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Newslinks for 11/4/2010

Was election a victory for gun owners?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Are we safe? Can we relax?" ...

While dust settles, gun owners count wins, losses
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While elections officials in several Washington counties begin the long, tedious process of counting about a half-million ballots to find the votes necessary to propel anti-gun Sen. Patty Murray to a fourth term – more than 120,000 of those ballots are in King County, so hold your noses – across the country, gun owners are savoring some victories and one surprising defeat." ...

Gun Owners of America Racks Up Huge Victories From Coast-to-Coast
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Candidates backed by Gun Owners of America scored tremendous wins in Tuesday’s elections."

"In many cases, GOA was the ONLY national pro-gun organization to actively oppose Nancy Pelosi’s 'Blue Dog' Democrats."

"Our aggressive opposition to these Representatives – who are mistakenly considered to be somewhat conservative – was well worth the effort as Pelosi has now been reduced to minority status."

"You can go to the GOA website — at — to see the dozens of new GOA-backed Senators and Representatives that will be serving you." ...

TTAG Commentator JadeGold: gun rights "arguments are largely fraudulent"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Commentator JadeGold posted a comment to RF's post Gun Control Is Alive and Well and Living at Sharon High School, wherein she accuses gun rights activists of relying on 'fraudulent' arguments. JadeGold cites six specific examples from an allegedly endless list of erroneous pro-gun claims. Is it true? Do those of us that embrace gun rights live in a fraudulent fantasy world? JadeGold has utilized the rhetorical devise known as straw man argument. ... Let’s examine these claims one at a time." ...

ATN: A Sight for ThOR Eyes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I reckon a thermal sight would solve all those gun-mounted flashlight problems we identified in the Gear Review of Insight’s M3 TI (Tactical Illuminator). A tad bulky for a handgun perhaps, but needs must. Press release:" ...

TTAG Gun Doctor Examines the Ruger SR9-Series Pistols
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"TTAG’s Gun Doctor writes: The SR-Series design is sound. The handgun has good clearances and ergonomics. I’ve seen the SR9 run a 400-round competition in 95+ degree weather in the sandy world of a state champship USPSA match. The conditions were so nasty that the gun was spitting grit out the sides of slide and striker channel, pushing sand out the top of the magazines between stages. Other competitors were tearing down and cleaning thousands of dollars in custom guns after each stage—just to try and make it through the next stage. Some did. A lot didn’t. The SR9 ran the entire event without a problem. That speaks volumes for the accurate and reliable little 400 dollar American made gun . . ." ...

One More Thought on the Problems with Concealed Carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The best thing about slaving over a hot laptop for TTAG is the instant gratification I get from the TTAGencia, when they respond to my posts. Seriously. In what other media do you get that kind of feedback. Of course, it’s not all roses and champagne – you guys are ready willing and able to take me to task for any points I’ve mangled, overlooked, or just outright gotten wrong. To that end, I read the comments on my 10 Things You Never Thought Through about Concealed Carry with interest. Reading several of the comments, it made me realize that I’d missed a huge point, ironically the very one that got me to thinking about the topic to begin with. ... To wit:" ...

Gun Review: Uberti Colt Walker Reproduction (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Horse pistol. Smoke wagon. Hog leg. Shootin’ iron. The words carry potent symbolism, and conjure images of both the real and the Hollywood versions of the American West, with names like Sam Colt and Wild Bill Hickock, Jack Palance and Randolph Scott ... If there’s such a thing as the grumpy, cantankerous Grandpa Gun of the Wild West, it’s got to be the 1847 Colt Walker."

"The Walker was the first commercially-produced large caliber revolver, and it spawned a lineage of almost-as-huge pistols that bore the ominous, yet very cool title of Colt Dragoon. ..." ...

If gun violence were a disease, there’d be a cure?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Another teenage life was snuffed out with a gun in New Haven. When are parents, citizens, caretakers of society going to resist the National Rifle Association and gun manufacturers deciding who and how our children and citizens get slaughtered?" ...

Submitter's Note: See it isn't the fault of the criminal who pullrd the trigger, nor can we question whether the 'victim' was himself a criminal. No, it is the eevil 'gun lobby' and manufacturers. So is this tofu-head going to blame Ford for DWI deaths?

Funeral protests
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"All of you proud 'real American' right-wingers ... How does it feel to be caught between the 'rock' of your 'love for the military' and the 'hard place' of your strict Constitutional 'right to free speech,' regarding your support for the taunting of the families burying their military dead?"

