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Newslinks for 11/4/2008

Special Election Message From Wayne LaPierre And Chris Cox
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This long campaign season is down to its final days. Next Tuesday the American people will make their choice. It is more important than ever that gun owners and everyone who values our liberties know the true positions of the candidates who seek their support.


Barack Obama has such a long, openly anti-gun record that he cannot hide his true stance. All he can do is try to paper it over. “If you’ve got a gun in your house, I’m not taking it,” Obama claims on the campaign trail, although he voted in Illinois to do just that. And he goes on to admit the real obstacle: “Even if I wanted to take it away, I couldn’t get it done. I don’t have the votes in Congress.”

WA: 59th/Admiral shooting trial postscript: One more court victory
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As reported here after a King County Superior Court jury exonerated an Alki 18-year-old on Friday in the 10/13/07 deadly shooting inside a car at 59th/Admiral, the trial had one more phase: Since the teen’s legal team had filed a request, as allowed under state law, for compensation for what he’s gone through if it was found that this was justifiable homicide — the jury cleared him on the grounds of self-defense — the jury needed to convene again to consider that part of the case. That took all day today, after which both jurors and the teen’s mother had something to say — read on for our courtroom correspondent’s report.

WA: Arm yourself against an attacker
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Ed.: For values of "arm" that don't actually include arms.

It’s no secret, but it’s still a shock.

The alleged attacks in recent weeks have sent chills through our campus. What the perpetrators of the violence are doing is wrong and I am hard-pressed to think of anything more upsetting to my sense of security and the security of my peers. Until these individuals are caught, and for future reference, here are some self-defense tips that could give you an advantage if you are confronted with a violent situation.

Obama and Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In speech after speech, Barack Obama has claimed he would "uphold the Second Amendment." Mr. Obama, of course, is a polished speaker who says "words matter." But records matter more. And while Mr. Obama is short on experience on most issues, he's long on anti-gun votes and even longer on rhetoric. Now's a good time to review both.

One of Mr. Obama's first statements on the issue really said it all. During his first run for the Illinois Senate in 1996, Mr. Obama said on a candidate questionnaire that he supported legislation to "ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns."

Gun Sales Are Up . . . Americans Are Starting To Get It
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Americans are getting that it’s not about Guns, it never was. - No, It's about Independence, citizen authority, and the realization that we are actually on our own. More than ever before, Americans feel their Independence is threatened like never before. 2008 was (is) a memorable year for experiencing Big Government, and for the first time, tens of millions of Americans are experiencing the very kind of forecast 80 million gun owners have warned about. Buying guns is a powerful sign that non-gun owner Americans now see this finally as it all relates to their homes and loved ones.

Canada: The politics of body counts
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Star's editorial called for a ban on handguns, and not for the first time.

In this week's column, Pierre Lemieux takes on the would-be gun banners, like Toronto Mayor David Miller and Michael Bryant, Ontario's Attorney General.

After citing the evidence that gun bans don't reduce crime, Lemieux takes the analysis one more step: "But assume that this is not the case," he suggests. "Assume instead that free access to guns generates a net death count."

Even then, "body-count politics is questionable." We should not be so easily prepared to sacrifice liberty just to save a few more lives.

NJ: Obama pushes agenda of the anti-gun left
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I hope the American people are paying attention on how Sen. Barack Obama really feels about the Second Amendment.

Obama was a board member of the anti-gun Joyce Foundation from 1994 to 2001. The Joyce Foundation is the largest source of funding for radical anti-gun groups, political operatives, researchers and causes in the country.

On Obama's watch, Joyce donated $18.6 million to about 80 anti-gun efforts, including $1.5 million to the Violence Policy Center, the nation's most aggressive gun prohibition activist groups.

IA: Lawsuit aims to test Iowa's concealed weapons law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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n Ocheyedan man has filed a federal class-action lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of an Iowa law that requires individuals obtain a permit to carry a concealed weapon.

