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Newslinks for 12/10/2005

The Victims of the Public School System Guide to the Bill of Rights
Submitted by: Robin Herman

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"As a recovering victim of the American public school system, it took many years of independent study before I finally discovered the true intent of the Bill of Rights. With the 214th anniversary of the adoption of the Amendments only weeks away, the Bill of Rights remains, next to the Constitution itself, the most misunderstood document in the history of the nation. The recent vacancies on the United States Supreme Court have made the Bill of Rights front-page news and a major topic of discussion. Unfortunately, editorials and talk shows continue to misrepresent the original intent of the Amendments. Since a vast majority of the American people suffer from the 'victims of the public school system syndrome' that plagues the nation, the author felt this was the perfect time to offer some information that might help them overcome their affliction concerning the Bill of Rights." ...

Arms curbs shot down around U.S.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When frustrated voters in San Francisco last month chose to ban handguns in their city, it took the National Rifle Association 24 hours to challenge the vote in court."

"Even the San Francisco city leadership that backed the law banning the sale, manufacture and distribution of firearms within city limits is resigned to the fact the courts will likely overturn the will of 58 per cent of voters and keep the famously liberal city from becoming the third large U.S. municipality to ban handguns." ...

"Nowhere is the U.S. right to bear arms more obvious than here, in flood-ravaged New Orleans, where gun dealers report a shortage of weapons." ...

Submitter's Note: And nowhere is the need for guns more obvious . . .

Psychologist on toy guns: 'Discouraging a behavior may have opposite effect' (follow-up on previously posted article)
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"The Hamilton Journal-News has published an excellent article by Gregory Ramey, a child psychologist and vice president for outpatient services at Children's Medical Center of Dayton." ...

"Dr. Ramey's article is likely to ring true to those readers in Dayton who recall an incident involving a 5-year-old boy who accidentally shot his 7 year-old neighbor with a gun they had found in an alley."

"After the shooting, the shooter's mother, Marcia Fox, said 'I don't know why he was playing with a gun. I don't even allow him to play with guns, water guns, toy guns, anything. Period.'"

"Clearly the extreme position taken by this mother resulted in her child having no idea what to do when he found a gun." ...

Spy Chips: Good For Thee, But Not For Me..Still.
Submitted by: Longenecker

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... "In public appearances, Thompson has suggested injecting the microchips into Americans to link to their electronic medical records. 'It's very beneficial and it's going to be extremely helpful and it's a giant step forward to getting what we call an electronic medical record for all Americans,' he told CBS MarketWatch in July."

"When confronted by a CNBC correspondent in another July interview about whether he would take a chip himself, Thompson replied, 'Absolutely, without a doubt.'"

"However, when authors Liz McIntyre and Katherine Albrecht, who researched human chipping for their book ... contacted the VeriChip Corporation on December 5, they were told that the chipping never took place."

"VeriChip spokesman John Procter said Thompson has been 'too busy' to undergo the chipping procedure, adding that he had no clear plans to do so in the future. ..." ...

Australia: Aussies develop rifle with no recoil
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"An Australian company has developed a 'recoil-less' rifle that overcomes the centuries-old danger of kickback."

"The breakthrough could lead to the development of a new generation of lightweight weapons - from pistols, rifles and heavy artillery - that are faster, more powerful and more efficient and accurate." ...

AZ: Police: Shooting at All-Ages Club Likely Self-Defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'I saw the fight break out inside and I tried to break it up, and I got punched a couple of times. A couple minutes later, speakers were being thrown and a kid got beat with a mic stand.'"

"Rawley Burriss is a regular at Skrappy's in Tucson, a non-profit nightclub that caters to at-risk and homeless teens."

"When a fight broke out Wednesday night, club operators say the stopped it immediately." ...

"Witnesses say people were fighting with a hammer, machete and semi-automatic gun."

"The victim was shot with a handgun."

"The shooter hasn't been charged."

"Police say it could have been self-defense. They have 200 interviews to finish combing through before deciding if any charges will be filed." ...

