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Newslinks for 11/26/2010

Happy Thanksgiving to all who support the right to keep and bear arms
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Here's my traditional Thanksgiving Day offering for readers of WarOnGuns and this column..." ...

Submitter's note: Thursday's Gun Rights Examiner column departs from tradition by featuring not one, but two evil butterballs.

Thanksgiving 2011
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As noted in the blog entry below this one, there is much to be thankful for on this end during this unique American holiday. Not the least of those things is the kindness and compassion of those who posted in the comments section. ..." ...

"Let’s not forget that the originators of this holiday were celebrating not only the good fortune of themselves and theirs, but having made the valuable acquaintance of new and unexpected friends who helped them and theirs greatly. That element of the original holiday has been reinforced for me by recent experiences, too." ...

Question of the Day: For What Are You Thankful, Gun-Wise?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's hard for people who don't love guns to understand those who do. In some places—commonly referred to as 'Blue States'—this gun gap is a hidden chasm. You can no more argue for unabridged Second Amendment rights than suggest that a flat tax is fairer than our current system of income redistribution. ... For a long time, I was 'in the closet' re: my fondness for things with triggers that go bang. When I started this site, I had to tell my parents that I was a gun guy. This revelation did not please my mother ..."

From Russia With Love James Bond Gun Sells for $437,308.74
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Christie’s has just auctioned off the pistol cradled by Sean Connery in the From Russia with Love movie poster. The gun ... sold for £277,250. The Walther air pistol—yes air pistol—beat Christie’s estimate by a factor of ten ..."

Handguns for 18-Year-Olds?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association keeps coming up with clever new ways to undermine public safety."

"Just in the past year, the gun-rights group sought to scuttle basic gun controls enacted by the District of Columbia, including a ban on powerful semiautomatic weapons in the nation’s capital. The group also blocked common-sense efforts in Congress to bar people on the F.B.I.’s terrorist watch list from buying guns and explosives. ..." ...

"Finally, the gun lobby has filed two lawsuits in federal court in Lubbock, Tex., to compel the State of Texas to allow young people between the ages of 18 and 20 years old to buy handguns and carry them concealed in public places." ...

We Are All German Jews Now
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The introduction of so-called porno scanners at America’s airports and the egregious pat downs of airline travelers have turned every American into a German Jew. ..." ...

"... one should do more than only consider just the ultimate horrors of what went on in Nazi Germany. One must think about the road that was traveled by the Germans to get to that point."

"I believe one of the most serious misunderstandings about totalitarianism is that it arrives as a full package that requires no assembly. That it is put on the people, like a winter coat. All at one time, and in full view for all to see." ...

"No, they haven’t pulled up the trains in America, yet. But, when the trains do pull up, it is too late." ...

OR: Coffee shop robber shot by armed employee
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An armed coffee shop employee reportedly shot a robber in self defense."

"Police say that at about 9:00pm, a pair of men entered a coffee shop on the 2100 block of Franklin Blvd in Eugene, OR, as part of a robbery plot ..." ...

TN: Armed wife saves her husband from a violent home invader
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A woman reportedly used a handgun to stop the violent intruder who had just shot her husband."

"Police say that two robbers, whose faces may have been partially covered, kicked in the door of a home on the 200 block of Colonial Drive in Knoxville, TN. One of the robbers is said to have shot and beaten the husband, at which point his wife retrieved their .357 magnum home defense handgun and fired ..." ...

OR: Adams’ gun plan loaded with issues
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It should be no surprise that Mayor Sam Adams’ gun safety proposals are being viewed through the prism of race."

"Adams unveiled his ideas in August, shortly after a spike in shootings involving black gangs. When the City Council held its first hearing on the proposals last Thursday, Adams’ office presented an overview that noted racial disparities in gun-related crimes." ...

NH: Articles seek to curtail sale of martial arts weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A beach beautification volunteer who was shot in the back in April with a blow dart from a passing car has put forth two petition warrant articles to go before voters in March to deal with the problem of martial arts weapons being sold at Hampton Beach." ...

"Selectmen previously rejected [prohibiting sales] for fear that it may constitute a Second Amendment challenge." ...

"But Gebhart said the article is not prohibiting the sale, it is just prohibiting where it is sold."

"White said the [NRA] ... has no issue with the weapons sold in these stores since they are only martial arts weapons."

"The NRA, she said, will not get involved."

Submitter's Note: Sure, just like the city of Minneapolis, MN zoning laws don't prohibit firearm shops, they just restrict their locations. Oh, wait, you mean there's no place in the entire city that meets those location restrictions? Oopsie!

Illustration at issue in latest Righthaven copyright lawsuits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In another Righthaven development, the nonprofit Virginia Citizens Defense League Inc. (VCDL) on Nov. 19 filed a motion for dismissal of the Righthaven case against it."

"The league, which advances the Second Amendment right to keep and bear firearms, sought dismissal on jurisdictional grounds many other Righthaven defendants have asserted."

"The league has no members in Nevada and does no business in Nevada; and the defendants have done nothing to warrant jurisdiction of the Nevada court, their attorneys argued." ...

NJ: Groups Back Citizens In Legal Battle Over Second Amendment Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment Foundation and the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs (ANJRPC) have joined six private citizens to file a lawsuit against New Jersey officials on charges of depriving individuals of their civil rights."

"Those citizens had applications for gun-carrying permits denied because state officials said they did not show "justifiable need" for the weapons. One of the plaintiffs is a kidnap victim, while another is a part-time sheriff's deputy. One of the individuals who was denied a permit carries large amounts of cash as part of his private business, while another is a civilian employee for the FBI." ...

TX: NRA opens new front in gun rights battle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In two recently filed court cases that could expand gun rights if they are successful, two Lubbock men are challenging federal and state laws that limit 18-to-20-year-olds from buying handguns and carrying them as concealed weapons." ...

