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Newslinks for 11/7/2003

PayPal no longer allowing firearms-related transactions
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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You may not use PayPal to sell or advertise any firearms produced after 1898. This includes all "pre-ban," sporting, collectible, and curio and relic (C&R) firearms, regardless of their present capability to fire a shot.

Related items
In addition, you may not use PayPal to sell or advertise kits (that can be used to create a firearm) or illegal firearm components such as silencers, converters (which converts a firearm to automatic capability), and short barrels.

You may not use PayPal to sell or advertise high capacity magazines (magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds). ...

Given ebay's well-known anti gun stance, no one should be surprised.

Sunset of a misfiring gun ban
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Gun control advocates are now saying that not only is renewal of the assault weapons ban necessary, but that the 'loopholes' in the law must be closed. But this gun ban does not have identifiable 'loopholes' per se -- it is nothing but a cosmetic and ineffective law." ...

"Add this to the fact that the 1994 law still allows ownership of all the pre-ban 'assault weapons' and the public has greater options for its choice of firearms than ever before. It is a great time to be a gun enthusiast."

"As gun control legislation goes, the assault weapons ban is a laughingstock." ...

Gun Control Ad Highlights Jews on NRA 'Blacklist'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In their latest campaign against the National Rifle Association, gun-control groups are highlighting the names of Jewish organizations and individuals found on an NRA-compiled 'blacklist,' in what observers say is an effort to spur one of the gun-control lobby's key constituencies to action." ...

"Menitoff said he didn't understand the point of publicly labeling one's enemies."

" 'I don't know of any self-respecting organization that creates a blacklist,' he said. 'It's beyond the pale. It has no effect on our stance as an organization, and I can't believe it would have any effect on any other credible organization.' "

The SPLC and ADL as well as many others also have an "enemies list." So when it's a liberal group it's OK, but when it's a group trying to point out gun control bigotry it's unacceptable?

Richard North Patterson Takes Aim at the NRA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"R N Patterson has always melded hot button issues into his thrillers, but his latest, Balance of Power, may be the most blatant example of all."

"Patterson recently spoke with PW Daily's Edward Nawotka about why he weaves so much real-life politics into his fiction."

"PWD: What was your agenda in writing this book?"

"RNP: To bring to light the issue that gun safety has been hijacked by a group of radical extremists and prevented common sense measures that would save many, if not most, of the 30,000 lives we lose to guns each year. To put that into perspective, it would take Osama Bin Laden nine more attacks to do what we do with guns to ourselves in America every year."

Ignoring that ten times that many lives are saved by guns.

Movie review: 'American Gun' aims at an emotional target
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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" 'American Gun' is one of those in-the-eye-of-the-beholder experiences. Gun-control advocates will consider it an endorsement of their stance, but so might gun enthusiasts."

Taking a stand on guns
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"But the Second Amendment doesn't belong to any political party."

"The poll, released by Americans for Gun Safety, a gun-rights organization that works to build bipartisan support for federal legislation to close the gun-show loophole, enhance background checks and aggressively enforce existing federal gun laws, found gun-owning voters often assume that Democrats, particularly if they are silent on the issue, are anti-gun, anti-Second Amendment and disrespectful of the values held by those who own firearms. In addition, the study shows that a plurality of gun owners define themselves as moderates who would likely flock to Democratic candidates with a moderate position on guns."

Here's another liar trying to tout AGS as a "gun rights" group, while in the same breath listing the organization's work for gun control.

Are You on the NRA Blacklist?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The founders of wanted to bring attention to the 19-page list posted on the National Rifle Association's website titled 'Fact Sheet: National Organizations with Anti-Gun Policies'." ...

"The petition does not specifically oppose the creation of a blacklist though. Rather, it supports the 'Assault Weapons Ban Reauthorization Act of 2003,' which bans the importation of semi-automatic weapons and opposes the 'Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act,' which grants gun manufacturers and dealers immunity from civil liability suits when people are harmed by the misuse of the guns they sell. Both bills will soon be voted on in Congress."

