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Newslinks for 11/25/2003

TX: Armed citizen ends manhunt for killer.
Submitted by: Caleb Bartlett

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"Oklahoma's most dreaded man and one of America's Most Wanted fugitives is in the hands of the law after a gun smoked ending led to his apprehension by authorities in Angelina County, Texas."

"The last chapter in Eizember's freedom began with the kidnapping of a Arkansas couple where he is alleged to have forced the couple to accompany him to Texas."

"Reports indicate that once in Texas, a physical confrontation ensued between Eizember and Dr. Samuel W. Peebles, the driver of the hijacked minivan. Dr. Peebles was able to fend off Eizember's attack by shooting him in the chest four times."

One armed man protecting his wife did what hundreds of LEOs couldn't.


Massive Effort Underway In Search For Suspected Killer

Sweep of Creek County Woods Turns Up Nothing

Search For Eizember Nets Wanted Arkansas Fugitive Instead

Search For Scott Eizember Resumes In Creek County

More Than 50 Tips Reported After Eizember Feature on America's Most Wanted

Man Who Gave Suspected Killer A Ride Is Now Wanted

Woman Says Eizember Confronted Her With Handgun Sunday Morning

Double Murder Suspect Scott Eizember Captured in Texas

TX: Suspect in Oklahoma shootings shot, apprehended in Texas (Another report)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A suspect in the murder of an Oklahoma couple who eluded police for weeks was finally arrested in Texas after kidnapped another couple and the husband shot and wounded him, authorities said."

Media Ownership Issue Revived in Congress
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Congressional bargainers bowed to White House pressure Monday and agreed to let networks own larger numbers of television stations as lawmakers put finishing touches on a year-end $390 billion spending package." ...

"Congressional leaders planned to have the long-overdue spending bill in its final form by Tuesday and moved toward resolving loose ends. Guns rights advocates, for example, wanted federal reporting requirements eased for firearms buyers."

Report Tracks Air Marshals' Growing Pains
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Federal air marshals have encountered more than 400 suspicious persons and were involved in 28 arrests — none for terrorism — since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, according to a government report to be released today."

"The report by the congressional General Accounting Office is the most extensive publicly available account of a secretive organization that grew from a little more than 30 marshals and a $4.4-million budget before the terrorist attacks to 'several thousand' marshals and a budget of $545 million. The exact number of marshals is classified."

But if law-abiding citizens who are willing and able were allowed to carry, it would cost nothing, and you would have hundreds of thousands of potential "marshals".

Air Traffic Control Privatization Delayed
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Bush administration agreed to shield all air traffic control jobs from privatization for a year to get Congress to approve a $60 billion aviation spending bill that was stalled over the issue."

"The measure, which President Bush is expected to sign, says the government must provide self-defense training for flight attendants, allows cargo pilots to carry guns and provides billions for construction and security projects."

Rise of the American KGB
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"As I wrote almost a year ago, DNA database networks will soon be the de facto national ID card system. This proposed law, in addition to PATRIOT I, bodes ill for what remains of our justice system. It opens a brand new door to abuse by State agents. If you think that once that door is open, nothing bad will happen, you are not only naïve and deluded, you are smoking something that is not sold at 7-Eleven. Unlike fingerprints, DNA material is easily planted at a crime scene."

"Once passed, this law will enable any State agent to arrest you for any reason, specious or otherwise, just to get DNA material from you. Once they have it, you can be freed, with all 'charges' dropped."

Ellen's Angst - You have a gun
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"It's all well and good for Britney Spears, et al. to advocate gun control. They have armed and trained bodyguards to defend them against the depredations of fans and muggers. Sure, ''Gun control for everyone else'. Plus, they can afford high priced defense attorneys in case they are found in violation of some local gun ordinance. As for the rest of us poor slobs, we're supposed to content ourselves with telephone calls to the police. I'd feel safer with an AK-47 on my shoulder."

