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Newslinks for 11/7/2012

SAF, others weigh in on new round of UN gun control talks
Submitted by: Phil Watson / SAF

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"The Second Amendment Foundation and several other pro-rights groups weighed in recently on a new round of discussions at the United Nations that could lead to another proposed Arms Trade Treaty document."

"Representing SAF was Julianne Versnel, director of operations and a veteran of the global gun control fight. But her remarks, and those of other pro-gun-rights speakers, were not heard because the UN shut down due to Hurricane Sandy." ...

Feinstein rumored to be pushing semi-auto ban if Obama reelected
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "'The ATF personnel noted are indeed the players,' the source replied, 'but what is noticeably absent is anyone from the executive level, AD or DAD [Assistant Director/Deputy Assistant Director]--the policy implementer/makers. That part is strange and shows that while ATF may have had to go to the meeting, the Bureau and DoJ are not necessarily supportive." ...

The Psychopathology of a Hoplophobe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When I read the October 27 Quote of the Day my first thought was 'physician heal thyself' (right after 'somebody call the guys in the white coats!'). Anyone who can equate the ownership of semi-automatic weapons with the abuse of children is obviously teetering on the edge. Little did I know just how out there the good doctor really is, though. The quote came from Ronald Pies's, Why Psychiatrists Must Confront Gun-related Violence. And as I started reading the whole thing, it became obvious that Dr. Ron may have suffered what those in the head shrinking biz call a break with reality . . ." ...

More Guns and, You Guessed It . . . Less Crime. Again.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week, the FBI released its Crime in the United States report for 2011. For the 18th time in the last 20 years, the nation’s violent crime rate has gone down. In 2011, as compared to 2010, the total violent crime rate decreased 4.3 percent, to a 41-year low, down 49 percent since the all-time high in 1991. The murder rate decreased 2.1 percent, to a 48-year low, down 52 percent since 1991."

"Meanwhile during the last 20 years, the number of privately owned guns has risen by about 130 million, including several million 'assault weapons,' about 60 million handguns, and countless millions of ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds." ...

No election will bring about 'government monopoly on force'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As American votes today, Seattle Gun Rights Examiner Dave Workman writes about the power an anti-gun president has to threaten gun rights through the process of appointing federal judges. Blogger John Richardson points out that although Supreme Court appointments grab the most attention, such a president's power to appoint hundreds of lower court judges might actually be more potent." ...

George Block: Long Range Hunting Isn’t
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Regular readers will remember that I headed out to Gunwerks in June to learn from some of the best about the finer points of long range hunting. If you want a long read, check out the interview I did with Gunwerks founder Aaron Davidson. I came away from the experience awestruck with what can be done with the right equipment and the right training. So imagine my surprise when RF forwarded an article from George Block entitled 'Long-range shooting disrupts definition of hunting'. George reckons that long range hunting isn’t really hunting at all . . ." ...

Pick your Constitutional poison
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... This bipartisan disregard for civil liberties is the rule rather than the exception for the two major presidential candidates, who are about equally bad when it comes to respecting constitutional rights, although in somewhat different ways." ...

"Although Obama and Romney both say they support the right to keep and bear arms, both have backed arbitrary, ignorance-driven bans on 'assault weapons.' Obama has gone further, claiming local handgun bans are consistent with the Second Amendment." ...

Sandy Slams Henry Repeating Arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Henry Repeating Arms' Bayonne New Jersey facility suffered significant damage from hurricane Sandy,' reports. 'The company’s corporate headquarters is a 109,000 sf facility which sits on 3 acres located directly on the Bayonne waterfront. Presently without electricity, telephone and email service, Henry Repeating Arms asks that its distributors and dealers refrain from attempting to contact them, nor ship any firearms to the Bayonne facility, until the company notifies them that they are once again operational.' Notice the distinct lack of any call for federal assistance—or self-pity. ..."

Gun Review: Taurus PT-92 AF
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Taurus PT-92 AF is the railed, fixed-sight version of the Brazilian gunmaker’s longest-running bestseller. This big service pistol is the spitting image of the Beretta Model 92FS (with a few improvements) and sells for $100 to $150 less than the glamorous Italian’s price tag. Cheap is good, but only when it’s actually ‘good.’ To find out how good the PT-92 AF is, we tested it alongside the benchmark Beretta whose decades of military and police service set the bar very high for quality and reliability. The results may surprise you . . ." ...

