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Newslinks for 12/13/2005

Will privacy concerns put guns in the hands of the mentally ill?
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"'FBI: Data on mentally ill could save lives,' announced the Fort Worth Star-Telegram headline last week."

"At last. Recognition that without access to some medical records, the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS, is an inadequate tool for keeping firearms away from people who, under federal law, can't have them."

"No sane person on either side of the gun debate can reasonably argue that the instant check is not a good idea. Initiated in 1998, NICS replaced the Brady Act, which required a five-day waiting period between the time that an individual filled out the paperwork to buy a handgun and when that person could take possession of it." ...

Are Democrats More Conservative Than Republicans
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... "Speaking on the topic of the second amendment, Barr said that his position as a board member on the NRA enabled him to judge the difference between how the Clinton and Bush administration’s approached the issue. Barr echoed the sentiments of many other prominent conservatives in expressing his frustration about how the Bush administration was even more anti-second amendment than the Clinton office." ...

NY: Hollowed bullet easy to get & hard to survive
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Hollow-point bullets like the one used in the slaying of Officer Daniel Enchautegui are much deadlier than ordinary bullets - and nearly as easy to get."

"Cops favor using the hollow-point bullets because they are less likely to pass through a target and ricochet into a fellow cop or bystander."

"But they want their public sale banned to keep them out of the hands of thugs like Enchautegui's alleged killers, Steven Armento and Lillo Brancato."

"'Our mission is to stop violent felons,' said Patrolmen's Benevolent Association President Patrick Lynch. 'There is no reason for anyone else to have that ability.'" [emphasis added]

"Armento allegedly shot Enchautegui with his father's .357-caliber handgun, loaded with the hollow-point bullets." ...

Oh Boy, It's a Daisy!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gene Powers, 77, wholeheartedly identified with his 11-year-old grandson when the boy yearned for a Daisy Red Ryder BB gun last year. After all, the same gun topped his Christmas list in 1940."

"'It still looks brand new, and I still shoot it,' Powers says about his original Red Ryder, made by the nation’s oldest air gun company. It didn’t take much arm-twisting for the grandfather in Hawkinsville, Ga. (pop. 3,280), to buy each of his four grandsons his own classic Red Ryder. Now, when the boys visit, they head to the backyard to practice their marksmanship on a plywood bull’s-eye propped against the azalea bushes." ...

Stag-15L Lefty AR Carbine and Eberlestock Gunslinger Backpack for Spec-Operators
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While DefenseReview was at the ArmorShield USA booth at IACP 2005 Miami, we ran into Patrick Connors and Heath Fleener from LE Gear Tactical LLC. Both men were toting around some Grade-A equipment. Mr. Fleener made it a point to show us the Stag Arms Stag-15L lefty AR-15/M16-variant tactical carbine (in M4 Carbine config) he was carrying that sported an EOTech 552 HOLOsight (a.k.a. Holographic Weapon Sight/Holographic Diffraction Sight) and flip-down vertical foregrip."

"Getting back to the weapon itself though, the Stag-15L left-handed rifle/carbine is just one of several excellent AR-15/M16-variant tactical rifle/carbines (including right-handed models) made by Stag Arms out of New Britain, Connecticut. ..." ...

FL: 'Do not come in! I have a gun! Leave!' Self-defense training paid off for one woman alone in a Florida hotel room
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"In threatening situations, self-defense expert Il Ling New said that there is a little voice in the back of most people's heads that blares, 'Warning! Warning! You are in danger!'"

"Kat Needham, a biotechnology researcher in the Bay Area with a degree with molecular biology, said she was getting the message loud and clear." ...

AZ: Firearms are instructor’s business
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The teacher was New of San Francisco, a Yale grad with a master's degree in business ... She now teaches self-protection, how to handle guns, and big-game hunting. Her clients include CIA and Secret Service agents, SWAT teams and Navy SEALs, as well as hunters, housewives and children. ..."

"Her smile could melt steel, yet New, a petite 5-foot-4, with a miniature handgun in her palm, can pop two shots in three seconds at 100 yards into an 8-inch pie plate -- or your head."

"... Now as an expert in self-defense, she is the first female staff instructor at Gunsite Academy ..."

"'People think that when they face something, they will rise to the occasion,' New said. 'But we don't rise to the occasion. We default to our level of training.'" ...

TX: Police: Dallas Homeowner Confronts, Shoots Alleged Burglar
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Police say a Dallas homeowner took the law into his own hands when he shot an alleged burglar.

