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Newslinks for 11/27/2007

MN: Becker County Sportsman - Your .22 rimfire as a hunting rifle
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The “twenty two” is everyone’s gun. No rifleman worth his salt can say that he didn’t get his start with this rimfire cartridge. It is the romance, which lasts a lifetime. It has an irresistible appeal for the very young hunter because it fits their dimensions and abilities better than any centerfire cartridge. It isn’t just a boy’s gun. It is the steppingstone to bigger and better things. And it provides benefits to every age group.

NH: Richardson stands out as pro-gun Democrat
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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During his first term as New Mexico's governor, Bill Richardson backed legislation allowing residents to carry concealed weapons. When it became law in 2003, Richardson applied for a permit himself. Although he has said he seldom packs heat, the move was symbolic of a politician who has been largely supportive of gun owners' rights. It also separates Richardson from the other Democrats running for president, who tend to favor more stringent regulation of firearms. Richardson's track record in Congress and in Santa Fe has earned him accolades from the National Rifle Association, which endorsed his reelection as governor last year.

IN: Colleges do not need more guns on campus
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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We would all agree that this nation has seen its share of horrific moments where a person with a gun has taken far too many lives at high school or college campus. No one wants to see that happen, and we all want our schools to be as safe as possible. But, we are concerned about the recent news of a non-partisan group called Students for Concealed Carry on Campus.

Robert Levy finances D.C. gun suit
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Robert A. Levy doesn’t own a gun, but he is at the heart of a Second Amendment case that the Supreme Court agreed to hear last week. Levy, a millionaire and lawyer with lots of Washington connections, used his money to finance a challenge to the District of Columbia statute that prohibits the ownership of handguns.

Attempted burglery in my own "good neighborhood"
Submitted by: Dustin

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I've often heard people say that they don't need to worry about personal protection because they live in a "good neighborhood" with no crime that they're aware of. I lived in such a neighborhood until this past Friday night when the first attempted burglary that I'm aware of in my own "good neighborhood" happened in my own home.

Lucky for the burglar we were out of town for the Thanksgiving Holiday. At 11:49 PM Friday night my alarm was triggered by my garage side door being opened that is in our side yard behind our gate . . .

If not for my guns & my training I would probably find it much more difficult to sleep at night after this event that happened in my own home in my own "good neighborhood." . . .

Patsone v. Com. Of Pennsylvania, U.S. Supreme Court, "The prohibition does not extend to weapons such as pistols that may be supposed to be needed occasionally for self-defense", Jan. 19, 1914
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"...Under the 14th Amendment the objection is two fold; unjustifiably depriving the alien of property, and discrimination against such aliens as a class. . . . the protection of wild life . . ., warrants the discrimination, the means adopted for making it effective also might be adopted. The possession of rifles and shotguns is not necessary for other purposes not within the statute. It is so peculiarly appropriated to the forbidden use that if such a use may be denied to this class, the possession of the instruments desired chiefly for that end also may be. The prohibition does not extend to weapons such as pistols that may be supposed to be needed occasionally for self-defense..."

Obama: My wife sees need for rural gun ownership
Submitted by: Pastor Guest

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"And by the way, Michelle, my wife, she was traveling up, I think, in eastern Iowa, she was driving through this nice, beautiful area, going through all this farmland and hills and rivers and she said 'Boy, it's really pretty up here,' but she said, 'But you know, I can see why if I was living out here, I'd want a gun. Because, you know, 911 is going to take some time before somebody responds. You know what I mean? You know, it's like five miles between every house.'

The Panama, 176 U.S. 535, U.S. Supreme Court, "Yet it must be admitted that arms and ammunition are not contraband of war", Feb. 26, 1900
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"...There were mounted on board the Panama, at the time of her capture, five guns: Two breech-loading Hontoria 9 centimeter guns, one on each side of the ship, with 30 rounds of shot for each; one Maxim rapid-firing gun, on the bridge, with ammunition; and two signal guns, one on each side of the pilot house, with ammunition. She also had on board about twenty Remington rifles, and ten Mauser rifles, with ammunition for each..."

