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Newslinks for 12/14/2012

SAF’s Gottlieb vs. Cable TV Anti-Gunners (video story)
Submitted by: Phil Watson / SAF

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"In the first video Alan Gottlieb of the Second Amendment Foundation’s faces off against Current TV’s Cenk Uygur. Gottlieb tells Uygur to 'Calm down and take a Valium' when Uygur gets belligerent."

"In the second video, CNN’s Piers Morgan gets angry when SAF’s Gottlieb points out one of his comments from Twitter." ...

Prominent Second Amendment attorney foresees ‘shall issue’ carry in Illinois
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "'Given that the majority of the Illinois legislature is already in favor of Shall Issue, I think the risks of May Issue are fairly low,' Kopel replied." ...

New information emerges on SEC Playboy probe of gun control group treasurer
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "'He sponsored virtually every piece of gun control legislation in Illinois from 1975 to 1992,' the biography continues. 'He was proud to be the number one target of the NRA in every one of his elections.' ..." ...

A Good Start: Florida Reaches 1M Concealed Carry Permits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Maybe all those northeasterners who move to Florida to spend their golden years around the shuffleboard courts at the Del Boca Vista know something. Or maybe they’ve just learned to value their freedoms. Reuters is reporting that 'The number of active concealed weapons licenses in Florida, already home to more owners of such registered weapons than any other U.S. state, is expected to reach the 1 million mark next week, a state official said on Wednesday.' Not bad. But wait, there’s more! . . ." ...

Backers of gun rights hit some big targets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Florida is preparing to issue its 1 millionth concealed-carry permit while a federal court ruling this week left the nation’s capital as the only place in the United States with a total ban on carrying concealed weapons — developments that have gun advocates feeling that momentum is on their side in the national debate over whether Americans can remain armed once they leave home."

"The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday that the Illinois legislature has 180 days to come up with some type of concealed-carry law, overruling gun control proponents in the final holdout among the states." ...

Delusional thinking behind ‘gun-free’ zone signs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With 12 days remaining until Christmas, perhaps Santa can bring some common sense to the self-deluded people who believe that a 'guns prohibited' sign at the doorway of a shopping mall, big box store, supermarket or restaurant is going to prevent a lunatic or angry ex-boyfriend or an obsessed stalker from walking in and causing mayhem." ...

Incendiary Images of the Day: Spree Killing Data from Mother Jones
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Back in the day (September), Mother Jones magazine marked the 'spate' of mass murder and spree killing with a data dive. In the wake of the Clackamas killing, a reader brought the article to our attention. And so we bring it to yours. To start, note the Illinois and California clusters in the map above—which tell you something about the states’ strict gun laws. Or . . . nothing much, really. Needless to say, MJ drills down deeper to create some at-a-glance carnage analysis designed to lead readers to the obvious conclusion: something must be done! Equally obvious: that’s not the way I read it . . ." ...

A convenient scapegoat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "So, why didn't Bob Costas get on national television and say, 'If Josh Brent didn't possess a car, Jerry Brown would be alive today'? Why? Because Bob Costas doesn't think critically, that's why! He simply regurgitates the same antiquated anti-gun rhetoric he hears from his pro-gun-control buddies."

"But it's true: if the gun is to blame for Belcher and Perkins' deaths, the car is to blame for Brown's death." ...

Illinois governor uses straw man arguments against court carry ruling
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Avowed anti-gun Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn is using straw man arguments to obfuscate the dilemma he and state lawmakers have been handed by the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that the state’s ban on carrying firearms outside the home for protection is unconstitutional." ...

Why Not Regulate Guns Like Cars?
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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... "This is pretty much how many gun rights advocates would like to see guns regulated, and is in fact pretty close to the dominant model in the over 35 states that now allow pretty much any law-abiding adult to get a license to carry a concealed weapon: No need to register or get a license to have a gun at home, and a simple, routine test through which any law-abiding citizen can get a state license to carry a gun in public." ...

In Florida and Illinois, concealed-weapons debate lays bare the politics of gun control
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"Two states, two takes: Even as Illinois officials are lamenting a court order requiring them to let state residents carry concealed weapons, Florida officials are boasting about just how many hundreds of thousands of state residents are carrying concealed weapons." ...

