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Newslinks for 11/6/2013

‘Legitimate media’ ignores invitations to cover Minnesota gun safety event
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Despite contacting 'about 65 individual reporters … from about 30 different media outlets …[n]ot one showed up or even printed/posted the information about' Saturday’s Minnesota Carry Day and Safety Education Expo in Elk River, the group Twin Cities Gun Owner and Carry Forum announced yesterday in a post-event recap."

"'The event was a raging success!' Director Shelley Leeson reported. 'We estimate that 250-300 people attended the community outreach event throughout the day. We also had the participation and support of the Sherburne County Sheriff, Joel Brott, and his deputies.'" ...

The Ultimate Guide To The Gun Safety Debate. In a Way . .
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I miss Bruce Krafft. TTAG’s once and future gun control argument destroyer (and former submariner) is slowly recovering from a car accident. Truth be told, we can’t handle the truth (alone). We want him on that wall. We need him on that wall. Especially when we come across stuff like this: The Ultimate Guide To The Gun Safety Debate. It’s’s compendium of arguments against the arguments against civilian disarmament. Like this: 'The law’s ban on some so-called assault weapons is nonsensical. All such weaponry terminology means is that they are semi-automatic weapons (which most guns are) with some military-style external features.' To which they counter . . ." ...

The Constitution Doesn’t Create Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I heard an interesting conversation on a radio show the other day."

"The host was talking about NSA spying ... The producer chimed in and said he wasn’t sure he had a problem with spying on foreigners."

"'Oh, I agree,' the host said. 'I don’t care about that. They certainly don’t have the same constitutional rights as Americans.'"

"I actually see this line of reasoning often. On the surface, it kinda, sorta makes sense. ... But just under the surface hides an insidious idea that Americans need to root out of their collective psyche – this notion that the Constitution creates rights."

"... Implicit in his statement, we find the idea that government creates rights and then benevolently bestows them on those it chooses ..." ...

BREAKING: Democrat Terry McAuliffe Wins Virginia Governor’s Race
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After receiving millions of dollars in support from gun control groups, Terry McAuliffe has officially been elected to the governor’s chair in the state of Virginia. Despite his opponent Ken Cuccinelli leading in the early results tonight, the heavily Democratic counties in Fairfax and Alexandria have tipped the scales enough in his favor to win. The race tonight was extremely close, and there’s little doubt that recent events nearly put Cuccinelli over the top, but rest assured that the gun control advocates who invested in McAuliffe will parade their victory as if it were a unanimous vote."

"The whole point for Bloomberg and Watts was to use the 'sure thing' of McAuliffe’s election to boost their own profile. ..." ...

Predictable Droning v. Meaningful Lessons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are some starkly contrasting lessons in the recent LAX shooting."

"Dianne Feinstein trots out her old 'I’ll introduce a bill to ban assault rifles' line, as boringly predictable as Harold Stassen throwing his hat in the Presidential election ring in the old days. Some people’s egos just can’t let them see that they’re trying to sell something people are too smart to buy."

"Yet another lesson from that incident goes almost unnoticed. The family of the young man with the broken mind, as soon as they saw signs that he was seriously going to snap, called authorities. LAPD took it seriously. They went to the young man’s apartment, and missed him by only minutes. The miss was not their fault, just a matter of timing and Fate." ...

Commenter michi to Wonkette’s Schoenkopf: Take a Chill Pill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Foul-mouthed Wonkette wag-ette Rebecca Schoenkopf read RF’s earlier post in which he highlighted her standard, lefty playbook, by-the-numbers portrayal of all gun owners after a couple of open carriers waltzed through Phoenix’s Sky Harbor Airport fully strapped. During a hellacious hissy in which she all but played the hoary compensating-for-their-small-penises card, Schoenkopf reached down deep into her progressive thesaurus and pronounced 'Mr. Big Brave Manly Macho' a total fncking a$$hole. Just the kind of enlightened conversation about guns the civilian disarmament side can be counted on to carry on. But there’s more! She then revealingly jumped into our comment section looking for juicy Tweet fodder and it’s safe to say that a good time was not necessarily had by all. In an effort to talk the screeching scribe down a few rungs, would-be peacemaker michi unleashed the following bit of wisdom which is more than deserving of a post all its own . . ." ...

OughtSix lashes Guns and Ammo for its Zumbo moment.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This letter to G&A was forwarder by long-time reader OughtSix:"
"Subject: Guns & Ammo Subscription"

I'm sure you're getting a ton of mail regarding Dick Metcalf's ill advised and traitorous editorial in the December issue."

