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Newslinks for 12/16/2009

Remembering Bill of Rights Day
Submitted by: Daniel White

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In 1941, to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights which were added to the U.S. Constitution on December 15, 1791, President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared December 15 to be Bill of Rights Day.

NRA Out of Line in Iowa
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Firearms Coalition yesterday issued a scathing denunciation of legislation proposed by the National Rifle Association for the state of Iowa saying that Iowa is the latest instance of the NRA cavalry riding in to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory." ...

"In the last legislative session an Alaska-style bill, pushed by local grass roots rights activists led by the group Iowa Gun Owners, fell just one vote short of passage in the Iowa House. In response to that impressive achievement the NRA has decided to get involved in the state. They have proposed a bill that shifts the law from 'may issue' to 'shall issue,' but their bill also raises the minimum age from 18 to 21, retains extensive mandatory training requirements ..." ...

New Year's Gun Rights Resolution: Send a Politician the Gun Rights Questionnaire
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"After all, they work for us. Why would we hire anyone without interviewing them first to see if they're a good match for the job?"

Guns and suicide: International perspective
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Gun control proponents often claim that suicide rates are driven by firearms availability."

"For example, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence promotes the 'guns cause suicide' hypothesis. They note that nearly 17,000 people kill themselves with firearms each year, concluding:"

"'Without stronger, sensible gun laws, thousands upon thousands of people will continue to die and be injured needlessly each year. The Brady Campaign fights for sensible gun laws to protect you, your family, and your community.'"

"If guns cause suicide, international organizations must have some data proving this claim. Or do they?" ...

Health Care Costs and Gun Violence
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"On average, guns kill or wound 276 people every day in America. Of those, 75 adults and 9 children will die. In the US there are more than 30,000 deaths and over 100,000 injuries related to gun violence each year. Incredibly more children die or are injured by guns each year in the US than in all twenty-six industrialized nations combined."

"The health care and economic costs of gun violence in the US are equally staggering. According to the Public Services Research Institute in 2008, firearm homicide and assault cost federal, state and local governments $4.7 billion annually including costs for medical care, mental health, emergency transport, police, criminal justice and lost taxes." ...

Submitter's Note: And once gov't is paying for health care, they'll be able to use it as an excuse to take away privately owned guns (except for those of the rich and famous, and their bodyguards).

Gaining Insight into the Meaning of the Constitution
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Did you know? Most people are unfamiliar with our U.S. Constitution and take its meaning for granted."

"Maybe it's because we haven’t been taught about it in school. Maybe it's because we assume everyone knows about it. Maybe it's because phrases concerning it are ubiquitous but vaguely undefined. Whatever the reason, it's time to take another look at the meaning of the Constitution so that we can have a deeper understanding of its history and its proper application in our modern world."

"We all have a general idea of the historical beginnings of the Constitution. And it’s easy to look up what the actual wording is in each part of the Constitution. But here are some general principles that may be worth contemplating." ...

A Giant of the Pro-Gun Movement Passes
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Dick Riley passed away this past December. I lost a friend…and so did every American gun owner."

"Beginning as a part-time gunsmith, he opened Riley’s Sport Shop in 1953 in the town of Hooksett, New Hampshire. He quickly grew his business into the largest gun shop in the state, and one of the two largest in Northern New England. But he did much, much more than that."

"From the beginning, Dick Riley was actively involved in the fight for gun owners’ civil rights. He – and later, his bright and lovely wife Doris – were both voted into the State House, where they set the tone for the largely pro-gun Legislature that serves the Granite State today. ..." ...

FL: Wheelchair-bound Marion County man shoots home invader to death
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "[62-year-old] Gary Wroblewski says he was watching television ... late Monday night when someone knocked on his door."

"Wroblewski slightly cracked open the door and found a man claiming he needed help with his broken down car. He says he was immediately suspicious of the man and his story."

"'So I went and got my gun. I held it behind the door and I opened the door,' said Wroblewski."

"Wroblewski says he tried to send the man away ... He says that is when another man, this one wearing a mask, appeared out of nowhere and forced his door open."

"Wroblewski was knocked out his wheelchair but was able to hold onto his gun and shot the masked invader." ...

IL: Spree-killing suspect thought father was having an affair with his wife
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A gunman accused of a weekend killing spree on Chicago’s South Side and in the suburbs that left two dead and a third fighting for his life was enraged because he believed his father was having an affair with his wife ..."

