The Solution to School Shootings
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Bruce W. Krafft
Website: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/
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"How many have to die before we do something? How many more tragedies does it take before we do something? How more children have to die before this country realizes that Gun-Free Zones create perfect locations for violence? . . ."
"Mass shootings happen in Gun-Free Zones. Coincidence? There is a simple solution to mass killings. Arm thyself. Not necessarily for personal defense—but thats as good a reason as any—but as a known deterrent. Discussing the recent events with RF, he asked me what the solution was to school shootings. I said arm the teachers. Having armed teachers will act as a deterrent and take the advantage away from an assailant." ... |
David Frum: Guns Don’t Make You Safer. It Says So Right Here.
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"David Frum has a piece at thedailybeast.com 'debunking' the idea of 2.5 million defensive gun uses (DGUs) annually. And he bases his, ahem, argument on a 1997 study by David Hemenway. Interestingly enough, Hemenway published another article that year ... That one was titled 'The Gun Debate’s New Mythical Number: How Many Defensive Uses Per Year?' and Hemenway shared authorship (and presumably scholarship) with Drs. Philip J. Cook and Jens Ludwig. I mention the second study because in it they dissect what they call the 'ridiculous' 2.5 million DGU number, explaining all the ways in which it could have been inflated ... So it appears Hemenway has experience working with some dedicated gun rights opponents . . ." ... |
A guest editorial. Some thoughts on the Connecticut massacre by Old Greybeard
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "Re: The mass murders at school in Connecticut.""'Gun-free zones are simply killing fields for mass murderers.' - Ted Nugent" "The only way to stop the mass murder of school children is to do this: In each school, seek out which teachers have concealed carry permits and any more who would be willing to get a permit. Then give them extra training in shooting proficiency and the law and morality of using deadly force, and allow them to be armed in school. Require that their weapons be carried on their person at all times, not in a purse sitting in the corner. Also, tell the feds to cram their 'gun-free zone' bull$hit in schools. Allow any visitors who have concealed carry permits to carry inside the school when they visit." ... |
Anti-gunners remain stubborn, steeped in paranoia
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Gun prohibitionists are a stubborn lot and in the wake of this week’s huge gun rights victory in Illinois, they are digging in rather than giving up."
"Videos of Alan Gottlieb, executive vice president of the Bellevue-based Second Amendment Foundation and chair of its sister group, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms squaring off against anti-gun media types Wednesday are – pardon the pun – going ballistic." ... |
Jews For The Preservation Of Firearms Ownership Chanukah Message 2012
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "Let us remember this Chanukah the lessons that the Maccabees taught us — that we must be strict and stringent not just with regard to ritual observances like Chanukah candles but with regard to the protecting of the life of the innocent. The Maccabees waged a fierce battle against Greek incursion on Jewish sovereignty and taught the Jewish people that defense of life overrides Sabbath prohibitions. May we too remember that life is sacrosanct, that it is worth protecting, and that we must maintain the tools and ability to do so."
"In modern times, here in the United States, that means that we must protect and preserve our Second Amendment rights ..." ... |
St. Louis paper suggests dropping 1 infringement of gun rights, pursuing another
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"In the wake of the U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that found Illinois' outright ban (the last state to retain such a ban*) of armed self-defense unconstitutional, the St. Louis Post Dispatch editorial board acknowledged (if somewhat grudgingly) Thursday that the fight for such bans is ending, and the prohibitionists have lost:"
"The gun lobby declared victory Tuesday after the 7th U.S. Court of Appeals struck down a ban on carrying concealed weapons in Illinois."
"Hubris aside, the NRA may be right."
"The paper makes very clear that it is none too pleased about this development ..." ... |
Mass shootings since the 1980s have provoked range of congressional responses
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"There were shooting rampages in the mid-1980s and ‘90s. James Huberty burst into a McDonald’s in San Ysidro, CA in July, 1984. He fired 192 armor-piercing bullets during a 77-minute shooting spree, killing 21 people and injuring 19 others."
"In 1985, the House of Representatives cited Huberty’s attack when it voted to ban access to 'cop-killer' bullets which can pierce armor."
"But the tide began to turn in 1991. The House wrestled with a massive crime bill in October, 1991, just days after George Hennard rammed his Ford Ranger pickup through the glass window of a Luby’s Cafeteria. ... Some lawmakers tried to prohibit 13 types of assault-type weapons and 17-round ammunition magazines, similar to the one used by Hennard." ... |
Big year for firearms civil rights
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Gun prohibitionists, unhappy with a series of significant court rulings since the landmark Heller decision in 2008 that affirmed the Second Amendment protects a fundamental individual civil right to keep and bear arms, have taken the tack that subsequent court rulings are narrow and not that important."
"At best, this is delusional because three major cases have taken the gun rights argument to the political heart of the enemy – the state of Illinois – and beaten down Draconian firearms prohibitions on constitutional grounds." ... |
Do Civilians Armed With Guns Ever Capture, Kill, or Otherwise Stop Mass Shooters?
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rick schwartz
Website: http://jack-burton.hubpages.com/hub/SW-Model-10-Military--Police-Revolver-A-guns-autobiography
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"Backers of laws that let pretty much all law-abiding carry concealed guns in public places often argue that these laws will sometimes enable people to stop mass shootings. Opponents occasionally ask: If that’s so, what examples can one give of civilians armed with guns stopping such shootings? Sometimes, I hear people asking if even one such example can be found, or saying that they haven’t heard even one such example."
"Naturally, such examples will be rare, partly because mass shootings are rare, partly because many mass shootings happen in supposedly 'gun-free' zones ... and partly for other reasons. ... But here are instances that I have seen, not counting killings stopped by people who were off-duty police officers (or police officers from other jurisdictions) at the time of the shooting." ... |
Pro-Gun is Winning
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"One major way in which conservatives have been successful in changing policy in America over the last decade or so is by changing the way in which we talk about issues in the first place. ... Well, according to New York Times stat guru Nate Silver, one area where conservatives have been very successful in corrupting public conversation is gun control, where they've slowly shifted our vocabulary since the Clinton administration."
