Real-Looking Guns May Get Teens Into Real Trouble
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The guns may have been fake, but the trouble they caused were unnecessarily real. And authorities say if it happens again, there will be some real trouble.
"It was literally terrorizing a few people," said Lt. Dan Starks of the South Jordan Police Department.
"Disorderly conduct. We are also looking at [a charge of] brandishing a weapon and very likely, assault with a deadly weapon," Starks added. "It is going to be a very sad day when somebody actually gets shot because of one of these weapons."
Ed.: Yes, it will be a sad day when a trigger-happy psycho cop kills an unarmed child. Perhaps the South Jordan PD should reconsider the continued employment of Lt. Stark. |
OK: Oklahoma exhibit honors pioneer gunmaker Colt
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When gunmaker Samuel Colt died in 1862, his office contained a large collection of firearms ranging from prototypes and examples of his designs to 17th- and 18th-century guns and examples of patent infringements and counterfeits.
Many of these as well as models of Colt guns that were in production when he died and other artifacts are on display in Oklahoma City.
"Samuel Colt: Arms, Art and Invention," a traveling exhibit, will be at the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum through Jan. 6. |
IL: Pastor group's latest effort yields more firearms than first three added together
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The city's fourth gun buyback yielded 68 firearms Saturday, surpassing the combined total of the previous three.
The Rev. Harvey Burnett, who organized the program, said word of mouth and increased fundraising from area businesses aided the final buyback of the year, hosted at Higher Dimension Praise and Worship Church, 2610 W. Nebraska St. The first three buybacks generated 56 total firearms. |
CA: High school students arrested for bringing air guns on campus
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Two Lincoln High School students reportedly on the football team were arrested Friday morning for bringing Airsoft pellet guns on campus, according to Lincoln police and school officials.
The students face felony charges of brandishing a weapon in public and having a weapon on school grounds. Charges apply whether or not the weapons are real, officers said. |
Giuliani and Gun Control: He was for it before he was against it
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In yet another example of a politician advocating one position while running for state or local office and a completely different one upon running for president, Rudy Giuliani has decided that he now supports a very strict interpretation of the Second Amendment. While Giuliani’s critics have been quick to point out Giuliani’s sudden change of heart with regards to gun control, Giuliani’s defenders have argued that Giuliani’s positions are consistent with the principle of federalism—arguing that while he may have supported strict gun control laws for New York City, he believes that individual states have the right to reject such gun control laws. |
NY: Hunting for hunters
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Retailers wonder who will be buying the guns, camouflage and trucks.
"There's definitely some concern that we may not have enough hunters to keep populations under control," said Mike Wasilco, DEC Region 8 wildlife manager. "We're looking at a demographic where the average age for deer hunters is in the upper 40s. There's a big lump of people approaching an age where they won't go into the field as much, so it's definitely on our radar and it needs to be addressed. We may have a control issue in the future, not to mention a funding issue." |
MA: The Second Amendment: The Right to Bear Arms?
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The Constitution of the United States was adopted and ratified in September 1787, eleven years after their Declaration of Independence from Great Britain. Perhaps the most important part of the Constitution is its first ten amendments, deemed The Bill of Rights.
Ed: I'm appalled that this is an award-winning essay. I would have expected it to be in English, at a minimum. |
Rudy's A Liberal? Yeah, Sure...
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You wouldn't know it from reading the papers, but the favorite to win the Republican presidential nomination is a confirmed right-winger. On issues such as free speech and religion, secrecy and due process, civil rights and civil liberties, pornography and democracy, this moralist and self-styled lawman has exhibited all the key hallmarks of Bush-era conservatism.
That candidate is Rudolph W. Giuliani.
