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Newslinks for 11/27/2002

UK: Former politician's bodyguard attacks dancer in James Bond production - for waving prop toy gun
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"FORMER Prime Minister John Major was at the centre of a security scare when a dancer waved a toy gun at him."

"A bodyguard protecting Mr Major during a concert pounced on dancer Jordi Guitart and grabbed the plastic pistol."

"But he continued his performance in a concert to celebrate 40 years of Bond films at the Corn Exchange, Cambridge."

"Jordi, who has danced in several West End musicals, said: 'I didn't realise John Major was in the audience and I don't really know who he is.' " ...
Talk about "protected class". A British subject cannot use force to protect himself/herself on the street from a real attack with a real firearm, but a retired politician has a bodyguard to "protect" him from a toy "wielded" by an actor during a theatrical production. Hello?

TX: NT police brush up on firearm skills
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"All NT police officers are receiving annual firearms certification through a series of training sessions at the Denton Police Department's firing range today.

"The Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education is a national organization that sets requirements of how often officers must train for re-certification in weapons use.

" '[The commission] requires that officers re-certify once a year with on-duty weapons,' said NT Police firearms instructor Sgt. Greg Prickett." ...

OH: Akron seeks new violent-youth law
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"Akron school board members approved a resolution Monday night urging state leaders to change a law that allows violent youths to go directly from prison to public school."

"The resolution was the latest effort by local officials to address concerns over an October incident in which a 17-year-old parolee allegedly stabbed an elderly couple after fleeing Firestone High School. The teen, who was being held for fighting at Firestone, had recently been released from youth prison after serving four years for rape." ...

Sniper Victim Feels Slighted
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Paul LaRuffa of Clinton was shot six times at close range with a handgun... The restaurant's receipts and his laptop computer were stolen. Police said the computer was later found in John Allen Muhammad and John Lee Malvo's car."

"Yesterday, the Victims' Rights Foundation handed out $260,000 to 14 victims and the families of people attacked in Maryland and Virginia. Foundation founder Gregory Wims says victims shot at short range or who were robbed did not quality for the money." ...

Hurdles remain for arming airline pilots
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"...pilot labor groups now turn their attention to resolving a number of regulatory hurdles that must be addressed before crews can be armed... These issues range from which pilots can be armed to whether aviators will carry weapons onto the plane or store them in the cockpit."

" 'Those pilots who volunteer and qualify should be allowed to carry firearms as soon as possible,' said Al Aitken, an American Airlines pilot and member of the carrier's pilots' union, the Allied Pilots Association." ...

IN: Experts say hunting isn't a risky pastime
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The three deaths, plus one earlier this year, equal the hunting gunshot-related deaths from the previous six years combined. But the tragic accidents don't mean careful hunting is an inherently risky activity, Jon Marshall, a spokesman for the state Department of Natural Resources, said Monday."

" 'It's certainly far more dangerous to drive to a location that you're hunting than it is to hunt. The risk is relative,' Marshall said." ...

Canada: "River of guns flows freely south to north"
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Much ink has been spilled analyzing how Jamaican expatriates have been central to this carnage, but almost no attention has been paid to the role played by the United States. Yet police say that more than half the handguns discovered in the course of an investigation were smuggled into Canada across the border."

"...only tentative steps have been made to deal with the issue. There's an understandable sense that it's unlikely that Americans are going to rethink their love of firearms." ...
That sense is correct. Banned cocaine is freely available in Toronto, too. Prohibitions don't work, never have, never will. Supply and Demand produces black markets for banned items in nations where capture means death. Denying this fact is denying reality -- a tragically unsound pastime reserved for children and gun banners.

OH: Burglary victim turns the tables on two men
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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Another story that ruins the standard law enforcement line to "not resist" and "give them what they want."
"Nichols confronted Hubbard, while Williams fled the scene on foot. Nichols then overpowered Hubbard, knocked him unconscious and contacted authorities."

"Prior to sheriff's deputies arriving at his home, Nichols discovered several other of his weapons in a pickup truck driven by Hubbard. In all, the thieves would have made away with six guns had Nichols not spoiled their plan." ...

UK: Brave officers praised for gun incident
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"THREE police officers who faced a gunman are among several honoured tonight...

"Pc Paul Hutchinson, Pc Lena Horner and Pc Peter Brooke were called to a disturbance in Birstall, but when they arrived a man pulled out a gun and pointed it at Pc Hutchinson...

