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Newslinks for 11/26/2002

OH: OSU to Students: How to Protect Yourself Against the Serial Rapist
Submitted by: Ohioans for Concealed Carry PAC

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The Ohio State University may have won the fight against Michigan on the field Saturday, but they STILL haven't won the fight against the Buckeye Campus-area Rapist, who has been victimizing female OSU students at will since mid-summer.

University Police Chief Ron Michalec has said "The police are here to protect. That is what people should rely on."

But by their own admission, and after nearly five months, university officials' efforts to protect OSU's female students have failed.

MN: Appeals Court Rules e-mail users have no privacy rights
Submitted by: Anonymous

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On Monday, the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, based in St. Louis, held that the police could obtain e-mail messages of an accused child pornographer by faxing a warrant to Yahoo, the Internet service, and relying on Yahoo's technicians to produce the materials. The case turned on whether the technicians could in effect be deputized by the government.

OK: Weapon is a piece of history, work of art
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Dewey Nelson holds a piece of history in his hands. Nelson is holding a commemorative 1894 Winchester, .45-caliber rifle with Garfield County history engraved into it."

"It is at once a fully functional weapon and a weapon not meant to be fired. A work of art with its walnut stock and 24-karat gold overlay." ...

To Destroy a Country
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"It seems that Bush has - or will soon have - control of all three branches of government. But, isn't this America? Isn't there a Constitution that demands separation between the three branches of government? Or, have we become the same as the country our forefathers fought to get us away from - one person as the sovereign dictator?"

"Thomas Jefferson 183 years ago had this to say:"


FL: License to carry
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Bill of Rights may say that Americans have the right to bear arms. But, in most states, Americans must now have a permit to carry that gun with them when they leave their homes."

"It’s called a concealed firearms license and it requires that applicants take a mandatory gun safety course and submit a detailed application for consideration." ...

When is a gun considered loaded?
Submitted by: Randy Hudson

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Blog by Eugene Volokh

"WHEN IS A GUN CONSIDERED LOADED? I've often heard people say that, under California law, a gun is generally treated as loaded whenever any ammunition is nearby, for instance when the gun and the ammo are both in the same locked box....

"I therefore asked our research librarians to ask the Justice Department about this, and here's the answer they received:" ...

Goodbye, Mr. TIPS
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The ill-fated program was first announced by Bush in March as part of a package of 'Citizen Corps' initiatives aimed at getting regular Americans involved in fighting terrorism.

"But as details about the program began to leak out, parties as divergent as the American Civil Liberties Union and House Majority Leader Richard K. Armey (R-Tex.) rallied to condemn the effort. They argued it would encourage citizens to snoop on one another while doing little to safeguard the nation." ...

Big Brother Is Back
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A PICTURE OF THE GLOBE, under the watchful gaze of that spooky pyramid on the dollar bill, the one with the all-seeing eye of God at the top. Underlining that, the project’s motto: SCIENTIA EST POTENTIA (Knowledge Is Power)...

"Quietly created after the September 11 attacks, the office’s Total Information Awareness project aims to enable federal investigators to engage in a kind of super 'data mining'..." ...

Canada: Man gunned down outside busy plaza
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Police are looking for two assailants after a 24-year-old man was gunned down in broad daylight yesterday outside a busy plaza as horrified shoppers fled for cover.

"The victim was being chased by two men through a narrow alleyway at Peanut Plaza on Don Mills Rd. north of Sheppard Ave. E. As he emerged from the alley, one of the suspects, wearing a black and gray coat, drew a gun and began shooting." ...

Bush to Again Push for Amnesty for Illegals
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Bush administration wants to grant amnesty to hundreds of thousands of Mexican illegal aliens now in the United States, according to the new U.S. ambassador to Mexico. Bush administration efforts to pursue immigration agreements with Mexico were put on hold after the September 11 terrorist attacks on America. Congress plans to debate the matter as soon as the economy improves, he added, because 'people tend to discuss immigration issues more comfortably when the economy is strong.' " ...

MI: Cat Scratch Fervor - Ted Nugent for Michigan Governor
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Unlike many of these other celebrities, Nugent will get elected not because of his fame or notoriety in one particular area. 'Uncle Ted' ...would gain Michigan office by speaking not from a platform built by rock stardom, but from a platform more widely understood here: a hunter's tree stand. That's one platform that, in Michigan, crosses all ethnic, religious and economic boundaries." ...

Bowling Ball Control Needed in Nebraska
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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Employing the greedy lawyer/jury 'logic' of last week...

"A five-day cooling-off period is needed before anyone can legally purchase a bowling ball. A federal registration program should be considered. We may have to consider an outright ban. Lawsuits against sporting goods stores and the manufacturers of these potentially dangerous weapons may be necessary to send the message that bowling ball violence will not be tolerated."