"Can you even begin to understand that the Founding Fathers, who did not mean for imbeciles like 'Squeaky Fromme,' Charles Hinkley, and the host of other assassins and schoolyard assailants, to have the 'right to bear arms,' in your 'hallowed' Second Amendment, did not mean for 'right to free speech' to apply to a handful of religiously fanatic hillbillies to slander the families of military dead, in the First Amendment?" ...

Submitter's Note: Of course they meant it to cover despicable speech, that is the whole point. This does not mean, however, that a local Harley Club can't park right next to them and rev their engines while they are trying to speak. Oh, and slander is never protected speech. Idiot.

Problem with the 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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of a liability than a necessity. According to the Stop Handgun Violence organization 40% of American households with children have guns."1

"A gun in the home is 22 times more likely to be used in an unintentional shooting, than to be used to injure or kill in self-defense."2

Submitter's Note: 1 - So?
2 - HORSEFEATHERS! Go back to the Kellerman study, a gun in the home is 43 times more likely yada-yada. Look at the flip side: In homes without a gun, people in the home were 99 times more likely to die violently than to kill a burglar.

Hope And Change...For Gun Owners' Civil Rights?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Thanks to the readers who sent along the quotes above. I suspect that the President and Harry Reid alike realize how much Reid’s pro-gun stance contributed to his success. It’s a much needed reminder that you don’t need to be a registered Republican to believe in the civil rights of firearms owners. ..." ...

Three more women are elected governor - Mary Fallin, Nikki Haley and Susana Martinez make history
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While Congress went backwards a step in diversity in regards to African American senators (there are now zero), the nation elected three more women as governors: Mary Fallin of Oklahoma, Nikki Haley of South Carolina, and Susana Martinez of New Mexico. Each woman is a Republican and each of their victories changed history in their state." ...

"Fallin wants to send a message that if Oklahoma had a boyfriend, it would be the 2nd Amendment - the right to bear arms. 'I believe that gun ownership rights in Oklahoma can and should be expanded,' Fallin wrote on her website. ..." ...

GOP Takes House But Second Amendment Battle is Far From Over
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We are happy to see that the Republicans have taken control of the House of Representatives as the Grand Old Party as it is known tends to be friendlier to gun related issues."

"The people have spoken and this wasn't the result of some nefarious plot by the insidious gun lobby ... to take control of the country."

"This was the will of the people, which includes hunters, shooters, gun collectors and just every day citizens that believe in the Second Amendment." ...

NC: Pro-gun majority captures North Carolina legislature
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"House Majority Leader Holliman suffers defeat at hands of Grass Roots North Carolina …"

"For the first time since 1898, Republicans yesterday captured both chambers of the North Carolina General Assembly. Although results are not yet final, it appears the GOP will be in solid control of the NC House with at least 62 of 120 seats, and of the Senate with at least 28-30 of 50 seats. Preliminary assessments indicate a rout by pro-gun candidates with GRNC's highest 4-star (****) evaluation." ...

FL: Victory for Bondi
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"She left her longtime post as prosecutor and spokeswoman for the Hillsborough State Attorney’s Office last year to run for office, and Tuesday evening, that move paid off for Pam Bondi, Florida’s new top legal officer." ...

"'Pro-business, pro-Second Amendment and pro-life,' is how Bondi describes herself. As Attorney General, she rounds out a three-member Florida Cabinet, ... that on Tuesday, became only the second-ever fully-Republican cabinet in state history." ...

FL: No laurels for the victors to rest on in Florida
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... There can be little doubt now that voters will be holding Florida’s elected officials feet to the proverbial fire to deliver on their promises and stick to the ideals they campaigned on."

"Amongst the promises made and credentials touted were positive ratings from pro-second amendment groups, statements of support for gun owner rights, and promises to push new pro-gun legislation. Over the past few weeks current and prospective state legislators have come out publicly in favor of statewide firearms law preemption enforcement and open carry as a constitutionally protected right ..." ...

SC: Nikki Haley, a rising star on America's political horizon
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Washington: From a state legislature to governor of South Carolina in just a short span of six years in politics, Nikki Randhawa Haley, is being hailed as a new rising star on the American political horizon." ...

"Despite these controversies, Haley had the backing of political Republican heavy weights like Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney."

"'A strong pro family, pro life, pro Second Amendment, pro development, conservative reformer. Your next governor Nikki Haley,' Palin said in her endorsement, earlier this year." ...

NV: Pahrump solidly in Sharron Angle’s corner
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the tip of rural southern Nye County, where brothels are legal, tumbleweed rolls free and a hungry traveler can still get a full rack of baby back ribs for $9.99, the towns folk made it clear on Tuesday they don’t have much use for Democrats Harry Reid and Rory Reid."

