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Newslinks for 12/17/2001

UT: "Utah Should Close Gun Show Loophole"
Submitted by: Kevin Novak

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"These powerful weapons are a favorite of terrorists. For example, it was revealed in the World Trade Center bombing trial that Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda had acquired at least 25 of those 50-caliber sniper rifles (although probably not at guns shows)..." --Steven H. Gunn, Chairman, Gun Violence Prevention Center of Utah

WA: Grocery store punishes clerk who chased robber away
Submitted by: Kevin Novak

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He returned to work the next night, worked his entire shift, and was preparing to go home, when a store manager told him he had been suspended, Wilton said.

"I thought I was doing the right thing, but I wasn't," he said. "I just made a mistake."

Vin Suprynowicz: Victim disarmament forces in disarray
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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Since 9-11, Michelle Cottle of has quoted women on the street that "think all women oughta carry a cellphone and a .357. Loaded." Does anyone else sense a tidal shift in public consciousness, here?

"Americans have learned that being harmless does not guarantee that they will not be harmed: in fact, it seems that terrorists (like ordinary criminals) actually prefer victims who cannot strike back."

NC: Affidavit tells tale of drugs, sales, thefts
Submitted by: jeff

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Followup of story 2 days ago:

Four law enforcement officers jailed on drug charges -- "They also routinely robbed drug dealers for cash and drugs they could breaking in and...serving false search warrants..."

"The problem is, they (vice officers in different law enforcement agencies) all use each other in undercover sting operations," said Nixon. "You have to wonder. Are there more?"

Steep Rise In Gun Sales Reflects Post-Attack Fears
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Since Sept. 11, more Americans are taking what many consider to be the most personal step toward feeling safer: arming themselves; according to statistics from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, surveys by firearms associations and anecdotal evidence from storefront gun shops and distributors.

Washington Post Editorial: "Gun Shows and Terrorists"
Submitted by: Charlie McMillion

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The Washington Post jumps on the gun-show "loophole" bandwagon, says "A GAPING loophole in the laws governing gun sales in this country has been exploited by terrorists in search of quick-and-easy weapons purchases."

KY: Ashland woman teaches handgun safety course
Submitted by: Annie

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Sharon Schmutz probably wouldn't be offended if you referred to her as a pistol-packing mama. She is a mother after all, and she carries a Glock 9mm. In fact, she's a licensed firearms instructor and teaches the safety course required for anyone seeking a concealed-carry permit in Kentucky.

Schmutz is also certified in basic pistol and personal protection pistol instruction by the NRA, and in the NRA's Eddie Eagle children's safety and First Steps to Handgun Ownership programs.

Burglars With Badges
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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The worst part of the USA PATRIOT Act is not subject to the sunset clause; it is now a permanent part of our laws.

'Sneak and Peek Warrants' allow law enforcement agencies to enter a residence or office with a search warrant when the occupant is away; search (in some cases, seize) property; and not tell the suspect until "later" -- for ANY crime.

"That's why we have a 4th Amendment, to prevent such abuses from happening ever again. Or rather, we had a 4th Amendment." Nat Hentoff

CT: Gun Control Urged: Who needs a rifle this powerful? Lawmakers ask
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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(Followup) -- The arrest of a Westville man for allegedly possessing "illegal" "assault weapons" and the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 have given state lawmakers new ammunition in the contentious fight to regulate the "powerful guns."

ID: Six months later, little chance of merry Christmas for McGuckins
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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JoAnn McGuckin lives in a tiny motel room. Her husband is dead. Six of their children, who stood off deputies for 5 days last spring, are in a foster home.

JoAnn is still "angry and refusing to cooperate" with "state efforts to reunite the family."

The article continues: "Instead of survivalists, it turned out they were a normal family..."

Under the state's "efforts", McGuckin cannot regain custody of her children "until she fulfills certain, undisclosed conditions."

Bumper Sticker Patriotism & Plastic Barf
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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For Sci-Fi fans: An interesting metaphorical essay about the current condition of American Liberty, by Paul Weber.

SATIRE(?) The Ghost of Christmas Future in the Land of the Free
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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by Stephanie Salter

" sacrifice is too great to ensure our security and protect our freedom. Now, let's go out in the yard and raise that new flag. I'll hoist her up and you sing The Battle Hymn of the Republic -- real loud so Justin's mom will hear when the police come to take her away."

NYC: 500 Officers to Be Issued High-Powered Weapons
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Five hundred of the city's police officers will receive new, high-powered weapons once reserved for elite units but increasingly regarded as necessary for a police department with a sharper focus on fighting terrorism, officials said yesterday.

Although the proposal was in the works long before Sept. 11, it gained momentum in the weeks after the terrorist attacks.

MN: Police Storm Minneapolis Day Care; Girl Burned by Stun Grenade
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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A high-risk entry police team stormed a north Minneapolis home-based day care Thursday afternoon, with officers leaving the house with children in arm and guns drawn...but turned up no sign of the person they were seeking.

At another Thursday SWAT raid (part of a "drug investigation"), the entry included use of a stun grenade. When police tossed the grenade through a landed on a mattress on which a girl lay. The girl was treated for "minor" burns.

Homeland Security: Ridge sees more "defense" funds
Submitted by: WildWest

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"The White House wants to boost spending to prevent bioterrorism, protect aviation and strengthen the U.S. military, intelligence, law enforcement and emergency response in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks."

"You will begin to see the fundamental pieces of a national (homeland security) strategy in the 2003 budget," Ridge said.

CA: Airport Takes Badges From 29 Felons
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Twenty-nine workers whose jobs allowed them access to airplanes and runways at San Francisco International Airport lost their security badges after record checks found that they were felons, airport officials said.

A new federal law requires 420 U.S. airports to compare the fingerprints of employees who work in secure areas with those stored in a national FBI database.

INDIA: The Right to Self-defense
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Powell defended the Indian government's "legitimate right of self-defense," but called for caution, adding, "if, in the exercise of that right of self-defense, we have states going after each other, we could create...a situation that could spiral out of control."

Pope Says Self Defense Legitimate Against Terror
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Pope John Paul, in his clearest words ever on terrorism, said that while the international community had a right to defend itself against attacks, an entire nation could not be singled out for blame.

"There exists therefore a right to defend oneself against terrorism, a right which, as always, must be exercised with respect for moral and legal limits in the choice of ends and means," he said.

CA: Hillcrest Residents Seek Sexual Assault Info
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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At a community meeting, residents asked police to give out information on sexual assaults in the area. "I'm grateful for these meetings, but I think they're happening a bit too late," one resident said.

Police admitted that some officers might still need training on the new procedures, but that progress is being made. Police also discussed some "basic safety tips." A self-defense workshop is planned for next month.

KABA NOTE: We wonder if armed defense will be discussed.

A system of licensing and registration is the perfect device to deny gun ownership to the bourgeoisie. — VLADIMIR ILYICH LENIN

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