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Newslinks for 11/30/2007

And Helmke accuses us of revisionist history
Submitted by: Kurt "45superman" Hofmann

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"Back in late October, I posted a YouTube video clip, which at that time (more on that later) had been on the Brady Bunch website. In the clip, the Brady Bunch legal director, Dennis Henigan, waxes hysterical about the Parker v. District of Columbia decision. My interest in the clip stemmed from the fact that when (about one minute into it) Henigan recites the Second Amendment, he leaves out the phrase 'of the people.' As we all know, the Brady Bunch doesn't like for the right to keep and bear arms to be a right of the people, so they apparently decided to simply omit the Second Amendment's reference to the people." ...

2nd Amendment protects individuals' right to bear arms
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Monday editorial on the Second Amendment ('An overdue conversation') to the U.S. Constitution was sadly misinformed on both the amendment and the scholarship analyzing it. The overwhelming weight of peer-reviewed legal research has determined conclusively that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms, and not a so-called 'collective right' or a right to arm government-organized militias." ...

Gun law expert sends armed Santa Claus Christmas cards to White House, Supreme Court, Congress and state governors
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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John M. Snyder is sending Christmas cards of an armed Santa Claus to the President, U.S. Supreme Court justices, members of Congress and other public officials."

"This custom designed card shows Santa brandishing a semiautomatic handgun as he protects frightened school children from a crazed gunman about to enter their classroom."

"See Santa who just in time defends,
Classmates, teachers and their friends,
Gun-right carry laws should extend
Into our classrooms, we contend!"
"Snyder distributed the Christmas message 'to highlight the importance of having a law-abiding armed citizenry as a deterrent to violent crime and to underscore the inanity of so-called 'gun free zones.' ..." ...

Do Guns Belong On Holiday List?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Guns don't shoot by themselves — this I know."

"Invariably, there is some finger attached to a hand attached to an arm attached to a body ... that leads to the big boom, crack or bang that sends a bullet or two or three or more hurtling toward the target."

"Sometimes it is justified; sometimes not."

"Whatever the circumstance, I was stunned to see the gun advertisement on the back cover of an insert in a New Haven newspaper. On the front cover were the words 'holiday gift guide' featuring pictures of DVDs, CDs, toys and apparel."

"On that back cover, however, was a full-page ad for handguns, complete with list price, sale price and '4 high capacity magazines PLUS $50 cash back with (a) mail-in rebate.'" ...

Gun Owners Of America Weigh In With Supremes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What follows are excerpts of a release from the Gun-Owners of America:"

"Gun Owners of America's foundation (GOF) will be submitting an amicus brief before the Supreme Court in support of the lower court's decision that the Second Amendment protects an individual right."

"The case, D.C. v. Heller, resulted in nullification of the gun ban in the District of Columbia. Judge Laurence Silberman wrote the majority opinion for the DC Court of Appeals which decided that the DC law violated the individual right to keep and bear arms protected by the Second Amendment." ...

Pending case could backfire
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Despite the glee engendered in gun owners by the Supreme Court's announcement last week that it would hear a case that could clear up the ambiguity of the Second Amendment (the right to bear arms), we may be looking at a 'be careful what you wish for ...' scenario." ...

Supremes take on 2nd Amendment - Yawn
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The US Supreme Court recently announced that it had granted cert to DC vs. Heller ... This is the first time since 1939 that the Supremes have decided to rule on the meaning of the controversial 2nd Amendment."

"As you might imagine, both pro-gun and gun violence prevention advocates have been scrambling to claim the high ground. Many on each side argue that a ruling in their favor will lead to a more civilized society...against them, the fires of hell (forgive my harmless hyperbole - you get the point)."

"For me, the announcement was a Ho Hum moment. I sincerely doubt, whatever ruling emerges from the imposing ersatz Acropolis on DC's First Street NE, the world will be shaken." ...

Protecting the wrong right
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Earlier this year, a federal appeals court overturned a long-standing gun ban in Washington, D.C., and became the first in history to explicitly use the second amendment to do so. ... the U.S. Supreme Court decided last week that it would hear the case and directly examine the scope of the amendment for the first time in more than 70 years."

"Many are already predicting a divided 5–4 vote, an outcome met with both excitement and apprehension months before the trial is set to begin — and rightfully so. Even if you were to ignore the 'from my cold, dead hands' survivor types and the emotional appeals made by the victims of gun violence, the right to bear arms is a controversial and complex issue." ...

Court must take very careful aim at Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In announcing last week that the U.S. Supreme Court would decide whether a lower-court decision last spring invalidating the District of Columbia's 31-year-old handgun ban should stand, the high court teed up a modern-day 'shot heard 'round the world' that may very well define whether freedom retains any life breath in this country."

