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Newslinks for 11/25/2006

Groups pushing to allow firearms in national parks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun rights groups are making a final push to get the gun ban in national parks lifted before control of the U.S. Congress officially passes into Democrats' hands in January."

"Sen. George Allen, R-Va., introduced legislation on Nov. 16 that would allow citizens to bring firearms into all 390 national park sites in compliance with federal law and state regulations in which the parks are located. ..."

"Gun rights groups asked Allen to introduce the bill ... said Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America. Pratt said the groups tried for two years to persuade the Interior Department to voluntarily repeal the ban, which was put in place in 1983 to stop poaching." ...

How outdoor enthusiasts were affected by the election
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the "don't say I didn't warn you department," it's time to consider what the recent national elections mean for shooting and hunting enthusiasts." ...

"With the ascendancy of the Democrats, one of the most frightening possible political scenarios has now come to pass. Representative Nancy Pelosi is set to become Speaker of the House and Sen. John Conyers will chair the powerful Judiciary Committee. Both politicians are very unfavorable towards firearms ownership and will undoubtedly wield their newfound influence with great aplomb."

"... anti-gun measures will not be thrown out with great fanfare as during the early '90s but instead will be slipped along under the radar ..." ...

NYTimes: Money Makes us Safe, Not Guns?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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nt, the Times has once again sounded the good liberal mantra: Got a problem? Throw money at it."

"Apparently, outgoing Senator George Allen (R, Vir.) has introduced one of his last bills in the waning days of the 109th sitting of the Senate, a bill allowing concealed carry of firearms inside our National Parks."

"Naturally, the New York Times is not amused. ..." ...

"But the howler of the piece is the claim that throwing money at crime, as opposed to allowing citizens to protect themselves, would make us all safer in our National Parks."

"'If Americans want to feel safer in their national parks, the proper solution is to increase park funding...'"

"It is hard to type while I am laughing so hard." ...

Allen bill would allow guns in national parks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Departing U.S. Sen. George Allen, honoring a campaign pledge, has quietly introduced a bill that would let visitors carry a concealed firearm into a national park."

"The Virginia Republican wrote to the Virginia Gun Owners Coalition a Nov. 4 letter outlining his gun views and mentioning his efforts to urge the secretary of the Interior to repeal the gun ban in national parks."

"'Since no action has been taken, I will introduce legislation in the Senate in the week of November 13 to repeal the gun ban,' Allen wrote three days before Election Day." ...

"In a twist, an Oct. 30 campaign letter by Jim Webb -- the Democrat who narrowly defeated Allen -- shows that he promised to introduce similar legislation." ...

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"1. Resolved, That the Articles of the Confederation ought to be so corrected and enlarged as to accomplish the objects proposed by their institution; namely, common defence, security of liberty, and general welfare...."


"We, the people of the states of. . . . do ordain, declare, and establish the following constitution, for the government of ourselves and posterity...."

"...Art. XII. The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states...."

Mr. Madison on 'Personal Rights Vs. Property Rights'
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"...But this does not satisfy the fundamental principle, that men cannot be justly bound by laws in making which they have no part. Persons and property being both essential objects of government, the most that either can claim is such a structure of it as will leave a reasonable security for the other...."

"...Allow the right exclusively to property, and the rights of persons may be oppressed. The feudal polity along sufficiently proves it...."

“...In civilized communities, property, as well as personal rights, is an essential object of the laws..."

"...In a just and a free government, therefore, the rights both of property and of persons ought to be effectually guarded...."

OH: Ohio CHL Holder Defends Self and Customers (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Cleveland police say that an armed robber attempted to hold up a barber shop Wednesday night ... The 47-year-old assailant began gathering wallets and jewelry from the patrons. Ray Williams, the shop’s owner, is legally licensed to carry a concealed handgun. Mr. Williams drew his firearm and shot the robber, wounding him in the elbow. The attacker dropped his weapon, ran out the door, and was later apprehended by police." ...

"While this story in itself is reason enough to report on the effectiveness of concealed carry, it is important to note that OFCC is not the only one singing the praises of concealed carry. Cleveland Police are on record as supporting Mr. Williams’ efforts. A NewsNet 5 article reports that,"

"'Police hope Williams' action sent a message to other robbers.'" ...

VA: Hunter recounts black bear attack [or, why would anyone *need* a handgun in the woods?]
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Rockingham County hunter mauled by a bear last Friday has described a horrific scene. He even tried to fend off the attacking animal by offering it his hands, according to the man's daughter."

"Contrary to reports, Shea Willis said her father knew the hulking black bear was still alive when he approached it."

"'He knew he was in a standoff with the bear,' she said. 'But he was trying to put it down mercifully.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Some states don't allow backup handguns for hunters. Shameful. In the same paper, Sen. Allen's "controversial" national park concealed carry proposal. Only controversial if one sympathizes with predators in victim disarmament zones.

