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Newslinks for 12/12/2009

Taking 'The High Road'… and other gun rights forums
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Last time, I mentioned ... that it would be interesting to interview members of the extended family of cop-killer Maurice Clemmons, just to see what makes them tick ..."

"That brings up a question many in the gun rights community have never dared to ask: What makes a gun rights activist tick? What is it that drives a growing segment of American firearms owners to become more than shooters and hunters; to become 'defenders of the faith' as they are often portrayed by gun prohibitionists."

"Perhaps the best way to do that is visit some of the Internet gun rights forums, and there are dozens of them, related to topics broad and narrow. ..."

"But a handful of these forums are geared toward gun rights ..." ...

Second Amendment March Fundraising Challenge
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Second Amendment March is a grassroots organization that was started in February 2009 by author and firearms instructor, Skip Coryell. Since its inception they have received thousands of emails, thousands of sign-ups for their email newsletter, and thousands of visitors each month to their web site."

"The purpose of the March is to galvanize the resolve of the American people to stand up for their right to keep and bear arms and to remind our politicians that the Bill of Rights guarantees that right as an individual freedom."

"To achieve this, they will hold a peaceful, law-abiding national rally in Washington, D.C. on April 19, 2010. ..." ...

FBI report says cops minimally trained and 'gun control' doesn't work
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "... First, let's address the whole basis for the 'Only Ones,' the claim that police are simply better trained than the rest of us as a condition of employment."

"The report discusses a study where:"
"All of the 50 law enforcement officers…had to qualify with their firearms at least once each year, averaging 2.5 qualifications per year for an average of 14 hours of sidearm training per year…28 officers had an interest in firearms or practiced shooting in addition to their required firearm qualification training. Of those 28 officers, 22 hunted and occasionally practiced with shotguns or rifles. None of the 22 reported practicing with handguns in nonduty-related activities." ...

Anti-gunners ratchet up the politics of fear
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I won't say that in gun rights, the only thing to fear is fear itself, but fear is among the most effective weapons in the forcible citzen disarmament advocates' arsenal. Those who support more and more oppressive regulation of guns always couch their message as an appeal for urgent action that must be taken quickly, in order to prevent an armageddon of 'gun violence.'" ...

"The latest 'emergency' is the fanciful 'terror gap'--a concept that calls for a dramatic expansion of the 'prohibited purchaser' list, allowing the Attorney General to block any gun sale on a whim, simply by designating the prospective purchaser a 'suspected terrorist.'" ...

Safer Streets 101: Alternating gun rights successes and setbacks delay safe streets
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Gun Control in America is the vanguard of all of our predatory social programs preying on American citizens. Everything leftists have learned in what Americans will tolerate in abuses of due process and powers not granted came from studying the tolerance of America's loudest defenders of freedom: no, it was never liberals fighting for the little guy, it was always liberty purists, especially gun owners, fighting for the entire nation. And for safer streets."

"Even non-gun owners benefit immensely from gun ownership of others. This is a very important message to understand." ...

New Year's gun rights resolution: Attend an Appleseed
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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" is conducting a special project, starting today, asking their contributors to come up with topical New Year's resolutions."

"On the surface, I thought this would be something better left to others--for instance health-related Examiners. But it didn't take much mulling to realize this is also a perfect opportunity to think up some resolutions for old, new and potential gun owners."

"Let's see if I can come up with one a day between now and New Year's. I don't expect readers to do them all, but you certainly ought to be able to make and keep one."

"Here's the first resolution for your consideration:"

"I will attend an Appleseed event." ...

Gun laws are getting looser across much of US
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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"It's been the year of the gun in Tennessee. In a flurry of legislative action, handgun owners won the right to take their weapons onto sports fields and playgrounds and, at least briefly, into bars."

"... In much of the country, it is getting easier to carry guns."

"A nationwide review by The Associated Press found that over the last two years, 24 states, mostly in the South and West, have passed 47 new laws loosening gun restrictions."

"Among other things, legislatures have allowed firearms to be carried in cars, made it illegal to ask job candidates whether they own a gun, and expanded agreements that make permits to carry handguns in one state valid in another." ...

NSSF warns of threat to ammunition availability, calls for action
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The National Shooting Sports Foundation has notified members that, as demand for ammunition continues to outpace supply, 'it is critically important that an amendment authored by Rep. Sam Graves (R-Mo.) to a seemingly obscure hazardous material bill (HR 4016) be attached to the legislation during consideration on the House floor.'"

"The NSSF notes that the amendment being pushed by Graves will help protect the shipment of materials necessary for the manufacturing of ammunition, and warns that without the Graves Amendment, the rate of production will slip, perhaps precipitously." ...

