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Newslinks for 11/4/2013

Gun owners urged to defy Obamacare as Democrat voter sign-up dangers emerge
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "It will be interesting to see how many Americans decide to follow GOA’s suggestion, and not just gun rights advocates. ..." ...

‘Progressives’ firing up ‘racism’ charge to intimidate gun owners, conservatives
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "They’re counting on the new Scarlet Letter, 'R' -- the old one, 'A,' being almost a 'progressive' badge of honor -- making people afraid to speak out, lest they be branded with it. ..." ...

Gun Ownership & Racism Study (Video story)
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Submitter's Note: A new study tries to find the a link between gun ownership and racism.

Can You Guess The Number One Reason For Gun Ownership?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A new Gallup poll looked at the most popular reasons Americans own guns. Not particularly surprising, personal safety comes in first, with a whopping 60% of respondents citing that as their primary reason for keeping a firearm around."

"But only one in twenty of those polled say they own a gun because, quite simply, the 2nd Amendment grants[sic] them the right. 'Only 5% of American gun owners cite 'Second Amendment rights,' writes Gallup, 'despite its frequent use as an argument against gun control.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Once more, with feeling: The Bill of Rights does not grant anything, it protects our G-d given rights from government interference. (Theoretically.)

TTAG Trick Shot Artist Kirsten Weiss to Shoot Henry Lever Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Kirsten Weiss began her trick shot career a few commentators harrumphed. They reckoned shooting targets in the Kingdom of Far Far Away with a $3k Anschutz competition rifle was, well, cheating. So we arranged for Kirsten to shoulder a Volquartsen. Think golf clap. So then we contacted Anthony Imperato of Henry Repeating Rifles for a lever gun to help Ms. Weiss get in touch with her inner Annie Oakley and shoot something more relatable. Impresario Imperato is kindly providing not one but two samples: a $340 H001 and the $430 H001T octagon barrel. How accurate are they? How accurate will Kirsten be with them? Watch this space ..." ...

Your All-Access Pass To Mercury One’s ‘God, Guns & Giving’ Event – Plus, Which GOP Rep. Is Apparently A Heck Of A Shot?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hundreds of people ... were in Dallas, Texas, on Saturday for the culmination of Mercury One’s first annual 'God, Guns & Giving' charity event. And Saturday was all about the guns."

"Several groups dispersed across Elm Fork Shooting Sports‘ 467-acre gun range to take part in the sporting clays shooting event. One particularly star-studded group consisted of Glenn Beck, U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) and former Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell."

"The word around the range was Gohmert is a heck of a shot."

"'I don’t know who you talked to, but the secret behind anyone thinking I’m a good shot is low expectations,' Gohmert said humbly." ...

"... Needless to say, the Second Amendment was on full display Saturday." ...

Why the United States won't control guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Though the United States leads the free world in gun related deaths, our political leaders refuse to engage in any meaningful discussion of gun control. When gun-toting killers, such as James Holmes, shoot up a movie theater, pundits and editorial writers call for stricter gun laws. So do local politicians from places like New York and Boston, such as Mayor Michael Bloomberg. But political candidates seeking national office fear the gun lobby—especially the National Rifle Association—more than they fear gun violence. They have learned the lesson of what happened to Al Gore who ran for president in 2000." ...

CDC Data Refutes New Anti-Gun Study’s Claims
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Firearm-related deaths among children have decreased since the mid-1990s, but new research heralded by gun control supporters claims the opposite."

"A research abstract ... claims that from 1997 to 2009, in-hospital deaths of children resulting from gunshot wounds increased nearly 60 percent, and hospitalizations of children for gunshot wounds increased 80 percent." ...

"The study in question uses data from several editions of the Kids’ Inpatient Database (KID), which contains information on only pediatric hospitalizations. However, data reported by the [CDC] show that firearm-related deaths among persons aged 0-14 years actually decreased 39 percent from 1997 to 2009, and decreased 45 percent if the trend is carried through 2010 ..." ...

There Is Nothing Random About The LAX Shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "There already is some talk about this event being a 'random' one. But it is not. These things are becoming as regular as rain, as predictable as the summer heat. The only thing 'random' about it is the shooter. He could be anyone, and that's the point. There are people who spend money making sure that he could be anyone, and there's nothing 'random' about how they do that. There is nothing 'random' about this country's ludicrous disinclination to regulate its firearms. There is nothing 'random' about the millions of dollars that the NRA spends to convince people that they should have the right to carry their assault weapon anywhere they want to carry it ... These are all deliberate acts with predictable consequences. ..." ...