Submitter's Note: Actually the federal law prohibits 18 - 20 year-olds from buying handguns from a FFL. It is perfectly legal for them to buy from private parties or receive handguns as gifts.

Obama’s Pick for ATF Chief Is Anti-Gun, Say Pro-Second Amendment Groups
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun rights advocates are unhappy with President Barack Obama’s pick to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).Obama announced on Nov. 15 his intent to nominate Andrew Traver, presently the special agent in charge of the ATF’s Chicago office, to be the director of the agency."

"Both the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) criticized the president’s selection." ...

How to beat the terrorists? Revamp the TSA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I don't usually side with the right on most issues. ..."

"From time to time, however, I come across an issue where the right is… right. One of those issues is the second amendment right to bear arms. Though I loath handgun deaths as much as the next citizen, they are the price we pay for the right to defend ourselves and our communities. There is a similar cost for our first amendment protections. Exposure to the bigoted posters of the Westboro Baptist church is the price we pay for freedom of speech." ...

Submitter's Note: Except, of course, for the fact that the right to keep and bear arms has nothing to do with the rate of 'handgun deaths'. And what beverages does one serve at a handgun's wake?

WA: Video Shows Seattle Cop Kicking 17-Year-Old Boy in the Groin Even Though His Hands Were Up; SPD Begins Misconduct Investigation; KIRO Says SPD Had Video for Some Time But Did Nothing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Stranger has learned about a video that the SPD has had in evidence for a while but didn't use to reprimand its officer until today, which shows a Seattle cop kicking a 17-year-old boy in the groin even though his hands were up and wasn't a threat to the officers, according to several sources. The youth reportedly fell to the floor and then the officer proceeded to kick him in the chest and face. Police were looking for the perpetrator of an assault ... and found the teen, who was one of the suspects ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Jeez people, don't you recognize a distraction blow when you see one?

OH: Felicity Police Officer Gets Probation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Felicity Police officer today received probation after pleading guilty plea to a charge of tampering with evidence. 42 year old police captain Delmas Pack arrest centered on allegations that drug and property evidence which he seized during arrests that never made it to the lockup."

"Officials set up a sting on July 12th and they say Pack went for their bait but refused to give further details." ...

AL: Probation revoked for former Headland police officer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Headland police officer arrested recently on a felony drug charge will have to serve two years behind bars after a judge revoked his probation on Monday for an earlier criminal case."

"Henry County District Attorney Doug Valeska said Circuit Court Judge Kevin Moulton revoked the probation for Jason Carey Hughes and ordered him to serve 24 months in the Henry County Jail." ...

Canada: Busted for catching thieves
Submitted by: none

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"John Hutchins is facing assault with a weapon charges for chasing down and 'subduing' a young thief he caught in the act."

"No, Hutchins is not another Chinatown grocer. Instead, he owns a vast used auto parts lot which he says has become a virtual candy store for thieves who help themselves."

"And he complains the local cops have done nothing to stop them." ...

"'The cops come and do nothing,' he complains ... 'The first time I called, they said it was my fault because I have stuff on my property that they want to steal.'" ...

CA: Open carry advocates to face protest Saturday
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A group that advocates the right to openly carry unloaded guns will be protested by opponents during a meeting and toy drive at a restaurant in Pleasant Hill on Saturday." ...

"Saturday's meeting was meant to be low-key, but then Karen Arntzen got a Google Alert about it a couple of weeks ago."

Arntzen works with the Contra Costa County chapter of the Brady Campaign ... when she found out about the meeting, she decided to organize people to picket it."

"'This is a public health and safety issue, carrying a lethal weapon into a restaurant where children and families are dining,' she said. 'This is a very misguided attempt to exercise a right that really doesn't make any sense in society today.'" ...

AL: Writer wrong about weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ms. Weldon's seemingly biased understanding of the method of purchase and ownership of firearms is wrong. She does not understand the meaning of the Second Amendment."

"It does not stipulate that the militia, as she insinuates, is the only organization that should possess firearms. What part of 'the right of the people' and 'shall not be infringed' does she not understand?" ...

NJ: State, judges sued over firearms rules
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A new lawsuit has been filed against state officials and several judges in New Jersey over procedures that allowed them to refuse firearms permits for a kidnap victim, a man who carries large amounts of cash for his business and a civilian FBI employee who fears attacks from radical Islamists."

"'Do citizens need guns to their heads or knives to their throats before the state considers their need to be justified?' said Alan Gottlieb, the executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation, which is pursuing the case." ...

SC: Gun enthusiasts gear up for state sales tax holiday
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"South Carolinians will be able to exercise their Second Amendment right to bear arms a little more cheaply this weekend thanks to the third annual Second Amendment Sales Tax Holiday for 2010."

"Handguns, rifles and shotguns are all exempt from sales tax beginning at 12:01 a.m. Friday and ending at midnight Saturday."

"Joshua Boan has been saving his money to buy a handgun for about a year." ...

MO: Columnist uses easy assumptions, not facts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mr. Everett, in your column last Friday ('Does Tea Party have staying power?'), you said the following: 'Tea party members are generally anti-abortion, pro-gun, anti-gay, creationists and right-wing, Bible thumping Christians.' How can you generalize a group about which you know very little?" ...

"How many Tea Party members do you know? What is 'ill-defined' about wanting a smaller, more efficient, Constitution-based federal government? ... I am a God-fearing, independent, pro-Second Amendment, right-sided, fiscally conservative constitutionalist, and if that makes me a 'Tea Partier' then I am proud of it." ...

You can never have a revolution to establish a democracy. You must have a democracy in order to have a revolution. — G.K. Chesterton, English journalist and author, 1955

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