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Newslinks for 12/12/2005

Doug Thompson: Bush on the Constitution: : 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper'
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"Last month, Republican Congressional leaders filed into the Oval Office to meet with President George W. Bush and talk about renewing the controversial USA Patriot Act." ...

"GOP leaders told Bush that his hardcore push to renew the more onerous provisions of the act could further alienate conservatives still mad at the President from his botched attempt to nominate White House Counsel Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court."

"'I don’t give a goddamn,' Bush retorted. 'I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.'"

"'Mr. President,' one aide in the meeting said. 'There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.'"

"'Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,' Bush screamed back. 'It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!'" ...

Submitters Note: There it is folks; from the horses' ...mouth?

The AP lied to (and about) Barrett Rifles (blog)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I mentioned an article that ran at The Tennessean about Barrett Rifles. I received a tip from Anthony Garcia in comments that the folks at Barrett were surprised by the piece because the reporter, Rose French, approached Barrett on the premise that she was interested in doing a business feature about the company. Anthony forwarded me an email from Barrett to the Associated Press that addresses this concern and some factual inaccuracies contained in the story. The Barrett folks were understandably surprised that the piece she actually ran was largely anti-50 caliber material from the Violence Policy Center."

"I sent Dan Goodwin, Media Relations Manager for Barrett Rifles, an email to confirm that he had written the email and to ask his permission to reprint it. ..." ...

Ignoring The Law (NRA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "'Judge Weinstein's decision was not only predictable, but intellectually dishonest and blatantly biased, given his decade-long track record of aiming to derail the firearms industry,' said Lawrence G. Keane, senior vice president and general counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the trade organization for the firearm industry. 'New York City's lawsuit is precisely the type of suit the 'Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act' was designed to prevent. During debate in each chamber of Congress, Senator Larry Craig and Representative Cliff Stearns--the sponsors of the bill--both referenced the city's case as a quintessential example of a lawsuit the act would prevent.'" ...

Judges Ask 8th Circuit to Reconsider Its Gun Stance
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Only the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals permits multiple convictions for a single act of illegal firearms possession, but now two appellate judges have called for the full court to reconsider its position as an outlier among the circuits." ...

Range Report - CZ Mod 97B (.45 ACP)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"About a year ago, I did a GGP about the excellent Czech CZ 75B 9mm pistol, and in that piece I made passing mention of its big brother, the CZ 97B, which comes in the more-manly caliber of .45 ACP. I’d said, actually, that I would shoot it at the range the next time I went over there for some .45 practice."

"Well, better late than never, I suppose." ...

"It’s a beefier version of the CZ 75, and shoots DA/SA (double-action for the first shot, single-action for the rest). ..."

"The CZ 97 weighs about the same as a 1911, even though its frame is slightly larger than the 1911’s. How so? Well, the grip of the CZ 97 is larger, to accommodate its 10-round magazine (two more than the 1911)." ...

Canada: Pistol-whipped
Submitted by: John Fansler

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"Sorry, but if I had a pistol, I'd keep it. Nuts to the Liberals."

"Yesterday, all the much-derided predictions of gun registry critics came true."

"Paul Martin promised to solve the national gun-crime crisis -- the one we read about so endlessly in Toronto -- by confiscating all half-million registered legal handguns across the country."

"Ten years -- almost to the day -- since the passing of the Firearms Act, he proved the critics correct. The reason for gun registration from the start was confiscation." ...

"You can point out until you're blue -- as many people have -- that neither registration nor confiscation will stop crime."

"You can even point out that in Britain and Australia, where guns were banned, it actually led to a surge in gun crimes."

"A year after the British obediently surrendered 160,000 legal handguns, London muggings were up 53%, gun-murders up 90%, robbery up over 100%, and by the year following, annual gun-crimes overall had risen 39%." ...

Canada: Reality Check: Handgun ban
Submitted by: John Fansler

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"Prime Minister Paul Martin’s proposal to ban handgun ownership in Canada is bound to inject some drama into the federal election campaign by putting the hot-button issue of gun control front and centre."

