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Newslinks for 11/8/2003

Attorney who has been spearheading work on Silveira dies
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"Roy Lucas, a lawyer who helped fashion the 'right to privacy' legal argument used in Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion in the United States, died on Monday in Prague. He was 61 and lived in Washington."

"The cause was a heart attack, said his sister, Mary E. Lucas. She said her brother was in the Czech Republic doing research."

Roy Lucas was a brilliant constitutional scholar, who has been leading research to take Silveira vs. Lockyer to the Supreme Court.

His dedication, his insatiable quest for knowledge and his strength and passion will be sorely missed.

Guns and Feminism
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Dr. Yeagley made a crucial point when he wrote, 'In modern America, women seem to have turned against their own men over the gun issue.' Women have, in fact, formed the backbone of the modern gun-ban movement. And ideological feminists have provided much of the leadership. To give but one example, when John Ashcroft was undergoing nomination hearings for the post of Attorney General, one of the loudest voices speaking against him was Patricia Ireland, then president of the National Organization for Women (NOW), and one of her chief objections to Ashcroft was that he supported gun rights."

Whose Watchdog?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"...Proposing that American gun-rights advocates confer with the United Nations is not only a waste of time and resources that are needed at home, but also lends such venues unearned legitimacy--as if the UN should have any stance on American liberty other than to shut up and learn."

"Calling the WFSA a 'progun watchdog' mischaracterizes the organization's stated positions and objectives. A watchdog should be expected to snarl and sound the call to arms, attacking when boundaries are breached--instead of being toothless and conciliatory, conferring with intruders and ceding to them 'reasonable' trespass concessions."

MO: Judge Rules Against Concealed Guns Measure
Submitted by: Lindy Cox

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"A St. Louis judge on Friday permanently barred Missouri's concealed guns law from taking effect, saying it violates the state constitution." ...

"The ruling by Circuit Judge Steven Ohmer made permanent an injunction against the law, which lawmakers approved in September by overriding a veto by Gov. Bob Holden. A statement from Ohmer said the law violates Article I, Section 23 of the Missouri Constitution that states the right to bear arms 'shall not justify the wearing of concealed weapons.' "

"Ohmer granted a temporary injunction Oct. 10 blocking the concealed guns law, which would have taken effect the following day."

CCRKBA: Schumer Gets Civil Liberties Infringement Prize
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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" 'Sen. Charles E. Schumer of New York gets the Civil Liberties Infringement Prize for his leadership in blocking an up-or-down judicial confirmation vote today on the nomination of Alabama Attorney General Bill Pryor,' John Michael Snyder, public affairs director of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA), said here this afternoon." ...

"Snyder, named Dean of gun lobbyists by national media, noted that, 'Schumer has taken the Senate helm in blocking the will of the people. As the arrogant chieftain of the Senate nay-sayers, he is the real Senator No. A genuine reactionary.' "

Score Another Success For Grassroots Lobbying
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A recent article was devoted to what seemed to The Hill as a surprising story: Gun Owners of America has stalled an education bill that passed the Senate 90-0."

"The bill, H.R. 1078, would throw $25,000,000 dollars at the left-wing history establishment to run so-called Presidential Academies. The Academies would train teachers how to teach the new history and civics standards mandated by the federal government."

"...The GOA e-mail list was notified of the bill, and the members of the House of Representatives immediately began to hear from their constituents."

The boy and his gun
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Boys are the littlest "gun nuts." For them, joy is a good cap gun. If it shoots something, makes a big bang or looks fearsome, boys love it. Many parents have seen their ambition to keep their boys from toy guns frustrated by their kids' unstoppable trigger fingers. If denied a toy gun, a boy is liable to use a stick, or bite his sandwich into the shape of a gun, or pretend to shoot with his sister's Barbie doll. As the essayist G.K. Chesterton wrote back when bows and arrows were the issue, "No society, claiming to be sane, would have dreamed of supposing that you could abolish all bows unless you could abolish all boys."

