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Newslinks for 11/4/2003

New "Gun Show" Bill: All Trick, No Treat (NRA Alert)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Introduced, appropriately enough, on Halloween, the McCain-Reed-DeWine-Lieberman gun show bill masquerades as reform but imposes bureaucratic restrictions aimed at eliminating gun shows. The legislation is based on the McCain-Lieberman bill (S. 890) from the 107th Congress, and, similarly, not only fails to address gun owners' most significant concerns, but also fails to address any issues within the National Instant Check System (NICS)."

"McCain-Reed is not about closing a 'gun show loophole'—there is no 'gun show loophole.' " ...

Brady/MMM Trying to Shrilly Screech Away Yet More of Our Rights
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"We have been fighting against S. 659, dangerous special interest legislation that would take away the legal rights of gun violence victims and give sweeping legal immunity from lawsuits to the gun industry -- immunity that no other industry enjoys. On Friday, two versions of this legislation, with new bill numbers, were introduced: S. 1805 and S. 1806. But whatever the bill number, this legislation remains an outrageous and unfair attack on gun violence victims."

Yes, God forbid we protect legitimate businesses from litigious assaults by emotionalist buffoons who seek to increase their own power and influence by disarming the general populace! That's an attack on victims of violence in Brady's warped view.

On the wing of a gun and a prayer
Submitted by: Robert Lewis

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"An odd thing is happening to Democrats as we near the 2004 elections: Some now support more conservative positions on guns and abortion — two of the most contentious social issues of our time." ...

"National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre couldn't have said it better. Just a few years ago, Democrats might have condemned the NRA-backed Republican bill, but the gun control issue has been a political killer for their party, especially among some of the Democrats' key constituencies in organized labor, rural areas and the South."

It's Time For ACCOUNTABILITY when it comes to Firearm Safety
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"If you are the type of person who would leave your little ones in the care of a person too young or too irresponsible to handle potentially dangerous situations, you have no business blaming the gun, the gun retailer or the gun manufacturer for your lack of common sense." ...

"And if you are the type who would enslave an entire population just to save yourself some effort in keeping your home and your family safe, don’t kid yourself. You are not 'moderate' and you are not doing it 'for the children.' You are a fascist slug who favors government control over personal responsibility, and we all know it."


Symantec Says No To Pro-Gun Sites
Submitted by: Ry Jones

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"My rather informal test still raises the spectre that a large corporate entity may be clandestinely trying to sway you or your child's political views by censoring content from one side of a political debate. This is indeed chilling, especially considering that such software is required to be used in libraries to protect children. Is this political slant common in censorware? Have slashdotters found similar glitches in other 'parental control' software?"

NOTE: Symantec's anti-freedom proclivities were exposed by Dr. Vladimir Kushnir a few months ago. He sent a letter to Symantec informing them that he wouldn't tolerate their antics.

Lieberman, Prince of Thieves?
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"You may recall that Joe Lieberman was one of three Democratic candidates -- along with Dick Gephardt and Dennis Kucinich -- seen begging for forgiveness after skipping a NAACP forum this past July. Having been told by NAACP Pres. Kweisi Mfume, 'Your political capital is the equivalent of Confederate dollars,' Lieberman attended a later session that week and said, 'Anyone aspiring to leadership... must believe that the causes he or she fights for... are right. But leadership also means being able to admit when you are wrong. And by not coming [to the forum], I was wrong.' "

"Groveling, much? Wait. There's more: Lieberman was also heard to say that 'we need [Mfume] on the Supreme Court,' which, when translated, means we need Lieberman in the White House like we need a good kick in the groin. Why? Well, the fact that Mfume never went to law school -- unlike, say, Clarence Thomas -- is a good place to start."

Brady/MMM: Good News From the States
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A compilation of gun control "accomplishments" around North America.

Goodman: NRA list snub hard to take
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"But this is too much. This hurts my feelings. The leaders of the National Rifle Association have put out a 19-page blacklist, a veritable Who's Who of opponents, an alphabet list of enemies, and there wasn't a Goodman to be found."

"How can they do this to me? This is a leadership that has refined paranoia into an art form. The honchos of the NRA actually believe that keeping assault weapons off the streets is the first step to wresting the flintlock out of Charlton Heston's 'cold, dead hands.' "

Get over it, Ellen. The tactic is no longer original. And maybe, just maybe, the NRA considers you too inconsequential to bother with.