Investigators said the homeowner saw a man peering into his window on the 3700 block of Crown Shore Drive on Sunday afternoon.

The man told police he got a gun and went outside.

Investigators said the man reported seeing two men leaving his home carrying boxes. He followed them into the driveway and confronted them.

The man shot one of the men while the other fled, police said.

So far, no charges have been filed against the homeowner.

KY: Gun shop owner seeks commission seat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Newport gunsmith Pete Garrett will challenge longtime Democratic Campbell County Commissioner Dave Otto in the 2006 election."

"Garrett, 51, a Fort Thomas Republican who also has a farm in southern Campbell County, owns and operates Peter Garrett Gunsmiths on Monmouth Street. He bills it as the 'oldest gunsmithing shop in the state of Kentucky.'"

"Garrett has never held political office but said in a statement he has been 'engaged in civic and political activity for more than 30 years.'"

"'Running a business in Newport and having a farm in Campbell County has made me very familiar with issues that affect the people living in our community,' Garrett said." ...

WA: Mall shooting rekindles debate over gun ads
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun control groups are using the Tacoma Mall shooting to bolster their contention that unlicensed gun sellers should not be allowed to advertise their wares in newspaper classified ads."

"Iowans for the Prevention of Gun Violence and Washington CeaseFire are working to close what they call the 'newspaper loophole' by pressuring legislators and, increasingly, newspapers themselves to end the practice of selling guns through classified ads."

"'The newspapers are really providing a marketplace for gun dealers to illegally sell firearms,' said John Johnson, director of Iowans for the Prevention of Gun Violence." ...

Submitter's Note: Lying liars and the lies they tell: "Gun dealers" are required to sell their wares following all laws and regulations. Their personal arms are different, of course.

WA: Seattle Police Chief Urges Background Checks at Gun Shows
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske joined former Washington Governors Al Rossellini and Mike Lowry, Washington CeaseFire and other community advocates at a press conference today urging Washington's legislature to pass Senate Bill 5343 which would require background checks at all guns sold at gun shows." ...

KABA Note: Watch that step, the slope is awfully slippery!

WI: Gun bill not likely to survive
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The assemblyman who cast a deciding vote last year against overriding the governor's veto of a bill allowing people to carry concealed weapons in public does not like the bill this time around, despite changes aimed at softening opposition."

"Rep. Gary Sherman's vote was controversial at the time, because he voted for the bill before voting against the veto override. At the time, Sherman said he was helping preserve minority power by showing Republicans that they need to work with Democrats."

"Sherman, D-Port Wing, said he would definitely vote against the current bill. ... It is expected to be approved by the Republican-dominated Assembly, and Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle has said that he will once again veto the legislation." ...

That's funny, I distinctly remember Sherman saying that he didn't want a fellow Democrat to be the first governor in one-hundred and however many years to have a veto overridden.

OH: Bill Peirce Answers OFCC Survey
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohio gubernatorial candidate for the Libertarian ticket, Bill Peirce, is the latest candidate to respond to the Ohioans For Concealed Carry Gubernatorial Survey."

"The survey was created by OFCC and sent to all gubernatorial candidates for the 2006 election so that their views on firearms and the second amendment could be made clear to Ohio voters."

"As is common with Libertarian candidates, Mr. Peirce demonstrates unwavering support of the second amendment."

"'Assault weapon' is a cosmetic category, not a functional one. Most important, registration is often the prelude to confiscation, and taking weapons from law-abiding people does not reduce violent crime." ...

OH: Thanks to national columnist, misleading campaign postcard still reverberates (BFA)
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"Last summer, voters in Ohio's 2nd Congressional District who make their decisions based on gun rights were given two good choices - former State Rep. Jean Schmidt (R) faced off against Iraq War vet Paul Hackett (D), in a special election to fill a seat vacated when President Bush appointed then-Congressman Rob Portman as U.S. Trade Representative."

"The NRA decided it saw enough of a difference between the candidates and endorsed Schmidt, who eventually won 52%-48%, a margin of victory less than typical for Republicans in the district. ..."

"In the effort to read the tea leaves about why this race was closer than some expected, a misunderstanding about Schmidt’s record on support for gun rights has begun to creep into the national lexicon, and it deserves to be addressed." ...

PA: More Than 40 State House Members Endorse Republican Mike Turzai for Lieutenant Governor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Forty two (42) Republican members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives took to the Capitol steps today to announce their support for Rep. Mike Turzai (R-Allegheny) as Republican nominee for lieutenant governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania."