DC: Police find assault weapon in parking lot near Supreme Court
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Police in the nation's capital are investigating the discovery of a loaded assault weapon found in a parking lot a block from the Supreme Court.
A law enforcement official says the weapon was found on December second in a residential neighborhood east of the court.

The gun is said to be a MAC-ten assault weapon, capable of firing may bullets over a wide area in a few seconds.

The area is heavily patrolled by police from several jurisdictions, including the U-S Capitol Police, because many members of Congress live in the neighborhood.

CCRKBA Calls Canadian PM's Handgun Ban Idea a 'Cheap Political Subterfuge'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin, heading a Liberal Party that has been scandalized by corruption and recently fell after a "no confidence" vote in the House of Commons, is trying to deflect attention from his abysmal failure as a national leader by calling for a ban on handguns, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) said today."

"'This is nothing less than a cheap political subterfuge,' said CCRKBA Executive Director Joe Waldron. 'I'm not sure if they understand the 'smell test' north of the border, but Martin's attack on handgun owners sure doesn't pass it. This is a smarmy attempt to shift public focus away from his political troubles, and those of his party.'" ...

Canada: How about a ban on the criminals?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Well, hallelujah and praise the Lord."

"After a long, bloody year of gun violence, Paul Martin has got religion on gun crime." ...

"Who knew? All it takes to stop the broad daylight slaughter on our streets is a handgun ban! Just tell those criminals nicely that handguns are now illegal and they'll stop killing each other."

"Just as this province outlawed pit bulls, so handguns will now be banned, banned, banned. I feel safer already."

"Except if you think some punk gang member with a short fuse and nothing to lose is going to give up his handgun because Paul Martin told him to, you might also want to hit "reply" on that Nigerian cash scam spam you keep getting." ...

Canada: Miller backs Liberals 'total' gun ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Taking aim at the two major sources of supply for handguns used in crime — the U.S. and private collections in Canada — Prime Minister Paul Martin has unveiled a Liberal campaign plan in Toronto that would severely restrict handgun ownership and beef up efforts to control the illegal flow of weapons."

"Handgun ownership of almost every kind would be illegal under Martin’s proposed “total” ban, which Liberal sources say would go further than any previous attempts in this country to take guns out of people’s hands — whether criminals or simple collectors, whose guns are often the target of thieves."

"Only police, security officers and a select few sport shooters would be allowed to own handguns." ...

Canada: Nova Scotia gun owners target Martin’s call for pistol ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The proposed handgun ban that Prime Minister Paul Martin announced Thursday is shallow and senseless, Nova Scotia gun owners say."

"Licensed handgun owners and gunsmiths quickly pointed out that handguns were already banned from Canadian streets unless carried by law enforcement or security personnel."

"'I don't think it’s anything to get too worked up about,' said one Halifax gunsmith, who didn’t want his name used. 'I have three registered handguns. They know where they’re at and they can confiscate them at any time. I’m a shooting competitor.'" [emphasis added] ...

Submitter's Note: At least he knows what is coming . . .

Canada: B.C. demands details on handgun ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Prime Minister Paul Martin's call to ban most handguns in Canada is a welcome opening salvo in the vital debate to curb gun violence but not necessarily the solution, B.C.'s government said Thursday."

"'I guess my initial reaction is that I'm very pleased to see that this issue is part of the election debate,' Solicitor-General John Les said Thursday in an interview. 'It is an important issue for everyone. We've certainly seen an increase in gun violence, not only in B.C., but this is an issue in other cities in Canada as well." ...

"'We have to be careful that we're focusing on the right things,' Campbell said. 'Certainly, for me at least, it sounds like a sensible step to creating safer communities.'" ...

Canada: Olympic pistol shooter doesn't want ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Olympic medallist in Ottawa joined a chorus of groups shooting holes in Paul Martin's announcement that a Liberal government would ban all handguns."

"The ban would offer narrowly defined exemptions for target shooters and give collectors five years to sell or dispose of their weapons."