CA: Evacuated homes plagued by looters
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Joseph Willard, 45, a land surveyor and Crestline resident of 15 years, said concerns about looting led him to sneak back up the mountain to check on his home after being evacuated to a shelter in Hesperia." ...

"Ed Ham, 61, decided to stay behind in his Crestline home and said he lived through four 'terrifying' days. On Thursday, he was taking phone calls from residents asking him to check their homes for damage." ...

"One homeowner from Cedar Pines Park said a friend who stayed behind had caught someone looting a neighbor's house."

" 'He pulled a shotgun on him and told him to get out,' Ty Lasher said."

MD: State grant triggers new special prosecutor for firearms violations
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Baltimore County state's attorney's office is hoping a new grant will help prosecutors get ahead of the growing number of firearms cases by allowing them to dedicate a prosecutor to the problem."

"This month the County Council unanimously approved use of a state grant totaling nearly $72,000 to fund a special prosecutor for the State's Attorney Firearms Violence Unit."

"Stephen Bailey, a deputy state's attorney, said the growing number of firearms-related arrests created the need for a special prosecutor."

MI: CCRKBA Chief Applauds Prosecutors Decision to Charge Ex-Chief
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The decision Monday by Wayne County, Mich. Prosecutor Michael Duggan to charge former Detroit Police Chief Jerry Oliver for having an unregistered handgun was 'the right thing to do,' said Joe Waldron, executive director of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA)."

" 'It doesn't matter who you are,' Duggan was quoted as saying Monday by the Detroit Free Press. 'If you do not license your handgun ... I am going to charge you.' "

" 'I'm satisfied that Mike Duggan is sticking to his anti-guns,' Waldron quipped."

Biometric passports suffer bumpy ride
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The long-term growth proposition for biometric security is bullish. The industry is expected to grow from $928 million this year to $4 billion by the end of 2007, according to the International Biometric Group. Other analyst estimates are more moderate: IDC pegs the market at $887 million in 2005, while Frost & Sullivan say it will reach $2.05 billion by 2006. The majority of that growth is expected to come from fat government security budgets in both the United States and Europe, says Mr. Neuman."

Government stomping on freedoms (Letter)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"We are in imminent danger by our lawmakers again. While our heads are still reeling from the unconstitutional and treasonous acts that have recently been passed, such as the Patriot Act and the RAVE Act, we now have some new acts about to be voted on by our elected lawmakers."

"It is no coincidence that these acts are given warm and fuzzy names like the Victory Act. It must certainly make people feel a little better about themselves to vote against our civil liberties if it has a really good sounding name."

"Then, we are told that we are surely unpatriotic or aiding terrorism if we just happen to not agree with these wonderful 'sounding' acts. I am anything but 'unpatriotic' and I truly do love this country."

Patriot Act hardly tramples rights
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"What few critics realize is that prior to passage of the Patriot Act, the federal government was granted more power in the investigation of an individual suspected of trafficking drugs than someone suspected of plotting a terrorist attack. Why were these critics, today so vocal against the Patriot Act, so comparatively silent with the passage of similar acts regarding organized crime and drug-related offenses?"

"We need only look to the past to realize that other, egregious challenges to our Constitution have been declared by prior presidents in wartime - Abraham Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus during the Civil War or Franklin Roosevelt's internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II, among others."

Ireland: Gun a 'souvenir' says wife of doctor involved in airport security alert
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A family souvenir of sentimental value unwittingly resulted in an international incident yesterday, the family of the man at the centre of the crisis claimed last night."

"Fears of a terrorist attack were sparked at Cairo airport when it was discovered that Irish citizen and surgeon, Dr. Waheed Mikhail, was carrying a gun in his luggage." ...

"Dr. Mikhail was returning from Egypt after going through the personal effects of his late father, Prof Naguib Mikhail."

"Prof Mikhail was an archaeologist and Egyptologist and had been working in the desert since the 1940s."

"He had carried a gun to protect the artefacts as he slept in tombs during his excavations."

CT: Police To Distribute Free Gun Locks
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Police departments in Connecticut are giving away free gun locks this week.

It's called "Project Childsafe" and is a nationwide program funded by $50 million from the U.S. Department of Justice.

State and local police in Connecticut will hand out 165,000 cable gun locks. The gun locks are expected to be distributed to all police stations by Friday.

