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Newslinks for 11/3/2003

S. 659 Gun industry protection bill - Will this turn out to be a raw deal?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A string of other amendments would be no surprise because the anti-gun crowd is desperately trying to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat."

"The biggest victory for our foes – and the biggest defeat for gun rights – would be reenactment of the Clinton Gun Ban, which Sen. Feinstein is determined to achieve."

"If the ban on 'assault weapons' is attached to S. 659 in the Senate, and can't be stopped in the House, NRA-ILA will kill the bill – I'm told, because 'as important as industry protection is, it's not worth letting the ban continue.' Amen!"

Capitol Hill in frenzy over Schwarzenegger
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Schwarzenegger made few policy pronouncements, though he did vow to work with Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., to reauthorize a federal assault weapons ban." ...

Strange that some self-pronounced politics "insiders" were claiming that Arnold was a "stealth" pro-gun candidate. Nothing stealthy about banning guns from law abiding citizens based on cosmetic features.

More on the Assault Weapons Ban
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Many in the gun owning, civil rights community are feeling rather confident right now that the misguided 1994 legislation will expire."

"I do NOT share that confidence. Here is why."

"What most seem to have missed during the current debate is that the House did NOT pass an AW Ban BILL in 1994. The STAND-ALONE Assault Weapon Ban bill debated in the House was not enacted into law. So how did we get the ban?"

"It was attached as an AMENDMENT to that federal beast that gobbles up huge chunks of our money and liberty... the OMNIBUS BILL. In 1994 it was the OMNIBUS CRIME BILL."

Down and Dirty Self Defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Original title: Amazing the hurt that spit can inflict

"In Temple Terrace, three women and seven men practice shattering ankles and smashing testicles. Then, for good measure, they whip out knives."

" 'There's one cure for violence and that is what?' barks David Overstreet, their leader."

" 'More violence,' they shout."

"Overstreet, 42, nods approval."

"Weeknights, he [Overstreet] teaches haganah, a martial art born of Israeli commandos."

"Haganah - the Hebrew word for 'defense' - is self-defense that carries a grudge, self-defense on steroids, dirty and below the belt, with elbows in throats, fingers in eyes and shins in groins, aggressive and predatory."

Meanwhile the vast majority of assailants flee at the mere sight of an armed victim.

Gunning for gun control
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Many Democratic Party leaders blame Al Gore's tough stance on gun control for his loss of a few key states in the 2000 presidential race. To avoid a repeat in 2004, some candidates are avoiding the party's long-held view that non-hunting guns need more control." ...

"No doubt any candidate who differs with the views of the National Rifle Association must think twice about supporting various gun-control measures before Congress." ...

"Top Democratic candidates, however, risk losing support from blacks and other elements of their liberal base by evading the party's past commitments to reducing violent crime through gun-control measures that don't constrain hunting."

Kerry: "I would rather be the candidate of the NAACP than the NRA."
Submitted by: Anonymous

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" 'I still want to be the candidate for guys with Confederate flags in their pickup trucks,' the former Vermont governor was quoted as saying in Saturday's Des Moines Register. 'We can't beat George Bush unless we appeal to a broad cross-section of Democrats.' " ...

" 'I don't want to be the candidate for guys with Confederate flags in their pickup trucks,' Gephardt said in a statement. 'I will win the Democratic nomination because I will be the candidate for guys with American flags in their pickup trucks.' " ...

" 'I would rather be the candidate of the NAACP than the NRA,' Kerry said in a statement."

Kerry attacks Dean on gun stand
Submitted by: Robert Lewis

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"Sen. John Kerry charged that Democratic presidential rival Howard Dean has a history of pandering to the gun lobby by opposing a ban on assault weapons."

"Mr. Dean said Mr. Kerry was distorting positions he took while running for governor of Vermont."

"On Friday Mr. Kerry, campaigning in central Iowa, passed around National Rifle Association questionnaires that his rival had filled out in 1992 and 1994 as evidence. Mr. Kerry said that Mr. Dean used those questionnaires to get the backing of the powerful NRA while Congress was trying to pass the assault weapons ban."