"Paul Martin said he believed a ban was the best way to combat urban violence and choke off the supply of illegal handguns in the urban centres."

"'I think it's an insult because they know the registry did not work. It has not saved lives,' said Ottawa resident, Linda Thom, who won gold in the pistol competition at the 1984 Olympic Games."

"'So it's a big insult to say more legislation in this area is going to fix the problem. It isn't,' said Thom." ...

KY: Two Danville High School students expelled over gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two Danville High School freshmen have been expelled in connection with an unloaded pistol that was found at the school last month."

"The two were among five students who were expelled during a special meeting of the Danville Board of Education Wednesday night."

"Superintendent Bob Rowland said one of the expelled freshmen was the student who was taken into custody by police on Nov. 21 after a teacher and other students reported that he had a gun in a classroom. A search of the school later uncovered the weapon hidden inside a heating unit in the hallway." ...

WA: Campus Security not permitted to carry weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The protections and safety of all individuals who make their way each day to the University of Washington, Tacoma, is the top priority of the campus security force."

"However, the security guards are not permitted to carry weapons, though students are."

"This fact might just be the wake-up call that have some people questioning how safe the campus really is." ...

"What this means is that barring any felonies or domestic violence charges, students, faculty, or staff can apply for a concealed pistol license and upon approval of that license and approval of the administration, they are permitted to carry a weapon on campus." ...

Submitter's Note: So if you go meekly to your betters, hat in hand, and beg for their permission, you may exercise your 'rights'.

RI: Two East Providence teens charged with weapon possession
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Two students at East Providence High School are arrested on weapons possession charges after a pellet gun was found in the school.

The two 16-year-old students are being held at the Rhode Island Training School. Police are not releasing their names or any other details, but they announced the arrests yesterday. A semi-automatic pistol replica was found in the school Wednesday.

Police are continuing to investigate the incident.

TX: Gun confiscated at Madison High School
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A student at Madison High School brought an automatic pistol to school Friday, but it was discovered before classes began and confiscated by school district police officers.

Principal Chris Thompson sent a letter home with students later in the day.

“We are treating this incident with the seriousness it deserves and will pursue it to the fullest possible extent of district, state and federal policies and laws,” Thompson said in the letter.

The principal said the school's counseling staff is available to talk with students, families and school employees who have concerns.

NY: License info raises privacy issues in state
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Earlier this year, the New York State Assembly asked the Department of Environmental Conservation for access to the DECALS — Department of Environmental Conservation Automated License System — containing the names, addresses and a wealth of other information about every person who has purchased a sporting license in the state in the last three years."

"As you can imagine, a database like that would be a veritable gold mine of information. It represents every elected state official's fondest dream, a neatly packaged mailing list of the names of nearly two million constituents."

"Purportedly, the reason for the request from the Assembly was that they wanted to be able to communicate more directly with the sporting community. ... " ...

Eyewitness: 'I Never Heard the Word 'Bomb'
Submitted by: M Trcic

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"At least one passenger aboard American Airlines Flight 924 maintains the federal air marshals were a little too quick on the draw when they shot and killed Rigoberto Alpizar as he frantically attempted to run off the airplane shortly before take-off."

"'I don't think they needed to use deadly force with the guy,' says John McAlhany, a 44-year-old construction worker from Sebastian, Fla. 'He was getting off the plane.' McAlhany also maintains that Alpizar never mentioned having a bomb." ...

"'I was on the phone with my brother. Somebody came down the aisle and put a shotgun to the back of my head and said put your hands on the seat in front of you. I got my cell phone karate chopped out of my hand. Then I realized it was an official.'" ...

NY: NYC officer gets probation in shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A police officer who shot an unarmed immigrant to death in a warehouse was spared a prison sentence Friday and was instead given five years' probation and 500 hours of community service."

"Justice Robert Straus said he believed 27-year-old Brian Conroy was a decent man who had been poorly trained by the New York Police Department."