The Second Amendment needs to be reinterpreted
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Evidence thus far suggests that the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment have changed over time. In the same way that it made sense to interpret the Second Amendment as a mechanism to protect states’ rights after the revolutionary war, it would be equally befitting to reexamine the way we interpret the Second Amendment to protect innocent bystanders in the aftermath of mass shootings today." ...

Another anti-gun group takes the Goldilocks approach to 'gun control'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Recently, this column noted that the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, a San Francisco-based (naturally) group of anti-gun lawyers, claims to have found Constitutional justification to confiscate guns. They argue, in fact, that such confiscations would not even require compensation."

Looking at the "Search Gun Laws by Policy" page on their website, it becomes clear that this is only one of a great many aspects of their seething hostility to the Constitutionally guaranteed, fundamental human right of the individual to keep and bear arms. Today, we will look at another of those aspects--this time, their refusal to recognize any firearm as being 'just right' for private ownership." ...

Hoplophobes averse to facts on guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Recently Rosalind and Elliot Weinberg's letter espoused the half-truth, 'There are too many guns.' The more accurate truth is, 'There are too many guns in the hands of criminals.'"

"The failed panacea most dogmatic hoplophobes embrace is to encumber law-abiding citizens with useless gun laws while leaving illegal guns in the hands of evildoers."

"When formulating the Second Amendment, the American Founders were in general agreement it is a dangerous proposition 'to disarm the good man while the wicked are still troubling.'" ...

It’s time for a somber national discussion about [insert latest shooting tragedy here]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s time to have a somber national discussion about the [insert shooting tragedy here] tragedy."

"Before we get started, let’s go over a few basic ground rules."

"1. In the wake of the __________ tragedy it’s time for us all to come together as a nation and not assign blame. This is not the time, for example, to talk about how it’s easier to purchase a gun in America than it is to vote ... And I quote White House spokesman Jary Carney, speaking about the murder in Connecticut of at least 18 children:"
"'I’m sure [there] will be rather a day for discussion of the usual Washington policy debates,but I don’t think today is that day,' Carney said."
"Fortunately, the President’s subsequent statement was better." ...

Guns & Ammo Supports Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Click here to download a pdf of Guns & Ammo's column Let's Talk Limits. Technical Editor Dick Metcalf [above] penned the editorial for the December issue. Metcalf, a writer whose technical knowledge (or lack thereof) has earned him brickbats before, bases his editorial on a distinction between 'infringement' and 'regulation.' 'I bring this up,' Metcalf writes, 'because way too many gun owners still believe that any regulation of the right to keep and bear arms is an infringement. The fact is that all Constitutional rights are regulated, always have been, and need to be.' That, dear reader, is a major WTF moment. One of many . . ." ...

MO: Plenty of warning that Legislature will waste more time on guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Missouri Legislature has a proud record of wasting time and public dollars debating silly legislation that eventually is struck down by courts, but never before has it announced its intentions to do so two months in advance."

"Last week Senate Majority Leader Ron Richard, R-Joplin, posted a draft of a bill he intends to file Dec. 1, the first day that bills can be 'pre-filed' for the legislative session that begins Jan. 8. It’s a gun bill, of course, because if there’s anything that can fix Missouri’s moribund economy it’s fewer restrictions on guns." ...

PA: Pennsylvanians Support Pigeon Shoot Ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three-fourths of all Pennsylvanians want to see an end to live pigeon shoots."

"A statewide survey by the Mason-Dixon Polling and Research Company reveals not only do 75 percent of Pennsylvanians want to see legislation to ban live pigeon shoots but only 16 percent of Pennsylvanians oppose such a ban."

"Here’s another figure from that independent survey. Eighty-three percent—that’s more than four of every five Pennsylvanians—say live pigeon shoots are an unnecessary form of animal cruelty."

"Here’s why." ...

TX: Second Amendment (second letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Surely the framers of the Second Amendment did not envision the reduction of neighborhoods to armed camps, where the encounter of another person is seen as a threat and not a gift."

"The thought that supposedly religious ethical family men could even conceive that this is a common good appalls."

"The most cursory reading of the Second Amendment reveals the error of this attitude, the opinion of the Supreme Court to the contrary notwithstanding." ...

TX: Worried about open carrying
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I found no comfort in your cover picture and story, 'Candidates push for legalizing open carrying of handguns' (Page A1, Monday). You show four very good folks, I'm sure, ordering their BBQ while in possession of the potential to accidentally kill any individual within a couple of hundred yards of them."