PA: Girls pummel man who exposed himself
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A man described by authorities as a known sexual predator was chased through the streets of South Philadelphia by an angry crowd of Catholic high school girls, who kicked and punched him after he was tackled by neighbors, police said Friday."

"Rudy Susanto, 25, who had exposed himself to teen-age girls on as many as seven occasions outside St. Maria Goretti School, struck again on Thursday just as students were being dismissed, police said."

The issue of self defense in this case is very interesting. St. Maria Goretti was a twelve-year-old girl who refused a twenty-year-old pervert's sexual demands, because she had a high regard for her chastity. The pervert got angry and stabbed her to death. She forgave her attacker before she died. These girls certainly didn't consider it a virtue to forgive, but rather took their safety into their own hands.

Capitol police acknowledge security problems
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The chief of the Capitol Hill police says his security personnel will take cues from airport security screeners and sacrifice speed to slower passage through X-ray machine posts."

"Lines to enter the Capitol complex will likely move more slowly as police try to avoid repetition of a scare over a toy gun that made it through security and into a House office building."

Considerations on gun safety in the home
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Guns in the house -- any house -- present a mighty temptation to youngsters. Simply put, if they are available, no matter how many stern admonitions to 'don't touch them' have been offered or how much instruction in gun safety has been provided, they present a real and present danger." ...

"The proper way to address this matter does not lie in the stereotypical liberal's anti-Second Amendment outlook of 'no guns.' Instead, it comes from a combination of proper emphasis on gun safety, stressing proper gun handling and in ensuring that guns kept at home are safe and secure."

WI: Packing heat
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"You might not realize it, but the man or woman sitting across from you in your favorite restaurant may have a handgun tucked underneath his or her jacket."

"Is this a cause for concern? Or will the threat of a potential victim legally carrying a concealed firearm be enough to deter a criminal from committing an act of violence?"

"Ultimately, whether or not the Personal Protection Act (Senate Bill 214) presently coasting through the Republican-controlled Legislature passes — as most analysts predict it could — the question that begs to be answered is whether or not allowing men and women to 'strap' will make Wisconsin a safer place."

FL: 3rd Attacker In A Week Meets Match
Submitted by: John Fansler

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"For the third time this week a would-be victim in Tampa turned the tables on an attacker."

"Late Thursday night, the 63-year-old victim of an attempted carjacking pulled a .357-caliber Magnum on his assailant and fired, critically wounding him, officials said."

FL: At what point is it no longer self-defense?
Submitted by: Mitchell McConnell

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"The two cases raise questions about the sometimes blurry line between legitimate self-defense and Death Wish-style vigilantism. How far can victims legally go in fighting back against criminals, before they become criminals themselves?"

"Before Wednesday night, it was easy to look at Storer and Wilson and discern which was the model citizen and which the lawbreaker."

"Storer, the restaurant owner, is a hard-working small businessman who put in long, late hours at his E Twiggs Street diner. The father of a young child, he has no criminal record in Florida."

"Wilson, by contrast, the attacker, had charges on his record for robbery with a weapon, carrying a concealed firearm, and performing a lewd and lascivious act on a child."

CA: Man Shoots Lawyer As L.A. TV Crews Watch
Submitted by: Robert Lewis

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"An attorney was wounded Friday in a courthouse shooting that was captured by television crews gathered to cover a hearing in the murder case against actor Robert Blake."

"Police said Jerry Curry was shot on a walkway outside the Van Nuys courthouse by a man who was upset that Curry was being paid from his trust fund."

"Dramatic television footage showed Curry, 53, of Simi Valley, hiding behind a tree as a man identified by police as William Striler, 60, fired a revolver at him several times."

Justice O'Connor Rewrites Article VI Of The Constitution (blog)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Justice Sandra Day O'Connor predicts that the U.S. Supreme Court will increasingly base its decisions on international law rather than the U.S. Constitution, according to an article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution."

"By doing so, the court will make a good impression among people from other countries, she said."

" 'The impressions we create in this world are important and they can leave their mark,' Justice O'Connor said."

"On the whole, the U.S. judicial system leaves a favorable impression around the world, she said 'but when it comes to the impression created by the treatment of foreign and international law and the United States court, the jury is still out.' "

"So, did someone repeal this section of Article VI of the U.S. Constitution, and neglected to tell everyone?"

