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Newslinks for 12/19/2005

Democrats recast gun control image
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Democratic Party, long identified with gun control, is rethinking its approach to the gun debate, seeking to improve the chances of its candidates in Western states where hunters have been wary of casting votes for a party with a national reputation of being against guns." ...

CA: Compton turns in its guns more than 100
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"They came from Compton and neighboring cities: women with their ex-boyfriends' weapons, residents who felt their old guns would find a home in the hands of a burglar, and young men planning to start anew."

"Sheriff's deputies from the Compton Station collected more than 100 firearms Saturday in "Gifts for Guns" at the Compton Towne Center. The program encouraged gunowners to anonymously drop off their firearms — no questions asked — in exchange for $100 gift certificates at Circuit City, Toys R Us and Ralph's."

"'We have a variety of weapons here today that could hurt people, but are now off the streets,' said sheriff's Capt. Eric Hamilton. 'We are very blessed today.'" ...

Minutemen continue watch at the border
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What began as a month-long watch of the U.S.-Canadian border has become a monthly routine for Whatcom County's branch of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps."

"Facing protests, a legislative rebuke by the Bellingham City Council and allegations of racism when it first appeared in October, the group continues to watch the county's northern border."

"They are an unusual band of brothers, most of them military veterans entering what should be their golden years. However, all of them express concern over the security of the nation's borders."

"Tom Williams, a Deming resident who is the chapter leader of the Washington Minuteman Detachment, describes the movement and the U.S. Border Patrol as a similar 'warrior subculture.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Perhaps it could also accurately be called 'a militia'.

Gift of firearm carries multiple responsibilities
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Hunting and shooting are popular outdoor activities and many people will find a gun under the Christmas tree Sunday morning. For some, the gift will be their first firearm, and for others it will be a welcome addition to their gun collection."

"Although firearms make memorable gifts, there is an accompanying responsibility that goes along with the gift, especially if there are young shooters involved."

"The gift of a firearm is one that comes with strings attached, regardless of the age of the recipient. Rifles, shotguns, pistols and muzzleloaders can provide a lifetime of enjoyment for the shooter, but they are not toys and safety must be observed at all times, whether the gun is in use or in storage." ...

Squirrel shortage is cyclical, but what of hunter shortage?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The question now is whether the number of squirrel hunters will keep pace with the squirrel population."

"'It's a major concern,' Stonebraker said. "(Squirrel) hunting license sales have been going down. It's a trend, not only in Indiana and the Midwest, but all over.'"

"Squirrels are usually the first game that youngsters hunt with their fathers, using a shotgun or a rifle."

"The skills learned in squirrel hunting -- stalking, patience and keen listening -- are then used to hunt bigger game, such as deer and turkey."

"Veteran squirrel hunters, such as Mitchell and Stonebraker, said they hunt for the experience of being outdoors and for the meat." ...

WI: Training to carry concealed guns will create new first responders (Letter)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Dear Editor: Many ordinary citizens know CPR, first aid, or how to use a fire extinguisher. Their actions during the first moments of a crisis are often the difference between life and death."

"The same holds true for concealed weapons permit holders. As a police officer, I know we simply cannot be everywhere, nor would the public want us to be. The training individuals will receive to obtain a concealed weapons permit under the concealed carry bill will make them qualified first responders. Like those certified in first aid, we won't expect them to perform major surgery, but it will be adequate for stabilizing a bad situation until the professionals arrive." ...

Submitters Note: We need to get the liberty message outside the liberty community.

Gun Review: Two new varmint rifles you can actually afford
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This month, although the snow is on the ground, we must devote our thoughts to our little furry friends who will emerge in spring, and to two new rifles that will make their furtive existences even chancier than they are now. On the fuzzy side I speak of the woodchuck and the prairie dog; on the wood and steel side, the Savage Model 40 and the Thompson/Center R-55. The former is a design based on rifles made in more genteel shooting times, whereas the other is ultramodern. They are both unusual and highly useful guns that will cause varmint hunters to rejoice. (The varmints are entitled to feel fairly gloomy about the situation.)" ...

VA: A call to arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Behind a table bearing shotguns and revolvers, and next to a hand-written sign that read 'Private Sale; No Paperwork!,' Mike Smith sat waiting for business."