"Silver put up a post on Friday night that details a sharp decline in the use of the phrase 'gun control' in the media, coupled with a gradual rise in the phrases 'Second Amendment' and 'gun rights.'" ... |
Does the NRA Represent Gun Manufacturers or Gun Owners?
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Over the last four years, Congress and the Obama administration have only enacted laws that have deregulated gun use in America. It’s no secret why. As pundits love to note, the gun lobby is incredibly influential. But as we consider the potential for reform in the wake of the tragedy today, one of the first questions we should ask this time is: who does the gun lobby really represent?"
"The National Rifle Association portrays itself as an organization that represents '4 million members' who simply love the Second Amendment. The truth is much more murky." ... |
GA: 77 Year Old Atlanta Grandmother Opens Fire on Burglar (video story)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A 77 year old grandmother in Atlanta, GA wasted no time in taking action when she caught someone breaking into her home."
"She grabbed her gun and acted."
"'He got to cleaning the glass out of the window as much as he could,' she said."
"'And I shot at him. I shot twice. And he wasn’t in no big hurry about leaving, but he left,' the grandmother said. 'I don’t try to talk to nobody breaking in. He didn’t have no business back there by my window.'" ... |
MI: 81 Year Old Detroit Man Fights Off Intruder With Antique .22 Revolver (video story)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"An 81 year old man in Detroit was glad he had his .22 caliber revolver that he has owned since 1955 close by his side on the night of November 30."
"The homeowner heard someone break into his sliding glass door by throwing a brick through it."
"The elderly homeowner wasted no time in reaching for his old gun."
"The homeowner waited in his bedroom, behind a closed door, hoping the intruder would leave. When the intruder opened the bedroom door is when the homeowner took action."
"Without saying a word, the homeowner fired a shot at the intruder, who seemed surprised. The homeowner kept firing as the man tried to run from the home." ... |
IL: Chicago isn’t safe: Why? In part, early release for violent thugs
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John Boch
Website: http://www.gunssavelife.com
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"Meet David Victory."
"He’s a 21-year-old first-class one-man crime wave, on parole from a four-year prison sentence for robbery in 2009."
"... [I]f he had served his sentence, he would not have been on the loose to, as police say, shoot a motel clerk for refusing to rent him a room at the Karavan Motel."
"He didn’t stop there with his asocial behavior."
"He decided sometime in the following hour or so that he didn’t really want a couple of shocked 17-year-old girls with him to rat him out, so police say he attempted to execute them to get rid of the witnesses." ...
"Why is Chicago so unsafe?"
"In part because of the early release of violent, predatory thugs that respect one thing and one thing only: lethal force." ... |
A Rational Response to the Tragedy in Connecticut
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"First off, our hearts and prayers go out to the victims, families, friends, teachers, staff and everyone involved in the events in Connecticut earlier today. ..."
"The amount of mail we’ve received recently about the extremely tragic mass shooting in Connecticut is overwhelming."
"Most of the comments are along the lines of, 'How many guns did lives save in CT today, HUH??!'"
"First off, let’s be clear if you’re new here. The name of this site 'Guns Save Lives' is a parody of the anti gun argument that 'Guns Kill People'."
"Guns are neither good nor bad. They are inanimate objects. They can neither commit good nor evil without someone behind them making a conscious decision." ... |
Miller: Connecticut Tragedy
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The tragic murders Friday at the Sandy Hook Elementary School break the heart of every American, and that includes gun owners. Those of us who belong to the 47 percent of families who have a gun in the home for self defense are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, grandparents, aunts and uncles who think of our own little ones as we mourn the terrible scenes from Newtown, Conn."
"It is human nature to want to find someone or something to blame for a tragedy like this. Parents want to find a way to prevent it from happening to their own children. The horror of a man so deranged that he could shoot a small child is almost impossible to understand or to accept. However, those who use this tragedy to call for more gun-control laws are misguided. " ... |
Obama wants ‘action regardless of politics’ after gun-free school zone tragedy
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A visibly-shaken President Barack Obama told a shocked nation today that “as a country we have been through this too many times” as he discussed the mass shooting at a Connecticut elementary school that claimed 26 victims."
"'We’re going to have to come together and take meaningful action,' Obama said, 'regardless of the politics.'"
"He did not elaborate on what sort of 'meaningful action' he was contemplating. There are already laws against murder, Connecticut has a ban on so-called 'assault weapons' – if, indeed, one of the guns used was a semiautomatic rifle and at this writing police are being tight-lipped about that – and this happened at a 'gun-free school zone' in a building that had security procedures." ... |
Would Gun Control Have Prevented Mass Murders at Connecticut Elementary School
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "Yet, in the midst of this very tragic day, the routine calls for tighter gun control laws have again raised its ugly head. While there is no reported connection to alleged shooter ... and illegal firearms, the calls are spreading, as they did earlier in the week, when another masked gunman entered a Portland, Oregon area mall, and shot and killed two victims."
"According to Fox News, a U.S. Justice Department source, indicated that weapons used in the murderous assault, including a .223-caliber rifle, had been legally registered to the shooter’s mother. There is a serious problem in this nation, but with this tragedy and the one on Tuesday in Portland, Oregon, it was not the gun, but the stolen weapons that was the problem." ... |
The Knee-Jerk “Gun Control” March Begins
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Guided by the modus operandi that a major crisis should never go to waste, anti-Second Amendment advocates – including U.S. President Barack Obama – pounced on this week’s tragic school shooting in Newton, Connecticut to push for new restrictions on gun ownership."
"Oh, and for more spending on safety measures at government-funded schools."
"It’s a knee-jerk response we’ve seen before, although this time the reflex was immensely more powerful given the scope of the carnage (26 victims) and the fact that twenty of the dead were young children." ... |
MSNBC’S Andrea Mitchell Quickly Laments Lack Of Gun Control In Wake Of School Shooting: ‘Gun Violence Has Been Epidemic In This Country’
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"In the immediate aftermath of the Connecticut elementary school shooting in Newtown, MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell was quick to bring up gun control, lamenting that there doesn’t seem to be enough of it."
