OMG! A School Near A Shooting Range! OMG!
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Bruce Krafft
Website: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/
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"What would you say if there was a shooting range next door to your high school? I would have said 'hell, yes!' and joined said range in a heartbeat. It would have given me a place to shoot when I wasn’t in school, and place to leave my car and shotgun while I was in class. It would have been a win-win for me and my friends, but some people don’t see it that way . . ."
"The school board of Waukee, Iowa is building a middle school and high school in a formerly remote parcel adjacent to the New Pioneer Gun Club. Iowa isn’t known as a hoplophobic nanny state, but some neighbors have their panties in a wad over the construction of a new high school within 650 feet (the horror!) of a shooting range." ... |
Media's Emotional Reaction To Gun Tragedies Fueled 2nd Amendment Doc
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Bruce Krafft
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"When Anita Ingrao and I started to create Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire, it was to be produced for local television and not a feature-length film. We never intended to take on the history of the 2nd Amendment and the debate on guns in our society, but our production timeline intersected with the tragic events of Aurora and Newtown shootings."
"The emotional reactions of the media and those by government officials surrounding events directly related to mental health problems illustrated the need for a logical, fact-based film on guns in America." ... |
Building a 100% California-Made AR-15
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Bruce Krafft
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"Greetings from everyone’s favorite state in the Union! Just kidding. But seriously, half as a political statement and half as an expression of state pride, I decided to build an AR-15 that’s 100% 'Made in California' (a.k.a. People’s Republic of Kalifornia, Commiefornia, Kaliforniastan, et al.). Why in the name of organic granola would anyone want to build a rifle from parts made in, of all places, California? Many Americans care about where their firearm was manufactured. Some people simply want it to be 'Made in the USA,' but others make more specific choices as a matter of regional, state, or civic pride. We California gun owners (all 9 million of us) are no different." ... |
Gear Review: Slogan Outdoors UltraFlex Rifle Sling
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Bruce Krafft
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"Last year, Nick threw me a Slogan Outdoors rubber sling and said, 'Hey. This guy says this is the best sling ever. Try it out.' As you’ve come to expect, we take every bold claim with a healthy dose of skepticism around here. And we take a double shot when someone uses the superlative. A year later, after miles of walking, jogging, bending over, climbing and general abuse, I’m on board. This is the best rifle sling ever made . . ." ... |
NRA says NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg has ruined Thanksgiving
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Bruce Krafft
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"Thanksgiving for the National Rifle Association is a good time to give thanks to the end of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s reign."
"The Second Amendment group on Tuesday used its Thanksgiving message to slam the co-founder of Mayors Against Illegal Guns and his fun-limiting attacks on fatty foods like those on the Thanksgiving table of many Americans."
"'Bloomberg is full of stuffing,' said the NRA under a cartoon picture of the lame duck mayor dressed as a turkey wearing a Pilgrim hat." ... |
Daily Digest: Hometown Lockdown Edition
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Bruce Krafft
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"Today it’s CBS’s turn to spread the FUD, with news (?) of a 'gun' that can be made with items that you can purchase after you clear security at the airport. To make sure we’re on the government watchlist, here’s what you need to manufacture your airport gun: a hair dryer, some 9-volt batteries, an aluminum can, a magazine, a refrigerator magnet clip, dental floss, an anti-perspirant spray can, lithium batteries, some coins, water, and a condom. It looks like something that’d be as likely to kill you as anyone else, but according to CBS12, we should all be very afraid. Click the photo above or here to see the video ..." ... |
Signs Say UK Not As Gun-Free As Some Think
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Bruce Krafft
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"'Gun-crime in the UK may still be rare, but a drive around our roads reveals that it is far closer to home than you might have thought,' dailymail.co.uk reports. 'In fact, hundreds of road signs are peppered with bullet-holes, rather than pellet holes, made by ammunition from illegal firearms.' I like that. UK gun crime 'may still be rare.' In other words, it may not be so rare. Or it’s rare now but it may not be so rare at some point in the indeterminate future. Anyway, 'Former Marine Matt Seiber, 58, who has travelled the land in search of signs that have been shot at, says there is plenty of evidence of illegal firearms if you look for it . . ." ... |
Cashing In On ATF
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Bruce Krafft
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"I once saw a bumper sticker that said something like 'The ATF should be a convenience store not a government agency.' I know why alcohol, tobacco and firearms got lumped into one agency but I think in the last decade or two they have strayed from their mission. About a year ago I got to thinking what if I invested in the stock of alcohol, tobacco, and firearm companies and for diversity in the stock portfolio I would include retailers that sold alcohol, tobacco and/or firearms. I wanted to keep this experiment manageable so I chose four publicly traded companies on the NYSE related to each area of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms (defense industries included) and three retailers . . ." ... |
Pack a Piece
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Bruce Krafft
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"The second amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms from infringement. It was adopted in 1791 along with the rest of the Bill of Rights."
