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Newslinks for 12/14/2004

Nicki Fellenzer: Banning Guns Isn't Enough for the Brits
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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... "The UK’s home secretary David Blunkett has announced a slew of measures that are meant to address the rising knife violence in not-so-Great Britain. Yeah – right on the heels of their wildly 'successful' gun ban (pay no attention to the fact that there’s a gun crime happening every hour in the UK), Mr. Blunkett has announced that shops will be banned from selling knives to people under 18 years of age, and that he would like to see a stiff, five-year jail sentence on any poor bloke caught in possession of a knife. God forbid a 16 year old decides he wants to cook sliced turkey for dinner! He’ll be out of luck in Blunkett’s Britain. Sorry, chum. You’re going to have to rip the meat into chunks with your hands." ...

Arrest on 'reasonable' grounds OK, even if charges later fall through, court rules
Submitted by: Michael Lewis

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"The Supreme Court ruled Monday that police have authority to arrest suspects on charges that later fall apart, so long as officers had a second, valid reason for the detention."

"The 8-0 ruling sets aside a 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling in favor of Jerome Alford. Two Washington State Patrol officers had arrested him for tape recording their conversation during a traffic stop in November 1997." ...

Bush Police State Inauguration?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Bush's inauguration on Jan. 20 will include 2700 officers from around the country, sensors to detect biological, chemical or radiological material, pedestrian checkpoints, SWAT teams and sharpshooters, bomb-sniffing dogs, barriers, security checkpoints, 1500 Capitol Police, M-16 rifles, armed troops and 4000 armed troops on call."

"The Secret Service, the F.B.I. and the Joint Forces Headquarters have declined to disclose any details, but past events have included, surface to air missiles, aircraft carriers and NATO surveillance over sovereign U.S. skies."

"For the first time ever, all reporters and photographers are required to have a background check and be fingerprinted. Only government approved media is let in." ...

Submitter's Note: I wonder how the media will feel about being treated like criminals . . . or gun owners?

Taser-toting felons top self-defenders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A marketing campaign by Scottsdale-based Taser International urges people to buy its latest dartshooting stun gun 'to safely protect your home and family.'"

"However, news reports from the last three years show more people are using electroshock weapons to commit crimes than to defend against muggers or rapists. In a computer database search, the Tribune found 11 national reports in which police said stun guns were used by criminals in attacks. Two other criminal cases, detailed in a Nov. 30 Amnesty International report, involved parents who shocked their children as a form of discipline." ...

Submitter's Note: So when are VPC, HCI, the Brady bunch, et al. going to start asking for 'reasonable restrictions' on TASERs?

Federal Right to Hunt & Fish Proposed
Submitted by: Evan F. Nappen, Esq.

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"On December 12, 2004, a historic statewide meeting of leaders from fishing, hunting, trapping and gun rights organizations was held in Bordentown. I proposed the following Federal Constitutional Amendment (the Amendment is based on successful passed State Constitutional Amendments) to address the current crisis facing New Jersey Sportsmen."

This Amendment is necessary to save our tradition of outdoor sports from being banned in New Jersey and throughout the United States. ..." ...

NJ: Ceasefire NJ Thrilled by Progress Made on Handgun Childproofing Technology
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ceasefire NJ, the statewide coalition of groups and individuals devoted to reducing gun violence, joined US Senators Frank Lautenberg and Jon Corzine and US Representatives Robert Menendez and William Pascrell at the Sgt. James Shea Memorial Pistol Range in Bayonne this afternoon for a demonstration by the New Jersey Institute of Technology of progress made in developing NJIT's 'dynamic grip' childproof handgun technology."

Bryan Miller, Executive Director of Ceasefire NJ, said: 'In late 1996 the Board of Ceasefire NJ decided to seek state legislation to restrict handgun sales to childproof handguns, namely those incorporating technology to limit their use to adult authorized users only. ...'" ...

Submitter's Note: Didn't it used to be called 'smart gun' technology?

PA: Girl cuffed for scissors in school
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A 10-year-old girl was placed in handcuffs and taken to a police station because she took a pair of scissors to her elementary school."

"School district officials said the fourth-grade student did not threaten anyone with the 8-inch shears, but violated a rule that considers scissors to be potential weapons."

"Administrators said they were following state law when they called police Thursday, and police said they were following department rules when they handcuffed Porsche Brown and took her away in a patrol wagon." ...