Self-Defense Tip: Be Cool, Fool
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'When an expensively-trained police officer from one of the largest police departments misses a felon six times at a range of ten feet ... his failure is not due to his technical inability to hit a target of that size at that distance, for he has demonstrated on the firing range that he can do so,' Col. Jeff Cooper writes in Principles of Personal Defense. 'His failure, and often his consequent death, is due to his lack of concentration upon his marksmanship—the loss of his cool.' Cooper correctly points out that grace under pressure is an invaluable survival skill for an armed self-defender that’s both genetic and environmental. In other words, you can train yourself to be cool. So how do you do that then?" ...

New From Arsenal: SLR-106UR Pistol
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Do you like you some AKesque 5.56 pistol action? Arsenal’s just intro’d a new one that has all the seksiness of a an AK-74 style pistol, but in 5.56×45 NATO. With a scope rail, too! Press release after the jump . . ." ...

Big Bore Predator Protection
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Almost 20 years ago, I spent some time in Alaska. I was in Sitka with a group of volunteers working on a church and a school. After work each day, I wandered around on the island. I grew up in the woods, so I wasn't intimidated by the Alaskan wilderness."

"I had also spent some time with bears. I had been spending summers in the mountains of New Mexico and had seen some really big black bears. I knew their behaviors. ..."

"But the folks I met in Alaska thought I was a fool. And they were right, of course. In their minds, I wasn't appropriately fearful of brown bears. And I wasn't appropriately armed, as I never carried anything with me into the woods except my pocketknife."

"Times have changed. ..." ...

Review: White Sound Defense Steel Guide Rod for GLOCK 19 Gen3
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We have already reviewed the White Sound Defense Steel Guide Rod for the G17 and similar Gen3 GLOCK. After that review, several readers wanted one that was sized for the G19. White Sound Defense (WSD) delivered." ...

Fact Check: Shipping Firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The following article originally appeared at the Defense Firearms Blog and is reprinted here with permission."

"Some people, even licensed dealers (FFLs) have a misunderstanding regarding the shipment of firearms. This is intended as a quick reference for who can ship and what can be shipped when it comes to guns. This is directed mainly to non-licensees, which probably means you (assuming you aren’t a licensed dealer or FFL). One caveat: this is not legal advice. Check with proper legal authorities before you do anything related to the shipment of firearms." ...

The New Iver Johnson Arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I've been a fan of Iver Johnson guns for as long as I can remember. My father carried an Iver Johnson when he worked odd hours at the Bank of Atlanta back in the 1960s. His little five shot .38 is still going strong. Iver Johnson made guns under their own house brand, but they also made guns for a lot of other resellers. Their revolvers, especially, sold well and consumed a fair slice of the market share. For a while, the old Iver Johnson company made bicycles and motorcycles, revolvers and sniper rifles."

"But the way that guns were sold through department stores changed. Re-branding fell out of fashion. Then department stores stopped selling guns. ..." ...

The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution And CSGV
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are times that I think that Josh Horwitz of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (sic) gets his ideas from outerspace and there are times I think he channels his inner Maoist student revolutionary. Today it appears he is looking to Chairman Mao and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution for his inspiration."

"The stated goal of the Cultural Revolution was to enforce orthodoxy and to wipe out those who deviated from it. In China's case, it meant Communist orthodoxy. One of the hallmarks of the Cultural Revolution was the public denunciation of those who may have deviated from this orthodoxy. So it is with Josh Horwitz who would have made a good Red Guard." ...

CSGV equates knowledge with 'insurrection,' wants it suppressed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence took such exception to a St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner article written back in March that they recently tried to bully Examiner into shutting the column down, and hoped even to persuade the FBI to arrest and charge the author with 'advocating overthrow of government.' The March column that so offended them, 'Perhaps there's something to the claim that guns alone cannot rein in government,' advised readers to search the Internet for information about formulating explosive compounds from substances widely available on the legal market, and about incorporating those compounds into improvised explosive weapons." ...

Brady’s Michael Bannerman: hankering for a trip to jail.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Fellow Twitter 'Gun Nut' @hazmatpat got this screen capture Facebook post from Brady Member Michael Bannerman." ...