"He later gave himself up. He was charged with criminal damage and possessing a firearm with intent to cause fear or violence and was jailed for three years and six months." ...

OR: The Eugene City Council Passes a Resolution Opposing the USA Patriot Act
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The Eugene City Council passed a resolution Monday night opposing the USA Patriot Act. Congress passed the legislation shortly after September 11th in hopes of cracking down on terrorism."

"Eugene Councilors agreed to pass a resolution after listening to dozens speak out on the controversial anti-terrorism law during a public forum at the Eugene City Hall." ...

Canada: "Gun groups...are attempting to sabotage the Canadian gun registry"
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Gun groups and a Canadian Alliance MP are attempting to sabotage the Canadian gun registry, says a federal official."

"David Austin, spokesperson with the Canadian Firearms Centre, said groups such as the Law-abiding Unregistered Firearms Association (LUFA) have set out to scuttle Ottawa's effort to register guns by urging people to deliberately clog the centre's toll-free telephone lines." ...

"Bruce Hutton, founder of LUFA, was pleased to hear there have been lengthy delays for people phoning the firearms centre. 'If they're (the government) bitching, it means this is working,' he said Monday. 'They haven't seen anything yet. We're really going to get the campaign rolling next month.' "


If you plan on traveling in Canada, might have a friend or family member who may be traveling in Canada, or hunting in Canada, or if you would like to understand the Canadian registration edict being resisted by Canadian gun owners, perhaps it might make sense to use their toll-free number to speak to them at length about these matters and to request their "free packet of information."

PHONE: 1 800 731-4000 (toll free)

Anti-corporation liberal admits to murdering police officer in California
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A man who allegedly said on a Web site that he killed a police officer in California to help stop the use of 'police-state tactics' surrendered Tuesday after a standoff at a hotel, police said."

"Andrew Hampton McCrae of Olympia, Wash., came out of a hotel room at about 10 a.m. after several hours of negotiations. McCrae is charged in a fugitive warrant with killing officer David Mobilio in Red Bluff, Calif., on Nov. 19. The warrant says he is also known as Andrew Mickel." ...

"The letter said the name for the corporation, 'Proud and Insolent Youth,' was taken from the story of 'Peter Pan.' He said the fictional Peter 'hates pirates and I hate pirates, and corporations are nothing but a bunch of pirates.' " ...


Mr. anti-corporation liberal cop killer murdered a good and decent police officer who left a wife and a 19-month-old son behind. Officer Dave Mobilio was on a first name basis with local children at the school where his wife teaches the fourth grade. He spent his time trying to help young kids understand the dangers of getting involved in drugs. Officer Mobilio had no known enemies and was randomly selected -- not because he was a corrupt cop, or even a bad person, but because he wore a badge.

The Red Bluff Police Department's website offers an online guestbook where people can express their condolences.

There is also a fund established to help Linda Mobilio and her son Luke get past this rocky road.

Police arrest six on suspicion of IRA gun-smuggling plot from Florida
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Northern Ireland police arrested six people on Tuesday suspected of involvement in a 3-year-old plot to smuggle firearms from Florida to the outlawed Irish Republican Army."

"The four men and two women arrested in Belfast and the Catholic village of Dunloy were being interrogated on suspicion of involvement in the 'illegal importation of firearms by republican terrorists,' a police statement said." ...

Pilot Gun-Training Deadline Set
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The homeland security bill signed into law yesterday mandates that training begin by the end of February for commercial airline pilots who want to carry firearms in the cockpit. But a key adviser to the program predicts that far fewer than the estimated 30,000 eligible pilots will sign up." ...

Canada: Packing guns on B.C. Ferries OK again
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Foot passengers are again permitted to take licensed firearms on B.C. Ferries under a policy quietly reintroduced by the ferry corporation."

"At the same time that B.C. Ferries has hired a private security firm to look at ways of making its vessels safer, it has flip-flopped on its firearms policy." ...
This anti-gun reporter had to quote ignorant, socialized children to foster an anti-gun, anti-hunter position.

AZ: Distaff shooters take aim at Gunsite
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Smiling proudly in the late afternoon sun, Bea Hutchinson showed off a paper target that she’d just shot full of holes at the Gunsite Academy Inc. beginner’s range Saturday."

" 'I came here under protest, so I hate to admit it, but I had a great time,' said Hutchinson, a retired Honeywell computer operator living in Prescott. 'I’m very happy I came.' "

"Hutchinson said she was 'absolutely terrified' of firearms but decided to enroll in the 'Women on Target' one-day class at the gentle urging of her husband, Craig Hutchinson." ...