PA: Vallas apologizes for decision to handcuff 10-year-old [follow-up]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Philadelphia public schools chief Paul Vallas and City Police Commissioner Sylvester Johnson today apologized for the decision that lead to a 10-year-old girl who was caught with scissors in her book bag being handcuffed and taken to the local precinct in the back of a police wagon."

"'I'm not going to demonize a fourth-grader who brings a scissors to school,' Vallas said in a phone interview shortly after calling the child's mother, Rose Jackson, to apologize. 'For heaven's sake, you don't need to call in the police on a case like that. I just think that's an overreaction.'" ...

IN: Permit holder defends himself and others from aggressive shooter
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Original Headline: 2 die in shootout at Eastside bar

... "But Sunday morning, the brawling escalated to shooting, and Vernon Shane Goodpaster was one of two men to die. Three other people inside the bar were wounded." ...

"Eyewitnesses said Goodpaster got into an argument early Sunday with David Lightle around three pool tables, said Lt. Paul Ciesielski of the Indianapolis Police Department. The two beat each other with pool cues before Goodpaster pulled a semiautomatic handgun and fatally shot Lightle."

"Once the shooting started at 12:50 a.m., another guest, Randy Howey, 30, Avon, pulled out his own pistol -- which he was licensed to carry -- and, police said, killed Goodpaster in self-defense." ...

AL: Apparent family dispute leads to [self-defense] shooting death
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An apparent family dispute in the Fayetteville community Sunday night left one person dead ..." ...

"'[Embry] made several threats over the course of the evening,' [Chief Deputy Jimmy] Kilgore said, 'finally telling everyone there that he was going home, and if his wife and daughter weren’t home with him by 9 p.m., he was going to come back and kill everybody there.'" ...

"Embry returned to the house, as promised, at 9 p.m., carrying a rifle, Kilgore said."

"'Based on what we’ve found out so far, the grandfather told him several times to put the gun down,' according to Kilgore. 'Embry then pointed the gun at his grandfather, and the grandfather fired a shotgun and wounded him fatally.'" ...

Australia: Tomahawk attack on Melbourne police officer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A Melbourne police officer drew his gun on a tomahawk-wielding man to stop him inflicting further injuries on his already hurt colleague.

The man had pulled a tomahawk from a backpack and attacked a police van, breaking a window and slashing Constable Jodie Greaves on the hand and shoulder.

Constable Bill Tobin, his own face cut by glass, confronted the man with his pistol, police said.

The man panicked and fled. He remained at large last night.

Submitter's Note: Armed self-defense works!

DC: Ballou High School Shooting Suspect Acquitted of Murder Charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A student accused of shooting a classmate inside Ballou High School has been acquitted of first and second degree murder charges.

Jurors could not reach a verdict on the manslaughter charge in the case against Thomas Boykin. They also acquitted him of assault with intent to kill.

Boykin was convicted only on three lesser charges: assault with a dangerous weapon, possession of a firearm and carrying an unlicensed pistol.

Boykin was accused in last February's shooting of James Richardson inside a hall at Ballou. Boykin took the stand in his own defense, testifying he thought Richardson was reaching for a gun.

IN: Gun Threat Closes School on Monday
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Washington High School is dealing with a very real problem -- and it could [be] caused by a student.

Last Friday, the school received a bomb threat. That threat went one step further Monday as a note warned about a gun in the school building.

Police arrived and the school was evacuated and closed for the day.

Police will be posted at the school for the remainder of this school year and only certain entrances will be unlocked.

Washington Police Det. Sgt. Steve Riney said, "We believe the person is sincere in his threat, that's why we're taking every possible step for the safety of the school and of course the students and staff."

If you have any information about who's making the threats, call the Washington police at (812) 254-4410.

Submitter's Note: When you reward behavior (by closing the school) you get more of it.

KY: UofL withdraws contract with instructor; Officials to review his class comment
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The University of Louisville has withdrawn, at least temporarily, the contract of a sociology lecturer who was accused of urging violence against conservative voters."

"The university said in a statement yesterday that instructor John McTighe's contract has been withdrawn for the spring semester by mutual agreement, pending a review of a student's allegation about comments made after the Nov. 2 election."

"The student, according to the statement, claims McTighe made comments to his class that 'could be interpreted to advocate gun violence against 'religious zealots.'" ...

South Africa: Dad turns tables on robbers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A relaxed family braai at the weekend turned into a terrifying ordeal for the Rudolph family of Wierda Park when they were confronted by three armed robbers in their home."

"But Johan Rudolph (38) says he kept his cool, called their bluff and managed to overpower and disarm one of the men. During a shootout, he shot one of the men dead."