"Apparently Mr. Bannerman was ranting because he went to a Big Box Home Improvement store and saw a citizen carrying openly legally. The Open Carrier was just shopping minding his own business but in true hoplophobic fashion, Mr. Bannerman felt threatened. This particular post is interesting because we are always accused of taking the laws on our hands (or desperately wanting to) and having fantasies about being heroes, yet Mr. Bannerman wants to do exactly that and in the process break several laws." ...

Gun crazy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Need to make a deposit at the bank? Pack some heat!"

"Got to run by the grocery store for eggs and toilet paper? Bring that .45!"

"Ordering a no-fat mocha frappuccino? Do it with a .44!"

"After enduring an obscenely long period of anti-Second Amendment fascism in our fair state, the estimated 141,000 Oklahomans with a concealed-carry permit can now breathe easy and brandish those firearms out in the open. Yes, citizens, we are in the first full week of Oklahoma’s shiny new open-carry law, so if you happen to notice a spring in your step and a song in your heart, well, pardner, that ain’t no coincidence." ...

'Fast and Furious' probe fizzles
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a last-gasp effort to get some political mileage out of the overworked Operation Fast and Furious gun-trafficking investigation, two Republican congressmen — Rep. Darrell Issa of California and Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa — chose Monday of last week to release their final report on the Obama administration's scandal."

"The only problem: Their timing, on the eve of one of the worst storms ever to hit the Eastern Seaboard, practically assured the report would get little or no publicity. In fact, it was virtually ignored by the mainstream media." ...

Submitter's Note: As opposed to the detailed, in-depth Fast & Furious coverage the MSM has been providing up till now?

IL: So what happened to the Million Mom March in Champaign County?
Submitted by: John Boch

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"The ICHV is organizing a central Illinois chapter in Champaign, IL, trying to put together a group of well-meaning gullible folks to work against their own civil rights." ..."Why Champaign?"

"Champaign was one of the only cities in Illinois that held a satellite Million Mom March outside of Cook County in May 2000. Never mind that the one-hundred or so self-defense opponents marched smack dab into scores of pro-civil rights activists carrying Old Glory and bearing positive messages and nearly got themselves arrested before being turned back by police."

"The look on their faces when they saw us was priceless."

"Anyway, what ever happened to one of the most active local MMM chapters?"

"Well, we wrote about them in June 2002′s issue of GunNews Magazine." ...

Some Are More Equal Than Others
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor doesn't think too much of our Second Amendmen rights. It is also apparent that she thinks she is much too important to stand in line to vote like the rest of us great unwashed." ...

All Emergencies Are Local
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the planes crashed into the Towers in New York, it was horrible to watch on TV."

"The entire nation was watching the disaster, but they were watching from afar. New Jersey residents could actually see the towers fall, but from the safety of their own neighborhoods."

"All emergencies are local."

"There is no national fire, or police department standing by with thousands of trained emergency responders ready to move in. For that matter there are no large state run fire departments waiting in the wings to move out smartly and provide timely response ..."

"Once you get outside of larger cities, your first line of emergency response is a handful of over worked local cops and citizen volunteer fire fighters. ..." ...

Post Election Riots?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’ve seen quite a bit of concern about the outcome of the USA Presidential Election next week. There is talk of rioting, looting, and mayhem being planned by different groups depending on which political party wins. I’m not an alarmist, but I think it’s prudent to be prepared for any eventuality. ..."

"I’ve read some articles by various 'tactical gurus' advising that if people get caught up in a riot or confronted by looters, they should start cutting throats and shooting everyone in the face with their 9mm pistols to facilitate escape. There’s certainly a time and place for such actions, but if you are smart, it will never come down to that. Let me share some of my experiences…." ...

Post Election Violence Part II- Surviving the Flash Mob
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Continuing yesterday’s theme about preparation for potential post-election violence by reprinting this article about dealing with flash mobs. There have already been articles describing Twitter-organized looting and violence depending on which candidate wins. It’s a good idea to have a plan to get out of that mess and keep yourself safe…." ...

FL: Homeowner Shoots 1 of 3 Armed Home Invaders During Gunfight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to, a home invader is in stable condition at an area hospital after a gunfight with an armed homeowner."