Federal Gun control bill unwisely targets the wrong people
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"As gun control goes, H.R. 4757 sounds great, right down to its sweet name: Our Lady of Peace Act."

"It isn't until you get past the name and into the meaning that an Orwellian specter arises." ...

Global Eye - Rough Beast
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"We've said it before, and we'll keep on saying it: A country whose leader has the power to imprison any citizen, on his order alone, and hold them indefinitely, in military custody, without access to the courts, without a lawyer, without any charges, their fate determined solely by the leader's arbitrary whim -- that country is a tyranny, not a democracy, not a republic, not a union of free citizens... "

FL: "Florida Judge Cope Shows His True Colors"
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"On September 12, 2002 we published an article by Reporter David Sommer under the title of 'Florida Judge Faces Criminal Charges In California.' Because the article is brief, we shall republish it as a foundation of understanding for our readers so they may grasp the import of the article that follows, entitled 'Cope's bully tactics.' Therein, it explains how Judge Cope, after facing some very serious crimes, including stealing a hotel room key from two women, attempting to enter their room while they were sleeping and making a false statement to a Carmel police officer who arrested him after the alleged break-in attempt, and although he made indicting admissions to his acts, and was covered for because he was a judge, now wants the taxpayers to pay him $389,000 for attorney's fees and costs. Will wonders ever cease?"

AZ: Officer facing drunk driving charge in Az.
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A Worth police officer recently cleared of alcohol-related misconduct is facing drunken driving charges in Arizona for crashing his girlfriend's van on his way to pick up her daughter, according to a police report obtained by the Daily Southtown."

"Officer Brian Ferjak, 48, was arrested in Avondale, Ariz., a western suburb of Phoenix, on Nov. 16 — four days after a disciplinary panel in Worth found Ferjak innocent of failing to complete alcohol and anger management treatment, and of carrying a gun without permission." ...

"Avondale police have charged Ferjak with drunken driving, driving with a blood-alcohol content of more than 0.08 and extreme drunken driving — an Arizona law targeting drivers with BACs of 0.15 or more, the report said." ...

Capitol Treasure Uncovered Containing Signatures of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The handwriting is a fastidious cursive, the signatures include those of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, the columns record an era when senators were paid the lofty wage of $6 a day."

"Had Senate aides not stumbled upon the unassuming brown ledger last Tuesday, lying on a shelf in a basement storage room, workers clearing space for construction of a new visitors' center would have tossed it into the trash two days later." ...

UK: Intruders shoot at householder
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Intruders opened fire on a man as he chased them from his house."

"The incident happened at about 12.30am in Henton Road, off Hinckley Road, Leicester, when a resident disturbed two people trying to enter his terraced home."

"He gave chase and the suspects fired shots before running off towards Hinckley Road. No one was injured during the incident." ...

Homeland Security Is the Largest Federal Expansion in 50 Years
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The administration and Congress put the finishing touches on the monstrous Homeland Security bill last week, creating the first new federal department since the Department of Defense at the end of World War II. Laughably, the new department has been characterized as merely a 'reorganization' of existing agencies, even though I notice no department was abolished to make up for it!" ...

Bread and Circuses or Bread Lines and Body Bags?
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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Mr. Wrights asks, "where are they?" I'll tell you where they are: they are at "The Circus." They are too busy living their lives through Hollywood and professional sports to recognize the reality we are actually living in. I read somewhere that the show "Baywatch" seriously contributes to the stability of several Latin American countries. Hell, if a couple of bad actresses with store-bought D-cups can do that, just think what "The Man Show" is doing to us!

Nigerian Muslim gov't officials encourage murder of (another) writer
Submitted by: Anonymous

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LAGOS, Nigeria - "The deputy governor of a largely Islamic state in northern Nigeria has called on Muslims to kill the Nigerian writer of a newspaper article about the Miss World beauty pageant that sparked deadly religious riots."

" 'Just like the blasphemous Indian writer Salman Rushdie, the blood of Isioma Daniel can be shed,' Zamfara Deputy Governor Mahamoud Shinkafi told a gathering of Muslim groups in the state capital, Gusau, on Monday." ...

OH: Ex-Lafayette police chief facing additional charge
Submitted by: P. Jones

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MEDINA - "Former Lafayette Township Police Chief Rick A. Schmidt was dealt another blow as he prepares for a trial next week on a charge of rape."