"Before any facts of the shooting were known (such as what type of gun was used or even the mental state of the shooter), Mitchell rattled off gun control issues championed by the left:""'When we talk about gun violence in this country, we’re not talking about Second Amendment rights. We’re talking about…reasonable background checks, reasonable controls, automatic weaponry and ammo, the multiple rounds that cause the greatest amount of violence. … Gun violence has been epidemic in this country going back decades. ..." ... |
Beware of the Circling Gun Banning Vultures
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Quite frankly, I’ve had difficulty staying focused, listening to news reports and thinking about my wife and two young children aged 8 and 11 at home."
"I can only imagine the pain the parents and families of those who were murdered at the hands of this evil individual are feeling right now."
"My prayers and those of my staff here at the National Association for Gun Rights go out to the families of the victims."
"But already, like in so many cases from years past, the gun control lobby is shamelessly using the blood of innocents to advance their anti-gun agenda." ... |
Despite Obama's appeal for action, new gun control unlikely, experts say
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Twenty children dead, age 10 and younger. A shocked nation. An emotional President Barack Obama, who said amid tears, 'As a country, we have been through this too many times. ... We're going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics.'"
"Will all of those factors make Friday's Newtown, Conn., tragedy the tipping point for new gun control laws?"
"Probably not, said a range of experts ..."
"Andrew Biggs, a resident scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, said he not only does he not think additional gun control measures would be being very effective in preventing shootings like Friday's, but believes they are politically unlikely." ... |
Gun-free zone FAIL
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John Boch
Website: http://www.gunssavelife.com
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"But everyone knows schools are gun-free zones!"
"How could this happen?"
"But wait: China is one *big* gun-free zone."
"Villager slashes 22 kids with knife at elementary school gates in China" ...
"Gun-free zones afford make-believe protection from whack jobs, terrorists and criminals. Gun-free zones also embolden those intent on harming innocents because they know and understand there will be no armed good guys there to thwart their attack."
"It’s time Americans re-evaluate their love for the make-believe protection 'gun free' zones provide ..." ... |
Federal Government is Guilty Accomplice in School Shooting in Newtown Connecticut
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... "This shooting is yet another tragic example of the failed, grotesque insistence on helpless victim zones (gun free zones) where any crazed gunman can be assured of a large number of disarmed, undefended, helpless victims, all crammed into one place, where he can kill many children before an armed defender arrives from elsewhere."
"It is disturbing and sick that the federal government so hates the right of the American people to bear arms, and so hates their natural right to self defense, that the government insists on making them helpless, disarmed victims for anyone who cares to kill them." ... |
Another Mass Murder in Gun Free Zone
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"By now, you’re probably aware that at least 26 people, including 18 children, were murdered today at Newtown, Connecticut’s Sandy Hook Elementary School."
"This tragedy happened despite the school district implementing new a 'new safety policy designed to prevent situations such as what happened on Friday.' These new protocols included:- Locking exterior doors during the day.
- Visitors required to ring the doorbell and register at the office.
- Photo ID required if staff didn’t recognize you."
"There was no provision for training and arming teachers and qualified parents. This was wishful thinking, assuming that everybody was 'nice' and that an insane person bent on publicity would behave by the rules." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Time to blame the truly responsible. |
Second Amendment Supporters 'Enable Shootings'
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Like all of us, David Frum of The Daily Beast was angered by the shootings ... He was also angered by Second Amendment supporters tweeting him about the incident, saying that he 'won't accept lectures' from 'those who enable the shootings in the first place.'"
"Frum's despair and anger over the incident is, of course, the proper emotional response to this crime. But, like many in the media, he also took this incident as an opportunity to promote gun control."
"The Daily Beast writer took to Twitter upon learning of the incident and his response was to needle concealed carry supporters saying, 'Shooting at CT elementary school. Obviously, we need to lower the age limit for concealed carry so toddlers can defend themselves.'" ... -------
Submitter's Note: Actually we work to enable shooting back. |
We Don't Have To Live With The Gun Violence
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "Give up, say the cynics. The gun lobby can't be beaten."
"Reload, says the gun lobby. Arm the movie theaters, the temples, the colleges and elementary schools. You can't stop the shootings, you can only shoot back."
"We must reject that dark vision — and most Americans do. We believe that Americans are at least as decent and good and peaceful as people of other nations. We also believe that this great nation — which has led the world in war and peace, in economy and medicine and so much else — is at least as capable of tackling the problem of gun violence as the rest of the industrialized world has already done."
"We are better than this, an emerging majority says." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Nice repetition of the Brady Bunch's new catch-phrase! |
What Obama Must Do About Guns
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Barack Obama has been in our field of vision for a long time now, and, more than any major politician of recent memory, he hides in plain sight. He is who he is. ... He is no phony. And so there is absolutely no reason to believe that his deep, raw emotion today following the horrific slaughter in Connecticut—his tears, the prolonged catch in his voice—was anything but genuine. But this was a slaughter—a slaughter like so many before it—and emotion is hardly all that is needed. What is needed is gun control—strict, comprehensive gun control that places the values of public safety and security before the values of deer hunting and a perverse ahistorical reading of the Second Amendment. ..." ... |
Will Obama have the courage to stand up to the US gun lobby?
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "Talk of reining in America’s gun culture is considered politically risky, and Obama avoided making such direct calls during his successful run for re-election this year. However, Friday’s tragedy has led to what is now President Obama’s biggest test: Will he have the courage to stand up to the powerful American gun lobby?"
"Democrat Congressman Jerrold Nadler, immediately challenged President Obama to come up with new gun control legislation. 'Yet another unstable person has gotten access to firearms and committed an unspeakable crime against innocent children. We cannot simply accept this as a routine product of modern American life,' said Nadler." ... |
Is It Time for an Assault Weapons Ban?
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"In light on this tragedy, the focus in the coming days will undoubtedly turn toward gun control."
"There is no doubt that guns and an assault weapons ban will soon be a hot topic. The president hinted at it this afternoon while discussing the tragedy."
"'As a country, we have been through this too many times… We are going to have to come together and take meaningful action, to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics,' said President Obama."