The locks, which each cost about $10, are cables suitable for most firearms, including revolvers and semiautomatic handguns.

Lt. Gov. Jodi Rell is promoting the program. She said that a gun lock could have prevented the shooting in Hartford last week of a 12-year-old boy.

MT: Free firearm locks available
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"If your home contains a combination of guns and children, you can make it a safer place by stopping in at Sportsman's Surplus on Tuesday to receive free cable-style gunlocks and educational material from the National Shooting Sports Foundation."

"The foundation has joined forces with the Montana Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, local law enforcement and Lt. Gov. Karl Ohs in Project ChildSafe."

"In Montana, the program will distribute more than 156,800 free gunlocks and accompanying educational material. Project ChildSafe is designed to help make homes with firearms safer by raising awareness about responsible firearm ownership and storage."

MI: Gun packing not reason enough to dump Oliver
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"There may have been a dozen legitimate reasons for forcing Detroit Police Chief Jerry A. Oliver Sr. out of his job. But finding a small-caliber handgun in his checked baggage when he boarded a plane at Detroit Metropolitan Airport last month wasn't one of them." ...

"Talk about gnat-hunting with an elephant gun. The next chief better be careful not to spit on the sidewalk."

"Now, it's an ill-kept secret that I wasn't terribly impressed with Kilpatrick's original choice of Oliver. The guy came to town with more baggage than Cher's wardrobe mistress."

"But he was the chief, and whatever his faults, carrying a gun, or even packing one in his luggage when he left town for a few days, certainly isn't one that's indictable."

MN: Firearms deer hunting season starts Saturday
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"In what some think could be the best year to hunt deer in decades, the 2003 Minnesota firearms deer season gets underway Saturday, Nov. 8."

"Several mild winters in a row have allowed the herd to grow to a point where in most areas hunters get a doe permit automatically and can even get an additional antlerless tag."

Gephardt questioned on his views
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Oxford, England: Rep. Gephardt, why has gun control not been a primary focus in the Democratic campaign?" ...

"Rep. Richard A Gephardt : I have strong beliefs in the need for sensible gun safety legislation. I led the effort in the mid 90s for the Brady Bill and the Assault Weapons Ban and I think both bills have helped reduce needless gun violence. Having said that I do support the right to possession of firearms by lawful citizens who are complying with all federal and state laws."

"Fairfax, Va.: What's your position on the USA Patriot Act?"

"Rep. Richard A Gephardt : I voted for it, but I do believe that this Attorney General, John Ashcroft, is not administering it in a balanced way." ...

The Frontlines of Freedom
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"On the weekend of October 18-19, I had the extraordinarily good fortune to attend the third annual Freedom Summit in Phoenix, Arizona. Billed as the place 'where the great minds of freedom come together,' it was a gathering of those who share the common goal of real freedom. Most attendees were activists at some level or another; all, without regard to specific ideology, support the inherent rights of people to enjoy liberty."

KY: 4 shootings mark weekend of violence
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Four shootings in 19 hours over the weekend in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky vividly shows how easy it is for violent people to get and use guns, say crime experts.

" 'This is probably the biggest problem in our metro area,' said Northern Kentucky University criminal justice professor Stephen Richards. 'This is the price we pay for our right to bear arms.' "

"Violence is more tragic in America than other countries because it's easier to get guns here, said University of Cincinnati criminal justice professor Frank Cullen."

Notice the complete ignorance on the part of these two "experts." They apparently think that law abiding citizens exercising their rights are the cause of gun violence.

NY: New York Sellout
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"...How, then, to explain the news that New York City's Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, the union representing 23,000 rank-and-file NYPD officers, has endorsed Schumer for reelection? 'He is a staunch supporter of gun control and is a constant and aggressive advocate for a ban on assault weapons and cop-killer bullets,' says PBA President Pat Lynch ... 'The members of the NYC PBA know that when the chips are down, we can count Senator Charles Schumer.' "

"Can they? Granted, Schumer is one of the surest votes in the Senate for any new law seeking to further erode the Second Amendment, but if the senator and his fans at the PBA are under the impression that gun-control laws reduce crime they are not keeping up with the news."

MI: Former Detroit Chief Charged with Handgun Possession
Submitted by: Pirate

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"Former Police Chief Jerry Oliver was charged Monday with misdemeanor possession of an unlicensed handgun."

"Oliver stepped down on Friday, saying the controversy over the gun had become a distracting sideshow. He was hired by Detroit in January 2002 after leading the Richmond, Va., police department."