"Smith's gun sale was private in one sense. But it was held in a very public place -- the Salem Civic Center, where hundreds of gun lovers browsed through thousands of shotguns, rifles and handguns at a recent gun show." ...

"A Virginia law that requires potential gun customers to pass a criminal background check does not apply to transactions by unlicensed vendors such as Smith, whose occasional sales don't generate enough business to subject them to government scrutiny."

"But gun shows -- such as the one that returns this weekend to Salem -- provide a major market to small-time dealers." ...

Submitter's Note: Of course if they have enough sales that ATF would consider them to be 'engaged in the business of selling firearms' then these "unlicensed vendors" and "small-time dealers" are subject to federal felony charges, with each sale netting up to 10 years and a $10,000 fine.

AZ: Defense says evidence will show victim 'unstable'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The fate of accused murderer Harold Fish could hinge on Coconino County Superior Court Judge Mark Moran deciding whether to allow evidence that the victim, Grant Kuenzli, might have been unstable."

"Since the onset of the case in the summer of 2004, defense attorney A. Melvin McDonald and deputy Coconino County Attorney Mike Lessler, the lead prosecutor, have argued whether Kuenzli's mental health records and evidence of several blustery confrontations were relevant."

"Lessler has said a victim's history is not relevant, in fact inadmissible by law. McDonald argues Kuenzli's violent history is proof he did exactly what the defendant claims." ...

LA: Police arrest freshman after gun found in bag
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 15-year-old freshman at Assumption High School was arrested after a deputy found a loaded gun in his book bag at school."

"Sheriff Mike Waguespack says deputies were at the school yesterday doing random locker and book bag searches after they received information that there might be drug activity going on at the school."

"Waguespack says deputies found the gun in the book bag, which had been placed in a classroom." ...

TX: 10th grader arrested for bringing gun to school
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Leander police arrested a 10th grade student Friday for bringing a gun to school.

A Leander Independent School District official said another student tipped off an assistant principal that a female student had the handgun.

Communications director Bill Britcher said administrators called the girl out of class just as she began taking final exams and found a 44-caliber pistol in her purse.

The girl is now in police custody and the case will be turned over to the juvenile justice system.

She was automatically suspended from school in accordance with state law.

Friday was the last day of school before the holiday vacation.

NY: Pataki forces gun law session
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Gov. George Pataki on Friday took the unusual and unpopular step of calling the Legislature back to the Capitol for a special session, demanding lawmakers return Wednesday to deal with bills that would stiffen gun crime sentences."

"The required gathering of the Senate and Assembly, coming just before end-of-year holidays and two weeks before the start of the 2006 legislative session, is necessary to protect police officers, Pataki said." ...

NY: Gun-shy justice
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A thug who is busted for wielding a loaded handgun in New York City has an astonishing 77 percent chance of ducking jail, a Post analysis of state arrest stats revealed."

"And even if the gunslinger does go to the slammer, he's not likely to stay long."

"Of those who got jail time last year, more than two-thirds went away for a year or less, despite facing up to 15 years in prison, as state laws allow, the stats show."

"'This seems to be a strikingly low percentage of people actually serving time for possession,' said Jackie Coles, executive director of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, an advocacy group." ...

NY: GOP lawmakers blast Democrats over gun control
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"'Five of Staten Island's Republican lawmakers have sent a scathing letter to the borough's Democratic state assemblymen, blaming their side of the aisle for stalling legislation that would toughen gun trafficking laws."

"The price, they said in Wednesday's letter, was paid in the blood of the two police officers slain in the past two weeks -- which infuriated one of the letter's recipients."

"'For them to take potshots right now is despicable,' said Assemblyman John Lavelle (D-North Shore), noting that he had not seen the letter." ...

NY: Time for Albany to get tough on guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Daily News' Stop Crimes Against Cops Campaign will take a big leap forward Wednesday when the Legislature returns to Albany to take action. And act it must."

"Kudos to Gov. Pataki for interrupting the lawmakers' holiday preparations and summoning them to Albany to deal with a true crisis - a rash of shootings in the city since June that has killed two officers and wounded nine more. Pataki is urging lawmakers to beef up penalties against thugs who threaten or attack cops and traffic in illegal guns. The Assembly and Senate should move quickly to refine these proposals - in public negotiations - and deliver them before Christmas. They will make the perfect gift to New York's Finest, and to the grateful citizens who rely on the police for protection." ...

