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Newslinks for 11/9/2010

NY: Young Guns: All should agree on goal of keeping weapons out of the hands of youths
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Syracuse is about to launch Operation Snug (“Guns” spelled backwards), aimed at breaking the vicious cycle of retaliatory violence. Groups seeking solutions that work include Mayors Against Illegal Guns (Syracuse’s Stephanie Miner is a member) and Legislators Against Illegal Guns (state Sen. Eric Schneiderman, elected attorney general Nov. 2, is a co-founder).

NY: New York must modify tough gun laws to make it less vulnerable to legal assault
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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New York is loosening the superstringent rules for obtaining a gun in the city. We are the last people to want more guns on the streets - but trust us, this is a good thing. Because the new reality in American constitutional law, established by landmark rulings against Washington's and Chicago's gun regulations, says that for a city to preserve tough gun restrictions, it must ensure that they don't amount to near-total bans on firearms. New York's laws have a fat target on their backs - one that gun-lobby attorneys are sure to exploit.

Did SPLC just make it dangerous to have a ‘conservative’ bumper sticker?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"What this video does is intentionally widens the 'us vs. them' divide between citizens and police, heightens the paranoia, and makes the most innocuous of encounters much more dangerous. Now, thanks to SPLC, something as simple as having a political bumper sticker on your car, supposedly protected speech, takes a heightened alert situation and urges police to view non-leftist political sentiment as a potentially lethal personal threat. Because with all the conflation, what message will be enough to trigger a protective reaction?"

UT: Police: Shooting in Kearns kills would-be burglar
Submitted by: David Nelson

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Police have identified a 19-year-old man fatally shot as he was attempting to burglarize a Kearns home Monday.

Kyle Stuart Poulton, most recently living in Kearns, was pronounced dead at the scene, according to Unified Police Department Lt. Don Hutson.

The shooting occurred about 3 a.m. at a home near 5600 South and 5100 West. The homeowner saw a man trying to enter his sliding glass window and fired a pistol once at him through the glass, said Hutson.

The intruder ran away, and when officers responded they found Poulton's body next to the road, Hutson said. Poulton had one bullet wound to the chest.

UT: Teen burglar shot dead by homeowner
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The homeowner reported hearing his doorbell ring, ... about 1 a.m. He didn't find anyone at the door and went back to bed.
About 3 a.m., he was awoken by another noise and found a man trying to break into his house ....
... (the homeowner) had armed himself and apparently took one shot through the sliding glass door ...

"Obviously this is something the district attorney's office will have to look at and something we talk about frequently, about defense of habitation and what rights do we have to protect ourselves and our home.

Why Tea Party Conservatives Believe In Gun Rights [video]
Submitted by: Brian Carey

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Great video narrated by Bill Whittle.

KS: Hot Topic State Ballot Measures Outcome Follow Up - Yes or No by 2010 Voters?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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What did the voters say? Let's examine the November 2 election outcome by category type noted in our pre-election articles.


Miscellaneous - Just Because:
KS - Question 1. YES - Allows citizens to bear arms in state.

OR: Guns are bad? Really?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As my distinguished colleague Spencer Madison pointed out, sometimes guns hurt people. Because of this, Madison seems to think that guns are bad. He elaborates that the constitutionally enshrined right of this country’s people to own them is bad as well. He is confident that the recent events he discusses will not have significant influence, backing his point by deploying a brilliant non-sequitur: “because people are extremely forgiving of the liberties a bunch of entitled slave owners gave us.”

UK: Girls With Boobs...Uh...Guns Pose For Charity [video]
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Here's a video of the photoshoot which resulted in a Hot Shots calendar to benefit the charity Help for Heroes.

UT: Accomplice in Kearns burglary in custody
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An accomplice in the Kearns burglary has been identified and is currently in police custody after an incident that left his partner dead.

It is Derek Sego, an 18-year-old Salt Lake County Resident.

VA: Some ODU students want to carry guns [video]
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Old Dominion University republicans start a petition to permit concealed carry.

Safer Streets 2011: Guns on campus mean safer campuses 2011
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Guns on campus is in the news again. In my ongoing series on Guns On Campus, I answer issues that somehow seem to be guesswork on the part of non-gun owner students and trustees. I say this because anti-liberty reasoning sounds like good faith dealings at first, but when assumptions are corrected and excuses run out, trustees play the one card which vexes adults: No guns on campus. This disturbing final maneuver gives credence to the claims of abuses of power as it continues to avoid the practical solution to violence, and that is recognizing the adult student's authority over the violent situation.

NY: Outside New York, it’s another country
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The week before, a magazine writer referred to the Tea Partiers as “Second Amendment zealots and s---kickers”, and went on to call the prospect of Sarah Palin as president “a kind of spook story told around a campfire”.