Machine-guns found on airliner
Submitted by: Wildfire

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"When a New York-bound Czech Airlines flight was diverted to land in Iceland after a bomb threat was e-mailed to the U.S. Embassy in Prague, no bomb was found – but, according to Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, two tons of machine-guns were discovered in the baggage hold."

"The plane, which carried 174 passengers and crew, made an unscheduled landing Tuesday in Iceland, after the airline received a warning that a bomb was on board."

"The threat was delivered in an e-mail to the U.S. Embassy in Prague, which passed it on to the airline in the late afternoon. The plane had just passed Iceland when it received the threat and had to turn around to land at a U.S. military airfield."

"U.S. military authorities coordinated the evacuation of the plane."

Zero Patience for Zero Tolerance
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Zero-tolerance policies have resulted in some children being placed in the criminal justice system. Two examples currently in the news: A Missouri judge ruled that a 6-year-old boy suspected of killing his grandfather could be charged as an adult; a New Jersey prosecutor's office has charged a 7-year-old boy with molesting a 5-year-old girl in an incident that the defense attorney describes as 'playing doctor.' "

"For most children, zero tolerance is experienced in schools with administrative rules that purportedly enforce safety and discipline. Arguably, the administrative rules are actually a reaction to federal threats to cut funds. For example, in 1994 Congress passed the Gun-Free School Act by which states had to implement zero tolerance on weapons or lose federal money. Many schools rigorously interpreted zero tolerance to include the prohibition of anything even looking like a weapon. They adopted broad definitions of dangerous behavior, which allowed for no exceptions."

Libertarian Solutions: How federalized crime threatens our liberty
Submitted by: Walter Adams

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"If Harry Hotwire steals your Lexus, it isn't one. But if he carjacks your Hyundai while you're driving, it is."

"If Andre Arsonist burns down a hospital, it isn't one. But if he burns down a church, it is."

"If Sammy Swindler chops up a stolen car for parts, it isn't one. But if he tampers with an odometer, it is one."

"If Gary Glock rides a bike while shooting someone, it isn't one. But if drives a car while taking a shot, it is one."

"Welcome to the bewildering world of federal crime."

What kind of freedom?
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"When some our most notorious freedom fighters are Rush Limbaugh, Drug Warrior, and John Ashcroft, defender of the Constitution, what the bloody hell does freedom mean anymore? Perhaps it's more sinister than simply not applying your logic to your limitations. Freedom is appreciated and understood by our leaders. And by all leaders. Even the eeevil ones. There was one man in Nazi Germany who was completely free."

Open Letter to Free Staters and Freedom Activists
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Let's agree that as libertarians and individuals we will never agree on which is best - east or west. Let's do both. Let's give everyone who desires a Free State the opportunity to work with the group in NH where jobs and access to cities and modern conveniences are plentiful or with the rural Wyoming group where the population is smaller, and life is simpler. Let's stop trying to convince folks to see things 'our way'. The 4300 folks who joined the NH FSP have a commitment. They pledged that they would see the project through. They need to honor that commitment. Those of us who opted out of NH and refused to rejoin when Jason contacted us should not be berated for trying to extend the scope of Jason's original idea, we should be encouraged and even appreciated. The fact that so many people want to emulate the FSP by starting a western group should be very flattering."

America, wake up to domestic terrorism
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Their primary job as with all officials/agents is to uphold the Constitution for the United States of America, and to defend the rights secured by that document. To do so, they must first learn exactly what it says and what it means, not as defined by judges or cops or other government officials, but what it says and means by interpreting the language of the Constitution and the Amendments that are part of it."

"If they did so, they would find that drug laws are unconstitutional, and that lacking an indictment, they were actually assaulting the students with deadly force, the terrorism of using deadly coercion to enforce the cops' orders were obeyed without question."


NC: New State Law Hopes To Prevent Domestic Violence
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A new North Carolina law is taking aim at preventing domestic violence from happening."

"The law forces domestic abusers to give up their guns if the person has a history of violence or threats involving firearms." ...