"I will make mine as brief as my fury will permit:" ...

Columnist obejcts to condemnation of cop who killed 13-year-old 'armed' with toy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On October 22, Sonoma County (California) Deputy Erick Gellhaus fired eight rounds at 13-year-old Andy Lopez, hitting him seven times ... According to the Chicago Tribune, Gellhaus fired the lethal fusillade within 10 seconds of seeing the boy carrying what turned out to be an airsoft version of the AK-47 rifle ..." ...

"The Tribune article ... quotes one account that said that Gellhaus and his partner shouted at the boy from behind to drop the gun, and shot him as he turned toward them, instead of dropping the 'gun' instantly. National Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea proposes an instructive experiment on his personal blog:"
"Here's an experiment you can try yourself. Go out in public and yell at some random person from behind to drop what they're carrying." ...

Duh! Guns & Ammo Editor Supports Gun Control Based on Ludicrous Misinterpretation of 'Well Regulated Militia'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If thou art privy to thy country's fate,
Which, happily, foreknowing may avoid, O, speak!

"Quick! Someone get in touch with the editor of Guns & Ammo magazine, Dick Metcalf, and let him know that 'happily' as used in the early 17 century by William Shakespeare does not mean 'happy' but 'perhaps.' And perhaps (happily) Mr. Metcalf won't make the same ridiculous error again when he completely misinterpreted the 18th century meaning of 'Well regulated militia' in the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution to mean government regulations as a justification to call for gun control." ... The Gun That’s Killing America
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I spent some time in Australia in the company of some extremely gregarious Sheilas. Perth was like the best bits of California without the Californians. But I wouldn’t live there on a bet. The country founded by English convicts—people with a profound grudge against tyrannical government—has regressed into a proto-police state. As always, civilian disarmament is the slippery slope down which the citizens’ natural and civil rights are sliding. Key to this de-evolution (are we not men?): demonizing guns. And the easiest way to do that is to point to the U.S. and say 'You don’t want to become like that, do ya mate?' More specifically this from ..." ...

Our Friends at Freak Out (Again)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Some total fncking a**hole armed his 12-year-old son with a semi-automatic pistol, and himself with what witnesses described as an assault rifle, for a fun and peaceful good will to men not at all threatening and sh*tbirdy trip to the Phoenix airport,' Rebecca Schoenkopf [above] writes at, sans asterisks ... 'Mr. Big Brave Manly Macho claimed he’d brought the guns because he was askeered for his safety. You know who else was scared for their safety? Everyone who saw you and your son, who should probably be sent to live with Bristol Palin or Levi Johnston as a better alternative to you.' Wow. Anger issues or what? Someone make sure that young lady doesn’t get a gun. Just sayin. But Ms. Schoenkopf is just getting warmed up . . ." ...

McAuliffe Must Win the Election in Virginia Because Nothing Threatens Communal Safety More Than Unchecked Access to Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the biggest ironies of the government shutdown was that the GOP -- and particularly the tea party -- usually hail themselves as defenders of the Constitution, especially when it comes to the Second Amendment. ..." ...

"However, it is not surprising that the GOP carelessly cost our country $24 billion, when all of the party's aims are bad for the economic well being and/or the health of most American people, with unchecked gun ownership being at the very top of the list. Because in the United States, we have so much freedom that anyone can access assault riffles and carry out a massacre if they are deranged, anti-government, senile, or racist enough to do so." ...

Guns in America: Time for Change
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I love my Second Amendment right. I was raised in Boise, Idaho, and have been hunting the Treasure Valley for upland game and waterfowl since I was strong enough to carry a gun. I come from a long line of hunters who take pride in the time-honored tradition of stalking game, killing it ethically, and providing food for their families. I was raised to appreciate the awesome power of firearms and to treat all guns as if they are loaded. I own several guns and would be sad to part with them. All of that being said, I make this appeal to the members of the United States Congress: For the sake of your citizens, please pass some gun-control legislation." ...

NY: Gun owners shoulder a great responsibility
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... I’ve spent over 50 years putting thousands of rounds through all types of guns ..."

"The Lockport resident arrested for 10 rounds in his pistol magazine was clearly and knowingly flouting the new SAFE Act. Seven rounds in the magazine and one in the barrel gives a total capacity of eight rounds. If you can’t defend yourself with eight bullets, you’d better spend some quality time at the gun range." ...