TN: Police to stop citing drivers who flash lights
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Police Chief Jackie Moore said Franklin officers should discontinue the practice of issuing citations to people who flash their headlights to warn other motorists about a speed trap."

"Moore's decision came yesterday shortly after a Williamson County judge dismissed the city of Franklin's case against a man who flashed a warning and was charged and found guilty of interfering with a police officer's performance of duty. He appealed."

Jamaica: Police Blotter: Two shootings in "gun registration paradise" [first two stories on page]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 24-year-old man walked into Jamaica Hospital last Thursday after he realized he had been shot in the leg, police said."

"The man was walking when he felt a pain in his left leg, he told police. When he realized the pain was coming from a bullet wound, he headed for Jamaica Hospital, where he was listed in stable condition, police said."

"No arrests were made and the investigation was continuing."

"A 29-year-old man was in critical condition after being shot three times in the chest Sunday night, police said."

"The man, who was not identified, was shot by an unknown gunman police said. He was taken to Mary Immaculate Hospital in critical condition, police said."

"No arrests were made and the investigation was continuing."

Get government out of private lives, Ruby Ridge figure tells USU
Submitted by: Students of the Second Amendment

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"Sheriff Richard Mack, a 20-year law enforcement veteran, spoke to an audience of five Wednesday in the TSC Auditorium about government overstepping its duties, a lecture organized by the Students of the Second Amendment. Mack's new book, co-written with Randy Weaver, is Vicky, Sam and America." ...

"What Rosa Parks did by refusing to move to the back of the bus is exactly what it will take today to fight a government that has overstepped its boundaries -- people willing to take a stand and not get in the back of the bus, Mack said."

IN: Vigo student who unintentionally brought gun to school suspended
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Lost Creek Elementary fourth-grade student who apparently unintentionally carried a gun to school in his backpack Monday nevertheless faces serious consequences."

"Another student who saw the gun in the backpack informed a parent, and the parent notified school officials."

"Officials do not believe the child took the gun out of the backpack at school, nor did he make any threats, Azar said."

" 'To the best of our knowledge, we think it was an accidental case,' Azar said. 'The gun was unintentionally brought to school.' "

"It appears a parent placed the gun in the backpack over the weekend and the child didn't realize the gun was there until he arrived at school."

More "zero tolerance" idiocy.

MI: Ex-Police Chief Pleads No Contest in Gun Case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Detroit Police Chief Jerry Oliver pleaded no contest Thursday to possession of an unlicensed handgun in an incident that led to his resignation."

"Under an agreement with prosecutors, the misdemeanor charge could be dismissed in 90 days if Oliver stays out of trouble." ...

"Oliver was chief in Richmond, Va., before he was hired in Detroit last year. He has said he didn't think he had to register the personal weapon in Michigan."

Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Would a non-LEO be treated as leniently?

Australia: Gun violence 'all over Sydney'
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A SHOOTING and four armed robberies across Sydney last night showed gun violence was not confined to the city's south-west, Opposition police spokesman Peter Debnam said today."

"A 29-year-old Greenacre man was arrested after a 37-year-old man was shot twice at a house in Liverpool, in Sydney's south-west, last night."

"Police were also called to armed robberies in Neutral Bay on Sydney's lower north shore, in inner western Leichhardt and in Lurnea and Prestons in Sydney's south-west."

" 'It highlights the fact that gun violence is right across Sydney, not just in the south-west,' Mr Debnam said."

What's the matter? Amnesties, confiscations and other draconian measures not working?

UK: Gun duo in £30,000 cash raid
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"TWO masked men escaped with £30,000 when they robbed a security van at gunpoint."

"The Securicor van was attacked as it delivered money to a cashpoint machine in a busy supermarket."

"The robbers struck shortly after 1pm last Friday when the van pulled up outside the entrance to the Tesco store on Western Avenue, Ealing."

"As the security guards began unloading cash boxes a man got out of a car which was parked adjacent to the van and threatened the guard with a small black handgun."