"Rudolph, who runs a plumbing company, said he knew he needed to take charge to protect his family during the incident. And, as far as his wife Elmarie and three children are concerned, there is no doubt that he is a hero." ...

Submitter's Note: It's too bad that with their new laws, South Africans have to use the BGs weapon instead of their own.

SC: City of Columbia to assist criminals with evidence disposal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Original headline: City of Columbia to announce gun amnesty program

Mayor Bob Coble and other city officials will hold a press conference on Tuesday at City Hall at 3:30pm. An announcement will be made regarding an upcoming Gun Amnesty Day event.

Gun Amnesty Day will involve a cash for guns exchange effort in order to remove handguns and other firearms from the streets in order to improve public safety. Details regarding the event will be announced during the press conference including the date, location and exchange rate for weapons.

It's part of an initiative focusing on improving services and developing programs to decrease youth violence.

PA: No Charges in Pa. Police's Child Shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two state troopers involved in a Christmas Eve shooting in which a 12-year-old black boy was fatally shot in the back two years ago won't face federal charges, according to the Justice Department."

"Michael Ellerbe was shot in an alley in 2002 while running from the troopers who were chasing a stolen SUV, police said. The shooting inflamed racial tensions in Uniontown, about 40 miles south of Pittsburgh, because the officer who shot the youth is white."

"The Justice Department said Monday that 'there is insufficient evidence to support federal criminal charges,' according to a news release. The troopers believed Ellerbe may have had a gun, and the trooper who fired the fatal shot believed that Ellerbe had shot at his partner first, the statement said." ...

South Africa: Fleeing prisoners had firearm
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The prisoners who tried to escape from Boksburg Prison on Monday had guns and knives, said the department of correctional services."

"Regional spokesperson Isaak Mosiyane said a 9mm pistol, two knives and a fake firearm were confiscated from the seven men after the incident."

"Mosiyane said no prisoners had escaped and the situation was under control."

"'The department's emergency support team and the police managed to diffuse the situation,' he said."

"Earlier reports were that two prison warders had been taken hostage during the drama, which started on Monday morning." ...

Germany: US Soldier is sentenced to three years in prison for stabbing at nightclub
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The six-day murder trial of Army Pvt. Nestor K. Velazquez ended with a mother’s scream."

"When the six-member panel sentenced Velazquez on Saturday night to the three-year maximum penalty for aggravated assault, Maria-Rita Scardino rose up and ranted at them, prosecution and defense lawyers said."

"Before, outside of court, Scardino said she couldn’t understand how a man can receive so little time in prison for killing her 18-year-old son, Santo."

"Maj. Meg Foreman, a prosecutor in the case, characterized the courtroom outburst as 'quite the emotional end to a very long ordeal for all involved.'" ...

MN: Pros and cons of conceal-carry law [first three letters]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bravo to Angela Stack ("Conceal-carry law is needed" Dec. 2) for her recent insight into why Minnesota needs to reinstate the Minnesota Personal Protection Act. Detractors of the MPPA "intuitively" believed that only harm would come from an increase in private citizens allowed to carry a firearm, but in this case, their intuition was wrong." ...

"Angela Stack, a modern-day Annie Oakley, gives all the old tired reasons for conceal carry, the usual paranoia about self-defense and making us all safer. Well, I don't feel safer with all the reliable upstanding citizens running around toting guns." ...

"Angela Stack claims that carrying guns in public represents 'Minnesota Nice.' I am a gun owner and grew up in a household with guns. Stack claims to represent all gun owners in arguing that conceal-carry is a 'God-given right.' Well, she does not represent me." ...

OR: Oregon junior shooters nail records in Madras
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Central Oregon’s High Desert Eagles junior rifle team, under head coach Ken Gauthman, played host to shooters from around the state this weekend at the Madras range facility."

"Participants fired a suite of 12 National Rifle Association-sanctioned matches in international precision 10 meter air rifle." ...

"Competition was barely under way when High Desert sub-junior Joseph Peet of Redmond, an eighth grader at Bend’s Morningstar Christian School, set the tone for the day by nailing the first twenty shots of the match with a perfect 200 and a new NRA National Record in Prone." ...

PA: Hunters give Pennsylvania economy a shot in the arm
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For little more than $1,000, Kenny McHenry bought himself one kick-butt vacation in the middle of Pennsylvania's deer hunting season.