Granny's Home Is Government's Castle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It goes without saying that the late Kathryn Johnston, a heroic 92-year-old pistol packing Atlanta resident, had every right and reason to open fire on the goons who were in the process of breaking down her front door. But they were the law, so they shot her dead."

"Armed to the teeth, wearing bulletproof riot vests, and carrying riot shields, these big, 'brave' men killed a very old lady in her own home. She was armed with a 'rusty old revolver,' ..." ...

"... Imagine how scared and confused a 92-year-old woman would have been. She probably knew nothing about the 'no-knock' abomination and failed to spot the 'comforting' sight of the marked patrol car in front of the home she thought was her castle, but was in fact the government's."

Editorial: Things That Happen Over and Over
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Yet another thing that happens over and over -- something no one would dare to call a tradition, yet whose reoccurrence is plainly inevitable -- is the accidental killing in drug raids of innocent or at least nonviolent people by paramilitarized police squadrons. ..."

"A report by the Cato Institute this year examines the problem in detail. It has been growing. Atlanta's Kathryn Johnston was the latest victim. The 92-year old opened fire on three police officers after they forced their way into her home without knocking. ... Police called the incident 'tragic' but that they were executing a legal warrant ... Time will tell if that claim is truthful or otherwise. But even if it is, how does it justify what happened?

An Unhappy Thanksgiving
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As most of the country chows down on turkey, ham, lamb and sits down to watch football or various Thanksgiving parades, I feel sad and I'm not in the celebratory mood. I find myself on this day that celebrates capitalism and individual liberty reflecting about how far our country has gone from the ideals our Founding Fathers laid out for us."

"For example, I think Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and James Madison are rolling in their graves ..." ...

"They would be irate about a 92 year old woman named Kathryn Johnson who was killed by plain clothes policemen who broke down her door. The handicapped ramp should have been a clue this probably wasn't a crackhouse and there were innocent people inside. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Readers are cautioned that the author of this piece uses epithets.

FBI probe sought in narc-nonagenarian gunfight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A civil rights activist representing the family of an elderly woman killed in a gunfight with police is asking for a federal investigation.

The Rev. Markel Hutchins said he will travel to Washington, D.C., on Monday to deliver a letter to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales requesting the investigation into the death of Kathryn Johnston.

Johnston, whom police said was 92, was killed Tuesday evening by undercover narcotics agents who'd gotten a search warrant for her home after buying drugs from a man there.

Police said the agents identified themselves, but when they knocked down Johnston's door, she opened fire and injured three of the officers. They're expected to recover.

Neighbors and relatives said it's a case of mistaken identity.

Activists: Stop No Knock Warrants
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Community activists said 92-year-old Kathryn Johnston was probably scared and thought criminals were breaking into her home Tuesday night when she opened fire on three Atlanta police officers."

"Earlier that day, an undercover police bought drugs from a man inside the house."

"That night three returned to execute a no knock warrant, which means they don't have to announce themselves before entering the house."

"Atlanta police say they did announce themselves when they were opening Johnston's door but say she fired upon them immediately striking all three."

"None of the officers received life threatening injuries, but Johnston was killed by the officers." ...

GA: Avoiding Tragedies During Police Raids
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"People who knew 92-year-old Kathryn Johnson have said that, because she lived in a high-crime neighborhood of Atlanta, she kept a gun for self-defense. And on Tuesday afternoon, when police with a search warrant knocked on her door — then burst through it — she may not have heard what they were saying or may not have understood them."

"Johnston opened fire, wounding three police officers before their bullets killed her."

"It was supposed to have been an attempt to apprehend someone who allegedly had sold illegal drugs from Johnston’s home, according to police. Johnston herself never was accused of having participated in drug sales, or even of having knowledge of them." ...

FL: Port St. Lucie teen 'critical' after being shot in head while he, 2 buddies played with gun stolen from patrol car
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 16-year-old boy was seriously wounded about 1 a.m. today when his friend accidentally shot him in the head, police said."

"Robert Scott Thomas Jr. was flown to St. Mary's Medical Center in West Palm Beach in critical condition after being shot with a .380 Colt pistol in the forehead, police said."

"The three boys were hanging out in the bedroom of Dustin Williams, 17 ..."

"Williams was showing off the gun, which he and another juvenile had stolen Wednesday night from an unlocked patrol car in the area, Sgt. Rod Dobler said. The cruiser was issued to Martin County Sheriff's Office Deputy George Primm, and the weapon was his personal firearm." ...

NY: Whitestown police upgrade guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Whitestown Police Department will replace its current set of handguns with 14 new pistols before the end of the year, department officials said this week."

"Whitestown police officers have been carrying the same Smith & Wesson .45-caliber handguns for the last eight or nine years, Chief Donald Wolanin said, and a lot of departments in the area are moving to different models."