CO: Taking aim at a place to shoot in Lafayette
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It would be a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agent's dream corner.

Barlow's Premium Cigars & Pipes, Atlas Valley Wine & Spirits and a 25-yard indoor shooting range all within a stone's throw of one another.

"We want to make it easy for the ATF to come and enforce its policies," joked John Cohagen, owner of the liquor store and the driving force behind the prospective shooting range at Lafayette's Atlas Valley Shopping Center.

Fitting end to a barbaric crime, and other news items
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Another step toward true justice has occurred in Connecticut, a state rather far removed philosophically from Washington – with the possible exception of Seattle, Tacoma and Everett – with the death sentence verdict of a jury in the trial of Steven Hayes, a man for whom the slur “scumbag” just doesn’t seem sufficient.

Ed.: Workman touches on several stories, including the apparent demise of the American Shooters and Hunters Association.

NJ: Madison resident will not be charged for hitting intruder with baseball bat
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Morris County authorities announced today they have decided to not file any charges against a borough resident who hit an intruder in the head with a baseball bat last month.

UK: What's it like to fire a gun? [video]
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Paul MacInnes attends a Help for Heroes fund-raising day on an army shooting range and finds out whether he can find happiness with a warm AK47

CA: Stockton Will Offer Gifts For Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Arnold Schwarzenegger joined city officials in kicking off a program that offers gift certificates for guns. The city has been plagued by gangs and gun violence. 30 of it's 42 homicides to date involved guns.

WV: Manchin says TV ads helped lock in election victory
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Governor Manchin says one of his own commercials helped him lock in voter support, namely the one in which he fired a shot through a copy of the Cap & Trade Bill. He says it allowed him to say "thank you" to the National Rifle Association and show his support for the Second Amendment.

Pried From My Cold, Dead Hand
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The crackle of gunfire and the opening of the serious killing season remind me that the gun huggers have enjoyed a pretty good year. Supported by an increasingly conservative Supreme Court, gun control, which flourished in the last half of the last century looks to have reverted to the eighteen hundreds. Was the final nail in the coffin hammered last June with the 5-to-4 McDonald v. Chicago ruling? Not really.

Ideology, Politics and Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Bloomberg is optimistic about progress on the gun issue because, he says, "pragmatism beats ideology." At first glance, an election cycle that will send ideologues like Rand Paul and Marco Rubio to the U.S. Senate may seem to offer little support for Bloomberg's view. On the other hand, noisy ideological appeals did candidates like Carly Fiorina in California and Ken Buck in Colorado little good.

Call of Duty Black Ops ad features Kobe Bryant and Jimmy Kimmel [video]
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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But while a lot of video game fans admit they like the ads, a recent post at Los Angeles Times says it is quite disturbing.

According to the post, Call of Duty Black Ops ad “features everyday citizens handling guns as if they’re toys,” since all the characters were wearing daily clothes.

Gun safety not part of many parents’ conversations with kids
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“When more than half of non-gun owning parents have never discussed gun safety with their children and nearly 1 in 5 gun-owning parents have never discussed gun safety with their children, many children may be unprepared to understand and follow the basics of gun safety,” Davis says. “Parents need to learn how to talk to their children about gun safety whether they own a gun or not, to be sure their children are prepared should they ever encounter a situation where a gun is present.”

OR: BREAKING: At Last, A Glimpse At Sam Adams' Gun Laws
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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His office has a 20-page packet of draft ordinances, which I've managed to obtain an exclusive copy of, that spell out in detail his plans for youth curfews, penalties for failure to report gun theft and/or loss and carrying loaded guns in public, and the creation of gun hot-spot zones where anyone convicted (key word) of gun crimes would be banned.

KY: Grand jury indicts Whitley Sheriff Lawrence Hodge on 21 felonies
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Whitley County Sheriff Lawrence Hodge has stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars in public money during his two terms in office, a local grand jury has charged.

The grand jury indicted Hodge on Monday on 18 charges of abuse of public trust and three counts of tampering with physical evidence — all felonies.

Most of the charges allege Hodge took money from accounts at his office, though some allege that he sold or gave away guns that had been seized in investigations.

TX: First batch of legislative bills filed hit hard at immigration issues
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Legislation that lets Texans carry guns onboard watercraft, authorizes state troopers to check southbound vehicles at the U.S.-Mexico border and cracks down on human traffickers were among the bills filed Monday by Rio Grande Valley legislators.


Republican state legislators also want to make it legal for concealed handgun license holders to carry handguns on college campuses, prohibit state money from going to facilities that perform abortions and keep Texas from enforcing new federal health care laws.

After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn't do it. — William Burroughs, 1992

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