"The heating and cooling salesman bagged a seven-point buck and a doe that bound into his gun sights during a weeklong stay at Raccoon Creek State Park in Beaver County. To make it happen, McHenry, 35, of Bradenton, Fla., spent liberally in western Pennsylvania, a region desperate for tourist and leisure-time dollars."

"McHenry and his wife Tracy, 36, are unsparing examples of the outdoor enthusiasts supporting Pennsylvania's flourishing hunting industry, which generates more than $1.5 billion annually, according to a study examining the statewide dividends of wildlife pursuits. ..." ...

MO: Muzzleloader Hunters Keep Up Deer Harvest Pace
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Missouri's muzzleloader deer hunters kept up the pace set by those carrying modern firearms, shooting a record 11,938 deer during the muzzleloader deer season Nov. 26 through Dec. 5."

"The 2004 muzzleloader deer harvest topped last year's record by 807. Howell County led the state with 256 deer checked, followed by Oregon County with 212 and Franklin County with 211. However, these figures could change when deer checked using the new Telecheck system are added."

"Regional totals, also without Telecheck numbers, are: Ozark, 1,516; Central, 1,440; Northeast, 1,224; Southwest, 1,160; Southeast, 978; St. Louis, 938; Northwest, 923; and Kansas City, 795." ...

WA: City to consider Taser ban [for 'civilians']
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tasers, an incapacitating electro-shock weapon popular among law enforcement agencies around the country, would become illegal for Bellingham residents to own under a proposed ordinance before the City Council."

"The ordinance would make it illegal to possess Tasers, stun guns and other energy weapons within the city limits, though police would still be allowed to carry them."

"Bellingham City Council will discuss and possibly vote on the ordinance tonight."

"Police Chief Randy Carroll, who brought the ordinance forward to City Council, said Tasers were developed for law enforcement and should stay only in its hands."

"'What I'm trying to prevent is a widespread sale of a device that takes a lot of training to use properly,' he said. 'I'm trying to prevent it from falling into the hands of the unknowing.'" ...

UK: My wooden-spoon award for the daftest press campaign of the year
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"WHILE I was in the process of renting an apartment in Washington DC 16 years ago, the owner suddenly asked me if I was left-handed or right-handed. A little perplexed, I replied that it was the later. In that case, he said, matter-of-factly, he would switch the pistol holster (and weapon) that he had fixed under the bed on the left side to the other end, where it would be 'very useful' if I wanted to deal with an intruder."

"'Blimey,' I thought to myself, 'welcome to the neighbourhood.'"

"Yet the law is about to be altered to allow homeowners in Britain to dispense instant justice. This utterly ludicrous situation started with a campaign run by a newspaper. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: In 1988 Washington DC, if the author had 'dealt with' an intruder with a pistol he would have been guilty of several serious crimes. You can send The Times a letter at .

UK: Even burglars admit it: my Bill will stop them
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "My Bill, if it becomes law, will also act as a strong disincentive to burglars to break into homes in the first place. At present, burglars know that there is enough ambiguity in the law to mean that breaking and entering is not a high-risk operation: they are aware that home owners are restrained from taking aggressive measures against intruders by the concern that, whatever they do, they may end up as the ones who are prosecuted. My Bill would end that topsy-turvy situation."

"Burglars themselves have admitted that it would act as a deterrent to them to know that home owners had a much greater legal entitlement to tackle them. Brendan Fearon, Fred Barras's partner in crime in burgling Tony Martin, has said that my Bill 'would stop a lot of burglars'. He added that 'an Englishman's home is his castle. Everyone has the right to defend their home'." ...

UK: Pensioner killed by stolen car
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A pensioner has died after a head-on crash involving a stolen car in Coventry last night." ...

"Owner of the car, businessman David Brandish, aged 62, and his 61-year-old wife, Maureen, said they were terrified when the armed raiders burst into their home."

"Mr Brandish said: 'We were sitting watching Emmerdale. My wife had just got back from Walsgrave Hospital visiting her sick mother when three armed gunmen got in."

"'We always thought we were quite safe where we were but no-one is safe now. They must have put a wheelie bin up and jumped the wall. They burst in through the door and I was pistol-whipped across the head with a gun. There was lots of shouting and swearing. You don't argue with guns do you?'" ...

UK: Royal Mail Calls for Guns to Be Banned from Post
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The Royal Mail tonight called for a ban on the posting of firearms because of the disruption caused when a sporting or replica gun or other weapon is discovered in sorting offices.

Mail centres have been evacuated several times this year because of the discovery of replica weapons, including a gun and a grenade.

The postal group said the ban should apply to the delivery of sporting and replica firearms, munitions and ordnance.

