at a Luby’s Cafeteria in Killeen, TX—the second deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, surpassed only by the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre. Dr. Holda recently angered both survivors of the shooting and concealed carry advocates by claiming that some of the victims of the massacre (which became a rallying cry for supporters of lawful self-defense) actually shot each other." ...

Guns on campus, president mistaken or?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Dr. Kilgore was either mistaken in that statement, or simply lied to further an agenda. If he was mistaken, he should quickly apoligize to Dr. Suzanna Hupp, who saw her parents gunned down at Luby's." ...

Submitter's Note: Far be it from me to ever accuse a trained professional like Dr. Holda of being too incompetent to research the facts before making a statement like this. Therefore he must just be a lying weasel of a S.O.B..

GOA Endorses First 2012 Candidate — Steve Daines For U.S. Senate, Montana (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun Owners of America has two major goals in 2012:"

"First — make Barack Obama a one-term President."

"Second — make Harry Reid the minority leader in the Senate."

"I traveled to Bozeman, Montana on Saturday, November 13th to deliver the Gun Owners of America endorsement for Steve Daines for United States Senate to defeat John Tester in 2012." ...


An Open Letter to Congress: Ditch Federal Guns Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Over at, the unidentified editor published a Congressional kvetch penned by a partially identified poster named 'Tom.' As it’s an open letter, I've scraped the whole damn thing. Tom's calling for an end to federal gun control. While the chances of that happening are about the same as Pope Benedict XVI shilling for Durex (or less), Tom’s treatise is an education in federal gun law that scores some direct hits on hypocrisy in action (inaction?)." ...

TN: Tennessee House Majority Leader race shows conservative power
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Captain Lundberg sported a Gadsden flag for a time on his desk in 2009. While I am not sure if he still does, I do know that it was meant to signal his personal opposition to big, intrusive, all-powerful government, his strong and unwavering support of States' rights, and his belief that Tennessee should not pad its budget with federal stimulus money. He was one of 12 votes against the stimulus-laden 2009/2010 budget for that very reason, and this writer once heard him in a budget meeting ask "who came up with this stuff" when referring to the 2009 budget. Lundberg is media savvy, having been a former television news anchor, so he can deal with the press on a more personal basis. He is strongly pro-life and pro-Second Amendment." ...

NJ: Wayne man among those suing judges, state officials over gun permits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Six people, including a Wayne man, have filed a federal lawsuit, claiming their constitutional rights were violated when they were denied permits to carry handguns."

"... The Second Amendment Foundation, whose mission is to promote constitutional rights to private ownership of firearms, and the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs, Inc., based in Pompton Plains helped the men file the suit and are also named as plaintiffs."

"'Authorities cannot be arbitrary,' said Joseph Tartaro, president of the Second Amendment Foundation. 'We are not challenging the question of licensing, but challenging how they are administered. We are looking for an even playing field.'" ...

Law enforcement officer left loaded gun magazine on plane
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A federal law enforcement officer mistakenly left a loaded gun magazine that was found Tuesday on a Southwest Airlines plane, officials said." ...

"... after the plane had landed, a child behind them, who had been seated on his mother's lap, was crawling across the other seats on the row toward the window when his foot knocked something onto the floor. A flight attendant picked it up, he said, and he could see it was a gun magazine." ...

Submitter's Note: Oooops.

ATF agent accused of stealing money during a raid
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An ATF agent was arrested Monday and charged with stealing money from a house during a drug raid in Lyndhurst." ...

"Davis saw Campbell make several similar motions and kneel down by the nightstand to untie his right boot. Davis left the room and told another agent that he suspected Campbell was stealing money."

"Davis observed more suspicious behavior and eventually told his supervisor about Campbell."

"Agents confronted Campbell, who was handcuffed and later searched. Bundles of money were found in both of Campbell's front and back pockets and a sweatshirt pocket. Money also fell out of each of his pant legs." ...

