Robert A. Levy: Mukasey Should Declare Where He Stands on Second Amendment
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"The White House would like to see Michael Mukasey confirmed as attorney general before the Senate's October recess. Until now, the focus has been on Mukasey's reading of the tradeoff between civil liberties and national security — involving, for example, the Patriot Act, warrantless surveillance and detainee policies. Those are indeed important inquiries. But there's another critical issue that triggers strong sentiment throughout the country on which a Mukasey Justice Department might play a key role. Mr. Mukasey, where do you stand on the right to keep and bear arms?"
"The last time the Supreme Court addressed the Second Amendment was United States v. Miller (1939). Regrettably, the court's less than crystalline opinion inspired opponents of private firearms ownership to argue that the right to bear arms does not belong to us as individuals ..." ... |
Global Warming and Gun Control
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Red's Trading Post Inc.
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"Okay, let's get this straight, right up front: global warming has been totally and thoroughly discredited as the shameless, heartless fraud that most of us knew it was from the very beginning. That's not really what this article is about, so if you haven't gotten the word, go to http://tinyurl.com/22u8uy -- it's a good place to start reading up." ...
"And above all, our guns."
"Yes, that's what I said, our guns. A lot of otherwise politically savvy gun owners have believed until now that we have no interest in all of that global warming malarky. They couldn't be more mistaken. The individual right to own and carry weapons is among its primary targets." ... |
David Codrea: Damned if You Do...
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Idaho Ordnance
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"...and damned if you don't."
"BATFU told Red's Trading Post they needed a computerized acquisition/disposition system. At no small expense they got one, and have been told it meets all the arbitrary requirements of the moment."
"But BATFU is still gonna revoke their license. So there."
"I'd like to take a moment to offer two comparisons of support for Red's from links on Ryan's blog under the heading 'Red's Trading Post News':"
"The first has been described as an 800 lb. gorilla, an organization with paid staff, millions of members, a feared power on Capitol Hill, that takes in untold millions in gun owner contributions."
"The second is an obscure blogger that most will never hear of." ... |
Former ATF Director endorses anti-gun book
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Idaho Ordnance
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"Former ATF Director John W. Magaw, who at one time declared that the ATF is not anti-gun, has endorsed Richard Feldman's latest anti-gun book Ricochet: Confessions of a Gun Lobbyist." ...
"Magaw along with Feldman, Bob Ricker and the now defunct National Association of Stocking Gun Dealers were the ones that began the elimination of Firearms Dealers."
"This is the same Magaw that defended the ATF's action at Ruby Ridge by stating that their 'conduct was lawful and proper in every respect' and later added 'Do you believe Randy Weaver--or do you believe the federal agents who have sworn to tell the truth and are carrying out a career in this government?'" ... |
NY: Handsome but not home free
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"A New York state criminal court judge, not unexpectedly, rejects the decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in Parker v. District of Columbia, and rules that Rashawn Handsome has no 'a constitutional right to bear arms [that] protected his keeping three unlicensed handguns in his apartment' ..." ...
"Judge Gerstein’s opinion does note that, unlike the D.C. statute that was overturned, the New York statute does not purport to be a total ban, merely a (draconian) licensing and regulation scheme. That means that even if ... the Supreme Court were to take up and affirm the Parker decision, this New York law would probably be unaffected." -------
Submitter's Note: In Murdock v. Pennsylvania the Supreme Court stated "A state may not impose a charge for the enjoyment of a right granted by the federal constitution." |
TX: Too funny - criminal first attacks, then begs police to save him!
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"A criminal attacked a woman in a Home Depot parking lot in an apparent attempt to steal her purse. Luckily her husband was nearby who retrieved a loaded shotgun from their vehicle. He fired one shot & the criminal let her go to run away - he managed to find a police car which leads to the funny part:"
"'The suspect runs up to the police car saying, 'Let me in. They are shooting at me'.'"