"Responsible adult gun owners should have two goals. One, to recognize the great responsibility born by the Second Amendment of our Constitution, and secondly, to honor the families of the children and students killed at Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, etc., all killed with high-capacity guns." ...

MI: Do something more useful than walking with rifle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Recently there was a picture and related story in the Press-Gazette about two people roaming the streets of Green Bay with semi-automatic rifles slung over their shoulders. When I was in Green Bay I saw this sight firsthand."

"My first thought was to ask them if the squirrels had declared war and the nuts were being armed. Then I thought better of posing this question to someone with a loaded rifle." ...

"Why not do something useful? Many organization are looking for volunteers. Take your pick. Do something for the needy — not for the NRA and/or the weapons industry or the nuts that need to feel safe or powerful by open carrying a gun."

MO: Missouri senator ignores gun violence victims
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a version of the movie 'Groundhog Day,' a repeat of last session’s gun nullification bill is being proposed for 2014 by state Sen. Ron Richard, R-Joplin. Rather than addressing the rising gun violence in our communities, Sen. Richard advocates another draft of Missouri’s 'worst gun bill in the country,' as referred to by national media. His ... 'Second Amendment Preservation Act,' further attempts to nullify all past, present and future federal firearm laws."

"This is an offensive misuse of the Legislature’s authority and time wasted on hours of debate at taxpayer expense. It is clear this new draft, if passed into law, will head straight to litigation and be ruled unconstitutional according to existing law. ..." ...

Incendiary Image of the Day: Gun World Hearts SIGs “Assault Rifle”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The SIG SAUER 556R is one hell of a modern sporting rifle. Or, if you prefer, rifle. Calling the civilian model an “assault rifle” is both technically incorrect and against the interests of The People of the Gun; the term was bastardized and mainstreamed by gun control advocates bent on civilian disarmament. That said, Gun World’s decision to use the term on its cover could simply reflect editorial senility. ..."

MVT Shield - Field Trials
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "What you can't see in the photos is the layer that will stop ALL thermal signature. Note: this is not the same as trying to use an emergency blanket. Those things state that they stop 80% of body heat - and in trials that is exactly right. They will stop 80% of body heat, so you won't see someones body shape beneath it, but you will see the 'thermal bloom' across the material - that's the 20% that gets you killed."

"This product stops 100% of thermal signature, there is no thermal bloom across the material. It is slightly thicker and bulkier than a standard tarp, but not in a way where it can't be rolled or stuffed into a pouch." ...

PA: Shots fired at corner store in Reading; 2 people dead (video available)
Submitted by: jac

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"A person described by police as a 'private citizen' took matters into his own hands Monday, shooting to death a pair of masked robbery suspects armed with guns." ...

"Two men, both armed with guns and wearing masks, had just left the store with stolen cigarettes and lottery tickets when they were confronted by the 'concerned citizen,' telling both suspects that he was going to call police and advising them to stay where they were, said Berks County District Attorney John Adams."

"A brief scuffle ensued, during which the suspects pulled out their guns, Adams said. The citizen then pulled out his gun, for which he had a license to carry, and shot both suspects, said Adams, who personally reviewed surveillance video of the scene." ...

Armed citizens fight crime, shoot back
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three armed robbers are dead in two different shootings, one in Pennsylvania yesterday and the other in Ohio over the weekend, and the most accurate way to sum things up appears to be 'they had it coming' for committing their crimes in places that weren’t 'gun free zones' and their victims could shoot back." ...

MD: Maryland Man Shoots Home Intruder: Charged With Murder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Why didn’t you call 911?' This is the only argument the State of Maryland has against Matthew Pinkerton. ... He shot and killed a home intruder by the name of Kendall Green, just before 2 a.m. on September 15, 2013 in the town of Glen Burnie, Maryland."

"As reported by the Capital Gazette:"
"Pinkerton shot Green once in the chest from 10 to 15 feet away, but Green continued to advance toward him, his wife Jessica and two friends who were at the house, [Peter] O’Neill (Pinkerton’s attorney) said. That’s when Pinkerton shot him again. He died at the scene.'"
"The state has charged Matthew Pinkerton with 2nd Degree Murder. Their sole basis for this charge is that he should have called 911. ..." ...

PA: Man who shot 2 robbers was 'very brave,' district attorney says
Submitted by: jac

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"After a private citizen shot and killed two men who robbed a Reading convenience store, District Attorney John T. Adams was asked if he has concerns over citizens taking such matters into their own hands."