"Led by House Majority Leader Sam Smith (R-Jefferson), the legislators united behind one of their own members to bring their vision for a more prosperous Pennsylvania. In his remarks, Smith touched upon Turzai's leadership on issues such as tort reform, limiting governmental spending, and promoting a pro-business agenda. Smith also commended Turzai for his leadership on traditional conservative issues, such as defending the right to life and protecting Second Amendment freedoms." ...

Air Marshal Program Under Lens After Passenger Shot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Air marshals, undercover federal agents who patrol airplanes, are coming under new scrutiny after two shot and killed an unarmed passenger who claimed he had a bomb last week."

"The air marshals shot and killed Rigoberto Alpizar, a U.S. citizen traveling on an American Airlines flight from Colombia that landed in Miami on Dec. 7."

"No explosives were found on the aircraft. Alpizar's backpack, which authorities blew up at a safe distance, also contained no explosives. The two air marshals involved, who remain publicly unidentified, were placed on paid leave, a standard practice, according to the air marshal service." ...

ATF Recognizes Houston Police Department's Firearms Lab for '500' Hits Using Ballistic Technology
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) presented an award today to Executive Assistant Chief Martha Montalvo for the exemplary performance of the Houston Police department's Firearms Laboratory, which recently exceeded the 500 'hits' level in its use of ATF's computerized ballistic imaging system." ...

IL: City: Retired cops can't carry concealed guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Retired Chicago Police officers will be getting letters in the mail soon saying the city won't certify them to carry guns -- a move that angers the head of the local Fraternal Order of Police."

"Congress passed the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004 to allow retired and off-duty officers across the country to carry concealed weapons."

"But the city is worried about the liability of allowing retired cops to carry guns when they haven't gone through refresher training or undergone mental and physical fitness evaluations. The city also is concerned about the lack of a national database of retired officers authorized to carry guns." ...

KABA Note: To quote John Birch of "You feel our pain."

CA: Fake guns creating real concern -- Cops: Carrying replica firearm could lead to a deadly mistake
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Imagine you are taking a stroll through NewPark Mall and you see a teenager pass a handgun to his friend, who then sticks it in his waistband."

"Or maybe you happen to look out the bedroom window and see someone walking down the street wearing a mask and carrying a rifle."

"Perhaps you are a police officer making a car stop and see the head of a firearm peeking out from under the driver's seat."

"What would you do?"

"If you were any of the people who witnessed these real incidents, then you automatically feared the worst."

"Luckily, each of the incidents ended peacefully and involved only imitation firearms." ...

NJ: Cops attack gun availability, yet recycle own weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Few props carry the impact of a semiautomatic assault rifle. So on June 9, 1999, when Mayor Sharpe James announced that Newark would sue gun manufacturers to recover the costs of gun violence, the mayor picked up an AK-47 rifle."

"'It's immoral and unconscionable that you can purchase a weapon of destruction over the counter like popcorn and ice cream,' James said as he gripped the rifle." ...

"In fact, Newark has provided more than 1,500 firearms to gun dealers who in turn sell the used weapons over the counter. Like most New Jersey cities, Newark trades in used police weapons to dealers who provide a large discount when the city buys new police guns. It's as legal as selling popcorn." ...

Philippines: Amok cop kills town police chief
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A POLICEMAN ran amuck and killed the police chief of Magsaysay town in Davao del Sur after he found out that his game fowl was stolen, Sunday night."

"The amok policeman was himself killed."

"Police Inspector Roberto Ramos would have marked his second month as chief of the Magsaysay Municipal Police Office on Thursday after his stint with the Digos City Police Office."

"SPO1 Alejandro Sarabillo killed Ramos and wounded SP01 Benjamin Duguel Jr. in his shooting rampage."

"Duguel is still being treated at the Davao Medical Center." ...

An anti-gun article (letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a Dec. 4 letter, Wayne Hardy states, 'I've been waiting a week for someone in Angelina County to call you on the ridiculous 'anti-gun' nonsense on the Barrett rifle.' The article you refer to, published on Nov. 26, was a particularly stunning example of irresponsible journalism. There was very little truth to be found anywhere in that article. Let's first present the facts, and then let's examine why such an article made the front page of The Lufkin Daily News." ...

"The reader will note that, in contrast to the claims in the article, the Barrett rifle was not intended for use against heavy armor (tanks) or mobile (flying) aircraft. ..." ...

TN: Residents vow to take fight to owners over shooting range
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Residents angered over a proposed shooting range at the Blackberry Farm resort in Blount County say they're prepared to take on the owners, all the way to Washington D.C."

