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Newslinks for 11/3/2009

MI: Home intruder shot, killed in Detroit
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A 67-year-old Detroit man said two robbers may have been after his gambling proceeds before one of them was shot dead on the city's west side this morning, according to police. The elderly man who was shot in the shoulder by a gun pulled out during an ensuing struggle, told police two robbers broke into his apartment door at 6:15 a.m. Investigators on the scene this morning said they found scales, baggies and other indications of drugs in the apartment. One of the robbers, a 45-year-old Detroit man was shot. Investigators are still searching for the other suspect

AZ: Kirkpatrick hosts 'town halls' via phone, starting Nov. 3
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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U.S. Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick is conducting a series of "tele-town halls" that run Nov. 3 through Dec. 8.

The public can join in on the telephone discussions by dialing 877-269-7289 and pressing 15024 when prompted. Then they can ask questions by pressing *3.

The town hall subjects and times include:


Thursday, Nov. 19 at 5:10-6:10 p.m. - "Maintaining and Protecting Our Second Amendment Rights."

IN: Former NRA president will speak Tuesday at IU Maurer School of Law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Sandra "Sandy" Froman, a former two-term president of the National Rifle Association, will visit the Indiana University Maurer School of Law on Tuesday (Nov. 3) to discuss the recent decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to review McDonald v. Chicago, a case that could have a widespread effect on state and local gun laws.

On Sept. 30, 2009, the Supreme Court decided to grant certiorari for review of McDonald v. Chicago, also known as the "Chicago gun case." The case deals with the question of whether the Second Amendment applies to state and local gun laws. Petitioners in the case are challenging the constitutionality of Chicago's handgun ban and registration regulations affecting shotgun and rifle ownership.

MI: Permitting guns on college campuses a foolish idea
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Guns don’t kill people. People kill people…with guns. Congress has been debating a law that would legalize the possession of firearms on college campuses for individuals with concealed weapons permits. The hope is that should another Virginia Tech atrocity occur, there would be students there packin’ heat to neutralize whatever computer nerd had gone off the deep end. Texas passed a similar law in May of this year.

Top gun advocate has message of survival
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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He may have been outgunned but he wasn't ungunned and the result, the experts agree, probably saved hundreds, maybe even a thousand, lives and now St. James Massacre survivor Charl van Wyk is returning with his message of a biblical obligation for self-defense.

His story has been chronicled in the book "Shooting Back: The Right and Duty of Self-Defense" and also a video documentary – the first ever produced by WND's film division.

It was only a few months back he appeared on the Mancow radio show and talked of responding, with his .38 special revolver, to terrorists who lobbed grenades and fired automatic assault weapons at a church congregation in South Africa in 1993:

NH: The Chicago Gun Case
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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After ruling last year that the right to bear arms in the Constitution’s Second Amendment is an individual right, the Supreme Court could now decide in McDonald vs. City of Chicago whether or not that right applies only to the Federal Government, or whether it also applies to the laws of all 50 states. We’ll look at what the Court might say and how a decision might affect the Granite State’s gun laws.

AL: Mobile, AL woman shoots home invading ex-boyfriend in self defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Mobile, Alabama woman fatally shot a violent ex-boyfriend who broke in to her home, hid in her bedroom closet, and attacked her when she returned home.

Police say the woman broke up with the 29 year old man, who had a history of domestic violence, nearly 4 years ago. Last week, the ex-boyfriend reportedly broke in to the woman's home on the 700 block of West Louise Drive, and waited in ambush until she arrived home that night. At this point, the ex-boyfriend is said to have emerged from the bedroom closet and attacked the woman. The woman reported grabbed her self defense gun and fired, fatally wounding the home invading ex-boyfriend and saving herself from the violent attack.

OH: Columbus, Ohio home invader shot in self defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An armed Columbus, OH home invader was fatally shot in self defense by one of his victims.

Police say that several people were inside a home on Northglen Drive when an armed home invader and at least one accomplice rushed in through the door and threatened the lives of those present. One of the victims reportedly grabbed his self defense handgun and shot one of the armed robbers in self defense. Police arrived to find one home invader lying dead on the living room floor, and another suspect hiding in a bathroom. The surviving suspect was apprehended, and police say that the citizen who fired in self defense will not face charges.

FL: 'Stand your ground' law on trial
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The judge said Montanez, wearing a bullet proof vest and a semi-automatic pistol, was looking for confrontations as he towed cars from a lot near a bottle club.

Yet when the Montanez stand your ground case is argued before the Second District Court of Appeals in Tampa this week, most legal experts believe there will not be a final resolution. That, they say, is going to take the State Supreme Court.

"One appellate court", Fitzgibbons says "says that if the attacker is in retreat, you cannot shoot him, another court says if he is in retreat, yes, you can shoot him because you don't know if he's regrouping for another attack."

PA: Consider several issues when voting
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Today is Election Day, and many sportsmen and sportswomen across the Keystone State will cast their votes for politicians who fall in line with their views on the outdoors and the Second Amendment.

The National Rifle Association has endorsed certain candidates, and while it's easy to endorse a candidate based upon one or two issues, a better way to cast your vote is to choose candidates whose viewpoints mirror your own on more than one or two issues.

Just because a particular candidate is a supporter of the the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms does not make that candidate qualified to vote on health care or the latest corporate bailout proposal, or even your state budget.