Insidious judicial activism through foreign laws
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Nothing in the Constitution suggests that the Court has any authority whatsoever to rely on the decisions of international courts in rendering its own decisions. If the highest court in the land can just fabricate bases upon which to decide cases, our entire legal system, the structural framework for our Republic, is in grave jeopardy."

"How is it that such justices do not understand that when they rely on extra-constitutional authority, they are arrogating to themselves power not granted to them in the Constitution, but more importantly, divesting the American people of their sovereignty?"

CA: Prowler lying low, but police remain on alert
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Petaluma officers are continuing to rack up overtime hours to protect eastside residents from another attack by a man believed responsible for at least 10 home invasions over the past six months." ...

"Police cautioned residents about trying to take matters into their own hands if they confronted the intruder in their house. Their advice was to keep doors and windows locked and call 911 -- not buy a gun and shoot the prowler."

Let's get this straight. The police have obviously been inept at catching this guy for the past six months. But they don't want people taking responsibility for their own safety, and would prefer that they dial 911 and wait for yet more ineptitude to occur,

How the IRS violates its own code
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"It's about time something nudged the people of this nation out of their self induced comas to face a harsh reality: Our servant government (both Republicans and Democrats) have lied to you for the past eight decades regarding the income tax. The IRS cannot handle the situation any longer, so they are resorting to unlawful enforcement actions and using the 'mainstream media' to instill even greater fear in the American people."

"The big lie is that the income tax applies to domestic Americans, when it fact, it does not. The powers that be know the American people simply don't want to believe that their favorite politicians, ...have been lying to them."

The New World Order: Destroy America!
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"America is in big trouble, and we cannot vote ourselves out of it. Our political system is the problem, and voting is a totally ineffectual part of that problem insofar as the American people are concerned. Voting is a mere distraction for the gullible, uninformed unwashed masses, serving only to restrain the citizenry from taking a more meaningful approach. The people making our foreign policy that is bringing US closer to nuclear World War III weren’t even elected by the people! Why would a government and political system as corrupt and tyrannical as ours allow voting to deter its primary objective? And what is that objective today?"

Australia: Rifles, shotguns taken in break-in
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A NUMBER of guns were stolen from a secured steel cabinet in the NSW southern highlands, NSW police said today.

Four rifles and two shotguns were stolen from the private premises at Marulan, police media said.

The break-in occurred between 7pm (AEDT) on Thursday and midday yesterday (AEDT).

Anyone with information on the break-in and theft, or the whereabouts of the firearms, is asked to contact the police.


Australia: Four men wanted over armed home invasion
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Western Australian police say four men have been threatened in their home in the Perth suburb of St James early this morning by men wielding hand guns and a baton."

"Four offenders wearing balaclavas forced their way into the two-storey house through a rear door and held the victims at gunpoint, demanding cash and valuables."

"They escaped in two cars stolen from the property."


SC: Gun-Wielding Cops Conduct Drug Sweep At School
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A drug sweep Wednesday morning at a South Carolina school has some parents and students questioning police tactics."

"Surveillance video from Stratford High School in Goose Creek shows 14 officers, some with guns drawn, ordering students to lie the ground as police searched for marijuana. Students who didn't comply with the orders quickly enough were reportedly handcuffed."

"Police didn't find any criminals in the armed sweep, but they say search dogs smelled drugs on a dozen backpacks."

"The school's principal defended the dramatic sweep."

Americans Demand Increased Governmental Protection From Selves (Humor)
Submitted by: Richter

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"NEW YORK—Alarmed by the unhealthy choices they make every day, more and more Americans are calling on the government to enact legislation that will protect them from their own behavior."

"Beginning with seatbelt legislation in the 1970s, concern over dangerous behavior has resulted in increased governmental oversight of private activities. Burnie and Haverchuk are only two of a growing number of citizens who argue that legislation should be enacted to protect them from their own bad habits and poor decisions."