"The proposed range would be built on property owned by the Chilhowee Partnership, the same group that owns Blackberry Farm. Members of the group include U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander, Knoxville Mayor Bill Haslam, Ruby Tuesday owner Sam Beall and Saks Fifth Avenue CEO Brad Martin."

"Residents say they don't want a rifle range disturbing their peace and quiet. 'Gary Joe Cummings lives in that yellow house and he's heard the shooting,' Mark Hartsoe says." ...

PA: State battles drop in hunters -- The Game Commission continues to sell fewer licenses each deer season
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Pennsylvania's rifle deer season ended at sundown Saturday, but officials won't know until mid-March how the harvest compares to the 409,000 deer killed last season."

"One statistic, however, is known: The state continues to see the sale of hunter licenses fall - from a peak of 1.3 million in 1982 down to about 1 million today, according to the Pennsylvania Game Commission."

"Although the number of junior licenses issued has risen slightly, the fact remains that, as longtime hunters stop heading into the woods, young people are not filling their ranks in equal numbers." ...

NJ: Deer Contraception Does Not Work (last story on page)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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According to a recent article in New Jersey’s Star Ledger newspaper, a drug intended to help manage the state's increasing white-tailed deer population has been discontinued permanently after failing test in both New Jersey and Ohio. Two dozen spotted white-tailed fawns were reportedly seen on several occasions in Princeton Township, NJ — all of which officials say are the offspring of female deer injected last year with the birth-control vaccine SpayVac.

AR: Air Rifle Club Learns from Advanced Coach
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Members of UA Fort Smith's Lion Rifles learned from an advanced coach and practiced with some high-tech training equipment at a rifle clinic on Dec. 10 and 11 in the old gym at the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith."

"Visiting coach Ralph Goodwin gave Lion Rifles, the UA Fort Smith student air rifle club, high praise, especially for a club that's been shooting for only one year."

"'UA Fort Smith has a core group of dedicated shooters,' Goodwin said. 'There are good practice facilities here and good support for this club from the university.'" ...

WI: Kostuch, 13, already an accomplished hunter
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Beth Kostuch is growing up in a hurry, especially as a hunter. Beth, a 13-year-old eighth grade student at Bangor Middle School in Bangor, Wis., prides herself in gun safety and being a good marksman — or more appropriate, markswoman."

"Beth has done loads of target shooting with her .243 caliber rifle in two years and feels comfortable with the weapon."

"'The kids at school don’t think I’m that good a shot,' she said earlier this week. 'And the boys are jealous because they are always missing.'"

"Beth shot not one but two big-game animals this fall." ...

RI: WG gun club still under fire
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"And now, approaching one month later, the noise complaints have dwindled, but not halted altogether said Town Administrator Kevin Breene."

"'My understanding is that the last three weeks have been quiet,' said Breene."

"Breene also noted that he along with Lt. Marc J. DiSalvo and resident Wallace Healey had made a visit to the gun club after the heated meeting to try to make progress on the matter."

"Healey, a Fox Run resident for over 20 years, expressed his frustration at the Nov. 9th meeting and went head to head with the gun club's president Eric Gould about the noise disturbance." ...

MA: Right On Target
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Even at 50 feet away, a target barely the width of a needle has no chance against Max Snyderman."

"The 14-year-old Milford resident is far too accurate with his .22-caliber Anschutz rifle to miss many dead-center shots at the Maspenock Rod and Gun Club. Eyes closed, he relaxes and finds his natural point of aim, loads his single action rifle, controls his breathing and heartbeat, sets his sight and gently squeezes the trigger." ...

"'I like the way he smiles after he shoots,' said his dad, Manny Snyderman. 'That’s the best part.'"

" In a sport far more mental than physical, Snyderman's focus on consistency has already propelled him further than anyone expected when he took up sharpshooting two years ago." ...

NV: Rifle team edged twice in last week's matches
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Incline Highlander rifle team went down to defeat twice last week, dropping their first to Wooster High School by a score of 1,136 to 984 on Tuesday and to Galena High School 1,208 to 1,038 Thursday."

"Tuesday's match, which was changed to a 'postal match' (scores are calculated after both teams send them to a neutral judge) saw Andrew Linardos lead all Highlander shooters with a combined score of 219."

"Shooter's scores are calculated on the number of hits and the proximity to the scoring ring in each target as they fire from a standing position, prone and kneeling." ...