Ed.: The whole article is in italics, making it painful on the eyes. You've been warned... |
Canada: Silencers are for People Too
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Indeed, the gun lobby has never been in better shape in Washington than it has been under the tutelage of President George W. Bush, so not a peep has been heard from those whose custom it is to speak out against guns, and the rash of violence in our nation's public schools; schools like Columbine, Virginia Tech, in our nation's inner cities, cities like Compton, East Los Angeles, in our nation's workplaces. We've not heard a peep from the usual suspects who would be active in speaking up for more stringent laws to keep weapons of mass destruction out of the hands of our youngsters. |
WA: Winning Wordsmith
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Each month we select a particularly good letter to the editor for special attention. The October winner is Mike Pikey, a computer systems administrator, whose letter was first published Oct. 6. Pikey's letter was selected because it provides a compelling rebuttal to an editorial stance taken by The Columbian.
By attempting to deprive our teachers and society of the right to carry a gun, they sentence many to die at the hands of lunatics like Cho without any means to defend themselves or others. |
MA: Essay winners tackle right to bear arms
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“The Second Amendment was never designed to say to a student that you can walk into a gun store in Virginia and buy a Glock,” said former Nantucket District Court Judge W. James O’Neill, who was on-island last week to award the Nantucket High School seniors checks in the amount of $1,000 and $500, respectively.
“Stephanie and Samantha gave a good analysis of the Second Amendment and the use of weapons so prolific in this country. No one in my generation has the courage to stand up to the powerful gun lobbies,” O’Neill continued.
Ed.: Now I understand why those awful essays won. |
CA: Census figures show 70 percent of California's Mexican population are U.S. citizens
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"They see the handwriting on the wall - things are getting more difficult for immigrants," he said.
Roselia Aguilar, a 29-year-old native of Mexico who has lived in San Jose for a dozen years, had a pragmatic reason for becoming a U.S. citizen recently - she was worried about changing immigration laws.
But as she stood amid 450 people from 57 nations, raised her right hand and solemnly took an oath to "entirely renounce" her fidelity to any other country, "to bear true faith and allegiance" to the Constitution, and to bear arms for the United States if necessary, she felt moved by the feeling of belonging to her new country. |
Rudy, the impersonator
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Later, in Berlin, Giuliani began an answer about gun rights by first taking aim at the media, which the voter had mentioned in his question. "You are very, very discerning to notice that the New York Times is an enemy," Giuliani said. Eventually, he noted that he reduced shootings by going after criminals with guns. He then said he understands the constitutional right to bear arms for law-abiding citizens. "They probably agree with me on everything else," he said.
Ed.:I've heard talk that some accuse Rudy of impersonating a pro-gun politician... |
Phillipines: Gun control and the right of self defense
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I was always in favor of gun control, at least until I was a missionary in Africa, when we noticed the criminal gangs/freedom fighters (the groups, as is usual in the third world, overlapped) started attacking missionaries, in cars, in missions, and in hospitals.
They tended to hit places with nuns, because the veils were easier to identify, and unlike the businessmen’s wives, nuns didn’t have security guards or pack an Uzi. So do I defend guns as a means of self defense? And do I support gun control? Yes, but I’m leery of absolutes. |
TN: Handgun permit holders safe with concealed guns
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Imagine you are walking along, minding your own business, when suddenly you are faced with grievous bodily harm or loss of life through criminal force. What are your options? Do you, A) pray for divine intervention, B) yell for help, C) initiate firearm-based self-defense protocols. Let's examine the potential outcomes of these various possibilities. You pray for divine intervention. A couple of things might happen. God intervenes, and you become a prophet for the modern age. Or the attack succeeds, and you are killed or end up like Hilary Swank in "Million Dollar Baby." I'll leave it to the reader to decide which is more likely. |
FL: Man shoots cricket bat-wielding attacker
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The Orange County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a shooting which happened around 4 p.m. on Saturday afternoon at Cypress Grove Park in Orlando.
The victim, Francis Singh, 36, is recovering at Orlando Regional Medical Center and is currently in stable condition.
Deputies say Singh and another man, identified as Devan Bascom, 37, began arguing with each other. During the argument, Singh produced a cricket bat and assaulted Bascom. Upon feeling threatened, Bascom defended himself with a small caliber semi-automatic handgun and shot Singh once in the abdomen. |
VA: Cops writing Cops (Bad cops whine when they don't get 'Professional Courtesy')
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It's known in police circles as professional courtesy, and now there's a website where cops complain about other cops who won't extend that courtesy.
