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Newslinks for 12/15/2023

What Were New York Jews Thinking When They Supported Gun Control?
Submitted by: Rob Morse

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I’m sure the Jews living near New York City were surprised when Hamas apologists shouted for their extermination. 42 percent of New York citizens live in New York City. Even more live in the nearby urban counties. As a media, economic, and cultural hub, New York City dominates state politics. Antisemitism on campus and in the media has been growing for decades. Honest citizens who felt threatened by the mobs found out that they could not get a firearm for personal protection.

What were New York Jews thinking when they voted for democrat politicians election after election?

‘They Don’t Wanna Touch My Case’: Kyle Rittenhouse Tells Tucker NRA Didn’t ‘Help’ Him After Kenosha Incident
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Kyle Rittenhouse revealed Thursday to Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson the National Rifle Association (NRA) refused to “touch” his previous case regarding murder charges, claiming they didn’t want to “help” with either the civil or criminal lawsuits.

Rittenhouse appeared on “The Tucker Carlson Encounter” to discuss his previous high profile trial. Rittenhouse was acquitted of murder charges that stemmed from an August 2020 incident after shooting three rioters in self-defense. Only 17-years-old at the time, Carlson asked Rittenhouse if he had gotten any support from the NRA, noting how the “well-funded” organization was “designed” to handle cases like his.

CA: Oakland: DA dismisses double murder case after lawyer found second gun at crime scene
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In a move that was reportedly months in the making, the Alameda County District Attorney’s office has dismissed two murder charges against an Oakland man who was accused of killing his girlfriend and a man inside his apartment, court records show.

The dismissal was aided in large part by the discovery of a firearm at the crime scene, made by a defense attorney and private investigator, which police investigators had apparently missed, according to the defendant’s lawyer.

How Much Do Guns Cost?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Today, we aim to tackle the question of “How much do guns cost?” while looking at what you can expect for your money. What features at what price points are you getting?

We had to tackle the article by category of firearm, and we’re covering the big three: shotguns, rifles, and handguns.

NY: Hochul Celebrates Antonyuk Outcome, but Will Justices Thomas & Alito?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit came down with its decision in Antonyuk vs. Chiumento, on December 8, 2023. The case is mostly bad news for present or prospective concealed handgun carry licensees in New York, although it’s not surprising news to us.

There is much to glean from the decision.

The Second Circuit’s rulings in Antonyuk cohere essentially with that Court’s own prior rulings, giving only lip service to the U.S. Supreme Court.

NSSF to Host State Attorneys General Forum at SHOT Show
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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NSSF®, The Firearm Industry Trade Association, is adding to its robust offerings at SHOT Show® with a first-ever state Attorneys General Forum to discuss the legal landscape and what is being done by the leading law enforcement officers in several states to fight back against Second Amendment and firearm industry attacks by the Biden administration by the leading law enforcement officers in several states. The forum, called “Badges, Boots and Beer” will focus on ongoing legal questions and the amici briefs these attorneys general submitted to the courts challenging many of the proposed and final rules by the Biden administration.

IL: US Supreme Court declines to block Illinois assault rifle ban
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday again declined to block a Democratic-backed state ban in Illinois on assault-style rifles and large capacity magazines enacted after a deadly mass shooting in Chicago's Highland Park suburb in 2022, rejecting a renewed request by a firearms retailer and a national gun rights group.

The justices' action leaves the law in place pending an appeal by the National Association for Gun Rights, Robert Bevis, and his firearms store, Law Weapons & Supply of a lower court's decision. It denied their bid for a preliminary injunction against the ban, as well as a similar ban enacted by another Chicago suburb, Naperville.

WA: WA bill proposes live-fire training for firearm permit acquisition
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An Olympia bill has been introduced, mandating live-fire training as a prerequisite to obtaining a firearm permit. House Bill (HB) 1902, sponsored by State Representative Liz Berry, adds further requirements, including fingerprinting, to the permit process.

