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Newslinks for 11/7/2008

Firearms Industry Statement on Results of CDC Blood Lead Levels in Hunters Study
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The [NSSF] ... issued the following statement in response to study results from the [CDC], released by the North Dakota Department of Health, showing no evidence that lead or 'traditional' ammunition pose any health risk to those who consume game harvested meat."

"The CDC report on human lead levels of hunters in North Dakota has confirmed what hunters throughout the world have known for hundreds of years, that traditional ammunition poses no health risk to people and that the call to ban lead ammunition was nothing more than a scare tactic being pushed by anti-hunting groups."

"In looking at the study results, the average lead level of the hunters tested was lower than that of the average American. ..." ...

Ready for My Close-up
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Yeah, what better way to deter self-centered sociopaths than to make them even bigger celebrities on their turf than they already are? Think about it: We're inundated with programs like 'COPS' and 'America's Most Wanted.' TV reports and news accounts regularly plaster names, faces and exploits of fugitive suspects for all to see. And we're supposed to believe that this nonsense and waste of resources will prevent...what, exactly?"

Spartacus: Distant Early Warnings
Submitted by: Mark

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"On Inauguration Day, the Obama Regime will be crowned ..."

"With one party firmly controlling the executive and legislative branches, their opponents conjure up different policies the Obama/Pelosi/Reid regime (who will be referred to as 'The Looters') could enact ..."

"One of the direst predictions is that The Looters would enact some type of gun control measure, such as another assault weapons ban. Such predictions range from a repeat of the ban on cosmetic devices such as bayonet lugs and flash suppressors and on large-capacity magazines, banning of semi-automatic firearms with a magazine capacity in excess of some arbitrary number, or even outright banning and confiscation of 'assault weapons' ..." ...

Jeff Knox: Where's Your Line?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week in this space I painted with a broad brush and general terms on the topic of armed revolt. The trouble with speaking in broad, general terms is that the author's general intent and the reader's general perception can turn out to be pretty far apart – generally speaking. That causes unnecessary conflict and is just sloppy writing. I'll try to do better. In this installment I'd like to try to clear up a few things and hopefully get you thinking about what matters to you."

"First, about last week's column: In no way did I intend to suggest that anyone who quotes Jefferson or wears a 'MOLON LAVE' T-shirt is just guff and bluster. I quote Jefferson and wear a 'MOLON LAVE' T-shirt and I'm absolutely serious about them. ..." ...

GUNS Magazine: November 1958
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"The November 1958 issue of GUNS Magazine is now online, featuring articles, photos, and the classic period ads and prices that give us such great insights on the way things were, not really so long ago."

Decision expected on rule about guns in parks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Department of the Interior is expected to announce this month its decision regarding changes in rules governing guns in national parks and wildlife refuges."

"When he visited Mount Rainier National Park for the Oct. 10 opening of the new Jackson Visitor Center, Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne said the announcement would be made soon."

"'We're going through the process. We anticipated we'd get a lot of responses, and we did,' Kempthorne told The News Tribune."

"At the end of April, the department proposed a change that would allow people to carry a concealed firearm in a national park or wildlife refuge if the individual is permitted to carry a concealed weapon ..." ...

Film on Gun Violence Features T.I., Andrew Young
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Former United Nations ambassador Andrew Young, an advocate for peace around the world, is now taking aim at gun violence in the U.S. through a new TV documentary that focuses on the rapper T.I. — a young man making amends for federal firearms offenses."

Young premiered the hour-long film, 'Walking With Guns,' on Sunday in Atlanta. It includes extensive footage of the Grammy-winning artist visiting a rehabilitation hospital in New York to meet patients paralyzed by gang violence. The film also shows T.I. and Young telling young people how to avoid violence, and follows a former gang member who is now a social activist." ...

GA: Stone Mountain Repeals Firearms Ban
Submitted by: Mark McCullough

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The Board of the Stone Mountain Memorial Association has repealed its long-standing ban on the carrying of firearms in Stone Mountain Park. In its place, the Board enacted an ordinance banning the possession of firearms for people without Georgia Firearms Licenses. People with GFLs no longer are disallowed from carrying, but they are required in the new ordinance to notify the park police “as soon as possible after entering the park” of the presence of the firearm. In addition, consuming alcohol is prohibited. GeorgiaCarry.Org is reviewing the revised ordinance and has not announced how the revisions will affect, if at all, GCO’s lawsuit against SMMA.

TX: Suspected Robber Shot in College Station
Submitted by: jac

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"A Bryan man is in jail after police say he was shot in the arm by someone he was trying to rob."

"College Station police say, Wednesday night, five people were in a home on the 3500 block of Wild Plum when three suspected armed robbers broke inside the home."

"Officers say those suspects ordered the people in the house on the floor and took their personal property."

"According to witnesses the suspects left the scene."

