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Newslinks for 11/4/2009

WA CeaseFire Exploits Slain Officer to Push Agenda, Says CCRKBA
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"[CCRKBA] today condemned Washington CeaseFire President Ralph Fascitelli for capitalizing on the murder of Seattle Police Officer Timothy Q. Brenton by announcing a plan to lobby for a ban on so-called 'assault weapons' using Brenton's killing as a launch pad."

"'Over the years,' said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, 'I have watched as anti-gun extremists rushed to exploit violent crimes to push their agenda, but this case, as reported by Nina Shapiro in the Seattle Weekly, signals a despicable new low in behavior. Fascitelli is essentially dancing in Officer Brenton's blood, and he ought to be ashamed."

"According to the Seattle Weekly article, 'Even though police say they have not yet determined what type of weapon was used, Ralph Fascitelli ... says he plans to cite Brenton's murder when lobbying for the bill in the next legislative session.'" ...

The 'No Guns' Insult
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"How does it make you feel when you start to walk into a business and see a 'No Guns' sign prominently posted? Are you angry? Offended? Indifferent? ... Do you just turn around and take your business elsewhere? Complain to the management? Just ignore it and go on with your business? The members of the Virginia Citizens Defense League take 'No Guns' signs as personally offensive and they let their offense be known – to the business, to fellow VCDL members, and anyone else who'll listen – or read a web page. VCDL maintains a list of anti-rights Virginia businesses on their web site,, and encourages gun owners and rights supporters to avoid these businesses except to let them know that their policy is offensive. ..." ...

The Brady Campaign against state sovereignty
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Brady Campaign's Dennis Henigan is apparently as unimpressed with the 10th Amendment as he is with the 2nd. This can be seen by his reaction to passage in Tennessee and Montana (and consideration elsewhere) of bills that would exempt firearms, ammunition, and firearm accessories made and sold within the state, from federal gun laws."

"That reaction is one of fussy disapproval."

"We know that individuals can defy the law. Can a state legislature defy the law? When it comes to the gun issue, apparently it can." ...

Predictably, gun banners plan to exploit murder of Seattle police officer
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Never let it be said that the gun prohibitionist lobby passes up an opportunity to exploit a crime victim to promote its political agenda, but in the case of slain Seattle Police Officer Timothy Q. Brenton, a new speed record for insensitivity may have been achieved." ...

"Washington CeaseFire President Ralph Fascitelli is today being quoted ... announcing that he plans to use Brenton's slaying as a key talking point when lobbying in January for a statewide ban on so-called 'assault weapons.' And in a quote, Fascitelli's agenda is clear: It doesn’t matter what the murder weapon was, he still will use this killing to push a ban."

"'Maybe this particular [police victim] wasn't killed with an assault weapon,' Fascitelli is quoted as stating, 'but the next one maybe will be.'" ...

GUNPAL, Inc.: The First Serious Competitor for PayPal Inc.
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"'GUNPAL, Inc. is a transaction-neutral online payment platform with a philanthropic spirit,' announces Founder/CEO Ben Cannon. 'It is also the first serious competitor for PayPal Inc.'"

A percentage of each transaction is donated to a selected charity at no additional cost to the user. ..."

"An avid supporter of constitutional rights, Cannon created a discrimination-free online payment application, starting with the recognition of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms."

"Prohibited by PayPal's 'Acceptable Use Policy', the $3 billion firearms and accessories industry has adopted GUNPAL as the payment platform of choice. ..." ...

Anti-Defamation League defames by innuendo
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"We've seen how the Southern Poverty Law Center has found smearing Oath Keepers a good tactic to exploit and call attention to themselves, and we've seen how some in the media jump at the chance to abet them. No doubt feeling left out on an opportunity for some publicity, the Anti-Defamation League has come out with 'Oath Keepers and Three Percenters Part of Growing Anti-Government Movement' as their way of jumping on the bandwagon."

"Regular readers here know about Oath Keepers--they're the current and retired members of law enforcement and military 'who will fulfill the Oath we swore ... to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help us God. Our Oath is to the Constitution.'" ...

Pitcavage on Oath Keepers and Threepers: ADL's Attack Blimp Strikes Again
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I first introduced Mark Pitcavage, ADL's attack blimp, in this post back in March. Back in the 90s, I crossed electronic swords often with this puke, who used to get paid by the FBI for all the names of militia folk he could glean by trolling the Internet. ..."