"Conroy could have gotten four years behind bars for shooting Ousmane Zongo in 2003 during a police raid that brought the arrests of two people suspected of counterfeiting CDs and DVDs. Zongo was not connected to that case."

"In a non-jury trial, the judge acquitted Conroy but convicted him of criminally negligent homicide." ...

WI: Concealed carry provides protection
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I grew up in Wisconsin ... and many of my friends and family live in Madison. I am currently a police officer in South Dakota."

"As a police officer, I may legally carry a concealed weapon when I visit my family in Madison. This is a right that should not only be afforded to police officers like myself, but all law-abiding citizens who choose to take on the extra responsibility to keep their families and their communities safe."

"In my professional experience in South Dakota, a 'shall-issue' concealed-carry state ... I have never had — nor heard of — any problems with a person legally carrying a concealed pistol. However, I do know of several instances where a legally possessed firearm has saved innocent lives ..." ...

GA: Police officer may face death penalty in student's death
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A U.S. Air Force military police officer charged with murder in the death of a pregnant student from Georgia Southern University in 2003 may face the death penalty."

"Assistant U.S. Attorney filed notice yesterday in Columbus seeking the death penalty against Michael Antonio Natson. He is charged in the death of Ardena Carter between September and December of 2003. Her body was found in woods at Fort Benning."

"A grand jury indicted the 24-year-old Natson in June on charges of murder and feticide."

"Lynch says in the filing that the government will attempt to prove that Carter's death was premeditated." ...

TN: Top Tennessee safety officials step down
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The top two officials in Tennessee's Department of Safety are stepping down following an investigation ordered by the state's governor. Background checks of all 855 commissioned officers in the Highway Patrol showed that 41 troopers and staff have criminal backgrounds or past driving violations.

Governor Phil Bredesen says Commissioner Fred Phillips is resigning and Deputy Commissioner Tom Moore will retire.

Bredesen ordered the background check because the Patrol's been under fire for allegations of political favoritism and corruption.

Earlier this week, the commander of the Highway Patrol was forced to resign after he allegedly violated state law. Authorities say he tried to buy a boat that had been seized by troopers and put up for sale as surplus state property.

MI: Board reverses officer’s firing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The city’s Merit Board System on Thursday reversed Police Capt. Jim Wooten’s termination for allegedly making a false statement on an insurance claim."

"Wooten was terminated after police searched his home recently and found his duty gun and golf equipment, which he reported stolen ..."

"Wooten ... had been suspended with pay several weeks earlier after law enforcement found a 2001 Jeep that Wooten also had reported stolen in 2002. ... at Wooten’s mother’s rural property ..."

"'I didn’t do anything (wrong),' Wooten told the board."

"Evidence city officials presented to the board in November and arguments given in the reconvened Thursday hearing were not conclusive enough for the board to agree to Wooten’s termination ..." ...

WA: Officer's role reviewed in accidental gun firing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Seattle police are reviewing the conduct of an off-duty officer who reported earlier this year that she had accidentally fired her personal handgun during a 1:15 a.m. confrontation with a panhandler on Capitol Hill."

"The officer, Penelope Fulmer, flagged down other officers the night of the incident, in March, but she didn't tell them she had fired her gun. She said only that she had chased the panhandler after he assaulted a friend of hers outside a restaurant ..."

"Two hours later, Fulmer told a commander she had accidentally fired her .38-caliber revolver during the incident, according to two department officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because the case is under review." ...

NC: Chatham County Files Charges Against Former Pinehurst Officer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The former Pinehurst police officer who was recently charged with a Moore County break-in, vandalism to Sheriff’s Department cars and attempted murder now faces another charge in Chatham County."

"Using information gathered by Moore County sheriff’s deputies during their investigation, deputies in Chatham County have charged Robert Doyle Lefler, 37, with breaking and entering and larceny."

"The Moore County Sheriff’s Department says evidence that it gathered implicates Lefler in break-ins in Robeson and Bladen counties as well ..." ...

