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Newslinks for 11/29/2016

WV: Local Gun Range Opens To The Public
Submitted by: David Williamson

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As the State draws closer to its highly anticipated “buck season,” hunting and gun enthusiasts alike now have a public place in Tucker County to sight in their rifles and hone their shooting skills.

Gun Test: Ruger LCR .327 Federal Magnum
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Ah, the belly gun, the snubnose (short-barreled) revolver. Belly guns have a long history and can be roughly defined as any revolver with a short barrel typically intended for concealed carry. I usually associate the name as coming from carrying the gun tucked into the waistband against the belly for quick and easy access.

NV: No Charges to be Filed Against Man in Fatal Walmart Shooting
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Reno Police do not expect charges to be filed against the man who shot and killed another man after a road rage dispute in a Walmart parking lot on Thursday.

Smith & Wesson And Ruger Face Political Uncertainty In 2017
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Shares of Smith & Wesson and Ruger plummeted roughly 15% on news of a Republican victory due to anticipated tapering of panic sales and hysteria led by 2A proponents. Firearm sales hit record numbers in 2016 but are expected to decline sharply in 2017 as the new administration is no longer considered a threat to the second amendment.

There’s More to Gun Violence Than Mass Shootings and Police
Submitted by: David Williamson

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On average, 33,000 people are killed every year in the United States by means of firearms. All too often, we hear on the news about mass shootings, or shootings by police, always to public outcry — more often than not, regarding the disturbing ubiquity of guns in this country.


Infographic: How to Survive an Active Shooter Situation
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The world is an unpredictable and unfair place, often thrusting unprepared civilians into a chaotic fight for their lives. Self-defense begins much earlier than the outbreak of violence, and situational awareness can be the ultimate determining factor in your survival.

RUSH: “Ohio State University Didn’t Call Black Lives Matter, They Called Cops with Guns”
Submitted by: David Williamson

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While black lives clearly matter as much as any other life, Rush pointed out that in times of crisis it is local police officers we call on to willingly risk their own lives running into the danger zone to protect us. They don’t call the failing Anti-Police movement inappropriately known as ‘Black Lives Matter.’

'Planets are Aligned' to Get Rid of Handgun Carry License
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Gun rights advocates see the upcoming legislative session as their best shot yet to get rid of an Indiana law that requires a license to carry handguns.

The Guardian: Trump Victory Provides NRA Historic ‘Moment to Go on Offense’
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Donald Trump’s victory ushers in what the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre describes as a historic “moment to go on offense” and to take new ground for the Second Amendment, rather than spend the next four years trapped in a defensive position. The offensive will include national reciprocity, also known as national right to carry, as well as deregulation of suppressors, rolling back President Obama’s executive orders, and abolishing gun-free zones on military bases.

Settlement Talks Underway To End Ban on New Jersey Citizens Buying Stun Guns
Submitted by: David Williamson

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New Jersey's attorney general wants to settle a lawsuit that would end the state's ban on civilians buying stun guns. The settlement talks involve a federal lawsuit filed in August by Mark Cheeseman and the New Jersey Second Amendment Society and stem from a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that suggests stun guns are protected under the Second Amendment.

Major Pro-Gun Legislation Likely Next Year in Florida
Submitted by: David Williamson

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After two years of their proposals stalling in the Florida Senate, gun-rights advocates are in a prime position for big wins next year. This week, Rep. Jake Raburn, R-Lithia, proposed the first pro-gun measure for the upcoming legislative session, which convenes March 7.

Armed and Amorous, Women’s Pay and Rogue Bears
Submitted by: David Williamson

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“The gun hidden in my back pocket is dying to meet the gun in your purse” might be the motto of a new dating website for the “carry firearm community.” Singles who share a passion for the Second Amendment might just kindle one for each other, or so goes the expectation of


CT: After Spike in Stolen Guns, Hartford Asks Owners to Safely Store Weapons
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Concerned by a spike in stolen guns in the city of Hartford, police are reaching out to legal gun owners in the capital city and asking them to take better care of their weapons. Last year, 17 guns were stolen in the city. This year, 17 guns were stolen by the time 2016 hit August. And just last week, three more guns were reportedly stolen from the home of a man who had recently died.

How Real Is The Risk Posed By 3-D Printed Guns?
Submitted by: David Williamson

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3-D printed guns are back in the news after Queensland Police reported last week that they had discovered a 3-D printer in a raid on what appeared to be a "large-scale" weapons production facility as a part of Operation Oscar Quantum. According to police, the raid uncovered homemade weapons and ammunition in a workshop manufacturing facility "containing equipment used in the production of fully automatic machine guns, including a 3-D printer, lathes, drill presses and other tools".

TX: Firearms Theft in Corpus Christi
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Between January and October of this year there were 129 cases of criminals stealing guns from unattended cars. Corpus Christi Police have a few ideas to prevent this crime.

The Marines Are Equipping Hundreds of Infantrymen with Silencers
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The U.S. Marine Corps has equipped a battalion's worth of infantrymen with suppressors. The result are combat units better able to hear one other on the battlefield, meaning they can spread out farther and cover more ground. Guns are loud. The sound of a gunshot can range from discomforting to downright painful, depending on the caliber and the distance from gun to listener. From a range of four to six feet, a M4 carbine, M249 squad automatic weapon, or M240 medium machine gun is between 159 to 164 decibels in loudness. Such loud noises cause immediate temporary hearing loss and contribute to permanent hearing loss over the long term.

Greenwich Gun Safety Advocate Gets New Role With State Group
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Greenwich resident Jonathan Perloe has long committed himself to gun violence prevention, which has led to a new position with Connecticut Against Gun Violence.

This Drone Gun Knocks Drones Out of The Sky Gently and With Radio Waves
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Drones are flying bundles of sensors and radio waves, sometimes put to nefarious purpose. In Iraq, the insurgent group ISIS put this combination to deadly effect, killing enemies and assembling a small aerial arsenal. Small, deadly drones used to kill are relatively new to battlefields, so companies are making new weapons to take drones down.

AR-15 Pistols for Home Defense?
Submitted by: David Williamson

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While some folks have written off the AR-15 pistol as nothing more than a range toy, others have chosen this semi-automatic pistol platform to serve as a primary or secondary defensive option. Although I've enjoyed shooting rifle-action pistols in a variety of configurations for some time now, I hadn’t really considered the possibility of staging one for personal protection until last year.

Idaho Concealed Carry Spike Making News
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Associated Press and as a result the Seattle Times today focused on a report out of Idaho that the Gem State is experiencing a spike in concealed carry. According to the story, originally reported by Idaho’s KIDK, “nearly 8 percent of the (Idaho) population has a concealed carry permit.”

The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding. — JUSTICE LOUIS BRANDEIS (1928)

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