"Now the attack blimp has delivered another pre-emptive prevarication strike on Threepers and Oath Keepers ..." ...

"Now as far as I'm concerned, 'anti-government' is as anti-government does. Explain to me how Oath Keepers, an organization dedicated to preserving the Constitution is anti-government? Anti-tyrannical-government, maybe. Anti-collectivist, surely. It is Pitcavage and his ilk who are traitors to the Founders Republic." ...

Aimpoint & MidwayUSA Team Up To Support the NRA
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Aimpoint Inc and MidwayUSA have once again teamed up to show their support for the National Rifle Association."

"From now until December 31, 2009, every purchase of an Aimpoint CompM4 electronic Red dot optic will result in a $100 donation to the NRA."

"In addition, anyone who purchases a sight and is not an NRA member will receive a free one-year NRA membership, compliments of MidwayUSA." ...

Fall Back
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"'Spring forward, fall back.' It's that day again." ...

"I dunno who came up with the idea of changing flashlight batteries and especially smoke alarm batteries at time change, but it made excellent sense and has probably saved lives. ..."

"As a gun person, I extend the concept a little and on 'spring forward, fall back' days also change out the magazines in my autoloading firearms. For instance, the standard 'load-out' for a duty pistol is three magazines, one in the gun and two on the uniform belt, so I try to keep at least six mags on hand for any auto pistol I use regularly. When I change the clocks and the batteries, I'll also unload the carry mags that have been full up, and 'let 'em rest' until the next time change. ..." ...

Staring down the barrel
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"First and foremost, congratulations and thanks to the Youngstown State University Police department for their diligent work in finding the student carrying a gun on campus on Monday. ..."

"To the rest of the campus community, let's talk common sense. Second Amendment rights deserve the same respect as any other amendment. Having said as much, guns have no place on a college campus."

"Period. End of discussion." ...

Submitter's Note: Actually that wasn't a "discussion", it was an unsupported theory masquerading as self-evident fact used to squelch debate or discussion.

Militias and the GOP (first letter)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Reading the story on Sunday's front page about the Kentucky militia, my first thought was, 'Why don't you just join the Republican Party and be done with it?' And then I realized, they are the new face of the Republican Party. They sounded like true believers of Rush Limbaugh and Fox News, the voices of the GOP."

"As a Democrat who loves his country, wants his Second Amendment rights and isn't keen on socialism, I am separated from their concerns and fears in many ways. Among these are that these militias are way too close to believing they have an excuse to overthrow our current government because conservative Republicans are no longer in control ..." ...

Top gun advocate has message of survival
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"He may have been outgunned but he wasn't ungunned and the result, the experts agree, probably saved hundreds, maybe even a thousand, lives and now St. James Massacre survivor Charl van Wyk is returning with his message of a biblical obligation for self-defense."

"His story has been chronicled in the book 'Shooting Back: The Right and Duty of Self-Defense' and also a video documentary – the first ever produced by WND's film division."

"It was only a few months back he appeared on the Mancow radio show and talked of responding, with his .38 special revolver, to terrorists who lobbed grenades and fired automatic assault weapons at a church congregation in South Africa in 1993:" ...

VA: Virginia AG candidate Steve Shannon sticks to his gun control
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"For the past eight years in Virginia, pro-gun Attorneys General Bob McDonnell and Jerry Kilgore issued a number of formal and informal opinions supporting gun rights. The formal opinions include declarations that gun owners have the 'universal' right to carry handguns concealed and openly in the Old Dominion except where specifically forbidden by the General Assembly, that high school students may store unloaded guns in vehicles on school grounds, and that adults may carry guns to school board meetings except when the meetings are held on school grounds." ...

MI: A Review of Michigan’s Castle Doctrine and No-Retreat Legislation
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Each of these Bills provide rather specific circumstances and protections which, taken as a whole, provide strong protection for a person who is forced to defend himself from criminal attack ..."