"The three men burst into the Orange County, FL home, armed with guns. That’s when the homeowner drew his own gun and opened fire on the suspects."

"The homeowner was able to strike one of the suspects several times and the other two suspects jumped out of a second story window to escape." ...

OH: Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Nine Pellets of OO Justice Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Saturday morning home invasion ended the way all such things should: with a shotgun blast and two scum-suckers running off into the first light of a new day. 'The homeowner on Franklin-Madison Road in Franklin Township [OH] tells FOX19 he was sleeping on the couch at 6:45 Saturday morning when he woke up to find a man holding a hand over his mouth and saying 'don’t talk; we just want your money.' A second man had gone upstairs where the man’s wife and daughter were sleeping.' But the couch-sleeper had his smoothbore nearby. After a struggle with invader number one, he was able to retrieve it and send a volley of lead in his general direction. ..."

FL: Undercover Detective in FL Shoots and Kills Shotgun Wielding Robbery Suspect (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An undercover detective in FL observed an attempted armed robbery at a 7 Eleven convenience store in St. Petersburg, FL around 1am."

"... The suspects are described as a man and a woman, one of whom was wielding a shotgun."

"During the confrontation the detective shot and killed the male robber. The female accomplice was caught nearby and is being charged with murder in the death of her partner." ...

NM: Store Clerk Shoots 2 Armed Robbers, Kills 1 Who Was Gang Member (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The store clerk at a smoke shop in NM was facing a life or death situation when 2 armed men entered the store, held guns to his head and demanded money."

"The clerk was openly carrying a gun which he drew and fired at the two men."

"Both would be robbers were hit and one was killed. ..." ...

Second Part of Joint Staff Report on “Fast and Furious” Released
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This week, the second of three parts of the joint staff report on the 'Fast and Furious' scandal was released by House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee. While the first report looked at the actions of those who actually implemented the disastrous program, this report focuses on the management and oversight of the operation by senior Department of Justice officials–or, to put it more accurately, the lack of management and oversight by those officials." ...

Ninety-Nine Judges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tom Gresham devoted his entire three-hour show on Sunday to the elections and the impact that they will have on gun owners and gun rights. The guests ranged from the NRA's Wayne LaPierre and Chris Cox to SAF's Alan Gottlieb ... In addition, he interviewed attorney Alan Gura. The one thing every guest said about this election and gun rights was the critical importance of judicial appointments to securing gun rights."

"The interview that really peaked my interest was with Alan Gura. Tom asked Alan straight out what would have happened if there had been a 5-4 majority with a Sotomayor or Kagan in that majority, could he have won Heller or McDonald? Alan's response, 'Probably not. I mean NO. There would be no way.'" ...

Presidential candidate Gary Johnson talks guns, for-profit prisons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In order to get a clearer picture of Johnson's 'other' ideas, we asked the candidate to explain his platform in an exclusive interview."

"Guns protect against a 'growing police state'"

"After a summer of mass shootings, many gun control advocates felt that enough was enough and stronger laws must be adopted to stop gun violence, including a ban on automatic weapons."

"But not Gary Johnson."

"'I'm a firm believer in the second amendment and so I would not have signed legislation banning assault weapons or automatic weapons,' Johnson said, adding that lines should be drawn when it comes to war-time weaponry such as rocket launchers." ...

Constitution Check: Would an Obama victory turn the Supreme Court sharply to the left?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lyle Denniston looks at claims that a Supreme Court in a second Obama administration would be like 'the Warren Court on steroids.'" ...

Gun Rights Hanging In The Balance
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have been increasingly concerned lately by the mindset of many gun owners and concerned citizens. It appears the constant negative reporting by the liberal media on the election is having its desired effect."

"Twice I have been in sporting goods stores and asked people actually buying firearms who they will be voting for. To my surprise they said they couldn’t see the difference between the candidates."

"Though this is incomprehensible to me, I have to address the fact that many more sportsmen and women must hold the same opinion or, perhaps I should say, lack of opinion or they are confused." ...


Vote Like Your Forefathers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After months of campaigning . . .

. . . hundreds of ads . . .

. . . thousands of mail pieces . . .

. . . an untold amount of phone calls . . .

. . . today is the last day to vote in Colorado."