KABA Note: Someone should tell those "grateful citizens" that according to numerous cases throughout the country that police are not required to provide that protection they are relying on.

NH: N.H. protests Boston charges of lax gun control
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The U.S. attorney for New Hampshire is firing back against charges that lax gun control laws in northern New England are partly responsible for an increase in gun crimes in Boston."

"U.S. Attorney Thomas Colantuono told Foster's Sunday Citizen that's an 'urban myth' that doesn't stand up to the facts."

"Data collected by the federal 'Project Safe Neighborhoods' show that most of the guns used in Massachusetts crimes come from within that state, Colantuono said. The data also show that fewer than 10 percent of the guns used in Massachusetts crimes come from New Hampshire; instead, Georgia is the top source of out-of-state guns." ...

MA: Rifle club building issue taken to court
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The regional building inspector is asking a superior court judge to order the removal of two structures built for the training of nuclear power plant security forces at the Leyden Rifle Club's remote shooting range." ...

PA: Duel over rare firearms results in lawsuit, indictments
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The scam broke quietly in 2000, when a wealthy New Hope man who paid $2.2 million to acquire a pair of rare Walker Colts discovered that he had been had. The weapons were worth about half that, authorities said."

"A lawsuit and criminal investigation followed. In 2003, a grand jury indicted two nationally respected gun dealers on conspiracy charges. One pleaded guilty; one was convicted and will be sentenced this week, according to Sunday's edition of The Philadelphia Inquirer." ...

FL: A boy and his BB gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In 'A Christmas Story,' all Ralphie wanted for Christmas was the Daisy Red Ryder Carbine-Action 200-Shot Air Rifle with the sundial and compass in the stock."

"Joe Garrison knows what Ralphie is talking about. He asked for a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas, too." ...

"His wish came true on Christmas Day in 1949, when a then-11-year-old Garrison got the Red Ryder gun. ..."

"'I couldn't stop smiling at it for two weeks,' Garrison said. 'I wish I had it back. When I went into the Army, my mother got rid of it.'"

"But the mark had been made. For the next 50 years, Garrison collected BB guns, which at one point numbered around 200; it has been shaved down to 150. All of them can fire off the standard 0.172 caliber pellets." ...

NY: Westchester to build $7M police firing range
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Police officers in Westchester County will have a new place to get ready, aim and fire next year after the Board of Legislators approved a $1.54 billion budget for 2006 that includes $7 million for the design and construction of an indoor pistol range."

"Thomas Belfiore, the county public safety commissioner, said construction of the 15,000-square-foot range could begin next month at the Grasslands Reservation Police Academy in Valhalla." ...

IN: New business targets hunters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gerald Fowler was listening to customers even before he opened Neils Creek Guns and Ammo. He read about an industry survey that showed that hunters prefer late afternoon and evening for shopping, so he set his hours accordingly."

"He opened his business in the spring in a shop he built on the other side of the driveway from his home ..."

"'I always wanted to do it,' Fowler said. 'It's what I want to do in retirement.' ..." ...

"He has stocked his shop with weapons for all kinds of shooting, from hunting and target-shooting to trap-shooting. He carries muzzleloaders, BB guns, self-protection handguns, clay birds and primers, along with various sizes and styles of rifles and shotguns for all ages and all sizes of people." ...

ND: Some want to hunt deer at age 12 in North Dakota
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jeffrey Sapa turned 14 years old one week after the deer hunting season - and one week too late for him to qualify for a license."

"'He's really disappointed and disgusted,' said his stepfather, Lee Bratlie, of Drayton. 'He passed his hunter education class with flying colors, but he still has to wait another year.'"

"Bratlie and other outdoor enthusiasts say they believe that Jeffrey and other young hunters shouldn't have to wait so long to hunt deer. They want to lower the minimum age requirement for shooting big game from 14 years to 12 - a move they say would help recruit young hunters."

"North Dakota is one of four states that require deer gun hunters to be at least 14 years old. ..." ...

MA: Their one shot at success: Hunters enjoy the challenge of muzzle-loading rifles
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Wayne McCarthy was standing ankle-deep in the snow, his breath pluming into the single-digit cold and listening as his son, Sean, and a friend, Tim, thrashed through a nearby swamp when the deer appeared."

"With startling grace, it bounded along the edge of a small brook about 100 yards away, then paused for a long moment before disappearing over a small ridge."

