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Newslinks for 11/9/2005

Targeting D.C. Gun Laws
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Not satisfied to be a Republican congressman from Indiana, Rep. Mark Edward Souder also enjoys assuming the role of D.C. Council member, a role in which he -- with guidance from the National Rifle Association -- can try to decide which laws should be on the District's books. Last year Mr. Souder and the NRA tried, but failed, to destroy the ability of D.C. leaders to enact anti-gun laws. They are at it again, drawing a bead on the city's gun safety laws. Unless respect for the rights of D.C. residents to make their own laws -- and common sense about gun safety -- prevails on Capitol Hill, by week's end the city's sensible and broadly supported gun safety law will be history. Congress must not let that happen." ...

VA: Mothers take up issue of children's shootings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Eighty-one shirts flap in the wind on Park Street, a reminder of children’s lives lost."

"Kara Gloeckner, the mother of a boy killed in an accidental shooting in Greene County, decided the week preceding Election Day was a good time to display the shirts, which represent the number of Virginia children killed by guns in 2003, the latest year such statistics are available." ...

"Gloeckner said she’s tried to focus her message on gun safety rather than gun control because people of all political stripes agree that safety measures are vital."

"Both the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and the National Rifle Association agree that guns should be locked, unloaded and inaccessible to children at home, Gloeckner noted." ...

Unresolved Problems Segment (O'Reilly on Guns)
Submitted by: Randy Hudson

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"San Franciscans will vote Tuesday on an initiative to ban handguns, and another symbolic resolution opposing military recruiting in public schools. Politician and pundit Angela Alioto argued in favor of both measures. 'We do not want to have guns in the city of San Francisco, period. You can protect your property and your family and your property without a gun.'... The Factor forcefully challenged Alioto on both issues. 'Once I saw what happened in Hurricane Katrina, I said every American household should have a firearm. If there's a tremendous earthquake in San Francisco and looting, you don't want your family protected? You don't want a firearm in your house? You're living in the world of Oz. ...'"

Power to the People: The Brazilian public has spoken, and they want their guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The solution to Brazil’s high murder rate seemed obvious to the Brazilian government, the media, and United Nations: Ban guns. They all went to great efforts to pass an initiative doing just that last Sunday, but in the end almost two thirds of Brazil’s voters rejected the proposal."

"It is hard for most Americans to imagine what Brazilians are facing. For the most recent detailed numbers, the U.S. murder rate was 5.5 per 100,000 people in 2004. For Brazil it was 28.3 in 2002. That’s just a little less than three times the record U.S. murder rate at the height of prohibition in 1933." ...

WI: Does state law offer enough self-defense?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rock County District Attorney David O'Leary made a good call in deciding not to charge Dr. Michael Rainiero for shooting an intruder in his Janesville home last week."

"The decision was far from a no-brainer."

"After all, when O'Leary announced his decision Friday, law enforcement had not yet interviewed Kurt E. Prochaska, the Janesville man who fell through Rainero's living room ceiling after prying an exhaust fan off the roof."

"After all, Prochaska was shot in the back, near the spine."

"After all, Wisconsin has no 'Make My Day' or 'Stand Your Ground' law."

"Still, as O'Leary noted, the shooting was reasonable and justified because Rainiero was entitled to self-defense and to protect his family. ..." ...

CA: San Francisco, Home to Movies' 'Dirty Harry,' May Ban Handguns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"San Francisco, the city where Clint Eastwood's 'Dirty Harry' character bragged about his .44 Magnum, may ban handguns."

"Voters going to the polls today will decide on Proposition H, an initiative that would bar the sale of handguns and ammunition and require residents to hand over those they own by April 1. Proponents say the prohibition is needed to curb crime in a city that had 88 homicides last year, the most in a decade."

"The National Rifle Association said it plans to sue as early as tomorrow to block the law, which would be the most restrictive measure of its kind in the U.S. The NRA and other opponents of Proposition H said the law would encourage burglaries and lead to illegal gun trafficking." ...