"I assume the gun carriers are each wearing a picture ID that certifies their having taken a gun safety class. But with deadly weapons one must constantly consider the training, personal maturity and current emotional stability of every carrier." ...

Goodbye New York, Hello South Carolina: Third Gun Company Leaves Over Cuomo’s SAFE Act
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the SAFE Act in January—what he referred to as 'common sense' gun-control legislation—the law not only turned many law-abiding citizens into criminals, it also drove businesses and jobs out of the state."

"With a move to South Carolina, American Tactical Imports has become the third firearm company to relocate its operations from New York to more gun-friendly states. According to" ...

A Great Book
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I recently had the pleasure of reading Gila Hayes’ new book from the Gun Digest folks, 'Concealed Carry for Women.' A long-time pistol-packer herself, Gila teaches with her husband Marty at the Firearms Academy of Seattle. I’ve seen her teach, and I can tell you she’s one of the best instructors of either gender in this business. Like her friend and colleague Kathy Jackson,, she has written her book primarily for women but the contents are of great value to men as well." ...

JFK, His Coins and the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "John F. Kennedy supported Second Amendment rights for Americans, saying in an April 1960 statement, 'By calling attention to a well-regulated militia, the security of the nation and the right of each citizen to keep and bear arms, our founding forefathers recognized the essentially civilian nature of our economy. Although it is extremely unlikely that the fears of government tyranny, which gave rise to the Second Amendment, will ever be a major danger to our nation, the Amendment still remains a major declaration of our basic civilian-military relationships, in which every citizen must be ready to participate in the defense of his country. For that reason, I believe the Second Amendment will always be important.'" ...

Quote of the Day: Rights vs. Privileges Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Although I favor open carry, I do wholeheartedly support constitutional carry, openly or concealed. When one carries on the authority of a license or other permit, one has accepted a privilege in lieu of exercising a right. When carrying openly, I am exercising my right to keep and bear arms. When I carry concealed without a license, I am exercising my right to keep and bear arms. When I carry concealed under the auspices of a license, I am exercising a privilege extended to me by government; not exercising a right. ..."

Wild-Ass Rumor of the Day: Freedom Group Sold to…Remington
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The leadership of Freedom Group has generally been considered a detriment to the quality and ingenuity of its constituent companies, from the bungled relocation of Marlin’s production lines (I’ve still yet to see them produce an acceptable quality lever gun since the change) to the firing of Kevin Brittingham from Advanced Armament. More than a few of us at TTAG have been looking forward to the day when these entities would once more be free from the oppressive yoke of Freedom Group control and allowed to flourish on their own. If the rumors I’m hearing are accurate, sometime this week a big step toward that end will take place . . ." ...

Gun rights advocate Colion Noir's 'car full of goons' story goes viral
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Colion Noir, a prominent Second Amendment advocate, detailed an unsettling experience on Facebook Friday."

"The post, which has gone viral, described a 'car full of goons' who 'circled' him as he was pumping gas. Whatever actions the four men in the car may have taken were thwarted by the sudden appearance of a police officer."

"Noir wrote,"
"'I have no doubt if it were a little later and the cop didn't happen to walk out of the gas station store, one of them would have hopped out of the car to rob me.'"
"The experience led him to speculate about what could have happened had he not been armed. After all, he said, 'as far as they knew, I was out numbered.'" ...

LAX survivor: 'I just prayed'--the only option available in 'gun free' zones
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Friday's attack at Los Angeles International Airport, by a shooter apparently armed with an AR-15 rifle, has, predictably, already been cited as justification for banning such firearms, despite the fact that AR-15s are already banned, in nearly every configuration, in California--and certainly in California airports--and despite the fact that banning them will do nothing about the ease with which they can be built (even in California), rather than bought. Writing for Take Part, Peter Zachariadis posits that such a ban might have made the difference:" ...

State Gun Magazine Capacity Laws Violate The Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Several states have laws restricting the capacity of magazines in firearms. With the exception of Colorado, these laws were passed prior to several recent Supreme Court gun rights cases. However, now the Court has ruled that the Second Amendment: protects the individual’s right to keep and bear arms (D.C. v Heller, 2008); that arms lawfully protected are those 'in common use at the time' (U.S. v Miller, 1939; Heller, 2008; McDonald v Chicago, 2010); and the 14th Amendment extends Second Amendment protections to all states (McDonald, 2010)." ...