"And what will you do?"

"The fact is, in far too many races across the state, our gun rights have been ignored, or even worse, openly mocked." ...

Future of courts is at stake with election outcome
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today millions of voters are heading to the polls, or have already filled out their mail-in ballots, and are awaiting the outcome of a national election that could either secure an advancement of constitutional rights, or provide the mechanism for a setback." ...

MO: Koster Reelected As Missouri Attorney General
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Despite the aid of a couple big name Republicans, Republican Ed Martin has been defeated by Democrat Chris Koster in the race for Missouri’s attorney general." ...

"Koster announced an endorsement by the National Rifle Association in late September. The Democratic attorney general said his job involves defending the rights of all Missourians, including the right to bear arms."

"The NRA had rated Koster 'solidly pro-gun,' which it says reflects a demonstrated record of support for Second Amendment issues. The NRA rated Martin 'pro-gun' based on his answers to a survey because he does not have a voting record." ...

PA: Shuster easily wins another term
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Six-term incumbent U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, 51, R-Hollidaysburg, was re-elected to the 9th Congressional District in a landslide victory against independent candidate Karen Ramsburg, 50, Mercersburg." ...

"Shuster is a proponent of smaller government and Second Amendment rights. He said fixing the economy is his No. 1 goal." ...

MN: State Legislature wrap: Schmit extends lead, Davids, Draz, Pelowski continue to lead
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "State House 21B: Steve Drazkowski v. Bruce Montplaisir"

"Rep. Steve Drazkowski, R-Mazeppa, led challenger Bruce Montplaisir in the race for the State House 21B seat at 11:05 p.m. Tuesday with 5,953 votes to Montplaisir’s 4,088 with 30 of 54 precincts reporting."

"Drazkowski is finishing his third term in office and has stressed the need to reduce the size of government. The Republican has focused his campaign on his activism for second-amendment rights, his pro-life stance, and dedication to conservative ideologies. ..." ...

TX: 'Militia Congressman' Makes Comeback
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Republican congressman with disputed ties to extremist militia groups is headed back to Washington. Steve Stockman of Texas, who served one term after sweeping into office in the 1994 Republican wave, won the open 36th district seat."

"During his two years in office Stockman was known as a staunch defender of the Second Amendment. On the day the federal building in Oklahoma City was bombed, just four months into Stockman's term, there was confusion over a fax sent to Stockman's office. The FBI became involved." ...

IL: Nine IL Counties Vote on Concealed Carry Today
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Not that the outcomes of the referenda, one way or the other, will have any effect on downstaters’ ability to pack heat any time soon. From 'The measures are non-binding, since no local law can override state law. But advocates hope the votes help build pressure on lawmakers to support so-called 'concealed carry,' an issue that resonates in much of Illinois, and highlights the divide between Chicago’s powerful anti-gun forces and the rest of the state.' ..."

LA: Louisianians Vote on Firearms Freedom
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Oklahoma’s recent open carry law included a number of caveats (e.g., license holders only). The restrictions were permissible under Oklahoma State Constitution (relevant bit italicized for effect): 'The right of a citizen to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person, or property, or in aid of the civil power, when thereunto legally summoned, shall never be prohibited; but nothing herein contained shall prevent the Legislature from regulating the carrying of weapons. In 1879, Louisiana legislators did something similar: ... Later today, Louisianians may remove that codicil. All hell will break loose, according to some . . ." ...

AL: ‘Bama GOP To Watch Tonght’s Returns While Busting Caps (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Unlike just about every other election night 'party' designed to let friends, family, fundraisers and flunkies watch the returns come in, the Alabama GOP’s throwing a little shindig tonight that people will actually be looking forward to. No generic hotel ballroom for them. Instead, Fox News reports that 'The state Republican Party is inviting supporters to the 52,000-square-foot Hoover Tactical Firearms for a ‘victory party’ Tuesday night.' ..."

OH: Before you vote: a look at where the Senate candidates stand
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Ohio Senate race is between Democratic incumbent Senator Sherrod Brown and Republican challenger, Josh Mandel."

"Here is where they stand on some issues. Sherrod Brown is pro-choice, ... supports restrictions on the sale and possessions of guns, and supports the 2010 Affordable Care Act. He does not support requiring illegal immigrants to return to their country of origin before they are eligible for citizenship."

