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Newslinks for 11/6/2003

Rep. Sensenbrenner Rams Gun Ban Through On Voice Vote -- Time to ask your Senators to oppose the same ban (GOA Alert)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) authored this bill to extend the prohibition on plastic firearms. The current ban is scheduled to sunset in December."

"The Wisconsin Congressman brought it directly to the floor of the House, having skipped the committee process, after successfully urging the House leadership to allow the rules of the House to be suspended." ...

"Sensenbrenner managed to get H.R. 3348 passed on a voice vote, meaning that fewer than 30 Representatives -- those who happened to be on the floor at the time -- were all that it took to extend the ban on these firearms."

Right to bear arms isn’t in Second Amendment
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United states says, 'A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." What does this mean? One would think that by now we would have had some guidance from the U.S. Supreme Court. Yet only one thing can be said for sure, the U.S. Supreme Court has never held that the Second Amendment allows you and me, not members of a militia, to be armed.' "

Actually, genius, you ARE a part of the militia -- the unorganized militia.

US Code: Title 10
US Code as of: 01/26/98

Sec. 311. Militia: composition and classes

(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and,
except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a
declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United
States who are members of the National Guard.

(b) The classes of the militia are -
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard
and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.

Whitney Kemper is a Nashville attorney and author of “Journal of a Thoughtful Fool.” He can be reached at

Commerce Clause abuse
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"...In 1990, Congress passed the Gun-Free School Zones Act, citing its powers under the 'Commerce Clause.' Namely, the possession of a firearm in a local school zone substantially affected interstate commerce."

"Why? Violent crime raises insurance costs, and those costs are spread throughout the population. Violent crime reduces the willingness of individuals to travel to high-crime areas within the country. Finally, crime threatens the learning environment, thereby reducing national productivity."

"While all of this might be true, the relevant question is whether Congress had constitutional authority to pass the Gun-Free School Zones Act."

Aiming Beyond the Pheasants
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Gun control emerged with a bang in the Democratic presidential primary campaign the other day as Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts blasted a
pheasant from the Iowa sky with a shotgun, minutes after attacking the gun control credentials of his rival, former Gov. Howard Dean of Vermont."

I think I'll buy an "assault weapon"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Many hunters use semi-automatic rifles. These rifles usually have a five round capacity and fire as fast as you can pull the trigger. If you’ve missed on the first shot, however, the remaining four rounds serve only to tell others just how poor a shot you really are. Such a rifle can also be described as an 'auto loader' since that’s what it’s been doing all the while you were missing." ...
"There are rifles available that resemble their military counterparts. These are not, however, 'assault weapons.' " ...

"The problem that gun owners have with the continuous and inaccurate use of the term 'assault weapons' is that we know there are those who would like nothing better than to ban all firearms."

Weapons ban a failure (Letter)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Ms. Lorna Brown's commentary (Forum, Oct. 27) seems full of conflicts and errors. For example, she writes that 'allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons has a negligible effect on crime.'Then in the next sentence she talks about the 'assault weapons ban' and writes, 'Our police are at higher risk when these weapons are available.' "

"What weapons? If she's talking about weapons carried by concealed-weapons permit holders -- as seems to be her point -- these are not even addressed by the assault weapons ban." ...

OH: Ohio Voters: No Confidence (in Bob Taft)
Submitted by: Chad Baus - Ohioans For Concealed Carry

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"The mood of voters will no doubt be read by politicos as a sign that the nation is in no mood for the antics the nine Democrat presidential hopefuls have been perpetrating in recent months."

"But before the Republican National Committee gets too confident, they need to look at Ohio, where a conservative voter base has just fired a shot across the bow of a Republican ship that holds super-majorities in both legislatures, and every executive office in the state, including the Governor's office."