Treaty endangers our right to own guns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Have you ever heard of CIFTA? Many people have not or do not know what the CIFTA treaty would do to the individual citizen. CIFTA stands for Inter-American Convention Against Illicit Manufacturing and Trafficking in firearms, ammunition, explosives and other related materials."

"Back in 1997 the United Nations presented a treaty to the United States for ratification. This was during the Clinton administration. I'm not sure why Congress didn't ratify it at the time. It has come up before our legislators once again. If ratified, it would impact every American citizen's rights to own or use a firearm." ...

Keeping Pandora's Box Sealed
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In today’s Washington Times, Ken Klukowski and Ken Blackwell co-authored an op-ed about McDonald v. Chicago and the Privileges or Immunities Clause titled, 'A gun case or Pandora’s box?'" ...

"First, the Kens argue that the Supreme Court should uphold the Slaughter-House Cases, out of a fear that reversal ... would empower judges to strike down state and local laws. What they neglect to mention is that it has been the role of the judiciary since Marbury v. Madison to strike down laws that violate the Constitution. There is near-universal agreement across the political spectrum that Slaughter-House was wrongly decided ... The Kens want to continue this mistaken jurisprudence." ...

PA: Pa. Gun Regulation Reform: Not Just A Big City Issue
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Towns and municipalities across the state have recently joined larger cities such as Philadelphia and Pittsburgh in the fight for more 'sensible' gun regulation."

"'No one is talking about taking away the rights of hunters and sportsmen,' said Ceasefire PA Executive Director, Joe Grace. 'But with crime on the rise everywhere, local mayors, town councils and police chiefs see the value in endorsing common sense gun legislation.'"

"Currently 17 Pa cities including Allentown, Erie and Lancaster have passed 'Lost or Stolen' handgun reporting ordinances. Six additional towns have passed resolutions requesting action on this issue from the State Legislature." ...

FL: Why could he buy the guns?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"He was taking an anti-psychotic drug. His sister had obtained a restraining order against him. His family worried that he was unstable."

"Yet according to authorities, Paul Michael Merhige bought four firearms in the weeks before he shot and killed four family members in Jupiter on Thanksgiving night. How could someone like him buy those weapons? It was legal under Florida law."

"Whatever your views on the Second Amendment, let's agree that without the firearms, there would have been no tragedy two weeks ago. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Because no one has ever used an improvised flamethrower or a dollar's worth of gasoline and two matches to commit mass murder.

Media propagandizes Times Square shooting
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The New York Times and [AP] today ran extensive coverage of the police shooting yesterday which occurred in Times Square. As in previous coverage of gun-related issues, however, the articles were both inaccurate and misleading."

"Described variously as a 'submachine gun' by the Times, and either a 'machine gun' or 'machine pistol' by the AP, the firearm in the photo above actually appears to be either a Mac-10 or Cobray M11, both of which are sold only in semi-automatic (not fully automatic) versions."

"Both firearms are of low production quality, quite probably accounting for the fact that the gun malfunctioned after perpetrator Raymond Martinez had fired only two rounds at police Sergeant Christopher Newsome. ..." ...

TX: Robbery Suspect Fatally Shot at Repair Shop
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A would-be robber is shot to death by a tire store owner in north Houston, and officers are searching for three suspects who got away."

"The shooting took place after 8 p.m. Wednesday at the 11100 block of Bauman Road."

"Police say four men tried to stage a robbery at the El Mante Tire Shop at the 11000 block of Bauman Road at approximately 8:30 p.m. Wednesday. The store owner, who has a license to carry a concealed handgun, drew his weapon and started shooting."

"One robbery suspect died in the shop, but three others escaped in a black Mercury Mountaineer with chrome rims. They were also able to steal some property, but police would not say what was stolen." ...

NY: Wounded Jewelry Store Owner Detains Robbery Suspect
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Nassau County jewelry store owner was shot in the torso as he faced three would-be robbers and, amazingly, was able to detain one suspect until police arrived."

"At 7:11 p.m., three suspects — a woman and two men — attempted to rob Papandrew Jewelers ..."

"One man ... produced a handgun and the store owner retrieved his own gun from behind a display case ..."

"The two exchanged gunfire when Hamilton jumped over the display case. The store owner sustained a gunshot in the torso."

"Hamilton and Gloria Cortes, ... who was posing as a customer, fled the store. The injured store owner was remarkably able to roll onto the third robber ... and hold him until police arrived at the scene." ...

Amtrak, Guns, and Sausage
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When congressional negotiators agreed to a final version of a transportation bill, it included an amendment to allow Amtrak passengers to take their guns with them — unloaded, locked, and only in their checked baggage."

