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Newslinks for 12/19/2012

Oregon lawmaker rebuffed on proposal to arm teachers
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "'In crisis situations there are a lot of very complex things happening all at once and you have to constantly train for deadly force incidents,' Chief George asserted in top 'Only Ones form. Evidently 16 hours per year equates with 'constantly.'" ...

Constitutionalist military and police group offers teachers free gun training
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "As demands from citizen disarmament proponents for greater defenselessness in the face of violent evil become louder and more strident, as gun owners increasingly feel their most cherished rights are under mob assault and there’s nothing to do but cover up and endure the building storm, some, those we should be following, are offering solutions, things that can be implemented soon, and without great public cost, measures that have been proven, and demonstrably, the only thing that can stop an active school invader in mid-attack. This is what gun owners can, and must embrace as the only 'conversation' worth having." ...

Opposing view: Eliminate 'gun-free zone' regulations
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"A gunman whose name we do not need to memorialize took advantage of our gun-control laws to slaughter 20 children and six adults in a Newtown, Conn., elementary school."

"In addition to the gunman, blood is on the hands of members of Congress and the Connecticut legislators who voted to ban guns from all schools in Connecticut (and most other states). They are the ones who made it illegal to defend oneself with a gun in a school when that is the only effective way of resisting a gunman."

"What a lethal, false security are the 'gun-free zone' laws. Virtually all mass murders in the past 20 years have occurred in gun-free zones. The two people murdered several days earlier in a shopping center in Oregon were also killed in a gun-free zone." ...

Do We Have the Courage to *Really* Stop This?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nicholas Kristof has a piece in Sunday’s The New York Times celebrating making political hay out of the atrocity in Newtown. And he makes what has become my favorite anti-gun proposal: 'In the harrowing aftermath of the school shooting in Connecticut, one thought wells in my mind: Why can’t we regulate guns as seriously as we do cars?' I’ve addressed just this kind of thing in detail before, but in light of the Sandy Hook shootings, Kristof’s little bit of sophistry deserves its own takedown . . ." ...

Let citizens invoke Second Amendment rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I am saddened by the massacre in Connecticut and pray every day for the dear children and their families."

"There is a quote something like 'those who ignore history are destined to repeat it.' Sadly, I read the book a few years ago detailing the massacre of a middle school in Beslan, Russia, where the author stated that America was a likely candidate for similar tragedies. His reasons mainly were America’s ignorance and bias against firearms, mostly fueled by the media."

"We have armed guards in armored cars to protect our money. ... And yet our most vulnerable and precious resource, our children, are unprotected. Banning firearms (for legal citizens) is a huge mistake and will not prevent such a massacre from occurring." ...

Why Bans on So-Called “Assault Weapons” Are Unlikely to Diminish the Deaths Caused by Mass Shootings
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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... "... the bans seem likely to have no effect on fighting crime, because they leave criminals with ample access to other guns that are equally effective for their criminal purposes. So-called 'assault weapons' are no deadlier than other weapons." ...

The Training Myth
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One common objection to armed citizens being welcomed into what are now designated 'gun free zones' are fears that a lack of training will put that person and those around him or her at risk. On the surface that may seem reasonable, especially if all you know about defensive gun uses is what you’ve seen in the movies. But dig a little deeper and you’ll find it’s not a very substantial objection at all, and fails to satisfy the simple logic of giving responsible citizens the tools they need to resist an assault . . ." ...

The NRA’s pending announcement Friday… and join the winning team
Submitted by: J Boch

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"A lot of gun owner NRA critics and cynics have been saying unkind things about the NRA following their announcement today." ...

"The NRA is the big dog on the block. They do a vast amount of good in everything from training and education to political work. Better still, the other side goes code brown and yellow when they hear mention of the NRA (despite their lame public pronouncements about the NRA’s supposed impotence)."

"Frankly, at times it’s frustrating carrying the activism load for a bunch of keyboard commando slackers who nitpick to find reasons not to be part of the solution while they snipe at those of us who are."

"Get with the program. Join and participate in this fight, and don’t just sit on your ass commenting on a forum or blog ..." ...

The Real Myth at the NYT
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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... "The NYT is not 'perpetuating myths,' it is consciously and knowingly lying with malice aforethought in an effort to push through various gun ban and confiscation laws which it greatly desires." ...

The Times Embarrasses Itself On Guns–Again!
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"It’s too bad the members of the New York Times editorial board don’t sign their editorials. If they did, we could ridicule them by name. The Times, as an institution, has chosen to place ideology above accuracy. That decision was on display yesterday when the paper editorialized–how many times is it now, one wonders?–against guns." ...

Another Senseless School Shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "All I can say to those who hold the Second Amendment so dear is this: if you lost your child to a deranged gunman, would you still fight for the right of everyone to possess a dangerous weapon, or would you do everything in your power to make sure that it never happened to anyone else?" ...