Lawmakers debate gun control after Los Angeles airport shooting
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Washington didn’t waste any time reigniting the months-long debate over gun control following Friday’s tragic shooting."

"Two days after a gunman opened fire at Los Angeles International Airport, killing one TSA agent and injuring five others, lawmakers took to the airwaves Sunday to claim that the incident could have been avoided with more — and less — guns."

"On one hand, Texas Republican Rep. Mike McCaul suggested that Friday’s bloodbath could have been prevented if TSA officers were allowed to carry guns." ...

Grassroots N. C. issues a call to action in support of our Second Amendment rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The Obama/Holder administration is counting on gun owner apathy to allow proposed changes to Trust/LLC Transfers to go unchallenged. We can't afford to allow them to divide and conquer gun owners. ..."

"The proposed changes to Trust/LLC transfers will require a law enforcement certification when transferring any title II firearm into a Trust or LLC, this includes suppressors, short-barreled rifles, and machine guns eligible for civilian ownership. This means that if you want to purchase any title II firearm you will need to find a law enforcement official who is willing to provide you with their signature. Most are either too busy, unfamiliar with the law, or believe they will be held politically liable ..." ...

While some say their piece, others hold theirs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hundreds of gun-rights advocates, worried their Second Amendment protections are being eroded amid renewed attention on gun control, gathered in front of state capitols in the three northern New England states Saturday, as part of Gun Appreciation Day events being held across the country."

"About 100 demonstrators, many standing in the snow and some holding flags and placards during Saturday's noontime rally in Augusta, were greeted by sporadic honking horns as cars drove by. The rally coincided with a gun show across town at the Augusta Civic Center, where hundreds of shoppers stood in a long line to get in." ...

MS: NRA's Institute for Legislative Action recognizes Rep. Andy Gipson, Sen. Giles Ward
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mississippi state Rep. Andy Gipson, R-Braxton, and state Sen. Giles Ward, R-Louisville, received the Defender of Freedom Award from the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action in recognition of their legislative accomplishments in support of the concealed weapons law."

"Gipson and Ward sponsored and helped pass legislation during the 2013 session that clarified certain provisions of the concealed weapons law in Mississippi. Gipson authored House Bill 2, which codifies in citizens’ rights to carry a concealed or unconcealed weapon for self defense, consistent with the state constitution." ...

CA: California: Unconstitutional Ban on Standard-Capacity Magazines Approved By San Francisco
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Tuesday, October 29, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors unanimously passed a package of gun control measures, including a ban on the possession of so-called 'large capacity magazines,' defined as ammunition feeding devices capable of holding more than ten rounds."

"Coincidentally, a similar bill was vetoed by Governor Brown weeks prior. Mayor Edwin Lee is expected to sign this measure into law. Even though Mayor Lee is expected to sign this measure, please call AND e-mail him urging him NOT to sign it into law. Let Mayor Lee know that criminals are not thwarted by gun control laws. ..." ...

MO: New Law Proposed on Federal Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Missouri Senate leader has put forth a new, pared-back proposal dealing with the enforcement of federal gun control laws."

"Senate Majority Leader Ron Richard released a draft Thursday of proposed legislation for the 2014 session seeking to nullify federal gun control laws that infringe on Second Amendment rights." ...

CA: San Francisco Passes More Gun Control to Fix Failures of Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On October 29th 2013, San Francisco supervisors 'unanimously' passed a ban on 'high capacity' magazines within city limits. This comes on the heels of news that the 'strict gun control' already in place in the city is not working."

"San Francisco has pursued Chicago-like gun control for years, including the passage of an all-out ban on privately owned handguns in 2005. That ban was struck down by a California court in 2008, but smaller, incremental gun control measures remain on the books and continue to be passed."

"Nevertheless, the San Jose Mercury News reports that recent FBI crime figures show violent crime in Oakland, San Francisco, and San Jose increased in 2012 ..." ...

VA: Ahead of Crucial Election, Most Virginians View NRA Favorably
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Voters’ opinions of the NRA may partially explain why the race for governor of Virginia is tightening."

"A poll conducted for the NRA by ONMessage Inc., found that those Virginians who favor the NRA outnumber its opponents by 51% to 38%. A slight majority (46% to 43%) oppose NRA in Virginia’s Washington, D.C., suburbs, but 'outside the D.C. media market,' NRA’s supporters outnumber its opponents by 19 percentage points." ...