UK: Man faces firearms charges over 40 weapons
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A man arrested after a stash of nearly 40 weapons was allegedly found in his home is to appear before magistrates facing nine charges.

"Joe Waddell, 56, of Seaton Delaval, is due before Bedlington magistrates on Thursday.

"He made the headlines in April when police swooped on his flat in Astley Road and allegedly uncovered a haul of 38 pistols, shotguns and rifles plus ammunition and equipment for re-activating weapons." ...

Thailand: Importing and owning firearms
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"In Phuket [seriously], the Governor’s policy forbids foreigners to own firearms. So if you have a Thai spouse, she will have to apply.

"She will need to show her house registration document, her ID card and also give a reasonable answer as to why she needs a gun.

"However, even if she is approved a gun license, the Governor will not issue a permit to carry the gun, so it must be kept inside the house at all times." ...

Fewer than half of pilots expected to carry guns
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"'s likely that fewer than half of the roughly 75,000 pilots will choose or qualify to take the controversial step of arming themselves.

"Before any pilot can pack a handgun, the government must set up a training program to make pilots proficient at shooting inside the confined quarters of a cockpit. The government also must write rules on what weapons should be allowed, how pilots carry the guns to and from the aircraft and whether they can carry them off duty." ...

UK: Gun held to head of robbery victim
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A post office security guard was dragged from a store and had a gun held to his head in a robbery.

"Police said the guard had taken cash into the post office, in Keresley Road, Keresley, when he was ambushed by a gunman who dragged him out to the van, where his colleague was waiting, holding a handgun to his head." ...

PA: Area colleges hold weapons for students who hunt
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"At California University of Pennsylvania, campus police cannot carry guns, but students who hunt can.

"...Cal U., Washington & Jefferson College and Waynesburg College have made concessions to one of Western Pennsylvania's most popular pastimes.

"All three schools have provisions in their weapons policies allowing students who hunt to store rifles and other weapons on campus. Pennsylvania's rifle deer-hunting season begins next Monday and lasts for two weeks." ...

OH: Editorial: Time is now to allow concealed carry in Ohio
Submitted by: Ohioans for Concealed Carry PAC

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The Lima News is calling upon the Ohio Senate to refrain from mucking up HB274 on behalf of the FOP labor union.

"All this talk about getting the FOP, a police union, behind the bill makes no sense. Involving the law enforcers in the process of legislating is a threat to liberty and sets a dangerous precedent."

"Until Taft and senators abide by their oaths of office, Ohioans can do nothing but sit back and become victims." ...

Bin Laden's "letter to America"
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Q1) Why are we fighting you?

(1) You continue to attack us

(2) The oppressed have a right to return the aggression

(Q2) What are we calling you to, and what do we want from you?

(1) Calling you to is Islam

(2) Stop your oppression, lies, immorality

(3) Take an honest stance

(4) Stop supporting Israel

(5) Get out of our lands

(6) Leave us alone

(7) interact on mutual interests, not to continue your policy of supporting the Jews because this will result in more disasters

South Africa: "White-Flight" in South Africa
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Orania, an Afrikaner enclave on the edge of a desert, is being flooded with applications from whites disillusioned with South Africa's black government. Founded in the early 1990s as white rule ended, the enclave, named after the local river, was an attempt by Afrikaner purists to preserve their culture around an independent Boer republic. Now, with a widespread fear that South Africa will follow Zimbabwe into political and racial turmoil, Orania is beginning to fill up."

Morris Dees and the SPLC Urges State Governments to Make Militias Illegal
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"State governments can play a role in fighting domestic terrorism by passing anti-militia laws or enforcing such statutes already on the books. Though 24 states currently have anti-militia laws, only one state, Texas, has ever challenged a group for violating these laws. Law Center chief trial counsel Morris Dees and staff attorney Ellen Bowden argue that anti-militia laws do not violate constitutional guarantees of free speech and association."

WA: Resolute jeweler stands ground
Submitted by: Riverheart

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"Hohner's dad taught him to fight. And he taught him how to shoot a gun -- even gave him the .357 that Hohner now carries at his waist, at all times.

"It has become routine for Jewelry By Hohner to be burglarized...

"But he sticks around.

"Hohner keeps a 12-gauge shotgun behind the counter of his store. And he has been practicing drawing his weapon and rapidly firing off two shots.

"I tell my customers they're safer in here than in their own homes," he said." ...

NJ: New unit to combat gun crime
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A suspect robs a man at gunpoint. The victim returns with a gun. The robber fires a shotgun blast in the man's face and takes off."

"The man is on the ground bleeding profusely. He is taken to the hospital. He lives but is left blind."

