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Newslinks for 11/3/2005

Gun Control Advocates Hate Alito Nomination
Submitted by: News Director

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"Needless to say, that vote has brought the wrath of pro-gun control groups, like the Brady Campaign, down on President Bush’s nomination of Judge Alito to replace Sandra Day O’Connor on the Supreme Court."

"'How could it have gone in any other direction, from a White House that just gave blanket immunity to the gun industry, which refuses to bar terrorists from buying guns, that broke a campaign promise and put Uzis and AK-47s back on America’s city streets, and insisted that records of gun purchases be destroyed before the sun sets on them twice,' asks the Brady Campaign in a press release. 'It had to be a Supreme Court pick that favors legal machine guns.'"

Alito's telling dissent in machine gun case
Submitted by: News Director

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"'He understands the original design of the Constitution as being one of limited government,' said Roger Pilon, director of the Center for Constitutional Studies at the libertarian Cato Institute. In his opinion, Alito said the federal ban on possessing machine guns exceeded Congress' power to regulate interstate commerce, but a majority of his court disagreed, and the Supreme Court denied review. He took no position on whether the Constitution protects an individual's right to possess firearms."

"Pilon said the case showed Alito's recognition that Congress' constitutional power to regulate interstate commerce is not a license 'to regulate anything and everything.'"

Sen. Nelson: Alito Won‘t ‘Chisel Away‘ Law
Submitted by: News Director

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"A centrist Democratic senator complimented Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito Wednesday as a jurist who won‘t 'hammer away and chisel away' existing law."...

"Some liberals, pointing to Alito‘s rulings as a federal appellate court judge on abortion, gun control, the death penalty and other issues have already raised the threat of a filibuster — an attempt to deny the 55-year-old lawyer a yes-or-no vote by the full Senate. ..."

"Without the group‘s seven Republicans, Democrats would not be able to prevent Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., from abolishing judicial filibusters and confirming judges with a simple majority vote."

Supreme Court Nominee Samuel Alito's Views Could Imperil Most Federal Gun, Ammo, and Explosives Laws, New Violence Policy Center Backgrounder Shows
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Violence Policy Center (VPC) today released a backgrounder on Supreme Court nominee Judge Samuel Alito (see for the backgrounder)."

Jimmy Carter on 'Endangered Values'
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Blurring the line between church and state threatens civil liberties and privacy, says former President Jimmy Carter. That's the case he makes in his new book, Our Endangered Values: America's Moral Crisis, which draws on Carter's experiences as a president and a Christian." ...

"Concerning gun control, an overwhelming majority believe in the right to own weapons, but four of five Americans prefer modest restraints on handguns, including a background check, mandatory registration, and a brief waiting period before one is purchased."

"A disturbing change in government policy has involved the firearms industry. Supported by succeeding Presidents Reagan, Bush, and Clinton, legislation was passed by Congress in 1994 that for ten years prohibited the manufacture, transfer, and possession of nineteen specific semiautomatic assault weapons, including AK-47s, AR-15s, and UZIs. None of these are used for hunting -- only for killing other humans."

Free State Project does away with 2006 recruitment deadline
Submitted by: News Director

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"They came, they saw ... but they aren't conquering."

"The Free State Project, the libertarian movement that chose New Hampshire as its promised land for a society based on maximum choice and minimum government, has abandoned its goal of recruiting 20,000 members by 2006."

"Libertarians celebrated two years ago when New Hampshire beat Wyoming, Montana, Idaho and Alaska to become their 'free state.' New Hampshire's gun laws, lack of sales and income taxes and deference to local government control were expected to draw 'porcupines' -- Free Staters' symbol and their nickname for one another -- from far and wide."

WI: Having a gun can save your life or send you to prison
Submitted by: News Director

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"With a faint sense of something resembling pity, I fired on my impassive foe, ultimately sending 30 rounds through him, although one or two probably would have done."

"On the street, that kind of enthusiasm isn’t something you want to explain to a jury. But in the safety of this basement shooting range, it was the final step in my training to legally carry a concealed handgun — in Minnesota, at least." ...

"I had spent most of the previous day with certified firearms instructor Gene German, seeking to learn what sort of training might be required here if the Legislature overturns Wisconsin’s 133-year ban on carrying concealed weapons."

Kenya: Police Chief in the Spotlight After Four Die of Bullet Wounds
Submitted by: News Director

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"Police are in the spotlight once again for the manner in which they handled the recent referendum protests in Kisumu."

"What started as a mere protest by youths opposed to Cabinet minister Raphael Tuju hosting a Yes campaign rally in the town ended tragically with the death of four people."

