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Newslinks for 12/14/2001

Russia backs U.S. gun-control advocates
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Making a link between U.S. gun sales and "global instability," Moscow has lent its support to American gun-control advocates.

Russia supports restrictions on U.S. gun ownership, according to official sources, pointing out that after the events of Sept. 11 gun sales in the United States increased.

Doubts over Ukrainian 'gun law'
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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The Ukrainian Government has responded to a wave of attacks on journalists over the last 15 months by allowing them to carry guns that fire rubber bullets.

But some journalists say the measure is worse than useless. "Rubber bullets can never save a reporter's life, not even one," said the head of a regional association of journalists in the southern Crimea peninsula, one of the country's most violent regions.

Ukraine Journalists Armed with Rubber Bullet Guns
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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KIEV - Ukraine's Interior Ministry said on Wednesday it would allow journalists reporting on politics, crime and corruption to carry guns that fire rubber bullets, in a response to a wave of attacks on reporters.

"We did this in a bid to improve the safety of journalists, some of whom are working under continual threat," a ministry spokesman told Reuters.

Judge to rule next month on concealed-carry in Ohio CCW case
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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A judge is expected to rule Jan. 10 on whether Ohio's law on carrying a concealed weapon violates the state Constitution.

On Monday, Cincinnati Police Lt. Col. Richard Janke testified about police procedures when an officer stops someone who is carrying a concealed weapon.

Officer says concealed guns "increase danger" in Ohio CCW case
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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To head off potential harm to themselves or others, police officers are trained to treat every suspect as though he or she has a weapon, an assistant Cincinnati police chief testified Monday.

Taking that precaution won't be affected by the outcome of a lawsuit challenging Ohio's ban on concealed weapons, Lt. Col. Richard Janke testified...

Kandahar Aims for Gun Control
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - As rowdy men with rifles roamed the grounds of the governor's mansion, the new chief of the former Taliban stronghold of Kandahar said Tuesday he soon would rid the streets of armed groups.

The Taliban have gone and U.S. warplanes have stopped bombing the city's outskirts. But frightened residents are staying home, worried about a new kind of violence in their midst - victorious fighters who are shooting, looting and carjacking...

National Guardsmen take target practice at Miami airport -- with no bullets
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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MIAMI · "Lock and load all weapons!"

With that call, Florida Army National Guard Staff Sgt. David F. Sullivan exhorts a group of soldiers to prepare to fire.

In a converted storage room at Miami International Airport, as passengers move unaware through the concourse above, young men ready themselves for war.

Gun buying down after short surge in California
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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The rush for arms that swept California after Sept. 11 has waned, and the pace of firearms sales has returned to a level that could make 2001 the slowest year on record.

The East Coast attacks brought an immediate 50% jump in weekly firearms sales, but the flurry was short-lived. Sales peaked the week of Sept. 17, then slid steadily before rising last week, the start of the holiday gun-buying season.

Parents Of Murdered Boy Fight For BB Gun Laws
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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The parents of a 13-year-old boy who was killed by a single BB pellet during a drive-by shooting are speaking out, hoping to prevent the same thing from happening to someone else's child.

At Cleveland City Hall Wednesday, Raymond's mother and father grieved over the loss of their son. He was the victim of a shooting by an air-powered BB gun.

First-Grader With Pocketknife Sent To Alternative School
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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A 7-year-old boy, punished for bringing a pocketknife to elementary school, spent his third day Monday as the lone first-grader at the Edgewood Independent School District alternative school.

School officials said the boy is the youngest ever at the alternative school, a campus where troubled students are sent. Initially, the first-grader's parents were told he would have to spend 11 days at the campus because he had his grandfather's 1½-inch pocketknife in his backpack.

Newark's Litigation Against the Gun Industry Advances
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Yesterday, gun violence prevention advocates received good news as Newark, N.J.'s lawsuit against the gun industry survived the defendants' motion to dismiss. Although two of Newark's claims were dismissed, the remaining claims, including public nuisance, negligent marketing and distribution, and negligence survived.

Illegal sales already covered
Submitted by: Ken Ross

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USA Today posts an article by Wayne LaPierre regarding Hezzbolla getting arms from gun shows.

Sentinels don't pack a pistol but ease workload for police
Submitted by: serinde

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DUNCAN, OK - "The Sentinels assist us in a variety of ways," [Police Chief Ronnie] Ward said. "They're not pistol-packers, nor do they carry a badge. But they can do a lot of things that would normally consume a lot of our time. What they do is free up our police officers to handle more pressing jobs."

Lawmaker urges zero-tolerance review in Oklahoma schools
Submitted by: serinde

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Oklahoma is strictly enforcing school zero-tolerance policies, but the efforts may be doing more harm than good, a study released Wednesday by the Oklahoma Council on Violence Prevention said.

"We could find no evidence that zero tolerance had made any difference in the level of severity of violence in schools," [Jeff] Hamilton said. "In fact, the research indicated that there were unintended effects that had a very negative impact."

Opinion on gun law clarified
Submitted by: Anonymous

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I tried to illustrate why law-abiding citizens should not need the government's approval to exercise their Second Amendment right -- just like they don't need written permission from the government before they exercise any of the other rights articulated in the Bill of Rights.

Thomas P. Luscher sent me the following e-mail message explaining why I was wrong...

Your smokes and/or your life!
Submitted by: Taylor C

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Man runs in, waving gun. You:

a) comply and cross your fingers,

b) chuckle at how that gun you didn't buy seems so reasonably priced now,

c) kiss the wife and kids when you go home. [KABA NOTE: After shooting the criminal in self-defense]

This criminal demanded cigs, then shot the guy when he turned to get them! Then he runs away without his booty!

How much is YOUR life worth today?

Take This, Terrorist Boogeyman
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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Thomas sat down at his computer and, despite disabling pain in his back and hips, in one sitting over several hours he cranked out a no-fear dispatch to the American people. Like him, it was nothing fancy...

In his back yard, Thomas built a pellet gun range where he helps Boy Scouts earn merit badges in marksmanship. "When I'm shooting it's the only time I ever really manage to lose the pain," says Thomas. "Shooting's my last link to the man I used to be."

Gun Debate May Dominate GOP Senate Campaign in Illinois
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Chicago ( - It's not quite the "Shoot-Out at the O.K. Corral," but a gunfight is underway in Illinois between two contenders for the 2002 Republican U.S. Senate nomination. The eventual winner gets to take on Democratic senator and gun control advocate Richard Durbin next November.

Armed citizens: the deterrent factor
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Does an armed citizenry deter tyranny and invasion? History and logic both answer emphatically, "Yes!"

Police arrest four of their own
Submitted by: Jeff Rau

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Not directly 2nd amendment related, but it shows how some laws tempt law enforcement officers to break the law.

Student charged with taking gun to school
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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A 12-year-old boy has been charged with bringing a loaded handgun and 61 bullets into Overhills Middle School on Ray Road.

School board officials said the boy, a sixth-grader at the school, had a .22-caliber pistol and ammunition in his book bag Tuesday.

Teen charged in jewelry heist (OpSD followup)
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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Follow up to OpSD: Police on Wednesday arrested a teenager accused of fleeing with jewelry during a heist in which her boyfriend was shot several times.

Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened. — Billy Graham

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