"While only a small skirmish in the long war against the right of citizens to 'keep and bear arms' under the Second Amendment, the process by which this amendment was added is worth examining as a microcosm of “representative government” in action." ...

WI: To reduce crime put criminals out of business
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"If only there was just another gun control law. We are being told (again) by lawmakers that another new gun control law is absolutely necessary to reduce crime. There are already over 23,000 State and Federal gun control laws that apparently have not netted the desired results, so why would anyone think criminals will finally crack if only another gun control law is passed?"

"The facts are, in spite of all the gun control laws that have been passed to 'stop crime', criminals are still living and working and prospering all over Wisconsin today. This is because gun control laws have been proven to have no deterrent effect ..." ...

"May I make a suggestion? Rather than pass more gun control legislation, the legislature should pass a good shall issue carry law." ...

FL: A New List Florida Gun Bills Pre-Filed For 2010 Legislation – So Far
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The following is a list of firearms related bills that have been pre-filed for the 2010 legislative session so far. More are expected."

"*SB-98 Regulation of Firearms ...* – Provides that firearms, firearm accessories, & ammunition made in Florida for personal use are not subject to federal law or regulation; provides that certain basic materials are not subject to federal regulation of firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition under interstate commerce; Effective October 1, 2010, a firearm manufactured and sold in this state must have the indicia 'Made in Florida' clearly stamped on a central metallic part of the firearm, such as the receiver or frame. ..." ...

OH: Two concealed carry bills to get second hearing
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"UPDATE - The December 15 hearing has been canceled. We will provide updates when another hearing is scheduled."

Chairwomen Linda Bolan (D-1) has scheduled HB203 and HB158 for second hearings on Tuesday, December 15 at 3:00 p.m. in Room 122 of the Ohio Statehouse."

"HB203 would allow persons with a concealed handgun license to carry their firearms into any restaurant providing they are not, and do not become intoxicated. The bill is sponsored by Representatives Danny Bubp (R-88) and Jarrod Martin (R-70)." ...

AR: The year of the gun
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A survey story looks at the nationwide push this year by the NRA to lift gun restrictions in cities and states. Pistols in pews haven't made it to Arkansas yet, for example, but the fight isn't over."

"The subject happened to be on my mind today because I passed through the Tower Building this morning and noted a prominent sign in the lobby that said weapons were not allowed in the attorney general's office ..."

"I've asked for, but haven't received yet, an explanation from Attorney General Dustin McDaniel. To paraphrase him in his support of lawsuits to invalidate decades-old local laws pertaining to handguns in Chicago and Washington, 'What part of the Second Amendment's 'shall not be infringed' doesn't he understand?'" ...

NY: Weapons manufacturer to get $700,000 grant for Yonkers and Greenburgh expansion
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"A state agency proposes giving a $700,000 economic development grant to a weapons manufacturer that recently expanded in Yonkers and Greenburgh."

"Kimber Manufacturing wants the grant to pay for a portion of its acquisition, renovation and equipment costs related to a $10.8 million expansion completed in September." ...

KABA Note: But aren't gun manufacturers evil merchants of death who deliberately oversaturate the market with their faulty products to arm criminals?

GA: UGA Police Chief comments on repealing college gun ban
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"There are high crime rates surrounding college campuses in Georgia. Just this morning, a college student was stabbed inside the school safety zone surrounding Georgia Tech during a successful robbery. In spite of the usual advice to submit and 'give the armed criminal what he wants,' the robber stabbed the student after he handed over his money." ...

"This happens in spite of the fact that Georgia makes it a felony to carry a weapon inside of a 'school safety zone,' with ten years in prison as a penalty. The only people obeying this law are the victims of armed predators. The criminals have figured out where the low risk, soft targets are located."

"It is time for a change." ...

NJ: New Jersey quadriplegic permitted to have and fire gun
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"After a two-and-a-half-year legal battle — and 30 years of longing — Jamie Cap, a Manville resident, is now permitted to have and fire a gun."

"... the 46-year-old was rendered quadriplegic after being tackled during a high school football game. Cap is physically unable to hold a gun or pull a trigger."

"But he missed the thrill of hunting and firing a weapon — something he said he started in his youth. After some research, he found that there was technology that would allow him to experience shooting again."

"The only way a person can buy a gun in New Jersey is to have a firearms purchaser identification card ... Cap first applied for the ID in May 2007. He waited until December 2008, to find that he had been rejected." ...

You can never have a revolution to establish a democracy. You must have a democracy in order to have a revolution. — G.K. Chesterton, English journalist and author, 1955

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