Example: I am an 8 year police officer for a PD in Ocean County, NJ. On 09/11/06, I was traveling on I-95 with my wife and two kids when I was stopped for speeding in Petersburg Virginia by Officer J.H. Mcclellan #5011. The Officer explained to me that he had clocked me going 84mph in a posted 55mph zone on I-95.
I politely explained to him that in NJ police officers extend courtesy to one another for traffic violations. I asked him if the same applied in Virginia at which time he stated, "Not at that speed it doesn't son." |
Houston v. Moore, U.S. Supreme Court, "what arms and accoutrements the officers and privates shall provide themselves with", Feb. 16, 1820
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"...This is also obvious. Over the national militia, the State governments never had, or could have, jurisdiction. None such is conferred by the constitution of the United States; consequently, none such can exist..."
"...This question does not so much involve a contest for power between the two governments, as the rights and privileges of the citizen, secured to him by the Constitution of the United States, the benefit of which he may lawfully claim..."
"...Speaking upon the subject of the federal judiciary, the Federalist distinctly asserts*1..."
"...But it is a restriction which operates equally upon both governments . . . this exception would seem to establish the existence of the general right..." |
PA: .22 Fun Night set for next week
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Next Wednesday, the Armstrong County Hunting and Fishing Club will host its 10th annual .22 Fun Night. One figure familiar to anyone who has participated in past fun nights is Bill Pollard. Pollard serves as coordinator of the fun night and also as a National Rifle Association certified firearms instructor. Few people, if anyone, can match Pollard's decades of experience. He started instructing firearms use in 1946 after being discharged from the U.S. Army. In 1962 he became a member of the Armstrong County Hunting and Fishing Club, also known as the Pony Farm, and has served in various offices for the past 45 years. |
IL: Ex Cops Guilty of Beating Man
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A pair of former award-winning police officers are facing five years in prison each after a McHenry County jury found them guilty Thursday on nine of 11 felony charges alleging they participated in the brutal beating of a handcuffed man outside a Fox Lake tavern.
The jury of seven men and five woman deliberated more than six hours before returning the guilty verdicts against former Spring Grove police officer Ronald Pilati and ex-Spring Grove and Lincolnshire cop Jerome Volstad. |
CT: Man Shoots Home Intruder In Southbury
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State police said they received a call Sunday from a man who said he had encountered an intruder at his house. John Nagy told police that he may have shot the intruder at his home, located at 44 Berkshire Road in Southbury. Nagy told police that he was awakened at about 2 a.m. by a noise in the basement area of the house. Nagy said he went to investigate the basement area armed with a weapon. He stated that he encountered a man who had entered the basement. The man advanced in the direction of the Nagy, and Nagy said he shot his gun in the direction of the intruder and left his home to wait for police. |
FL: Oops! Seminole deputies flatten tires on wrong cars
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Seminole County deputies blew out the tires of two cars Thursday while trying to stop a vehicle they thought was stolen. Neither, however, was the vehicle they were targeting.
Deputies were trying to stop a silver Ford Mustang that had roared away from a traffic stop about 1:30 a.m., according to the agency. Instead, about a half-hour later, they nailed a silver Dodge Charger and a dark-blue Honda. |
PistolCam may be proof under fire
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A locally-made video device, the PistolCam, that can record the actions of police officers upon drawing their weapons is getting national media attention. The PistolCam is made by Adirondack Optics, based in Keeseville near Lake Champlain. “I brought PistolCam to Good Morning America,” consultant Greg Caito from Adirondack Optics said. “It’s unbelievable that this has gone to national media.” Officials in the city of Newburgh are also looking into using the PistoCam, a digital camera the size of a pager that can be attached under a police officer’s gun barrel. “I haven’t marketed this to local police, because I don’t see it for use in rural setting, but more in a more urban-type usage.” |