Submitter's Note: Kudos to the honorable LEOs who broke the blue wall.

Andrew Traver: "No more Mister Nice Guy." The Gun Grabber Cometh
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Brady Bunch, which heralded his coming with demands that the Obamanoids appoint a permanent director, and celebrated his appointment when it was announced, is telling its members privately that 'Traver is one of ours' and that 'we can expect he will use the full power of the executive branch to crack down' on firearms rights." ...

Report: Nuclear weapon drivers sometimes got drunk
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Federal agents hired to transport nuclear weapons and components sometimes got drunk while on convoy missions, a government watchdog said Monday. In an incident last year, police detained two agents who went to a bar during an assignment." ...

St Louis #1 in violent crime--and 'authorities' disparage armed self-defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Prudent and responsible people will see this sobering news as new impetus (if such impetus were needed) to see to their ability to defend their families, their homes, and themselves from violent, predatory, criminal thugs. The very first St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner column, in fact, was about Ward 1 Alderman Charles Quincy Troupe's advice to his constituents to equip themselves for self-defense."

"This advice was met with trepidation (to put it mildly) by Police Chief Dan Isom ..." ...

"If Chief Isom's reaction to Alderman Troupe's advice was trepidation, Mayor Slay's was undisguised scorn and ridicule. ..." ...

TX: Texas Cop Blames Flashlight in Fatal Shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Plano narcotics sergeant intended to activate a flashlight affixed to his service weapon when he accidentally pulled the trigger, fatally shooting a drug suspect in a Far North Dallas parking lot last month, the officer told investigators." ...

"The sergeant specifically blamed the placement of a light switch under the trigger guard on his .40-caliber semi-automatic pistol ..." ...

H/t to David Codrea who notes: "Be interested to see if he gets away with this--that excuse might come in handy some day. But then again, it may be reserved for more special people than us just plain folks..."

IL: Charges: Cop, drug dealer were partners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Chicago Police officer was a partner in crime with his informant -- a drug dealer who has allegedly killed at least two people and was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars by the city for information that led to arrests of his rivals, according to law-enforcement sources and an indictment unsealed Monday." ...

H/t to David Codrea who notes: "You mean paid snitch programs can foster police corruption and abuse? This is my shocked face."

OH: Dispatch article: Buckeye sticks to her guns for shot at Olympics
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Columbus Dispatch is reporting that a sophomore at The Ohio State University is working to secure her spot in the 2010 Olympics rifle competition." ...

SC: Buy a gun, save sales tax (second letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun buyers can save a few bucks this weekend during the state's third annual Second Amendment Sales Tax Holiday ..."

UK: March of the Euro police: The shocking powers of prosecution the EU has over all of us
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The full extent of the police and criminal prosecution powers that the European Union has over British citizens can be revealed today."

"A Mail on Sunday investigation has uncovered an alarming array of new EU controls over justice and home affairs for which no one has voted, and most are unknown to the public."

"These include:"

  • "Europol, the £60 million-a-year European criminal intelligence agency, whose officers have diplomatic immunity."

  • "An 800-strong paramilitary police force called the European Gendarmerie Force."

  • "The European Arrest Warrant, which now allows British citizens to be seized in the UK and sent without appeal to foreign jails for months or years without bail while awaiting trial." ...

    UK: Fury as police chief says 'Let children aged 10 have a gun licence'
    Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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    ... "Adrian Whiting, Assistant Chief Constable of Dorset Police, wants the age at which people can apply for a firearms certificate to be lowered from 14 to ten."

    "He said that the current minimum age of 14 can be circumvented in some instances – such as for pest control – so some children younger than ten can legally shoot rifles and pistols."

    "His suggested minimum age of ten would have no exceptions."

    "However, his recommendation was branded as 'disgusting' by anti-gun campaigners who want the minimum age raised to 18." ...

    Tyranny is always better organized than freedom. —THOMAS PAINE

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