"According to Pinehurst, Lefler worked for the village as an officer from 1989 to 1993. Village Manager Andy Wilkeson wouldn’t give any details about his time with the department." ...

Jamaica: Chief Justice to rule on Kraal no-case submissions Monday
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Chief Justice Lensley Wolfe is to rule on Monday whether he will uphold the no-case submissions of defence attorneys in the Kraal trial."

"He is expected to make his ruling after government prosecutors complete their rebuttal."

"Since Thursday defence attorneys have sought to prove to the court that government prosecutors have failed to make out a case against the six policemen on trial for the fatal shooting of four persons in the May 7, 2003 incident."

"But government prosecutors argued that the case should be sent to the jury for determination." ...

UK: Chief asks US cop to explain 'give me a gun' outburst
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"TEXAN police officer Ben Johnson is facing showdown talks with Thames Valley Police chiefs after he went public on a 'let me carry a gun or I quit' ultimatum."

"The 34-year-old father says he was forced to demand more protection because Reading's mean streets are more dangerous than his former beat in Dallas."

"PC Johnson became the first foreigner to join the British police when he came to England three years ago."

"But he says he was forced to reevaluate his position as an unarmed bobby after the death of PC Sharon Beshenivsky in Bradford last month."

"He told Thames Valley Chief Constable Peter Neyroud that policing in Britain is 'dangerous' and that officers are 'illtrained and ill-equipped' to cope." ...

MN: Respecting guns as tools of the hunter's trade
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My son’s deer rifle lay on our sofa, when he wasn’t in his stand, through much of the firearms deer season. The sofa is close to the back door, and Sam can walk from the door to his deer stand in 10 minutes or so. It seemed fitting for him leave the rifle there, to pick up as he went out in the dark before dawn, or a couple of hours before sunset, on the days he hunted deer."

"We’re not casual about firearms in our house. I was a Marine. I have a healthy respect for firearms and what they can do. No rifle or shotgun gets put away here without a proper inspection and cleaning, but with its chamber empty, its action open, a rifle or shotgun is no more a threat than a wrench or a broom." ...

TX: Coyote problems spur ordinance change
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last night, the McKinney City Council approved an amendment to the city's firearms discharge ordinance that allows Collin County Regional Airport staff to shoot coyotes and other animals that are causing safety problems on the runway."

"The current ordinance prohibits shooting firearms except at National Rifle Association approved or government-owned gun ranges or 'by any authorized person participating in a bird harassment program to mitigate bird hazards near (CCRA) or the McKinney landfill.'"

"The proposed ordinance changes the wording in that ordinance by replacing 'bird harassment' and 'bird hazards' with 'wildlife management' and 'wildlife hazards.'" ...

MS: Brit ignorant about 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In response to Mr. John Paul, I submit that he has either been poorly educated in recent world history or missed those classes altogether ("Public's desire to bear arms in America must be changed," Nov. 23 letter)."

"Adolph Hitler was a duly elected chief executive of Germany and one of his first orders of business was the disarming of the civilian population — can't have the 'rabble' causing a problem for the 'elite.'" ...

"The one other item he mentions alludes to the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution when he states: 'This right will not be changed easily or overnight.'"

"What he fails to understand is that the right is not granted by the Constitution, it is a God-given right that the government may not abridge." ...

PA: NRA to host youth summit
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"State Reps. Merle Phillips (R-Snyder/Northumberland) and Russ Fairchild (R-Snyder/Union) encourage youngsters interested in learning about Pennsylvania state history and government to apply for the National Rifle Association’s Pennsylvania Youth Education Summit (YES) program to be held April 6-9 in Harrisburg." ...

OH: Beginning Monday, specialized NRA License Plates available at local Ohio BMVs! (BFA)
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"Buckeye Firearms Association is pleased to announce that starting December 12th you can show your support for the 2nd Amendment by buying NRA license plates at your local BMV!"

