EXCLUSIVE: Game Of Drones
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David Codrea
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... "'People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) announced the launch of their long-planned drone program,' the article reports. The DroneShield device will pick up acoustic signatures to alert hunters 'worried about harassment from environmental and activist groups.'" ... |
Random Thoughts About The School Lunchroom, NJ and A Home Schooled Christian
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"'What’s that?' the third-grader asked, pointing to the Kydex holster poking out from under my apron. I kneeled down next to the table so we were eye to eye and could talk privately. 'It’s my gun holster,' I said, covering it discreetly as I spoke. 'But it’s empty. We’re not allowed to carry guns in the school.' 'We don’t need one here though, right?' he half-asked, half-stated. 'We’re safe here, right?' I nodded my head. What else was I supposed to do? Tell him the crowded lunchroom is a potential free fire zone? That the nearest good guy with a gun is God knows where? Of course not. It’s not his job to vigilant. It’s mine. And I am. Vigilant and unarmed, surrounded by life so precious that contemplating its violent extinction threatens to make me violently ill. And yet, what can I do? Well . . ." ... |
Focus on mental illness, not guns
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"I just picked up a Smith and Wesson M&P9 a week or so ago. Why did I get a handgun? Well, it wasn’t because the 'Speed Freak Killers' lived and buried some of their victims about a mile from my home. It’s not just because we routinely drive through Lodi, Stockton and that lonely stretch of Highway 12 between here and the Santa Rosa area ... It surely isn’t because a 24-year-old veteran of the Santa Rosa Sheriff’s Office put seven bullets into a 13-year-old boy brandishing a plastic AK-47. And last of all, it most definitely had nothing to do with the Second Amendment. Like most gun owners, my reasons are my own."
"Now because I admire them, let’s say I, Jerry Tuck, am a teacher and I have headaches and hear voices. ..." ... |
Daily Digest: Fix Bayonets Edition
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A Virginia reminder: Election day is [Tuesday], and it’s crunch time for Ken Cuccinelli (left above) and Mark Obenshain (right above). Clinton bag man Terry McAuliffe has outspent Cuccinelli (thanks to Bloomberg) by 10:1. As a result, he still holds a slim margin in the polls. Projected turnouts are as low as 30 percent, and the campaigns have 40 percent as the goal, so with numbers that low, every vote makes a big impact. With both sides concentrating heavily on health care in the last couple weeks, the gubernatorial election is seen by some to be a referendum on Obamacare, and as such could have influence well into the 2014 elections. Make your vote count, if not for you, then for the momentum it could give to the rest of us." ... |
Non-Lead Ammo Shortage Leads to AZGFD Raffle
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Press release from Arizona Game and Fish Department:"
"Non-lead ammunition supply issues across the nation are prompting the Arizona Game and Fish Department to remind hunters in the California condor’s core range that they can still help reduce the amount of lead available to the birds by removing gut piles from the field. Hunters in Arizona’s condor range that remove their gut piles (lead ammunition only) are eligible to be entered into a raffle that offers prizes including a trip on the Grand Canyon Railroad with a 2-night stay at the canyon, Cabela’s gift cards, Navajo tribal lands deer tag, Navajo rugs, Grand Canyon National Park passes, and others . . ." ... |
So Ends Another Absolutely Beautiful Opening Weekend
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Tyler’s ranch is a geographical oddity: every single time I go there, it gets more beautiful. It was a weekend much like this one that finally convinced me to move to Texas, and the frequency with which scenes like this one happen keeps me happily planted in my adoptive state. There’s something magical about spending all day in the wilderness, enjoying the beauty of nature, then shooting some guns and eating fresh free-range meat. And I feel like this one picture captured that feeling pretty well. But there’s one more picture that sums up the weekend’s activities . . ." ... |
Author Bracken offers another free 'high-octane' e-book
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David Codrea
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... "'The Bracken Anthology' contains 'recent essays, commentaries and short fiction from … 2010 to 2013,' including his latest short work, 'Alas, Brave New Babylon,' the Amazon book description explains for what it terms 'high-octane distillate.'" ...
"That’s an apt description for work by a writer who is known and appreciated for his 'bleeding-edge dystopian thrillers.'” |
LAX gunman allegedly had plan; Feinstein trots out ban agenda
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The Associated Press reported this morning that alleged Los Angeles International Airport gunman Paul Anthony Ciancia, apparently intended his attack to 'kill a Transportation Security Administration officer and show how easy it is to get a gun into an airport.'"