NY: School aims for safe use of guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"They may not hit all their targets, but the Eisenhower High School students in marksmanship class appear to be masters of discipline as they dutifully follow the commands of their military instructors.

"And that's the aim of this shooting exercise--to promote self-control and safe handling of weapons."

TX: 10-year-old accidentally kills friend with shotgun
Submitted by: Lyndell Rottmann

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"A 10-year-old boy was accidentally shot to death by his 10-year-old friend Thursday while they were left unattended with a loaded shotgun in a north Houston townhome, police said." ...

"The friend's parents had left the boys alone for 10 to 20 minutes while they went to a store, homicide Sgt. H.L. Welch said." ...

"Detectives said the boy found the weapon in a bedroom after his parents left."

"Story said people who keep weapons in their homes have a responsibility."

" 'Kids are kids, they always want to try things,' Story said. 'A gun is not a toy.' "

TX: HISD denies report it held back data on school crime
Submitted by: Lyndell Rottmann

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"The Houston Independent School District has underreported crime statistics to the state for at least the past four years..."

"According to the New York Times, police officers in 80 middle and high schools in HISD have recorded 3,091 assaults over the past four years, but only 761 assaults were listed on annual disciplinary summaries sent to the Texas Education Agency."

" 'They're cooking the books,' said Michael Witkowski, [who served in] a suit filed by parents of a student stabbed to death at Deady Middle School."

" 'There are dozens of crimes in Houston schools that you will not see on any official document,' Witkowski said. 'Teachers are assaulted, students are beaten up, and these things do not make it into the reports.' "

TX: Police Officers Disciplined For Fishing While On Duty
Submitted by: Bob Wolfley

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Five Austin, Texas, police officers have been disciplined for going fishing while they were supposed to be protecting a power plant against possible terrorism.

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The Austin American-Statesman obtained memos showing the officers were suspended last month for fishing while on duty at a power plant on Lake Walter E. Long. The newspaper says a lieutenant and a sergeant were among those suspended for one to 30 days.

A sixth officer -- a sergeant -- was suspended for not reporting the others. Details on his suspension weren't available because he's appealing his punishment.

The report says the officers were spotted in uniform at least once cleaning the fish they had just caught. Assistant Police Chief Rick Coy tells the newspaper -- "Quite frankly, we are very disappointed."

The fishing had reportedly gone on for a year without action.

PA: Police: Man shoots intruder
Submitted by: Jeffrey A. Yerkes

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"After one of the home’s occupants opened the door, the two men forced their way in, baring guns and demanding money, police said. Reports said the man police have not yet arrested pointed what witnesses said was a sawed-off shotgun at the two people in the living room. Neal, meanwhile, left the living room and went to the home’s master bedroom, police said."

"Inside the bedroom, police said Neal threatened the two occupants who were in bed. According to police, Neal threatened to shoot or beat them with a pistol if they did not give him money."

"Police said one of the bedroom’s occupants, Omar Reid, 25, reached out of bed, grabbed a pistol from the dresser and shot Neal as Neal shot at him."

OH: Poll: Republicans making gains - BUT NOT IN OHIO
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"A year before Election Day, the number of people who identify themselves as Republicans is significantly larger than when George W. Bush was elected president, particularly in several pivotal states such as Florida and Michigan that often prove decisive in close contests."

"They lost ground in two swing states, New Hampshire and Ohio. [NO candidate has ever become President without winning Ohio]."

OH: Statehouse 'Defense' Walk coming in Columbus!
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"Ohioans For Concealed Carry has announced that activists from across the state who are interested in protesting legislative obstruction of concealed carry reform will 'openly carry' their sidearms in downtown Columbus, November 12 at 2:00 p.m."

" 'People from every corner of the state have been contacting me for weeks about wanting to do a Walk near the Statehouse,' said Valentino. 'We look forward to offering a peaceful, silent statement to our elected officials as they return for session.' "

OH: Social worker raped while investigating a case at an Akron
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"The 27-year-old social worker was at Marshall's apartment to discuss a case plan with Marshall and his child's mother. Marshall was the only one home when the social worker arrived."

