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Newslinks for 12/13/2010

GA: Would-be robber shot by victim
Submitted by: Keith

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According to reports from the Rockdale County Sheriff’s Office, a shopper was getting out of his car in the parking lot when he was attacked and held at knifepoint by two men. The shopper reportedly struggled with the assailants and was able to fire a weapon, fatally wounding one of the assailants.

‘Controversy’ over ‘gun-packing Santa’ manufactured by TV news
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"It’s ridiculous, but it does show the divide between hoplophobes, that is, those with an irrational fear of weapons, and those of us who responsibly own, use and enjoy firearms, and who raise our children with our values."

"It’s also ridiculous because this is one isolated complaint. Any wider 'controversy' has been entirely manufactured by the 'Authorized Journalists' at KCRA."

Submitter's Note: Also make the first in a series of New Year's resolutions.

‘Legal’ open carry could get you arrested-or worse
Submitted by: David Codrea

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“'Open Carry Still Dangerous — Even Where "Legal"' is my 'Rights Watch' column for the February 2011 issue of GUNS Magazine."

Submitter's Note: Sunday's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at how those who are breaking no laws are endangered by those in "law enforcement" who are.

You can read the "Rights Watch" column--and the rest of the magazine--for free. Also get a chance to win a Kahr PM9 and make another New Year's Resolution.

NH: Lawyer defends decision to try Bird
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Carroll County Attorney sets new psychic standard for criminal trespass:

"If you have someone unarmed coming to his property and he knows it, that's what put it over the edge for us," said Carroll County Attorney Robin Gordon, the person who decided to prosecute Bird on the felony criminal threatening charge.

"She wasn't there with any intent to do him harm and do anything about his property," Gordon said Saturday. Bird later rejected an offer to plead to a lesser misdemeanor offense.

"He certainly should have some penalty for that kind of crazy behavior," Gordon said.

Breyer: Founding Fathers Would Have Allowed Restrictions on Guns
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"If you look at the values and the historical record, you will see that the Founding Fathers never intended guns to go unregulated, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer contended Sunday."

MI: News Flash: Criminals Get Guns by Stealing Them
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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More gun control myths busted. They don't get them at gun shows, straw purchases or from states with "liberal" gun laws.

MI: Sault Ste. Marie police chief suspended over drunken-driving arrest
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The state president of the Fraternal Order of Police, Michigan's largest law enforcement organization, has been removed as acting chief in Sault Ste. Marie and is awaiting arraignment following his arrest on drunken-driving charges.

SC: Rock Hill man dies after an assault
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“There was an assault,” Rock Hill Police Lt. Brad Redfearn said. “It looks like more of a self-defense type situation.”

Police interviewed witnesses after the incident, and no charges have been filed at this time, Redfearn said. It appears the person or persons who assaulted Quinn was acting in self-defense.

AZ: A Second Amendment fairy tale
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"Sold what?"

"Old fleet vehicles. We rotated a 1996 Chevy Malibu with 180,000 miles on it out of our fleet back in 2008."

"Mr. Cooper, I just came home from my son's funeral. Would you please tell me what this is all about?"

"That's why I'm calling. If the City Council had listened to me and destroyed the old vehicles instead of selling them, your son wouldn't have been hit by that old Malibu. He'd still be alive today."

Armed Santa Rides Wave of Change to Washington on Gun Rights Card
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An armed, surf-boarding Santa Claus rides a tidal wave of change over Washington, D.C. landmarks on an original Christmas card sent to members of Congress and others by gun law expert John Snyder.

The message "waves of change approaching Washington" appears on the card, which wishes recipients a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

India: Over 700 arms issued in Delhi in 2010
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Over 700 arms licences have been issued in the national capital this year so far with revolvers and pistols topping the list.

According to Delhi Police figures, a total of 734 arm licences for non-prohibited bore weapons were issued till November 10 in 2010.

A video game made real: Navy shatters records with 'historic' supergun that obliterates targets from 100miles away
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It sounds like a futuristic weapon from a sci-fi video game.

But a supergun that can destroy a target 100 miles away was officially branded the most powerful in the world after tests at a U.S. Navy firing range.

The electromagnetic railgun is a hi-tech cannon that sends a 20lbs bullet rocketing through the air at seven times the speed of sound.