"PA 311 provides a 'rebuttable presumption' in a civil or criminal case that a person who defends himself believes that criminal attack is threatened if (1) he is in a dwelling or business, or (2) the criminal is attempting to remove someone from a dwelling, business, or vehicle. This does not apply if the alleged criminal has a legal right to be in the dwelling or business, or if the person defending himself is committing a crime, or if the person entering is a law enforcement officer in the course of his duties." ...

Veteran LAPD officer surrenders after being indicted on weapons charge
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A veteran Los Angeles police officer who owns a private security company in Belize surrendered to federal authorities Monday after being indicted on a weapons charge."

"Johnny Augustus Baltazar, 50, is accused of illegally shipping 10 handguns and 1,500 rounds of ammunition to the Central American nation, where he owns a company called Elite Security, according to authorities. Prosecutors suspect the guns were intended for use by employees of the company. Baltazar did not have the required license to export the firearms, officials allege." ...

CA: Marine reservist sentenced for mishandling secret documents, possessing machine gun
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A senior enlisted Marine at Camp Pendleton was sentenced today to a reduction in rank and 60 days confinement after a court martial found him guilty of removing classified documents from files and possessing an unauthorized machine gun."

"The same jury on Thursday acquitted Master Sgt. Reinaldo Pagan, a reservist, of other counts involving the alleged mishandling of intelligence files ..."

"Pagan, a police officer in the Northern California city of Hayward, is the latest Marine to stand trial in a case involving the alleged leaking of files to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department." ...

H/t to David Codrea who also has some very cogent questions . . .

Americans Buying Bullets Faster Than They Can Be Made
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"What's faster than a speeding bullet? Bullet sales."

"'The Washington Post' is reporting on record breaking amounts of cash being spent this year on guns and ammunition."

"Industry officials report gun owners have purchased about 12-billion rounds of ammunition this year."

"That amounts to 38 bullets for every American."

"Sales in a normal year would be about seven-billion bullets."

"The sales boom, which has exceeded bullet-makers capacity to produce the product, began just before the election of President Obama."

"The gun-rights lobby claimed a Democratic administration would clamp down on weapons sales beginning with ammunition." ...

Submitter's Note: The Democratic administration also claimed they would clamp down on weapons sales.

SC: Democrats spur on gun fears in SC
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"More than twice as many South Carolinians have obtained concealed weapons permits so far in 2009 than in all of last year, the State Law Enforcement Division said Monday."

"And, according to The State newspaper, that trend is due in large part to Democrats."

"More than 28,000 CWPs, which allow residents to carry hidden weapons in public, have been distributed this year. Only 14,630 were given in 2008."

"Tom Thompson, president of the Mid-Carolina Rifle Club in Lexington County, summed the fear that most Americans have about President Barack Obama and Democrats in Congress infringing on Second Amendment rights." ...

WA: Support for East County Ammo Plant Well-Placed
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"We're not usually so fond of government spending, and have real concerns about the high level of stimulus spending in this country, but a recent action by the Lewis County Commissioners to attract a new company is well placed."

"On Monday, the county loaned $800,000 to the East County Public Development Authority to construct a new building at the Packwood Industrial Park. Last week the county also granted a $300,000 loan to the PDA to refurbish an existing 8,000-square-foot building at the industrial park. The new building will be a 12,000-square-foot structure with an underground test range."

"The money is a successful effort to bring in Modern Arms Inc., a company that makes ammunition, to Packwood. ..." ...

VA: Virginia Gun Owners Forum (VGOF) Supports the Gun Owners of Virginia
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Virginia Gun Owners Forum (VGOF) started up in March 2009 and is already over 700 members strong with more than 21,000 forum posts. VGOF is dedicated to helping people, Virginians in particular, to understand local, state and national firearms laws regarding open carry and concealed carry. was started up in an effort to fill the void with regard to Virginia firearms laws, regulations and discussions to provide a 'One-stop shop' for people to visit when looking for information about owning a firearm in Virginia and staying within the law. The forum averages over 100 posts and between 70 and 100 active users logging on every day." ...

Thailand: Thai lawmakers apply for discounted guns, permits
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"About half of Thailand's national lawmakers are taking advantage of a new government plan allowing them to purchase guns at a discount and receive a license to carry them anywhere, an official said Monday." ...

Submitter's Note: Fortunately Thailand doesn't even have to give lip service to the whole 'equal protection under the law' thing that so rarely discommodes the American nobility.

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