"'That was a small one,' McCarthy whispered, his rifle held at the ready, after the deer disappeared. 'It was too far away, (and) I wouldn’t have shot at that one anyway.'"

"McCarthy ... is one of thousands of Bay Staters who have taken to the woods in recent weeks for hunting season, and one of a growing number who hunt using muzzle-loading rifles." ...

Canada: Liberal gun laws fail once again
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Const. Valerie Gignac simply didn’t have a chance. The bullet that killed the young Laval, Que., police officer last week passed right through her bullet-proof vest ..."

"It was one of two shots fired from a .338-calibre hunting rifle — a weapon usually used for moose hunting — that hit the police officer."

"'No bullet-proof vest would have resisted this weapon. ...' said Sgt. Francois Dore of the provincial police, which is leading the criminal investigation." ...

"Cases such as this highlight one of the most serious contributing factors to the increased gun violence across Canada. And no, as opposed to what Prime Minister Paul Martin would try and have you believe, it’s not legally owned handguns." ...

UK: Man spotted 'brandishing' rifle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A man has been arrested after he was seen brandishing an air rifle on a street corner in Lincoln.

Armed officers were sent to the Monk's Road area of the city centre on Friday night after reports of a man pointing a firearm at cars and passers-by.

A police spokesman said the man was seen on CCTV pictures from the area with a long-barrelled firearm.

He was questioned about several firearms offences and has been cautioned, police said.

UK: Shot cop suspect in court
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A SECOND suspect appeared in court yesterday charged with the murder of WPC Sharon Beshenivsky."

"Muzzaker Imtiaz Shah, 24, of no fixed abode, appeared briefly before Leeds magistrates and was remanded in custody."

"He spoke only to confirm his identity."

"Shah is accused of killing the 38-year-old mum of three and attempting to murder her colleague WPC Teresa Milburn."

"The cops were shot as they investigated an armed robbery at a travel agents in Bradford on November 18."

"Shah is also charged with robbery and four gun offences — two of having a Mach 10 sub-machinegun and a 9mm pistol to endanger life and two of illegal possession of weapons." ...

Canada: Has there been a shooting in your neighbourhood? The answer probably is YES.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Four armed men smash display cases at a jewelry store in White Oaks Mall."

"Fleeing, they open fire on London police and bystanders in the middle of an August afternoon."

"In March, a brazen daylight shooting at Adelaide Street and Bradley Avenue sets off a chase between two vehicles into oncoming traffic." ...

"In June, a man is shot near a basketball court ... Stray bullets riddle two apartment buildings."

"The gunplay has been wild on the streets of London this year and no area of the Forest City has been untouched."

"Wrestling with a record number of homicides this year -- 14 -- city police have probed 19 incidents of gunfire since January, the most recent a fatal shooting in south London on Tuesday." ...

Canada: Accused Quebec cop killer had two illegal rifles
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police say the man accused of killing a 25-year-old Quebec policewoman in the line of duty had two illegal weapons stashed in his apartment despite a ban imposed six years ago."

"Although a judge imposed a 10-year ban on Francoise Pepin owning firerams back in 1999, police found two illegal weapons in his apartment on Wednesday."

"The Globe and Mail reported that neither of the rifles was among the weapons he was given an exemption to carry during hunting season."

"'We're trying to find out how he came into possession of these weapons,' Sergeant François Doré, a spokesman for the provincial police, told the newspaper." ...

Canada: Rack 'em up
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The members of the Lamont Fish and Game club who are gathered for their annual horn-measuring day don't see themselves as anything but straight-shooting, law-abiding citizens of their community." ...

"There are farmers, chemical plant workers, tradesmen, retired guys, high school kids, Ed the undertaker (who ran the hardware store before getting into the burying business) and one scribbler."

"Doesn't sound like much of a gang to me, but they don't get to make that decision. It's been done for them by an Ottawa politician named Paul Martin." ...

As an individual, I believe, very strongly, that handguns should be banned and that there should be stringent, effective control of other firearms. However, as a judge, I know full well that the question of whether handguns can be sold is a political one, not an issue of products liability law, and that this is a matter for the legislatures, not the courts. The unconventional theories advanced in this case (and others) are totally without merit, a misuse of products liability laws. — Judge Buchmeyer, Patterson v. Gesellschaft, 1206 F.Supp. 1206, 1216 (N.D. Tex. 1985)

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