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Newslinks for 12/14/2005

Citizens Committee Urges Wisconsin Gun Owners To Call Assembly Today To Back CCW
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) is urging Wisconsin gun owners to call the State Assembly today, to ask their state representatives to support the proposed Wisconsin Personal Protection Act. The Assembly is scheduled to vote on that measure (SB 403/AB 763) today."

"CCRKBA Executive Director Joe Waldron said citizens who back the concealed carry legislation can reach their Assembly representatives via the state toll-free Legislative Hotline at (800) 362-9472."

"'For too many years,' Waldron said, 'Wisconsin citizens have been getting the second-class treatment by anti-gunners in Madison, including Gov. Jim Doyle, who vetoed an earlier measure two years ago. ...'" ...

San Francisco 'Fights Crime' By Disarming Victims, Says SAF
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While the City of San Francisco is battling a lawsuit to prevent its Draconian gun ban from taking effect Jan. 1, 2006, it has just been revealed that the majority of the city's homicides remain unsolved, and one reason according to police is because witnesses are afraid to testify out of fear of retaliation."

"The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) said today this scenario will be made worse by the gun ban because it will disarm victims and witnesses, leaving them at the mercy of armed criminals. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, 74 of the city's 94 homicides this year remain unsolved." ...

Where there's smoke, there's ire (follow-up)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The firestorm over Friday’s column quoting President George W. Bush’s obscene outburst over the Constitution continues to grow with our email box overflowing from outraged readers who think the President should be impeached along with pro-Bushites who want my head on a platter."

"I’m surprised by the public’s anger over this. When a GOP operative first emailed me about the White House meeting where Bush called the Constitution 'just a goddamned piece of paper,' I put it aside as one of many reports I get about the President’s temper tantrums."

"... We started reporting on the President’s outbursts last year and those tantrums are now widely reported now by the so-called 'mainstream media.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Hal Rand also points out Sheltered at 1600 Pennsylvania as tending to corroborate the 'piece of paper' accusation.

McCarthy: Congress Must Do More to Protect Our Police Officers
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"On Nov. 29, we lost Dillon Stewart to gun violence. Mr. Stewart was a New York City police officer who lived in Elmont. He was killed in the line of duty by a convicted criminal using a stolen gun that had been used in another crime earlier this year."

"This gun had been stolen from Florida six years ago, continuing a deadly trend of out-of-state guns killing innocent New Yorkers. While Congress no longer allows the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms to disclose data gathered when tracing weapons used in crimes, older information reveals up to 92 percent of guns used in New York crimes come from states with weaker gun laws." ...

The New American Revolution (book review)
Submitted by: Jennifer Freeman

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... "In THE NEW AMERICAN REVOLUTION, Ms. Bruce devotes an entire chapter to firearm ownership in which she clearly explains the Second Amendment issue. The discussion covers all the bases including the individual right view, self-defense, terrorism, tyranny, anti-gun media complicity, incrementalism, and individual action. Ms. Bruce contends that, 'Our freedoms are not just embodied in the idea of our individual rights, but in the deliberate, thoughtful, and decent exercise of those rights.'" ...

Detonics CombatMaster -- A famous name in handgun history is back in business
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To begin with, my review of the new Detonics 1911 is qualified by the fact that I have not routinely carried or used any of the very good compact 1911s for personal defense for many years. In fact, I have not done so since I last owned an original Detonics back in 1977."

"It's not that these guns are not good for the job; it's just that they require more attention for their upkeep than I care to devote to a gun. As I've written in the past, the micro 1911 must have fresh springs, recoil and magazine to ensure that the gun will cycle reliably."

"Simply put, when the 1911 platform is decreased in size, there's less margin for error ... Knowing this, why do I now think I might well wind up owning ... the Detonics USA pistol?" ...

Handguns & Hunting -- Does your handgun have the power to get the job done?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you've been hunting with a rifle and want to take up handgun hunting, a look at kinetic energy figures for your chosen handgun cartridge might give you pause. You might even wonder whether your handgun has the power necessary to get the job done."