Paul Dorr, 52, said Thursday that Osceola County Sheriff Douglas Weber wrongly denied on a political whim his and his 18-year-old son's requests for permits to carry concealed weapons.

Dorr filed the lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Sioux City against Weber and Osceola County because Weber turned down the permit applications of both Dorr and his son in 2007. Dorr alleges that the sheriff denied his Second Amendment right to bear arms and 14th Amendment right to due process. "He just denied my permit to carry without foundation," said Dorr...

CO: Take our ‘Shall I Vote?’ quiz
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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People who don't vote play a positive role by not polluting election results with ill-informed decisions. They count as people who didn't choose to participate in the passage or defeat of any measure on the ballot, or the election of any politician. A decision to not vote is a decision to participate in the process by abstaining. It's like getting elected to the Senate and voting "present" most of the time. It's a statement of non-participation, and it can be noble.


Because ill-informed people might vote, Candidate A buys a commercial that connects Candidate B with nuclear war; Candidate B buys an ad that links Candidate A with a killer on the loose.

CO: Palin fires up Springs crowd
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Obama's campaign released a statement responding to her speech, saying no family making less than $250,000 would see a tax increase under his plan. For families making less than $200,000, it said, there would be a tax cut.

Palin said she believed in Ronald Reagan's brand of politics.

"We believe in the forward movement of your freedom and not the constant expansion of government," she said. "That freedom includes the free rights and liberties of the Second Amendment, too."

Obama Promises Supreme Court That Will Destroy Second Amendment
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Senator Barack Obama says he will respect gun owners, but campaign talk is cheap. What gun owners must know before they vote is that Obama promises to appoint a U.S. Supreme Court that will eradicate the Second Amendment from the Constitution.

NY: NYPD Cop Jorge Arbaje-Diaz Arrested on Charges He Was Part of Cocaine Robbery Crew
Submitted by: Larry

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An NYPD cop betrayed his badge by working for a gang that stole $20 million in cocaine from drug dealers and resold it on the streets, authorities said Friday.

Police Officer Jorge Arbaje-Diaz was on duty - and in full uniform with gun, badge and handcuffs - when he shook down dealers for cash and dope in at least one of the robberies, prosecutors said.

Recommended Concealed Carry Holster for Glock 19
Submitted by: David Wolfe

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I bought my Glock 19 several years ago from a local gun shop, and immediately fell in love. It is just the right size and fits my hands perfectly. The Glock 19 is small enough for everyday concealed carry without pulling your ass off, yet large enough to serve as a full size weapon, offering accuracy and magazine capacity comparable to full sized auto pistols.

OH: The 11th Hour
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"I'm not going to presume to tell you what to do. My public recommendation is to vote your informed conscience, meaning be aware that each of these choices carries a real cost along with your perceived benefit. The reality is, if McCain loses, Obama will win. That's not to say it will be anyone's 'fault' except Obama voters, and in a real sense, the GOP, for giving us a candidate who has not inspired enthusiasm in us."

IL: Morton Grove trustee drops plan for handgun registration
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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For now, at least, Morton Grove trustees will not be considering any type of local handgun registration program. Trustee Georgianne Brunner said she no longer plans to present a gun registration ordinance to the village board, at least until there appears to be some support among other trustees. Brunner was the only member of the village board to vote against a measure repealing the village's long-standing handgun ban. "I did a lot of research on it. I could sense from the board there isn't a lot of support for it," Brunner said last week.

PA: Cops: Woman shoots intruder
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Police say a 77-year-old woman shot an intoxicated art student who mistakenly entered her Pittsburgh home. The shooting happened early Saturday in the city’s Hill District. Police say the 19-year-old Art Institute of Pittsburgh student got into the woman’s home around 12:30 a.m. That set off an alarm. The woman went and got a gun. Police say she pointed it at him and told him to leave. When the student didn’t leave, police say the woman shot him in the pelvis.