MN: Police Internet Web page shutdown due to security concerns
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A computer network used to share police files among more than 175 law enforcement departments in Minnesota has been closed after a state lawmaker learned 'beyond a shadow of a doubt' someone had hacked into the system to demonstrate its vulnerability." ...

"Police agencies who participate in the system use a password-protected Internet site to access more than 8 million police records, including the names of suspects, witnesses and people who have sought handgun permits in addition to the names of people who have been arrested or convicted of a crime."


UK: Warning to egg-throwing children
Submitted by: Steven Brown

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"Children caught throwing eggs in Shropshire are being warned they face prosecution."

"Shops are being asked to be watchful for youngsters trying to buy eggs. Police are asking them not to sell them to children if they are suspicious about what they will be used for. Parents who think eggs are going missing from the kitchen are being asked to check whether their children are involved in the attacks."

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, England is now taking steps toward egg control

OH: Youngstown Walkers make new friends, but not with the Chief
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"Youngstown Police Chief Robert Bush: Arrest them all, let the courts sort it out?"

"Nearly 100 people, including Senator and HB12 Conference Committeeman Marc Dann (D) participated in today's open carry 'Defense' Walk in Youngstown. One Youngstown citizen told Walk organizer Rick Kaleda, 'you sure do throw a fun party.' But Youngstown Police Chief Robert E Bush, Jr. was in anything but a festive mood."

OH: Pro-Bush, Anti-Taft Protestors send a strong message in Columbus
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"About 25 people took time off work on Thursday to join up in downtown Columbus to send President Bush and the Ohio Republican Party a message:

" 'Taxman Taft is a liability for Bush.'

'No CCW in Ohio in 2003, no vote for Bush in 2004?'

'Hey Bob, Bush signed CCW in Texas, why won't you?' "

"Protestors told reporters that Bob Taft's actions on issues like concealed carry reform and taxes are completely disillusioning the base of voters President Bush must count on next year."

TX: Fighting Back: Beaumont Man Scares Home Invasion Suspects With Loaded Shotgun
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A Beaumont man refused to become the next victim of another home invasion.

Here is a copy of the press release issued to KBTV 4 by Beaumont police:

Thursday night around 11:30 p.m., officers were called to a home in the 4000 block of Woodlawn in reference to a home invasion robbery. The two residents of the home were not injured. The female inside the home told police she heard a knock at the back door. After several attempts to see and hear who was outside, the female cracked the door open. The door was forced open by two black male suspects who were armed with handguns. The female was forced to the floor by one of the men. He placed the gun to her head and demanded her purse. She was able to crawl down the hallway and yell for her husband. Her husband opened the bedroom door, and saw what was going on. He retrieved a 12 gauge shotgun and exited the bedroom. When the suspects saw the shotgun THEY RAN OUT THE BACK DOOR. After the husband locked the door, he thought that he saw someone back at the door through the window. Thinking that the attackers had returned, he fired one round at the window. No one was injured. The suspects were able to get away. They are described as:

Suspect #1 - Black male, 5`10", stocky build

Suspect #2 - Black male, 5`10", stocky build with orange bandana over face.

UK: Kung Fu fighting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A WOODFORD karate instructor aims to put a stop to street assaults in Redbridge by giving lessons in self defence."

"Paul Tingey says there are too many incidents of violent street crime and wants to do something to stop people becoming victims."

"He said: 'It seems that every day another teenager is attacked and I'm fed up with it. Young people are seen as easy targets but a few techniques could help them get out of a difficult situation.' "

"His six-week course will teach a range of self-defence techniques such as combating knife attacks and wrist grabs to people aged 16 to 60. The lessons will also cover general street awareness."

How about addressing the government mandated inability to defend yourself with effective tools?

GA: Assault, or self defense?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"If you're attacked, do you have the right to shoot your attacker? And what if the tables are turned, and that attacker claims he was just trying to protect his own life?" ...

"But self defense is not the way the District Attorney viewed the case. Bobby Sanderson was jailed and charged with four felony assaults. Sanderson never denied the shootings, but claimed self defense."