"President Obama listed several tragedies from this year, from Aurora to Newtown, and called for change, something gun advocates fear." ... -------
Submitter's Note: I don't fear change, I fear more of the same simple-minded policies that have gotten us to where we are, things like ugly-gun bans, restrictive limits on who can carry and where they can carry. So how about some real change? How about arming teachers and allowing college students to carry and stopping placing the blame on the inanimate object instead of the person who abused it? |
Remember the children, and address what ails our nation
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The nation has a duty to protect its tiniest, most vulnerable citizens. Our children."
"America is failing at this task, and the proof is lying in Connecticut morgues."
"Don’t dare forget the children of Sandy Hook Elementary School."
"Every last one of the 20 precious souls who died Friday deserves a more pertinent and lasting memorial than the shock of a nation reeling."
"They deserve deep, contemplative thought and action. They deserve changes in how we manage the right to own weaponry in America." ...
"Mowing children down as if they are targets at a shooting gallery has nothing to do with a well-regulated militia." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Nope but pulling your own weapon and dropping the scum does. |
What will it take to enact gun control?
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Today, we cannot wrap our minds around what happened Friday morning at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., where 20 children and six adults were executed by a 20-year-old killer."
"While bullets reverberated through the school building, youngsters cowered in corners and closets. ..."
"Unbelievable. Unimaginable. Unthinkable. Unfathomable. Gut-wrenching."
"Americans search for answers in the wake of this heart-breaking tragedy."
"In this country, there has never been a serious or credible push to ever ban all guns. That is patently insane. What is equally insane is the ease with which mentally unstable citizens can obtain guns and ammo for deadly purposes; law-abiding, responsible gun owners notwithstanding." ... |
A Tragedy of Silence
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Another day, another mass shooting in America. When, and how, will this end? In fact, will it ever end?" ... -------
Submitter's Note: Of course it will end; it will end as soon as we stop providing target-rich risk-free environments for loons like this. |
Gun control: vile curse words
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"'CAN YOU tell us what happened today in school?' the Fox anchor asked eight-year-old Sofia Lebinski of Newtown, Conn."
"In a calm voice, the little girl offered up a terrible answer to the most routine of questions. ..." ...
"You can imagine those children scared, shaking, and wondering how a massacre of innocents could happen in what should be the most peaceful and safe of all places — a school."
"But there is no place in America we can take for granted as peaceful and safe. Not a shopping mall. Not a movie theater, temple, or high school. Not a street in midtown Manhattan or a college campus." ... |
It's a sickness
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"It is worth saying again, on the day when a gunman murdered more than 25 people at a school in Connecticut, that America's infatuation with guns and gun violence is a sickness."
"The fundamental problem is not our gun control laws, or their lack. The fundamental problem is the sickness that prevents us from adopting sensible gun control laws, that perpetuates a cultural fascination with gun violence and a fetish of firearms. These cultural conditions are the manure out of which the noxious plant of mass murder springs." ... |
Guns in America: Insanity prevails
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"You think you have heard the worst horror a gun in the wrong hands can do, and then this."
"You think there could not have been anywhere more tragic for it to happen, at an elementary school just before the children were about to go on Christmas break."
"And it isn't even the first time we've heard it, only one of the worst ..."
"In the aftermath of something so evil and pointless and final, in the grieving and the sifting through to figure out how this could have happened, you are not supposed to talk about guns."
"That would be politicizing a tragedy, people will say. But it feels more like trying to find some sanity when there is none." ... |
Politicize it already!
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"In the wake of tragedies like the shooting in Connecticut this morning, the warnings some people float not to politicize the tragedy by starting a conversation about guns or gun control frankly sicken me. This is already a political issue, and has been for decades."
"What they’re really saying is, 'Don’t politicize it now, because it’ll make us look bad.' They’re only too happy to politicize it in the gaps between tragedies, when voters don’t have dead children on their minds. Then they can oppose even the most minor of regulations with scare tactics about the government taking people’s guns away, or appeals to a gross misinterpretation of the second amendment." ... |
'Our Hearts Are Broken' and the Hearts of Children Shattered -- Time to Ban Handguns
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Twenty-six dead, including 20 children, at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut."
"The President expresses a nation's heartfelt sorrow."
"Nevertheless, press secretary Jim Carney tells us it's not time to discuss gun-control legislation. He's right; it's way past time -- thousands of murdered children past the time. The entire nation joins with President Obama expressing our 'enormous sympathy for families that are affected,' but let's wise up: we are all affected, and for that expression of sympathy to be genuine we must turn us away from guns." ... |
Gun control petition to White House garners over 43,000 votes
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"An online petition addressed to the White House, which calls for addressing the issue of gun control immediately through a legislation in US Congress, has secured over 43,000 signatures in the aftermath of a tragic shooting at an elementary school that left 20 children and six teachers dead."
"As soon as the petition opened for signatures, it quickly reached the threshold of 25,000 signatures required for the White House to respond. By last evening, more than 43,000 people had signed the petition." ... |
Cuomo's Statement Sparks Gun Control Debate (video available)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"It's only natural that Friday's tragic shooting in Newtown will open the door for another emotional debate regarding gun control. In fact, it appears to have already begun."
"... Five hours after the shooting, one of the strongest and fastest statements about gun control came from Gov. Cuomo. "
"In part, Gov. Cuomo said: '. . . This is yet another senseless and horrific act of violence involving guns. We as a society must unify and once and for all crack down on the guns that have cost the lives of far too many innocent Americans. Let this terrible tragedy finally be the wake-up call for aggressive action and I pledge my full support in that effort.'" ... |
Gun-Control Advocates Press Obama to Turn His Tears Into Action
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "Gun-control advocates immediately challenged Obama to match his words with legislation. After a gunman killed 12 people and wounded 58 others at an Aurora, Colorado, movie theater in July the president vowed to seek a national consensus on reducing gun violence. Yet in an election year, no proposals were made."
"'Calling for 'meaningful action' is not enough,' New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, co-chairman of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, said in a statement yesterday. 'We need immediate action. We have heard all the rhetoric before.'" ...