"Under the new law, when a domestic violence victim asks a judge for a restraining order, the judge will be required to ask if the abuser has a history of violence or threats involving firearms. If so, the judge must order the defendant to surrender all of them."

VA: Muhammad gets death for murder
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Convicted D.C. sniper John Allen Muhammad – senior partner in an unprecedented reign of terror that resulted in 19 shootings and 13 deaths last fall – will be executed, a jury determined this morning."

"Jurors in Virginia Beach, Va., handed down the death sentence after finding the 42-year-old Army veteran guilty of capital murder, conspiracy and use of a firearm to commit a felony in the first of two trials over the Beltway sniper killings."

"After six-and-a-half hours of deliberation, the jury concluded Muhammad used a rifle, a beat-up car and a teen-ager who idolized him to kill randomly and to terrorize the Washington, D.C., area last fall." ...

UK: Home Office Minister Flint to launch new anti-firearms offensive
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Home Office minister Caroline Flint will today launch a new £1 million initiative aimed speeding up the prosecution of firearms offences."

"The National Firearms Forensic Intelligence Database has been designed to help police forces in England and Wales by providing fast national checks of weapons used in gun crimes."

"The gun crime reduction minister will watch a demonstration of the new technology before holding round-table talks with home secretary David Blunkett and police and community groups on tackling the growing problem."

"Despite an overall fall in the crime rate, the number of firearms offences has gone up under Labour."

"Last year 97 lives were lost to gun crime, with gang related shootings the main cause."

Didn't the Nazis try the gun registration scheme as a way to confiscation?

Philippines: Police, military top gun ban violators
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"THE Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) are top violators of Executive Order (EO) 122, which prohibits carrying of firearms by unauthorized persons."

"General Santos City Police Office (GSCPO) Director Senior Supt. Jeorge Aquisap revealed many of those they apprehended for carrying firearms are police and military assets and agents who do not have permits to carry firearms."

"Aquisap further said the AFP and PNP have violated the law by issuing a memorandum on loose firearms, which "has been abused'." ...

"Meanwhile, Aquisap has ordered his men to intensify the campaign against loose firearms."

WV: W.Va. deer gun season opens
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Schools are closing, church attendance is declining and construction is slowing as the blaze- orange vests come out once again for the Mountain State's bucks-only gun season."

"Some 350,000 hunters were expected to head to the West Virginia woods today, the start of the two-week season."

" 'It's the most popular sport in West Virginia,' said Larry Berry, wildlife biologist with the Division of Natural Resources in Beckley. 'It's the Super Bowl, World Series and the Final Four all rolled into one.' "

IL: Spreading the gun-lock gospel
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Clyde Still - that's 'Clyde like Bonnie and Still like whiskey' - stood in front of the Stephenson County Public Safety Building on Sunday afternoon, ready to make a delivery to Stephenson County Sheriff Dave Snyders."

"And with the zeal of a tent-revival preacher, Still explained the importance of the 700 or so yellow and black gun locks he was delivering to the county, as Snyders busily stacked box after box of the simple but effective devices onto a wheeled cart." ...

"A trigger-lock is better than nothing at all, but a cable lock is better than a trigger-lock... And a good gun safe is better than just about anything."

Yes, better at making your tool of self defense inaccessible in times of need.

MD: Man, 55, wins suit against police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Baltimore jury awarded a $2.5 million civil verdict yesterday to a man who alleged racism and rough treatment at the hands of police after he was briefly detained in 1998."

"In an unusual strategy, the victim, Hopeton Davis, a Jamaican tavern owner, sued only the officers involved in the assault - not the mayor, city and Police Department, as seen typically in brutality lawsuits."

"Five Baltimore police officers took Davis into custody Dec. 5, 1998, after a 911 caller reported seeing a man with a handgun in a red truck in the 2300 block of E. Lafayette Ave. He was released after officers confirmed he had a permit for the weapon."

India: Cops Beaten and Robbed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Fourth story on the page.


New Delhi (PTI): A group of seven to eight people beat up three policemen early on Monday, snatching a carbine and a 9-mm pistol. The police personnel were in a patrol car in south-west Delhi when they stopped the miscreants, who beat them up.