"This new revelation comes less than 24 hours after anti-gun California Sen. Dianne Feinstein predictably used Friday’s shooting to push her personal gun control agenda during an appearance on yesterday’s 'Face The Nation,' where she once again called for a ban on so-called 'assault weapons.'" ... |
Media Reveals Own Bias, Ignorance After LAX Shooting
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"While the details and facts surrounding the reported shooting at the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) continue to shift, the establishment media’s dangerous but easily predictable narrative is already in full swing. In essence, it goes like this: Anyone and everyone who harbors 'anti-government' views, expresses opposition to what global leaders refer to as the 'New World Order,' or advocates for honest money, is a potential terrorist in waiting. The demonization of vast swaths of the American public is now accelerating, but in the process, the establishment press is exposing itself as clueless, out-of-touch, or deliberately deceptive at worst." ... |
Sen. Feinstein apparently wants to ban 19th century revolvers
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "The notion of Feinstein's possession of a soul is a debate for another day. Let's instead look at her contention that by naming the rifle model the M&P15, with M&P standing for 'military and police,' Smith and Wesson is tacitly acknowledging that this firearm is appropriate only for the government's hired muscle."
"What a peculiar idea. Smith and Wesson, keep in mind, has put 'military and police' into the names of lots of guns, including revolvers, dating all the way back to 1899, with the Model 10, once named the Smith & Wesson Military & Police."
"Similarly, an iconic Colt revolver is the Detective Special, which has served both detectives and private citizens well for over 85 years." ... |
VA: Bloomberg Donates to Virginia Democrat with Pro-Gun Ties
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is backing Kathleen Murphy, a Democrat challenger for a seat in the Virginia House of Delegates, even as the same candidate campaigns with Democrats with strong Second Amendment records."
"The Daily Beast’s Eleanor Clift reports that Bloomberg has put up six figures in support of Murphy’s campaign to unseat Republican Del. Barbara Comstock.""Comstock has a top rating from the National Rifle Association, and Murphy started badgering Bloomberg’s people in New York months ago to seek their help in a race that could turn on commonsense gun reform. She was thrilled to receive $100,000 from Bloomberg’s PAC, directed contributions from Bloomberg’s PAC ..." ... |
LA: NRA tosses support to Riser
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The National Rifle Association has endorsed state Sen. Neil Riser, R-Columbia, in the 5th Congressional District runoff election on Nov. 16."
"Riser, who finished first in the Oct. 19 primary election with 32 percent, faces Vance McAllister, R-Swartz, who secured 18 percent in the primary."
"'On behalf of our 5 million members, The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund is proud to endorse your candidacy,' said NRA-PVF Chairman Chris Cox in a letter to Riser released by Riser’s campaign." ... |
CA: Pleasant Hill to vote on regulating gun sales (video available)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"An East Bay city is weighing new rules for gun shops. Those rules would impact where new gun stores could be located. Owners and employees would also have to pass criminal background checks. Critics say it's another step in eroding Second Amendment rights."
"The mayor of Pleasant Hill says his proposal is really all about gun safety. These debates always turn into the fundamental issue of gun control and the Second Amendment. That's likely to happen at City Hall on Monday night with a packed audience of gun right and gun control advocates." ... |
Supreme Court on Gun Control: Waiting and Watching, for Now
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Gun control lives. On Monday the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal from a man barred from owning a firearm because of a 45-year-old misdemeanor assault conviction. As Bloomberg News’s high court guru, Greg Stohr, notes, the justices have repeatedly declined to take up gun-rights appeals over the last three years. The practical effect of this non-action is that the Supremes have let stand lower-court rulings preserving various restrictions on civilian gun ownership."
"Wait a second, you may be saying to yourself, hasn’t the Supreme Court been on a pro-gun-rights tear? And now the justices have gone passive on the topic? Let’s step back and look more closely." ... |
Firearm Ban After Assault Left Intact by U.S. High Court
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The U.S. Supreme Court declined to take up a new gun-rights case, turning away an appeal from a man barred from owning a firearm because of a misdemeanor assault conviction 45 years ago."
