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Newslinks for 11/7/2002

WA: Judge denies bail for officer incarcerated on heroin-related charges
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A police officer charged with heroin-related offenses must remain behind bars pending trial, a federal magistrate has decided."

"Reports of on-duty marijuana use, the breakup of his marriage and witness reports that he planned to snatch purses show Officer Steve Slaughter 'continues to present both community safety and flight risks,' U.S. Magistrate Judge Monica Benton ruled Monday." ...

Taleban Buying Up Smuggled Guns
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Former army officer Colonel Abdul Ahad says there is a long tradition of soldiers selling their weapons to smugglers. 'They were often in faraway provinces and the government could not pay them on time,' he said."

"Now the smugglers and arms traders are showing an interest in Western weapons. They say they're prepared to pay up to 200,000 rupee for one American or ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) gun." ...

UK: Wall of snipers 'did not spot single gunman'
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The British army’s wall of snipers on Bloody Sunday did not spot a single gunman during the main shootings, the Saville Inquiry was told today."

"Marksmen had their sights rained on the junction of William Street and Rossville Street... because that was an expected flashpoint on the 30 January 1972 Derry civil rights march."

"British paratroopers shot dead 13 unarmed men that day, in a seven-minute gun battle they claim was triggered by being attacked by IRA gunmen." ...

Australia: PM decries gun culture
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"AUSTRALIANS must learn from America's unhealthy worship of guns by significantly reducing firearm ownership, Prime Minister John Howard said yesterday."

"He said it was ludicrous for the average citizen to own a gun if they weren't a legitimate sporting shooter, or in the police or security forces."

" 'Other than that you don't need a handgun, and I think most people would agree with that,' Mr Howard said." ...
Some people might agree that Mr. Howard doesn't need his head, too -- but that doesn't mean it's right to remove it by force... does it?

Australia: Tourist tells of abduction
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A German tourist abducted in Top End scrub lied about her daughter's age to prevent the 16-year-old being raped, a court was told."

"Eva Obermeyer, 50, and her daughter Sarah were robbed at gunpoint by Matt Page in Litchfield Park, south of Darwin, and left tied to a tree." ...
They could have avoided such treatment if they'd been armed, of course. But the bodyguarded "Prime Minister" believes that all Australian women, and girls, should be required to submit to predatory criminals on the streets.

UK: Gun terror at Post Office
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Shots were fired as raiders held up a Coventry post office and escaped with money from the till."

"Three masked raiders struck at the post office cum newsagents in Winsford Avenue, Allesley Park, yesterday in another terrifying gunpoint attack at a city store."

"Just a week ago, staff and shoppers at Asda, in Walsgrave, were forced to lie on the floor by gunmen who stole a large amount of money from the tills." ...


Are there any post offices left in the United Kingdom that haven't been robbed at gunpoint? We've lost count around here...

Northwest gunsmith approached by sniper suspect
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"But Glen Chapman said he turned down the rifle-modification project Muhammad proposed."

" 'My conversation with this clown was about 15 minutes,' said Chapman, 71, who has been in the gun-repair business for about half a century."

"And he said there was no discussion about a silencer... Silencers are illegal."

" 'Anybody that mentions a silencer in my shop gets thrown out immediately,' Chapman told The Bellingham Herald on Monday, speaking from his shop near Ferndale." ...


The virtual ban (near-extinctive regulatory infringement) on so-called "silencers" -- which are really only sound suppressors -- should be lifted. The complaints about noise at many shooting ranges could be greatly curtailed, the danger of hearing loss or damage could be dramatically reduced... and everyone should experience and would appreciate the smooth rock of a handgun's action as the loudest noise in the vicinity.

If government can have easy access to sound suppressors, so should The People -- and at the same price, fair market value.

Letter: Points on firearm fingerprints
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A huge, expensive firearm 'fingerprint' database would need to include information about individuals who have never committed any crime; it would not just contain information on firearms."

"Contrary to your assertion, being added to yet another government database would certainly qualify as a new burden on such gun owners. That's sort of like requiring everybody, guilty of a crime or not, to register their fingerprints with the police just in case some day it might be useful." ...

Touted gun laws not sensible (Letter)
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Using the recent 'sniper' murders to advocate ballistic fingerprinting, Herbert ignores the fact that the gun used was never legally sold so the owner could not have been traced." ...

"The columnist also ignores the fact that background checks are costly and often delayed because of government ineptitude or overload."

"Herbert trashes the National Rifle Association because it sees the futility of adding these expensive laws to the multitude we already have." ...

Australia: Planned Handgun Restrictions Alarm Australian Gun-Owners
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Deputy Prime Minister John Anderson... cautioned Wednesday against steps that could make law-abiding gun owners feel like criminals." ...

