David Codrea: Red's Update
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Idaho Ordnance
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... "Here's my email to the OIG:"
"Mr. Fine,
I for one am sick of these unelected bullies and their arbitrary standards designed to harass honest gun shop owners out of existence.
If you want to see some examples of what I'm talking about, just click on the following link. I have publicly designated them as BATFU, because that exemplifies their attitude better than anything else I can think of.
Shame on the Bush administration, which was put in power in hair's-breadth elections TWICE by gun owners, to allow this abuse of power to happen on its watch." |
A Texas gun rights Hero - Dr. Suzanna Gratia Hupp
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"One of my favorite gun rights quotes was coined by Dr. Suzanna Hupp one of many great heroes of gun rights advocacy. Her efforts were a major force in getting the Texas legislature to pass their shall issue CCW law in 1995 that finally 'allowed' it's citizens to keep & bear arms ..." ...
"On to my favorite Dr. Suzanna Gratia Hupp quote:"
"How a politician stands on the Second Amendment tells you how he or she views you as an individual… as a trustworthy and productive citizen, or as part of an unruly crowd that needs to be lorded over, controlled, supervised, and taken care of." ... |
Gun ownership high, violence low in Finland
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Finland, a country with a high number of guns but a low rate of gun violence, appeared stunned by a school shooting that left eight people dead and may consider revising its accommodating gun laws, Finnish experts said Wednesday."
"'This is quite a low-crime society in general,' said Jan-Olof Nyholm, executive chief superintendent for the Finnish National Bureau of Investigation. 'This type of tragedy hasn't happened (often).'"
"Finnish Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen said the government will review its gun laws. 'Definitely this will impact opinions about handguns,' he said." ... |
A Question of Commas in D.C. Gun Case. Period.
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"When Supreme Court justices sit down Friday to ponder whether they should rule on the constitutionality of Washington, D.C.'s strict gun control ordinance, they should be forewarned that they are stepping into a quagmire."
"No, not the political quagmire over gun control. Another suddenly intense debate is enveloping the case -- this one over what all those commas in the Second Amendment meant in late 18th-century America."
"... The grammar war is under way."
"You can blame the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit for igniting this esoteric debate. It ruled on March 9 that because of the Second Amendment's second comma, the first half of the amendment ... is basically a throat-clearing preface ..." ... |
Keep the District’s gun ban alive
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"This Friday, the Supreme Court will decide whether or not to hear Mayor Adrian Fenty's (D) appeal to overturn a March ruling that declared D.C.'s handgun ban unconstitutional. If the Court chooses not to take the case, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals’ March decision will stand, and the gun ban will be dead. The Supreme Court should take Fenty’s case and uphold the constitutionality of the District’s gun ban."
"The March ruling 'marked the first time that a federal appeals court has struck down a gun regulation on the grounds that the Second Amendment protects an individual's rights to bear arms,' according to a press release from the Mayor’s Office. ..." ... |
Supreme Court may take up D.C. handgun ban
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The Supreme Court takes aim Friday at gun control in a private conference that soon could explode publicly."
"... the high court's nine justices will consider taking a case that challenges the District of Columbia's stringent handgun ban. Their ultimate decision will shape how far other cities and states can go with their own gun restrictions."
"'If the court decides to take this up, it's very likely it will end up being the most important Second Amendment case in history,' said Dennis Henigan, the legal director for the Brady Campaign ..."
"Henigan predicted 'it's more likely than not' that the necessary four justices will vote to consider the case. The court will announce its decision Tuesday, and oral arguments could be heard next year." ... |
OK: State appeals federal ruling on workplace gun bans
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"Oklahoma has appealed an October federal court ruling that blocked enforcement of a 2004 state law that would restrict employers’ right to ban guns in the workplace. In October, U.S. District Judge Terence Kern handed down a permanent injunction, saying the 2004 statute conflicts with federal laws that protect workers on the job, including the Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1970."
"Kern’s decision was appealed to the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals by Gov. Brad Henry and Oklahoma Attorney General Drew Edmondson, who were sued in their capacities as state officials in October 2004 by Whirlpool. That company has since pulled out of the lawsuit, which is now headed up by ConocoPhillips as chief plaintiff." ... |
FL: Police: Orlando Cricket Player Shoots Opponent During Match
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"An argument between several Indian men during a cricket match in Orlando led to an on-the-field shooting that seriously injured one of the players, according to police." ...
"Officers said Singh apparently became involved in a fight and threatened Devan Bascom, 37, with a cricket bat."
"Police said Bascom then pulled a small semi-automatic gun and fired at Singh, hitting him at least once."