"There were at least seven mass murders in the U.S. -- killings of at least four -- that claimed at least 65 lives this year." ... |
Shooting prompts calls for tougher gun laws
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The Connecticut elementary school massacre that left 27 dead, including 20 school children, is fueling renewed calls by activists and Democratic lawmakers for a gun control debate that Washington has avoided for nearly two decades."
"Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said the shooting is cause for a 'sustained and thoughtful' debate in the next session of Congress about the nation's gun laws. 'When senseless mass shootings reach into our kindergartens and elementary schools, one has to question what is happening to America,' she said." ... |
Nation heartbroken, outraged over massacre at grade school
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Sorrow vies with fury as the dominant emotion for a country contemplating the cruel insanity unleashed Friday morning inside an elementary school in Connecticut."
"A severely troubled young man, armed with powerful weapons, directed his rage at the most innocent victims imaginable, schoolchildren aged 5 to 10 and their teachers."
"Add the name of Sandy Hook Elementary to the long list of unlikely places recently shaken by massacres: a spa in suburban Wisconsin, a movie theater in Colorado, a café in Seattle ..."
"The shocking regularity of mass shootings in America raises the question of whether a new form of mental sickness is afflicting some of our young adults, and if so, what can be done about it. ..." ... |
Grade-schoolers, for God's sake
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "This Connecticut situation has virtually nothing to do with Illinois' gun laws, among the strictest in the nation, except as it pertains to the argument posed by some gun rights activists that concealed carry will help prevent these shootings from becoming slaughters. Well, Connecticut is a concealed-carry state but that didn't stop this one. Colorado is a concealed-carry state but that didn't prevent another troubled young man from walking into a crowded movie theater last July and opening fire, murdering 12 and wounding 70 others. Oregon is a concealed-carry state but that didn't slow a masked gunman from spraying a Portland area mall with bullets this week, killing two and seriously injuring another. ..." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Ayup, and in each one of those places concealed carry was banned! |
America's gun nightmare gets worse
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"This time, President Obama had to wipe away tears as he spoke of the slaughter of 'beautiful little kids' at a Connecticut elementary school. His White House statement was otherwise indistinguishable from what he said after the carnage in Aurora, Colo.; Tucson, Ariz.; and from various other gun massacres ..."
"Once again, Obama ... - as many others - made a vague call for Americans to 'come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this regardless of the politics.'"
"The politics are treacherous only because the gun lobby has so successfully pushed the notion that no restriction on firearms could stop a deranged person hell-bent on mass murder ..." ... |
Will CT School Shooting Spur Gun Control Action? (video available)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Soon after the horrific elementary school shooting in Connecticut Friday, White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters that 'I do not think today is [the] day' to have 'the usual Washington policy debates' over gun control."
"Yet even before he spoke, the debate was already being revived on social media sites and cable news. The arguments from both sides are familiar enough at this point that we need not re-air them now - you recall them from the conversation that took place after other recent mass shootings ... The question in the wake of the latest shooting spree ... is whether this will be the incident that spurs lawmakers to pass gun control measures that have long languished." ... |
Sandy Hook Shooting: Is It Time to Change the Second Amendment?
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"About 80 million Americans, representing half of U.S. homes, own more than 223 million guns. The debate about the Second Amendment has been fierce, but after the horrible atrocity that just happened in Newtown, Connecticut, the time has come to rethink the amendment and change it. The change of the amendment in terms of availability of weapons, and who has the right to possess them, would create a safer society and lower the gun homicide rate in the U.S. — a figure that currently makes the U.S. the highest in the world. The change would include a certain necessary procedure in order to get a license for possessing a gun. Moreover, this procedure should include medical checks, full criminal history, and a police interview ..." ... |
Moral Nation: Why Our Constitution Demands Gun Control
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Immediately on the heels of the tragic shooting in the Clackamas Town Center Mall in Oregon, where two people were killed by a gunman with a semi automatic rifle, has come the biggest tragedy in US history. As of my writing this piece, 27 people are confirmed dead in an elementary school shooting in Connecticut, 20 of them children."
"Before we even think about the causes of this horrific attack, let us stop for a moment to consider just what an atrocity today's incident is. It is not an act of war, it is not a crime of passion, and it is not a motivated killing of enemies. The shooting in Connecticut is a crime against humanity. If the gunman ... was affiliated with Al Qaeda, the authorities would label it terrorism. ..." ... |
Newtown and the Madness of Guns
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"After the mass gun murders at Virginia Tech, I wrote about the unfathomable image of cell phones ringing in the pockets of the dead kids, and of the parents trying desperately to reach them. And I said ... This will go on, if no one stops it, in this manner and to this degree in this country alone—alone among all the industrialized, wealthy, and so-called civilized countries in the world. There would be another, for certain." ... -------
Submitter's Note: This country "alone", you say? What about: July 2011 - 77 dead in Oslo and the island of Utøya, Norway April 2009 - 12 dead at Azerbaijan State Oil Academy Sept. 2008 - 10 dead at a vocational college in Kauhajoki, Finland Nov. 2007 - 8 dead at a high school in Tuusula, Finland |
Gun discussion
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Has anyone ever noticed, that the only ones ever annoyed by gun discussions around tragedies, are conservatives? When would be a better time? ..."
"The Second Amendment edict ... has been one of the blackest marks on US history in my opinion (there are a few). Written by Madison with input from Jefferson during revolutionary times, meant to bear arms against the British Monarchy. It has been missused[sic] and flaunted by the NRA for over a century. IMHO the founding fathers never foresaw a 24 year with 2 semi auto handguns and an assault rifle. The US sadly has become the poster child for gun violence. With only 5% of the world's population, they have the honor of having close to 50% of private handgun ownership." ... |
Repeal the Second Amendment - Glock 19 Kills 28 in Connecticut
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Another proud day for Gaston Glock. His beloved Glock semi-automatic weapon has again been picked by a mass murderer as the weapon of choice. This time, this wonderful weapon, protected by the Second Amendent, has killed or wounded 28 people including children in an elementary school in Connecticut. The Glock was the weapon of choice at Virigina Tech (57 casualities), the hit on Gabrielle Giffords (19 casualities) and Utoeya Island, Norway (68 casualities; one per minute), to name the most horrible recent trageDIES involving its use."