WI: Amendment to gun bill drops, supporters have mixed reactions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After meeting with Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Racine, Rep. Joel Kleefisch, R-Oconomowoc, tabled an amendment to a bill that would allow all citizens with a concealed-carry permit to carry their firearms in a school zone."

"The original bill, without amendments, would have allowed off-duty, out-of-state and retired law enforcement officers to carry a concealed weapon on school grounds." ...

WI: Local school leaders question gun proposal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Public school officials in the La Crosse area criticized a proposal in the Wisconsin Legislature to allow anyone with a concealed carry permit to bring guns into schools."

"The Republican chairman of the Assembly Criminal Justice Committee recommended the measure, even though Republican Assembly Speaker Robin Vos’s spokeswoman Kit Beyer said Wednesday that the measure will not be voted on by the full Assembly but did not say why."

"The pronouncement came after the bill’s sponsor, fellow Republican Rep. Joel Kleefisch, said Wednesday he was going ahead with a committee vote to expand the proposal to allow anyone with a concealed weapons permit to carry a gun on school grounds. ..." ...

NRA backs ACLU suit over gun registry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun rights activists tell The Hill they want to curb the power of the National Security Agency."

"The National Rifle Association has joined an [ACLU] lawsuit against the surveillance agency, according to the congressional newspaper."

"'There are issues that, maybe at first blush, wouldn't seem like a gun issue, but once you start looking closely at the issues, they really do affect our gun rights,' said Erich Pratt, the director of communications for Gun Owners of America."

"Second Amendment advocates are worried that the NSA, under a section of the Patriot Act, could obtain information that would be used to establish a federal gun database. They fear the government could be spying on, or eventually targeting, gun owners." ...

GA: Gun denial upheld by Supreme Court
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the case of HERTZ V. BENNETT The Georgia Supreme Court upheld a Quitman County court ruling denying a Georgia gun license to a man who pleaded no contest to aggravated assault with a deadly weapon when he was 18 years old, nearly 20 years ago."

"In 1994, James Hertz, today a nuclear power engineer, pleaded "nolo contendere" in the state of Florida to five felony charges – three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, one count of shooting from a vehicle and one count of possession of a short barrel weapon. ... As a result of Hertz's plea, the Florida court withheld issuing a judgment on the charges and sentenced Hertz to three years' probation, which Hertz successfully completed." ...

Note to VPC: Have You Looked At Police-Involved Homicides?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In 1994, when Arizona started its shall issue concealed carry weapon (CCW) program, there was considerable interest in how many and what types of homicides would result from the new law. I started teaching classes for the Arizona CCW permit when it went into effect and I immediately noticed that my students were well above average ... When the first crime statistics became available, I eagerly digested the information. One person with a CCW permit had committed a homicide, although not with a concealed weapon. It was a domestic situation and the perpetrator was a retired police officer. The question arose, how often do police officers commit homicides compared to concealed carry permit holders? Of the two, which is more common? . . ." ...

TN: Sheriff admits to affair with deputy, but denies domestic abuse allegations
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Madison County sheriff admitted Tuesday to having an affair with one of his female deputies, but denies her allegations of domestic abuse in early October at her home."

"In a Tuesday morning statement from his office, Madison County Sheriff David Lee Woolfork, 65, admitted that he had an inappropriate, but consensual relationship with Madison County Deputy Sharon Ann Sangster." ...

KY: Brandenburg Police officer resigns amid allegations of inappropriate relationship (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Controversy involving an alleged inappropriate relationship with a 15-year-old girl has led a Brandenburg Police Officer to resign."

"Brandenburg City Hall officials confirmed that officer Todd Matti submitted his resignation last night. He had been on paid administrative leave." ...

FL: Finch is a hero, and a free one at that
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bristol is a friendly little town, where waitresses call you 'darlin’ ' and urge you to go back to the buffet for more, where the only thing advertised on the Piggly Wiggly marquee is 'deer corn.'"

"So maybe it’s not surprising that Liberty County’s newly elected sheriff decided in March to turn loose a longtime resident accused of carrying a concealed pistol. Testimony in Sheriff Nick Finch’s trial last week indicated that he didn’t consider the man dangerous, and advised him at the jail to get a concealed-carry permit if he wanted to keep a pistol in his pocket."

"The case drew nationwide attention and made Finch a hero among gun-rights groups, because he acted on a firm belief in the Second Amendment. A jury Thursday acquitted him ..." ...