"'This just seemed like the right time to upgrade,' Wolanin said." ...

Belize: Victim, witnesses say cop shot man for no reason
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There was a time many, many years ago that accusations of police brutality were so rare as to actually be newsworthy. Today, to qualify for airtime an alleged victim needs to be shot by a cop, preferably in front of multiple witnesses. And that's exactly what happened this morning in Roaring Creek. News Five's Janelle Chanona has the story."

"Janelle Chanona, Reporting"

"Tonight, twenty-two year old construction worker Reginald Ruiz is admitted to ward at the Western Regional Hospital recuperating from a gunshot wound to the left thigh. Ruiz claims he was deliberately injured by a police officer." ...

IA: Right to bear arms threatened
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Our Constitution was ratified in 1787. To it were made amendments, soon after and continuing through the years. Our founders saw fit to adopt these in the order of their importance to our country."

"The first amendment gave us the right to freedom of speech. The second amendment gave us the right to keep and bear arms. Both are very important. This was our heritage, this was our birthright, and these we must maintain and uphold."

"Our individual right to keep and bear arms has been our heritage since colonial America. This is one of the civil liberties that has not only made us the greatest nation in the world, but has made us a beacon of liberty to all others who do not enjoy the freedom we now have." ...

OH: Shooting to the top
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The field was flooded with thousands of students in the moments after Ohio State's huge football win over Michigan last Saturday."

"Among those students on the field was Big Island native Steven Nozaki."

"The 2005 Waiakea High School graduate was just another happy Buckeye that night, more than 4,000 miles away from his roots in Hilo."

"The sophomore, one of the top shooters on OSU's rifle team, grew up listening to an old family friend, Ed Kawachika, talk about his days at OSU back in the 1950s. ..." ...

"'He had many questions on how to get better in his shooting while he was in high school,' Kohatsu said via e-mail. 'I was excited to know someone else from the islands would attend Ohio State and shoot as well.'" ...

WI: Pay for police, not guns, in schools
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A Wisconsin state assemblyman has suggested arming teachers and other school employees with guns and other weapons to make schools safer."

"'Israel and Thailand have well-trained teachers carrying weapons and keeping their children safe from harm,' said Rep. Frank Lassee (R-Green Bay). 'It can work in Wisconsin.'"

"Sure, it could work. But what would happen if some students found out, stole the teachers' weapons and shot other students and teachers?" ...

KABA Note: This sophomoric opinion was offered by a high school sophomore.

NH: N.H. will defend law on concealed gun permits
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The New Hampshire Attorney General will defend a state law allowing police to revoke concealed gun permits."

"The Attorney General is intervening in state Supreme Court appeal by a Dover man who claims his rights were violated when the city police chief revoked his permit to carry concealed."

"Edward Bleiler says the state law is unconstitutional because it's too vague, just saying the permits can be revoked for 'just cause.'"

"Dover Police Chief William Fenniman revoked Bleiler's permit last March after Bleiler pulled out his handgun in a City Hall office and laid it on the city attorney's desk." ...

PA: Second round planned for Harrisburg gun buyback
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Harrisburg city officials started a gun buyback program on Saturday -- but by Monday, so many people turned in guns that they ran out of money.

With 15-hundred guns off the streets of his troubled city, Mayor Stephen Reed wanted the program to continue, so he started looking for more sources of cash. He got eight-thousand dollars of drug seizure money from the Dauphin County District Attorney's Office. The city is kicking in another six-thosuand.

A week from Monday, any city resident who turns in a working gun gets a "check card" worth one-hundred dollars.

D-A Ed Marsico says he can't remember any other buybacks being as successful. He says he hopes it means the public is fed up with violence. Anti-gun mayor convicted on firearms charges (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Regular readers if this website will be familiar with New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's anti-gun tirades (see here and here and here and here for more information)."

"According to, one of the mayors in Bloomberg's coalition of Mayors Against Illegal Guns apparently wants his constituents (or rather, as he and Bloomberg seem to consider them, 'subjects'?) to do as he says, not as he does..." ...

"Mayor Melton now certainly knows he is not above the law. But even after his convictions, and while noting that "no one is above the law", Bloomberg spokeswoman Virginia Lam did not comment specifically on Melton's plea or on what, if any, action MAIG will take against him." ...

Canada: Gun law unveiled
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Innocent until proven guilty will no longer apply to people charged with serious gun crimes, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced yesterday."

"The Tory PM, flanked by Premier Dalton McGuinty and Toronto Mayor David Miller, said anyone charged with attempted murder, armed robbery, sexual assault with a weapon, kidnapping and extortion while using a gun will have to make the case for their freedom under proposed bail rules."

"The Criminal Code rules, as they exist now, force the Crown to offer up evidence on why the accused should not be granted bail." ...

The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword, because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops. — Noah Webster, An Examination into the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution Proposed BV the Late Convention (1787).

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