"A Medina County grand jury indicted Schmidt, 36, on Monday on a second charge of intimidation of a witness -- this one from a 1993 incident."

"In addition to the new intimidation charge, Schmidt has been charged with two counts of gross sexual imposition, one count of burglary and a charge of witness intimidation for an alleged incident in July."

"The charges involve several area victims." ...

Canada: Inuit seek exemption from gun registry bill
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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The website address for this report is too long for our Newslinks system. Click Here for the full story.
"A major aboriginal group has teamed up with the government of Nunavut in asking the courts to exempt Inuit from the new gun registration laws."

"Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. (NTI), the agency that administers the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement, filed a notice of motion Tuesday in the Nunavut Court of Justice. It seeks an injunction to stay the application of the registration provisions of the Firearms Act and Criminal Code."

"The agency had launched a legal challenge of the law back in June 2000, arguing that it violates Inuit rights under the land claim agreement."

" 'The Nunavut Land Claims Agreement explicitly states that Inuit have the right to hunt and harvest without any form of licence or permit and without imposition of any form of tax or fee,' NTI vice-president James Eetoolook said in a news release. 'The Firearms Act and its regulations directly conflict with our treaty rights. These rules make potential criminals of Inuit hunters who are trying to feed their families and live their culture.' "

"Inuit people have long argued that it is difficult for them to comply with the registration laws and that registration fees may be prohibitive to many Inuit hunters. Eetoolook noted that even those who have tried to comply have been hampered by the closure of the Nunavut firearms office and the lack of forms and service in the Inuktitut language." ...

"The law, passed in 1995, requires that every gun owner get a licence and register every firearm they own by Jan. 1, 2003."

OH: Committee To Debut New HB274 Next Week
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry

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Ohioans For Concealed Carry has learned that the Senate committee re-working HB274 with "The Ohio FOP" will likely hold hearings on HB274 on next Wednesday, December 3rd, 4th, or 5th. It is imperative that you contact your Senator NOW.

Rumors are flying, some claiming Governor Taft is insisting on safe-storage legislation for CCW. Please use our website tool to identify and call your Senator. Insist that HB274 be passed without modifications or more gun control.

GA: Wounded hiker thanks shooter for aid
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Atlanta Journal Constitution reports on the accidental shooting of a 16-year-old female hiker by a hunter who then ran to her aid and stayed by her side until she was taken to the hospital. He was charged with felony negligent discharge of a firearm and upon his release went to the hospital again to apologize.

The Hiker has nothing but good things to say about the hunter.

Man who attacked little girl with claw hammer can stand trial
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Hammer attack suspect Chad Hagaman was not insane when he critically injured a Lilburn elementary school student, according to a mental health evaluation."

"A state psychologist also determined Hagaman, 30, a self-described paranoid schizophrenic, is competent to stand trial in the Feb. 21 incident, Gwinnett District Attorney Danny Porter said Monday. Hagaman is charged with aggravated assault and aggravated battery for a random claw hammer attack on 10-year-old Anna Elisabeth Leake." ...

"Hagaman lived with his mother in a home less than a mile from the attack at Mountain Park Elementary. After his arrest, he told police he heard voices that instructed him to harm a child or he would be killed." ...
And it's illegal for any teachers to have firearms to protect children from such lunatics -- regardless of how well-trained they may be.

UK: Police brief MPs on black gun crime - 18 dead this year in London alone
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The detective in charge of investigating black-on-black gun crime in London is urging MPs to support mandatory five-year sentences for possessing weapons."

"This year, 18 young black men have been murdered in the capital and more than 170 have become victims of non-fatal shootings."

"Detective Chief Superintendent Andy Sellers says up to 40% of these crimes are unsolvable because black witnesses are reluctant to give evidence."

"Mr Sellers, who leads the Metropolitan Police's Operation Trident investigation team, says this is often as a result of intimidation." ...

"...much of the blame can be traced to the turf wars between gangs competing for the lucrative market in crack cocaine, not just in London but Birmingham, Nottingham, Bristol, Manchester and elsewhere." ...

AZ: Mesa police ordered to pay $500,000 to mistaken identity (incompetence) victim
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Aaron S. Markley was an Arizona State University honors student until Mesa police mistook his identity."

"He had to drop out of school, lost a home he and his wife had purchased, and spent $40,000 clearing his name."