"The attacker pushed the gun into the back of the 22-year-old security guard and shouted at him to drop the box. The robber picked up the box before getting back into the car which was driven off at speed by a second man."

MD: State police speak against expanding gun database
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"After finding substantial problems with the state's ballistic fingerprinting database, Maryland State Police have recommended that it not be expanded."

"A 40-page report by the director of the agency's crime lab concludes, among other things, that the ballistic samples on file are often not from the type of guns used by criminals, and that the state system is not linked to the national database."

Kerry opens new line of attacks against embattled Dean
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"John Kerry continues to turn up the heat on Democratic rival Howard Dean. But the former Vermont governor isn't sitting back and taking it."

"Kerry is accusing Dean of lacking principles and flip-flopping on key issues like gun control, Medicare and Social Security." ...

"Appearing in Concord, New Hampshire, today with law enforcement officials, Kerry pointed out that Dean mentioned the Confederate flag in defense of his policies on guns. Dean's record as Vermont governor is endorsed by the National Rifle Association. And Kerry accuses him of 'falling in line with the most extreme elements of the N-R-A.' "

Hunters worry about new drilling
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Leaders of the country’s major fishing and hunting organizations agree that concern about gun-control laws was a key factor in their members’ support for Bush in the last election. Yet, with the exception of the National Rifle Association, these leaders say they are hearing from members upset about what the Bush administration is doing to federal land."

" 'While many of them vote gun rights first and conservation second, many do not,' said Paul Hansen, executive director of the Izaak Walton League, which has 50,000 members, 80 percent of whom describe themselves as Republicans or independents. 'I think the administration is making a big mistake if they are taking this electoral group for granted.' "

OH: Gun Group Starts Memorial For Carjack Victim, Patrol Silent
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"Ohioans for Concealed Carry (OFCC) has established a memorial fund to benefit the daughter of a carjacking victim who died, the group insists, for essentially following the advice of the Ohio State Highway Patrol (OSHP)."

"James A. 'Tony' Gordon, 27, was shot to death Aug. 6 when he tried to drive away from a carjacking in Dayton. That's precisely what OSHP Capt. John Born advised Ohioans to do during a Feb. 16 interview with The Columbus Dispatch, while his agency continued to oppose passage of a concealed carry statute for Buckeye State residents."

WA: Serial killer did not use guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Uttering the word 'guilty' 48 times with chilling calm, Gary Ridgway on Wednesday admitted strangling four dozen women over two decades."

"The admissions confirm his status as the most prolific serial killer in American history, beating the previous record held by Chicago killer John Wayne Gacy, who killed 33 men and boys in the 1970s."

"Dubbed the 'Green River Killer' after the Seattle area spot where he dumped his first known victims, Ridgway admitted murdering the women between 1982 and his arrest in 2001."

"Ridgway rejected knives as too messy and preferred strangulation to guns because it 'was more personal'."

But Sarah Brady promises no more violence is we get rid of guns.

MI: Ex-police chief Jerry Oliver enters plea, pays fine for unlicensed handgun (Another Report)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Former Detroit Police Chief Jerry Oliver entered a no contest plea to a misdemeanor charge of possessing an unlicensed handgun on Thursday in a Romulus courtroom."

"According to an agreement worked out with prosecutors, the charge could be dismissed in 90 days if Oliver stays out of trouble."

"Doug Baker, the Wayne County chief for special prosecutions, said Oliver’s sentence was 'typical' for such cases."

"Oliver paid a $250 fine before leaving."

Typical? Yeah, right. For the elite law enforcement class maybe.

U.S. Believes Terrorists Still Pose Threat to Civil Aviation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the 20 months since its creation, TSA has made great strides in improving civil aviation security. TSA inherited a 30-year-old passenger-screening system designed to detect obvious weapons and has transformed it into a system that also finds much smaller but still dangerous items. However, recent events involving the smuggling of prohibited items aboard aircraft validate that our layered approach to security that cannot rely on any one system. TSA's layered system, including hardened cockpit doors, Federal Air Marshals, armed Federal Flight Deck Officers (FFDO), as well as passenger and baggage screening recognizes the fact that there is no such thing as a zero failure rate for passenger screening."