"Police took the suspect into custody." "Yet another criminal foiled by law abiding gun owning Americans who refuse to be willing victims. Keep up the great work my fellow Americans - when we fight back we the risk to benefit ratio of crime. ..." ... |
As President, Thompson Would Support Gun-Toting Students
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"Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson, who is big supporter of the National Rifle Association and an opponent of gun-control measures, came out on Sunday in favor of allowing law-abiding students to carry concealed weapons on college campuses, so long as they comply with campus and state rules. The issue came up on Meet the Press, when journalist Tim Russert asked the former Tennessee senator about allowing students to carry weapons in light of the shootings in April at Virginia Tech." ... |
Ron Paul's 'money bomb,' records and lessons
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"Ron Paul, the libertarian/Republican/anti-Iraq-war candidate for president, has declared 'a day for the record books.'"
"His claim – that the congressman from Texas has raised over $3 million in one day of online fundraising, a record – might be outdone in the record books only by Paul’s election as president." ...
[KABA Note: The final tally is $4.3 million in 24 hours.]
"Paul campaign spokesman Jesse Benton, calling Paul’s contributors 'diverse,' has attempted to define the 'Ron Paul coalition.'"
It is 'the Old Right,' people whom he describes as Robert Taft and Barry Goldwater Republicans, gun-rights advocates – he calls Paul 'probably the strongest supporter of Second Amendment rights in the Congress' ..." ... |
IA: Push candidates to clarify views on gun controls
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Jason Clayworth's Oct. 23 article, 'Firearms Trigger Little Talk Despite Their Pull,' was right on point. The 2008 candidates have left the gun-control issue alone unless forced to comment."
"The problem with this is that the voters aren't going to know what controls may be implemented by the next president. Every pro-control politician states that they are pro Second Amendment and have no intentions of hamstringing the rights of hunters and sportsmen."
"That sounds good except that the Constitution doesn't mention hunters and sportsmen. A candidate would be able to institute laws that ban so called assault weapons without ever breaking a campaign promise to support the Second Amendment." ... |
Putting a hold on needed gun reform: How one senator subverts the will of the American people
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"What constitutes an abuse of power? Just ask Senator Tom Coburn (R-Oklahoma), who seems determined to make the practice of imposing holds on legislation a veritable art form. Coburn, who currently has holds on about 100, recently set his sights on the National Instant Criminal Background Check Improvement Amendments Act of 2007, which would improve the federal government's ability to prevent the mentally ill from buying guns ..."
"... He claims the legislation is inadequately funded because it doesn't include cuts to other programs, and further, that it risks infringing on the rights of veterans' or other citizens' Second Amendment rights if they have been 'unfairly tagged' as mentally unstable. ..." ... |
NY: Eliot the Amazing
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"Another day, another dissenter."
"The latest national-security heavy weight to turn thumbs down on Gov. Spitzer's star-crossed scheme to give drivers' licenses to illegal aliens turns out to be Tom Ridge, the former head of the Department of Homeland Security."
"Ridge tells Post State Editor Fredric U. Dicker today that Spitzer's plan would 'weaken' national security."
"'Granting to people who could sneak across the border the most common means of identification used around the country to get on airplanes, to get bank accounts, to purchase guns, I think is a mistake,' said Ridge."
"Ah, yes. Guns." ... |
NJ: Re-enactors with real guns prompt change
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"Historical war re-enactors and movie/television actors who use real guns in their acts, but don't have state permits to carry them, are 'technically' breaking New Jersey's firearms law, a prosecutor and gun-rights attorney said Monday."
"That's the reason why a change in state law is needed to carve out exemptions for such use of firearms in historical re-enactments or theatrical productions, agreed Sussex County Assistant Prosecutor Gregory Mueller and defense attorney Evan Nappen." ... |
OH: Proposal Will Snatch Guns from Young Adults and Youth in Ohio
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"Pending legislation understates the safety of youth hunting"
"Legislation has been introduced in Ohio that will stop anyone under the age of 21 from hunting or shooting without supervision."
"House Bill 354, sponsored by Rep. Barbara Boyd, D-Cleveland Heights, and Sandra Williams, D-Cleveland, prohibits anyone under 21-years-old from possessing a firearm. Under the bill, if an adult or youth who does not meet the age requirement plans to handle a firearm, he or she must do so in the presence of someone 21 or over. Licensed hunters who now take to the woods solo will have to bring a supervisor if the bill passes." ... |
Brown v. United States, U.S. Supreme Court, "considerable body of evidence that the shooting was in self defence", May 16, 1921
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"...The other question concerns the instructions at the trial. There had been trouble between Hermis and the defendant for a long time. There was evidence that Hermis had twice assaulted the defendant with a knife and had made threats communicated to the defendant . . . The defendant retreated some twenty or twenty-five feet to where his coat was and got his pistol...."