OH: Supporters seek changes in concealed carry law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Supporters of Ohio's Concealed Carry law hope to tweak the relatively young law by cleaning up some of its language and offering anonymity to some Ohioans."

"New legislation introduced in the Ohio House of Representatives would clarify language that specifies how a gun is carried in a motor vehicle and allow Ohioans a chance to keep their permit information from public eyes if they fear for their lives." ...

"Opponents of concealed-carry legislation express disbelief of his and other supporters' motives."

"'It's exactly as we predicted,' said Toby Hoover, executive director of the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence. 'They'd have settled for any bill to come back later and tweak it.'" ...

IN: Judge uses new law to take guns from Carmel man
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A judge today blocked a Carmel man's attempt to retrieve his legally-owned guns from police custody.

The ruling by Hamilton Superior Court Judge Steve Nation may be the first use of a new state law enacted after the 2004 slaying of an Indianapolis policeman by a rampaging mental patient.

Carmel resident Brian Sloan, 39, appeared before Nation today to request the return of his .410 shotgun and 22-caliber rifle.

Both had been seized by Carmel police on Sept. 7 after Sloan's mother called them to report her son armed and drunk and in need of medical attention.

PA: Rifle vs. shotgun study hits a financial snag
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More than seven months after state lawmakers approved a study to determine whether eliminating rifle use among Lehigh Valley deer hunters would improve public safety, the project remains in limbo amid ongoing concerns about its cost."

"House members voted 187-4 March 30 to approve a resolution authorizing the study. The resolution instructed the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to conduct the study and present a written and oral report to the House Game and Fisheries Committee within 180 days."

"That deadline passed six weeks ago, yet the study has yet to even begin. Philip Durgin ... said the state solicited proposals from private risk-assessment firms and received just one bid that topped $400,000." ...

OH: Bow, arrow decision tabled
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"City Council voted 6-2 Monday night to table an ordinance that would restrict the use of bows and arrows here, after hearing more than 90 minutes of discussion and comments from residents."

"An existing ordinance bans the discharge of weapons - including air guns - that fire bullets, shot, slugs, paintballs or other hard substances, said Steve Hensley, police chief and city administrator. The proposal would add bows and arrows to the law."

"The city addressed the issue after a July 22 incident in which a resident's cat was pierced with an arrow."

"About a dozen residents spoke Monday in opposition to the revised ordinance." ...

TN: One Dead, Two Injured In High School Shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A student shot and killed an assistant principal and wounded two other administrators Tuesday at a high school in Jacksboro, Tenn.

The teenage gunman was in custody Tuesday afternoon.

One of his victims reportedly tackled him and wrested the gun away.

The student had reportedly hidden the pistol under a napkin before the shooting.

The two injured administrators were flown by helicopter to a hospital in Knoxville.

No students were injured.

Parents rushed to the school as word of the shooting spread to take their children home.

FL: Student Accused Of Bringing Gun, Bullets To Central Fla. School
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A student in Volusia County, Fla., was arrested Tuesday after a gun and bullets were found in his backpack, police told Local 6 News.

Officials said John Allen, 17, brought a .38-caliber revolver to Pine Ridge High School in Volusia.

The gun and bullets were found locked in Allen's locker, according to the report.

Police do not believe Allen planned to use the weapon.

Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.

US military sets laser PHASRs to stun
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The US government has unveiled a 'non-lethal' laser rifle designed to dazzle enemy personnel without causing them permanent harm. But the device will require close scrutiny to ensure compliance with a United Nations protocol on blinding laser weapons."

"The Personnel Halting and Stimulation Response (PHASR) rifle was developed at the Air Force Research Laboratory in New Mexico, US, and two prototypes have been delivered to military bases in Texas and Virginia for further testing."

"The US Department of Defense (DoD) believes the weapon could be used, for example, to temporarily blind suspects who drive through a roadblock. ..." ...