"This week, Mesa police were ordered to shell out $500,000 after a Maricopa County jury found the department was negligent when it falsely accused Markley of selling drugs."

"The jury also found gross negligence against then-undercover Detective Elizabeth Horn."

"Markley, 32, of Mesa, was accused by police of selling methamphetamines to Horn in April 1998 from a trailer. The arrest was not made at the time of the drug purchase to protect the officer's identity. But when officers returned to the trailer to make the arrest, the suspect was gone."

"The mix-up came when police tried to find the suspect but misidentified Markley as the drug dealer because of a similarity in the spelling of his name." ...

"Markley was at a gun show with his mother in January 2000 when he discovered there was an outstanding warrant against him after he tried to purchase a gun. He turned himself in and was arrested and released on his own recognizance." ...

" 'He had to urinate in a bottle twice a week with frontal observation. It was very humiliating,' [attorney Larry] Debus said." ...

NY: Killer of five at Wendy's Unarmed Victim Zone hamburger joint sentenced to death
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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NEW YORK - "The man behind a robbery-massacre at a Wendy's restaurant was sentenced to death Tuesday, more than two years after he and an accomplice herded seven employees into a freezer and murdered five of them."

"John Taylor, 38, stood stone-faced as the jury's decision was read while the victims' family wept quietly in the courtroom. He was sentenced to die by injection for killing two of the employees, but prosecutors say he plotted the attack and commanded his mentally retarded accomplice to kill."

"The robbery netted about $2,400, mostly coins." ...
Wendy's had an anti-self-defense policy, and it's not exactly easy to get a handgun "permit" in Queens, New York. The restaurant is partly responsible, as is the City. May each be sued into oblivion for denial of basic human rights.

Canada: "Stray police gun triggers probe"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Victoria Police Chief Paul Battershill has asked his officers to check their lockers and workspaces for missing revolvers, after a loaded 'retired' Victoria police revolver was found in the possession of a Vancouver gang member."

"In an e-mail obtained by the Times Colonist Monday, Battershill informed his officers that the department has filed a Police Act complaint against itself." ...

"Battershill, who became chief in 1999, said he wasn't too happy to hear about the missing Victoria police revolver recovered by the Vancouver gang unit. 'The last thing you want is a criminal in possession of a police firearm,' he said."

"The chief is not sure if the loaded Victoria police revolver had been used to commit crimes. The gun, which is still in Vancouver, will be sent to the firearms section of the RCMP forensic lab to check the ballistics against unsolved crimes." ...

IL: Recovered gun stolen from gun shop in October may be murder weapon
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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JOLIET — "The handgun found Nov. 18 up the street from the last known residence of a man charged with murder was stolen from a Lockport Township sporting goods store."

"The .40-caliber Glock discovered in a pile of trash on West Bellarmine Drive is one of 28 handguns boosted from Rinks Gun & Sport on Oct. 19."

"A woman cleaning up garbage behind a house several doors up and across the street from the last known residence of accused killer Corzell Cole happened upon the gun and placed an anonymous call to police, said Cmdr. Fred Hayes."

"Officers responding to the 500 block of Bellarmine found the Glock wrapped in a white bag and left in a trash pile. The handgun was loaded with a full magazine, and 10 more rounds were found in separate bag nearby, police said."

"Detectives are still testing the firearm to see if it is the murder weapon from the Nov. 1 slaying of 38-year-old David Woods." ...

OH: Taft puts conditions on gun (concealed carry) legislation
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"Gov. Bob Taft is leaning toward making legislation requiring safe storage of firearms a new condition for winning his approval of a bill that would allow Ohioans to carry concealed weapons, a well-placed Statehouse source said Monday."

"The safe-storage provision would be in addition to Taft’s requirement that any concealed-weapons bill have the support of major law enforcement groups, said the source, who declined to be identified." ...

"Taft has said he would be against the bill as long as major law enforcement groups oppose it. The Fraternal Order Police (Ohio) is one of the groups that remains opposed, although the Buckeye State Sheriffs' Association supports the bill." ...

"Two other law enforcement groups that have been opposed to the bill, the Ohio Highway Patrol and the Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police, also have provided him and his committee with more limited comments on the issue, Jacobson said." ...

UK: Masked gunman robs security van, gets away with cash
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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NOTE: The website address for this report is too long for our Newslinks system. Click Here for the full story.
"A masked man threatened a security van driver with a handgun last night and made off with an undisclosed amount of cash."