So how many FFDOs are there? Why the delay in arming pilots?

MI: Gun advocates may add Montcalm County to lawsuit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Once a month, members of the Kent County gun board meet to review applications for concealed weapons permits."

"One question asked by members, 'Did you have a mental illness at the time you made this application, regardless of whether you were receiving treatment for that illness?' " ...

"Kent's gun board also asks applicants to have a doctor sign a form backing-up their answer."

" 'It may slow the process some. But if you don't have anything in your background to prevent you from getting your permit it really doesn't slow it down that much at all,' says Harold Evett, whose permit was approved Thursday by the gun board."

Other than being an unconstitutional travesty, it will only matter when you're waiting on a bunch of tyrants to decide whether or not you should be "allowed" to exercise your human right and get victimized while you wait.

Canada: Fantino calls for inquiry into justice system
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police Chief Julian Fantino said today that he is 'troubled' by the escalation of violence in Toronto — five murders in the past week — and said the current justice system needs revamping because it no longer acts as a deterrent to crime."

"Fantino said he is disturbed by what has happened in the past week: five murders, including one last night when an 18-year-old died in a confrontation between two large groups of young people."

"He said he was particularly shocked by a murder last week at the Kennedy subway station in full view of passersby when Kenroy John was shot several times."

CO: Buddies don't kill -- parents' guns do
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Every parent of a young child who keeps a loaded weapon at home should have been in this courtroom - to hear the anguish, to see the anger, to better understand the consequences of such a stupid, dangerous thing."

And every parent should take immediate note of the lack of accountability, irresponsible parenting and lack of common sense that led to this needless tragedy.

Keeping a loaded gun in the house isn't stupid. But leaving a child unsupervised to find it is.

NY: Pistol-packing Senior Chases Off Mugger, Gets Charged for Unlicensed Gun (Another version)
Submitted by: modean gunch

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"Lester Campbell says the gun belonged to his mother, and that it was passed onto him when she died. And he said he would carry it with him when he went to cash checks." ...

"Police however arrested Campbell and charged him with misdemeanor criminal possession of a weapon. While he admits he knew the gun was unlicensed, Campbell insists he did nothing wrong.

Lester Campbell: "He had no business doing that. I was minding my business. I don't bother nobody." ...

"Police confiscated the gun, along with another one in the apartment. So Campbell was cited for two counts of misdemeanor criminal possession of a weapon, and was given a desk appearance ticket. He'll have a court appearance next month."

UK: Man driven to suicide "by kids"
Submitted by: Sam Cox

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"An inquest into the death of a Gloucestershire man has ruled that years of abuse at the hands of local youths led to his suicide.
Martin James, 64, from Gloucester, and registered as disabled, committed suicide in August 2003."

"He left a note which said: 'I'm sorry - the kids have beaten me.' "

"His wife, Angela, 37, told the inquest that police had ignored her husband's pleas for help."

"Earlier in the year, Mr. Martin had shot at a gang of youths outside his house with an air rifle, and been cautioned as a result."

"Mrs. James told the inquest that her husband had suffered years of abuse and taunts from local youths, who were seeking to provoke a reaction from him."

France: Dog Shoots Stupid Frenchman
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A French hunter was shot by his dog after he left a loaded shotgun in the trunk of his car with two dogs and one of the animals accidentally stepped on the trigger, police said Wednesday.

The man, from the village of Espelette in the Basque region, was admitted to a hospital in the nearby town of Bayonne Monday with leadshot injuries to the hip.

"As he was driving along, one of his dogs accidentally set off the gun," said a police official.

Just a couple of inches the other way and the gene pool could have been a little bit cleaner.

Justice kidnapped
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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A blow-by-blow account of complete government takeover of a woman's life and that of her child.

