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Newslinks for 12/13/2002

Professor Blasts Rob Morse Over His Gun Control Column
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Hey, Rob, I think the professor said that you got it all wrong! It's getting to where a Chron columnist can't ramble on aimlessly, as you are wont to do, without getting his hand called by someone interested in factual interpretations. That takes all the fun out of it, doesn't it?"

A dangerous weapon
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"When I returned to this country ...I made a promise to myself that I would never attempt to argue with Americans over the issue of gun control."

"I respect the sanctity of the U.S. Constitution and wish that Britain had the sense to write its own instead of relying on the law of precedent."

"But....I digress. I was about to talk about another weapon... the American Pit bull. These dogs require the owner to have as much accountability and responsibility as gun owners in the UK."...

There you have it, folks. The UK boasts "dog control."

Australia: Gun dealers want levy to fight ban
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Gun dealers may impose a 1 per cent levy on all firearm sales to build a fighting fund to seek government compensation for the loss of business arising from a national handgun ban."

"Gun dealers said they were angry at the increased scope of the gun ban deal struck last week by Prime Minister John Howard and state leaders and had already suffered a severe loss of trade."

Canada: Martin, Rock face scolding over gun debacle
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Liberal leadership hopefuls, including Paul Martin and Allan Rock, are facing the embarrassing prospect of being called on the carpet at the Commons public accounts committee over the gun-registry debacle, just as the leadership race is heating up."

"The committee, chaired by Canadian Alliance MP John Williams, agreed to conduct hearings into huge cost overruns at the registry and criticism from the Auditor-General about the government's failure to report those overruns to Parliament adequately."

MD: Ballistic fingerprinting under fire (Letter)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A recent correspondent advocates a ballistic 'fingerprinting' database on the grounds that we must 'do something.' I am reminded of the lead character in 'The Dresser' who, when told they must 'do something' replies they must instead do the right thing."

"It costs the state of Maryland approximately $500 per gun to save a ballistic image. After two years of saving images, they have yet to obtain a conviction with this system."

The Brady Bunch and the "Ballistics Fingerprinting" Fraud
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"One of the most shameful aspects of the recent series of shooting murders here in the Maryland, Washington DC and Virginia areas was the way the motley crew of anti-Second Amendment, anti-self-defense, gun-grabbers attempted to capitalize on this mass slaughter."

"No sooner had the shell casings hit the ground, and the bodies of the respective victims grown cold, than these folks began to hard-sell their current batch of snake oil -- so-called 'ballistics fingerprinting' -- "...

NC: Complete instructions on how to be a coward
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Original title: UPS driver fights off robber

"Castren grabbed a wine bottle and walked outside his third-story apartment and saw a man wrestling with a United Parcel Service driver on the ground floor of his building."

" 'At this point, I decided to retreat because all I had was a wine bottle and I didn’t think it would do much good,' he said."

"Castren said he thought he saw a gun in the hands of the would-be robber and went back inside his apartment."

" 'As soon as I thought I saw a gun, I got … out of there,' he said."

FL: Gov. Bush restores rights of FBI agent jailed in Ruby Ridge probe
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Gov. Jeb Bush and the Clemency Board restored the civil rights Thursday of the FBI agent convicted of destroying records while investigating the agency's role in the deadly 1992 shootout at Ruby Ridge, Idaho."

"E. Michael Kahoe, a former head of the FBI's violent crime and major offenders section, pleaded guilty in 1997 to obstruction of justice for ordering the destruction of an FBI report into the 1992 fatal shooting at the cabin of white separatist Randall Weaver."

FL: Holly Hill to buy guns for officers
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The City Commission shot down an old policy in favor of one that will result in new police officers being armed with department issued weapons."

"Tuesday night the commission gave the Police Department unanimous approval to use the city's Special Law Enforcement Trust Fund to purchase seven Glock .40 caliber pistols to be issued to new hires. The department is looking to fill two more officer vacancies and those officers will be issued the new department-owned weapons."

Canada: Gun registry scaled back after funding problems
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The federal government, under pressure for overspending on the national gun registry, says it's going to scale back the program for the foreseeable future."

"Justice Minister Martin Cauchon told Parliament on Thursday that he will freeze spending."

"He said the program will continue to operate but at a minimum level."