"Josh Mandel ... supports the continuation of U.S. Combat Operations in Afghanistan. Mandel does not support an income tax increase on income above $250,000, does not support the auto bailout, and does not support restrictions on the sale and possession of guns. ..." ...

LA: Arms Race: Louisiana Could Have 'Strongest Second Amendment Law in the Nation' If Gun Law Ballot Question Passes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When it comes to the Second Amendment, Louisiana legislators are bringing out the biggest legal guns they can find."

"For Pelican State voters, Amendment II on the Nov. 6 Ballot asks voters if they want to change the phrasing of the 'Right to Bear Arms,' as it is defined in Louisiana's State Constitution."

"Proponents of the measure say it will make Louisiana's defense of the Second Amendment the best in the nation. However, opponents are concerned that the new strict scrutiny measures could make it more difficult to limit gun trade, transfer or impose restrictions on concealed weapons at various venues in the future." ...

Beware of the Lame-Duck Session
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The current Congress hasn't finished its mischief. It still has the opportunity to do bad things in the upcoming lame-duck session, a period when members of Congress who are already defeated will have the opportunity to vote without concern for voter approval."

"The globalists have been plotting to use the volatility of this lame-duck session to achieve some of their internationalist goals that they couldn't get passed during the last four years. ..."

"The globalists could make a surprise treaty push for ratification of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (UNATT). This treaty is coming under the radar since gun control advocates know it could never pass the U.S. Senate after debate in broad daylight." ...

IL: Actions On Taxes Have Consequences
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I've written a couple of times about the Cook County 'violence tax'. On Friday, the Cook County Board's Finance Committee in a special meeting approved this tax."

"Taxes are an important consideration for any business."

"Outdoor (and firearm) retailer Cabela's opened a large store in Hoffman Estates, IL in 2007... Soon after, the Cook County Board raised property taxes. Retailers are assessed based upon their retail space. Though it has a second floor, this Cabela's store has closed that section and crammed everything into the first floor of the store in an effort to reduce their taxes."

"... [T]he Hoffman Estates store may become the first Cabela's to close down and this new firearms tax may be the reason." ...

IL: Whiteside officials eye concealed carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last year, Whiteside County was one of only a handful of Illinois counties that failed to approve a resolution in support of the Second Amendment."

"The resolution never made it out of a County Board committee."

"Now, some residents want the board to approve a resolution that specifically urges the state to pass a law allowing people to carry concealed weapons."

"The board’s Executive Committee plans to take up that issue at its Nov. 13 meeting. That same panel bottled up the Second Amendment resolution in 2011."

"At its meeting next week, the committee will decide whether to refer the issue to the whole board for a vote." ...

ATF Refuses to Answer FFL’s Questions On the Record
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The ATF has quite a number of regulations that they’re in charge of enforcing, and most of them are mind-numbingly ambiguous. The lack of clear and precise laws and regulations can make keeping your nose clean in this business nearly impossible, especially if your livelihood depends on selling guns. The ATF has a mechanism for answering questions from the people it regulates, and normally it does that in the form of a letter or newsletter clearly (or as clearly as possible) answering the particular query. However, one such FFL recently asked a number of questions and the ATF is now flatly refusing to answer any of them on the record. What was asked that has them so afraid to put pen to paper? . . ." ...

OK: Officer slaps potty training toddler with fine
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A mother got slapped with hefty fine after police ticketed her 3-year-old son for urinating in the family's front yard."

"The toddler pulled down his pants and went potty in the front yard to keep from wetting his pull-up."

"Despite objections from the boy's mother, the officer wrote out a $2,500 ticket for public urination." ...

Submitter's Note: Seriously your department has nothing better for you to do with your time?

IL: Chicagoland: Traffic-trap suburbs.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Not only is Chicagoland a dangerous place to live or visit, home of the highest local sales taxes in the nation, and the nation’s top city for traffic enforcement cameras but it also sports some ticket-happy suburbs that will gleefully reach into your wallet if you’re not perfectly legal in every aspect of your motor vehicle operation."

"The Chicago Tribune recently ran a series on Chicago-area suburbs with extraordinarily high traffic ticket production."

"As a service to readers, here are the five suburbs you might wish to avoid:" ...