No “Neo-Patriots" Here.
Submitted by: awsmm

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"We the People" Right to petition lawsuit update

"Our nation was founded by People who endured the abusive hand of government tyrants for generations. They understood the value of personal freedom and the price required to obtain and maintain it. Many of them paid the ultimate price to secure the blessings of liberty for future generations of Americans – including ours."

"We owe no less to our children and grandchildren. America has reached a defining and critical moment in history. With hearts inspired by love of Country, and devotion to duty, We The People must confront and turn back those forces that seek to destroy our sacred Constitution and Bill of Rights."

Loving Monsters
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Scientists and outdoorsmen began to warn of danger, but they were ignored by both the Boulder public -- which was sentimentally attached to the idea of free-roaming wildlife -- and state wildlife-protection bureaucrats, who downplayed first the presence, and then the danger, posed by the cougars. Dogs and cats started being eaten, cougars started threatening people, and yet meetings on the subject were dominated by people who 'came to speak for the cougars.' "

"In the end, of course, people started to be eaten, and the bureaucracy woke up to a degree. There's lots of interesting stuff in Baron's book about ecological change, and the folly of seeking 'wilderness' without recognizing humanity's role in nature, but to me the most interesting behavior isn't the predatory nature of the cougars -- which are, after all, predators -- but the willful ignorance of human beings. So many were so invested in the notion that by thinking peaceful thoughts they could will into existence a state of peaceful affairs that they ignored the evidence right in front of them, which tended to suggest that cougars were quite happy to eat anything that was juicy, delicious, and unlikely to fight back." ...

"Nonetheless, the same strand of wishful thinking appears: perhaps this time, the cougars won't want to eat us. Some people, apparently, would rather be dinner than face up to the fact that nature is red in tooth and claw, and that -- in this fallen world, at least -- the lion lies down with the lamb only after the lamb's neck is broken. (Worse yet is the noxious strand of liberalism that suggests we somehow deserve to be dinner.)"

"In the United States, such silliness seems to have diminished in recent years, though it is still ongoing in Britain, where aggressive efforts to ban hunting (believed by some observers to be politically motivated) have produced promises of civil disobedience."

When governments subjugate the populace, human life is devalued and the life of animals becomes more important than human beings.

What the world needs now is love
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Force is an exercise in hate when it comes from the very people given the awesome and sacred authority to guard against all encroachments on human rights and on the very concept of being humane and caring. How else can so-called 'leaders' of countries order the deaths of thousands when the thousands have done no harm to other people? It damn sure isn't love of mankind and altruistic intents that guide their slaughtering of people and the destruction/theft of property."

UK: Music artists appeal against gun crime
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Disco divas Sister Sledge arrived at the House of Commons saying it was their duty as entertainers to speak out against the gun culture which is claiming so many lives."

"Joni and Debbie, two sisters from the group, joined So Solid Twin MCs Dwayne and Noel Thomas to give their support to a report by MPs which calls for more police officers to be allowed to carry arms to tackle gun crime."

"We have always admired Britain for not having guns as legal" -- Joni of Sister Sledge

Isn't it amazing that she expresses admiration for a disarmed Britain, while ignoring the fact that she's over there to speak out against the "gun culture?" You'd think a clue would click.

FL: Man arrested for allegedly trying to smuggle BB gun onto plane
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A Florida man headed to North Carolina faces a charge of attempting to board a plane at Yeager Airport with a BB pistol in his carry-on bag." ...

"The BB gun was detected during screening procedures as Fennessy attempted to board a US Air flight bound for Charlotte, N.C., according to a criminal complaint filed in U.S. Magistrate Court in Charleston."

"The complaint charges Fennessy with "knowingly having a concealed dangerous weapon on or about his body that would have been accessible to him in flight."

TN: Former ORNL whistleblower sentenced for gun trafficking
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A former whistleblower who gained national attention more than a decade ago by noting problems at Oak Ridge National Laboratory is headed to prison for trafficking guns."

"Charles 'Bud' Varnadore, 61, was sentenced by Senior U.S. District Court Judge James Jarvis on Tuesday to 41 months in prison. He was convicted after a trial in July of conspiring to sell guns without a license at flea markets."