"She stayed and explained Marshall's case plan to him."

"As she prepared to leave, Marshall grabbed her by the throat and pulled one of her arms behind her. He then took the woman into the dining room and showed her a suicide note he had written."

"Marshall forced her into the living room and raped her on a mattress." ...

"Social workers usually enter homes without weapons or police escort. They learn to be careful about where they park so they don't get blocked in. They keep their eye on the front door at all times. They are taught to follow parents downstairs, so they don't get pushed and climb the stairs ahead of parents so they don't get locked in a basement."

UK: Police Charge Man over Gun Haul
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A 36-year-old man has been charged with firearms offences after a police raid on a suburban home, Scotland Yard said tonight.

Paul Henry Packham was charged with possessing 60 illegal firearms, seven converted handguns, 175 rounds of ammunition and a stun baton.

He was also charged with production of cannabis and possession of the drug with intent to supply, Scotland Yard said.

Packham, from Wickham Lane, Plumstead, south east London, will appear at Greenwich Magistrates Court tomorrow.

PA: Ex-cop, gun dealer plead guilty to weapons offenses
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A former part-time police officer who plotted to blow up a county courthouse and the man charged with illegally selling him guns both pleaded guilty to federal weapons offenses on Thursday."

"Edward J. Nesgoda, of Tamaqua, told an ex-girlfriend and a fellow prison inmate he wanted to blow up the Schuylkill County Courthouse in retaliation for a child-support order, Assistant U.S. Attorney Christy Fawcett said." ...

"Nesgoda pleaded guilty to possession of 19 unregistered hand grenades, which are destructive devices under federal law, and other items in a deal that capped his potential sentence at 10 years and a fine of $250,000."

NY: Mugger goes free, victim arrested
Submitted by: Lyndell Rottmann

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"He survived a violent mugging, but now 80-year-old Lester Campbell faces criminal charges for defending himself with an unlicensed gun."

"The frail octogenarian told WABC-TV he relies on the .38-caliber pistol given to him by his mother for protection when he cashes his Social Security checks."

Philippines: Airport Gun Battle Leaves Two Dead
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Police in the Philippine capital of Manila have shot dead the country’s former top aviation regulator and another gunman after the pair seized the city’s airport control tower, according to airport security chief Angel Atotubo."

"The two gunmen reportedly claimed they wanted to expose government corruption."

UK: Man Dies in Latest Gun Attack
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A man was shot dead today in the latest attack in a wave of gun crime that has blighted a city’s streets.

The man was in the Radford area of Nottingham at around 1pm when he was fatally wounded in a firearms incident, police said.

He was taken to hospital where he was pronounced dead shortly afterwards.

A spokesman for Nottinghamshire Police said officers had sealed off the area around Pebble Street, where the incident occurred, and inquiries were ongoing.

AZ: Boy with gun felt threat from gang
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A Carson Junior High School student arrested Wednesday for taking a loaded gun to school told police it was to scare off rival gang members who planned to rape female members of his gang. The 12-year-old seventh grader is facing up to a year in juvenile detention for allegedly taking his stepfather's .38-caliber pistol to school."

FL: Mother to sue, claiming principal pointed toy gun at student
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"When a school insists on zero tolerance for students carrying weapons, the same standard should apply to administrators, said the mother of a seventh-grader whose principal is accused of pointing a toy gun at him."

"The mother's attorney filed an intent to sue the Palm Beach County School District on Thursday, saying Okeeheelee Middle School Principal David Samore should be fired for allegedly holding a toy gun to a student's neck on Oct. 28. The 13-year-old had been accused of carrying a gun to school, but administrators never found one, said Richard Ryles, the family's attorney."