Canada: Freezing gun registry doesn't please either side
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"On Thursday, Justice Minister Martin Cauchon froze funding for the registry, which the auditor general reported could cost up to $1 billion by 2005. Cauchon said the program will continue to operate at a minimum level."

"Last week, a request for an additional $72 million to operate the gun registry was withdrawn before the House of Commons could vote on it."

Canada: Man gunned down in Woodbridge street
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Mr. Christie, 21, a Vaughan resident, was pronounced dead at Etobicoke General Hospital Monday night after being shot on Beechnut Road in the Langstaff Road and Kipling Avenue area."

"The shooting occurred about 8:30 p.m. as a music video starring Jamaican reggae singer Sean Paul was being taped a few houses away."

Australia: Police appeal on shooting
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A MAN in his 20s was shot dead in a busy hotel carpark in south-western Sydney overnight."

"Bankstown police were called to the Clapham Road hotel in Sefton about 12.30am (AEDT) after reports that shots had been fired in the carpark."

"They arrived to find a man, believed to be aged in his mid-20s, lying between parked cars."

More gun violence in the "safe" gun-control haven of Australia.

FL: Shotgun Found at School
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"It was through a routine check of the student parking lot that a school resource deputy found the gun."

"Rutherford High School principal Joe Bullock says the student had forgotten about the unloaded, Remington 12-gauge shotgun was in his truck."

" 'The young man is a hunter and had been hunting and just neglected to take the weapon out of his vehicle,' says Bullock."

And yet he's been arrested, faces felony charges and expulsion has been recommended.

VA: Springfield minister draws on friend's murder to support legislation
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The Rev. Jim Atwood... has been involved in gun control issues for nearly 30 years. An avid hunter and owner of three rifles, Atwood said he sees the need for responsible legislation without infringing on Second Amendment rights."

" 'It does not take away anyone's right to own a gun, and it does not take away the right to have a gun show,' Atwood said about Senate Bill 698. 'It simply asks questions of who the people are that buy the guns, and every citizen has a right to know that.' "

CA: U.S. Closes Probe of 1998 Police Shooting
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The federal government on Thursday closed its investigation into the 1998 fatal shooting by four white police officers of a black woman in a parked car, citing insufficient evidence to support criminal charges."

"The investigation examined not only the shooting of 19-year-old Tyisha Miller but also allegations that Riverside police officers made racially insensitive comments about Miller and her family after the shooting, the U.S. Department of Justice said."

Optional Inoculation
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Bush Says Smallpox Vaccine Program Will Be Voluntary."

"The administration's smallpox program will not endorse compulsory vaccinations for all Americans, President Bush told ABCNEWS' Barbara Walters."

NY: N.Y. cig sales could be stubbed out
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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More government control in New York.

"The state is warning there could be a 'period of time' next year when no cigarettes are available for sale in New York..."

"The state Office of Fire Prevention and Control is expected to release regulations soon that will require that by next July, only self-extinguishing cigarettes can be sold in New York."

Hatch Asks for More Legal Weight Against Pledge Ruling
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, is urging the Senate's legal counsel to file an amicus brief to accompany a government challenge against a federal court's decision that the Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional."

"In a letter written to staff lawyer Patricia Mack Bryan and released Tuesday, Hatch, the incoming chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, vehemently disagrees with the most recent decision on the Pledge's constitutionality and asks for more legal action to oppose the decision."

A day to remember
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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Harry Browne says Sunday, December 15 should be Bill of Rights Day.

"If there were to be only one holiday in America, that should be it. Contrary to all the blather we here about the unique goodness of the American people or our religious heritage or anything else, the one thing that set this country apart from all others was the Bill of Rights."

Gun Victory?
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"With the latest news of our 'victory' over arming the pilots of our commercial aircraft, it comes in about 30 years late, and a few billion dollars short, not including the lives destroyed from all the hi-jackings over this time frame."

"Now don't get me wrong, ANY firearm presentation, legislation, or otherwise "victory" for America's firearm freedoms is a very good thing, and that is what we are all about. But let's take a look at the big picture of what we have now. As of my mention above, we are so very stupid to let the government take control over any domestic security we can do on our own."