They can't even protect themselves and retain their weapons, but the Brady Bunch of misanthropes claim you should depend on them for your life.

Zimbabwe: Armed robbers cause scare at hospital
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Four suspected armed robbers caused a scare at Chitungwiza General Hospital yesterday morning when they fired shots in the air to frighten security guards at the hospital."

"The four went to the hospital at around 3 am supposedly with the intention to steal."

"It is alleged that when the four got at the hospital, one of them was faking illness."

"Police said one of the security guards discovered that the four were not genuinely seeking help and ordered them to leave."

"An argument arose and one of the suspects produced a pistol and fired two shots before fleeing."

"A report was later made to the police."

A good thing armed security guards were there to protect the rest of the disarmed populace.

MD: Baltimore City Police Officer to Stand Trial for Glad Crab Shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Baltimore City police officer was ordered to stand trial on charges he fired a shot during a scuffle at a Dallastown restaurant and bar in July."

"Michael McDanel, 31, of Windsor Township is charged with aggravated assault, reckless endangerment and resisting arrest for the incident at the Glad Crab at 3086 S. Queen St."

"Testifying at a preliminary hearing Friday before District Justice JoAnn Teyral, bartender Donald Rainey said the trouble started when he asked McDanel to move away from a couple of women customers at the bar after they complained he was being belligerent."


But only cops should have guns, because they are too responsible and professional to be drinking while packing, right?

Australia: Military precision of bank raid
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A bank raid planned to precision left four women terrified as the gang disappeared without trace in a plot worthy of a Hollywood movie."

"The balaclava-clad bandits had hidden in a van, waiting for staff to open the doors to the Commonwealth Bank at 8.41am yesterday."

"By 8.46, the gang had vanished with their haul after holding a customer and three staff at gunpoint and setting their van alight as a decoy to aid their escape."

"Three men got out of the van as a fourth waited behind."

" 'One of them with a pistol accosted an employee and entered the bank with her,' Insp Schott said."

"A customer using the ATM was also forced into the bank. They demanded money from the staff."

So what now? More ineffective gun control laws to supplement the already existing ineffective gun control laws?

NJ: Both sides campaign as bear hunt nears
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With the state's first bear hunt since 1970 just two weeks away, state officials stepped up efforts Monday to demonstrate the need for hunters to control the growing population of the animals."

"At the same time animal rights groups continued a campaign to stop the hunt, including asking federal officials to ban bear hunters from the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area."

"For his part, Environmental Protection Commissioner Bradley Campbell gathered residents, police and other officials from the northern part of the state to relate stories of dangerously close calls with black bears."

"They told tales of living in fear of the bears, which have broken into 58 homes this year in the state."

Philippines: 1 dead, 3 injured in wave of Metro Manila robberies
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"METRO Manila began its week reeling from a series of robberies that left at least one person dead and three others injured."

"Reports said the lone casualty was from a foiled robbery attempt Monday afternoon on an armored van of the Security Bank Corp. near the Muñoz market in Quezon City."

"Three others were reportedly injured in the same incident that was staged by six to nine unidentified armed men who tried to steal the money that was being collected from a Jollibee fastfood chain in the area."

"But responding Quezon City policemen managed to stop the suspects whom they engaged in a shootout, reports further said."

Meanwhile the government disarms its citizens, leaving them helpless against these thugs.

Philippines: 16th bank robbery Hits Metro Manila
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"ROBBERS struck again in Metro Manila on Monday and carted away 300,000 pesos in the 16th bank heist in the metropolis this year."

"Five suspects barged into the Union Bank of the Philippines-Dongalo branch at 1:50 p.m."

"The suspects, armed with .45-caliber pistols, disarmed security guard Robert Tiangco before going straight to the cashiers and emptying the cash boxes."

"Senior Superintendent Ronald Estilles, Parañaque City chief of police, said some of the suspects boarded passenger jeepneys while others fled on foot."