"According to reports, three people were shot dead on the same day - among them a 13-year-old schoolboy Paul Limera - while a fourth victim died the following day after being admitted to Nyanza provincial hospital with gunshot wounds."

Canada: Cop dumped from team for shooting error
Submitted by: News Director

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"A member of the Edmonton Police Service has been removed from the elite tactical team after accidentally firing a weapon at a southside home in September."

"Const. Grant Jongejan has been moved to EPS West Division and will resume duties as a patrol officer, said police spokesman Karen Carlson."

"'Tactical officers were executing a search warrant on a south-side residence at the end of September when the gun accidentally went off,' she said."

NJ: Asbury Park police director not entitled to gun and uniform, judges rule
Submitted by: News Director

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"A state appellate panel Tuesday upheld a lower court ruling that Asbury Park did not have the authority to allow Police Director Louis Jordan to wear a uniform, carry a gun and make arrests when he was hired in May 2002."

"The City Council wanted Jordan, a former Neptune police officer and Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office investigator, to do just that in leading a fight against crime on the city streets."

"But police chief associations contended Jordan was using powers he did not have as a civilian director, and in 2003, the state Division of Criminal Justice said Jordan had to stop wearing a uniform, carrying a gun and making arrests. He did."

Asinine zero-tolerance policies
Submitted by: News Director

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"Zero-tolerance policies (in my opinion) are helpful crutches for lazy school administrators. It makes their jobs easier and reduces the amount of time they have to spend dealing with disciplinary issues."

"What if a normally good student who gets good grades and has a record of good conduct accidentally brings an aspirin to school? Of course with today's zero-tolerance policies, that student faces suspension or expulsion. ..."

"What if a normally good student is tired of getting punched by the school bully and decides to punch back? Of course, the good student is assumed just as guilty as the bully (who has a history of visiting the principal's office) and both serve the same punishment. ..."

VA: Kilgore favors repeal of restaurant ban
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Jerry W. Kilgore said yesterday that he favors changing the law to allow Virginians with concealed-weapons permits to carry their firearms into restaurants and bars."

"Answering a question from caller Mike on the WRVA (1140 AM) radio morning call-in show, the Republican candidate for governor said those with a concealed-weapons permit have passed a background check, so it is known they are not criminals."

Papua New Guinea: PNG police promise inquiry into shooting of children
Submitted by: News Director

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"PNG police have promised a full inquiry into the death of at least one child and the wounding of around 30 others by officers with semi-automatic weapons at a Highlands' primary school."

"Two officers have been suspended and police reinforcements rushed to the Porgera valley in Enga Province following Monday's violence as conflicting stories emerge about what sparked the shooting."

CA: News in brief from the San Francisco Bay area
Submitted by: News Director

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"As many as 2,000 women could receive damage awards after a federal judge approved class-action status for a lawsuit claiming they were illegally strip-searched in San Mateo County."

"U.S. District Judge Saundra Brown Armstrong ruled Monday that all members of the lawsuit would be eligible for damages if the county's former search policy is ruled illegal. That policy was changed in December 2003."

ND: This year's deer hunting goal is to shoot more does
Submitted by: News Director

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"As a conservation officer for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Stuart Bensen spends most of the firearms deer season checking other hunters. That keeps him out of the deer stand until muzzleloader season begins in late November. But growing up hunting in the mid-1970s, Bensen says he remembers a different limitation on his deer season:"

"The critters just weren't as plentiful as they are now."

CA: Ice cream truck vendors cited
Submitted by: News Director

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"Six ice cream truck vendors selling BB guns to minors for $5 each were cited during an undercover police sting that led to confiscation of about 70 BB guns and imitation weapons."

"State law bans the sale of BB guns to minors."

"Resident complaints that children were buying imitation firearms and BB guns from ice cream vendors led to the police investigation, Senior Officer Andrew Salinas said."

Ethiopia: At Least 33 Protesters Killed in Ethiopia
Submitted by: News Director

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"Clashes between police and protesters erupted in gunfire and grenade explosions Wednesday, with police killing at least 33 people during a second day of renewed protests of Ethiopia's disputed elections, a rights group said."

"The independent Ethiopia Human Rights Council said in a statement sent to foreign embassies that the death toll was based on bodies taken to mortuaries in Addis Ababa."

"At least 150 civilians were wounded, including a 7-year-old boy who was shot in the hip, according to doctors at five hospitals said. The doctors said 23 dead bodies were brought to the hospitals."

MA: Sheriff's lost gun recovered
Submitted by: News Director

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"A gun belonging to a Plymouth County deputy sheriff has been recovered, placed in a Weymouth mailbox and finally returned to authorities who were investigating the bizarre incident."