"A Glock has no other purpose than to kill people. It is not a gun used to hunt deer or geese. It designed to fire rapidly, so as many people as possible can be killed as quickly as possible." ... |
As Gunmen Continue to Terrorize Our Public Places, the Courts Continue to Weaken Our Gun Laws
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The tragic juxtaposition of this week's gun-related events suggests the presence of a malignancy in our country. Hours before yet another shooting at Portland, OR's Clackamas Town Center and three days before 26 people, excluding the gunman, were reportedly killed in a rampage at Newtown, CT's Sandy Hook School, the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned Illinois' ban on carrying concealed weapons. This comes after the Heller and McDonald cases further eroded the abilities of cities and states to protect their residents from firearms. Rather than helping make our country safer, our courts are making us more vulnerable." ... |
[Shooter 1] And [Shooter 2] Were Not Militias: Shut Up About The Second Amendment
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Two weeks ago ... Bob Costas went on national television and said some sensible things about guns, and lots of people ... responded with all the predictable idiot lowing. This was bad enough, but the true measure of how f****d up we are as a country about guns came four days later. ... Here was the exchange:""O'REILLY: So first up, how do you feel about the right to bear arms?"
"COSTAS: Obviously, Americans have a right to bear arms. I'm not looking to repeal the Second Amendment." "'Obviously,' he said, even though the Second Amendment has nothing to do with private ownership of guns ... a fact that's been effectively obscured by 40 years of academic vandalism and bamboozling pseudo-history conducted under the auspices of the NRA. ..." ... |
Ed Schultz: ‘Times Change,’ Stop ‘Hiding Behind The Second Amendment’
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Ed Schultz ended his show tonight criticizing gun advocates for 'hiding behind the Second Amendment' every time shootings like this occur, and called on the nation’s lawmakers to recognize changes going on in the country and get serious about cracking down on guns. Schultz pointed out that the men responsible for drafting and writing the Constitution themselves owned slaves and, by modern standards, would not be considered very tolerant men." ... |
Boston Mayor Menino: Time for 'National Policy on Guns'
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"At the same time that New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg issued a statement going full bore after gun owners on the heels of the tragic school shootings in Connecticut, Mayor Thomas Menino of Boston issued a similar statement. It was just as strident and just as political:" ... |
Jenkins Wants Stricter Gun Laws After Conn. Shooting
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"Kenneth Jenkins, chairman of the Westchester County Board of Legislators, called for 'the strictest national gun laws in the world' on Friday after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn." ... -------
KABA Note: Since the 1974 massacre of 22 children at the school in Ma'alot, Israel has encouraged teachers and parent volunteers to arm themselves to protect the children. In the 38 years since, the only school shooting occurred on a field trip where teachers were asked to disarm. So yes, we should have the strictest gun laws in the world; laws that would require teachers to be armed to protect their charges. |
Gov. Andrew Cuomo calls for crackdown on guns
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"Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Friday called for a crackdown on firearms following a mass shooting at a Connecticut elementary school, calling it 'yet another senseless and horrific act of violence involving guns.'"
"Cuomo, a Democrat, said he hopes the shooting in Newtown, Conn., spurs action."
"'We as a society must unify and once and for all crack down on the guns that have cost the lives of far too many innocent Americans,' Cuomo said in a statement. 'Let this terrible tragedy finally be the wake-up call for aggressive action and I pledge my full support in that effort.'" ... |
Chuck Schumer, Kirsten Gillibrand: Will Newtown Finally Provoke Real Gun Control Measures?
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"In July, we are reminded by Joseph Straw of our Washington, D.C. Bureau, New York Sens. Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand co-offered legislation sponsored by Sen. Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey and Rep. Carolyn McCarthy of Long Island which would ban the sale of high-capacity gun magazines. The amendment to cybersecurity legislation was not accepted."
"Here are the senators' statements on today's violence in Connecticut, where our Daily News team reports that 'the mass murderer, identified by sources as [name redacted], 20, packed a pair of weapons and blasted his teacher mom before opening fire on her students inside the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown — a suburban town of just 27,000 people." ... |
Mayor Bloomberg: Newtown Massacre A "National Tragedy" That Demands A "National Response"
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... "A few minutes ago, City Hall issued the following comments from Bloomberg and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino. The two serve as co-chairs of Mayors Against Illegal Guns."
"Bloomberg: 'With all the carnage from gun violence in our country, it’s still almost impossible to believe that a mass shooting in a kindergarten class could happen.'"
"'It has come to that. Not even kindergarteners learning their A,B,Cs are safe.'"
"'We heard after Columbine that it was too soon to talk about gun laws. We heard it after Virginia Tech. After Tucson and Aurora and Oak Creek.'"
"'And now we are hearing it again. For every day we wait, 34 more people are murdered with guns. Today, many of them were five-year olds.'" ... |
“The NRA is the enabler of mass murderers”
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"New York Democratic Rep. Jerrold Nadler called for a 'war' on the National Rifle Association in light of the mass shooting in Connecticut today in an interview with Salon, saying the gun lobby group is the 'enabler of mass murderers.'"
"Nadler, a rare fierce advocate of gun control on Capitol Hill, said the shooting should be a wake-up call to our 'crazy attitude to guns' and the power of the gun lobby. He noted that other modern industrialized countries like the U.K., Sweden and Germany witness fewer than 50 gun homicides every year, compared to the roughly 10,000 people killed here. The difference, he said, is that they have 'rational gun control regimes,' while we can barely even discuss gun control thanks to the power of the gun lobby." ... |
Rep. Jerry Nadler: Now Is the Time For ‘A Serious Discussion About Gun Control’
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"... Congressman Jerry Nadler issued an impassioned statement calling for stricter gun control legislation."