"The robbery took all of five minutes, Estilles said."

"The heist was the 16th in Metro Manila this year, according to the National Capital Region Police Office."

South Africa: Scout master shot dead at camp
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Cyril Heymeriks, a 21-year-old student who 'lived for Scouts', has been shot dead on a Scout camp east of the city."

"The enthusiastic young Scout master was shot in the neck and died during the early hours of Saturday morning while on a camp at Gilglen Scout camping grounds in The Willows with a group of young boys."

"Heymeriks and some of the boys were woken during their first night of the weekend camp when two men armed with pistols shone torches in their faces."

"We are still investigating what exactly happened. But we think that when the suspects saw Heymeriks reach for his cellphone that he was reaching for something else. That was when he was shot."

Yet more victims disarmed by their own government and left at the mercy of armed thugs.

UK: Women offered self-defence class
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A FORMER Royal bodyguard is offering self-defence courses for women in the Highlands to coincide with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women tomorrow."

"Alan Bell, who set up the first bodyguard training service in the Highlands and Islands seven years ago, is offering eight hours of training for £10 to women who contact him tomorrow."

"Mr Bell is a former RAF policeman and member of the Royal Protection Squad who runs a personal safety consultancy firm in Dornoch. He says recent studies indicate that domestic violence may now be the leading cause of injury and death to women worldwide."

"He says in South Africa a woman is raped every 83 seconds, and up to one in four women is assaulted by their partner every week. In India, 12 women die each day over dowry disputes; as many as 75 per cent of women in Sri Lanka, Tanzania and Ecuador have been subjected to domestic violence and sexual assault by their partner."

What do all these countries have in common? The victims are disarmed and at the mercy of criminals. It appears the UK is trying for the same frightening statistics.

Canada: Defence class an eye-opener - Course gives women tools for protection
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Most crooks who prey on women are opportunists; there's no big secret there."

"But now victims have their own secret -- they're being taught how to turn the tables on the thugs who want to rob them or otherwise do them harm."

"For more than a year, Brian Lewadny, the 50-year-old owner of Wing Chun Kung Fu, has been offering a free, three-hour self-defence course for women."

" 'Women who take the course will learn exactly what to do if faced with a situation where they're attacked,' he said."

"It will empower them with the mental, physical and emotional tools to deal with violent scenarios."

But God forbid they are trained with the most effective tool of self-defense! That would be unthinkable!

OH: 'Defense' Walkers from Across Ohio to Openly Carry Firearms at the Governor’s Mansion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohioans For Concealed Carry has announced that activists from across the state who are interested in protesting Governor Taft’s obstruction of concealed carry reform will 'openly carry' their sidearms outside the Governor’s Mansion."

"In the past two months, over one thousand Ohioans have staged 'Defense' Walks around the state, at which they openly carry firearms to protest the failure of their elected officials to keep their promises and enact concealed-carry legislation."

"Veteran Walkers will join first-timers in an event designed to display Ohioans' frustration with Governor Taft for yet again 'moving the cheese', as Sen. Jeff Jacobson describes it, for a bill acceptable to him."

HI: UH plans to expand security on campus
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With seven sexual assaults on the University of Hawai'i-Manoa campus since the beginning of 2003 — five since the fall semester began — campus security is being beefed up."

"Plans are under way to install better lighting in dim areas, form a cadre of student security and broaden an escort service that provides a buddy to drive coeds home late at night, and hours have been extended to 11 p.m. for the campus shuttle."

"Students are feeling apprehensive, especially after an October rape near a parking structure, and some are changing their routines out of safety concerns."

NOTE: UH prohibits the possession or use of weapons by any student. It's doubtful that better lighting will do much more than allow the victim to see the face of her attacker more clearly as he preys on her disarmed self.

KY: Pornography foe arrested on prostitution charge
Submitted by: Steven Brown

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"A vice chairman of a Louisville anti-pornography group was arrested Saturday night on a prostitution charge. Police took John W. Riddle, 65, into custody after seeing him in a car at 17th and Rowan streets with a 'known prostitute,' according to the arrest report." ...