Representative Liz Berry, a Democrat representing several neighborhoods northeast of and including Queen Anne, leads the bill, building upon her earlier HB 1143. This prior legislation, passed this year, instated a 10-day waiting period and mandatory safety training for all firearm purchases within the state.

IL: Illinois AG Kwame Raoul Joins Coalition Backing Colorado Gun Law to Limit Sales to Under 21
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In a bold move to curb gun violence, Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul is leading the charge alongside a coalition of 19 attorneys general in support of a Colorado law that blocks firearm sales to individuals under 21. At the heart of the action is an amicus brief filed with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit, which Raoul argues upholds the safety of the public while respecting constitutional rights.

Hunter Biden's Lawyers Say the Gun Ban He Violated Is Unconstitutional, Widely Flouted, and Rarely Enforced
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Hunter Biden's lawyers this week asked a federal judge in Delaware to dismiss the three gun charges against him, all of which are based on his purchase of a revolver in 2018, when he was a crack cocaine user. They claim the president's son is a victim of "selective and vindictive prosecution" driven by political pressure on Special Counsel David Weiss from Republican members of Congress, which they argue also violates the separation of powers. But in making that case, the motion notes that the federal ban on gun possession by illegal drug users is constitutionally dubious, widely flouted, and rarely enforced.

NC: Twenty-six new laws now in effect in North Carolina
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Changes to purchasing and carrying a handgun became law with S.B. 41, Guarantee 2nd Amend Freedom and Protections, another bill vetoed by Cooper in March but quickly overridden in the same month. It allows concealed carry in houses of worship, even if the facility is a school on other days of the week. It also ends a requirement for getting a separate permit to buy a handgun. Cooper vetoed the law claiming it “eliminated” background checks, but federal law already requires background checks for pistols purchased through licensed dealers.

NH: Let’s talk about cannabis, gambling and guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Questions arise from this discussion. Why has New Hampshire not provided this information already? Why do we not have reasonable gun control laws here and elsewhere in this country, in light of the many tragic mass shootings? The answer, of course, is the political power of the gun lobby, with its twisted view of what the Second Amendment protects and provides.

Longtime observers of New Hampshire public policy debates remember the constant theme of gun rights versus gun control, and the increasing power of organizations like the National Rifle Association and its extreme policy positions. This observer hopes the modest proposal being discussed passes, but has his doubts, given the history of such efforts.

Lawmakers call for gun safety measures
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Today marks 11 years since the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary school and some lawmakers are again calling for more gun safety measures.

But any movement on this issue of gun safety or restrictions is unlikely given the makeup of Congress.

Some lawmakers in Washington say the country still hasn’t learned lessons from Sandy Hook.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries says, “The country said we must never allow it to happen, but this year alone there have been 635 mass shootings in the United States of America.”

White House Seeks to Set up State-Based Gun Ban Franchises
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The eight-page policy agenda for the Safer States Initiative outlines a broad five-part plan.

First, establish a "State Office of Gun Violence Prevention" modeled after the White House's new federal gun control office which was recently established without input from the gun industry or Second Amendment groups and instead staffed by advocates drawn from anti-gun organizations.

Second, establish and fund controversial gun seizure programs such as Extreme Risk Protection Orders – sometimes referred to as “red flag” laws.

Third, establish "Gun Violence Trauma Recovery Centers" and "Gun Violence Crisis Response Teams."

House Subcommittee Seeks Answers on Suspicious BIS 90-Day Export 'Pause'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It was an unprecedented decision when the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) announced it was “pausing” all new firearm export licenses to most countries for 90 days. The consequential edict was “made public” only through an inconspicuous update to the Frequently Asked Questions page listed on the bottom of the BIS website on a late Friday afternoon.

All appearances point to it being another example of the Biden administration’s hyper focused attacks on the lawful firearm industry and ceding to the whims of gun control activists. Needless to say, the administration has been stonewalling Members of Congress attempting to get answers.