"...But defense is a natural right, and means of defense are lawful in voyages at sea, as in all other dangerous occupations of life..."

"...Yet it must be admitted that arms and ammunition are not contraband of war . . . and solely for her defense against 'enemies, pirates, and assailing thieves,'..."

Firefighters Snooping For The Fed
Submitted by: clell

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It's like a chapter out of Orwell's 1984: the New York City fire department is working closely with the Ministry of Homeland Security.

"The Homeland Security Department is testing a program with the New York City fire department to share intelligence information so firefighters are better prepared when they respond to emergency calls. Homeland Security also trains the New York City fire service how to identify material or behavior that may indicate terrorist activities. If it is successful, the government intends to expand the program to other major metropolitan areas," reports the International Herald Tribune.

NY: PistolCam's reality not in Newburgh's sights
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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It sounded at first as though two Orange County law enforcement agencies would soon pioneer gadgets that could bypass the conflicting witness accounts that often accompany police shootings. But it's now clear that the one department out of the two that actually has an occasional shooting — Newburgh — is far from acquiring the gun-mounted cameras that set off a national media frenzy last month.

Guns on campus is an idea that needs more thought
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Around 8,000 students nationwide have joined Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, a group that argues students licensed to carry concealed weapons should be allowed to pack heat along with carrying textbooks. That raises a difficult issue. We support the right of Americans to own and carry weapons, but in the same breath, we believe it’s a fundamentally bad idea to have teenagers in already difficult emotional situations add the volatile ingredient of firearms to an already potent stew.

Ed.: In fact, SCCC is in favor of licensed *adult* students, faculty, staff & visitors to carry concealed on campus. Don't people even make a cursory effort to research before they spout off-topic opinions?

Rudy Giulaini: Urban Legend
Submitted by: James A. Farmer

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Urban legends have ever been with us, tales passed along — word of mouth, or via the Internet — as factual, often linked to an apocryphal event. Their origins are generally unknown, but given today's instant communication, they can take on an unchallenged verisimilitude, picking up a momentum until they are embedded in the popular culture.

NY: Clue for the Court?
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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As the Supreme Court gets down to work on the big question of the Second Amendment, let us pause to consider the constitution of Massachusetts. One of its magnificent peculiarities is that its bill of rights is written right into the main document. There are some 30 of these articles, ending with the famous formulation in respect of separated powers. It is article 17 that concerns guns. "The people," it says, "have a right to keep and to bear arms for the common defence." There is another sentence about how armies mayn't be maintained without the consent of the legislature and, in any event, shall always be held "in an exact subordination" to civil authority.

DC: An overdue conversation about guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Go to any law school in the country, from Pace to Pepperdine, and the professors will talk your ear off - for three years - about speech rights, religious rights, search and seizure, the right to counsel, the right to due process, the right to sit in the back of the classroom and wish you had taken up accounting. What they likely won't spend more than 15 minutes on is the "right of the people to keep and bear arms." Well, how come? The reason is abundantly clear: While the U.S. Supreme Court has spoken whole libraries about the Bill of Rights, it has barely emitted a murmur about the Second Amendment.

Supreme Court to look at gun law
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed." That's what the U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment says. Last week the Supreme Court agreed to decide what it means. It could be the most far-reaching decision on guns in almost 70 years.

NY: Hunters make safe transition to rifles
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Nine days into the regular hunting season for deer, it doesn't appear that the use of rifles in some Southern Tier counties is having a major impact on safety. At the urging of sportsmen's groups and many county farm bureaus, a new law passed by the state Legislature and signed by the governor this year lifted a longtime ban on rifles for hunting big game in Chemung, Steuben and Yates counties. The intent was to give hunters the most efficient weapons to do the job. Until this season, most hunters used shotguns loaded with slugs, although muzzleloading rifles and handguns are also legal for hunting.