"Officers say that's when the victims locked the door."

"Police say the suspects returned and busted into the home."

"Officers say two people were hiding in the bedroom and when one of the suspects fired a gun, one of the victims returned fire hitting one suspect in the arm." ...

Do guns still matter?
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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During the Democratic primary, when Barack Obama told donors in San Francisco that 'bitter' voters in hardscrabble Pennsylvania 'cling to their guns and religion,' the words rang like music in his political opponents' ears. Obama foes hoped that the senator's inartful description of economically-strapped gun enthusiasts would cut his support from rural whites off at the knees."

"The comment also put an exclamation point on Obama's record on guns, which has drifted to the center since his days as an Illinois state senator. As the general election heated up, the [NRA] announced an eye-popping $15 million ad campaign intended to serve as a loudspeaker for suspicions about Obama's alleged hidden intention to limit gun ownership." ...

IL: Greene County votes for concealed weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Greene County voters approved a conceal-and-carry advisory referendum on Tuesday's ballot, joining 10 other counties where the advisory passed."

"'We believe state legislators should enact concealed carry legislation. Illinois and Wisconsin are the only states that don't allow citizens their Second Amendment right,' Illinois Carry spokeswoman Valinda Rowe said Wednesday."

"Such a law allows licensed, qualified adults to carry firearms. In Greene County, voters passed the advisory question by 3,457 to 1,999, or nearly two-to-one in favor of such a law. For more information, go to the supporters' Web site," ...

OH: Lost gun reporting charges are rare
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Lose a gun in Cleveland and fail to report it to police and you could face a $250 fine and 30 days in jail. But in the 12 years that ordinance has been on Cleveland's books, only two people have been taken to court for failing to report a lost or stolen gun."

"That experience, and those of other cities, suggests that Pittsburgh's proposed ordinance on reporting lost or stolen guns and others cropping up all over the state and nation warrant neither the fear they are engendering in foes, nor the hope they inspire in advocates." ...

US admiral wants pain-rayguns for Gulf fleet
Submitted by: Paul Shoemaker

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"A US admiral has called for American warships operating in the Middle East to be equipped with microwave 'pain ray' cannons to avoid using overwhelming lethal force."

"The Navy Times reports that Vice Admiral Bill Gortney, in command of the US 5th Fleet, has put out an “urgent need statement” seeking extra nonlethal weapons for his cruisers and destroyers to use against small boats at short ranges. The 5th Fleet is the US naval command covering the Red Sea, Arabian Sea, Persian/Arabian Gulf and the east African coast as far south as Kenya."

"A problem for western warships in these waters is attacks or harassment by small, fast-moving speedboats. ..." ...

TX: Austin police close 7 campuses, kill man armed with AK-47
Submitted by: Paul Shoemaker

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"A man armed with an assault rifle and wearing body armor was shot and killed by a rookie police officer in an early-morning shootout on this city's east side."

"The shooting came after an attack that left two other men wounded and spurred Austin school district officials to call off classes at seven campuses in that area for the day."

"Police Chief Art Acevedo praised the young officer as a hero. The dead suspect is believed to have been involved in the earlier shooting that left two people wounded at a nearby residence." ...

Firearms owners concerned Obama will raise taxes on weapons, accessories, ammo
Submitted by: Paul Shoemaker

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"The tension among the 20 or so customers and the employees at Jensen Arms the day after the election was evident."

"With the election of Barack Obama, gun owners are flocking to stores, boosting sales because of concerns the Democrat will raise taxes on guns, ammunition and accessories or even ban some guns outright."

"'We're seeing a huge increase in sales, more than 100 percent,' said Bob Jensen, owner of Jensen Arms, 285 E. 29th St. 'Barack Obama running has terrified our republic. He's a Marxist and a socialist, and he's extremely anti-firearm and anti-gun freedom.'" ...

Election triggers upsurge in military-like firearms sales
Submitted by: Paul Shoemaker

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"As polls and pundits in recent weeks increasingly pointed to the election of Barack Obama as the next president, scores of Utahns flocked to gun stores."

"Obama has supported renewing the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban ..."

"'Such weapons belong on foreign battlefields and not on our streets,' Obama's Web site states."

"Local gun dealers quickly are running out of stock of magazines for Colt AR-15s and AK models and many have seen a sharp increase in the sales of those guns."

"'Pretty much anything with more than 10 rounds is in high demand right now,' said Michael Martin, a sales representative at Impact Guns in Salt Lake City. 'We had one supplier go from 92 assault rifles to 12 in one day. ...'" ...

UT: Utah Assault Weapon Sales Up In Utah After Obama Win
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The tough economy is not keeping assault weapons from flying off the shelves at gun shops across the valley."

"Shop owners say the sales are directly related to the presidential election of Barack Obama."