"...The law has grown . . . it has tended in the direction of rules consistent with human nature. . . . if a man reasonably believes that he is in immediate danger of death or grievous bodily harm from his assailant he may stand his ground and that if he kills him he has not succeeded the bounds of lawful self defence..." |
Military May Ease Standards for Recruits
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"Faced with higher recruiting goals, the Pentagon is quietly looking for ways to make it easier for people with minor criminal records to join the military, The Associated Press has learned."
"... [T]he number of Army recruits needing waivers for bad behavior - such as trying drugs, stealing, carrying weapons on school grounds and fighting - rose from 15 percent in 2006 to 18 percent this year. ..."
"Overall, about three in every 10 recruits must get a waiver, according to Pentagon statistics obtained by AP, and about two-thirds of those approved in recent years have been for criminal behavior. ..." ... |
Acting ATF Director Michael J. Sullivan is slipperier than a greased weasel
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Red's Trading Post Inc.
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"Michael J. Sullivan has the hallmarks of a school yard bully or aspiring politician, not a public servant. He should most emphatically NOT be confirmed as Director of the BATFE. Sullivan uses double talk and weasel words to avoid being pinned down and held accountable for his failures as U.S. Attorney. Being Republican he is soft on white collar crime (while denying it) yet he has no compunction against squeezing the law abiding firearms dealer." ...
"Gun owners of America, if you do not see that the fix is in and that your 2nd Amendment rights are in grave danger then The Republic is lost. Get involved people or lose your freedoms then your lives." |
IL: Pelo attorney wants special prosecutor, charge dropped
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"The defense attorney for a former Bloomington police officer charged with raping four women is asking that a special prosecutor be appointed to handle the state's case and that indictments charging the officer with stalking a woman be dismissed." ...
"The 18-year veteran of the police department resigned his position with the city last week."
"Pelo's past working relationship with the McLean County state's attorney's office makes it necessary that a special prosecutor be appointed ..."
"Pelo, 42, was charged in June 2006 with stalking a woman and the attempted residential burglary of her home. ... About a month later, Pelo was charged with raping four women between December 2002 and January 2005." ... |
MI: Officer, 31, charged with drunken driving
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"A Southgate police officer was charged Monday with drunken driving, attempted assault and battery and resisting arrest. Trenton police said they found the off-duty cop passed out in his SUV last month."
"Trenton police said 31-year-old Jason Kment was at Lakewood and West shortly after 1:15 a.m. Oct. 12, sleeping behind the wheel of his gray Mercury Mountaineer. The vehicle's engine was running and the gear shift was in neutral."
"When he awoke, police said, Kment charged at a Trenton patrolman, who used pepper spray on him. The patrolman and two other officers, one from Woodhaven, said they finally handcuffed Kment." ... |
CT: Officer Apologizes At Hearing
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"Darren Seligman, an East Windsor police officer charged with using the Internet to try to entice a 11-year-old to engage in sexual activity, apologized Monday for his actions."
"Seligman ... said the situation was a nightmare of his own making and wished he would wake up. He also said he was sorry to his family and the East Windsor Police Department."
"'I understand I am losing my job and throwing away my career. I will likely be a convicted felon and a registered sex offender. No matter how this works out I'm sorry,' he said."
"Seligman, 38, was exchanging sexually explicit instant messages with the 11-year-old girl ... But Oct. 22, an Avon police officer had taken the girl's place." ... |
SC: Sumter police officer charged with DUI
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According to the South Carolina Highway Patrol, a Sumter police officer has been arrested and charged with driving under the influence.
Investigators say Dagoberto Quiroz lost control of his police car on Highway 378 and spun out into the median.
He was not injured and there were no other cars were involved.
Quiroz was arrested at the scene and charged with driving under the influence.
The incident happened around 2:15pm Sunday afternoon outside the town limits of Sumter.