"Enter the well-stocked WR Sporting gun shop and manager Walt Rubio will give you an earful about why Harry, the Senate majority leader, should be retired. ..." ...

"'I appreciate what Reid has done for the Second Amendment but he screwed that up by supporting President Obama,' Aldrich said ..." ...

OK: A new beginning for the 2nd Amendment in the Sooner State
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One big win for gun owners in this election cycle is the gubernatorial story out of Oklahoma. Readers may remember the Oklahoma legislature had passed the Open Carry bill in 2010, only to be vetoed days later by the anti-gun Governor Brad Henry." ...

"Governor Henry's term has ended, however, and Mary Fallin, Republican candidate for Governor, has been declared the overwhelming winner tonight in the Governor’s race in Oklahoma. Fallin will be a very strong Second Amendment warrior for the state, if she lives up to her promises made before the campaign." ...

The voting is over - here's the post-mortem
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"NOW that the votes have been tallied and the election is over, few of us will find our lives very different."

"The results won't improve the quality of life for those of us considered middle class. The changes needed right now go far beyond one election." ...

We continue to use Second Amendment 'rights' as reasons to let anyone own assault rifles, yet consider other countries 'dangerous.'" ...

Gun Control Supporters From Both Parties Win Senate Seats
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"November 3 - Supporters of common sense restrictions on guns, from both political parties, won a number of U.S. Senate seats yesterday."

"... Senator-Elect Dan Coats in Indiana was opposed by the National Rifle Association because of his votes for the Brady Bill and the Assault Weapons Ban in the early 1990s, during his previous service in the Senate. Both of these wins were pickups by Republicans of Democratic seats." ...

Submitter's Note: And yet in his ads and during debates, Coats presented himself as pro-Second Amendment. Are the Brady's saying that outside gun-control hellholes like Cook County and NYC, politicians must lie and present themselves as pro-gun in order to win?

We're the Only Ones Sweet Enough Already Enough
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I made a big mistake, there's no sugarcoating it," Ganley said in court.[More]"
"He says with a straight face as he sugarcoats it..."

"A mistake is when you forget to carry the two."

"This trusted public servant intentionally violated several laws, repeatedly and for years, that he would have destroyed someone else's life over. And note 'he claimed [it] was quite common among fellow law-enforcement officers.'" ...

"Naturally, the judge gives him probation." ...

Did the FBI Invent the D.C. Bomb Plot?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week the police arrested Farooque Ahmed for plotting a terrorist attack on the D.C. Metro system. However, it's not clear how much of the plot was his idea and how much was the idea of some paid FBI informants:" ...

S.C. Deputy Facing Prison After Beating Inmate on Video -- Incident once again shows the importance of cameras (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A South Carolina deputy is facing ten years in prison after he was caught on surveillance video beating a handcuffed inmate."

"Kershaw County Sheriff's deputy Oddie Tribble Jr. had to know he was being videotaped as he struck inmate Charles Shelley multiple times below the knee." ...

Canada: Officer breaks ‘little’ accountant’s arm, but no charges laid
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Before his commute ended, Orbst had a broken arm after a struggle with York Region Police Const. Derek Cadieux and at least one other officer. The province’s Special Investigations Unit (SIU) did not charge Cadieux."

"Today’s story is one of an ongoing series probing police conduct in Ontario. A Star investigation of two decades of cases probed by the SIU found that police officers are treated far differently than civilians when accused of shooting, beating, running over and killing people." ...

South Africa: Sed quis custodiet ipsos Custodes?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The Minister's report-back, whilst very honest and open, is a litany of disaster, mismanagement and chaos at the Firearm registry. It is clear that billions have been poured into the Black Hole that is the Central Firearms Register. With no visible impact on crime -- inconceivable given that the FCA is still touted as a crime-fighting measure."

"Money just keeps on disappearing in it. ..." ...

Nugent may be in trouble again
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Famed right wing rock star and passionate hunting advocate Ted Nugent may be in trouble with game laws again-- or perhaps the latest investigation into his actions is more political than legally based." ...

PA: Court rejects lawsuit filed by woman who carried gun at soccer game
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed by a Lebanon woman who openly carried a loaded handgun to a child's soccer game in December 2008."

"The lawsuit brought by Meleanie Hain and her husband Scott sought $1 million in damages after Lebanon County Sheriff Michael DeLeo revoked her permit to carry a concealed firearm. A county judge later overturned the revocation and reinstated Hain's permit." ...

Liberty has never come from government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of government. The history of liberty is the history of resistance. — Woodrow Wilson, May 9, 1912, Address, New York Press Club.

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