WI: Wisconsin Assembly OKs End To Concealed Weapons Ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Wisconsin Assembly passed early today a bill under which the state's 130-year-old ban on carrying concealed weapons would end." ...

"The legislation would allow people to carry concealed weapons in public if they qualify for a permit. But guns and other weapons would be banned from a list of places including taverns, police station and schools."

"Governor Jim Doyle has already threatened to veto the bill. He says Wisconsin is one of the safest states in the nation in part because of the ban." ...

That's a pretty outrageous claim to make. Would the governor like to point out actual evidence of the causative relationship between the concealed weapons ban and the safety of Wisconsin?

WI: Provisions of Concealed Carry Bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Here is a host of provisions that would Wisconsin's ban on concealed weapons. Among them are:

*Sheriffs in participating counties would be required to issue permits to those who qualify. Counties could elect not to issue the permits; residents in those counties would have to go to another sheriff to get the permit.

*A county could avoid the requirement for issuing licenses to qualified applicants if within the first four months after the legislation is enacted the county approves by a two-thirds vote a sheriff's request allowing him or her to decline issuing licenses.

*Applicants would have to be state residents at least 21 years old. They would have to successfully complete an approved firearm training or safety course. People taking the safety course also would have to receive information about electric weapons, such as tasers used by law enforcement officers

OH: Homeowner holds burglar at gunpoint for police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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James R. Dennis Jr., also known as James L. Dennis, 33, of 1680 Lakeview Drive, Apt. F, was charged with one count of burglary, a fourth-degree felony.

In the course of responding to a burglary in progress on Saturday, Newark police found Dennis Jr. at a residence in the 100 block of West Greer Drive, according to court records. The homeowner had Dennis Jr. pinned to the floor and was holding a gun on him, records stated. Dennis Jr. allegedly gained entry through the residence through an unlocked breezeway, records stated.

UK: CCTV images from robbery where gun pointed at to 4-year-old
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police have released CCTV images of an armed robbery at a shop where a gun was pointed at a four-year-old girl."

"The girl was among people in the store in Wooburn Green, Buckinghamshire, when three masked raiders burst in, armed with baseball bats, a gun and a knife."

"They attacked one member of staff, hitting him on the head with a baseball bat and threatened eight members of the public in the shop."

"The gun was pointed at the distressed girl and she was told to 'look away' by one of the raiders."

"They then made off with around £4,000 with a fourth masked accomplice in a car, believed to be a dark green Ford Focus or new-style Fiesta."

Australia: Petrol station hold-up by armed man triggers police man-hunt
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Police are continuing investigations into an armed robbery at a petrol station in Bendigo this morning.

A man wearing a balaclava and blue jeans escaped with cash after he threatened the attendant at the Ampol petrol station in Golden Square with a small gun.

Detective Sergeant Brendan Murphy from the Bendigo criminal investigation unit is seeking public help to catch the man.

"The attendant was the only person there at the time, but yes obviously we want anyone who's got any information at all that may have seen anyone hanging around the service station or the vicinity of the High Street Golden Square area, any of the streets there or any one at all that's got any information about this matter [to contact us]," he said.

CA: Los Angeles police fire officer who tracked celebrities
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A police officer has been fired for using department computers to review confidential records on celebrities, including Hale Berry, Jennifer Anniston and Dylan McDermott."

"Officer Kelly Chrisman, 35, said his superiors assigned him to look up the information as part of a project to map celebrity homes to help beat officers monitor potential stalkers and other problems." ...

"The message is clear -- if officers break the law, they'll be dealt with severely."

MD: Baltimore City Council Supports A Strengthened Federal Assault Weapons Ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"CeaseFire Maryland, formerly Marylanders Against Handgun Abuse, praised the Baltimore City Council and its President, Sheila Dixon, for passing a resolution strongly supporting a permanent federal ban on military-style assault weapons. The resolution was passed at Monday's Council meeting."