"James Amison, 37, is charged with murder in the killing of his girlfriend ... and attempted murder in an attack on his 59-year-old father. He is also suspected in the killing of his wife ... during a four-hour killing spree ..." ...

"Amison threatened employees and patrons at 'The Factory,' ... before stealing money from an employee, firing his gun, and being shot in the leg by a 'concerned citizen,' Lattanzio said." ...

Submitter's Note: Too bad his dad didn't have a gun . . .

PA: Kaplan Career Institute teacher pulls a gun to stop an attack outside the school
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Criminal justice instructor Michael Minto was leaving the Kaplan Career Institute in Swatara Township on Monday night when he spotted a man being stabbed, police said."

"Minto pulled his gun and ordered the attacker to drop his knife, police said. The attacker fled, and authorities said Minto's actions likely saved the life of Dillon Mitchell, 30, of Harrisburg."

If Minto had not intervened, 'We might be talking about someone who died,' said Deputy Swatara Township Police Chief Jason D. Umberger. 'There are not many citizens out there that would have the courage to take that action.'" ...

Nevada US Senate Candidates Amodei, Chachas and Kozack Ignore Gun Rights Questionnaire
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Nevada provides us with a perfect convergence of candidates and circumstance in one of the highest profile races of 2010, kind of a 'lever moving the world' political situation."

Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Case Against Gun Maker
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday handed Beretta U.S.A. and the firearms industry another victory by rejecting the Brady Center’s appeal of Adames v. Beretta U.S.A. Corporation challenging the constitutionality of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA)." ...

McCarthy Introduces 'Gun Trafficking' Bill
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Unsuccessful (at present) in her quest to ban 'the shoulder thing that goes up,' she now maintains she can make an impact on violent crime by...uh...I'm not sure what she thinks this is going to do."

Read embedded copy of HR 4298.

KABA Note: Interesting weasel wording in the bill where it says "2 or more firearms in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce" (empasis added). Trying to end run the various state Firearms Freedom acts?

MI: Michigan Court Upholds No-Guns-For-Felons State Law
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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protections, sometimes with language that is more emphatic than the wording in the U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights." ...

"... Michigan's constitution appears unambiguous: It says that 'every person has a right to keep and bear arms for the defense of himself and the state.'"

"As you can imagine, Baldwin ... argued that the felony-possesion state law violated the Michigan constitution. If that argument succeeded, he'd still to go prison -- but would be able to shave as much as 7 years off of a sentence that would otherwise run from 30 to 59 years." ...

Submitter's Note: Personal opinion; if a person can't be trusted with a firearm they can't be trusted without a custodian.

WA: Gun owner seeks to suspend mayor's firearms ban in Seattle parks
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Seattle resident Bob Warden, who filed a lawsuit in federal court challenging Seattle's ban on guns in parks and other recreation facilities, has filed for a preliminary injunction to prevent Mayor Greg Nickels from enforcing the ban."

"In his request, filed Monday, Warden asks that the ban be lifted until his suit is resolved."

"Warden, 44, carried a pistol into a West Seattle community center Nov. 14 to test the new ban, claiming it violates the U.S. and state constitutions and state law. When he was asked to leave, he did."

"Warden said he wants the ban repealed and his legal fees paid. He's also seeking unspecified punitive damages from the mayor." ...

The Thin Blue Whine, Pt. II: The Crybaby Thugs of Maricopa County
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"To his comrades in the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office (MCSO), Adam Stoddard is a martyr to principle and an innocent victim of injustice -- a heroic figure unjustly consigned to prison by petty, power-hungry figures. His boss, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, went so far as to describe Stoddard as a 'political prisoner' during his brief and uncommonly comfortable incarceration."

"All of this, predictably enough, is nothing but several acres of stockyard carpeting."

"Stoddard, a member of the MCSO's correctional unit, was videotaped stealing a document from the desk of a defense attorney. ..." ...

IL: Gun-banning Illinois town issues whistles to citizens
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"While the Illinois State Police have promised a 'comprehensive review' of their website, including its advice that women protect themselves from sexual assault by avoiding gun ownership and vomiting on their assailants, last week brought more news of non-serious, symbolic approaches to self-defense in Illinois as the Chicago Tribune reported that Chicago suburb Oak Park had begun issuing whistles to its citizens. ..." ...

LA: Federal gun regulator accused of damaging Metairie hotel room
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An employee of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives was arrested on charges of disabling the fire alarm system and damaging property in his Metairie hotel room ..."