"'Of course, none of us condone violence,' Adams said. 'However, under the facts and the circumstances of this incident, we believe that the concerned citizen acted well within the law and as a result he was released.'"

"Adams described the concerned citizen ... as 'very brave.'"

"'He could have run away,' Adams said. 'He chose not to.'"

"Around 2 p.m. Monday, the man saw the clerk ... being robbed at gunpoint by two masked men, ... the citizen used deadly force strictly in self-defense. He said the two robbers were drawing their weapons." ...

OH: Poll: Columbus-area voters favor armed officers in schools by 2 - 1 margin
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Columbus Dispatch is reporting that, by almost a 2-to-1 ratio, Columbus City Schools voters want an armed police officer in their school." ...

"That urban voters spanning the demographic spectrum support having armed police officers in schools is highly encouraging. But the fact is, there simply aren't enough officers, let alone enough funding, to accomplish this goal. The concerns raised by poll-responded Mark Noble are also valid. In school shootings where there have been uniformed officers present, they have simply been ambushed first." ...

GA: Army veteran banned from daughter’s school after posting concealed carry license on Facebook
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment? What Second Amendment?"

"The principal of a Georgia elementary school might need to brush up on her U.S. Constitution knowledge after banning a parent from volunteering in the classroom because the mom posted a photo of her concealed carry permit on Facebook."

"Tanya Mount, an Army veteran and mom of a student at McBean Elementary School, received a criminal trespass warning statement from the Richmond County Board of Education police on Oct. 23, according to the local CBS News affiliate." ...

"Principal Janina Dallas confirmed to the local ABC News channel WJBF that the warning was issued in response to Mount’s firearms permit." ...

MI: ‘Schools And Guns Don’t Mix’ – Except Under Michigan Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Like many residents in his largely rural school district, Superintendent Tom Enslen enjoys deer hunting. He has fond memories of hunting near Kalkaska and other woodlands with his two sons and daughter. But if you try to enter one of his schools with a gun, he will stop you cold."

"'I’m a Second Amendment guy, totally believe in it,' said Enslen, head of Thornapple-Kellogg Public Schools in Barry County. 'But I’m sensible in my approach. Schools and guns don’t mix.'"

"Enslen is joined in his conviction by school officials across the Kent ISD and beyond. They are pressing state legislators to close a loophole in Michigan law that allows concealed weapons permit owners to openly carry their guns into school buildings. ..." ...

Sadly, Virginia Governor’s Race Will be Seen as a Win for Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As I’m sitting here mostly upset that the residents of my Democrat controlled city voluntarily voted to increase our local sales tax 1% today in order to give more revenue to an incompetent city government who has wasted millions upon millions of dollars over the last few years, I will now turn my attention to the Virginia governor’s race."

"Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat, won the Virginia governorship yesterday. Normally, a Democrat winning a governor’s race in a state that is traditionally pro-gun wouldn’t be too much to write home about. ..."

"However, this case is different. At a debate in late October, McAuliffe actually bragged about his NRA 'F' rating and voiced his support for additional gun control." ...

CA: Sunnyvale Passes Strict Gun Control Measure C, NRA Vows to Challenge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sunnyvale voters on Tuesday passed a strict gun control measure that has received the attention of supporter New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and critics from the National Rifle Association."

"... 66 percent of voters supported Measure C, according to unofficial results from the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters."

"The measure requires Sunnyvale gun owners to report firearms thefts to the police within 48 hours, lock up their guns at home and get rid of magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. Gun dealers would have to keep logs of ammunition sales." ...

"Despite its lack of financial backing, the NRA has threatened to sue to stop Sunnyvale's measure, saying it violates the Second Amendment. ..." ...

VA: Election Night 2013: Christie wins big, Virginia provides drama
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... Virginia's race provided the only real drama as votes were counted."

"Democrat Terry McAuliffe ... trailed Republican state Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli through the evening until votes from Democratic strongholds started rolling in and propelled him to victory."

"The race was nasty from the get-go and devolved into incessant mudslinging and personal attacks. Voters throughout the commonwealth of Virginia were bombarded by negative ads and polling showed that neither candidate was particularly well-liked ..."

"With nearly all of the vote counted, McAuliffe held a 48%-45% margin over Cuccinelli. Libertarian Robert Sarvis pulled in about 7% of the vote, which could have made the difference." ...

SAF Suit Alleges Civil Rights Deprivation Under Color Of Law In Arkansas
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment Foundation has filed a complaint in U.S. District Court in Arkansas on behalf of a legal resident alien, alleging that his right to keep and bear arms is being violated by a state law that prevents him from obtaining a concealed carry license."