Quiroz is no longer with the department. |
FL: Former Miami-Dade officer convicted of molesting teenager
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"A former Miami-Dade County police officer was convicted Monday of molesting a teenage girl after pulling over her car in 2002."
"Paul Brosky, 40, faces a maximum sentence of life in prison. Miami-Dade County Barbara Areces did not immediately set a sentencing date after the jury verdict convicting Brosky of sexual battery and kidnapping."
"Prosecutors said Brosky pulled over a vehicle in August 2002 and told the 17-year-old female driver and her boyfriend to follow him to an isolated parking lot. Brosky then assaulted the girl and released the couple."
"Brosky also faces sexual battery charges in a separate case in which another teenage girl claimed that he molested her and threatened to arrest her if she didn't do certain favors for him. ..." ... |
David Codrea: "Not Obliged"
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David Codrea
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"'A TERRIFIED 80-year-old had to wait 24 HOURS for cops after a hammer fiend smashed her windows and threatened to kill her,' the British newspaper The Sun reported. 'Jenny Ulan dialed 999 when the crazed woman attacked her home, but was told officers were on MORE IMPORTANT calls. [Emphasis in original]."
"'It was not until the next day that a policeman finally turned up.'"
"So much for disarmed subjects of the crown relying on the police for protection. But what could be more important than an octogenarian under potentially lethal and immediate attack? Police departments, after all, have limited resources. Perhaps there was a critical emergency endangering more lives and a tough decision had to be made? A riot? A terrorist act? A fire?"
"Well, no, actually. ..." ... |
Japan: Tokyo riot squad police sergeant caught pinching panties
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"A suburban Tokyo riot squad police sergeant caught while stealing a woman's panties has been arrested, police said."
"Keisuke Kanbara, 27, the Metropolitan Police Department riot squad sergeant, was arrested for breaking the Picking Prevention Law."
"Kanbara admits to the allegations."
"'I broke into a first floor apartment and stole some women's panties,' police quoted him as saying, adding that he has hinted at further thefts."
"Kanbara is the second MPD police sergeant to be involved in an embarrassing scandal in recent months following a case in August where a cop shot a bar hostess and then took his own life."
"Masahito Kanetaka, the head of the MPD's police affairs department, apologized." ...
Japan: 'Stalker' police inspector commits suicide after questioning
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"A 52-year-old police assistant inspector from Nishio Police Station has committed suicide in disgrace after he was questioned about stalking a woman in her 20s, Aichi Prefectural Police said Tuesday." ...
"Police said the assistant inspector had been in charge of authorizing the number of pachinko machines in use. When the young woman who works at a pachinko parlor visited the station in July, he apparently fell for her. The following month, he asked the woman to tell him her mobile phone e-mail address." ...
"The police assistant inspector was found hanged in his home on Monday last week. He did not leave a suicide note." |
IL: Bad guys will have guns even if ours are gone
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I wrote a year or so ago about pushing for a right-to-carry law in Illinois, so I will not go into any details - other than to remind the do-gooders who are against right-to-carry that when they take away our guns, the bad guys will still have guns and it will be easy picking when they don't have to worry about someone defending themselves on equal ground.
The writers of recent letters on this subject - Denny Rogers, Wesley Kruse and John Donovan - are all friends of mine. Great minds think alike.
Gus Miller
Heyworth |
NY: Albany fills all 13 seats on Gun Violence Task Force
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"District Attorney David Soares has agreed to serve on a new Gun Violence Task Force for the city of Albany, as the Common Council named the final seven members of the panel Monday."
"The 13-member task force will spend a year studying violence in the city and recommending solutions. Mayor Jerry Jennings had previously named six members."
"'It's a tremendous step that this body is coming together because this is a community that has resisted acknowledging some of the problems we have here,' Soares said." ... |
NY: It turns out, nation's founders got it right
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"An Oct. 26 letter writer suggested limiting the Second Amendment to 18th-century firearms. What an interesting idea."
"I'm sure she would also be in favor of limiting free speech to 18th-century forms of communication, and she certainly must oppose the requirement for agents of the government to obtain warrants in order to listen in on telephone conversations or intercept other forms of electronic correspondence." ...