"Since its adoption as part of the Bill of Rights in 1791, the Second Amendment has generated controversy far beyond its short, 27-word length. Yet, surprisingly, in all those 216 years, the Supreme Court has never ruled definitely on the amendment's reach. ..." ...

Death is human cost of misreading 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two weeks ago, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear an appeal of a circuit court decision overturning Washington, D.C.'s restrictive gun ban. Three days ago, Washington Redskins Pro Bowl safety Sean Taylor was shot in his Florida home. He died in a hospital on Tuesday."

"The two events are not directly related. But each offers a way to understand that the sheer availability of guns in America affects the lives of citizens every day. ... in their legal analysis, we should hope that they keep Taylor's tragic death on their minds — a reminder that the decision of the Supreme Court could, in this case, be a matter of life and death for hundreds of Americans whose stories won't make the front page." ...

MN: Nothing less than public safety is at stake in gun-law case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Robert A. Levy's column about the Supreme Court case he filed challenging a District of Columbia gun law ('Another Second Amendment shootout,' Nov. 21) doesn't tell the full story."

"This case is the first step in an effort to deny democratically elected officials the ability to protect public safety. The D.C. law, a ban on handguns, is far from anything that would be proposed in Minnesota. But it has the support of residents there and was one of the first ordinances passed by the newly elected city council (12-1) after the district was granted home rule more than 30 years ago. This lawsuit, initiated by those who have been unable to win through the democratic process, tries to short-circuit democracy altogether." ...

Submitter's Note: In Heather Martens' world slavery would be just fine if 50.0001% of the voters favored it.

Australia: Teen intruder shot
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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A CANBERRA man allegedly shot a teenager in the hip after finding the boy in his backyard.

The 63-year-old man will appear in ACT Magistrates Court today charged with intentionally inflicting grievous bodily harm and possessing unauthorised firearms.

Police alleged the man found the 16-year-old in his Downer backyard about 2.30am (AEDT) yesterday and shot him.

Officers searched his home and allegedly found two unauthorised firearms and a large amount of ammunition.

ND: NDSCS ups security measures for weapons on campus
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After the 1999 school shootings in Columbine, Colo., colleges across the nation were forced to examine gun control issues on campus and firearm policies. But in April, when a young man at Virginia Tech unleashed the deadliest shooting rampage in American history ... school officials knew they had an entirely different entity on their hands."

"Although North Dakota State College of Science is a considerably small and safe campus, Chief of Police Steve Schmitz said every school is vulnerable to such attacks."

"'In order to be safe, everyone has to remember that it can happen here as much as it can happen anywhere else,' he said. 'The best assistance we can get is the eyes and ears of the public and community.' ..." ...

Canada: Packing heat ain't a treat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mike Guzman, a former U.S. Marine Corps member and student at Texas State University in San Marcos, is a leading advocate for the nonpartisan group Students for Concealed Carry on Campus (SCCC)."

"Guzman, along with thousands of other members of SCCC across the U.S., argue that students and faculty should be permitted to carry concealed firearms on university campuses. " ...

"Allowing concealed weapons on campus hardly seems like a rational solution to safety. Despite the SCCC’s and many Americans’ claims to the contrary, carrying firearms is really about the ability to control situations and act aggressively."

"... One's chance of being hurt or killed is greatly increased when firearms are permitted on campus ..." ...

Chuck Schumer, a friend of hunters?
Submitted by: Barry Bright

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"Despite rumors of global warming, Hell may actually be freezing over. I base that speculation on U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer’s sensible, sportsman-friendly proposal to use federal incentives to open farmers' gates to hunters."

"Unless you've been counting glow worms in the bottom of a cave for the last decade, you know that Schumer, a New York Democrat, is possibly Washington’s most consistent, effective and diabolical enemy of hunters and gun owners. The architect of the Assault Weapons Ban and the Brady Act, Schumer has voted against a ban on lawsuits on gun manufacturers and supported background checks at gun shows." ...

IL: Suffredin Unveils Ordinance to Reign [sic] in Gun Shops
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Citing the senseless loss of life resulting from random gun violence, Cook County Commissioner Larry Suffredin took a giant step today toward reducing the number of handguns on the streets of Chicago and Cook County by introducing an ordinance that would restrict the location where gun shops in suburban Cook County can operate." ...

Duncan v. Kahanamoku, U.S. Supreme Court, "publish ordinances governing the conduct of the people of the Territory with respect to . . . possession of arms, ammunition, and explosives", Feb. 25, 1946
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"...Those who founded this nation knew full well that the arbitrary power of conviction and punishment for pretended offenses is the hallmark of despotism. See The Federalist, No. 83*..."