MI: Hard times idle Punkin Chunkin cannon crew
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Team Second Amendment — Livingston County's Punkin Chunkin home team — may be no more.

Team members said they won't compete in this year's World Championship Punkin Chunkin competition this Friday through Sunday in Delaware, due to the down economy.

Punkin Chunkin involves teams using air-powered cannons to shoot white, rock-hard pumpkins, or "punkins," as far as possible — normally thousands of feet.

The Second Amendment gang also didn't compete last year, but won multiple championships in previous years with their air cannon.

"The way things are going, I'm not sure we'll shoot it again," said gun owner Bruce Bradford.

KY: Militias and the GOP
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As a Democrat who loves his country, wants his Second Amendment rights and isn't keen on socilism, I am separated from their concerns and fears in many ways. Among these are that these militias are way too close to believing they have an excuse to overthrow our current government because conservative Republicans are no longer in control (and destroying our country from within), Second Amendment rights have strengthened this year, and I think a “public option” in health care reform will force the health insurance industry to focus less on obscene profits and more on patient support.

TN: GOP Goes After Handgun Database to Shake Down Gun Nuts
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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At the state Capitol, the land of audacious hypocrites, Republicans are King for a Day. After fighting unsuccessfully all through this year's legislative session to seal state handgun permit records supposedly to protect the privacy of our many citizen gunmen, the GOP now is gobbling up the database for fund-raising purposes.

The AP's Erik Schelzig reports that copies of the state's database of more than 257,000 handgun permit holders were recently requested by the National Rifle Association, the state Republican Party and a direct mail contractor that has done extensive work for the GOP's legislative caucus.

WA: CeaseFire's Constantine endorsement seals it for gun owners who vote
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Whether they realize it or not, Washington CeaseFire has made casting a ballot for King County executive pretty easy for gun owners who vote, and on Tuesday, a lot of them will.

CeaseFire’s endorsement of Dow Constantine amounts to a signal for gun owners to cast their ballot for Susan Hutchison, the outsider and former news anchor who has been vilified in recent weeks for her conservative politics.

While Hutchison has been talking about balancing the county’s budget, Constantine has tried more than once to highlight her alleged position on abortion. What’s that all about? In fairness, Constantine has also talked about how he will rescue the county from its budget crisis, which many argue he helped create...

IL: Panel debates concealed carry
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A panel of law professors and a state representative met Monday to discuss whether owning a firearm threatens an individual’s personal security.

The School of Law and the southern Illinois chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union sponsored the panel discussion held at 8:30 p.m. Monday in the Lesar Law building.

Cyril Robinson, a retired SIUC law professor, said personal safety is a basis for the development of individuals and communities, and if people feel their safety is threatened, their development is then stunted.

“If you’re not safe, you can’t act in your community,” Robinson said.

Skills To Survive The End Of The World As We Know it
Submitted by: Anonymous

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*Food Processing
*Bulk Food Storage
*Medical Training
*Firearms Repair
*Self-Defense Skills
*Firearms Skills
*Water Purification
*Using Tools
*Animal Husbandry
*Home Power

Canada: Tories move closer to killing gun registry
Submitted by: Paul

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OTTAWA–Gun-control advocates say they are horrified and fearful that Canada's long-gun firearms registry is on the verge this week of being scrapped because the Conservatives may have enough support from the opposition to kill it.

"It not only eliminates the need to register rifles and shotguns but requires that the information contained on seven million registered guns be destroyed."

Liberal MP Mark Holland (Ajax-Pickering) said he's not ready to concede defeat yet on killing the bill, but he acknowledged it's going to be tight and it means that a lot of pressure is going to be placed on individual Liberal MPs over the next few days to block the legislation.

How Statistics Get Distorted — An Example
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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On a legal academic discussion list, someone said — quoting the Brady Campaign that “In two thirds of battered women’s households that contained a firearm, the intimate partner used the gun against the woman, usually threatening to shoot/kill her (71.4 percent) or to shoot at her (5.1 percent).” Given that there are a lot of women who are battered by intimates — the National Crime Victimization Survey reported 900,000 in 1998 — that sounds like a vast number of death threats.

WI: The Capital Times: Madison’s lying, lying newspaper…
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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Imagine my surprise when I saw this headline:

Man pulls rifle from trench coat, gets cited for carrying concealed weapon

You see that, right? You see those words? Make your inference from them, because that’s what “Your Progressive Voice”, the Capital Times, used as a headline for a story. I guess they didn’t expect people to actually, you know, read it:

A Madison man was cited for disorderly conduct and carrying a concealed weapon early Friday morning after he allegedly pulled a rifle out from his coat while chasing after a man who apparently took a bar stool from a tavern.

AHA! The magic word: allegedly. Odd how they didn’t use that word in their headline, which clearly implies that some guy was carrying a rifle under his coat, and was charged with carrying a concealed weapon as a result, right?

OH: One step closer to self-defense in restaurants in Ohio
Submitted by: Daniel White

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Ohioans For Concealed Carry is reporting that what some have come to call "Applebee's Carry" is one step closer to reality in Ohio as House Bill 203 will receive its first hearing this Thursday, November 5th.

Are Veteran Gun Rights Being Crushed Along with Spent Brass?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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Today's Gun Rights Examiner column asks questions about reports that the military is once again crushing spent brass, and also about a bill purporting to protect veterans' RKBA.

Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principle is always a vice. — THOMAS PAINE

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