"The driver was robbed just after 5.30pm, shortly after arriving at Field Road Service Station in Mildenhall."

"A man approached the driver brandishing what appeared to be a handgun and demanded cash. He handed over a quantity of cash on the Esso service station forecourt before the robber left on foot."

"No shots were fired and no one was injured during the raid."

"It is the third time the service station has been at the centre of a robbery investigation." ...

Man Arrested for Carrying ".9 mm" Gun at Airport
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A Metro Atlanta man was arrested Tuesday when he tried to board a plane with a gun at Hartsfield International Airport."

"James Todd was taken into custody after officials discovered a loaded .9 mm handgun in his carry-on luggage. Todd said he forgot he had the gun."

" 'Everybody has one of four answers: I forgot, I didn’t know, or it belonged to my husband and wife and his story fell into one of those four categories,' Hartsfield Security Chief Willie Williams said. 'It’s very difficult not to know that you have a loaded .9 mm firearm in your carry-on baggage.' " ...


Be very careful of the dreaded and heretofore unknown ".9mm" round. It may be extremely scrawny, but it moves really fast.

Fortunately, the reporter on this harrowing case, Jon Shirek -- not to be confused with Shrek, the green thingie in the movie -- is a "decorated Journalist"; he'll warn us when any of these new, skinny rounds show up on the streets. (Isn't this the reporter who also saved the day by urging people to watch out for the feared "semi-automatic revolvers"?)

Canada: Violent turf warfare over crack cocaine trade no longer limited to Toronto
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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NOTE: The website address for this report is too long for our Newslinks system. Click Here for the full story.
HAMILTON, ONTARIO — "Hamilton Police Chief Ken Robertson is declaring war on a turf war over the city's crack cocaine trade."

"Robertson said yesterday that he will not tolerate gunplay in the streets and will devote all resources necessary to stamp it out."

"That statement was prompted by a series of weekend shootings that police say are linked to drugs. And, though there were no injuries, police say the violence is escalating."

"Investigators have seized two shotguns and a handgun hidden in a downtown yard they believe were used in three shootings — two of them within 45 minutes early yesterday — that they have linked to the crack cocaine trade."

"A fourth shooting on Saturday is not being linked." ...

"In all, police are investigating five weekend incidents involving weapons, including a threatening involving a shotgun. Shots were fired in four incidents, including the three linked to the drug trade." ...

NC: Turkey shoot ruffles feathers of neighbors
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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The owner of a grocery store which doubles as the site of a turkey shoot says she is continuing an old rural tradition.

"The turkey shoot has been going on in our community for more than 50 years," said Betty Lewis, who owns the Chalybeate Store between Lillington and Fuquay-Varina. "It's just good clean fun."
But people who live near the store on U.S. 401 say the noise from the gunfire is a nuisance.

Unarmed, victim-prone woman robbed three times - apparently hasn't learned her lesson
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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PENNSYLVANIA -- "Family Dollar store manager Teresa Menear has said that she has nine lives."

"She survived being stabbed in the face, neck and hands during an attempted robbery last year. She escaped injury when two men — one wielding a knife and the other a gun — held up the store again in March."

"Then on Monday morning, she became the victim of another robbery, this time by two men waiting in her vehicle." ...

"It marked the fourth time in two years that police have been called to the store for a robbery or attempted robbery. Police have made arrests in two of the cases." ...
Feed a stray cat and it comes back.

Shoot a rabid dog and it doesn't.

The sign on the front of her store says:
Thank you for Shopping Family Dollar

MD: Police Commissioner urges death penalty in Officer killing
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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Off-Duty Cop ambushed, shot dead by armed criminals
"Baltimore Police Commissioner Edward T. Norris said last night that prosecutors should seek the death penalty for three men charged in the execution-style killing of an off-duty detective who was ambushed early Saturday outside a city tavern." ...

Japan: "Sinking under rising crime rates"
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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Less guns, more crime...
"A JAPANESE Government white paper on crime released last week has demolished the myth that Japan is the safest country in the world."

"According to the document compiled by the Justice Ministry, the number of criminal cases in 2001 was a post-war record."

"Excluding traffic offences, the number of crimes rose to 2.73 million, up 12 per cent from the previous year."

"The white paper attributed the rise in violent crime to moral degeneration among Japanese people and to decline in the crime prevention functions traditionally provided by the family, schools and local communities."

"And while crime explodes, the arrest rate has been going the backwards, plunging to a post-war low of 19.8 per cent." ...