"Assistant U.S. Attorney David Jennings said Varnadore was responsible for illegally selling more than 200 guns."

UK: MPs seek tougher action on gun crime
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Ministers and police forces should being doing more to tackle gun crime in Britain, according to a cross-party committee of MPs."

"In a report published on Wednesday, members of the all party group on guns stopped short of calling for all police officers to be armed."

"But they called for the number of authorised firearms officers to be increased to ensure the police have 'adequate armed units on-call to continue more targeted operations'."

"The MPs also called for police forces to improve their coordination on gun crime and to do more to protect witnesses to gun crime incidents."

Australia: Cop pulls gun on 'drunk' 12-year-old
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A POLICE officer 'fearing death or bodily harm' pulled his pistol on a knife-wielding, apparently drunken 12-year-old girl in Garbutt." ...

"When the child answered the door she started to verbally abuse the officers, then went into the house to the kitchen where she obtained a knife."

"The girl returned to the door, still abusing the officers and waving the weapon at them in a threatening manner."

"The officers stepped back and one drew a pistol and ordered the girl to drop the knife."

"She did so, but then spat at the officers through a flyscreen door, hitting one in the face."

"The girl was then taken into custody."

UK: Labour's broken pledge on gun crime
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Oliver Letwin has condemned Labour's failure to effectively combat gun crime, after police chiefs called for more armed officers on Britain's streets."

"In a submission to an all-party group of MPs, senior officers warned that criminals are using the internet and postal system to bring illegal firearms into the UK - boosting the number of armed criminals active across the country. With four out of 10 officers feeling they lack adequate armed backup to deal with the rising toll of gun crime, the Police Federation has recommended that more firearms specialists should be trained."

UK: Police issue internet gun warning
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Criminals are using the internet and postal system to get guns into the UK, senior police officers have warned."

"They also told an all-party parliamentary group of MPs there should be more armed officers on the streets as the number of armed criminals grows."

"The group is due to publish a report on gun crime on Wednesday."

Ireland: Elderly women in gun raids terror
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"TWO women in their eighties were in shock today after separate attacks by masked thugs in different parts of Northern Ireland."

"In a remote part of Co Antrim a gang held a family, including an 86-year-old woman, at gunpoint."

"Residents on the Church Road outside Randalstown this morning expressed revulsion following the incident in which a man was pistol-whipped and two shots were fired."

"The robbers also tried to take rings off the fingers of the elderly lady."

VA: Fairfax Voters Rebuke "Extremist" Gun Lobby
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Gun violence prevention advocates declared victory last night in state legislative races in Virginia, where candidates supporting sensible gun laws won big. Delegates-elect Steve Shannon and Mark Sickles will hold seats formerly held by gun lobby-backed officials." ...

" 'Northern Virginia voters came to the polls yesterday and said 'enough is enough',' said Joshua Horwitz, executive director of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. 'Voters want their representatives in Richmond to enhance public safety by closing the gun show loophole. They don't want so-called moderates in the pocket of the extremist gun lobby.' "

UK: Armed raid as gun fears rise
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"QUICK-thinking shop staff who foiled an armed raider's attempts to rob them as he wielded a handgun, were recovering at home today."

"The attempted raid took place at McColl's Liquor Store in Ellenbrook Green, Ipswich at 7.50pm yesterday."

"The foiled raid is the latest in a string of incidents to target small businesses in Ipswich – and the eighth in Suffolk in 16 days. The firearms incident also came as a report by MPs was today expected to call for a ban on the sale and importation of replica firearms."

MI: Elsie police chief teaches kids gun safety
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A fatal gun accident involving an 12-year-old Midland-area boy in October has sent Elsie Police Chief Larry Briggs into the classroom."

"He decided to teach first- through sixth-graders at Ovid-Elsie's E.E. Knight Elementary School that guns aren't toys after he heard what happened to James Scheifflee."