"It's quite a dichotomy: Illinois for the moment is the only state where you can't legally carry a concealed weapon (the court gave Illinois lawmakers 180 days to come up with a law legalizing it)."

"By contrast, Florida is quite proud of being the most heavily armed state, at least in terms of concealed weapons permits." ...

Every graph tells a story
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lee Goodman of the 'Stop Concealed Carry Coalition' in Illinois claims carry laws escalate violence. He also claims gun rights activists are hateful and rude."

"It would seem the data don’t support his first, wild assertion, as graphed out in this wonderful graphic from John Richardson over at No Lawyers – Only Guns and Money." ...

RF on GOA Radio (12/12/12) (podcast)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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SAF Welcomes New Sponsor Dillon Precision To 2013 Program
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment Foundation announced today that Dillon Precision, Inc. has joined the Second Amendment Foundation in 2013 as a Bronze Level Sponsor."

"Dillon’s support will provide critical support to the Second Amendment Foundation’s existing programs of legal action." ...

Myths of the Mall Attack
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"Thanks to mobile phones, Twitter, and instant publishing, you can read all about the latest mass shooting within minutes. But much of what you’re reading, even days afterward, is false. First come the inference-riddled hearsay accounts from confused marginal witnesses. Then come the speculating journalists. Then come the political axe-grinders, cherry-picking reported details to validate their agendas. The latest case is Tuesday’s attack in a shopping mall near Portland, Ore. Here’s how the errors and escalations have played out so far." ...

Gun Test: CZ P-01
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The CZ 75 P-01, differs markedly in a number of ways from the original, yet should be equally appealing to American shooters. The CZ 75 P-01 is a short recoil-operated, aluminum alloy-framed, double-action (DA) pistol equipped with a decocker. It was created at the behest of the Czech national police, which presented CZ with a daunting protocol for the pistol’s performance." ...

New from Safariland: Model 22 Wallet Profile Holster
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The first rule of a gun fight: have a gun. Once you’ve decided to pack heat, you’re free to join the debate over gun size and caliber. Oh, I forgot. As you have no way of knowing when a gunfight might occur—unless you’ve established a dueling date with James Yeager—you’ll need a wikkid comfortable carry system. In fact, gunfight rule number one dictates that a comfortable holster is the starting point for an aspiring armed citizen. ... So embrace your inner mouse gun and shove that bad boy (infant?) in the Safariland Model 22 Wallet Profile Holster. It’s a wallet! It’s a gun! It’s a wallet! HELLO? IT’S A GUN! Clever eh? Press release after the jump . . ." ...

Gun Review: Savage 111 Long Range Hunter in .338 Lapua
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’ve taken the Precision Rifle class at the SIG Academy and one of the things we got a crack at was launching .338 Lapua ammo. In that case it came from a Blaser rifle. That was a beautiful gun, but it comes with a beautiful price tag north of $3,000, too. A little Internet searching showed that if you want to shoot in that big boy caliber, that’s pretty much the going rate. So you can imagine my surprise then when I got an email from Davidson’s (the Gun Genie people), advertising a sale on the Savage 111LRH. Turns out I could pick one up from my neighborhood gun store for a price just shy of grand . . ." ...

Gun Test: DPMS Tac-2
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thanks to its building-block modularity, you can pretty much equip an AR for any situation—bad guys at 5 yards, prairie dogs at 500, zombies everywhere in between—limited only by your imagination. (With all the apocalyptic talk lately, perhaps 'preparation' is a better word.) There is, however, one little detail that gets in the way: that fun-stifling thing known as your budget. Swap too many components and accessories around, and you will have thrown enough coin at one AR to have two." ...

Accessorizing Your AR-15 (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Cory Trapp, Gunsite instructor and gunsmith, discusses accessorizing your AR-15 in this video from the National Shooting Sports Foundation. He discusses what add-ons you might want and what you can live without." ...