Submitter's Note: Yes.

Fighting for the right of teachers to protect their charges is doing everything in my power to make sure that it never happens again.

Compromise must be reached on gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Americans don’t want a solution."

"Working together, one could be found. But no one will work together, and no solution will be found to the problem of repeated gun violence that produces indescribable tragedies in our country every few months." ...

"Gun rights activists won’t give an inch. They are taught to believe that somehow keeping a Connecticut teacher from having permits on several guns - including an assault rifle - and enough ammunition to kill 27 people with very little effort would somehow jeopardize their rights to kill a deer or protect their families with a handgun." ...

Submitter's Note: What a perfect encapsulation of anti-gun thinking. It's not that gunnies have thought about and researched the facts of the issue before arriving at a conclusion, no we are taught our beliefs like some sort of catechism.

Time to take action on the sale of assault weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I, like every other American, am furious at the most recent school massacre. I'm furious at the coward who destroyed the lives of the innocent children and their teachers, their parent, families and the rest of us affected by this unconscionable act of insanity."

"But, I think I am even more furious at the defenders of the so-called right to own these weapons of mass destruction."

"In each of the recent mass killings, all of the murder weapons were purchased by law-abiding citizens. Each was legally entitled to purchase these killing machines on the day they did so. All of the proper background checks in place deemed the buyer qualified." ...

The biggest threat to my Second Amendment rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Tens of thousands of words will surely be spent in an effort to fully describe the horror of what transpired at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. The attempt to convey the senselessness of the crime, or convey the struggle of survivors to go forward from unspeakable loss, will test the ability of journalism to explain or comfort."

"The writing of commentary — as distinct from reportage — has occupied the last 33 of my 57 years in journalism. And I have sometimes heard my column described by readers as 'a vacation from the news.' I’ve taken that as a compliment."

"But what happened in Connecticut two days ago is news from which no vacation is possible or permissible." ...

Well Regulated
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Like most reasonable people, I’m disgusted with what happened in Newtown Connecticut last Friday. ... On Facebook and other social media, I started to see prayer chains, calls for peace ... but then I noticed a few outlandish items slowly start to creep in that bothered me. ..."

"'If the staff had been armed this could have been prevented.'"

"Let that sink in for a minute. Arming teachers. In elementary school. Am I the only person who hears this and thinks, 'That person must have been dropped on their head as a small child?' If you think that arming teachers is an answer to this issue, I’m not even sure you should be a part of the conversation that needs to happen." ...

Submitter's Note: Once again we see that disdain for the Second Amendment invariably spills over onto other civil rights like free speech.

Good guys, bad guys and gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "For those who never encounter firearms, the American gun culture seems a frightening place, filled with violent and trigger-happy people. It's easy to pin responsibility for horrific crimes like the Connecticut shootings on these unfamiliar and dangerous people. Such stereotypes about gun owners, however, are unfair. Whatever its faults, the American gun culture does not exalt senseless violence or the slaughter of innocents. It just doesn't."

"The problem is that the most vocal and paranoid segment of the American gun culture, led by the National Rifle Association, has lobbied relentlessly against what are ultimately moderate and sensible gun laws. ..." ...

Is this the price for gun freedom?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After hearing former Education Secretary Bill Bennett suggest we might need to arm school teachers as a way to avoid school shootings, and after reading numerous online posts from gun advocates urging us to protect our 'right' to own and carry a gun anywhere we choose to go, to ensure our collective 'freedom,' I feel we have two very clear choices in terms of the society we wish to live in."

"In one, we will arm our communities to the point no sane (or maybe even insane) person will try to shoot up a school, a mall or place of work. ..." ...

"In another, we will affirm the right to own and possess guns for sport and personal protection, but live within sensible policies and rules about their possession and use. " ...

Interpreting the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment to the Constitution, ratified in 1791, reads:"

"'A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.'"

"None of the recent mass killers was a member of a well regulated militia (such as the National Guard) yet it was legal for them to own guns."

"Now let's look at arms -- specifically, guns -- as they existed at the time the Second Amendment was ratified."

"Guns in 1791 were made by a gunsmith, had rudimentary rifling, were single-shot weapons, loaded through the muzzle and fired by means of a flintlock." ...

A picture that’s worth a thousand lives.
Submitted by: J Boch

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"Some pictures are worth a thousand words."

"This one’s worth a thousand lives." ...


UT: Pastor pulls gun on unsuspecting burglar
Submitted by: Mark Jensen

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"Instead of reaching for his Bible, an Orem minister grabbed his handgun when a man high on drugs tried breaking into his church." ...

"In the middle of the night on Friday, though, Pastor Brooks, who lives with his young family in the basement of the church, was awakened by a ruckus outside, so he got up to see what was going on."