"The appeal by Jefferson Wayne Schrader contended that the ban violated the Constitution’s Second Amendment, which protects the right to bear arms." ...
"Schrader was convicted of misdemeanor assault and battery after getting into a fistfight with a gang member in Annapolis, Maryland, in 1968. He received a $100 fine and no jail time. Since then, he says, he served in Vietnam, received an honorable discharge from the Navy and has had no meaningful encounters with law enforcement in the last 45 years." ... |
FL: Sanford won't force Neighborhood Watch volunteers to leave guns at home
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The Sanford Police Department is backing off a proposal to ban Neighborhood Watch members from carrying guns, but it still wants volunteers to leave their firearms at home and will make that recommendation at a community meeting Tuesday night, police Chief Cecil Smith said Monday."
"'We originally came out with a stern, 'You should not,' Smith said. 'We took a second look at it.'"
"Smith now recommends that people forgo their guns while they are performing their Neighborhood Watch duties. Smith said he could legally have dictated a ban, but he decided it was better to include people rather than to exclude them." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Really? From where precisely does Chief Smith derive this power? |
GRNC publishing report cards on restaurants that deprive us of our rights
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"We've received several requests that we publish the names of restaurants that prohibit concealed carry weapons in their establishments. We delayed doing so, waiting to see if any local restaurants would disarm law-abiding citizens with state issued permits. Happily, we have not seen any such shenanigans at our local eateries. We hope that holds."
"But we would advise those interested that you can find a list of establishments that have posted restrictions at www.grnc.org."
"You will note that Buffalo Wild Wings bans concealed carry statewide. There is a Buffalo Wild Wings in Greenville." ... |
Guns & Ammo Editor Pens Editorial Supporting Gun Control
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"In the December issue of Guns & Ammo, editor Dick Metcalf uses his Backstop column to argue that the rights guaranteed in the Second Amendment can be infringed.""Time to cancel your subscriptions, Guns and Ammo Editor Dick Metcalf has penned an editorial for their December issue that will be leaving fans in shock; he’s supporting gun control. Metcalf claims there is a large difference between regulation, (well-regulated militia) and a direct infringement of civil rights, he has made this distinction the premise of his claims." ... |
WA: Note to Seattle hoplophobes: gun owners have civil rights, too
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"When two of the four major network affiliates in Seattle ... look at the change in the Seattle public library’s policy on firearms as they are doing today - one day after a forum was held at a local church regarding downtown crime and public safety - one might think there is something up."
"Reporters from both stations noted the concerns of people who ask, 'Why should anyone have a gun in a library?' There is only one answer: 'Why not?'"
"If a legally-armed private citizen is minding his or her own business, at a library or any other public venue, what is there to be concerned about? The bearing of arms is protected under both the state and federal constitutions, while feeling good in the library is not." ... |
WA: Seattle lifts gun ban in libraries
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A lot of library patrons are against it."
"Gun rights advocates say: 'It's about time!'"
"'It's a huge public safety concern.'"
"Laura Baldwin was returning her books late this morning. She'd just heard the Seattle Public Library was lifting its ban on guns."
"'I was disappointed, [because] I like to bring my kids to the library. So it's just one more concern. I'd rather not have guns in libraries.'"
"'We're talking about a constitutionally-protected fundamental civil right.'"
"Dave Workman, with the Second Amendment Foundation in Bellevue, couldn't disagree with Baldwin more."
"The civil rights group successfully sued the City of Seattle over a failed attempt to ban guns in public places ..." ... |
FL: Speedy media often wrong
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The lawyer who defended George Zimmerman attended a forum Monday night to discuss gun rights and the trial that brought him national attention."
"At a meeting of the Republican Liberty Caucus of Central East Florida, Mark O’Mara was the featured speaker and also participated in a panel discussion on the Second Amendment, along with FLORIDA TODAY Public Interest Editor Matt Reed, Sheriff Wayne Ivey and Francisco Rodriguez of the Florida Tenth Amendment Center."
"Chairman Bob White said the event comes amid pressure from Washington to change gun control laws and notions in Tallahassee of changing self-defense statutes." ... |
The right of the people to keep and bear arms has been recognized by the General Government; but the best security of that right after all is, the military spirit, that taste for martial exercises, which has always distinguished the free citizens of these States....Such men form the best barrier to the liberties of America — Gazette of the United States, October 14, 1789. |