"And that's the matter a Tift County Jury was forced to decide in a criminal trial. Was it Assault or Self-Defense? The jury heard both sides of the story."

IN: Self-defense training benefits women
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The statistics are frightening---one in five women will be raped in her lifetime. But women right here at home are learning how to protect themselves.

Statistics show that last year 187 people reported being sexually assaulted in Evansville, and half of those attackers fled when the victim resisted.

A sexual assault occurs in the U.S. every six seconds. One in four college women are victims.

A self-defense tactics course, like the one taught at the Women's Hospital in Newburgh, is a way of providing information to women to help keep them from becoming another statistic.

These defense strategies are also a source of boosting self-confidence, sharpening the mind, protecting the body and boosting the spirit.

The Women's Hospital is hoping to spark some interest in a six-week self-defense course.


FL: Man arrested for bringing gun to St. Petersburg airport
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A retired interstate trucker was arrested after airport screeners found a gun in his briefcase at St. Petersburg-Clearwater International Airport."

"Gary Pugh, 64, of Columbus, Ohio, carried a gun on the job for years but was 'extremely surprised and embarrassed' to realize he had one at the airport Saturday, Pinellas County sheriff's spokeswoman Marianne Pasha said."

MO: FBI: Man with loaded gun at airport had no criminal intent
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A 40-year-old Kansas City-area man was detained by federal authorities at Kansas City International Airport and could face state charges after airport security found a loaded handgun in his carry-on bag, authorities said Friday."

"FBI spokesman Jeff Lanza said the man told authorities he was taking a Delta Airlines flight on short notice Thursday and didn't realize he had the weapon in his bag. Security workers called police after they noticed the gun as the bag went through screening equipment. Police then contacted the FBI."

"After interviewing the man for about two hours, FBI agents determined he had no criminal intent and released him. Late Friday, Lanza said he was told Platte County prosecutors were considering charges."

UT: Severity of Utah gun laws not common knowledge
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Christopher E. Drew of Salt Lake City knows how tough the gun laws are. He was sent to prison for more than 44 years for four robberies, with 32 years of the term stemming from his brandishing a firearm during the crimes, according to prosecutors."

"Another Salt Lake City man, Anthony Lee Archuleta, felt the impact of the law when he was sentenced to 6 1/2 years in prison for being a convicted felon in possession of a firearm."

"And a judge tacked 32 years onto the three-year sentence of Amado Carrera Ramirez because he used a gun in two robberies."

"Prosecutors recently brought their 1,000th case in Utah under Project Safe Neighborhoods." ...

WI: Police say officer shot, killed unarmed man
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An unarmed man was shot and killed by a Milwaukee police officer on the city's north side after refusing to take his hand out of his jacket, police said Saturday."

"The man's family immediately called for an inquest." ...

"Franklin's family said they don't believe the department's story and insisted that the officer overreacted."

" 'They killed my husband - they killed him for nothing,' said Marnice Franklin. 'They were trigger-happy.' "

UK: Robbers threaten child with gun
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A gun was pointed at a four-year-old girl during an armed raid on a shop."

"The youngster was told by a masked man to look away as his accomplices demanded cash at a convenience store in Wooburn Green, Buckinghamshire on Thursday."

"Shop staff and customers were also threatened by the three men armed with a handgun, a knife and a baseball bat."

NC: Knock on door leads to justified self-defensive shooting death
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thomas Earl Alston told police he was watching television with his girlfriend Thursday night when there was a knock on the door."

"The man at the door -- Chester Kendale Lane -- asked Alston for a ride, then pulled a handgun, Alston told Greensboro police. The pair, who apparently didn't know each other, wound up exchanging gunfire outside Alston's apartment, Greensboro police Sgt. Jane Allen said."

"Neighbors in Brevard Park heard eight to 10 gunshots. Lane dropped to the sidewalk, with two gunshot wounds, one to the chest and another in the right thigh, said Dr. Thomas Owens of the state medical examiner's office. Lane, who has Randolph County ties but whose address is unknown, died minutes later at Moses Cone Hospital."

Philippines: No guns, booze at cemeteries
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"ILOILO City Mayor Jerry Treñas warned against bringing liquor and deadly weapons during the weekend trip to the city's cemeteries."