"'He was at this door trying to beat into it and pull on it, and I came around the corner (and) was standing down there in the parking lot addressing him,' Brooks said."

"But Austin Stokes would not respond to the pastor's commands to stop, so Brooks pulled his gun." ...

Submitter's Note: Some shepherds are prepared to protect the flock. ...

Why It’s Hard to Prevent Mass Shootings
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"According to, a CBS News poll conducted during Dec. 14-16, 2012 (with a margin of error of 4%), reported that 50% of the public think that stricter gun control laws would have done nothing to prevelent the Sandy Hook shootings. The specific question was, 'Do you think that stricter gun control laws would have done a lot to prevent the violence that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, done a little, or had no effect on preventing the violence in the school in Newtown, Connecticut?' 26% said 'a lot,' 16% said 'a little,' 50% said 'no effect,' 3% volunteered 'it depends,' and 5% were unsure." ...


Actress Marg Helgenberger: ‘One can only hope’ NRA members get shot
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"There certainly have been a lot of calls for violence in response to the massacre of so many innocents in Newtown, Conn., last week. The name of the shooter has been known since last Friday, but with him already dead, the primary surrogate target for threats and death wishes has been the NRA." ...

MSNBC’s Alter: ‘Assault’ NRA for ‘Lack of Patriotism’ (video story)
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"On MSNBC this afternoon, Jonathan Alter suggested that the president should publicly shame the leaders of the NRA: 'You need Wayne LaPierre or one of those guys to come to the White House meeting, and if they won’t come, the president invites them to the televised meeting, and they won’t come to say their piece in public, they should be shamed into it, and assaulted, one of the terms they like, for their lack of patriotism.'"

KABA Note: The last time the NRA bowed out of a White House meeting the Second Amendment Foundation (you know, the folks who ushered Heller and McDonald through) offered to take their place. Still waiting on a call-back ...

Obama Call For Change Exploits School Massacre
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"By using the massacre in Newtown, Conn., to fire up the left's anti-liberty agenda, President Obama and other prominent liberal Democrats are taking Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's infamous maxim — 'You never want a serious crisis to go to waste' — to new depths." ...

Mark Levin: "How Come Obama Did Not Mention Fort Hood?"
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"Over the weekend, the president was speaking and, really, when he got to his politics it was just stomach turning. ... he named four instances in where there were, what, massacres? But he left one out. I immediately realized ... what happened to Fort Hood? How come he didn't mention Fort Hood? How come Obama did not mention Fort Hood where 13 human beings were slaughtered and there were several survivors. Because, ladies and gentlemen, first of all, Fort Hood is a military enclave, it's a base. You can't have more control than that."

"Number two, they had all kinds of rules of who can carry weapons and who can't there. ... All kinds of gun control on that base." ...

No NRA tweets or comments: A savvy tactic or mistake?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The largest U.S. gun-rights organization — typically outspoken, even after shooting deaths — has gone all but silent since last week's rampage at a Connecticut school left 26 people dead, including 20 children."

"The [NRA]'s Facebook page has disappeared. The NRA has posted no tweets. It makes no mention of the shooting on its website. None of its leaders hit the media circuit Sunday to promote its support of the U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment right to bear arms as the nation mourns the latest mass shooting victims and opens a new debate over gun restrictions. On Monday, the NRA offered no rebuttal as 300 anti-gun protesters marched to its Capitol Hill office."

"[The NRA released the following statement Tuesday afternoon:" ...

Guns, Mental Illness and Newtown
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"Has the rate of random mass shootings in the United States increased? Over the past 30 years, the answer is definitely yes. It is also true that the total U.S. homicide rate has fallen by over half since 1980, and the gun homicide rate has fallen along with it. Today, Americans are safer from violent crime, including gun homicide, than they have been at any time since the mid-1960s." ...

Video: “It doesn’t matter if gun violence is down”
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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... "... I’m repulsed by Lemon’s emotionally-charged diatribe, which explicitly rejects empirical evidence. It’s dishonest and exploitive. It is troubling that many of the voices clamoring loudest for a 'national conversation' about gun policy already seem to have their minds made up about what sorts of guns should be available, and to whom. If that’s how one feels, one should at least be intellectually honest and make open calls for sweeping bans and 'confiscation.' Let’s see how that 'conversation' goes."

Teacher’s union: Denial of reality.
Submitted by: J Boch

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"I thought teachers were supposed to be intelligent."

"Maybe it’s the air at union headquarters."

"Anyway, the American Federation of Teachers has proclaimed that there should be absolutely NO guns in schools."
"(Breitbart) – The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) has their own solution for preventing tragedies like the Newtown massacre from happening again: no firearms in schools whatsoever."

"This is not a joke; they actually believe that the next time some deranged, evil psychopath shows up at your child’s school, the best policy is to leave the school utterly defenseless." ...