"LAX TSA officer Gerardo Hernandez is dead because he was denied this right. He was a family man protecting us. The only thing he could do before he died was point his trigger finger at the low life Paul Ciancia and shout 'banggitty, bang, bang.'" ... |
Sen. Sessions prevents Schumer's sneak attack on printed guns
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Bruce Krafft
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"With 3-D printed plastic guns, and their supposed 'undetectability,' having been much in the news of late, it might sound odd that a legislator would try to sneak a printed gun ban through Congress, but last Thursday, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) attempted to do just that. On the very day that Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) introduced S. 1774, to extend the so-called 'Undetectable Firearms Act' for one year, Schumer asked that the bill be passed with 'unanimous consent.'"
"In other words, Schumer had hoped to pass the bill without any debate, and without any of the other procedural 'speed bumps' intended to prevent legislation from being forced through before anyone has an opportunity to object. ..." ... |
IL: Prosecutors: Detective was 'reckless' in fatal off-duty shooting (video available)
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Bruce Krafft
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"For the first time in more than 15 years, a Chicago police officer was criminally charged Monday in a fatal, off-duty shooting because Cook County prosecutors said he acted recklessly, opening fire over his left shoulder from inside his car into an alley occupied by at least four people."
"Chicago police Detective Dante Servin, 45, stood with his hands clasped behind his back as his attorney entered a plea of not guilty to charges of involuntary manslaughter, reckless discharge of a firearm and reckless conduct. Servin turned himself in to state's attorney's office investigators earlier in the day and later was ordered released on $75,000 bail." ... |
CT: Maybe We Should Disarm The Police, Too
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Bruce Krafft
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"I would like to agree with Eugene Eagle's letter 'Not An Attack On The Second Amendment' [Nov. 23]. After all, the Second Amendment was written at a time when times were simple. We live in a more complex and civilized society. Therefore, we no longer need the Second Amendment."
"I agree with his statement that 'we would certainly feel safer and less fearful if we did something about reducing the prolific amounts and types of guns.' Fewer guns means fewer shootings. So let's have all law enforcement here in Connecticut turn in all their guns so we can feel safe. The fewer guns, the fewer shootings, right? It's only reasonable." ... |
WA: Gun rights, gun safes and 'gun violence' in King County
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Bruce Krafft
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"Yesterday’s launch of a safe gun storage project by King County Executive Dow Constantine is not getting the resistance of gun rights leaders – who weren’t invited to participate for some unknown reason – that the organizers at the Seattle-King County Public Health office may have anticipated, but it is not because there wasn’t some interesting data manipulation."
"According to the Seattle Times coverage, between 1999 and 2012, 68 'children' aged 17 and younger died from gunshot wounds, 60 percent of which were homicides and nearly 40 percent were suicides. This was from a report by the Public Health agency, which also found that 17 percent of gun owners do not lock up their guns." ... |
MI: Concealed pistol license questions continue
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Bruce Krafft
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"The right to bear arms is very important to Susie Polaski of Iron Mountain." ...
"She received her concealed pistol license training in February of 2012 in Delta County."
"'I went through Superior Weapons and passed the course, got my certification, and got my CPL,' Polaske said."
"But on November 19, she was contacted by the Dickinson County Clerk who notified her that her certification was not proper, so Susie started asking questions. According to her certificate, the course was an 'NRA Personal Protection Inside the Home' course. However, after she was contacted by Dickinson County, she found out the certificate was not an original NRA document, nor were any of the materials she received." ... |
MN: Republican Establishment Should Take Note Of Minnesota GOP Congressional Candidate
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Bruce Krafft
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"It’s no secret that Americans are frustrated with the state of affairs in Washington, D.C., and with the career politicians who are responsible for Nation’s current condition. ... The discontent is creating a new type of unlikely politicians, like Minnesota resident Stewart Mills, who could be the key to repairing the American political system."
"Mills is the vice president of Mills Fleet Farms, a family business specializing in hunting and fishing gear — including many firearms high on gun grabbers’ list — who decided to run for Democratic Representative Rick Nolan’s Congressional seat in northern Minnesota to combat the incumbent’s gun control agenda. ..." ... |