"This year, suppose that instead of using your favorite .30-06 elk rifle you decide to add a challenge to the hunt by going after one of the big boys with a .44 Magnum revolver. You know that people take elk with the .44 Magnum, but you're wondering how the stubby round stacks up with your .30-06, so you look at energy figures."

"The Speer reloading manual reveals the .30-06 rifle produces 2670 foot-pounds (ft-lbs) of energy when firing a 165-grain bullet at 2700 fps. ..." ...

NC: Charlotte man, 70, shoots intruder
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Charlotte-Mecklenburg police say a 70-year-old man confronted two intruders who had broken into the tool shed of his southwest Charlotte home Monday morning, shooting one at least three times."

"The incident occurred on Sleepy Hollow Road. According to police reports, the homeowner confronted three men in his driveway shortly after 10 a.m. as they carried power tools and fishing rods out of his shed. As the men jumped into a sport-utility vehicle, Bailey shot at the driver with a handgun, police reports said. The men drove away but later crashed ... No arrests were made; police said the district attorney's office would determine whether any charges will be filed, police said."

TX: What one woman wants for Christmas: a returned gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Susan Gaylord Buxton wants her gun back."

"She could have a long wait, given how slowly the wheels of justice can grind."

"Buxton, known from hither to yon as the gun-toting granny, is confused about why Arlington police seized her handgun after she shot an intruder Nov. 9. It's not as if the circumstances under which Buxton used the Smith & Wesson .38-caliber featherweight are in question. ..." ...

"Buxton, who has not been criminally charged, understands that the officers who responded ... needed to secure the premises. She willingly handed over her gun -- actually, she dropped it to the ground when directed to do so by an officer who was pointing his sidearm at her. Why police confiscated the gun is what has her baffled." ...

VA: Violence On Virginia's College Campuses Outlined In Crime Commission Report
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At least four students at Old Dominion University have been mugged in the last couple of weeks, on and off campus. One of the victims was pistol whipped."

"Crime against students is not exclusive to ODU. The College of William and Mary has been rocked by a string of rapes and sexual assaults. Many times students say there isn't enough lighting around campus."

"As seen with several of the William and Mary sexual assaults, many times the victim knew their attacker."

"The state crime commission is releasing a new report about crime on college campuses across Virginia. Some of the information is disturbing." ...

Submitter's Note: According to the ODU Student Handbook, weapons are prohibited on University property.

AZ: Kuenzli instability inadmissible?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Should a man accused of a May 11, 2004, shooting death at a trailhead in the southern part of the county be allowed to present evidence that his victim had unstable character when it came to his dogs?"

"The prosecution says that because Harold Fish, 58, did not know about dozens of incidents in Grant Kuenzli's past regarding aggressive, violent confrontations about his dogs, the law doesn't allow him to present that evidence to a jury." ...

"The case garnered significant public interest in the wake of Kuenzli's death after an investigator for the sheriff's office came out with a preliminary determination of self-defense. The investigator is no longer part of the prosecution team."

WI: 'Disappointed by Robson's vote'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I am very disappointed with Sen. Judy Robson's vote on Senate Bill SB403, the Personal Protection Act, concealed carry bill."

"I am very encouraged that the rest of my chosen state of residency has seen fit to restore my 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms. I am confident that the promised veto by our governor Doyle will be overridden. You have chosen to side with the losing position on this matter. It is law abiding citizens such as myself who are hurt by passing what is without question, unconstitutional legislation, or voting to uphold such legislation."

"The criminals ignore such legislation 100% of the time. That is why they are criminals." ...

WI: Gun-permit secrecy attacked -- Bill precludes oversight, foes say; backers aim to surprise criminals
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Without public access to the names of people who would be allowed to carry concealed weapons, it would be nearly impossible to tell whether the law is working as intended ..." ...