"Certainly, our Founding Fathers wouldn't be so 'daft,' as the writer suggests, to have given us the First and Fourth Amendments if they could have foreseen the advent of the World Wide Web and the BlackBerry." ... |
OH: County drops gun lawsuit
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"The county on Monday dropped its lawsuit against Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland and Ohioans for Concealed Carry President Jeff Garvas."
"The lawsuit had sought to have county Common Pleas Judge James Miraldi declare unconstitutional a 2004 state law requiring that county sheriff's provide the names of concealed carry permit holders to journalists and determine whether Garvas, who had requested the names, could be considered a journalist because he writes for the organization’s quarterly newsletter." ...
"Garvas, who said he doesn't have time to fight the battle in Lorain County, had hoped to lose the lawsuit, which he believed effectively would have barred anyone from getting a list of those licensed to carry a concealed weapon." ... |
Japan: Gangster, woman found dead in Nagano in apparent murder-suicide
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"A yakuza gang member wanted in connection with a Wednesday shooting was found dead in a car here together with the body of a 66-year-old woman in what appeared to be a murder-suicide, police said."
"Police identified the victims as Hironori Jochi, 56, a high-ranking member of a gang affiliated with the Yamaguchi-gumi crime syndicate, and Shoko Shimotake, a corporate executive from Tokyo."...
"A revolver was found inside the vehicle, leading police to suspect a murder-suicide." -------
Submitter's Note: In this sea of reports from one day of Japanese mayhem, suicide, matricide and murder, we find an article involving a firearm. But then, of course, it also involved an organized crime figure, who would disregard any law in any case. |
Japan: Old man acquitted for fatal shooting of paint thinner-addicted son
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"An old man who shot dead his paint thinner-addicted son was Monday acquitted of murder by the Kumamoto District Court, which ruled he had forgotten the gun he used was loaded."
"The 72-year-old company executive from Kumamoto was charged with fatally shooting his 43-year-old son, but found not guilty after Presiding Judge Hideo Nojima ruled the death was accidental."
"'It was an accident brought about by a shot fired off because (the defendant) forgot there was a live bullet it in it,' Nojima said as he handed down the ruling."
"The man was relieved by the ruling."
"'I'm so grateful the court recognized what I was saying was the truth,' he said." ... |
UK: Law to protect 'have-a-go heroes'
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"The Criminal Justice and Immigration Bill - carried over from the previous session of Parliament - will seek to clarify the law on self-defence."
"Jack Straw, the Justice Secretary, told the Labour conference that so-called 'have-a-go-heroes" should be escape prosecution if they injure an assailant."
"The Bill will ensure that people who use reasonable force to protect themselves or others have full protection under the law." ... |
UK: Salesman cleared of assaulting customer
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"A CONSERVATORY salesman wept tears of relief last night after a court cleared him of assaulting a prospective customer."
"Experienced salesman Carl Birkenshaw, 42, had been accused of punching George Dixon several times in the face and leaving him bleeding from the mouth after violence flared during a sales pitch at Mr Dixon's home ..."
"But last night – following a two-day trial – magistrates in Bedlington found him not guilty of common assault, ruling that he acted in self-defence after being struck first by Mr Dixon." [emphasis added] ...
"The salesman ... said police had made a 'fatal error' in arresting him before hearing his side of the story." ... |
UK: Arrested after tackling intruder
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"A DAD grabbed a drunken teenager he thought was trying to break into his home, handed him to police – and was arrested."
"Now Mark Goldberg fears he could lose his Ministry of Defence job if he is prosecuted."
"The head chef, who has children aged five and 15, heard a noise at the window of his townhouse at around 10.30pm. He opened the curtains and spotted the yob teetering on the window ledge." ...
"While his wife called police ... Mark grappled with the teenager – who may have been attending a nearby party."
"He managed to flee but Mark chased him and marched him back to waiting cops. To his amazement they arrested HIM for assault." ... -------
H/t to Nicki F. |
Japan: Woman arrested for strangling infant daughter
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"A woman has been arrested for strangling her 8-month-old daughter at their home in western Tokyo before slashing her own wrist in an apparent bid to kill herself, police said."
"Sachiko Moroboshi, 29, a resident of the Koremasa district of Fuchu, stands accused of murdering her daughter Miku. She admitted to the allegations during questioning, local police said."