"The mystery of the missing gun came to an end Sunday morning. Pembroke police received an anonymous call that the man who found the firearm last week at a Pembroke Dunkin' Donuts dropped the gun into a postal mailbox in Weymouth."

"A deputy sheriff for Plymouth County unintentionally left the weapon in the men's room at 155 Church St. coffee shop last Thursday evening. When he realized his mistake and went back to get the gun it was gone."

Canada: Zero-tolerance school rules hit
Submitted by: News Director

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"Ontario's 'experiment with American-style' zero-tolerance school policies has been a total failure that helps gangs find new members..."

"The law, introduced four years ago by the Conservative government, imposes automatic suspensions and expulsions for offences such as assault, drug trafficking or selling or carrying weapons or alcohol."

"Students also can be immediately suspended for threatening to harm another student, vandalism, swearing and possessing or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs."

"'The so-called Safe Schools Act is really a Gang Recruitment Act,' Hampton said at a news conference at the Ontario legislature. 'It has driven youth at risk out of our schools, on to the streets and into trouble.'"

TN: Student suspended for making threats
Submitted by: News Director

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"A Creek Wood High School student has been suspended after he allegedly threatened to shoot another student Thursday." ...

"Creek Wood Principal Janie Jones said other students overheard the threat being made and they reported what they heard to a coach, who notified Jones." ...

"Jones said that after talking with several parents and students the student will be allowed back into the high school but didn’t comment on when."

"This newest incident comes on the heels of a 'kill list' that was discovered at Creek Wood in September that contained the names of nine students and three adults."

Canada: Shot fired as store owner resists would-be robber
Submitted by: News Director

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"A variety store owner is lucky he wasn't hurt or killed, London police say, after he grabbed a gun during a robbery Monday night, believing the holdup was a Halloween prank."

"The man struggled with the would-be robber, causing the gun to accidentally go off and sending a bullet into the wall behind him."

NJ: Forrester hit on gun control
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Democratic Assemblyman Reed Gusciora yesterday charged Republican gubernatorial hopeful Doug Forrester with being "cozy" with those opposed to gun control, a claim refuted by Forrester.

"'The next governor of the state will have to deal with the growing influence of gangs and guns, especially in our urban areas,' said Gusciora, D-Princeton Borough. 'We need to know if Doug has a plan.'"

PA: Paper or plastic? Gun owners get permit choice in Bucks
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Gun permits in Bucks County took on a new look Tuesday under a program announced by Sheriff Edward Donnelly to make the documents stand up to wear and tear."

"A gun owner now has the option of buying a permit printed on a plastic card. Donnelly said he decided to start issuing plastic permits because the old-style paper permits fade over time and become illegible because most gun owners stuff them in their wallets, where they remain for five years until they need to be renewed."

"Donnelly said he has received many calls from police officers who complain they can't read the permits when they ask gun owners to produce them."

VA: Bartenders: Please Stop Serving Jerry Kilgore-He's Had One Too Many, Says Brady Campaign
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"If Jerry Kilgore has his way, the phrase, "a shot and a beer" could get a whole new meaning."

"Kilgore said yesterday that if he's elected governor, he'll embrace a proposal by the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) to broaden the state's concealed weapons laws to allow guns in bars and restaurants. ..."

"The bar and restaurant industry in Virginia and many other states strongly oppose allowed concealed weapon permit holders to carry concealed handguns into bars."

"'Somebody ought to tell Mr. Kilgore that encouraging people to bring firearms into bars is like encouraging people to pour gasoline into a fire,' said Mike Barnes, President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. 'It's a stupid, stupid idea -- and that's why bar owners are so adamantly opposed.'"

NJ: Sarah Brady, Other Leaders of Gun Violence Prevention Groups Will Join Senator Jon Corzine, Others for an Announcement
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Sarah Brady, chair of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence; Bryan Miller, executive director of Ceasefire New Jersey; and Carole Stiller, president of the New Jersey Chapters of the Million Mom March, will join U.S. Senator Jon Corzine, a candidate for New Jersey governor; current New Jersey Governor Richard Codey; and former U.S. Senator Bill Bradley for an announcement."

WI: Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort Statement on Joint Legislative Hearing on Carrying Hidden, Loaded Handguns in Public
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort will testify today at Wisconsin's joint legislative hearing on carrying hidden, loaded handguns in public places such as child daycare centers, hospitals, nursing homes, banks, private businesses, and virtually every public setting. Wisconsin law enforcement officials oppose carrying concealed weapons (CCW) in public places due to the threat to public safety and the risks associated with putting more deadly handguns on the streets."