TX: Shooting of Neighbor's Burglars Stirs Debate
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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When he saw two men pry into his neighbor's house with a crowbar earlier this month, Joe Horn did what many people would do: He called 911. But when police had not shown up by the time the suspects were about to leave, the 61-year-old retiree did something most people probably would not: He put down the phone, stepped outside with his shotgun, and killed them. "I'm not going to let them get away with this," Mr. Horn told the 911 dispatcher, who responded: "Property's not worth killing someone over."

PA: Gun cultures clash and Pennsylvanians lose again
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Pennsylvania's diversity showed itself again Tuesday in votes against gun-control bills in a state of hunters, sportsmen and the National Rifle Association. Despite a reasoned, impassioned, at times accusatory 40-minute appeal by Gov. Ed Rendell in a rare appearance before a legislative committee, efforts to limit handgun sales, to give Philadelphia its own gun laws and to require owners to report lost or stolen handguns all failed. The third measure was withdrawn after the first two were voted down. Its chief sponsor, Rep. Jewell Williams, D-Philly, said, "The yahoos win again." The yahoos? "Yeah," he says, "the old boys with the boots and the guns."

GA: Bibb homeowner fires gun at suspected burglars, two arrested
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Bibb County deputies have arrested two men who allegedly abandoned plans to break into an Ashford Chase Court home after the homeowner fired a gun at them, according to a sheriff's office news release.

DC: Guns and the Constitution
Submitted by: clell

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In recent decades, the Supreme Court has discovered any number of new rights not in the explicit text of the Constitution. Now it has the opportunity to validate a right that resides in plain sight--"the right of the people to keep and bear arms" in the Second Amendment.
This week, the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case of District of Columbia v. Heller. In March, the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit declared unconstitutional the District's near-total ban on handgun possession. That 2-1 ruling, written by Judge Laurence Silberman, found that when the Second Amendment spoke of the "right of the people," it meant the right of "individuals," and not some "collective right" held only by state governments or the National Guard.

DC: Taking the Second Amendment to Court
Submitted by: Anonymous

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If the Supreme Court rules against the D.C. ban, all of those other policies may have to be thrown out as well. The implications of that have many anti-gun advocates worried.

Josh Horowitz, the director of the Coalition Against Gun Violence, tells CBS, "It's really unpredictable right now. We're going to write the best briefs we can and hope for the best outcome we can, but its really an unknown at this point."

Critics of the bans argue that they infringe on individuals rights, are ineffective at preventing violence and are unnecessary because of existing laws aimed at keeping guns out of the hands of criminals.

The danger of the Bill of Rights
Submitted by: C. Cope

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I am going prove to you that the right to bear arms is an individual right ... AND a collective right:

Federalist Paper No. 84, by Alexander Hamilton, states:

I go further, and affirm that bills of rights, in the sense and to the extent in which they are contended for, are not only unnecessary in the proposed Constitution, but would even be dangerous.

Continues ...

Now, note that Hamilton says: "Why, for instance, should it be said that the liberty of the press shall not be restrained, when no power is given by which restrictions may be imposed?"

Ed.: The anti-federalists were more correct, I submit, that without a bill of rights, their would be no limit to the amount of power the government would usurp.

U.S. government agency refuses to release property as ordered
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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Consider. You are a law-abiding, honest entrepreneur in business selling legal products to law-abiding citizens. Then one day in June your place of business is raided by U.S. government agents:

Do you know which agency of YOUR government has the audacity to conduct such outrageous behavior? Yeah, probably that one too, but this is your Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms, Tobacco, and Explosives AKA ATF.

This bureau of YOUR government is currently led by acting Director Michael J. Sullivan who is trying to become Director. Sullivan is doing nothing to correct the situation, in fact, he encourages it, as well as the creation of an illegal database of U.S. gun owners, yes, YOU!

Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property . . . Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them. — Thomas Paine, Thoughts on Defensive War (1775).

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