"Russell Vanderwerf, 44, of Houston was booked Dec. 1 with simple criminal damage valued at $500 to $5,000 and interfering with fire prevention after staffers at the Residence Inn ... began investigating a malfunctioning fire alarm system ..."

"A technician who was summoned Nov. 30 tracked the alarm problem to the second-floor room registered to Vanderwerf, the arrest report said. Inside, staffers found the smoke detectors in the bedroom and kitchen-den had been removed and the horn that blares alarms was hanging out of the wall." ...

PA: Former Phila. Police Detective Sentenced in Charter School Fraud Scheme
Submitted by: jac

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"A veteran and respected former Philadelphia police detective, an expert in fraud investigations and prevention, has been sentenced to prison -- for fraud." ...

"Defendant Rosemary DiLacqua ... pleaded guilty on Tuesday to honest services fraud. She admitted that she failed to report tens of thousands of dollars in cash payments from two other former school officials who, according to authorities, were ripping off the school and its students in a massive, million-dollar fraud." ...

"DiLacqua, supported in court by family and friends and top brass in the police department, got a break at sentencing because of her good work as a police officer and citizen, and concerns about the impact of a longer sentence on her own special needs son."

PA: 2 Men, Police Indicted in Pa. Race Beating
Submitted by: jac

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"Two teenagers and four police officers have been indicted after an investigation into a fatal Pennsylvania beating of an illegal immigrant."

The Justice Department announced today that a federal grand jury has returned multiple indictments arising out of a fatal racially-motivated beating and related police corruption in Shenandoah, Pa."

"The three indictments include federal hate crime, obstruction of justice, conspiracy, official misconduct and extortion charges." ...

"Separate indictments accuse Shenandoah police chief, Matthew Nestor, and three officers under his command with a variety of charges, including witness tampering and lying to the FBI." ...

OH: Ohio man hunting for deer bags a bull elk instead
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Columbus Dispatch is reporting that Todd Tomlin, a 45-year-old truck driver who's been hunting for more than 30 years, was hunting with permission on private property along Inskeep-Cratty Road in the southwestern corner of Union County about 8:30 on opening day of Ohio's deer gun season when he spotted something most Ohio hunters will never see." ...

GA: Federal judge rules concealed carry is probable cause of criminal activity
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Northern District of Georgia federal judge Thomas W. Thrash Jr. ruled today that carrying a firearm on MARTA justifies forcible detention by the police, in a federal civil rights lawsuit filed over the half hour long detention and disarmament of GeorgiaCarry.Org member Christopher Raissi."

"Christopher Raissi holds a Georgia firearms license and frequently carries a handgun concealed. On October 14, 2008, he was carrying concealed on MARTA. He did not know that a MARTA police officer observing the parking lot had seen him holstering and concealing his firearm while still at his car. Therefore, he was surprised when he was surrounded by police officers who yelled 'Police!' and ordered him to stop. ..." ...

CA: With gun, I will aim for safety
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Now that I've written of my intentions to buy a handgun and apply for a concealed-weapons permit, readers are stuffing my mailbox with advice, opinions and invitations."

"The advice from gun owners is almost unanimously sober. They talk about the duties that go with carrying a weapon: picking the right gun, taking safety classes and practicing shooting." ...

"Some gun-control advocates say I've lost my mind or am trying to stir controversy. A friend suggested that if I am worried about the crime rate where I live, I should move back to my old neighborhood closer to Shaw Avenue 'and forget about a weapon.'"

"Call me stubborn, but I'd rather stay put than surrender to the bad guys." ...

CO: The Right to Bear Arms at CSU
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"This seems to be one of the most talked about debates lately at Colorado State University. All day cares, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools and the majority of colleges are gun-free zones. Not here. Currently, it is allowed for permit carriers with concealed weapons to carry handguns while on the Colorado State University campus. Many are unaware of this policy, and many are unsure what to think of it. However, according to the students, it needs to stay. Just recently, on Wednesday December 2nd 2009, the Associate Students of CSU passed a vote in favor for keeping the existing policy on concealed weapon carry on campus 21-3, with one senator abstaining. ..." ...

When Pa was at home the gun always lay across those two wooden hooks above the door. ... The gun was always loaded, and always above the door so that Pa could get it quickly and easily, any time he needed a gun. — Laura Ingalls Wilder

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