Parcelforce and other parcels firms could continue to carry firearms, the Royal Mail suggested.

A total of 352 firearms and 254 items containing ammunition were handled by the Royal Mail over the past year.

Industry regulator Postcomm said it will consult on the proposal before making a decision next year.

South Africa: Guard wounded in KZN heist
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A security guard was wounded in his right hand when robbers opened fire with AK-47 assault rifles and 9mm pistols during a cash-in-transit heist on the road between Dundee and Newcastle at the weekend."

"Known only as a Mr Mfusi, the guard was in a satisfactory condition in Dundee Hospital, Tugela police spokesman Superintendent Buhle Ngidi said on Monday."

"He and colleague Desmond van Dyk, 32, were taking cash to Newcastle when the robbers attacked, ramming the cash van off the road with a Mercedes-Benz."

"The unknown number of robbers opened the doors of the extensively damaged, overturned vehicle and took two money boxes - one thought to be empty, the other containing an undisclosed amount of cash." ...

Taiwan: Arrest in hunt for President gunman
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"POLICE have arrested a suspect alleged to have made the bullets used in the eve-of-election-shooting of Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian."

"The development represents the biggest breakthrough to date in the investigation into the March 19 assassination attempt, which lightly wounded Mr Chen and Vice-President Annette Lu while they were campaigning in an open-top Jeep in the southern city of Tainan." ...

"Private handguns are illegal in Taiwan, but there is a thriving underground trade in modified air rifles and pistols that fire real bullets. Investigators said Tang had used ordinary caps used in toy cap guns as primers in the bullet casings, and his bullets were made from materials such as melted lead fishing weights."

UK: Stab victims' parents urge action
Submitted by: James Cramp

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"The families of stabbing victims are calling for a five-year minimum sentence for carrying a knife."

"The petition, backed by the parents of Luke Walmsley and Damilola Taylor, was handed to 10 Downing Street on Monday."

"Paul Walmsley, whose 14-year-old son was killed at school, said those caught with knives should 'serve some form of term in youth custody or in a prison'."

"The families are backed by the Victims of Crime Trust, which says a child dies in a knife attack every two weeks."

"It says there are three times as many fatal stabbings as gun deaths and penalties for carrying a knife should be the same as for carrying a gun." ...

Submitter's Note: More news from the gun free utopia.

UK: Jail for pair in armed robbery
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Armed robbers threatened to shoot a sub-postmaster before pistol-whipping him to the ground, leaving him semi-conscious in a pool of blood."

"Plucky Rajesh Parekh activated the alarm and keyed in a duress code - after being ordered at gun point to turn off the security system, a court heard. This delayed the opening of the safe in Barthorpe Post Office in Stainbeck Road, Leeds, and one of the raiders, Adelso Saws threatened: 'I am going to shoot you.'"

"But instead, said Richard Woolfall, prosecuting at Leeds Crown Court, Saws smashed him on the top of his head twice with the gun. Mr Parekh slumped to the ground behind the counter with cuts to his head and skull. ..." ...

UK: Rough ride ahead as one man and his friends intend to dog Olympic bid
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The International Olympic Committee will be in London to evaluate the 2012 bid just as the ban on fox hunting comes into force on Feb 18 next year. The IOC's visit could be fraught with potential embarrassments, as countryside campaigners intend to sabotage the 2012 bid." ...

"In the aftermath of the Dunblane tragedy and the knee-jerk response to ban all handguns, no consideration was given to the plea of the legitimate shooting sports that competition shooting should be able to continue. Despite the ban, there are more illegal weapons on the streets than ever and the only people being punished are our talented athletes, who have to keep their pistols abroad and travel to Switzerland to train. This is an expensive undertaking and means that the opportunity to compete internationally is denied to many." ...

UK: Armed Robber Wields Pistol In Salon Attack
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A BALACLAVA-CLAD robber threatened staff with a gun and stole cash from a business in Cherry Hinton on Saturday night."

"The robber, brandishing a pistol, burst into Sun Studios beauty salon on Cherry Hinton High Street just before closing time and demanded money from the till."

"A female member of staff, who was the only person on the premises at the time, handed over the cash and he made off. The staff member was unhurt."

"Simon Howard-Tripp, owner of the business, said he was surprised to have been targeted. He said:"

"'The Spar nearby got hit a couple of times last year but this is the first time it has happened here.'"

"He added: 'We don't usually have much cash on the premises - we mostly get credit cards.'" ...

The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws. — Tacitus (A.D. 55?-130?)

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