"The number of violent crimes, which accounted for 7.4 per cent of all criminal offences, stood at 263,000, up 150 per cent since 1997." ...

"The worst murder case in 2001 took place in western Osaka city when a 37-year-old man, Mamoru Takuma stabbed eight students to death and injured more than 20 including three teachers at a primary school in June." ...

Peter King's Monday Morning QB Promotes Anti-gun Movie
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Peter King of Sports Illustrated writes one of the most widely read NFL columns in the country. Every Monday, millions of NFL fans put up with his discussion of his daughter's field hockey exploits for his insight into the world of pro football.

This week, he also included a plug for Bowling for Columbine as the #5 "thought of the week". Everyone should inundate his mailbox with well written attacks on this movie and his inclusion of it in the column.

1) Click Here to send him your comments via the Sports Illustrated website.

2) Email a letter to the editor:

The Disarming of a Bogus Scholar
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Good analysis of the Bellesiles Affair, its impact on the credibility of academia, and bogus scholarship.

"Historian Michael Bellisles' claim that few early Americans owned guns struck a chord with Second Amendment haters. But then others checked his 'facts.' " ...

"Michael Bellisles, who resigned under fire Oct. 25 from his position as history professor at Emory University in Atlanta, probably thought he was doing his career and the cause of gun control a favor when he published "Arming America" in 2000. Now his career is in ruins, the cause of gun control has been set back, and a lot of gun-control advocates - if somewhat belatedly - view Bellisles as a fraud." ...

"Jihad Johnny" Kasi: A Real Islamic Hero
Submitted by: Anonymous

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January 1993: Outraged at U.S. policies toward Muslim countries, Kasi fired an AK-47 into cars lined up outside the CIA headquarters, killing two and wounding five. Then he drove away.

No one had chased him. They would have found him in a nearby park, in his truck, prepared to use more than 100 rounds of ammunition in a gun battle meant to end in a blaze of martyrdom.

November 2002: After Kasi's execution, thousands of Pakistani Muslims attended his funeral, saying "We are Kasi."

OK: Man Accidentally Shot By Police
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Police were investigating a burglary and shooting at a home near Atlanta Avenue and Tecumseh in North Tulsa. After setting up a perimeter in the area, police observed a pickup pass the location and thought it may contain the suspect."

"As police stopped the pickup, the occupant, 41-year-old John Perry, ran from officers, but was caught a short time later. Perry was about to be handcuffed, when he raised up, contacting the officer's pistol, which went off, shooting Perry in the right side." ...

God and China - "97 percent of the world's executions"
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"She never broke when she was tortured with beatings and electrical shocks, and even when she was close to death she refused to disclose the names of members of her congregation or sign a statement renouncing her Christian faith."

"But now, months later, Ma Yuqin abruptly chokes and her eyes well with tears as she recounts her worst memory: As she was being battered in one room, her son was tortured in the next so that each could hear the other's screams..." ...

"Secret Communist Party documents just published in a book, 'China's New Rulers,' underscore the grip of the police. The party documents say approvingly that 60,000 Chinese were killed, either executed or shot by police while fleeing, between 1998 and 2001. That amounts to 15,000 a year, which suggests that 97 percent of the world's executions take place in China. And it's well documented that scores of Christians and members of the Falun Gong sect have died in police custody." ...

Gun control myths: part II
Submitted by: David Bauman

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"Talking facts to gun control zealots is only likely to make them angry. But the rest of us need to know what the facts are. More than that, we need to know that much of what the gun controllers claim as facts will not stand up under scrutiny."

"The grand dogma of the gun controllers is that places with severe restrictions on the ownership of firearms have lower rates of murder and other gun crimes. How do they prove this? Simple. They make comparisons of places where this is true and ignore all comparisons of places where the opposite is true." ...

CA: Gun show opponents plan protest
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"What goes with leaves turning color, a nip in the air and the Thanksgiving holiday?"

"For the 18th year running, it's the gun and knife show, which will be held Saturday and Sunday at the Marin Center. And for the third consecutive year, gun show opponents will be outside protesting the event." ...
Anyone who attends this fine American event is welcome to blow these losers a kiss on behalf of

UK: Science for 11-year-olds: trigger a bomb
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"CHILDREN as young as 11 are being encouraged by the Government to show an interest in bomb-making."

"A briefing document, which tells science teachers how to engage pupils’ interest, includes the suggestion that they 'use ball-bearings to make tilt switches for bombs'."