"'I am absolutely horrified by news of the cold-blooded shooting of dozens of children in Newtown, Connecticut. Yet another unstable person has gotten access to firearms and committed an unspeakable crime against innocent children,' Mr. Nadler said. 'We cannot simply accept this as a routine product of modern American life. If now is not the time to have a serious discussion about gun control and the epidemic of gun violence plaguing our society, I don’t know when is. How many more Columbines and Newtowns must we live through? I am challenging President Obama, the Congress, and the American public to act on our outrage and, finally, do something about this.'" ... -------
KABA Note: Our question is "how many more Columbines and Newtowns must we live through before we start allowing teachers and parents to defend themselves and their children?!?" |
TN: Gun Control Debate Sparked After Shootings (video available)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Some say the massacre at the Connecticut elementary school and shooting of a Memphis officer is no time to be talking about gun laws. Others say before the memory fades it’s exactly the right time."
"Friday Memphis Police Director Toney Armstrong gave his opinion on the subject."
"'It's a problem and we can glaze over it and try to politicize it and say it's not a problem, but in the end of the day if there is no weapon for that suspect to arm himself with my officer is still alive today.' After losing an officer to gunfire by a suspect Dir. Armstrong said something needs to be done."
"'Obviously our gun laws are not strict enough,' he said." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Well, how about we make it illegal to shoot cops; that will stop the BGs, right? |
Obama remains committed to assault weapons ban, White House (video available)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The White House said President Barack Obama supports reinstatement of a federal ban on assault weapons -- a position he took in the 2008 campaign but failed to press during his first term."
"'It does remain a commitment of his,' presidential spokesman Jay Carney told reporters as the nation reeled from a mass shooting in Connecticut that mainly killed school children."
"An emotional Obama did not address that issue directly in a televised statement from the White House on the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown that killed 26 people but said something had to be done." ... |
Don’t expect a paradigm shift in American gun politics
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The world gasps dumbstruck in the wake of the Connecticut shootings, but don’t expect it to be a catalyst for profound reform of American gun laws.""'A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.'" "So reads the second amendment to the United States constitution, and that’s where all the trouble starts. It’s been said ad nauseam that the social and political realities of 1791 made this, if not a sensible piece of lawmaking, then at least a comprehensible one. In 2012 it is socially and politically superfluous, and this is demonstrated with heart-breaking regularity." ... |
Firearms in Public Schools?
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Like, well, every decent human being on the planet, I too am sickened by the shootings in Connecticut today. ..."
"Like you, I have seen dozens if not hundreds of posts on the shootings today, and so many discussing the obvious topic of guns and gun-control. I am a strong proponent and advocate of the Second Amendment ... because I believe it makes the most logical sense, and we have decades of evidence in countless situations that I believe illustrates that a trained and armed citizenry is a safer citizenry."
"Here’s a sad, grotesque fact: Every one of these deranged individuals who goes into a school with the intent to murder knows that they are walking in as the sole person armed. ..." ... |
Elementary School Shooting is a Tragedy not a Political Platform
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"I had just finished a meeting with a client when I heard about the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. As a parent of two, my first thought was how I couldn't wait to hug my children. My next thought turned to the victims and the parents who, due to the unfathomable actions of a monster, will not be able to do the same tonight. ... However, to my dismay this unspeakable tragedy has immediately become a springboard for gun-control advocates to lambaste our gun laws. It disturbs me greatly that literally hours after one of the worst events in modern American history, media pundits and publications like ... are politicizing the murder of kindergarten students to further their gun control agenda." ... |
Elementary school shooting: What gun control laws might US voters support? (video available)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Will the heartbreaking school shooting in Newtown, Conn., lead to more support for gun control measures in the US? That’s certainly possible. The deaths of so many innocent children, so young, are likely to earn the crime a place on a tragic roll call of recent American history. Columbine. Virginia Tech. Tucson, Ariz. Aurora, Colo. And now Newtown."
"Certainly those who have long pushed for greater control on gun ownership see the awful event as yet another teaching moment to try and sway public opinion to their side."
"'How young do the victims have to be and how many children need to die before we stop the proliferation of guns in our nation?' said Marion Wright Edelman, chairman of the Children’s Defense Fund ..." ... |
Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre: Making Sense of the Senseless
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "Gun ownership, use, and laws have inevitably become the topic of discussion since this morning. Gun control laws are the focus and a source of division, something beyond comprehension to friends and colleagues abroad who wonder why this keeps happening here without any drastic legal change. Here are some tweets of today to illustrate the various reactions: " ...
"Social media has just heightened the emotion and speculating of an already divided public on the issue of gun control. In this era of immediate information; please remember the following, verify your sources before jumping to conclusions about the victims, circumstance, shooters, etc. The last thing the story of any tragedy needs is confusion piled on top of emotion." ... |
On Guns in America
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"... I have two elementary school children, so when I saw the news today, and the profoundly disturbing photo of screaming children being led from the Connecticut school, I was quite affected. Gun tragedies are, unfortunately, not so uncommon nowadays, but this one hit me particularly hard."
"Tonight, a friend posted a, 'Why is everyone blaming guns, the guy was obviously mentally ill, why wasn't he getting treatment?' thing on Facebook. He's a friend, and I know he is pro-gun and that he owns guns. My first reaction was to insist that it is guns allow killing on this scale, and we need more controls. ..."
"But the issues raised, both with guns and mental health are a bit trickier than we might like to admit." ... |
In Public ‘Conversation’ on Guns, a Rhetorical Shift
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Friday’s mass shooting at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn., has already touched off a heated political debate. ... Let me sidestep the debate to pose a different question: How often are Americans talking about public policy toward guns? And what language are they using to frame their arguments?"
"There is, of course, no way to monitor the conversations that take place in living rooms around the country. But we can measure the frequency with which phrases related to gun policy are used by the news media." ... |
Mass shootings renew Second Amendment weapons debate
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The mass killings at a Connecticut elementary school on Friday will likely renew a serious national debate about an assault weapons ban and the Second Amendment." ...
"The shooting comes right after another man opened fire inside an Oregon mall on Tuesday ..."
"Since April, there have been mass killings in Oakland, Calif. (7 dead), Aurora, Colo. (12 dead), Oak Creek, Wis. (6 dead), Minneapolis (5 dead), Brookfield, Wis. (3 dead), Portland, Ore. (2 dead) and Newtown, Conn. (27 dead)."