Florida loophole fear mongering debunked
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Despite what rabid pittbull AG-elect Kathleen Kane of Pennsylvania might have you believe, there is no threat from the 'Florida loop hole' that Bloomberg generated as a straw man."

"For those of you who may not be aware, citizens of states in which they are arbitrarily rejected for a carry permit (without good cause) have a back up option in applying for a Florida carry permit. ..." ...

"The gun control zealots and foaming attack dogs like Kathleen Kane would have you believe that serial killers are being denied gun permits in their home states and then are flocking to Florida in order to get a permit in which they have to qualify with their weapon by shooting baby otters while high on cocaine." ...

Are There Too Many Guns in Florida?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As Florida is poised to become the first state to have issued 1 million concealed firearm permits, Patch wants to know: Why are there so many guns here, and is there such a thing as too many guns?"

"Florida had issued more than 993,000 active permits as of Nov. 30, reports. Adam Putman, Florida’s commissioner of agriculture and consumer affairs, said at a news conference Wednesday that the state will pass the 1 million mark next week." ...

Gun Patriotism or Hypocrisy?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Puzzling me for a long time is the inconsistency between two claims by gun and Second Amendment supporters. One is that what they worship is critically needed to defend themselves against a government that they would view as oppressive and unacceptable. The other is their belief that the US government has already become awful, stealing their liberties."

"Why then, I keep asking myself, have we not seen a violent uprising among the untold millions of Americans owning guns to take back their government? Why do we not see what goes on in European nations, namely violent public uprisings against governments?" ...

Mark Glaze: Bloomberg's Gun Control Advocate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mayor Michael Bloomberg is relying on Mark Glaze to help him reform this country's gun laws."

"Glaze, who is gay, is a Coloradan from Parlin and the son of a licensed gun dealer who sold pistols out of a cabinet in the family's general store. He is also a principal at the Raben Group, a progressive lobbying firm in Washington D.C. and the director of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a bipartisan coalition of more than 750 mayors led by the New York City mayor and by Boston Mayor Tom Menino." ...

Disaster Preparedness . . . Are the experts getting their message out? Part II
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Let’s have that deeper analysis I promised in Part I."

"There are many specialties where theory seems to impart wisdom and prestige, and when it doesn’t seem to take – or the message doesn’t seem to be getting out - the professors of that wisdom become offended and act out on it. So many are puzzled as to why their message isn’t being reflected. It did get out, along with some rather truthful, revealing character DNA which is a very reliable clue. It is not that the message does not get out; it is that the messengers seem so heavy handed. This is consistent throughout many fields. This was the message that has gotten out over decades." ...

Supreme Court Unanimously Upholds Concealed Gavel Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a unanimous 9-0 ruling Friday, the Supreme Court upheld a controversial federal law allowing licensed judges to carry concealed gavels in public. 'It is the opinion of the court that any judge, magistrate, or justice found to be of legal age and sound mind who so desires to carry in secret an adjudicating mallet on his or her person, provided such gavel is properly permitted and registered within the local jurisdiction, shall face no legal encumbrances—federal, state, or otherwise—preventing them from so doing,' Chief Justice John Roberts, an outspoken pro-gavel advocate, wrote for the majority. ..."

Forget DIY Drones, How About DIY Armed Drones?
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"... the use of armed drones, which has become so controversial and lethal in government hands, will remain beyond the reach of private parties— Oh wait. No, it won't. In fact, armed drones (of a sort) have already been created by DIYers. At least, one has. And yes, it's cool." ...

Famed quick-draw gunsmith Munden dies
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bob Munden, known as a fierce fast draw competitor who was recognized by Guinness Book of World Records as 'The Fastest Man with a Gun Who Ever Lived,' died Monday in a Butte hospital."

"Munden, 70, a longtime Butte resident, entertainer and master gunsmith who developed groundbreaking methods of customizing to perfection the beloved .45 caliber single-action revolver and other guns, died Monday of heart failure." ...

NDAA Bill, Currently in Conference Would Strip Servicemen of Their Constitutional Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Over this past year, we have alerted you to the dangers of last year’s National Defense Authorization Act (or NDAA for short)."