"The mayor said he ordered the Iloilo City Police Office to confiscate the items at the entrance of the parks." ...

"Treñas urged the Ilonggos to cooperate with the authorities by not bringing the prohibited items inside the burial grounds."

IN: Halloween prank leads to shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An off-duty police officer who dressed up as an ax-wielding man in what he intended to be a Halloween prank was shot and wounded by a man who believed he posed a threat, investigators said."

"Daniel Frederick arrived at the party and was told by people there that police were looking for a man in a gray sweatshirt who was wearing a white mask and carrying an ax."

"Partygoers heard dogs barking and saw a man in the woods matching the description of the supposed ax-wielding man."

"Frederick yelled at the man that he had a gun, and then fired two rounds into the ground as Conoway approached the partygoers."

"When Conoway continued approaching and got to within 10 feet, Frederick shot him twice in the face, investigators said."

MN: Security guard charged in shooting of 16-year-old in St. Paul
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 16-year-old boy underwent surgery this morning at Regions Hospital in St. Paul after a security guard shot him in the back in a parking lot early Sunday, police said."

"The victim is expected to survive, said Paul Schnell, a spokesman for the St. Paul Police Department. The security guard was arrested shortly after the shooting, which happened about 3 a.m. outside a high-rise apartment building on the 1200 block of St. Anthony Av. in St. Paul."

"It was not immediately clear what led security guard Timothy Engle to fire a single shot at the teenager, but Schnell said Engle and another armed security guard had stopped the boy and questioned him because they thought he might have stolen something from a vehicle parked in the lot."

OH: Sheriff Considers Putting Metal Detectors In Jail
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Lucas County Sheriff says he'll consider making employees pass through a metal detector."

"That's after a former jail counselor was accused of sneaking packages to an inmate who fired a gun at a guard."

"Investigators say they're still investigating how Prentiss Williams got the handgun he fired at a guard last month."

"Williams, who is charged with three counts of murder, missed the guard and gave up his gun shortly afterwards."

"Two weeks later, police arrested former jail counselor Marion Crosby on charges that he accepted bribes to smuggle three packages to Williams."

"The episode has cast an unfavorable light on a policy that allows employees to enter the jail without passing through a metal detector."

KY: Hunting accidents generally avoidable
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Statistically, deer hunting is a safe sport, but a handful of accidents are reported each year. According to the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, 13 hunting-related accidents were reported last year, and seven of them involved deer hunters."

WI: Local lawmakers share viewpoint on weapons bill
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Ziegelbauer said he has received great support from those who are for the bill, but don’t want guns in taverns."

"Also, he’d like to see a provision that requires people who are carrying to immediately notify a police officer if they are stopped for any reason."

" 'I think this is something we can live with. I’m still undecided, but I’m appreciative of the volume of feedback,' he said."

"Rep. Frank Lasee, R-Green Bay, will also cast his vote this week, but he will have less uncertainty as he decides what box to check."

FL: Halloween costume tricks sheriff’s deputy
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A Halloween costume worn Friday night by Fort Myers real estate broker Frank D’Alessandro caught the attention of an off-duty Lee County sheriff’s deputy."

"D’Alessandro, himself an honorary sheriff’s deputy, said he was dressed in an authentic green Lee County sheriff’s deputy uniform — complete with hat, badge and holster — at Carrabba’s Italian Grill in south Fort Myers."

"Lee County Sheriff Rod Shoap gave D’Alessandro the uniform to wear to a costume party, said the men, who are friends. Shoap said the deputy at Carrabba’s did not recognize D’Alessandro and was concerned because there was a glass of wine at the table. The deputy called the sheriff’s office, and on-duty deputies confronted D’Alessandro at the restaurant."

South Africa: I wet myself when cops beat me
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A woman has told the high court how she wet herself while being assaulted by policemen - before being forced to lick a toilet pan at a Chatsworth police station."

"Yogesperi Narainsamy told the Durban High Court on Friday that she urinated in her pants when she was kicked and beaten by policemen at Bayview police station."

Note that in South Africa, the government is taking definitive steps to disarm the populace, while leaving armed scum like this free to abuse their victims.