" 'I'm adamant that decent gun-using Australians - whether it's in their occupation or for sporting reasons - should not be made to feel like criminals,' he said." [Clue: "Feeling like" a criminal isn't nearly as offensive as literally being turned into one, with the stroke of a tyrant's pen.]

" 'The government must realize that every time there is a murder with a gun they cannot expect the majority of law-abiding gun owners to pay a penalty,' he said." ...

Australia: Gun crime - it's in the hand of the beholder
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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Gun owners portrayed here [Australia] appear as doddering fools with an "I've got mine, but you don't need yours" mentality. If truly representative of gun-owners (rather than a setup by the media), It's amazing they even own cartoon popguns!

Rosie O'Donnell 'prone to bitter outbursts'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Queen of Nice? Try the head-spinning demon in 'The Exorcist'."

"'Rosie' staff and editors told Vanity Fair that O'Donnell was prone to child-like tantrums that could be frightening and humiliating for the targets of her rage."

" 'It's like a five-year-old who puts out a newspaper,' a Rosie editor told the magazine."
More rationality from the anti-defense “leadership”. That this head case should even have a seat at the debate is unfathomable.

Australia: Ministers urged to ban Combat Shooting
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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More anti-gun hysterics...
"The National Coalition for Gun Control renewed yesterday its call for a ban on the sport of combat shooting ahead of this week's gathering of state and territory police ministers in Darwin."

"Coalition chairman Roland Browne called on the ministers to put an end to the game, where participants use semi-automatic handguns in simulated environments such as bank robberies and carjackings."

"Its elaborate 'courses of fire', featuring names such as 'carjacked by gang members', 'helicopter raid' and 'save the bank' were inappropriate for Australians to participate in, he said."

" 'We should ban this sport which simply glamorises violence and legitimises the dangerous fantasies of some men.' "

" 'Firstly, it practises shooters of self-defence in combat situations when you're not allowed to carry a gun for self-defence in Australia any more.' " [Unless you are a government employee, a very wealthy person or a person with strong political connections, that is.]

" 'And secondly, it promotes the culture of gun violence and reliance on guns in these sorts of fantasy scenario situations.' " ...

KS: Judge Quashes Yorie’s Appeal - Court Says Feds Have Jurisdiction
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"To the surprise and chagrin of many close to the case, a Kansas court has denied Yorie Kahl’s petition for release." ...

"Kahl, 43, a federal prisoner serving a life sentence at Leavenworth Penitentiary in Kansas, has spent much of the past 19 years in prison collecting evidence of his innocence."

"In the early 1980s, Kahl was convicted of killing a U.S. marshal following a roadside shoot-out involving local, state and federal law enforcement. Kahls’ father, Gordon, had been the target of the operation."

"Witnesses refute the government’s case, arguing that Kahl had been shot at least four times in the stomach by police, was unconscious and could not have killed anyone." ...

"...please exercise your God-given right to wallow in fear and kill stuff"
Submitted by: Andrew G.

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Deep seated hatred for gun owners here...
"And onward they come, like a pack of happily violent completely misinformed all-American barrel-stroking sycophantic wolves, but without the all the grace or beauty or mythology or intelligence."

"Salivating at the sound of a rifle shot and cooing at the sight of a Glock .357 and cheering at the spectacle of crusty enfeebled leader Charlton Heston as he struggles with both weakened arms to raise a rifle over his head one last time and croak the group's adorably macho little mantra, 'From my cold, dead hands!' Awww." ...

Read the rest, if you can stomach it, and email the gun bigot: Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist,

CA: Parents of man shot by police (while handcuffed) file claim
Submitted by: Tom Allison

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MADERA, CA -- "The parents of a man shot and killed by a police officer while sitting handcuffed in a police car have filed a $10 million claim against the city."

" 'What happened in this case is incredibly egregious,' said attorney Arturo Gonzalez, who represented the family of 11-year-old Alberto Sepulveda of Modesto, who was accidentally shot and killed by police during a drug raid in September 2000."

"In Maria and Melchor Torres' claim letter filed Monday, the couple accuses officer Marcy Noriega and other officers of using excessive and unreasonable force when dealing with their son while breaking up a party Oct. 27."

"Noriega accidentally pulled out her handgun instead of her Taser and shot Torres in the chest to stop Torres from kicking out the police car's rear window, Interim Police Chief Steve Frazier said."

"Torres, 24, had been booked on suspicion of resisting arrest, police said." ...
Execution, for resisting arrest, is a bit unfair -- unless you're on a police force that's known to shoot a little kid in the back while playing "drug warrior". At least this guy was older than 11 and had actually (allegedly) done something wrong, sort of, right?