"'The shooter was defending himself from an attack with a cricket bat ... Orange County sheriff's Sgt. Spike Hopkins said. 'For this man to bring a firearm to a sporting event is odd but ... He has a concealed weapons permit and if, in fact, he was protecting himself, he was authorized by law to do so.'" ... -------
Submitter's Note: So, Spike, how often do you leave your weapon at home? |
NY: Shotgun blasts exchanged at Winspear Avenue home
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"A gunman fired a shot Tuesday night into a Winspear Avenue house, and the occupant retaliated by firing a shot back, police reported. No injuries were reported."
The incident happened at about 6:10 p.m. in ..."
"Northeast District police said three men dressed in black hooded shirts came to the door, repeatedly pounded and kicked on the door, and demanded that the woman inside open her door, police said."
"One of the men then fired a shotgun through her door, near the peep hole."
"When the woman used her own shotgun to return fire, the three men drove away, police reported. The woman’s shot struck a neighboring house."
"Police believe two of the men had shotguns, while the third man had a handgun." |
Exclusive: FBI: Al Qaeda May Strike U.S. Shopping Malls in LA, Chicago
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"The FBI is warning that al Qaeda may be preparing a series of holiday attacks on U.S. shopping malls in Los Angeles and Chicago, according to an intelligence report distributed to law enforcement authorities across the country this morning. (Click here for full text.)"
"The alert said al Qaeda 'hoped to disrupt the U.S. economy and has been planning the attack for the past two years.'" ...
"For the past few years, jihadist chat rooms have regularly posted comments from anonymous individuals who have suggested or boasted about similar plans to attack such soft targets as shopping malls." ... -------
KABA Note: For those who don't know a "soft target" is someplace full of disarmed sheeple. |
NY: Machete Wielding Bodega Owner Foils Robbery
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"On Wednesday night in the Woodside section of Queens, one fed up store owner simply had enough. He was being robbed at gunpoint when he decided to fight back."
"With a machete."
"Things did not turn out too well for the alleged thief."
"The would-be robber was carried dazed and bloodied from the bodega. The scene inside the store was such a mess detectives almost missed the man's severed digit lying on the linoleum."
"It was characterized as an act of resistance celebrated as street justice." ...
"Johan Martes, 47, is the alleged machete man. Police tell CBS 2 HD the robber he hacked had a handgun that was knocked from his hand with the first blow of the big blade." ... |
OH: Concealed carry could prevent rape
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"As a 26-year-old honors graduate, current student, and concealed handgun license holder, I found the editorial 'No campus arms race' a personal insult. Everyone is entitled to an opinion in a forum of free and equal exchange of ideas, but I wish to rebut some of its main points."
"First, I do not use alcohol or drugs, and neither did most of my fellow honors students, so while these are problems, brashly beginning an article by stereotyping college students is presumptuous." ... |
Finland: Eyewitness interviewed after the Finnish school shooting (with English translation)
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"-what i saw and heard... we were eating as usual in the diner and umm... we wondered why he(the killer) who apparently was behind the shootings, wasn't present."
"we were about to go for a smoke and were up the stairs when we heard shots from downstairs. maybe five or so."
"obviously we started running to duck and hide like everyone else. in panic we all ran outside. there was only one single door available for everyone to get out." ... ------- Submitter's Note: a .22 sig mosquito was used by the gunman (10 shot clip). |
Protest at CBN: Reproving Pat Robertson for Backing Rudy Giuliani; Randall Terry, Founder of Operation Rescue, to Lead Protest at CBN
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"'Mr. Roberson's endorsement of Rudy Giuliani is betrayal of the unborn children Pat Robertson is sworn to protect, and treachery of the highest order against Gospel Mr. Robertson professes to believe.'"
"'If Rudy Giuliani was a Democrat, Pat Robertson might denounce him as Satan Himself ... Rudy would be the poster boy of CBN attack ads ..."
""Rudy has perfect credentials on social issues like child-killing, partial birth abortion, federal funding for 'poor women' to have abortions, and so-called homosexual marriage or civil unions. Add to that his unblemished betrayal of the Second Amendment, and he would be a stellar Democratic candidate – with the ethical stature of Al Sharpton, Al Gore, and Hillary Clinton herself." ... |
A Constitutional Centerpiece
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"This advertisement for Representative Ron Paul, Republican of Texas, began running yesterday in New Hampshire. It is part of his first major television campaign, at a total cost of $1.1 million." ...