"Tilt switches, which are triggered by movement, are believed to have been used on the Bali bombs, which killed more than 190 people last month." ...

FL: "Time For Safety"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Regarding "Finding Accountability in Gun Deaths':

I respect William Yelverton's right to his First Amendment views, but it is evident he doesn't respect mine.

Let's set the record straight. If it weren't for the Second Amendment, we wouldn't have a Bill of Rights. He criticizes U.S. Rep. Cliff Stearns for his support of the NRA, while Mr. Yelverton is not in touch with reality.

In Florida, it is already illegal for a person to allow a child access to a weapon. Mr. Yelverton knows the jury came in with a verdict of 45 percent against the Palm Beach County School Board (since the shooting happened in school) and 50 percent against the gun's owner, a family friend.

It would be in the best interest of the young people of Pasco to be taught gun safety in schools. My organization already has NRA gun safety videos in school libraries. I've had calls from mothers of students who said teachers were not aware of the gun safety tapes.

I think it is time [Schools Superintendent] John Long and I sat down and had a talk about implementing a gun safety program in the school system.

President of the Second Amendment Club of America

South Africa: Briton stabbed on beach
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"A British pensioner was stabbed just above his eye after being confronted by a gang of men on a South African beach, it emerged today."

"Norman Greene, 69, and his wife Cathy, 65. from Dorset, were on a beach in Trafalgar, on the south coast of Kwa Zulu Natal near the resort town of Margate, when the attack happened."

"Five men, approaching from two directions, asked the couple for money or food and, when they refused, Mr Greene was stabbed."

"He was taken to Margate Private Hospital after his wife managed to find another family who were sunbathing in the isolated spot."

"The incident, which happened on November 18, left Mr Greene needing three days of hospital treatment but doctors were able to save the sight in his eye." ...

"Gun control laws do not deter criminal use"
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"The prevailing view by gun control advocates is that more restrictive laws will reduce the sale of legal gun purchases, thereby reducing the number of murders perpetrated by guns. This logic is unsound. The war on drugs has done nothing to limit the proliferation of drugs and the use of narcotics. Drugs are a bigger business now than they have ever been. Access to narcotics is not an issue; within five minutes in any major city, one can buy a bag of crack cocaine and it is illegal." ...

UK: Law lords give hundreds of murderers the key to freedom
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"UP TO 70 murderers could be entitled to immediate release and more than 200 have their jail terms cut after a law lords ruling yesterday stripped the Home Secretary of his power to set minimum sentences." ...

"Under the existing system, the trial judge would set a minimum term, which could be amended by the Lord Chief Justice, but the Home Secretary had the final say."

"Now, 2,000 murderers will be eligible to have their sentences reviewed by a judge. Up to 215 could have their sentences cut because the Home Secretary increased the terms recommended by the judges. Of those, between 60 and 70 could be released on licence because they have been in jail for longer than recommended by the judiciary." ...

US soldier shot by Kuwaiti policeman was 'stopped for speeding'
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A United States soldier who was shot by a Kuwaiti policeman on a highway last week said yesterday that the man had accused him of speeding before opening fire on him and his colleague, wounding both.

"He unsnapped his pistol, shot me right here in the chest. My arm went numb and I knew I had been hit," said US Army Reserve Master Sergeant Larry Thomas at the US military medical centre in Landstuhl, Germany."

AZ: Border militia groups are heroes
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"As an investigative journalist, I have gone along with the U.S. Border Patrol on foot and vehicle, in Douglas, Nogales, Tucson and Arivaca, and I have been in the tunnels under Nogales."

"I have also gone under my own aegis by vehicle and on foot."

"The courageous foot soldiers of our Border Patrol are held in political stalemate by bureaucratic rules." ...

The Coming Battle
Submitted by: John Fansler

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If a "gay" marriage must be constitutionally recognized in all states because one state recognizes it, why is a concealed weapons permit not so honored?
"This coming summer, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court is likely to legalize gay marriage. If that happens, a convulsive national battle over gay marriage will break out — right in the middle of the next presidential-election season. The ultimate outcome of our coming national culture war over gay marriage will either be legal gay marriage throughout the United States, or passage of the Federal Marriage Amendment, which defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman. There will be no middle ground." ...

The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them. — Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States; With a Preliminary Review of the Constitutional History of the Colonies and States before the Adoption of the Constitution [Boston, 1833].

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