"...'The imminence of attack by the enemy and the possibility of invasion make necessary a stricter control of your actions than would be necessary or proper at other times. I shall therefore shortly publish ordinances governing the conduct of the people of the Territory with respect to the showing of lights, circulation, meetings, censorship, possession of arms, ammunition, and explosives, the sale of intoxicating liquors and other subjects..."


U.S. v. Vigol, U.S. Supreme Court, "and had accompanied the armed party, who attacked the house of the Excise Officer", April Term, 1795
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"...The prisoner was one of the most active of the insurgents in the Western Counties of Pennsylvania, and had accompanied the armed party, who attacked the house of the Excise Officer, (Reigan's) in Westmoreland, with guns, drums, &c. insisted upon his surrendering his official papers, and extorted an oath from him, that he would never act again in the execution of the Excise Law. The same party then proceeded to the house of Wells, the Excise Officer in Fayette county, swearing that the Excise Law should never be carried into effect..."

"...It proves that the prisoner was a member of the party, who went to Reigan's house, and, afterwards, to the house of Wells, in arms..."

Is Congress powerless to the ATF?
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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"If you are a dealer and find yourself in the cross hairs of the ATF, your first response is to contact your Senator and/or Representative. However most dealers are getting a rude awakening; when your congressional delegates contact the ATF, they will quickly be told that they cannot discuss it because they are in the middle of an investigation."

"This 'investigation' lasts from when they notify you that they have decided to revoke your license and then through your anything-but-fair appeal process. Your next step is Federal Court, where the ATF will then tell your reps that they cannot interfere because it is now in the court process." ...

Mukasey tells Utah gathering that instant gun background check system working
Submitted by: Tdoff

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"He did not talk about 'waterboarding' or wiretapping."

"Instead, Michael Mukasey focused on cooperation between state and federal prosecutors during his first public remarks since becoming U.S. Attorney General."

"Mukasey announced that the number of people barred from purchasing guns because of mental health problems has doubled since the Virginia Tech shootings earlier this year. It was because of a joint federal-state database initiative that allows authorities to share information."

"'With your cooperation and the leadership of state officials, the FBI tells me they have recently doubled the number of such mental health records,' Mukasey said at the meeting of the National Association of Attorneys General on Thursday. ..." ...

WA: Ocean Shores police officer charged with assault of teen daughter
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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An Ocean Shores police officer has been charged with fourth-degree assault involving his 17-year-old daughter.

The teenager says her father, 50-year-old Jerry Elmore of Aberdeen, hit her with a belt at least five times in an argument over a telephone call on Nov. 18.

Elmore was arrested Nov. 21 after his daughter told school counselors her father had caused the bruises on her arms and legs.

According to a police report, he has been placed on paid administrative leave and his daughter has moved into a friend's house. He is barred from having contact with her and from possessing firearms.

Elmore has been a police officer for nine years.

He has not entered a plea to the charge. A hearing is scheduled Dec. 11 in Municipal Court.

MA: Turner questions gun search plan
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Boston City Councilor Chuck Turner yesterday called for a hearing on a controversial new policy allowing police to go door to door, asking permission to search for guns."

"'While I understand and share the concern . . . regarding the spread of guns and the use of guns in the city, especially by teenagers, I do not believe the warrantless-search approach is an appropriate response,' Turner said in a statement." ...

"But in his statement, Turner raised several questions, including whether officers would inform people of their right to deny access to their home unless police have a warrant." ...

NH: Veteran Held Against His Will in N.H.
Submitted by: clell

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"A day rarely passes when Americans don’t read about crimes being perpetrated not only by citizens, but by the very law enforcement officials whose duty it is to protect citizens. We all read about these shocking incidents, be they the tasering of old ladies ..."

"This morning an email brought me news of another atrocity to be added to the list of law enforcement abuse:"

"On Sunday, October 21, 2007, Billy Miller was arrested by the Farmington, New Hampshire ... Police Department on charges of misdemeanor. He was unlawfully held at the Strafford County Correctional Facility, Dover, NH in the 'booking department' for seventeen days. THIS IS AGAINST THE LAW. NO ONE MAY BE HELD FOR MORE THAN 72 HOURS!" ...

OH: Police Use Taser on Pregnant Woman
Submitted by: clell

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"A policeman forced a pregnant woman to the ground and used a stun gun on her when she refused to answer the officer's questions and resisted being handcuffed ..."

"The woman went to the police department in this Dayton suburb on Nov. 18 to ask officers to take custody of her 1-year-old son, said Michael Etter, Trotwood's public safety director."