MO: Buying A Gun Is As Close As Looking In Newspaper
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Want to buy a gun without a background check and waiting period? The opportunity is as close as your morning paper."

"KMBC's Bev Chapman reported that if you buy a gun from a licensed dealer, you must fill out forms designed to make sure you are someone legally entitled to own it -- someone who is not a convicted felon, domestic abuser or mentally ill."

"But if you buy that same gun through the want ads, there are no questions asked. It is all perfectly legal, but critics said that it is a loophole that could cost someone their life."

More moaning about the nonexistent newspaper loophole. Here you go:

UK: 'Arm more police officers', MPs urge
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"More police officers should be allowed to carry arms in an attempt to tackle rising gun crime, MPs have said."

"They claim ministers need to work harder to find ways of cracking down on the scourge in the UK to prevent the situation spiralling out of control."

"While the government has made attempts to tackle gun crime, Home Office figures show it rose by 35% in 2001-2002, and the law needs to be tightened to deal with it, a new report says."

Wait! How could that happen? Guns are banned, and yet gun crime has risen? Did Sarah Brady lie to us?

IL: Robert Stack's Guns On Auction Block
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Robert Stack was a TV star, but he was also a shooting star."

"In addition to his Hollywood career, the late 'Unsolved Mysteries' and 'The Untouchables' star had a passion for golf and shooting."

"He was a skeet champion with several world records and was inducted into the National Skeet Shooting Hall of Fame in 1971."

"Stack's gun collection and other personal items will be up for bids during a Nov. 9-10 auction at the Phoenix Club being conducted by Little John's Auction Service, which was contacted by the actor's estate after his death in May."

NV: Patriot Act knows no limits
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Critics have warned from the start that provisions in the bill would gut what remains of our financial privacy under the Bill of Rights. The Bush administration responded the new powers were needed to fight Arab terrorists, and would be used sparingly."

"The critics responded that once federal agents had these powers, there would be no limiting their application to only those cases where the suspects wear headcloths."

"Sure enough, a mere two years after its enactment, the use of the Patriot Act in a case as far from '9-11' terrorism as the Galardi topless bar probe proves the skeptics were right."

MO: Concern Hits Schools Over Missouri Conceal and Carry Law
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A temporary injunction continues to block Missouri's concealed carry gun law."

"But that hasn't stopped many people from applying for permits and going through the proper training."

"If it's allowed to become law, you still won't be able to take a concealed weapon everywhere."

"One area that's of some concern is school property and whether you can have a concealed weapon even in the parking lot."

"The Clark County school district could soon have some new rules and regulations about weapons on school property. Right now, all weapons are banned from school buildings, but the school board wants to take it a step further by extending the ban to include all school property like parking lots and buses."

VA: State police will help Richmond combat violent crime
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"State police officers will join city police on the streets in the next two weeks to temporarily help combat rising violent crime in Virginia's capital city."

"Officers from the department's Counter-terrorism and Criminal Interdiction Unit will help round up and guns and drugs to slow the city's spiraling murder rate, officials said." ...

"Richmond tallied 12 shootings last weekend alone, resulting in two deaths. The city has had 83 homicides this year, compared with 59 at this time last year."

Come Hell or High Water
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"So for you that are out there representing our concerns: take note, because we don't always know what's going on and it's your job to keep us informed. A good step in that direction was made when the local paper, The Sentinel, made space available for the city manager to write an article. However, it would have been much better had each of the city councilors taken turns to write that article each week. You are the ones we want to hear from, not some bureaucrat you appointed to run the city."

NV: PATRIOT ACT: Law's use causing concerns
Submitted by: paul raynolds

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"Two of Nevada's lawmakers blasted the FBI for employing the act in the Galardi probe, saying the agency overstepped its bounds."

"Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., said Congress intended the Patriot Act to help federal authorities root out threats from terrorists and spies after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks." ...