UK: Gun threat in packed town pub
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A MAN is in police custody today after pulling a handgun and threatening late-night revellers in Ipswich town centre."

"This terrifying incident is the latest in a series of violent scenes which have left taxi-drivers threatening a boycott."

"New figures released by Suffolk Constabulary show that violent crime rose by more than 20 per cent and overall crime by almost 10pc in the first six months of this financial year, compared to the same period last year."

"Last night, people in the packed Glasshouse in The Buttermarket were shocked when a 20-year-old man brandished a .177 air pistol."

NY: Anti-Noise Cops Bag Bigger Fish
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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" 'Operation Silent Night,' the year-old initiative to combat the city's noisiest neighborhoods, isn't just giving New Yorkers some peace and quiet - it's putting felons behind bars."

"The 1,400 felony arrests include a laundry list of crimes."

* While patrolling Washington Heights for excessive noise, cops from the 34th Precinct took a loaded .45-caliber handgun and an AK-47 assault rifle off the streets.

* In Harlem, police officers from the 30th Precinct on noise patrol just last week apprehended a male wanted for the September gunpoint robbery of three women.

* Also in Washington Heights, cops from the 33rd Precinct nabbed a noisemaker who was in possession of a 9 m handgun.

In "gun-free" New York City?

Australia: Man found in ceiling cavity
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"A MAN has been charged with break and enter after police found him hiding in the ceiling of a Newcastle home last night."

"Police were called to a home in Robert Street, Wickham, about 7pm (AEST) after a tip off, but were unable to make contact with the man inside."

"A police dog sent into the house shortly before 9pm (AEST) located the man hiding in the ceiling cavity of the house, a spokesman said."

"A subsequent search of the house located a number of firearms and ammunition, he said."

"Police said a 23-year-old man was arrested and taken to Waratah Police Station where he was charged with special aggravated break and enter with intent, armed with a dangerous weapon, as well as two counts of break, enter and steal."

New Zealand: Firearms, Lies and the Police
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"The Clean Slate bill tells people to lie about their criminal history. It makes $10,000-fine criminals of anyone who urges an offender to be honest about their past."

"The Clean Slate rules also impact on another bill to be jumped up the list. The Arms Amendment No. 2 bill has been stalled for two years because the Law and Order Select Committee of Parliament has found that firearm registration would be worse than useless in dealing with violent crime."

"Registration of guns has been a law and order disaster in Canada. In the UK, handgun crime is exploding after anti-gun laws took firearms off the law-abiding and of course left the criminals to carry on unimpeded."

Why America owes Rush Limbaugh a debt of gratitude
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Rush Limbaugh's ordeal has exposed every drug warrior in America as a rank hypocrite, and for that the entire nation owes him a debt of gratitude."

"One thing we don't hear from American politicians very often is silence, especially where the drug war is concerned."

"Yet when the story broke that Limbaugh was being investigated on suspicion for illegally procuring enough OxyContin pain medication 'to kill a horse,' as his housekeeper described it, we heard hardly a peep from the usual tough-on-crime crowd in Washington, DC."

Power to the people (with guns and juries)
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Mao Ze-Dong once observed that political power comes from the point of a gun. He was right, of course, for the essence of government power is coercion. It's very difficult to coerce anyone without the threat of violence." ...

"But what is power for the people? I have two suggestions. The first is weapons and the second jury nullification. What power do the people truly have if they don't have both of these options?"

"Jury nullification has been a topic that has interested me for quite a while and I've been ambivalent about it. After all, the law is the law and is the glue that holds society together. Jury nullification seems to violate that."

"But, at the same time, it serves notice on the government that the people are its final source of legitimacy and that it must be able to satisfy them of the propriety of its laws in an ultimate forum." ...

You are bound to meet misfortune if you are unarmed because, among other reasons, people despise you....There is simply no comparison between a man who is armed and one who is not. It is unreasonable to expect that an armed man should obey one who is unarmed, or that an unarmed man should remain safe and secure when his servants are armed. In the latter case, there will be suspicion on the one hand and contempt on the other, making cooperation impossible. — Niccolo Machiavelli in "The Prince."

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