"This sort of thing takes place time and again - street justice. The victim goes back to defend himself instead of letting authorities take care of it."

"This is what authorities allege took place in Pleasantville in October 2001." ...

WA: Most callers say hold gun owners responsible for accidents
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The death of young Matthew Wilson on Wednesday night raised questions about the legal culpability of gun owners who leave their weapons and ammunition where children can get them."

"Wilson was shot to death, apparently by his best friend, as the two 12-year-olds played with a revolver that belongs to the surviving boy's older brother." ...

OH: Gun bill vote could come in December
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A bill allowing Ohioans to carry concealed weapons could be voted on by the Senate in early December, nine months after the House approved the measure."

"Sen. Jeff Jacobson, R-Phillipsburg, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Civil Justice committee, this week met with representatives from law enforcement and gun rights groups to discuss possible compromise language to be inserted into the controversial bill." ...

Good gun policy -- good politics
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"You know politicians have their backs up against the wall when they accuse their opponents of trying to 'exploit' an ongoing tragedy for political gain."

"That's OK. Politics is supposed to respond to problems, tragedies and crises. Politics is how government moves its sluggish self." ...

UK: Kids in toy gun amnesty
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"SCHOOLCHILDREN in Moss Side are handing over their toy guns in a weapons amnesty."

"The youngsters are refusing to play with their plastic guns and knives after learning from refugee classmates about the horrors of real-life war."

"Pupils from Bishop Bilsborrow Memorial RC primary and St Mary's CE primary schools in Moss Side are today bringing in their toy weapons, which will be melted down and transformed into art work to be displayed in war zones throughout the world including Sarajevo, Grozny and Kabul." ...

Ashcroft's police chief role widens
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Six decades after the threat of war in Europe prompted President Franklin Roosevelt to move the Immigration and Naturalization Service into the Justice Department, another wartime administration will move the immigration agency out - and into a new Department of Homeland Security." ...

AZ: U.S. law may bar Chandler gun shop
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"An obscure federal firearms law could be Chandler's last shot at stopping a gun shop from opening in the same center as a day care facility."

"Federal law prohibits gun sales within 1,000 feet of an elementary school."

"Parent Kristin Tursini, 32, brought the federal law to city officials' attention Thursday as part of a continuing protest by parents upset because the gun shop will be about 100 feet from the back fence of Triple R Child Care." ...

Is John Ashcroft the Most Dangerous Man in America?
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Since the horror of September 11, Attorney General John Ashcroft has taken the opportunity to erode our Constitutional Freedoms more than anyone else in American history. The 4th and 6th Amendments have been essentially destroyed by The USA Patriot Act and the actions of The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review, a SECRET court." ...

KS: Employee foils robbery attempt; convenience store robbed
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"An employee of a southwest Topeka restaurant thwarted a robbery attempt late Sunday when the worker knocked a gun from a would-be robber's hand. Shortly after that attempted robbery, police said another suspect robbed a convenience store of a small amount of money." ...
Kinda throws the police mantra -- "give them what they want and don't resist" -- right out the ole window.

Vehicles are No. 1 killers of children
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The No. 1 killer of children and teens isn’t drugs, smoking, suicides or gun violence. It’s sitting in your driveway."

"Motor vehicles were responsible in 1999 for the deaths of 7,297 youngsters aged 1 to 19, according to the latest national data available." ...

Who are the Real Spoilers?
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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... "It is disingenuous indeed for Democrats and Republicans to stand over the rotting carcass of the American body politic that they have created and cry about third parties spoiling anything. ... If they were doing even a half-assed job at representing the American people, and actually protecting individual liberties as they have sworn to do, there would very likely be nothing any third party could do to spoil their control of the people's government." ...

Withdraw from NATO and save billions in "military welfare" costs
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"NATO might as well stand for Never-ending American Taxpayer Obligation," said Geoff Neale, the national chair of the Libertarian Party. "There's no reason that the United States should keep paying to defend rich European nations like France, England and Germany against a Soviet threat that no longer exists." Bush intends to use the two-day NATO summit as a forum to consult with European leaders over his possible war plans on Iraq.

U.S. expected to approve $14 billion aid request
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Israel will today submit a request for $14 billion in economic aid to U.S. National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice. President George Bush is expected to quickly approve the request-$4 billion in defense aid and U.S. guarantees for $10 billion-with minor changes, Israeli sources said."
"The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is, in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible." George Washington Sept. 17, 1796

60 Minutes: FBI Whistle Blower (Ruby Ridge) Harassed?
Submitted by: Tyree White

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"Not long after the Sep. 11 attacks, FBI director Robert Mueller issued a memorandum to all FBI employees, urging them to report wrongdoing, misconduct or any other behavior within the FBI that could hamper the bureau’s efforts to battle terrorism."