Letters on point: Readers take shots at gun proposal
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Your editorial 'A man, a gun and a bullet' left me confused. On one hand, you bash the National Rifle Association, but then you state several facts about our lives which is the basis for what the NRA is trying to protect."

"You stated, 'We must fear those among us who are intent on doing evil.' You also state the sniper seemed to be saying that 'federal, state and local governments cannot protect us.' " ...

Gun control not on pols' radar because voters don't force issue (letter)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Despite the toll that guns in the wrong hands are taking, there is tremendous resistance to even modest efforts to control the spread of guns. That resistance is led, as usual, by the National Rifle Association. It opposes creation of a national, computerized system for tracing bullets and shell tracings to the guns that fired them, a crime-fighting tool that has come to be known as ballistic fingerprinting. All law-enforcement organizations want it." ...
Lying, to Leftist anti-gun fanatics, sure comes easy. A major national law enforcement organization has balked at firearms registration, misnamed "ballistics fingerprinting."

Historians eager to bite anti-gun line
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A book on guns and early Americans has been proven a fraud, and here's what I find most fascinating: The professional historians loved and praised the bogus offering — largely, it seems, because they thought it helped the cause of gun control — while initially scorning a software engineer who exposed its fallacies." ...

VA: Park gun ban repeal looms
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A county provision prohibiting conceal carry permit holders from bringing their firearms into the county's public parks may be lifted to comply with state law. The Board of Supervisors has asked the Parks and Recreation Board to examine the issue and present a recommendation as soon as possible." ...

Australia: Anderson calls for caution in gun reform
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Deputy Prime Minister John Anderson has called for more consultation with firearm owners before gun law reforms go ahead."

"Australian police ministers put forward several gun reform proposals at their conference in Darwin yesterday, including banning hand guns except those used in recognised sporting shooter competitions and by police and security officials." ...

Planned Handgun Restrictions Alarm Australian Gun-Owners
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Australian government is about to considerably tighten the laws on handgun ownership following a deadly shooting last month on a university campus."

"Federal and state ministers meeting to discuss the issue have backed a range of new measures, but critics accuse the government of trying to impose 'social revenge' on law-abiding gun-owners after the double murder." ...

MA: Massachusetts to Keep State Income Tax
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Massachusetts voters Tuesday defeated by a 59 to 41 percent vote a referendum to abolish the bay state's personal income tax. Many pollsters predicted that the initiative would fail."

"The measure was opposed by many Bay State Democrats and Republicans as well as Republican gubernatorial candidate Mitt Romney and Democrat Shannon O'Brien." ...

Australia: WA says prepared to help pay for gun buy-back
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"WESTERN Australia was prepared to pay its way in a gun buy-back scheme, the state's police minister Michelle Roberts said."

"Police ministers have given in-principle agreement to restricting semi-automatic handguns to those meeting recognised sporting shooters' classifications in accredited events." ...

IN: Gun 'prints:' Misguided way to solve crimes
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A Nov. 1 guest column advocating ballistic fingerprinting in the wake of the Washington, D.C.-area sniper shootings contained a misstatement and ended with what appears is the writer's real agenda: registration of all firearms in the United States."

"The writer misstated the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment reads: 'A well-regulated militia being necessary for the defense of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.' " ...

ISRA-PVF Congratulates Winning Candidates In Illinois General Election
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"On behalf of the board of directors of the ISRA Political Victory Fund, and the members of the Illinois State Rifle Association, I would like to extend our warmest congratulations to all of our friends who were victorious in yesterday's general election." ...

CA: The Tyranny of the Majority, in one graphic image
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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This is how the battle for Governor of California played out. San Diego county is conspicuous in its Republicanism here as one of the states major population centers.

Maybe time for a new state? How about East California?

Election Results Show Voters Not Fooled By Anti-Gun Democrats
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Democrats across the country, defeated in key Congressional races Tuesday, have only their party's leadership and long-term philosophy against gun rights to blame, said leaders of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA)." ...

IN: Police weapon causes dispute at polling place
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"It was déjà vu all over again when an on-duty South Bend police officer was told he could not vote Tuesday afternoon because he was carrying a gun."

"Cpl. Rick Ruszkowski took a break from his third shift at 3 p.m. to cast his ballot at the city's first district, 12th precinct polling place at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1501 W. Cleveland Road." ...

MI: Officer Shot While Police Fire At Pit Bulls
Submitted by: john Fansler

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Ah, the old circular firing squad. Works every time.