"SCORECARD The advertisement has a low-budget, unpolished feel, but that is unlikely to bother many of Mr. Paul’s supporters, who tend to be extremely devoted. The prominent display of the Constitution is a reminder of a centerpiece of his campaign — what he calls a strict devotion to constitutional principle, support for the Second Amendment, limited government and opposition to 'foreign entanglements' — libertarian ideals that could resonate in New Hampshire. ..." [emphasis added] |
Missouri Republican Assembly Endorses Duncan Hunter for President
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Congressman Duncan Hunter's presidential campaign continues to gain momentum as he received another endorsement, this time from the Missouri Republican Assembly (MRA) at their quarterly membership meeting. A member of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies, the MRA voted to endorse Hunter's campaign for President in the upcoming Missouri Republican primary as he represents a strong conservative choice among the other candidates seeking the Republican nomination." ...
"The MRA works to unite conservatives, both economic and social, whose interests range from tax cuts and reform to national defense, from pro-life to education concerns, from Second Amendment to national sovereignty ..." ... |
Paul rails against national debt, war in Iraq
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"Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul told students at Nashua High School South on Wednesday that President Bush and Congress has saddled their generation with record debt and an interventionist foreign policy that may lead to a military draft." ...
"The Sept. 11 terrorist attacks would never have happened had the government not over-regulated air travel, he maintained."
"'If we had followed those rules and respected the Second Amendment they would have had guns in the cockpits,' Paul said of the airline pilots."
"'The federal government says they can't have guns in cockpits. The federal government advised never to engage a hijacker. We set the stage for exactly what happened.'" ... |
VA: Virginia Election Results Good for Sensible Gun Policies
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"With Democrats taking control of the Virginia Senate and gaining seats in the General Assembly as a result of yesterday's election, the outlook for sensible gun laws in the aftermath of the Virginia Tech tragedy is improved, leaders of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence said this morning."
"'We're hopeful that Virginia's state legislature, working with Governor Kaine, can take some positive steps forward next year to make it harder for dangerous people to get guns easily,' said Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign." ... |
Carolyn McCarthy explaining what a barrel Shroud is
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This is an oldie but goody - definitely very funny. I died laughing when I first saw it. Democrat Carolyn McCarthy doesn't know what a barrel shroud is even though guns with shrouds would have been banned in legislation she sponsored this past Feb of 2007 ... When she was questioned about what a barrel shroud was or why it should be banned on an interview on NBC news she said:"
"I actually don't know what a barrel shroud is, I believe it's a shoulder thing that goes up." "Check it out for a good laugh:"
"What exactly does she have against a device that protects us from being burned? Does she own stock in some company that sells a burn relief cream or something?" |
Vote on Attorney General Nominee Michael Mukasey
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "Take another unsettled legal question: whether the Second Amendment secures an individual right to bear arms. Here is what Judge Mukasey told me: 'Based on my own study, I believe that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms.'"
"In other words, Judge Mukasey agrees with the Bush Administration when it comes to retroactive immunity and the Second Amendment. Why is he willing to take a position on these controversial issues, but unwilling to take a position on waterboarding?" ... |
OH: Wouldn't it be sad?! Castle Doctrine and our Veterans
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... "Wouldn't it be sad if one of our dedicated veterans were violently attacked, forced to defend themselves, and then treated as guilty until they could prove themselves innocent? Our WWII veterans are really up in years now and many are still living in the homes that they've had for many, many years ... Many still remember what they learned in their military training regarding defense. With the laws that are now in place should an honorable veteran be forced to use that past training to defend their family and his castle with deadly force. They'll soon be forced to 'prove' their innocence in a court of law. We've trusted our veterans to protect our liberties, why shouldn't we trust them in their decision to protect themselves and family?" ... |
An inside look at the ATF's own record keeping
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The ATF has been on an agenda of shutting dealers down over clerical errors but it has been revealed time and time again that their records are either a mess or missing."
"JPFO has just released this clip from the documentary The Gang, which I have just sent a copy to the US DOJ Office of Inspector General:" ... |
More reservists report job problems
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"Strained by extended tours in Iraq, growing numbers of military reservists say the government is providing little help to soldiers who are denied their old jobs when they return home, Defense Department data shows."
"The Pentagon survey of reservists in 2005-2006, obtained by The Associated Press, details increasing discontent among returning troops in protecting their legal rights after taking leave from work to fight for their country."
"It found that 44 percent of the reservists polled said they were dissatisfied with how the Labor Department handled their complaint of employment discrimination based on their military status, up from 27 percent from 2004." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Reading this it's not so hard to understand the mind-set of the people in government sticking it to Reds. |
Senate Judiciary Committee approves Sullivan's BATF nomination
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Red's Trading Post Inc.
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"Michael J. Sullivan, the top federal prosecutor in Massachusetts, won a key congressional approval today in his bid for the post of director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives." ...
"Sullivan has had 'the impossible responsibility' of serving in both jobs and he's 'done as good a job as one could have hoped at both. We'll miss him in Massachusetts, but he'll be a strong leader at ATF, and I look forward to working with him on key issues on gun control,' US Senator Edward M. Kennedy said in a statement."