Canada: Body found amid a rash of violence across city -- More shootings, sexual assault logged yesterday
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Among several violent incidents in Toronto yesterday was what police believe may be the city's 51st homicide."

"A man's body was found beside railway tracks." . . .

"Police were called to an apartment after a woman was shot in the throat. Initial reports indicated the shooting occurred during a home invasion."

"A man underwent surgery after he was shot in the groin during a confrontation with four men at his home. Police couldn't confirm if it was a home invasion."

"Police are also hunting for a man who forced his way into a 29th-floor apartment and sexually assaulted a young woman at knifepoint."

"The incidents continue a rash of violence over the past week."

But doesn't Michael Moore claim Canada is almost violence free?

Smoke a joint, feed a baby?
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"But telling one side of a story is not information, it's propaganda. When the government does the telling with our tax dollars, it's brainwashing. If the commercials are true, so is this: If I sidle down a dark alley to score a baggie of pot from a shady-looking dude named Guido who then gives my money to his old lady who buys a quart of milk for their kid, we ought to be seeing Super Bowl ads next year that say Smoke a Joint, Feed a Baby."

UK: Police raid 'gun factory'
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Ninety guns have been seized by detectives who say they have smashed a major firearms conversion operation in south-east London."

"A house in Wickham Lane, Plumstead was searched by armed police at 0300 GMT on Thursday following a tip-off from the National Criminal Intelligence Service."

"Officers suspect gas-fired replica guns were being converted at the building to fire live ammunition."

They still don't get it. Those intent on criminal action will find a way regardless of laws!

Canada: Women sexually assaulted in home invasion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Four men armed with a gun, machete and a hunting knife burst through an open door of a north Etobicoke home yesterday, bound three people with duct tape and then robbed them and sexually assaulted two of them."

"The three victims, all in their 20s, were among nine residents of the Lynmont Rd. home that included Humber College students and working people."

"Most of the other residents of the home were at a Humber College Halloween pub night at a nearby restaurant during the 12:50 a.m. attack."

"It's the second time this month that Humber College students have been attacked in a gunpoint robbery just off Humber College property, said John Davies, vice-president of the college."

But firearms are prohibited on campus.

India: Broken guns give police jitters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The state's health care is in an obvious mess, so are the police guns. They 'slip from hands' and break into pieces." . . .

"The .303 bore rifle — the backbone of police armoury — slipped from the hands of a police personnel and the wooden butt gave away from the metallic bore."

"Chitpore police explain that the wooden butt of the rifle narrows at the point it is fixed with the metallic bore. Constant grip, they say, loosens it more. 'The broken butt means that the gun was old and the screws too gave away,' a senior officer claimed."

"Even when they suggest slipshod maintenance, senior officers are not ready to fix the blame on anyone."

But only cops are responsible enough to have guns!

UK: Teen pleads guilty to murder attempt
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A LONG-SERVING police officer, who was shot at point-blank range, has said he is glad his ordeal is over after a teenager yesterday pleaded guilty to attempted murder."

"The apparently motiveless attack left John Cunningham critically injured after he was shot twice in what the High Court in Glasgow heard was a 'bizarre and unique' crime."

"In July, Paul Murray, 19, walked into Shettleston police station in the east end of Glasgow, brandishing a sawn-off shotgun before shooting PC Cunningham in the chest."

The cops can't even protect themselves in their own police stations, but the government bans self-defense.

MD: Good intentions don't trump due process, probable cause
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The warrant says police checked with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force and learned both Wheelers belonged to the National Alliance. Nearly one and a half pages discussed the history of the National Alliance and the criminal activity of some of its members, none of whom had the last name of Wheeler.

" 'We disagree he ever said those things,' Thompson said of the conversation police claim one of their officers had with Lovell Wheeler. 'But those are political views. They don't constitute a crime. They're not a basis for holding a man without bail.' "

"While conceding that all parties concerned had the best of intentions in this matter, it looks like Thompson and Warnken have the better argument."

