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Newslinks for 12/1/2001

MD: Two businessmen indicted in intruder's shooting death
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Two businessmen accused of shooting to death an intruder who broke into their East Baltimore warehouse in June surrendered to police yesterday after a grand jury indicted them on first-degree murder charges.

OH: City, county lawyers defend Ohio's ban (Update)
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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Opponents of Ohio's concealed weapons law asked the judge to overturn a state law prohibiting anyone but police from carrying concealed weapons.

4 Cincinnatians challenged the law last year when they sued every municipality in Hamilton County, claiming police have no right to arrest lawful citizens for carrying concealed guns.

John Arnold, Hamilton County attorney said, “Nobody challenges the right to bear arms. The question is whether the state may prohibit carrying concealed weapons.”

Lawmakers Mull *New* Anti-Terror Surveillance Proposals
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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The changes would allow investigators to make broader demands for business records and get wiretaps on a suspect even if law enforcement has been unable to pin down his identity or location of the suspect's phone.

The recent proposals are included in negotiations over the annual intelligence bill that funds the CIA, NSA, and 11 other intelligence agencies.

Funding for these agencies is kept secret, but is estimated at $30 billion this year, a substantial increase over previous years.

Too Late To Stop National ID
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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Over the past decade...the government has developed the ability to accumulate the maximum amount of information and provide central access to an army of low level bureaucrats.

During the 8 years of the Clinton administration they spent $4 billion developing a national database to keep track of the intimate details of the lives of all Americans.

The Bush administration does not appear to be set to improve the record. Common sense suggests that [this database] has not escaped their notice.

CA: Mayor Admits Carrying Gun, Denies Intimidating Voters
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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Compton Mayor Eric Perrodin admitted to carrying a concealed gun at a polling place during his June election, but denied allegations that he intimidated voters with it.

Asked if he knew it was against the law to have a gun at a polling place, he replied, "I was told by my attorney this morning."

He does have a license to carry a handgun. He carries it for protection. "It's better for me to be armed and not need [it] than to need it and not be armed."

MD: Montgomery County doesn’t like guns, either
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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Montgomery County Council President Blair Ewing — the same one who recently expressed disappointment over the smoking ban's reversal — wouldn't have it, and led local antigun zealots to ban the event outright. Ewing did not return repeated requests for an interview, but he is quoted at length in the local paper. There, he makes his own position clear: "I'm not happy to see the sale of guns promoted in the county at all."

MI: Gun owners group plans to sue Ferndale over ordinance
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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The leader of a statewide gun owners group says it plans to sue this Detroit suburb over an ordinance that prohibits concealed weapons licensees from bringing guns into city buildings.

Ross Dykman, executive director of the Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners, said the new ordinance violates a 1990 state that forbids cities from making laws that supersede state laws.

Bush Vows To "Fight Gun Crimes" In America's Neighborhoods
Submitted by: John Fansler

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President Bush is proposing a "Project Safe Neighborhoods" program to "reduce gun crime" in America's neighborhoods.

"We must send this message...if you illegally carry or use a gun, there is one consequence in America -- arrest and jail."

He vowed the administration would help U.S. attorneys vigorously enforce existing gun laws as well as "improve data-sharing and criminal record-keeping" in hopes of keeping guns away from criminals.

NE: Citizens helpless as Gunman's aimless shots kill 1
Submitted by: Clifford Petersen

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"...the shooting lasted about 10 minutes - time enough for the gunman to reload his weapon twice..."

Many Nebraskans have been convinced by liberals, and State Senator Ernie Chambers in particular, that they have no right to defend themselves. This is what happens when your rights are legislated and "PC'd" away.

CCW does not exist in NE, but these folks in this Omaha neighborhood had nothing even in their homes with which to defend themselves.

TX: Study says A&M (University) recorded lowest violent crimes
Submitted by: serinde

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Fewer violent crimes occurred last year at Texas A&M University than at any other major university in the country, according to a recent FBI study.

A&M’s top police official [UPD Director Bob Wiatt] on Thursday attributed the low rate to heightened student awareness of the potential of violent crime and prevention efforts by law enforcement.

Canada: Pistol-maker's employees behind illegal guns
Submitted by: WildWest

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Three employees at Canada's only handgun manufacturer (Para-Ordnance) are accused of smuggling gun parts out of the factory, assembling them into one of the country's largest stockpiles of illegal handguns and selling them on the street.

An "American specialist on the firearms industry" (Violence Policy Center's Tom Diaz) said the case, if proven true, suggests serious security lapses at Para-Ordnance.

VPC: Pistol-packing pilots risk more violence
Submitted by: Anonymous

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VPC spokesperson describes why it would be "terribly dangerous" to arm airline pilots: accidental discharges, kleptomaniacal terrorists, suicidal stewardesses etc. (the usual good, sound reasoning...)

Survey: Top Cops Favor Concealed Carry Laws
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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A survey released Friday by the National Association of Chiefs of Police finds that over 60% of the nation's police chiefs and sheriffs favor a national system allowing law-abiding citizens to carry concealed firearms.

Long legal fight foreseen over terrorism arrests
Submitted by: serinde

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The Bush administration's aggressive expansion of the government's powers to arrest and prosecute people in fighting terrorism has stirred a legal battle that could last many years and redefine the powers of the executive branch, lawyers and leaders of civil liberties groups say.

The groups, which range across the political spectrum, say they have found serious constitutional flaws in President Bush's actions and are preparing a variety of legal challenges.

UT: Gun rules may be illegal
Submitted by: Tdoff

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An informal opinion on Utah gun law from Attorney General Mark Shurtleff says a slew of state agency and university gun-control regulations are illegal because only the Legislature has the power of gun control.

Actually, the State Constitution says "nothing herein shall prevent the Legislature from defining the lawful use of arms". I guess it depends on what the meaning of "use"

WSJ: You'll Shoot Your Eye Out!
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A federal agency takes aim at BB-guns.

Recently, the Consumer Product Safety Commission filed a lawsuit against Daisy Manufacturing Co. (the makers of the 'Red Ryder') seeking to force Daisy to recall two of its popular BB-gun models, for no other reason than that they are...BB-guns.

"Ah yes, but this isn't about safety; it's about politics." --Review & Outlook by _The Wall Street Journal_

As an individual, I believe, very strongly, that handguns should be banned and that there should be stringent, effective control of other firearms. However, as a judge, I know full well that the question of whether handguns can be sold is a political one, not an issue of products liability law, and that this is a matter for the legislatures, not the courts. The unconventional theories advanced in this case (and others) are totally without merit, a misuse of products liability laws. — Judge Buchmeyer, Patterson v. Gesellschaft, 1206 F.Supp. 1206, 1216 (N.D. Tex. 1985)

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