It's informative to note that his complete disregard for the law has been relegated to a "distracting sideshow" in this man's mind. We're fairly certain that had it been a civilian caught flouting the law in such a manner, this same man would likely throw the book at him or her.

VA: Feds Charge Gang Members For Murder
Submitted by: Pirate

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"On Tuesday, three reputed members of Mara Salvatrucha are scheduled to go on trial in U.S. District Court for the Diaz killing _ a case that marks a major milestone in the crackdown on the notorious street gang known as MS-13. The gang is considered the most violent in northern Virginia."

" 'Law enforcement is looking at violent gangs as a problem we have to hit hard now and not later,' Grant D. Ashley, assistant director of the FBI, told The Washington Post." ...

Get tough now? What have they been waiting for? Seems to me the feds are *WAY* behind the power curve on this one!

UK: Liverpool family wounded in gun attack
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A six-year-old girl, and brother and mother, are being treated in hospital today after a lone gunman attacked the family at their Kensington home in Liverpool last night."

"At about 9.30pm, six-year-old girl Makada Weaver opened the door of the Chatsworth Drive home on to a gunman who asked for her brother."

"The man then pushed into the house and shot 19-year-old Adrian in the thigh. The family's pet dog, a bull mastiff, was then shot dead after it attacked and bit the intruder."

"Thirty-five-year-old Valerie Weaver was then shot at a number of times and received wounds to the stomach."

UK: MPs take aim at eBay in gun smuggling report
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Guns are being smuggled into the UK using online auction sites such as eBay, according to a report by MPs due out this week."

"Although the sale of weapons is illegal on eBay, the report is expected to say that villains are getting round the barriers by buying component parts, such as barrels, firing mechanism and triggers."

VA: "I didn't mean to" no excuse, Court rules
Submitted by: Anonymous

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" 'Didn't mean to' isn't a defense to carrying a gun to a school, the Virginia Supreme Court ruled."

"The decision upheld the conviction of Deena Esteban, who was an art teacher in Prince William County schools in 2000." ...

" 'The General Assembly recognized that the presence of a loaded revolver on school property creates great dangers for students, teachers and other school personnel, either from the accidental or intentional discharge of the weapon,' Compton wrote for a unanimous court."

Considering the number of accidental discharges committed by police officers, why is it that they are allowed to carry weapons on school grounds, then?

UK: Warped British View of NRA's so-called "black list"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"An attempt by America's National Rifle Association (NRA) to 'out' Hollywood stars who support gun control appears to have backfired."

"Supporters of gun control say it is too easy to buy a gun."

"The NRA published on its website a blacklist of famous people who are opposed to certain forms of gun ownership."

"But after news of the list leaked out, thousands of Americans have asked to be added to those of the stars."

And thousands more have chosen not to support them by giving them money and purchasing their products.

Libertarians call for Fuller's resignation
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"North Alabama libertarians are calling for either answers from, or the removal of, Bill Fuller as the Commissioner of State Department of Human Resources (DHR)."

"Huntsville District Chair of the Libertarian Party of Alabama (LPA) Jonny Letson states, 'Bill Fuller, in showing no expression of urgency or major concern in an undelayed reuniting of Marta Alonzo and her infant son, causes me, and I am sure, many other parents, to feel he is lacking in his abilities to act as commissioner over a children's welfare service.' "

MI: Officer in federal court Monday
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A veteran Flint police officer appeared in federal court Monday facing a variety of charges for his alleged role in an illegal drug and gambling ring."

"abc12's Katie Mitzner was in federal court as Officer Tony Jones was brought before a judge. Jones was officially arraigned on five charges stemming from illegal activity the FBI says took place over the past 12 years, and that he conducted often while in uniform."

India: Businessman in debt kills family, self
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A licenced revolver that he had bought to protect himself in the wake of extortion threats two years ago was used by Santosh Surve to put an end to his troubles early yesterday morning."

"The middle-aged businessman who lived with his wife and two daughters at Tulip building, Sadguru Garden, Kopri, Thane (W), used the gun to kill his family and himself. The deceased were identified as Santosh Surve (37), his wife Sanjana (32) and daughters Ruchira (7) and Rutuja (5)."

So much for licensing, registration and stringent gun control putting an end to these types of tragedies.

Tyranny is always better organized than freedom. —THOMAS PAINE

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