What, the Pit Bulls are shooting back? Bad, bad, bad doggie. :)

Last Comanche code-talking survivor recalls roll in WWII
Submitted by: john Fansler

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"Comanches had no word for tank. So they called the big, green slow-moving machines 'turtles.' " ...

"Chibitty, 80, has outlived the other members of the elite group of Native American men fluent in the Comanche language and used by the U.S. Army to send messages on Europe’s World War II battlefields, messages the Germans never did break." ...

Feet of Clay (Honest Abe?)
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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Throughout Lincoln's term he violated the Constitutional rights of all Americans which, of course, directly affected every American personally, legally and governmentally. Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus, suspended the first amendment by arresting those who publicly opposed him, shutting down newspapers critical of him and arresting the proprietors, editors and publishers, violating their right to a jury trial so he could have them tried before a military commission...

U.S. brings charges in two drugs-for-weapons terrorism plots
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"U.S. officials announced charges Wednesday involving alleged plots to sell drugs to finance weapons purchases for Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida organization and a Colombian paramilitary group."

"The separate cases show the threat to national security from the 'toxic combination of drugs and terrorism,' Attorney General John Ashcroft said."

"One set of charges involves a plot by four people, two of them Houston-based, to trade $25 million in cocaine and cash for a huge cache of weapons to be sent to the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia, or AUC, as the 8,000-member paramilitary group is known by its initials in Spanish."

"U.S. authorities said the four suspects believed they were going to trade the money and cocaine for 9,000 AK-47s and other assault rifles; grenade launchers and nearly 300,000 grenades; 300 pistols; shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles and about 53 million rounds of ammunition." ...

"Two suspects were identified as Uwe Jensen, 66, and Carlos Ali Romero Varela, 43, both of Houston. There was less detail on two others: Carlos Lopez and an individual identified only as 'Commandant Emilio'."
Gosh... they really should close that pesky "gun show loophole", right?

UK: Boy of 14 beaten and shot by gang of men
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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But other than that, the gun ban is making society much more peaceful.
"A gang subjected a terrified teenage boy to a vicious beating before shooting him with an airgun."

"The gang of up to six men punched and kicked the terrified 14-year-old boy, in the Highfields area of Leicester, on Monday afternoon."

"The family, who have asked not to be identified because they fear the gang will track them down, say police did not respond to a 999 call made as the attack unfolded at about 4.30pm." ...

UK: "I thought he would kill me"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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More from gun-free Britain...
"The girlfriend of a man shot dead by a police officer feared she would die that night at the hands of her boyfriend, an inquest heard."

"Steven Dickson (30), of Market Place, Codnor, was shot dead by a police officer while brandishing a gun on October 31 last year."

"His girlfriend, Janet Blurton, of Whitegates, Codnor, told Derby Coroner's Court yesterday how she had called police to her home after Mr Dickson had threatened to torch the building and threatened her with a carving knife."

"I thought he was going to kill me," she said. "He said that he was going to burn the house down. He said that he would never leave me." ...

"The inquest heard that when PCs Robert Scott and Thomas Bennett attended the house, they convinced Mr Dickson to leave the property but they did not arrest him because they were unaware that a knife had been involved in the row."

"But when they passed the house again minutes later, Mr Dickson had returned with the gun." ...
This happened years after the gun ban -- an official act which only disarmed the law-abiding.

MS: Hattiesburg police to destroy seized weapons
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Hattiesburg City Council has decided to destroy 51 guns seized by police rather than auctioning them off."

"Councilwoman Deborah Denard suggested changing the tradition of auctioning the weapons to a policy of destroying them at a council meeting Monday."

"Police Chief David Wynn said the proceeds from an auction could bring as much as $10,000 to his department. He said the weapons, seized during crimes, are only sold to licensed dealers."

"The City Council agreed to fill the gap by allocating $10,000 to the police department during its next round of budget amendments."

"Wynn said the funds will be used to purchase shotguns for the police department."
Assuming that none of these firearms were stolen -- or, if they were, that their rightful owners could not be located -- this is still a waste of perfectly good firearms. Some law-abiding, impoverished elderly woman nearby might need one for self-defense.

29 airport workers indicted in Philly
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A grand jury has indicted 29 airport workers on charges they hid their criminal histories or gave false Social Security numbers when they applied for security badges, prosecutors said Tuesday."

"After Sept. 11, federal authorities examined the records of nearly 15,000 employees at the Philadelphia International Airport."

"The inspection found 17 current or former workers who didn't disclose convictions for crimes including weapons offenses, drug possession and theft, prosecutors said."

"Among those arrested was a baggage handler who had two guns in his home. Prosecutors said the guns belonged to a pair of law enforcement officers who reported them stolen from their bags."