IA: Federal Funds to Help Solve Iowa’s Gun Crimes
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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The Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation is getting a federal financial boost to help solve gun crimes.

The $78,000 grant will be used to place additional information in a national database to help solve those crimes.

It will also fund overtime for the processing of new cases.

DCI agents say the grant will help in their ability to focus more attention toward identifying and processing guns, ammo, and shell casings found at crime scenes.


UK: Ex-wife snitches out man for owning a firearm without permission from the nanny state
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A FORMER gun-club member is awaiting sentence after he illegally kept an antique rifle and a shotgun at his Kesgrave home.

Roderick Bestwick appeared before magistrates in Ipswich where he admitted having an Enfield .303 rifle and a double-barrelled shotgun without a firearm certificate.

The items were found in a garage of his Laurel Avenue home after Bestwick's estranged wife tipped off police.

Australia: Sydney gun spree
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A police crackdown on gun-related crime appears to have had little immediate impact, with a spate of armed robberies across Sydney last night."

"Bandits brandishing handguns and shotguns made off with cash and jewellery in four separate raids – all within a few hours, NSW Police said today."


Canada: Gun left in bathroom by security guard
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"City of Kawartha Lakes OPP were called to the coffee shop shortly before 11:30 a.m. Thursday after OPP say a female customer went into the washroom, where a loaded 38-calibre handgun stared back at her from the top of the toilet."

" 'The person located the gun at which time it was given to an employee in the best interests of public safety,' said OPP Const. Ted Schendera. He says the woman put the weapon in her purse to carry it to the counter."

"In the midst of their investigation, OPP say a call came in from a female employee of Peterborough-based Securicor Armoured Car Service, saying a gun had been left in the washroom by mistake."

"The female later showed at the OPP detachment where she was arrested."

NJ: Lockdown blamed on mishearing 'gun' for 'done'
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"An alleged threat that caused a temporary lockdown of two New Paltz schools Wednesday turned out to be a misunderstanding, district officials and police said Thursday."

"District officials began emergency procedures at the middle school and Lenape Elementary School after they thought a parent of three children in the school district threatened to return with a gun when he was not allowed to remove one of his children from school, Superintendent Alan Derry said."

"A school staffer overheard the conversation and mistook the man's frustrated declaration of 'I'm done' with 'a gun,' prompting a lockdown of both schools for the next two hours, Derry said."

UK: 999 Gun Scare
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A TEENAGER 'mucking about' with a toy gun in the street scared a witness so much he called the police.

Engineer Janek Sobotmickie dialled 999 after he saw Michael Taylor apparently cocking a gun in Stirling's Springkerse industrial estate on October 9.

Yesterday, Stirling Sheriff Court heard that Taylor told police: 'It is only a toy. I was mucking about.'

Taylor, 19, of Grangemouth, admitted breach of the peace. Sentence was deferred for reports.

WI: Override of gun bill veto uncertain
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Wisconsin's 130-year-old ban on carrying concealed weapons would end under legislation the state Assembly passed Thursday."

"The bill passed the Assembly 64-35 - or two votes shy of the two-thirds needed to override a veto by Gov. Jim Doyle. The Senate approved the legislation last month by a margin of 24-8. It would take 22 votes in the Senate to override a veto.
Gov. Jim Doyle has said Wisconsin is one of the safest states in the nation, in part because of the ban."

UT: Former Arizona sheriff runs for Utah governor as Libertarian
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Richard Mack, a former Arizona sheriff and unsuccessful candidate for Utah County sheriff, has announced he will run as a Libertarian for governor of Utah." ...

"Mack, 50, a former Graham County, Ariz., sheriff and Second Amendment activist, said he opposed fluoridation, called the federal anti-terrorist Patriot Act 'an unconstitutional abomination,' and said Utah's federal land ownership was 'an absolute disgrace.' "

"The governor can do a lot more to stand against federal intervention and usurpation. ...I'm going to be the states' rights governor."

God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it. — DANIEL WEBSTER (1834)

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