"The NDAA could impact all Americans, including gun owners, by allowing them to be indefinitely detained without trial, based on simple membership in certain pro-gun groups or because of particular firearm-related activities."

"But in addition to its problems with indefinite detention without trial, this year’s NDAA also contains, in the House version, a provision that would allow military psychiatrists and commanders to question large numbers of servicemen about the firearms they own." ...

2012 Elections: Claims of NRA’s Demise Are Premature
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Shortly after the 2012 election, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence published a press release titled 'The Myth of the NRA’s Influence Over Election Outcomes.' Brady claims that the NRA’s support doesn’t help candidates win. They conclude by asking: 'How long will we allow this myth to hold our nation hostage?'"

"Speaking of mythical influences, some readers may find it curious to know that Brady didn’t issue endorsements this election, something they’d done previously. What does this say about their perception of their own influence?"

"In any case, further examination of NRA-endorsed candidates suggests that Brady may merely be envious." ...

OH: Sharon Kennedy sworn in as Supreme Court justice; Credits hard work and support from Second Amendment advocates for her victory
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Standing before a packed audience in the main courtroom of the Moyer Judicial Center, Sharon Kennedy was sworn in Friday December 7 as Ohio's 154th Supreme Court justice."

"As reported by Gongwer News Service, Justice Kennedy, who had served as a domestic relations judge on the Butler County Court of Common Pleas, upset anti-gun incumbent Democrat Yvette McGee Brown last month." ...

Otis McDonald celebrates the latest landmark decision
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Otis is celebrating along with the rest of us."

"He’s a great, and kind man. I’ve met him myself. One of my prized possessions is the cover page of the decision in the landmark case McDonald v. Chicago signed by Mr. McDonald himself." ...

Christmas Comes Early to Illinois
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For some time now, Illinois has been the last state in the union with no provision in law for the ordinary citizen to carry a loaded gun in public to protect self and loved ones. The Seventh Circuit, in an action brought by the Second Amendment Foundation, has issued a decision that may finally bring Illinois in line with the rest of the country. Read it here:" ...

Dave Kopel Provides An Analysis Of 7th Circuit's Illinois Carry Decision (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In an interview with Cam Edwards of NRA News, Second Amendment scholar Dave Kopel analyzes the opinion of the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in the Moore and Shepard cases." ...

Chairman of Chicago City Council black caucus applauds demise of gun carry ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Monday's U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruling striking down Illinois' outright ban of defensive firearm carry received support from a perhaps unexpected direction. Chicago Alderman Howard Brookins, chairman of the Chicago City Council black caucus, sees legal defensive firearm carry as a safety measure for peaceable citizens, according to the Chicago Tribune:" ...

California Gun Law Mined in 9th Circuit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "At a hearing on Peruta's appeal Thursday, Judge Consuelo Callahan noted that the 9th Circuit covers nine states with differing government interests."

"She asked Peruta's lawyer if her court could direct a California sheriff to administer his county's concealed carry program."

"'Would you envision that California, having more crime and being more populated, would be able to justify different burdens on the right than, say, Alaska, which is more rural, and they have bears running around and people have to shoot bears in order to get to work?' Callahan asked." ...

Chicago poised to fight over handguns _ again
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Facing a climbing homicide rate, Chicago is poised for another fight over handguns- just two years after the last one."

"When the U.S. Supreme Court nullified the city's 28-year-old handgun ban in 2010, Chicago responded by passing one of the nation's toughest handgun ordinances. And city officials sounded ready Thursday for another battle after a federal appeals court tossed out Illinois' ban on carrying concealed weapons this week." ...

Second Amendment Opponents Regroup As Dust Settles Following Illinois Concealed Carry Ruling (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun rights opponents in Illinois on Wednesday said they will continue their fight to rollback the Second Amendment after the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday ruled that a ban on concealed carry is unconstitutional." ...

Ruling tossing concealed-carry ban a big change for Illinois
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are certain constants to life in Illinois. Abraham Lincoln has always been revered. The Cubs always find a way to lose. Lake Michigan never goes dry. Letting citizens carrying concealed firearms is out of the question."

"But one of those is no longer true. ..." ...