"Also, 12 food service workers were charged with using false Social Security numbers, prosecutors said."

"Twelve of those indicted were arrested Tuesday; the baggage handler was taken into custody last week. The remaining defendants were still at large, prosecutors said."

WA: Former Seattle mosque leader held on gun charge
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A former mosque leader has been arrested on charges that he illegally bought a semiautomatic handgun for a Tacoma man described as having al-Qaida connections."

"Abdul Raheem Al Arshad Ali, 31, formerly known as Andre Anderson, was dressed all in black during a brief appearance in U.S. District Court following his arrest Tuesday." ...

"According to a complaint filed by an agent of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Ali bought a .40-caliber Smith & Wesson semiautomatic pistol at Federal Way Discount Guns in the suburbs between Tacoma and Seattle, for Osman, 32, who is not a U.S. citizen and is barred from possessing a firearm, on Sept. 24, 1999."

"If Ali is convicted of lying to the gun dealer about who was actually buying the weapon, he could face as much as five years in prison." ...

UK: Boys' toy gun prompts armed response
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"A man has called for an inquiry into the sale of replica guns to children after revealing armed police were called when his son was seen with one."

"Marcus Gallagher said his 13-year-old son's actions with a ball-bearing gun (BB gun) sparked the deployment of a police armed response unit to a street in the centre of Liverpool."

"It is believed a neighbour spotted the youngster with the weapon that fires plastic ball bearings, and called police."

"Mr Gallagher criticised shops in the city for selling the gun to his son." ...
Socialist Credo: blame anyone or anything but the truly guilty party.

"Gun laws need enforcement"
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The terrorizing spree of shootings in the Washington, D.C., area this fall points to the lapse in enforcement of gun laws."

"Law enforcement agencies around the nation are now looking at unsolved shootings that have occurred this year to determine whether the suspected 'Beltway Snipers,' John Allen Muhammad and John Lee Malvo, may have been involved." ...

Australia: More searches, seizures and arrests for firearms possession
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"POLICE have seized a World War II anti-tank gun that was displayed on a coffee table as a conversation piece for visitors."

"The .55 calibre weapon, believed to be at least 60 years old, was found during drug raids on the Gold Coast today."

"Police said the powerful gun had not been fully disabled and could have been modified to be used again." ...

"A shotgun and a silencer were also seized from the house."

"A 56-year-old man has been charged with possessing the weapons."

"The raid was part of Operation Taipan which resulted in searches of 26 homes and led to 18 arrests for drug and firearms offences."

FL: "Bean bag shooting of 81-year-old [in wheelchair] justified"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Two police officers acted correctly when they subdued an 81-year-old nursing home patient with a chemical spray and bean bags fired from a shotgun, a department review has found."

"Willie Foster, 81, was shot four times with bean bags after he became unruly and nursing-home staff called officers on Aug. 27."

"Foster, who was in wheelchair and has a pacemaker, was holding a small vase over his head and threatening the staff and the officers, according to the review released Tuesday."

"Police Chief Cliff Diamond said the use of force was 'within the parameters.' He acknowledged, however, that 'there isn't anything in the book that says what you should do when you encounter someone this old.' "

"Felicia Kennedy, Foster's daughter, said police had other options."

" 'They could have talked to him. They could have thrown a sheet over him,' Kennedy said. 'It could have been done another way. There were other preventive ways.' "

"Foster, 5 feet 11 inches tall and about 190 pounds, was hit with bean bags three times in the arm and once in the chest when he refused to drop the vase, the report said. Officers took him to the floor and handcuffed him after spraying him in the face with chemical spray."

WA: Officers find themselves barking up wrong tree in five-hour standoff
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"After five hours of attempted negotiations, SWAT team maneuvers and repeated barrages of tear gas, officers stormed a North Seattle home this afternoon to discover they had spent the entire morning surrounding a dog."

"Police ended their standoff just after 12:30 p.m. today after officers swept through the house in the 14300 block of Dayton Avenue North and found no human suspects, spokesman Duane Fish said."

"The SWAT team thought there was a man inside the house, possibly armed, because at about 11 a.m., they shot gas into the house and saw the door open slightly and the window blinds move, Fish said. They assumed a man inside opened the door to let in fresh air." ...

Kopel: Second Wins and Losses
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Second Amendment enjoyed a good election night for Congress, a mixed night in the governors' races, and some defeats on ballot initiatives. Here are the key results:" ...

Gentlemen may cry, 'peace, peace'—but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! Is life so precious, or peace so dear, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death! — Patrick Henry to the Virginia Convention on March 23, 1775.

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