MN: Classes for Blind to get 'conceal and carry' permit (Video)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Submitter's Note: 'Conceal and carry' is a misnomer, MN law does not address concealment, the permit is to carry 'on or about your person or clothing'.

MA: Sheriff's Deputy Loses Gun At Doughnut Shop
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A law enforcement officer went to a Dunkin' Donuts on Boston's South Shore and left his gun behind."

"The 61-year-old Plymouth County sheriff's deputy entered the doughnut shop in Pembroke last week to use the bathroom. He took off his gun and left without it."

"He realized his mistake, but when he returned to the shop about 45 minutes later, the gun was gone."

IL: Upholding veto of gun bills pushed
Submitted by: News Director

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"The Blagojevich administration said Tuesday it's guns vs. cops when lawmakers decide this week whether to uphold the governor's veto of three controversial gun measures."

"'There isn't really any middle ground on this issue,' Illinois State Police Director Larry Trent said at a Statehouse news conference. 'You either stand with the gun lobby or you stand with law enforcement.'"

VA: Kaine wins Wilder's nod as Kilgore stumps at the pumps
Submitted by: News Director

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"Democrat Tim Kaine won a commitment Wednesday from former Gov. L. Douglas Wilder to campaign at his side vigorously through next Tuesday's election for governor while Republican Jerry Kilgore pumped gasoline and warned anew that Kaine plans to boost fuel taxes." ...

"...Wilder, a Democrat with a conservative streak who has snubbed some statewide Democratic candidates, said Kilgore's inclination to weaken Virginia's handgun restrictions helped persuade him to back Kaine."

Latest court nomination is another lost opportunity
Submitted by: News Director

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"...Anyone wondering whether the almost endless setbacks and embarrassments the White House has suffered over the last year would cause the president to fix his style of governing should realize that the answer is: no." ...

"Dissenting in a 1996 gun control case, he declared that Washington could not regulate the sale of fully automatic machine guns. In 2000, Alito said Washington could not compel state governments to abide by the Family and Medical Leave Act, a position repudiated by the Supreme Court in a decision written by Justice William Rehnquist."

"When a judge is more radical on states' power than Rehnquist, the spiritual leader of the modern states' rights movement, we should pay attention."

GA: Firearms ordinance necessary
Submitted by: News Director

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"After a two-week delay, the Houston County Commission isn't ready to decide whether or not there should be an ordinance spelling out how far away county residents must be from an occupied building before they can discharge firearms. The board will ponder the matter again on Nov. 15."

"What must be considered is that once sparsely settled county areas are not as sparse as they once were, and the danger of someone shooting a neighbor has become much more likely. Even so, a number of residents have spoken against such an ordinance, and the chances of such a regulation passing - even one that has been watered down since the idea's inception - is becoming more remote."

UK: Mayor blames rap for gun deaths
Submitted by: News Director

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"The behaviour of rap stars who glamorise violence is leading to children being killed on Britain's streets, London's mayor has said."

"Ken Livingstone said the actions of some rappers made carrying guns and knives fashionable."

TN: High School Student Brings Loaded Gun to School
Submitted by: News Director

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"In what seems like a rash of weapons being found at or near Metro schools, another student was caught Wednesday with a loaded gun on school property."

"Metro school officials say they caught a 16 year-old student with a loaded gun at Stratford High School."

"A school resource officer found the pistol in the teenager's jacket pocket."

UK: Row over gun crime attack on councillors
Submitted by: News Director

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"A ROW has erupted over the response of Islington Council to the borough's soaring gun crime problem."

"Claudia Webbe, vice-chairwoman of the independent advisory group for Operation Trident, the police unit aimed at tackling gun crime, launched a scathing attack on the council, claiming it had failed to prioritise gun crime."

"Ms Webbe - a member of the Labour Party - spoke out after figures showed gun crime in Islington had soared more than 100 per cent in a year."

UK: Firearms database delayed further
Submitted by: News Director

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"THE creation of a national firearms database, first promised after the Dunblane massacre in 1996, has been delayed until next year, ministers admitted yesterday."

"The latest setback was branded "disgraceful" by one Scottish MP who said 10 years was too long to wait for tighter controls."

UK: Gun law 'puts cash before safety'
Submitted by: News Director

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"GUN campaigner Linda Mitchell has slammed Government claims that licensing the owners of potentially deadly air guns would be a waste of resources."

"Linda has waged a war on air guns after her son was shot in the face with a pellet."

"She won a victory when the Government announced all sales of air guns should be licensed – but she said she would not rest until all the weapons were off the streets."

If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 50 years ago, a liberal 25 years ago, and a racist today. —THOMAS SOWELL

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