"'Just in 5 days I’ve sold 200 of them (AR-15's). Just what you see on my wall is what I have left,' said Stewart Wallin Owner of Get Some Guns and Ammo in Murray. 'People are afraid. Good people are afraid the gun rights will go away.'"

"The same kind of business is holding true at Impact Guns in Salt Lake where the day after the election they sold in one day what they usually sell in five days." ...

MD: Gun Sales Spike As Consumers Fear Gun Law Changes Under Obama
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun stores are reporting a spike in gun sales, and they say the trend is driven by customers who are afraid Barack Obama will crack down on gun sales as president."

"At the Downsville Gun Shop, Tim Hafer is already seeing change. He says he’s almost tripled his sales in the past few days."

"In a normal two-day span, he sells two or three guns, but in the two days following the elections, he's sold over 20. He’s noticed increases in sales of semi-automatic guns, pistols and revolvers."

"Obama supports renewing the expired Federal Assault Weapons Ban. If renewed, the ban would require all U.S. gun manufacturers stop making semi-automatic assault weapons."

"Now the demand for the guns could mean higher prices." ...

CO: Obama's record on firearms triggers run on sales in state
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"John Faulkner and his wife, Brenda, thought Wednesday was a good day to buy a handgun."

"'I'm 37 years old, and this is the first time in my life that I am really scared for our future,' said Faulkner ..."

"At Aurora's Firing Line gun shop, Steve Wickham was also purchasing. 'Anything I can get my hands on,' he said as he cradled a $699 9mm handgun."

"Same thing in Lakewood: 'I was selling guns before I even opened the door,' said George Horne, owner of The Gun Room. 'It's gone completely mad. Everyone is buying everything I've got on the shelves. ...'" ...

"Gun-shop owners and buyers said the urgency was fueled by Barack Obama's presidential win and Democrats' increasing their majority in Congress." ...

TX: Stores say gun-control fears spur sales
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"While watching Republican presidential candidate John McCain's concession speech, gun owner AJ Sullivan had a sinking feeling."

"'Liberals like to ban guns. That's what it comes down to,' said Sullivan, 25, a Texas Christian University student."

"Sullivan was among hundreds scrambling to buy a weapon Thursday at the gun store Cheaper Than Dirt! — which sold $101,000 in merchandise the day after the election, shattering its single-day sales record, said store owner DeWayne Irwin." ...

CA: Dare I Say Legislative attack on our right to bear arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Can there by any doubt that American gun rights are under assault? It may not be a direct assault against our constitutional right to bear arms. No, it's more like a legislative end-run around the Second Amendment." ...

"California leads the nation in legislation intended to drive all guns and gun dealers out of the state. If a direct assault on the Second Amendment won't work, the next best approach is a legislative end-run, saddling law-abiding gun owners and dealers with layers of bureaucracy."

"And, the strategy seems to be working."

"Federal courts ruled states can enact reasonable gun regulations.

At what point, though, does reasonable regulation cross the line and infringe upon our constitutional right ..." ...

NY: Anti-violence report won't target gun trail
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"As the Albany Gun Violence Task Force wraps up its work, it will make 17 recommendations on how to deter youths from shooting each other. But the report won't address how illegal guns end up in their hands."

"The report, expected to be sent to Mayor Jerry Jennings and the Common Council Friday, will focus on everything from crisis teams to respond to shootings to creating a program using ex-inmates to dissuade violence."

"But task force members said the issue of tracking guns goes well beyond the city's borders and is a problem that cannot be addressed legislatively at this time." ...

IL: Elsewhere in city, gunfire, and a cop gets slapped
Submitted by: Paul Shoemaker

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"Not everyone behaved themselves when celebrating U.S. President-elect Barack Obama’s historic win Tuesday night."

"Some fired gunshots, a felon accused cops of arresting him 'because a black man won for president' and a teenager standing with throngs of passionate revelers used the opportunity to slap a police officer, Cook County prosecutors said."

"'White bitches. F--- McCain. You white police can't do nothing,' 19-year-old Celita Hart taunted officers as she stood with a throng of Obama supporters ... At some point, authorities said, Hart left the crowd, which had been chanting 'Obama, Obama,' walked up to a squad car, and smacked a male officer in the face." ...

125 Shot Dead In Chicago Over Summer
Submitted by: Paul Shoemaker

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"An estimated 125 people were shot and killed over the summer. That's nearly double the number of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq over the same time period."

"In May, began tracking city shootings and posting them on Google maps. Information compiled ... indicated that 125 people were shot and killed throughout the city between the start of Memorial Day weekend on May 26, and the end of Labor Day on Sept. 1."

"According to the Defense Department, 65 U.S. soldiers were killed in combat in Iraq. About the same number were killed in Afghanistan over that same period."

"In the same time period, an estimated 247 people were shot and wounded in the city." ...

The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground. — THOMAS JEFFERSON

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