"Said Charles Davis, the executive director of the National Freedom of Information Coalition: Allowing people to conceal weapons 'without allowing citizens any avenue of accountability strikes me as wrongheaded in the extreme.' But state Sen. Dave Zien (R-Eau Claire), the sponsor of the bill, said the Wisconsin attorney general's office would make sure the so-called Personal Protection Act works if it becomes law. Each year, the office would report to the Legislature on the number of applicants, the number of permits issued and denied, and any problems encountered." ...

Canada: Martin 'a jackass' -- Parents of slain teen say prime minister's proposed handgun ban will do nothing to stop youth violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Prime Minister Paul Martin is a 'jackass' if he thinks that banning handguns will 'choke off' the deadly weaponry of Toronto street gangs, says a man whose son was slain."

"'For this so-called prime minister of ours to come into the low-income areas of this city and make a statement banning guns ... I look at him as a jackass ... and I'll never vote Liberal again as long as I live,' said Theodore Huxtable, whose eldest son Jason, 18, was killed on Aug. 30." ...

Canada: Liberal plan under fire
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Paul Martin’s proposed handgun ban was shot to pieces at a gun show in Brandon yesterday, where firearm enthusiasts described the plan as an impractical political ploy that could backfire on the Liberals."

"'The Liberals are hanging themselves,' Les Dolhun said at the Brandon Gun and Collectibles show at the Keystone Centre yesterday. 'I will never vote Liberal again.'"

"Dolhun, who travelled from Winnipeg to attend what he described as the biggest and best annual gun show in the province, said at least 14 of his family members feel the same way about the Liberal Party after it announced the handgun ban proposal last week." ...

NC: Gun in home for protection a hard topic for the police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sixty, maybe 70 people crowded into the Bethesda Moravian Church last month to hear what police were doing about a string of burglaries that was plaguing their neighborhood."

"The residents wanted answers and reassurance. Some were angry; others frightened."

"Then came the question."

"'When is it OK to shoot somebody who comes in your house?' one young woman asked. 'We're prepared at our house.'" ...

"Lt. David Kiger of the Winston-Salem Police Department sighed audibly and paused before speaking." ...

"The answer is complicated, and different in different situations. The one constant is that you have to be in fear for your life."

"'It may be different for a 200-pound man than it is for a 70-year-old grandmother,' Kiger said." ...

CA: Ex Cop Faces 19 Years in Prison
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A retired Monterey County Sheriff's deputy faces up to 19 years in prison if convicted of a felony firearm charge and will be the first person prosecuted under the district attorney's new zero-tolerance policy."

"Hilton Dyar, 64, of Seaside, was charged with felony assault with a firearm and misdemeanor exhibiting a firearm after allegedly pointing a loaded pistol at a female driver in a fit of road rage. Dyar won't have a chance to plea bargain his way to lesser charges under San Benito County District Attorney John Sarsfield's new zero-tolerance policy, which he instated two weeks ago following a rash of gang-related shootings. The policy prohibits those accused of gun or gang-related crimes from striking plea bargains ..." ...

PA: Ex-Philly cop goes on trial in off-duty shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Testimony began yesterday in the Lycoming County Court trial of a Philadelphia police officer accused of shooting a man he caught in bed with the officer's ex-wife."

"David Wade Howard, 42, of Philadelphia, who lost his job after the incident, is charged with aggravated and simple assault, recklessly endangering another person and terroristic threats."

"Versions given yesterday by the shooting victim, Wayne Ware, and defense attorney Daniel Alva differed as to what happened early on Feb. 20, 2004, in the apartment of Lakeesha Young in the 300 block of High Street." ...

TN: Guilty lawman allowed firearm
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal judge on Monday gave a Cocke County lawman permission to carry a gun while on the job although the patrol officer had just admitted to stealing money from a drug suspect during a traffic stop."

"Cocke County Sheriff's Department deputy Christopher Smith, 28, pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge J. Ronnie Greer to one misdemeanor count of deprivation of civil rights under color of law."