WI: Portage officer arrested for alleged drunken driving
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Portage police officer was arrested early Saturday morning for alleged drunken driving."

"Blaine Young, who joined the Portage Police Department in May 2005, was arrested following a traffic stop at about 2 a.m. Saturday, according to a news release from the department."

"Young was off duty at the time of his arrest." ...

VA: SW Va. police chief faces drug, gun charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A southwestern Virginia police chief has been charged with drug dealing and firearms offenses."

"According to federal court records in Abingdon, Pennington Gap Police Chief William Bryan Young is accused of distributing pain pills and possessing a gun while illegally using and dealing drugs. He was denied bail at a hearing Friday." ...

IL: New Athens police chief charged with theft of iPad, iPod from evidence room
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The chief of a small police department has been charged with stealing an iPod and an iPad from the police evidence room."

"New Athens Police Chief Dallas W. Hill, 27 ... was charged Monday with two counts of official misconduct and one count of theft, all felonies. Capt. Steve Johnson of the St. Clair County Sheriff’s Department said Hill took the electronics, which were held as part of a commercial burglary and forgery case, between July 5 and Sept. 19." ...

TX: Former El Paso police officer pleads guilty in OT case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former El Paso police officer Scott McFarland on Oct. 25 pleaded guilty to 35 counts of tampering with government records with the intent to defraud, court records show."

"McFarland was one of many officers who resigned or retired last year after an internal audit found they were allegedly abusing department grants." ...

LA: We don’t need another 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the upcoming election, Louisiana residents have an opportunity to vote on an amendment that could expand gun rights in the state. Amendment 2 leaves Louisiana one court decision away from allowing firearms on college campuses."

"As a student at LSU, I feel that campus is a safe place, dedicated to the pursuit of higher learning. Allowing firearms on campus decreases the sense of safety and could prove detrimental to a healthy learning environment." ...

CO: Colorado Campus Carry Controversy Conversation Continues
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In their never-ending effort to serve the community and examine the tough issues, the Denver Post ran a point-counterpoint on campus carry yesterday. Never mind the fact that, thanks to the Colorado supreme court, the issue is now settled law in The Centennial State. But be that as it may, they ran opinions from two members of the UC-Boulder community, one a professor and the other a student. Guess which one makes the more logical argument?" ...

IA: Concealed Carry Permits Skyrocket in Iowa After 'Shall Issue' Law (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun owners say it all the time, 'Allowing law-abiding citizens to carry concealed firearms does not increase crime.'"

"And we say it so often because, well, it’s true. Putting guns in the hands of responsible citizens does not make society more dangerous."

"Evidence for this maxim is all around. Recently, in fact, KCRG, a local Iowa news affiliate, examined the state’s ‘shall issue’ concealed carry law two years after its passage and what the investigative reporter found was quite telling." ...

NY: Local Firearms Community Bands Together In Wake Of Hurricane Sandy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Long Island, the premier online gathering place for firearms enthusiasts in the greater New York area, reacted to 'Super Storm' Sandy by providing its members and online visitors with an online discussion board dedicated to storm news and networking for recovery." ...

"Through the boards, members and visitors were able to get information about the storm itself, where they could find food, water, ice, gasoline, generators, and other vital supplies in their towns. In addition, members are able to network and pool resources to help one another out." ...

CA: Gunman kills 1, wounds 3 at Calif. poultry plant
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"A parolee who killed two people and wounded two others on Tuesday at a California chicken processing plant where he worked moved methodically between his first three victims, putting a handgun against their head or neck before pulling the trigger, police said."

"Lawrence Jones shot 32-year-old Fatima Lopez in the back as she tried to flee then put the gun to the head of Estevan Catano and pulled the trigger but was out of bullets, Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer said."

"Jones, 42, then went outside the Valley Protein plant, where he reloaded his gun, shot himself and died later at a hospital, the chief said." ...

There are other things so clearly out of the power of Congress, that the bare recital of them is sufficient, I mean the "...rights of bearing arms for defence, or for killing game..." These things seem to have been inserted among their objections, merely to induce the ignorant to believe that Congress would have a power over such objects and to infer from their being refused a place in the Constitution, their intention to exercise that power to the oppression of the people. —ALEXANDER WHITE (1787)

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