"But would it achieve its stated aim of making the streets of the country’s major urban centres safer?"

"The available data leave room for doubt — not only about the effectiveness of a ban, but also about whether the country is really facing a crisis." ...

"The 172 homicides committed with guns of all kinds in 2004 added up to just a little more than a quarter of the total 622 killings across the country." ...

When Being a Good Guy Isn't Enough -- A Tactical Analysis of the Tyler Courthouse Shooting and the Tacoma Mall Shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For the second time this year, a legally armed citizen armed with a pistol faced a crazed gunman armed with a rifle and did not prevail. ... Both Mark Wilson and Brendan McKown are the finest kind of people, heroes in truest sense. I would be proud to call either man my friend. Nevertheless, both men were shot and did not succeed in stopping the bad guy in their engagement. ..." ...

"... in both of these incidents the bad guy was armed with a Mak-90 ... This is a formidable weapon. At first glance, it would be easy to say, 'Well, duh. Rifle trumps pistol. End of story.' Closer examination, however, would suggest that the rifle versus pistol matching made less difference in the outcome of these incidents than the first glance might suggest. ..." ...

SC: Man killed [in apparent self-defense] in road rage incident (follow-up)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mark Y. Sharrock, 49, of 14 Sharrock Way, Edgefield, died from a gunshot wound to the back, said Tim Carlton, Aiken County coroner, who commented, It severed his spinal cord and lodged in his heart.'" ...

"According to Shehan's statement ... The driver of the Suzuki allegedly exited the vehicle, quickly approached Shehan's door and immediately initiated a physical confrontation with Shehan."

"During the struggle, Shehan was able to reach his .45 caliber pistol from the glove box and fire a single shot, fatally wounding the subject." ...

"On Monday Thornton reported the incident is still under investigation. No charges have been filed." ...

"So far, witness statements have corroborated Shehan's account." ...

PA: Judge: Toby man was wrong to fire gun in self-defense
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Tobyhanna man admitted he fired a gun in June at the father of his girlfriend's children in Tobyhanna Township, but said he did it to protect them when the father began throwing rocks at them after an argument."

"'I understand you were trying to protect your girlfriend and her children and that the victim created the situation, but that was still the wrong way to respond,' Vican told Jose Lagoa, 29, before sentencing Lagoa to 10 to 23 months in Monroe County Correctional Facility. 'This isn't the Wild West. You could have endangered the lives of the people and children inside the house when you fired that shot.'" ...

UT: Sensible self-defense (letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There have been numerous opinions lately on the value and dangers of guns. Guns are tools and works of art, no more dangerous than the person handling them."

"... Attempting to use a gun for self-defense would be useless to me. By the time I ran around the house unlocking, assembling and loading a firearm I'm quite sure the intruder would have intruded."

"Instead, I have practiced and studied martial arts. Under the right circumstances I can disarm a man in a second, but just as you don't always have a gun loaded, on hand and ready to fire, the right circumstances are not always available to disarm a person. For those cases I have practiced the art of running like hell ..."

Submitter's Note: It is good that Mr. Wuthrich has these physical skills. I have a bad shoulder, knees and heart, which is why I carry.

MS: If Tookie Lives, Maye Should Walk Free
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With all the controversy over the impending execution of Stanley 'Tookie' Williams ... it's noteworthy that the story of another black man facing execution is not making the headlines. In this case, the state is Mississippi, and the man on deathwatch is Cory Maye."

"... [Maye] was minding his own business, asleep in his bed with his baby daughter in her crib, when several armed men stormed his door ... In fear of his life and those of his family, Maye raised a gun and shot one of the intruders, seriously wounding him. After a bit more struggle, during which the other intruders identified themselves as police officers, Maye surrendered and was taken into custody, while his home was searched for illegal drugs." ...

IA: Bettendorf students suspended for air guns at school
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Five Bettendorf High School students are suspended and facing possible expulsion for their involvement with two guns — an Airsoft pistol and a pellet gun — being in the school earlier this week in two separate, yet oddly related incidents."