"'Firearms safety training is so very important for Ohio's families,' said Representative Tim Schaffer (R-5). 'Eddie Eagle alone has kept hundreds -- maybe thousands -- of children safe in America. The NRA Foundation license plate program will give a major financial boost to funding Eddie Eagle and other great gun safety training programs in the Buckeye State. I was proud to sponsor the legislation creating the NRA Foundation license plate bill.'" ...

AK: Citizens Academy teaches gun safety
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"How safe are you with a gun? That question was the main topic of last night’s Anchorage Citizens Police Academy. The answer came from one of the nation’s leading weapons experts: the Anchorage Police Department’s master armorer, Ted Smith."

"Smith has been an Anchorage police officer for more than 20 years. He’s taught tactics, weapons safety and shooting techniques at the prestigious Gunsite Academy in Arizona. Smith is now the Anchorage Police Department’s SWAT team trainer."

"Last night, Smith was teaching his trade to a roomful of citizen rookies ..."

"'The biggest problem with a firearm is, it has no brain. When you and a firearm come together, you have to provide the brain,' said Smith." ...

NY: Misleading laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It seems to make the headlines every year: 'Felons allowed to purchase hunting licenses.'"

"A story ran on a Rochester television station last month that after a year-long investigation they discovered the state issued felons hunting licenses."

"According to the station, its staff ... found 82 convicted felons in the five-county area were issued hunting licenses." ...

"'The penal law defines rifles and shotguns pretty specifically and includes neither muzzleloaders nor longbows,' [DEC Law Enforcement Lieutenant Bob] Henke said. 'So with these implements, it is perfectly legal for a convicted felon that has a valid big game license to hunt deer.'" ...

PA: Gun-Restriction Law
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Two miracles born in Harrisburg occurred recently. No. 1: State lawmakers passed a bill that restricted gun ownership. No. 2: The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania did not come crumbling down."

"The legislation, overwhelmingly passed by the General Assembly and signed into law last month by Gov. Rendell, addresses the violence of domestic abuse."

"Last year, spouses or partners in Pennsylvania killed 42 women and 16 men. Add to the victim count bystanders, other adult family members or ex-partners, and the death toll rises to 153. Those murders occurred even with the filing of 40,000 protection-from-abuse orders, meant to keep abusers away from their victims." ...

CA: Women learn the outdoor ropes
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Barbara Visnovske spent most of a recent Saturday morning learning how to cook a chicken with little more than rebar, charcoal and aluminum foil."

"In the afternoon, Visnovske learned how to shoot a pump-action 20-gauge shotgun well enough to shatter eight of 10 fluorescent orange clay pigeons."

"All in all, not a bad day's play." ...

WI: Larry Smith's First Muzzle-Loader Catch
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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What a great morning. I came out a little late but we had about two inches of fresh snow on the ground and there were tracks everywhere.

I thought all the deer may have already headed back into the swamp but after I reached my stand four does came out and I dropped the first one right away.

It's the first time I have shut a deer with a muzzle-loader, and, man, what a ball.

I dropped her from about 75 yards away, then the other three deer ran off. After that, some more came through. There was a lot of activity.

I had already shot a big buck with my rifle so I had to shoot a doe, but it was a lot of fun and a great morning.

UK: Scotland Hit By Surge In Violence: Nowhere Seems Safe From Gun Crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"GUN crime in Scotland is usually associated with gang warfare in major cities."

"But it seems no part of the country is now safe from the threat of gunfire in the street."

"Just over a year ago, bank manager Alistair Wilson was shot dead on the doorstep of his home in the Highland town of Nairn. Police are still hunting for the killer."

"Twelve months earlier, American Matthew Sylvestre, 39, lured Italian drifter Rinaldo Coluccia to his home near Buckie, Banffshire, and blasted him in the head with a hunting rifle."

"The bullet stopped just a centimetre short of killing him. Sylvestre was later remanded to a psychiatric hospital."

"Latest statistics show that more than 1100 gun crimes were recorded in Scotland last year." ...

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. — Thomas Jefferson

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