Lisa's Dilemma
Submitted by: Phil Watson / SAF

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"Poor little Lisa. She has to decide if she wants to be governor or to satisfy the Chicago Democrats who have been some her biggest supporters."

"Lisa is, of course, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan. She is also the eldest daughter of Michael Madigan who is Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives."

"The decision Lisa must make is whether or not to appeal the decision of the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in the cases of Moore v. Madigan and Shepard v. Madigan to the United States Supreme Court. The court's decision mandates some sort of concealed carry law in Illinois in 180 days." ...

Brady Campaign Lawsuit Against — Preempted by Federal Law?
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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... "... the lawsuit probably isn’t preempted by the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, since that applies only to lawsuits against gun manufacturers, gun sellers, and trade associations; ArmsList isn’t covered. But I do think that it’s preempted by 47 U.S.C. § 230, which generally bars lawsuits against Internet service or content providers based on speech posted by other parties. Section 230 applies to advertisements as much as to other speech." ...

Gun control dilemma: Federal ruling threatens concealed carry restrictions in the District and Maryland
Submitted by: Phil Watson / SAF

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"Anti-gun jurisdictions are in trouble. Tuesday’s 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision striking down the Illinois ban on concealed carry has put in the crosshairs the reluctance of the District and Maryland to allow citizens to exercise their right to self-defense outside the home."

"Attorney Alan Gura, whom the Second Amendment Foundation hired to argue the Moore v. Madigan case in Illinois, has been distributing Judge Richard A. Posner’s majority decision to other courts currently mulling over the meaning of the right to bear arms. Mr. Gura represents plaintiffs in several firearms cases in the country, including the Palmer v. D.C. in the District and the Woollard v. Sheridan case in Maryland." ...

ATK Secures .40 Caliber Ammunition Contract with Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"ATK (NYSE: ATK) announced that it is being awarded a Fixed Price Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) agreement from the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for .40 caliber ammunition. This contract to provide duty and training ammunition features a base of 12 months, includes four option years and has a maximum value of $75 million over the life of the contract." ...

OH: Ex-cop gets 4 1/2 years for sexual battery
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Licking County police officer who impregnated his live-in girlfriend’s daughter three times is headed to prison."

"George B. Gibson, 44, of Heath, was sentenced on Monday in Licking County Common Pleas Court to 41/2 years in prison. The former Hebron and Union Township police officer will have to register as a sex offender, and he has five more years of prison hanging over his head if he violates his five-year probation." ...

IA: Former Forest City police officer sentenced to 10 years on arson charge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Forest City police officer is sentenced up to 10 years in prison after being convicted earlier this year of arson and burglary charges. ..." ...

SC: Deputy law enforcement officer indicted in SC bicyclist's death
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jeffery Thomas of Mount Pleasant will again face one count of leaving the scene of an accident resulting in death."

"Thomas was charged in August for leaving the scene of a crash after Charleston deputies say he struck and killed bicyclist Matthew Denton, who was from James Island." ...

MI: Former Warren cop wants justice
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"It's a whistleblower lawsuit that could make one former Warren cop a millionaire. Dean Toward said he reported a fellow officer for being too aggressive. He says what came after was verbal abuse and retaliation."

"'I'll take you to jail for 15 different damn things. You want to get tough? You want to get smart? You want to act hard? I don't give a (expletive) It's my city.'" ...

CO: Number of Colorado concealed-carry gun permits skyrockets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While the number of people seeking a concealed-carry permit for a gun in Colorado has skyrocketed, the ease of which some certification is done is coming under scrutiny, even by Second Amendment supporters." ...

OH: Ohio lawmakers relax rules on carrying concealed guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gov. John Kasich is about to get a bill that would for the first time allow guns to be legally brought into the parking garages under the Ohio Statehouse and the nearby state tower containing his and legislators' offices."

"But just before approving the latest bill relaxing restrictions on carrying concealed firearms in Ohio, lawmakers removed a provision that would have required the state to recognize similar permits issued in other states even if those persons couldn't have qualified here." ...

A Bill of Rights that means what the majority wants it to mean is worthless. — Justice Antonin Scalia

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