Canada: Something's wrong with this picture
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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If you eliminate all the hype and emotion from both sides of this issue, what this handgun ban really comes down to is paying $150 million, over five years, to collectors and/or target shooters to buy back their registered and licensed pistols. That's all, nothing more, nothing less. So, the Liberal solution to the violent crime in the black community, crime surely driven by economic and social hardships experienced within that community, is to pay out 150 million tax dollars to mostly white, middle and upper-middle class pistol target shooters and collectors. What's wrong with this picture?

Canada: Gun ban not here
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Deputy Prime Minister Anne McLellan yesterday trumpeted her party's proposed pistol punt as part of a crackdown on violent crime, but backed away from the suggestion it would hurt Liberal chances in Alberta."

"'The handgun ban doesn't apply in Alberta. It's a provincial opt-in. This province has said it won't (opt in),' McLellan said. 'That's the right of the province.'"

"Edmonton recorded its 37th homicide Friday after an alleged dope dealer - identified by sources as 22-year-old Sergeo 'Bobby' Arguello - was shot in his southeast Edmonton home, which was then torched. The shocking sawed-off shotgun shooting was an alleged drug hit." ...

Australia: Son’s daring dash for cash
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"TWO Williamstown men are being hailed as heroes for chasing thieves who pulled off a daring daylight robbery on a newsagency."

"'It’s the sort of stuff that in war time we give people VCs (Victoria Crosses) for,' said Williamstown resident Chris Murphy, who saw the incident last Monday afternoon."

"Newport Newsagency owner George Sabbagh, 52, and his son Mike, 23, took on the two thieves as they demanded money at gunpoint from the Hall Street agency at about 5pm."

"Mr Sabbagh said several shots were fired during the wrestle before Mike chased the robbers as they fled on foot with about $2000." ...

Canada: 'All these dealers are carrying guns'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "[Sgt. Dan] McDermott says the cause of the recent spike in gunfire in 51 comes down to one thing: 'Drug dealing.'"

"Crack was behind an Oct. 24 shootout at Sherbourne and Bloor Sts. On Nov. 24, a man was wounded while sitting in a car at Ontario and Dundas Sts. Three days earlier a man dodged a volley of shots in a Sackville St. parking lot. The most recent was a Dec. 1 shootout at Dundas and Sackville."

"'Now that there's been so many shootings, a lot of the drug guys say, 'Now, I've got to protect myself.' Now all these drug dealers are carrying guns.'" ...

Submitter's Note: But if you ban handguns the drug dealers will all turn in their guns, right?

DC: Police Believe Fellow Officer Shot D.C. Detective by Mistake
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A D.C. police detective who was shot during a confrontation with a kidnapping suspect Sunday was apparently struck by a bullet fired by another officer, police sources said yesterday."

"Detective Tomas Rosenborg was expected to be released last night ... he was treated for a wound to his buttocks, police said. The kidnapping suspect, identified by police as Derrick Arthur, 34, remained at large, authorities said."

"Police had said on Sunday that it was unclear whether the 38-year-old detective was shot by Arthur or hit by another officer's gunfire during the incident outside the Days Inn in Northeast Washington. Arthur slipped away by dashing into the woods of the National Arboretum, police said." ...

TN: East Tennessee lady making mark in man's world
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'The traditional roles of male and female don't really apply to me. If you can do it, I'm gonna try to do it better,' smiles Carrie Lane."

"At just 29 years old, Carrie Lane is a top Security Police Officer for ORNL and a force to be reckoned with on the shooting range."

"She is the only female on the force's coveted five man competitive team, SPOTC, Security Police Officer Training Competition. It was a little tough for her male counterparts at first."

"'To say the least they were shocked... ribbin' me... making fun,' says Lane."

"But she has quickly blown them away and gained their respect." ...

Fiocchi to make 5.7x28mm Ammo for Five-seveN USG Pistol and PS90 Carbine
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As announced in September 2005, Herstal, Belgium-based FN Herstal and Lecco, Italy-based Fiocchi Munizioni S.P.A. have officially signed a cooperative agreement for the manufacturing of 5.7 X 28mm ammunition by Fiocchi in the United States. The 5.7 X 28mm ammunition developed and designed by FN Herstal will be marketed under the FN brand name."

"This agreement has now been expanded to include the U.S. market. Fiocchi of America will begin loading SS196 SR and SS197 SR cartridges this month in its Ozark, Mo. manufacturing facility with expectations to reach full capacity by first quarter 2006. The FN-designed cartridges will be sold in the U.S. by FNH USA, LLC through its distribution network." ...

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