"Smith has continued working as a patrolman since his arrest in October, when he was indicted as part of a four-year probe into public corruption and organized crime in Cocke County." ...

DC: D.C. Police Say NYPD Officer Shot Teen, Left
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An off-duty New York City police official shot and wounded a 16-year-old youth who apparently was trying to rob him Friday night in Northwest Washington. The official then left the scene and reported the shooting to his department only after returning to New York, authorities said yesterday." ...

"New York and D.C. police declined to speculate on whether the officer violated any criminal laws or police procedures." ...

"A New York police spokesman said last night that the officer remains on duty."

CA: Narcotics agent Walker found not guilty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A jury this morning found state narcotics officer Mike Walker not guilty of voluntary manslaughter for fatally shooting Rodolfo 'Rudy' Cardenas -- touching off a brief, but raucous scuffle outside the San Jose courtroom."

"As defense attorney Craig Brown tried to address reporters after the verdict, about two dozen protesters, some carrying signs bearing photos of Cardenas, encircled him screaming 'no justice, no peace' and 'murderer.'"

"Though the protesters drowned him out, Brown kept trying to speak." ...

"As the deputies and plain clothes agents pushed the protesters away, a sheriff's sergeant told the officers to stop."

"'They're within their rights,' said the sergeant." ...

TX: Teens claim off-duty cop threatened them with gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Temple Police Department is investigating one of their own officers after a group of teenagers made some serious accusations against him. The teenagers allege the off duty officer threatened them with guns." ...

"They say the man yelling then crossed the street to this home, got in a Temple police car and followed them down the street. When he caught up with them, Enrique, Ben and friend Josh Torres say the man in street clothes flashed them a badge and a gun."

"They also say they could smell alcohol on his breath." ...

"The boys say the threats continued until they revealed that they were only 17-years-old. Then, they say the officer backed off." ...

Submitter's Note: U.S. Code Title 18 Section 242: Deprivation of rights under color of law. Perhaps the officer should read it.

Japan: GSDF punishes 48 over embezzlement of public funds
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The Ground Self-Defense Force said Tuesday that it has punished 48 members, including eight senior members, of its police unit in connection with the embezzlement of 4.7 million yen in public funds by claiming about 100 false business trips between 1999 and 2001.

Of the eight senior members, a colonel in charge of criminal investigations and two others have been suspended from work for six to seven days and three have been punished with pay cuts, the GSDF said. The two others were admonished, it said.

Jamaica: Kraal cops freed - Three walk; Adams, others still on trial
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THREE OF the six policemen charged with murder of four civilians at Kraal, Clarendon, on May 7, 2003, were freed yesterday after Chief Justice Lensley Wolfe ruled there was no case in law against them." ...

"Yesterday afternoon when the jury returned to court, the Chief Justice directed them to return a formal verdict of not guilty in respect to the three policemen."

"The Chief Justice told the 12-member jury that submissions were made to him and 'I find the Crown failed to satisfy me that there is a case to be left for your consideration in respect of Devon Bernard, Roderick Collier and Leford Gordon'." ...

OH: Buckeye Firearms Assoc. volunteer named as candidate for Lt. Gov. (BFA)
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"The Peirce for Ohio Committee announced today that it has selected Mark Noble to run as Lieutenant Governor with Bill Peirce, the Libertarian Party candidate for Governor of Ohio in the upcoming 2006 election."

"Noble gave up a career in website design ... to pursue his study of electrical and computer engineering at the Ohio State University. His experience in the internet-driven economy – a vital element of Ohio’s future – complements the professional career of Peirce, a Professor Emeritus of Economics ..." ...

"The Peirce/Noble platform, Freedom to Prosper--Freedom to Live, emphasizes creating a favorable environment for business by cutting taxes and regulations ... and comprehensively supporting the entire Bill of Rights."

GA: Girls with Guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The Sumter County Sheriff's Office is holding a firearms course for women. The women will have classroom training and will then go out onto a firing range with a certified instructor.