FL: Child safety first -- Programs aim to teach students about guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There is this trick with a bang that Ocala police Cpl. Ella Daniels likes to play on elementary students in her presentations for D.A.R.E., a drug abuse and violence prevention program."

"She brings to class a large glass case of confiscated Glocks, pistols and Uzis ... She asks the class what they would do if they found one of them."

"As the children take several seconds to decide, she pops a giant balloon hidden behind the display. She watches in bitter amusement as the children jump or scream - just before they start to giggle at the sight of her raising the shreds of balloon. ..."

"'Seconds,' Daniels shouts to the students, 'that's how long it takes for a gun to accidentally go off in your hand.'" ...

Submitter's Note: HORSE PUCKEY! Guns don't "accidentally go off in your hand" unless you pull the trigger!

NY: Fired professor gets gun license, collection back
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A fired Westchester Community College instructor waging a free-speech battle against college officials is no danger to them or anyone else and may have a gun license ..."

"Patrick Munroe's gun collection was seized after a pair of arrests on trespassing and harassment charges at the college in early 2004. The county moved to revoke Munroe's pistol license, but Westchester County Judge Barbara Zambelli denied the motion last week and ordered the county to return his guns."

"'Before this application was filed, he held a pistol license for more than 32 years without incident,' Zambelli wrote ... 'His writings ... are primarily satirical, and any attempt to characterize them as threats must be based on misinterpretation."

New Zealand: Police in court over brutality
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police in South Auckland are again on trial accused of brutality and facing various assault charges."

"A woman who has given evidence in the trial of the officers says she was beaten up by police after her niece was spotted with a toy gun."

"The woman, who has permanent identity suppression, also told the court how a seven-year-old relative had a gun held to his chest." ...

"Crown Prosecutor Steve Bonnar told the court when the officers arrived at the house of the complainant one of them allegedly held a gun up to the chest of a seven-year-old boy before the occupants of the house were told to get out or be shot."

"Later the woman was allegedly pepper sprayed, punched, kicked and hit on the head with a rifle butt." ...

France: Paris police fear rioters' heavy arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police officers, exhausted and dispirited after 11 nights of street battles, say their mainly young African and Arab adversaries have access to sophisticated weapons including grenades and could soon begin using them."

"A dozen officers were injured, two of them seriously, after being shot with hunting rifles fitted with lead pellets during rioting last night in the suburb of Grigny, south of Paris, police said."

"Jean-Christophe Carne, president of a police trade union, told The Washington Times before last night's outbreak that police officers were increasingly pessimistic that civic order would be restored anytime soon." ...

NV: A Gun And a Dream
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Its founder billed it as a Disneyland for gun enthusiasts, a 550-acre master planned community with a shooting range as the draw. The concept was unveiled in the late 1990s, complete with artist renderings and a miniature model. Today, the model remains on site but so far it’s the only house there."

"'The safest community in America,' that was the pitch to people seeking a home at the Front Sight Firearms Training Institute. For upwards of $200,000 members were promised a one-acre luxury home site in an exclusive resort. Instead they got a thank you letter, a baseball hat and a map of a lot they don't own." ...

IL: The guns may be rare, but customer service isn't
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Fast forward to 2005 and zip inland to the peaceful little town of Stonington and we find gun dealer Doug Dilbeck. He runs an old-fashioned gun shop called the Outdoor Connection in a former launderette and has no plans to add on rooms to elude supernatural visitations. 'I don't believe in ghosts,' says Dilbeck, 49."

"Which is just as well."

"Because if ever phantoms were prone to haunt weaponry, they would be wreathed around some of the deadly hardware on the Outdoor Connection's walls. While catering to hunters, too, Dilbeck offers a specialist line in military weapons, many of them vintage pieces aimed at the serious gun enthusiast." ...