IA: The NRA opposes weapons free zones around Iowa
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The National Rifle Association is trying to block Iowa cities and counties from establishing "weapons free zones" in parks, city halls, courthouses and other government buildings. The NRA says Iowa residents should be able to use deadly force to defend themselves at home or anywhere they need to.

MA: 136 firearms turned over to NB authorities in gun exchange
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Locals turned over 136 guns to police as part of the city's firearm exchange program on Saturday afternoon.

The program saw 41 rifles, 33 shotguns, 43 revolvers, 19 pistols, several BB guns, a black powder pellet gun and 1,500 rounds of ammunition turned over to authorities, no questions asked, for grocery vouchers and Domino's Pizza gift certificates, said Police Sgt. Troy Spirlet.

TX: Want to carry bigger blades? Texas is prime candidate for knife law reform
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In Texas, it's a misdemeanor offense to carry an illegal knife, which includes daggers, Bowie knives, swords, spears, throwing stars and any knife with a blade over 5 1/2 inches. Switchblade knives are illegal not only to carry, but to possess, sell or make.

But that could change if knife rights lobbyists - who've had major victories making knife laws less strict in New Hampshire and Arizona this year - roll back some the state's provisions they claim are out-dated and arbitrary.

Trinidad & Tobago: 'Time to Carry Guns'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Tobago East MP mooted whether or not there should be a universal right to bear firearms.

“I am considering whether the time has come for all of us to carry firearms,” she said. “Since I have been on this job they have asked me if I want to carry firearms.” She lamented that crime has become so bad that Port-of-Spain Mayor Louis Lee Sing has resorted to calling for a ban on alcohol after midnight.

“This should never be. A person should be free to enjoy the right to safety of person and freedom to drink what they want. There are many people whose livelihoods are served by those places,” she said. She said investment is down, “and part of the reason is criminal activity.”

Lies Are the Health of the State
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The right to bear arms has not fared much better. The first people targeted (other than blacks) were the poor – “The core of the National Firearms Act was the price people were expected to pay. In order to register a shotgun, payment of $200 was required ... equal to $3,056.11 at today’s values.”

GA: Parking lot robber shot in self defense by armed citizen
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Police say that on Saturday night, a man borrowed his friend's car to run to the grocery store in Conyers, GA for some orange juice. When the man parked and got out of the car, two robbers approached the man and threatened him, as part of their robbery scheme, according to news reports. Acting in self defense, the man reportedly drew and fired his gun, striking one of the robbers and causing the other to flee. One suspect was reportedly found found dead at the scene, and police are seeking the second suspect. No injuries to the robbery victim or the multiple witnesses were reported.

FL: 'Stand your ground' law on trial
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Since the law passed, justifiable homicides around Florida have been on the rise, turning some supporters of Stand Your Ground into critics and prompting concern that the law is fostering a "Wild West" mentality.

TX: As Mexico drug violence runs rampant, U.S. guns tied to crime south of border
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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There are 3,800 gun retailers in Texas, 300 in Houston alone.

"One of the reasons that Houston is the number one source, you can go to a different gun store for a month and never hit the same gun store," said J. Dewey Webb, special agent in charge of the Houston field division of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. "You can buy [a 9mm handgun] down along the border, but if you come to Houston, you can probably buy it cheaper because there's more dealers, there's more competition."

NY: NYPD Buys 174 Guns At Brooklyn Cash For Guns Events
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Yesterday, two Brownsville churches held "cash for guns" trade-in events in an attempt to get guns off the street. Working handguns could be traded for a $200 bank card, and a working rifle or shotgun was worth a $20 card, no questions asked. At the end of the day, the NYPD had bought a total of 174 guns, including 60 semiautomatic weapons, 72 revolvers, 19 rifles, five shotguns and one sawed-off shotgun, as well as a few "improvised" firearms.

New Zealand: Police commissioner recommends more guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Police commissioner Howard Broad has recommended frontline officers have greater access to guns kept in lockboxes in patrol cars.

Mr Broad presented a draft report to Police Minister Judith Collins this afternoon and the pair discussed his advice.

The debate about arming police was re-ignited this weekend after Senior Constable Bruce Mellor suffered a fractured skull, a broken eye socket and jaw and broken front teeth, and horrific multiple slashes after a machete attack.

Ed.: The cops want to be able to defend themselves from crooks; bet they don't want the citizens to have the same ability.

God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it. — DANIEL WEBSTER (1834)

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