"... The woman refused to answer questions, became frustrated and tried to leave with the child ... The officer feared allowing her to leave could jeopardize the child and he decided to detain her to get more information."

"... the officer grabbed the woman ... and forced her to the ground. When she resisted being handcuffed and tried to get away, the officer used the stun gun on her ..." ...

GA: Georgia's gun laws under fire in federal court
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The shot from a .380 Bryco was fired in Queens, but New York City officials say the trigger might as well have been pulled in Georgia."

"New York officials said Adventure Outdoors in Smyrna shares responsibility for the Bryco — a relatively inexpensive gun that some consider a 'Saturday-night special' — being used in a 2001 street crime, along with the man who fired the four shots."

"In a lawsuit that provided only sketchy details of the Queens crime, authorities complain Adventure Outdoors was the original source of at least 21 handguns, including the Bryco, recovered at New York crime scenes between 1994 and 2001."

"'What is Adventure Outdoors supposed to do?' said the gun shop's attorney, John Renzulli." ...

OR: Gun club to replace sequoia cut down in park
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Albany Rifle and Pistol Club executive board has voted to donate a tree to the city of Albany to replace the giant sequoia cut down by vandals at Timber-Linn Memorial Park."

"'The seven of us talked about it after seeing the story in the paper and we decided to purchase and then donate the tree to the parks department. We also want to help install it,' said Mike McCarter, the club's executive director."

"McCarter has notified the city of the gift, and the tree is expected to be placed in the ground on Monday." ...

PA: 8-year-olds hunt with guns?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Don't ask me why I was reading an article about the first day of deer hunting season. ..."

"Near the end, something stopped me. ... a paragraph about an 8-year-old who was hunting with his grandfather and shot his first buck."

"'Wait a minute,' I said to myself. 'You mean we let 8-year-olds in the woods with guns?'"

"I know an 8-year-old. She's cute as the dickens, smart as a whip, polite, athletic, well-mannered, and I love her to pieces."

"Would I hand her a loaded weapon?"

"Not on your life — or hers."

"Last I knew, kids had to be 12 to hunt. To my citified way of thinking, even that appears to be rushing it. ..." ...

MI: Michigan Supreme Court Violates Constitution
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"In an attempt to rid Hillsdale County residents and other citizens of an unconstitutional mandate issued by Michigan's Supreme Court, MCRCG has sent a letter (inserted below - 11 pages) to all Michigan Senators and Representatives in an effort to rally support in getting this constitutional violation corrected." ...

Submitter's Note: An effort to move Michigan's Legislators to do something about the unconstitutional mandate from Michigan’s Supreme Court prohibiting weapons and subjecting citizens to illegal searches as a condition of entry into a courthouse was virtually ignored.

You can read the correspondence here:

Please help by calling your Senator and Representative. Ask them - Why no response?

WA: Nickels' gun summit is all for show
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Finding viable solutions to violent crime is everyone's business and in everybody's best interest, so it is not simply disappointing but indicative of a myopic predisposition on the part of Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels and the Harborview Medical Center's Injury and Research Prevention Center that their much-touted 'summit' on Monday on crimes involving firearms has a gaping hole in the program: No participants from the firearms community were invited to attend, much less participate in the panel discussions."

"When one of us was cordially invited by state Sen. Adam Kline, that invitation was quickly revoked by the Mayor's Office, much to our astonishment." ...

OH: Concealed Handguns: Danger or Asset to Ohio?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The purpose of this study is to determine the relative criminality of concealed carry licensees versus the general population of Ohio. In order to do this, we will compare the number of concealed carry license suspensions and revocations to the FBI arrest data for the entire state, yielding proxies for the violation rates of licensees and the general population, respectively."

"With each succeeding year of reporting data, the results become more reliable. There are now two full year’s of data ... plus partial data for 2004 ... While two and three-quarters years of data is too short to note any trends, the results are relatively consistent across the reporting years." ...

UK: 118 arrested and 1,300 guns seized in massive firearms raid
Submitted by: Mile66

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... "Raids in hotspots which account for more than half of Britain's gun crime - Manchester, London, Liverpool and Birmingham - involved more than 1,000 officers yesterday."

"The operation seized 10 handguns and £5,900 in cash."

"Officers also confiscated six imitation handguns, 1,290 other realistic imitation firearms, three CS gas canisters, a stun gun and four air weapons."

"A large number of knives and batons were also recovered, along with five separate seizures of live ammunition. In all, 67 warrants were executed and 34 vehicles were seized." ...

Submitter's Note: Math, gun-grabber's way.

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you. — PERICLES (430 BC)

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