"Talk of renewing the national Federal Assault Weapons ban, which expired in 2004, was being debated after the Clackamas Town Center shooting, and there will be more discussion about asking Congress to pass a stricter ban, with no time limit." ... |
CNN Primetime Star Immediately Exploits Conn. School Shooting
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"Several progressive commentators did not wait for the full story to be reported before using Friday's shooting at a Connecticut elementary school to score political points."
"CNN talk show host Piers Morgan immediately took to his Twitter account to inject politics into the child massacre, demanding that the U.S. Constitution be altered to his satisfaction and urging President Obama to implement strict gun laws." ... |
Anti-Gun Donations Surge After Connecticut Shooting
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"Within hours of the mass shooting that killed more than two dozen people in Connecticut on Friday, social media channels surged with grief and heartfelt condolences. There also was an avalanche of donations to anti-gun organizations."
"'Our site crashed today, and its bandwidth had been boosted after Aurora,' said Caroline Brewer, a spokeswoman for the Brady Campaign, a nonprofit organization that lobbies for gun-control laws, referring to the movie theater slaughter in the Colorado town. 'Americans are reaching out in extraordinary numbers.'" ... |
Type Of Rifle In Oregon Mall Shooting Drives Gun Profits And Youth Interest
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... "Gun companies today make the AR-15 in that style because it evokes the toughness and cunning of a green beret. Who wouldn’t want to feel like a backyard John Wayne? The attraction is undeniable. ... I felt it when visiting the factory of Sturm, Ruger—America’s largest gunmaker and No. 4 on our Best Small Companies list—and handled such a weapon."
"Ruger CEO Mike Fifer told me that those military-style weapons ... are meant for ex-serviceman. The closely held Freedom Group ... is not as tight lipped about why these weapons are made and who they’re made for: 'We believe the adoption of the modern sporting rifle has led to increased long-term growth in the long gun market while attracting a younger generation of shooters. ...'" ... |
Is Obama Already Politicizing Sandy Hook Shooting?
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"'We're going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this regardless of the politics.' - President Barack Obama, addressing reporters on the Sandy Hook mass shooting today."
"He wiped away a tear. I wept with him. And then... that." ... |
NY: Shooting brings up Gun Control Debate
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"While there is still a lot of information yet to come out in the mass shooting at a Connecticut elementary school, what is known is that it has re-ignited an ongoing debate on guns."
"The tragic shooting has revived the debate: guns or gun control?"
"'They'll be some public discussion, they'll be some discussion in Albany, discussion on the Senate floor, on the Assembly floor as to whether it is appropriate or not to change things in New York State,' NYS Senator Patrick Gallivan said."
"While those on either side of the issue here in Western New York recognized the tragedy of Friday, they stood steadfast in their positions." ... |
Family of slain Border Patrol agent sues officials over 'Fast and Furious' operation
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D. Smith
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"The family of a slain Border Patrol agent has sued federal officials over the "Fast and Furious" gun operation." ...
"The family alleges that the ATF officials and federal prosecutor created a risk to law enforcement officers such as Terry and that the firearms agents should have known their actions would lead to injuries and deaths to civilians and police officers in America and Mexico."
"The family also alleged that firearms agents and the prosecutor sought to cover up the link between Terry's death and the botched gun smuggling investigation." ... |
IL: Lisa Madigan: Between a rock and a hard place
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John Boch
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"Lisa Madigan, Illinois’ Attorney General, is between a rock and a hard place."
"She just lost the U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals decision which struck down Illinois’ prohibition on right-to-carry firearms outside the home."
"It’s her decision whether or not to appeal the case to the U.S. Supreme Court in an effort to have the case overturned."
"Complicating the equation is Lisa Madigan’s political ambitions." ...
"If she allows the ruling to stand, she will upset her core base of support among the staunchly gun-hating City of Chicago’s urban voters along with Illinois anti-self-defense politicians like Governor Pat Quinn, who were going to hang their hat on gun control as a core campaign issue."
"If she appeals the case, she risks a quadruple whammy:" ... |
WY: State trooper charged with falsely reporting assault
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A state police trooper was charged Thursday with falsely filing a report that she was assaulted in August."
"Carrie Ann Gula, 34, of West Pittston, was arraigned by District Judge Joseph Carmody on three counts of false reports to law enforcement, two counts of unlawful use of a computer, and one count each of computer trespass, criminal use of communication facility and statement under penalty. She was released on $7,500 bail." ... |
GA: Officer Wrecked Patrol Car While Driving Drunk, Fled Scene, Police Say
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"A county sheriff in Georgia wrecked his patrol car while driving drunk and then fled the scene of the accident, according to police."
"Robert Christopher Matt had been a member of the Gwinnett County Sheriff's Office for four years when he careened off Highway 81 early Wednesday morning. He was nowhere to be found following the accident, but police said they found his injured girlfriend wandering along the road shortly thereafter." ... |
CA: Oakland Crime Rate Soaring As City Loses Officers
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Bruce W. Krafft
Website: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/
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"Burglaries are up a startling 43 percent in Oakland this year compared to last, part of an ever-growing crime problem in the city."
"According to the latest numbers from the Oakland Police Department, more than 11,000 homes, cars or businesses have been broken into so far this year – translating to about 33 burglaries a day. The most popular targets have been cars with more than 5,700 burglarized so far this year."
"One of the most likely reasons for the sharp uptick in crime – city officials said they believe it’s the gradual loss of police officers from the force." ... |
TN: Memphis mayor eager to tackle criminal gun activity
Submitted by:
Bruce W. Krafft
Website: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/
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"Memphis Mayor A C Wharton stepped outside The Med after learning of another city police officer's death Friday morning with his anguish and ire on full display."
"'This is why we're going all over the country to find the best methods we can to get the guns out of the hands of the wrong people,' said Wharton during a morning news conference. 'I dare anybody to come up and say, 'Well, a Second Amendment right.' Nobody has a Second Amendment right to load up and kill a police officer.'"
"During an interview Friday evening, Wharton emphasized that he wasn't targeting lawful gun owners, saying there are no Constitutional protections 'to guard illegal activity.'" ... |