"He offered his personal assurance that retaliation against any FBI whistleblower would not be tolerated. But in the case of one FBI agent who appeared on 60 Minutes three weeks ago, Mueller’s orders seem to have been ignored, Ed Bradley reports."

"Special agent John Roberts says he was threatened, intimidated and humiliated for exposing what he said has become a pattern of misconduct at the highest levels of the FBI and that has gone unpunished." ...

"This was not the first time that John Roberts had gotten into trouble for criticizing the FBI. He says three years ago he was called on the carpet because of a high-profile investigation he conducted into the FBI’s handling of the 1992 siege at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, where the wife of white supremacist Randy Weaver was killed by an FBI sniper as she stood inside her home."

"Roberts concluded that six senior FBI officials had lied or committed misconduct in their handling of the case. Despite his findings, none of them were disciplined. The only people punished were subordinate bureau employees. Roberts testified about that last year at a congressional hearing."

"He testified that: 'What occurred during the Ruby Ridge investigation should not be viewed as an isolated incident. This should be alarming to all of us, because not only is it fundamentally unfair, but more important because, if the rank and file of any law enforcement organization believe their executive management condones or approves of misconduct, that is a precursor for corruption.' " ...

Beijing waiting for U.S.-Iraq war? Analysts believe communists might use diversion to attack Taiwan
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Military analysts say China could be waiting for the United States to commit much of its remaining military forces to an attack against Iraq before launching an invasion against Taiwan. China has been engaged in modernizing and upgrading its military for a number of years, including high-tech fighters, naval vessels and ballistic missiles. At least some of China's military upgrades have been courtesy of the United transfers from the U.S. and, to a lesser degree, Israel."

Gun Control Myths by Thomas Sowell
Submitted by: David Bauman

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"Professor Joyce Lee Malcolm of Bentley College deserves some sort of special prize for taking on the thankless task of talking sense on a subject where nonsense is deeply entrenched and fiercely dogmatic. In her recently published book, 'Guns and Violence,' Professor Malcolm examines the history of firearms, gun control laws and violent crime in England. What makes this more than an exercise in history is its relevance to current controversies over gun control in America." ...

Armed pilots are months away
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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... "The legislation says the TSA should begin arming pilots within 90 days but gives the agency wide latitude to write rules."

"TSA spokesman Robert Johnson says it's too early to say what the program will look like or how many pilots will eventually qualify. But one federal official said pilots should expect rigorous training and standards that limit the number of pilots who participate."

"Upward of 30,000 pilots are anticipated to apply to carry weapons, although the security chief for the nation's largest pilot union says he thinks it will be far less. 'This isn't for everybody,' says Steven Luckey of the Air Line Pilots Association, which joined with all of the smaller pilots unions to push for the authority. 'We're not looking for quantity here. We're looking for quality.' " ...

Hundreds of American military members sick from anthrax "vaccine"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Hundreds of American soldiers have suffered serious illness after being compulsorily injected with a controversial Anthrax vaccine, a batch of which has been found to be contaminated"

"ON THE MORNING of December 17, 1998, Ronda Wilson, a supremely fit, strikingly beautiful American helicopter gunship pilot, was heading for military stardom. Just 21 and the only woman in her squadron, she had recently defeated her 63 male fellow pilots to earn the coveted Top Gun award in her first gunnery flight test. She was without peer in her cavalry unit, so skilled at handling the OH-58 Delta Warrior, armed with Hellfire missiles and .50-calibre machine guns, that she was described by her commanding officer as 'one of the most outstanding pilots of her generation'."

"On that morning, at Fort Stewart, Georgia, she received a routine order that was ultimately to destroy her faith in the military family and American government which she loved beyond question, and which she says 'I was willing to die for.' She was told to 'go get your jabs'." ...

Weapons Charges Filed Against Hollywood Detective
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Federal prosecutors filed weapons charges Friday against celebrity PI Anthony Pellicano, who with another man is accused of threatening a reporter investigating a supposed link between Steven Seagal and the Mafia."

"Pellicano, held without bail pending a hearing Wednesday, was arrested yesterday after plastic explosives and live grenades were found during a search of his Sunset Boulevard office, FBI Agent Stanley E. Ornellas stated in an affidavit." ...

`More Guns, Less Crime'
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"According to some, guns have no purpose other than killing and should be tightly controlled. To them, more guns invariably lead to more crime and violence. Sounds good at first glance, except that the facts don't support the theory. Were this true, peaceful, multicultural Switzerland, where virtually every household has an automatic assault rifle and hundreds of rounds of ammunition, should be the most violent country on Earth." ...

Reporters today are far removed from America's founding values and are alarmed and contemptuous of gun owners as dangerous lower classes. — HENRY ALLEN, WASHINGTON POST

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