"Four boys and a girl — three freshmen and two juniors — are suspended indefinitely until school officials determine their final punishment, Principal Jimmy Casas said. The Bettendorf Police Department will not be pressing charges because the guns were look-alikes and no threats were made, Chief Phil Redington said."

"Casas also believes no harm was meant with the weapons. Instead, the students involved displayed 'incredibly poor judgment and irresponsibility.' ..." ...

WI: Questions remain on gun bill
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The state Assembly will vote on a law Tuesday that will allow Wisconsin residents to secretly carry weapons."

"The state Senate passed the law by a 23-10 vote this week. If the Assembly passes the bill, it will go to Gov. Jim Doyle, who could either sign it into law or veto it." ...

"The [Badger State Sheriff's] association is concerned about allowing permit holders to consume alcohol while armed. He said the law should require absolute sobriety." ...

"Monroe Police Chief Fred Kelley said he supports the idea that people can protect themselves but has concerns about the proposed law. He said concealed weapons could create more tension between police officers and citizens." ...

WI: County's senators oppose weapons bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's probably not surprising that state Sen. Luther Olsen, R-Ripon, has received a few comments after being the only member of his party in the Senate to vote against the latest effort to overturn the state's 133-year ban on concealed weapons."

"'I've gotten a lot of calls from people thanking me for standing up for what I believe in. I've gotten some e-mails ... from people who were unhappy that I voted against concealed carry, and hope that I would vote to support the override,' Olsen said in a phone interview Friday." ...

"'I'm hoping as time goes on that we're more civil to each other. In my picture of Wisconsin, in a civil society, we don't need people carrying guns,' Olsen said." ...

Submitter's Note: So he is going to introduce a bill to disarm cops?

CA: Appeals Court Rejects NRA Petition Against Gun Ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The California Court of Appeals will not be handling a suit that condemns San Francisco's Proposition H gun ban ... after rejecting a petition to keep the suit out of trial court."

"On November 9 the National Rifle Association filed a suit in San Francisco’s Court of Appeals declaring the ban violates state and federal law."

"The California Court of Appeals rejected that petition on Friday, San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera's Office reported."

"'In rejecting the NRA's petition, the Court of Appeal has apparently recognized that there are legitimate issues involving municipal powers and the will of the voters that need to be litigated in the trial court,' City Attorney spokesman Matt Dorsey said in a statement." ...

OR: Puzzling story on gun permits
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Some stories in the paper are so puzzling they cry out for another look. One that caught my attention was a little blurb on Nov. 28."

It reported that because of an unwitting change in the law in 2003 and a Court of Appeals decision based on that change this past September, Oregon sheriffs can no longer revoke somebody’s license to carry a concealed handgun based on the reasonable belief that the person is a danger to himself or others."

"Really? What kind of law change would produce such a nutty result?" ...

PA: State lawmakers get a one-gun reminder
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"As Philadelphia's state legislators plan their spring primary campaigns, City Councilman Darrell Clarke is reminding them that their constituents voted overwhelmingly in favor of passing laws to reduce the city's gun violence."

"Clarke and Councilwoman Donna Reed Miller sent state legislators last May's referendum on amending Philadelphia's Home Rule Charter to request that the General Assembly allow the city to pass antigun-violence laws."

Voters responded 'yes.'"

"The key law would allow an individual to purchase only one handgun per month." ...

NJ: Officer shoots himself in gun holster accident
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Newark police officer was in fair condition yesterday at a New Brunswick hospital, where he was taken after accidentally shooting himself in the stomach when he tried to remove his gun from its holster at his Edison apartment."

"Israel Segarra, 52, told police he was in his Koster Boulevard apartment around 7:20 p.m. Thursday when he struggled to remove his 9 mm duty weapon that was jammed in his holster, and the gun discharged."

"Segarra ran to a neighbor's apartment and banged on the door for help, said Edison police officer Robert Dudash. The neighbor came to the door and tried to assist Segarra and called township police." ...

VA: Killer's note: 'I must go'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Mental illness finally overcame Joe Casuccio."