"The lawsuit, on behalf of Martin Pot ... a citizen of the Netherlands, challenges the Arkansas statute because it 'completely prohibits resident legal aliens from the concealed carry of guns, in public, for the purpose of self-defense. ...'"

"'Mr. Pot is a law-abiding resident of Eureka Springs, and has been so since 1986,' said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. 'He is self-employed and is a productive member of the community, with an American-born wife and family. ...'" ...

FL: FL's Fifth District Court of Appeals offers gun owners a late Halloween treat
Submitted by: Richard Nascak

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... "Florida Carry applauds Judge Schumann and the Fifth District Court of Appeals for properly recognizing the legislative intent of §776.032 Florida Statutes. Executive Director of Florida Carry, Sean Caranna, enthusiastically praised the decision saying, 'Judge Schumann’s astute remarks on the Bretherick case validate Florida Carry’s long-standing position as to legislative intent with regards to immunity.' Florida Carry lead attorney and defendant’s counsel in this case, Eric J. Friday remarked, 'The 5th DCA is recognizing what Florida Carry has been saying all along. Determinations of immunity should carry out the intent of the legislature, not the whims and desires of anti-self-defense judges and prosecutors.'" ...

CA: Woman Calls Policeman a Serial Rapist
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A West Sacramento cop forced a woman to give him oral sex in his patrol car under threat of arrest - and she's not the only one, the woman claims in court."

"Jane Doe sued Officer Sergio Alvarez, the City of West Sacramento and Police Chief Dan Drummond, in Federal Court."

"Doe claims Alvarez forced her 'to commit an act of oral copulation against her will' after arresting her without cause on Sept. 23, 2012."

"According to the lawsuit, Alvarez has been charged with committing seven sexual assaults 'under color of authority,' including the assault upon her." ...

AR: Tuckerman police officer arrested for theft of firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Tuckerman police officer was arrested after investigators say he stole and pawned several guns from an Arkansas police organization."

"Arkansas State Police said Jon Kevin Wixson was an officer in Tuckerman and Range Chairman of the Arkansas Municipal Police Association (AMPA)."

"As Range Chairman, Wixson was responsible for ten pistols that belonged to the AMPA." ...

CA: Former San Joaquin County sheriff's deputy charged with grand theft
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former San Joaquin County Sheriff's deputy has been charged with two counts of grand theft after allegedly stealing many thousands of dollars from a police canine association." ...

FL: Former Manatee Sheriff deputy, firefighter pled guilty to federal steroids charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Manatee County Sheriff's Office deputy terminated after his involvement in a steroids scandal and a firefighter have pled guilty to federal charges against them."

"Thomas Peel and Wayne Faulkner each pled guilty to one count of possession with intent to distribute anabolic steroids on Thursday, according to court documents." ...

NJ: Former Newark Cop Admits Guilt in Second Fraud
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Newark police officer admitted Friday he scammed his automobile insurance carrier out of more than $10,000 -- the second time this month the officer pleaded guilty in a fraud case."

"State Attorney General Jeffrey Chiesa said Suliaman Kamara, 31, was a member of the force Feb. 23, 2009, when he called Newark police and reported his 2003 GMC Yukon had been stolen. His insurance carrier, Liberty Mutual, reimbursed him for the truck, its contents and a rental vehicle."

"Kamara’s scheme unravalled when the State Police found the truck parked in front of his home last March and obtained a search warrant. The car had a license plate from another vehicle." ...

FL: Pro-Gun Sheriff Prosecuted by Anti-Gun State Attorney in 2A Case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We have been flooded with requests for information concerning the arrest of pro-gun Sheriff Nick Finch of Liberty County, Florida, for his actions in upholding the Second Amendment."

"And his subsequent prosecution by Willie Meggs, the anti-gun State Attorney for 2nd Judicial Circuit, Florida."

"Many have asked if there is anything they can do to help, and the answer is YES."

"The trial is now over and Sheriff Nick Finch has been reinstated as Sheriff of Liberty County." ...

"While Meggs used taxpayer dollars to conduct what many have called a malicious, witch hunt prosecution, Sheriff Finch is left with a whopping debt for defending himself. (information is listed at the end of this report on how you can help ...)" ...

Wherever standing armies are kept up, and the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any colour or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction. — St. George Tucker, in his edition of 'Blackstone's Commentaries,' 1:300 (1803).

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