"A lot more probable cause was needed to raid the Wheelers' home than an unconfirmed anonymous tip and Lovell Wheeler's hunch that there may be a race war. Black columnist Carl Rowan even wrote a 1996 book called The Coming Race War in America and kept a gun in his home."

OH: Gun fires, injures jail officer (All by itself!?!)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A corrections officer was injured Tuesday afternoon when a weapon discharged accidentally at the Multi-County Correctional Center.

The incident at the center on Marion-Williamsport Road on the city's north end was reported to Marion City Police at 1:39 p.m. Squads were dispatched to the facility's sallyport, where they load and unload inmates for transport, according to Lt. Mark Beaschler.

The officer's name and condition were not available as of press time today.

Beaschler said a report was not written because investigation into the incident is being handled by the Multi-County Correctional Center.

No one authorized to speak about the incident on behalf of the Multi-County jail was available for comment Wednesday. Executive Director Robert Bayles, his director and his deputy director were attending an all-day conference, according to a spokesperson at the facility.

This is the kind of gun that Sarah Brady needs to get rid of, the kind that discharges all by itself!

IL: Lectures analyze America’s gun culture in an extremely biased fashion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nationally recognized experts are examining key issues on gun crime, a widespread and growing problem, in a three-part lecture and discussion series, titled 'Guns, Crime, and Punishment in America,' at the University’s Law School. Bernard Harcourt, a Professor in the Law School who helped organize the series, is the editor and a contributing author to a recently published collection of essays, Guns, Crime, and Punishment in America." [emphasis added]

"Kahan and Braman argue that individuals of an egalitarian orientation who believe in the mutual interdependence of members of society have a tendency to support gun control, while individuals of a hierarchical or individualist orientation tend to oppose it."

MN: Group pledges fight over concealed gun law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Asserting that the state’s conceal-carry handgun permit law goes against Minnesota tradition, a Bloomington woman says the organization she helped found will fight to repeal the statute."

"Kim Stanley, a Bloomington mother who has been fighting the conceal-carry law for months, unveiled a new tactic in her quest to get the measure repealed."

"Stanley said at a Sunday afternoon press conference that the organization, the Repeal Conceal Coalition, will work to tie the issue to school violence as it works to get the conceal-carry law repealed."

"The new law makes schools more dangerous, Stanley said."


Kenya: Tension grips town as Administration Police gun down two people
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tension was high following the shooting to death of two people by administration police at an estate."

"The residents claimed that police were trying to cover up the incident by claiming that the victims were robbers."

"The acting town chief had a hard time convincing them that police were investigating the matter and that the culprits would be brought to book."

"Local police boss Waruare confirmed the incident. He said five officers on patrol were attacked after a woman screamed for help, claiming they were thieves."

"The residents responded to the call and pelted the officers with stones. They would not stop even when the officers shot in the air. Stray bullets hit the three, he said, adding that investigations had been launched."

Tanzania: Two Kenyans seized in Sh240m robbery
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the robbery, of which the two are accused, three gang members gained entry to the bank disguised as employees. Two were dressed in blue shirts and the third in a white shirt. All wore neckties, just like other workers."

"They went straight to the manager's desk where they ordered him and other employees to lie down at gun point."

"They demanded to be shown who keeps the key to the strongroom."

"After getting hold of the key, the three went to the strongroom, the door of which was already ajar."

"They then scooped up bundles of millions of Tanzanian shillings."

"Throughout the raid, two armed police officers were in front of the bank accompanied by four security officers from Chui Security company."

PA: Two plead guilty to weapons charges in courthouse-threat case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former part-time police officer who plotted to blow up a county courthouse and the man charged with illegally selling him guns both pleaded guilty to federal weapons offenses on Thursday."

"Nesgoda told an ex-girlfriend and a fellow prison inmate he wanted to blow up the courthouse in retaliation for a child-support order, Asst U.S. Attorney Fawcett said."

Yet another one for the "only law enforcement and military should have guns" file.

Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom. — John F. Kennedy

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