"'I strangled Miku. I thought everybody would be happy if Miku and I were dead,' she was quoted as telling investigators." ... |
Japan: Suspect held for kicking homeless man to death at Tokyo park
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"An unemployed man has been arrested for kicking a homeless man to death at a Tokyo park in mid-October, police said."
"Daisuke Kato, 33, stands accused of murdering Yoshito Nishioka, 57, from Nagasaki Prefecture, who lived at the Tokyo Metropolitan Ojima-Komatsugawa Park in Edogawa-ku."
"He admitted to the allegations during questioning. 'I got furious because he lied to me. I kicked him to death,' he was quoted as telling investigators." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Ban feet! Feet cause murder! |
Japan: Man strangles girlfriend after drunken tiff
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A man was arrested Saturday for strangling his live-in girlfriend at their home here after getting into a drunken argument, police said.
Toshiatsu Kozuma, 43, admitted to murdering his 40-year-old girlfriend. "We came home and got into a fight. I lost my temper and strangled her," he was quoted as telling investigators.
At around 6:10 p.m. on Friday, Kozuma called Kanagawa Prefectural Police saying that he had strangled his girlfriend. Officers found her lying on a bed and Kozuma intoxicated in the room. |
Japan: Culprit ambushed elementary school girl near her home in fatal knife attack
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"The culprit who fatally stabbed an elementary school girl ambushed the victim near her home here and used a special knife to murder her, police allege."
"The culprit stabbed the victim, 7-year-old second-grader Yuzuki Unose, in the left part of her chest and stomach at about 6 p.m. on Tuesday, local police said. She died later from a loss of blood."
"An autopsy on her body has found that the knife reached her heart and one of her internal stomach organs, but both of the wounds were as narrow as 2 to 3 centimeters wide." ... |
Japan: Teen handed prison sentence over fatal Molotov cocktail attack on homeless man
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"A teenager accused of murder after hurling Molotov cocktails at a homeless man's dwelling, burning him to death, was Wednesday handed a prison sentence set between five and eight years."
"The teen, whose name has been withheld because he was a minor, was handed the sentence in a ruling at the Himeji branch of the Kobe District Court."
"In handing down the ruling, the court's presiding judge acknowledged that the teen had acted with willful negligence when considering whether his actions were based on murderous intent. The judge added that the teen had played a leading role in the attack." ... |
Japan: Suspect in Nagano housewife stabbing an avid knife collector
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"A man under arrest for stabbing a woman at a convenience store on Sunday, leaving her with severe injuries, collected knives as a hobby, police have found."
"Hiroaki Toya, 41, an assistant at a variety shop who stands accused of attempted murder, kept at least 10 knives at his home, investigators said. They suspect that three knives he was carrying at the time of the crime are part of his collection."
"Investigators are grilling Toya over why he stabbed the victim, 40-year-old housewife Mayumi Maruyama, whom he was not acquainted with. However, he has refused to talk about the incident during questioning."
"The victim had fallen into critical condition but regained consciousness on Monday." ...
Japan: Unemployed man arrested for fatally stabbing mom at home
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"An unemployed man has been arrested for stabbing his mother to death at their home in Tokyo, police said."
"At about 7:50 p.m. on Tuesday, the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) received an emergency phone call from a 28-year-old man, reporting that he murdered his mother. Officers found the man's mother, 55-year-old Afuhi Omura, lying on the floor at their home in the Yakumo district of Meguro-ku, Tokyo, bleeding from her neck."
"The officers arrested her son, who was staying with her, on charges of attempted murder because the victim was still alive. Police upgraded the charges to murder after she died."
"... Investigators are trying to confirm reports that the suspect was mentally unstable." |
To have no proud monarch driving over me with his gilt coaches; nor his host of excise-men and tax-gatherers insulting and robbing me; but to be my own master, my own prince and sovereign, gloriously preserving my national dignity, and pursuing my true happiness; planting my vineyards, and eating their luscious fruits; and sowing my fields, and reaping the golden grain: and seeing millions of brothers all around me, equally free and happy as myself. This, sir, is what I long for. -- General Francis Marion, American War of Independence, Georgetown, SC [Source: 'Marion, The Life of Gen. Francis Marion' by M. L. Weems, Ch.18] |