Deputies hope that if the women ever have to use their guns, they'll know how. Chief Deputy, Eric Bryant says, "We try to take them out to the environment that is appropriate for testing out this new firearm they got during the holidays or whenever, or you would be surprised how many people have weapons and have never used them."

To sign up, call the Sumter County Sheriff's Office. The date of training has not been set.

MI: Shooting club to appeal ruling
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A shooting club will join township officials in an appeal to the Michigan Supreme Court to keep the club's longtime home after losing a prolonged court battle."

"The Elk Rapids Sportsman's Club will join Elk Rapids Township in asking the state's top court to overturn a recent appellate ruling that the township improperly turned control of 11 acres of township land to the gun club."

"'Obviously, we think the ruling is wrong,' said club president Brian Kroll. ..."

"When Mina Wilcox died in 1948, she left her land to the township with the stipulation that it be used as a public space. In 2004, Wilcox's surviving grandchildren sued the township and contended that the gun club was not the use Wilcox intended in her bequest." ...

MS: Reality: There are 'too many guns' (letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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John Paul is a fine musician, but he came up short in his criticism of Charley Reese's lauding the National Rifle Association ("Public's desire to bear arms in America must be changed," Nov. 23).

Mississippi and the South are permeated with a gun mania, carried on by zealots who use every opportunity to throw up the Second Amendment.

In reality, there are too many guns. I'll bet there were more people at the gun and knife show than at the Chimneyville arts and crafts show recently.

John Autry


NY: Binghamton shooter reaches Master Class
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Tony Mincolla of Binghamton recently reached the highest level of competition in the National Sporting Clays Association (NSCA) — the first local shooter to do so — when he was elevated to Master Class." ...

NJ: As bear hunt comes to end, state calls 6-day event a success
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"New Jersey's second black bear hunt in three years ended last night with hunters taking fewer than 300 bears, but state authorities bagged a few unruly animal rights protesters and two illegal hunters."

"'Overall, I'd still say it was a successful hunt,' said state Division of Fish and Wildlife Director Martin McHugh, adding that hunters had killed 280 bears as of 2:30 p.m. yesterday and they were unlikely to break the 300 mark by the day's end."

"After a six-day hunt in 2003, the first in the state in 33 years, authorities reported 328 bears killed. But they anticipated a lower take this year because there were fewer participating hunters -- 4,434 this year, compared with 5,450 in 2003." ...

UK: Gun youth locked up for terrorising cops
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A YOUTH who terrorised police by aiming a loaded air rifle at them while his finger was on the trigger wept today as he was locked up for 12 months."

"Constables Rosalyn Gilmer, 31, and Iain Young, 30, were trying to clear young drinkers from the streets of Easterhouse, Glasgow, when they were confronted by Mario Capuano ..."

"Constable Young told an earlier trial how he saw a youngster swigging from a beer bottle and picked up the carry-out the youth had dropped as he fled.
Capuano, 17, then came on the scene, raised the rifle to his shoulder and put his finger on the trigger, the trial heard." ...

"Constable Young claimed Capuano told him to drop the carry-out, shouting: 'Put the gear down or I will shoot you.'" ...

Trinidad: Colonel: Strict gun control laws needed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"STRICT gun control laws are necessary and are needed, Lt Col Richardo Garcia has said."

"Garcia, a certified firearms instructor, also believes the sport of shooting should be promoted."

"He is associated with the Defence Force's shooting team and was one of the main organisers of the annual 'Top Gun' pistol shooting competition. The shootout was organised by the Trinidad arm of the International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) and competitors included members of the armed forces and civilians."

"He is also the commanding officer of the Support and Service Battalion based at Teteron Barracks. 'I am not an advocate of everyone carrying a firearm,' Garcia told the Daily Express on Sunday ..." ...

The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword, because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops. — Noah Webster, An Examination into the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution Proposed BV the Late Convention (1787).

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