"US Senator John Kerry said in a statement that Sullivan was a 'good law enforcement officer who should do a fine job. ... Stretched way too thin over the past year caught between two full time jobs, he's still stood out as a highly competent professional and a person of character.'" ... |
Ted Kennedy looks forward to working with ATF Director on Gun Control
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Red's Trading Post Inc.
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Acting ATF Director Michael J. Sullivan was praised again by his friends, Ted Kennedy and John Kerry. Ted couldn't have stated it clearer:
"We'll miss him in Massachusetts, but he'll be a strong leader at ATF, and I look forward to working with him on key issues on gun control,' US Senator Edward M. Kennedy said in a statement.
Sullivan was earlier commended by his friends, today he was confirmed by the Senate Judiciary Committee. His appointment now goes on to the Senate Floor.
Here is where you hold your Senators feet to the fire! Contact them and tell them you do not want a friend of Ted Kennedy's as the Director of the ATF! |
TN: Tennessee FPD and ATF test explosive technologies.
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"Local, state and federal bomb technicians hosted a demonstration for prosecutors and congressional staff members hoping to catch a glimpse of explosives investigations here and abroad."
"Those investigations dovetail as Chattanooga police, bomb and arson investigators with the Tennessee Department of Commerce's Fire Prevention Division and ATF agents from Chattanooga and Nashville work together to stay ahead of emerging trends that often begin in Middle Eastern war zones."
"It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that we're starting to see here what they're seeing (in Iraq) daily, said Lt. Woosley, commander of the police department's bomb squad."
"'We would be foolish if we weren't preparing for these things.'" ... |
OH: Ohio Police Officer in Red Thong Arrested on Sex Charges in Park Bathroom Encounter
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A 36-year-old Ohio police officer, who is married with children, is facing public indecency charges, after a park ranger allegedly caught him in a sexual act in a park's public restroom, according to a report from MyFoxCleveland.com.
The officer was allegedly wearing a red thong at the time.
In court his lawyer blamed the incident on personal problems he is trying to address. |
AR: West Memphis boy's rights weren't violated when officer shot him, feds say
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"West Memphis police officer Erik Sammis did not violate 12-year-old DeAuntae Farrow’s civil rights when he killed the child on June 22, the Department of Justice has concluded."
"'After careful consideration, we concluded that the evidence does not establish a prosecutable violation of the federal criminal civil rights statutes,' Mark J. Kappelhoff, chief of the Criminal Section of the department's Civil Rights Division, wrote in a letter dated Oct. 31."
"Sammis shot DeAuntae when the boy and a friend ran by Sammis and another officer, Jimmy Ellis, who were on a stakeout at an apartment complex."
"Police have said Sammis fired when it appeared DeAuntae was holding a weapon and moved after officers told them to stop." ... |
VA: No need for more gun laws
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"In reply to Jo-Ann Mahony's Oct. 24 letter, 'Why aren't we controlling guns?' I and others who believe in the entire Constitution and Bill of Rights are consistently amazed how the 'feel good' left-wing liberals and press conveniently ignore parts of the aforementioned documents that do not agree with their own beliefs. The facts are there are thousands of gun laws on the books as it is. The shooter at Virginia Tech broke many of them."
"If laws would stop him, why did it occur? Don't blame an inanimate object. Where concealed weapons are allowed, violence, murder and the crime rate have drastically been reduced. If one person had been armed ... possibly this tragedy would not have occurred." ... |
KS: Bird hunting a boon to economy
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"Thousands of hunters took to the fields yesterday celebrating the opening of the 2007 Kansas pheasant season. Likely regarded as one of the most popular hunting seasons in the fall, opening weekend of pheasant season sees old friends and families get together to share a special tradition. The scene is replayed thousands of times all across the state."
"Kansas pheasant hunting is a boost to many small towns and businesses ... Over the next couple weeks, roughly 100,000 upland bird hunters will be out and about taking advantage of various openers for upland birds. There are approximately 110,000 residents that buy a Kansas hunting license and nearly 60,000 non-residents that do the same. ..." ... |
NC: Aren't small arms also WMD?
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"To The Editor: Theoretically, if an individual were to develop a weapon that was capable of destroying or ending the lives of millions of people, would he be accountable for developing a weapon of mass destruction?"
"Is a weapon that kills millions considered a WMD?"
"These are merely questions stemming from a socio-political interest of mine."
"My main question is this: Is the trafficking of small arms the same as brokering the sale of WMDs?"
"In respect to Second Amendment rights, I must disclaim that this is not an attack on the sport of hunting and the right to bear arms in America: I respect these rights." ... |