OR: Gun-control fears spark sales
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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At Cent-Wise Sporting Goods in Redmond, manager Kevin Moss says gun sales are up this fall, mostly because of consumer fears that the next president — whether John McCain or Barack Obama — is going to ratchet up gun control. “We’re selling lots of handguns, ammo and more assault rifles, stuff people don’t think they are going to be able to get after the election,” Moss said. “The election is sparking a run on guns.”

NY: How safe is the local gun club? Depends on who’s in charge
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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An 8-year-old boy dies at a Westfield gun club when he loses control of an Uzi submachine gun and shoots himself in the head. A bullet ricochets off a target and lands a half-mile away in a Scituate house, nearly hitting a woman doing laundry. Both recent incidents revealed the extent of state and local oversight of gun club safety: there is none.

IL: Next president should make reduction of crime a priority
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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During the last week, I heard and read some of the final arguments that were being presented by our presidential candidates. I heard Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain address such weighty issues as the economy, mortgage foreclosures, health care, the war in Iraq and the loss of jobs. One thing that was notably absent from the presidential campaigns this year was a mention of what either candidate would do about crime in America. It seems that crime has taken a back seat to other concerns during this election year.

MT: Gun Lobby Attack Dogs Strike Again
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Something extremely scary happened last Friday on Halloween. Dan Cooper, President and Founder of Cooper Firearms of Stevensville, Montana, resigned. Not so scary, you say. Well, wait until you hear why. If you believe in freedom and that there’s a reason why the right to free speech is the First Amendment, prepare to be terrified.

TX: Robber Shot by Homeowner In North Dallas
Submitted by: jac

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Dallas police said two armed men came to the door of a condo in the 5600 block of Harvest Hill, and when a resident answered the door, the men rushed in to rob him.

The resident, armed with a handgun, chased the two men back out of the condo, fired a single shot that hit one of the robbers in the chest. The man was taken to the hospital where he died, the other robber got away.

Residents report crime has gone up over the past two week, and that some of the apartment complexes have posted alerts warning of the spike in crime.

Dallas police said the man opened his door believing a friend was at the door.

The resident is not facing charges. The case will be forwarded to the Grand Jury for review.


UT: State cracks down on gun permits
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Scores of concealed weapon permit holders were able to carry their guns for months after they should have had their licenses suspended or revoked for crimes ranging from unspecified felonies to drunken driving. The problem wasn't fixed until the second half of 2007 when the state Bureau of Criminal Identification received a budget hike and hired four additional investigators. Those new staffers helped the agency to clear a huge backlog of shelved enforcement actions. The result was a dramatic spike in revocations and suspensions of concealed-carry permits. They jumped from 167 in 2006 to 568 in 2007.

Gun Talk
Submitted by: David Codrea

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The program went well, a lot of fun, but the hour sure passed quickly. Tom [Gresham], as always, was a gracious host, easy to talk to. We focused mostly on the Cooper Firearms fiasco and talked a bit about Sen. Obama.

NY: Censored by The Messenger
Submitted by: Gun Legislation & Politics in New York

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Len Lisenbee is the Daily Messenger’s Outdoor Columnist. He wrote this column which the paper refused to run because it was “too political” for the sports page. The paper has since endorsed Obama. Questions about it should be directed to Len directly.

NY: NYC mayor gets public scolding before signing bill
Submitted by: motoboy

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Mayor Michael Bloomberg got a scolding at a bill-signing ceremony Monday from New Yorkers furious over how he changed the city's term-limits law, but he signed the measure anyway and is now clear to seek a third term.

As Bloomberg sat at a desk with his hands folded, critics stepped up to a microphone and told him he was ignoring the will of the people, who twice approved term limits through referenda in the 1990s.

"Please Mr. Mayor, do not subvert the will, and the good will, of 8 million New Yorkers," said Patty Hagan. "Do not lift that pen and do not sign this disgraceful term-limits extender bill."


"You seem ... to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all contitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy... The Contitution has erected no such single tribunal." --Thomas Jefferson, 1820

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