FL: Florida sheriff acquitted after citing ‘Second Amendment’ to release armed drunk driver
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Florida sheriff accused of releasing and altering the records of a suspected drunk driver arrested on a concealed weapon charge was acquitted of official misconduct ..."

"Sheriff Nick Finch was accused of helping Floyd Parrish, who had been pulled over on suspicion of driving under the influence and was subsequently arrested when it was discovered he was carrying a concealed weapon without a permit. Prosecutors allege that Parrish was booked and his mugshot taken, and that Sheriff Finch nullified the arrest and removed or destroyed evidence of it. ..."

"In court, Finch claimed that the records he was accused of removing and destroying never existed, and the prosecution was never able to definitively prove otherwise." ...

MI: Westland settles civil suit involving police for $700,000
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Westland man has received a nearly $700,000 settlement in a civil lawsuit charging Westland Police officers with false imprisonment and malicious prosecution."

"The initial criminal case and subsequent trial eventually made its way on appeals to the Michigan Supreme Court." ...

WA: Granite Falls sergeant demoted for bogus chief ID card
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Granite Falls police sergeant was demoted in August after city officials discovered that he had a bogus identification card saying he was the police chief."

"Through a public records request, the Everett Herald reports that an investigation by outside police agencies concluded that former sergeant may have committed felony forgery." ...

FL: Florida governor reinstates sheriff in gun rights case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Governor Rick Scott is reinstating Liberty County Sheriff Nick Finch to his job after a jury acquitted him of official misconduct and falsifying public records."

"Liberty County, population just over 8,000 is Florida's smallest county. It's name inspired from our founding fathers. Guns here are a way of life."

"In June, state police arrested Liberty County's sheriff after he set a man free who been arrested by a deputy for carrying a concealed weapon without a permit."

"When prosecutors asked a jury pool of two dozen, how many of you own a gun? Virtually every hand in the room went up."

"Thursday, Sheriff Nick Finch was acquitted. He's already back on the job." ...

AR: Constitutional Carry Coming to Arkansas..Whether the AG Likes it or Not
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Arkansas passed ACT 746, which went into effect on August 16th of this year, (2013). The act effectively legalizes constitutional carry in Arkansas because it changes the definition of what constitutes the illegal carry of weapons. The old law didn’t require any intent; the new law makes carry of weapons illegal only if the carrier has the intent to use it illegally . . ."

"Attorney General Dustin McDaniel, a Democrat, promptly issued an opinion that the new law does not allow open carry. The opinion is nicely dissected by Steve Jones here. Essentially, the AG dodges the real issue, never addressing the key part of the law which deals with intent. ..." ...

WA: Second Amendment Foundation Applauds Seattle Library Gun Policy, Donates Copy Of Miller Book
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment Foundation today applauded the overdue policy change at Seattle’s public libraries regarding the legal carry of firearms by law-abiding citizens in library facilities."

"In recognition of this policy change, reported by Seattle Times columnist Danny Westneat, SAF is donating an autographed copy of Washington Times Senior Opinion Editor Emily Miller’s new book, Emily Gets Her Gun But Obama Wants to Take Yours, to the library. The book details Miller’s efforts to legally purchase a handgun for personal protection in the District of Columbia, which has one of the most cumbersome handgun laws in the country." ...

WI: New school trap shooting team finds its targets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Rice Lake Warrbirds have successfully fledged into the world of shooting sports for schools."

"From participation to funding to competition, feedback on the new sport ... was good all the way around, said Dave Frank, one of the adults helping start the Warrbirds."

"'We wanted to get our feet wet, find out what we want to do and what we need to do,' said Frank, the team's head coach and creator of the nickname combining the school's sports name Warriors with the shooting sport's targets called birds."

"Frank, a veteran trap shooter ... had the idea of a youth school team for a couple of years. Joining his efforts was club president Rocky Bank, who is from southern Wisconsin where school shooting sports 'is huge,' ..." ...

NY: Whole Foods store robbed at gunpoint for $60,000
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three workers at the Bowery Whole Foods Market in New York City's Lower East Side were moving cash in their store on Sunday night when they became victims of an unexpected ordeal. A manager, another employee and a security guard used the store's elevator to transport $60,000 held in a shopping cart from the first floor to the second floor at around 10 p.m. When the elevator reached the second floor, the employees were shocked to see the threat facing them."

"Two robbers, armed with guns, were there waiting for the elevators doors to open. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: But, but, but . . . Whole Foods is a Gun Free Zone! How could BGs have guns there?

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen. — Samuel Adams

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