Schumer -- Backdoor Gun Registry
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"On NBC's Meet The Press (10/20/02), Democrat Senator Charles Schumer of New York, defending a 'fingerprinting' program for guns, quoted Randy Rossi approvingly. Rossi is the head of the Firearms Division of California's Department Of Justice, who has said that such a program would be 'a fabulous opportunity.' "

Rights falling to control, not security concerns (second letter)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Perhaps their next ruling will find that the First Amendment (freedom of speech) only applies to the IRS, or that the Fourth (unreasonable searches and seizures) applies only to the FBI. In some future ruling, we may see the Sixth (speedy and public trial) and the Eighth Amendment (excessive bail, cruel and unusual punishment) apply only to senators and congressmen."

"Or, perhaps the court will discover that the Fifth (due process, self-incrimination) only applies to judges and lawyers."

Canada: Pistol held to child's head
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"...the armed robber appears to be the same man who fractured an 81-year-old woman's hip during a November robbery at a CIBC branch at 51st Avenue and 122nd Street."

PA: Officer who investigated Iverson loses gun, badge, to thieves
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The police detective who investigated assault allegations against NBA star Allen Iverson this summer said thieves broke into his car this week and stole his badge, his gun, his suit and even his Frank Sinatra CDs." ...

"The theft happened the same day that the Philadelphia Daily News published a front-page story in which a former hotel security guard accused Chitwood of poking fun at Iverson's legal troubles during the probe."

CA: Resident beaten in home robbery
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A 25-year-old man was hospitalized after one of two armed robbers who burst into his McClintock Street home early yesterday struck him on the head with a gun, police said."

Not surprisingly, this California resident was unarmed.

MA: Aiming to please lots of gun owners: Store would store twice as much ammo as usually allowed
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Representatives of Galyan's Trading Company will go before selectmen on Dec. 17 for a license to carry 450,000 rounds of ammunition to match up with weapons available for sale at their new monolithic store on Commonwealth Ave." ...

"According to Massachusetts General Laws, stores can carry up to 200,000 rounds with permission from the local fire chief, but they need executive town approval, such as that of selectmen, to stock more."

Schumer Not Truthful
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"U.S. Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) is one of the most rabid, anti-Second Amendment, anti-self-defense, gun-grabbers in the Congress."

"In a recent Associated Press story (10/21/02), Phil Singer, a spokesman for Schumer, defended his boss' advocacy of a national ballistics database saying such a system would rely on 'hard facts.' But, Schumer has relied on anything but 'hard facts' in his attack on a preliminary California study dealing with ballistics imaging. In fact, Schumer has played fast and loose with the truth and he has been caught saying something that is not true."

"On this issue, if Schumer was Pinocchio, his nose would be roughly the size of the Washington Monument."

Canada: Disaster Up North: Gun-control laws run amuck
Submitted by: Randy Hudson

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"Effusively praised by President Clinton, Canada's gun-control laws are in a state of crisis, threatening the political future of many Liberal party politicians. Introduced in 1995 with a promised net cost of $2 million dollars (Canadian), the nation's gun registry is going to cost over a billion dollars.... Now, many Canadians who have no personal interest in gun ownership are turning against the deceit and self-dealing of the Liberals."

CO: Aurora man accused of carrying loaded gun in carry-on bag
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"An Aurora man who told authorities he forgot about a .38-caliber revolver in his carry-on bag was arrested at Denver International Airport."

" 'When the weapon was found, (Kovalis) informed the officer that he forgot the weapon was in his bag,' according to a police report. He told officers he had 'screwed up.' "

Canada: Court documents suggest Manitoba Hells Angels linked to missing weapons
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A .44-Magnum revolver registered to Gale was found in possession of the bikers earlier this year and police have said they haven’t a clue where several other missing weapons -- including a Uzi submachine gun and a Ingram M-10 machine pistol -- have gone."

Canada: PM knew about cost overruns in gun registry
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Since McLellan years: 'Why didn't he do something?' one Liberal MP says."

"Jean Chrétien, the Prime Minister, told a closed-door caucus meeting yesterday that he had been aware of cost overruns in the gun registry program for years."

MD: Woman robbed at gunpoint, then slashed by assailants
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"One of the men showed her he had a gun and demanded her money... After she gave them cash they demanded more money and she told them she did not have any more..."

"One of the men cut the woman's throat with a knife before they fled the area..."