OH: Columbus man who testified he shot in self-defense acquitted of murder in teen girl's death
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Kyrique Camper testified earlier this week that when a shadowy figure approached the car he was driving at a traffic light in Columbus, he believed he was about to be killed and fired his gun.

A Franklin County Common Pleas Court jury on Thursday found Camper, 20, of the Northeast Side, not guilty of murdering 17-year-old A'niyah Elie on Oct. 17, 2022, at an intersection in the University District.

Taurus GX4XL T.O.R.O.
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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All of us are gun guys at Field Ethos, and we all carry everyday. When the Taurus GX4 came out in 2021, Taurus’ new execs told us they’d moved production to the U.S., upped quality control, and asked us to give it a chance.

I was skeptical.

It’s not that Taurus’ polymer semiautos were bad historically, it’s just that they were less polished than the top-tier guns, and I’m not going to carry a subpar gun for self defense.

Turns out, I was wrong.

They Skipped Civics
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It’s as if the gun control crowd doesn’t want me to retire, because the Capitol Hill clown show seems to be taking every federal court rejection of extremist gun control as a challenge rather than a lesson in civics and the Constitution.

Last month, U.S. Senator Cory “I am Spartacus” Booker of New Jersey and a handful of his Beltway buddies — the “usual suspects,” of course — introduced a stinker known as the “Federal Firearms Licensing Act.” Otherwise dubbed S. 3212, it reads like the handiwork of someone who either slept through American Government in high school or skipped it altogether. The bill was read twice and referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

What Sandra Day O’Connor Got Wrong
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Dobbs is the most obvious but hardly the only current example of judicial activism that flies in the face of majority will. The court’s gun-rights jurisprudence has become so extreme, threatening so many long-accepted firearms regulations, that even some of the justices who voted in the majority in last year’s Bruen decision appeared to be taking cover last month when the question being argued was whether the Second Amendment actually requires leaving guns in the hands of domestic abusers.

IL: The Pritzker-Hyatt Connection: IL Governor Wants Your Guns and Your Money
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun owners who don’t want their hard-earned dollars going to anti-gun zealots dead set on disarming them should reconsider ever doing business with Hyatt. One good reason is that an heir to the Hyatt fortune, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, is plenty willing to spend his time and a very substantial amount of money for anti-gun and other left-leaning causes. Pritzker, who has a net worth of $3.5 billion according to Fortune magazine, signed a sweeping ban on many common semi-auto firearms and standard-capacity magazines last year, and has also donated more than $2 million in efforts to have liberal judges elected and another $2 million-plus in support of Ohio’s pro-abortion legislation.

The 2nd Amendment, Why We Have It & Why Democrats Want To Destroy It
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The key to these militias was that they trained as units at farms around their cities. In order to meet the British Army, they needed training to do so. Alongside these militias was a dedicated group [today, we call them Anons] that disseminated the truth and some fiction about the evils of the British.

Among them were Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Patrick Henry, Thomas Payne, and numerous others.

In an attempt to control the spreading of these truths, rumors, and falsehoods, the British Government clamped down on the press. In 1775, the Colonial press was strictly controlled by the British Government, and only what they said was allowed to be printed.

CA: Shop Owner Draws Gun On Multiple Armed Robbers, Sending Them Fleeing For Safety
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Albert Marcu, a 73-year-old worker at Estates Consignments in Pleasant Hill, successfully deterred a robbery by pulling out his gun at the intruders. The incident occurred around 4:20 p.m. on Monday. Marcu confronted several young men who, along with a woman acting as a scout, attempted to rob the store, which specializes in jewelry, rings, and watches.

NY: NY gun law gets split decision in U.S. court
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The judges upheld bans on carrying in “sensitive places” — even with a permit — such as schools, polling places, zoos, bars and others.

They also upheld requirements to demonstrate “good moral character” through things like in-person interviews with law enforcement investigators reviewing an application and character references.

“The CCIA’s definition of ‘character’ is a proxy for dangerousness,” the judges wrote.

Every 13 seconds in America someone uses a gun to stop a crime. —SEN. LARRY CRAIG

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