WI: Deer hunt eclipses politics in November
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In less than two weeks, nearly 100,000 Milwaukee-area men and women will engage in an annual rite involving firearms and family -- forgetting, if they even cared, about government, politics and the '06 election year. I will be proud to again be among them and pledge to be part of no press release issued during this hallowed time."

"A week from this Thursday and Friday, Highway 41 and Interstates 43, 39, 90 and 94 will be packed with blaze orange-clad, rifle-toting friends and families heading north from southeast Wisconsin. For the yearly whitetail deer season is not only a tradition for rural Wisconsin, it's as much a part of the Milwaukee-area way of life as beer and brats." ...

NC: Bulldogs Finish Second in Raleigh
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The Citadel rifle squad finished second at a NCAA and Southeastern Air Rifle Conference match over the weekend in Raleigh, NC.

In the NCAA segment of the match, the Citadel finished with a mark of 2238. Host North Carolina State finished first with a mark of 2266 and Wofford placed third at 2093.

The SEARC portion also went to the Wolfpack at 2266, 24 points ahead of the Bulldogs. North Georgia College placed behind The Citadel with a mark of 2157 and Wofford finished fourth at 2102.

Women's team captain Amara Atella paced the Bulldogs with a score of 571-19.

After nearly a month off, the Citadel will return to action on December 3 for a home match against VMI.

Brazil: A Second Opinion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In this article we present some replies to John Fitzpatrick's article, Brazilians Vote for Guns and Death Not Peace and Love, on the final vote in the gun referendum."

"The first response is by Kevin Smith:"

"I would like to write a few words regarding John Fitzpatrick's emotional reaction to the recent referendum on the gun laws."

"As a long time resident of Brazil, I've been on the wrong end of a gun more than once and have even been shot at. But then I've been shot at elsewhere as well."

"John‘s article begs the question "'f guns had been banned, would the violence have gone away?' I don't think that anyone would answer this with a 'Yes'." ...

India: Self-defence no licence for excess
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Self-defence is no alibi for disproportionate use of force. In a ruling that puts the right to self- defence in perspective, the Supreme Court has said that causing more harm than required to the aggressor can land you in trouble."

"The court also ruled that the aggressor party cannot, on the basis of injury received during the clash, claim it inflicted blows on the other party in self-defence." ...

Canada: Weapons Enforcement Unit aims to nab guns at the source
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A point you might want to keep in mind - the OPP's Provincial Weapons Enforcement Unit (PWEU) are not the guys to call to register your guns."

"These are the officers who deal with 'crime guns'; the weapons on the streets that go hand in hand with drug operations and translate, like drugs, into huge profits."

"Detective/Constable Jean Bureau brought a selection of deactivated, illegal weapons to show participants of the Police and Community Together Program (PACT) for its final session in Bobcaygeon last Wednesday night."

"'Drugs and guns go hand in hand,' the officer explained. 'It's big business with huge profits. It's our business to shut down the sources of these guns.'" ...

UK: Animal rights lobby now 'significant' threat to game shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Game shooting is facing its most significant threat ever due to growing opposition from the animal rights lobby, a rural business leader has warned."

"Oliver Harwood, head of rural economy at the Country Land and Business Association, expressed his concerns for the future of the sport at a meeting of the Landed Estates Forum at Coughton Court in Warwickshire."

"He called on gamekeepers and landowners to self-regulate and ensure they follow the Code of Good Shooting Practice."

"Mr Harwood said animal rights groups had vast resources and had sent every MP and sitting peer information of controversial practices in game rearing." ...

France: State of Emergency Declared in France
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"President Jacques Chirac declared a state of emergency Tuesday, paving the way for curfews to be imposed on riot-hit cities and towns in an extraordinary measure to halt France's worst civil unrest in decades after 12 nights of violence." ...

Submitters Note: When citizens are not allowed to be an armed militia, the police alone cannot control the rioting that has spread to 300 cities in France.

A man may conduct himself well in both adversity and good fortune, but if you want to test his character, give him power. —ABRAHAM LINCOLN

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