"Less than 90 minutes before the Henrico County social worker fatally shot his former girlfriend, he scribbled a series of suicide notes to family members and friends. He used thank-you cards from Kmart." ...

"... Casuccio arranged for a close friend to buy him a 9mm pistol at Greentop Sporting Goods in Hanover County. Casuccio couldn't legally buy a gun on his own because he had been previously committed to a psychiatric hospital and had a preliminary protective order filed against him." [emphasis added]

"'The guy that bought the gun for him had no idea' about Casuccio's troubles, Jason said. 'Joe tricked him like he tricked all of us.'" ...

MI: Ex-officer charged in Taser shooting of partner
Submitted by: Avarge Joe

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"A fired Hamtramck police officer was charged Wednesday with assault and battery for allegedly discharging a Taser weapon at his partner last month during an argument in their patrol car."

"Ronald Dupuis, 32, of Allen Park was charged with the 93-day misdemeanor by Wayne County prosecutors. He is making arrangements to be arraigned, possibly later this week, according to Hamtramck Police Chief James Doyle."

"Dupuis, a 6-year employee, is accused of firing the Taser at his female partner during a Nov. 3 argument."

"Doyle fired him about a week later." ...

Submitter's Note: What's the problem? Cops zap grandmothers without being charged with a crime. Different standards maybe?

OH: When You Give an Obie a Gun, You Get the First OC Gun Club
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Oberlin Student Rifle Association became an official student organization Nov. 26, adding new diversity to Oberlin's more typical organizations like the Oberlin Peace Activists League and the Oberlin College Democrats."

"OSRA's official status will allow its 27 members to go to nearby shooting ranges, as well as receive funding from the College."

"OSRA is meant to give students the opportunity to learn how to safely handle and shoot firearms, as well as opening serious discussion about guns and their role in politics." ...

"'The purpose of OSRA is to provide students at Oberlin with a venue to exercise their Second Amendment rights and a forum to discuss Second Amendment issues,' Stocker said." ...

NY: Sheriff offers gun safety class
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A handgun safety course will be offered by the Cayuga County Sheriff's Office, starting at 8 a.m. and lasting for five or six hours on Saturday, Dec. 17."

"The course will be held at the Salmon Creek Sportsman's Club on Scipio-Venice Town Line Road between Routes 34 and 34B in the town of Scipio."

"Members of the sheriff's office will teach the course, which will fulfill the safety course requirements for people applying for pistol permits. Attendees who are not applying for a permit are also invited to attend. The class costs $10."

"To register for the course, contact Sgt. Ralph Gray at the sheriff's training office at 253-3935. ..."

NM: Crime class learns gun safety
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Angie Albrecht was 18, she was involved in an armed robbery while she worked at Domino's Pizza off Central Avenue and Wyoming Boulevard." ...

"Though the village of Corrales is seemingly safe and Albrecht has her dogs, she wanted to learn more about what to do to protect herself. ... Albrecht learned of Trish Hoffman's Women Against Crime (WAC) class. Albrecht is one of more than 40 women who have been attending WAC this eight-week session, which ends Dec. 19." ...

"Last week, WAC visited the indoor shooting range ... Albrecht was one of a handful in the class who had never fired a gun. ... she wanted instruction from someone who had the experience that would allow her to learn correctly from the beginning." ...

WA: Rare bird stalls new gun range
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Snohomish County's effort to build a public gun range near Sultan has hit a snag: a reclusive, threatened seabird called the marbled murrelet."

"Experts say the birds nest high in old evergreen trees 25 miles or more from Puget Sound."

"The majority of the county's commuters head to King County every day, and so do the murrelets. The birds nest in fir and hemlock trees as far as 30 miles inland and fly to salt water to forage for their food."

"Evidence of marbled murrelet nests and droppings was found this summer by consultants working for the Snohomish County parks department. The birds have been listed as a threatened species since 1992." ...

UK: Videotape of robbery in London's East End
Submitted by: Anonymous

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KABA Note: Notice how a single robber took on 4 shop people. This is the 'rule of the strong' that Sarah and her ilk want us to return to.

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