Who's shocked that Maryland isn't the safe haven that gun control advocates promised strict gun laws would bring?

IL: Homes safer after gun buy back
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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Note the obnoxious lack of objectivity in the title, and throughout the article.

"The ...event gave residents an opportunity to safely dispose of their unwanted firearms, ammunition and accessories, and possibly avoid a tragic accident in the home..."

"The couple plan (sic) to use the gift certificates they received buy Christmas gifts for the needy and purchase some equipment for a safer activity — fishing..."

"...the presence of a gun in the home triples the risk of homicide."

Use this link to write this feeble excuse for a reporter:

IN: Dillinger machine gun back in Lake County possession
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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" 'It was stolen from the sheriff’s department. It’s back where it belongs,' Buncich said. 'It’s a piece of history.' "

Although it is said to be worth at least $1 million, Buncich says he has no plans to put it on display..."

" 'I never had any intentions of putting it on display. It will be secure in our vault downstairs,' said Buncich, who wouldn’t even hold the gun."

" 'I just have a bad taste in my mouth knowing that this weapon was used by a cop killer.' "

OH: Kids deliver message
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Maurice and 24 other sixth graders from Goodrich Middle School's after-school program were at Stewart & Calhoun funeral home Wednesday to film a commercial warning about the dangers of guns."

"Though the scene was fake, the message it conveyed was real: Never, ever play with a gun."

"It's a matter of life and death."

PA: Burglars nabbed by college student, cops say
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Two burglars looking for money to buy drugs instead found themselves staring down the barrels of two guns after they were ambushed during a break-in, authorities said." ...

" 'I cocked the gun right in his face,' John Stuart said in an interview from his Oak street residence."

" 'I said, ‘Yo, you just robbed my nephew’s Christmas,’ ' he said. 'I didn’t take the barrel off him until the police got there.' "

Argentina: Worried Argentine stores stock guns for Christmas
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Some Argentine supermarket owners are stocking something new this Christmas season -- guns, in case their stores are overrun by hungry looters like they were this time a year ago."

"Some retailers dismiss the fears as media-driven "psychosis," but others have bussed in dozens of extra baton-wielding police to guard their businesses just in case the country's worst-ever economic depression again explodes into violence."

CA: HUNTING & FISHING: Recent surge in mountain lion attacks has many questioning California law
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Russell Souza, 35, sustained a claw wound on his left elbow and scratches on his chest and shoulder before freeing himself from the lion. Souza then shot and killed the enraged animal before turning it over to Department of Fish and Game officials for examination."

"Because Souza was acting in self-defense, the DFG did not charge him with poaching. But it's illegal to kill a mountain lion in almost every other circumstance in California, a law that makes some uneasy and others frustrated."

Blogs 1, Reinhardt (the lying socialist) 0
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"For example, in arguing that some of the founders "explicitly disparaged the idea of creating an individual right to personal arms," Judge Reinhardt cites precisely one quote from the Founders to make his argument:

"For instance, in a highly influential treatise, John Adams ridiculed the concept of such a right, asserting that the general availability of arms would 'demolish every constitution, and lay the laws prostrate, so that liberty can be enjoyed by no man; it is a dissolution of the government.' "

"But as blogger and TCS contributor Stuart Buck points out, Judge Reinhardt did not provide the full quote from Adams, which is as follows:

"To suppose arms in the hands of citizens, to be used at individual discretion, except in private self-defense, or by partial orders of towns, countries or districts of a state, is to demolish every constitution, and lay the laws prostrate, so that liberty can be enjoyed by no man; it is a dissolution of the government. The fundamental law of the militia is, that it be created, directed and commanded by the laws, and ever for the support of the laws."

KY: Police undergo firearms training
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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" 'We want to see if the officers use good judgment, if they use the correct level of force and how they interact with a suspect. We have several other training exercise that we conduct throughout the year and hope that we are able to use this system again in September.' Officer Harper said."

You Must Be Nuts To Want A Gun
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Guinness Book of World Records does not yet list the category World's Dumbest Gun-Control Law. But, if such a dubious distinction is ever acknowledged, the Massachusetts communities of Andover, North Andover, Lawrence and Methuen will definitely be in the running for such a singularly asinine achievement. Why?"

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. — C. S. LEWIS

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