" 'I've known Mr. Riddle for a long time, and this is the last thing that we would have expected to happen,' Davis said, adding that if the allegations prove true, 'it just goes to show that even good men ... can get pulled into this pornography stuff.' "

When it involves guns, remember to always blame the gun. When it involves self-righteous hypocrites, don't forget to blame the porn.

NV: OnStar Wiretap shot down
Submitted by: Ender, Duke_of_URL

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"A federal judge erred when he ordered a company to help the FBI eavesdrop on conversations in a suspect's vehicle using the onboard monitoring system called OnStar, a federal appeals court has ruled."

"The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals issued the decision Tuesday in a civil case involving Assistant U.S. Attorneys Eric Johnson and Kathleen Bliss, who spent more than two years working on a Las Vegas public corruption investigation with ties to striptease club magnate Michael Galardi."

CO: Chained Freedom - An Article about Rick Stanley
Submitted by: Robert Lewis

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"The Mutual Defense Pact was formed for one reason: To hold the government accountable. Too many unconstitutional breaches and takings have been imposed upon the people by the very same public servants that we send to represent our interests, in this government that seems to have been turned on its head. The original intent of our 'government of the people, for the people, by the people,' has been transformed into a smoke screened fascist dictatorship, because of complacent citizens, not exercising their constitutional duties and responsibilities, like Rick Stanley has."

"There is nothing secret about the Mutual defense Pact, business is conducted up front, out in the open, not behind closed doors in secret, like our government. We are not a bunch of nitwits, most of us are veterans who have helped secure our nations liberty. We are businessmen, fed up with a corrupt system of government working against the interest of United States Citizens." ...

"Donations are being accepted for Rick Stanley's legal defense fund . Mail your donations to Pam Stanley at: 6280 East 39th Avenue
Denver, Colorado 80207 - 1319"

IN: 74 arrested after raid downtown
Submitted by: Duncan Adams

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"It took three Transpo buses and a fleet of tow trucks to help South Bend police carry out a raid on a downtown gas station early Sunday morning." ...

"The move is by far the most drastic measure police have taken to end congregating at Always Open, which has been going on for at least two years. The socializing that occurs when people park their cars bumper to bumper in the lot often leads to fights and shootings, according to police." ...

" 'I don't understand why we're going to jail. We were just trying to get some gas,' McFadden said." ...

" 'How can you go to jail for going into a store to get a bag of chips and you are willingly let into the store?' asked Clarence Vaughn, 21."

" 'I was just driving through to get a pop. I just wanted to get a pop and now I'm going to jail. I've never been to jail before,' Shonte Jernigan, 24, said."

NC: Most wanted: Police seek 3 who botched rehabilitation opportunity
Submitted by: E.F.Haywood

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"Three Durham men botched their final chance in a rehabilitation program for violent offenders and are bound for prison once authorities track them down, police said."

"The STARS program [Strategies to Abate and Reduce Senseless Violence] is a Durham Police Department effort to identify repeat violent offenders and develop community-based strategies to fight violent crime. It allows offenders to prove they are trying to change their lives through attending various meetings and events."

This is another example of why creating unnecessary laws is a poor means of attempting to stop criminals. They are criminals because they refuse to follow the rules. Some of them aren't even willing to follow the rules post-conviction to stay out of jail. How many crimes are being committed while "authorities track them down"?

NY: Cattaraugus offers free firearms locks
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Free locks for firearms are available from the Cattaraugus County Sheriff's Department. The distribution is part of the nationwide Project Childsafe to promote safe handling and storage of firearms. Instructions are included with each lock.
Two locks are provided per person. Anyone owning more than two or three firearms should consider purchasing a gun safe or cabinet. For more information, contact the Sheriff's Department at 938-9111.


When Pa was at home the gun always lay across those two wooden hooks above the door. ... The gun was always loaded, and always above the door so that Pa could get it quickly and easily, any time he needed a gun. — Laura Ingalls Wilder

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