"Rep. Shelley Berkley, D-Nev., said she was preparing an inquiry to the FBI about its guidelines for using the Patriot Act in cases that don't involve terrorism. The law makes it easy for citizens' rights to be abused, she said."

Citizens 'Mugged' by the State
Submitted by: paul raynolds

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"For nine years, starting in 1993, I profiled scores of ordinary people in Reader's Digest who had been unfairly yet legally 'mugged' by regulators."

"Researching this series of articles took me to 23 states. I interviewed victims, their families, their business associates and friends, and the regulators whose common sense-defying decisions had created a slew of financial, legal and emotional hardships."

"Many of these muggings are committed so regulatory agencies can set legal precedents, meet enforcement quotas, protect the monopoly power of favored enterprises and intimidate property owners who might otherwise contest arbitrary decision-making. Most of the governmental abuses occur so far beyond the notice of national news media attention that we never hear of them." ...

DE: New task force gets credit in raid
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"A new anti-gun task force has already paid dividends - the seizure of 19 rifles, 16 pistols and two bulletproof vests from a convicted felon - U.S. Attorney Colm F. Connolly and other law enforcement officials said Tuesday."

"The raid last week near Seaford led to Tuesday's federal indictment of Huriah Fitzgerald, 28, on two weapons charges. Fitzgerald, who is now in federal custody, faces up to 13 years if convicted."

"Formed last month, the task force is the latest component of a Connolly initiative called Operation Disarm that aims to get guns out of the hands of criminals and target the source of the weapons. An unidentified gun dealer cooperating with the investigation told agents he sold several weapons to Fitzgerald."

WA: Woman awarded $100,000 settlement for shooting
Submitted by: Rich Beamis

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"The Spokane City Council has awarded $100,000 to a woman who argued police could have done more to help her before she was shot." ...

"Bratton sought $15 million from the city and Spokane County's 911 dispatch system for failing to provide police protection against a threatening neighbor, Peter Welp, despite numerous calls for help and a history of trouble with the man."

Remember: There is now legal precedent. A promise or assurance of help by the dispatcher obligates the police to actually help. Though the likelihood of that actually happening is still remote...

IN: Prosecutor to review Halloween shooting of cop
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Lake County Sheriff's Department plans to turn over details about a shooting involving a St. John police officer to the prosecutor's office for review."

"Cpl. Conoway, was shot twice in the face Friday night during a Halloween prank gone awry."

"Conoway had reportedly dressed in costume and was carrying an ax while attending a party in Cedar Lake when a man who was also at the party shot him.
The report said Frederick yelled that he had a gun, and fired two rounds into the ground while the subject continued toward him."

"Frederick reportedly fired two more rounds into the ground, yelling at the man that he had a gun. When the masked man got 10 feet from Frederick, police said Frederick fired two shots hitting him in the face."

Lt. Col. Allen B. West indicted last week on criminal assault charges
Submitted by: GUNED.COM

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"Sign a citizen petition on behalf of Lt. Col. Allen B. West, U.S. Army, who was indicted last week on criminal assault charges for the psychological intimidation tactic he used to acquire vital intelligence from a captured enemy combatant in Iraq -- intelligence that saved the lives of American soldiers facing imminent attack."

NY: Geezer pulls his gun on mugger
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A pistol-packing, 80-year-old Bronx man was arrested on gun charges after he tried to turn the tables on a mugger who beat him and stole his Social Security money, authorities said yesterday."

"Feisty Lester Campbell - a retired security guard who cops said was carrying a hidden, unlicensed .38-caliber handgun - cashed his $262 Social Security check near his home on East 139th Street in Mott Haven at 10 a.m. Monday."

The pathetic socialist pit of New York would actually victimize this man a second time. He became a victim at the hands of the criminal, and the city is victimizing him a second time for attempting to take responsibility for his own safety without permission from the socialist would-be tyrants in New York.

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. — Robert Heinlein

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