Obama Says – Ban Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Obama just announced he’s on the warpath — and he’s not taking any prisoners."

"At a press conference immediately following the Connecticut shooting, President Obama made his intentions clear: He’s prepared to ram his anti-gun agenda down our throats."

"And sadly, the national media is more than willing to help him get his wish ."

"MSNBC anchors are calling for outright gun 'confiscation!'"

"Even prominent Republican backers like Fox News founder Rupert Murdoch is loudly calling for new gun control schemes ..."

"The establishment gun lobby is nowhere to be found, deleting their Facebook page in an effort to run and hide from the fight." ...

Newtown shooting: Why Minutemen can protect against active shooters
Submitted by: J Boch

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... "Once again we sit stunned, watching the news coverage of a slaughter committed by an active shooter in Newtown, Connecticut. This time, far different from most school shootings, it was not a current or recent student but an outsider who forced his way in to attack the school. Even worse, this time the monster attacked little children — first graders. Retired U.S. Army Ranger Lieutenant Colonel David Grossman has predicted such an attack for years and he compares his fictional scenario to the 1974 Ma’alot Massacre, a watershed attack on school children in Israel." ...

"The Minuteman’s maxim will be a simple one: 'Not here! Not today! These children are safe because I am here with my weapon and my training.'"

"Once a sheepdog, always a sheepdog."

This time, change will be coming
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sometimes you can just tell that the change is coming."

"The nation has been rocked with a series of horrible mass murders, crisscrossing the nation from a movie theater in Aurora, Colo., to a temple in Milwaukee, to a shopping mall featuring Santa Claus outside Portland, Ore. Now this."

"All murders are senseless by definition and all lives stolen by violence are mourned. But in Newtown, Conn., they were young children. Twenty of them. And their teachers. ..." ...

The Sandy Hook Effect: Gun Sales Rise as Stocks Fall
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"As lawmakers across the U.S. debate the possibility of new gun control laws in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting, weapon sales in parts of the country appear to be on the rise."

"Friday's massacre at a Connecticut elementary school that left 26 people dead – including 20 children within the ages of six and seven – has sparked a national conversation about imposing stricter legislation on the nearly $32 billion firearms industry." ...

Editor's Note: Actually the word "conversation" implies a two-way dialogue, not shrill shrieks of outrage drowning out any possible reply.

Drunk Driving vs. Mass Shooting
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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... "Obviously some laws are effective, and some are not. Drunk driving laws, and heightened enforcement, seem to have been effective. Prohibition was widely concluded to have been counterproductive. One can't just deal with these questions through broad generalities, whether 'we can’t do anything' or 'we must do something.' One has to look at the concrete details of the problem, and the feasible proposed regulations."

"And if one looks concrete at drunk driving vs. mass shooting, I think one sees precisely what I described in my post on why it’s hard to prevent mass shootings ..." ...

NM: APD trains teachers to fight back against gunmen -- Hope Christian School staff given training to fight back against gunmen (video available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In the wake of the Sandy Hook school shooting, school officials across the country are scrambling to find ways to make their schools safer."

"At least one school in New Mexico is moving in a radical direction -- training teachers to go after gunmen."

"The Albuquerque Police Department is working with the Hope Christian School to equip teachers with the skills to deal with a shooter."

"'Hiding under a desk isn't an option anymore. You've gotta fight back,' school resource officer James Vautier said." ...

Gun-Control Backers See No High Court Hurdle for Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun-control advocates, seeking new laws in the aftermath of the Connecticut school shooting, are drawing support from an unlikely source: the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark 2008 decision backing the right to bear arms."

"That ruling marked the court’s first declaration that the Constitution’s Second Amendment protects the gun rights of individuals. At the same time, Justice Antonin Scalia’s majority opinion said the government could impose restrictions, such as bans on gun possession by convicted felons and the mentally ill." ...

Dianne Feinstein Officially Announces Provisions of Upcoming Assault Weapons Ban Bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'On the first day of the new Congress, I intend to introduce a bill stopping the sale, transfer, importation and manufacturing of assault weapons as well as large ammunition magazines, strips and drums that hold more than 10 rounds,' Feinstein said. 'I am in the process of gathering support for the bill in the Senate and House.'"

"'I have been working with my staff for over a year on this legislation,' Feinstein added. 'It will be carefully focused on the most dangerous guns that have killed so many people over the years while protecting the rights of gun owners by exempting hundreds of weapons that fall outside the bill’s scope. We must take these dangerous weapons of war off our streets.'" ...

OK: Oklahoma Will Consider Law Allowing Teachers To Bring Guns To School
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"Teachers and principals may soon be packing heat in the classroom, if Oklahoma State Rep. Mark McCullough (R) has his way. According to a report by The Oklahoman, the lawmaker 'pledged to introduce legislation in the upcoming session to allow principals and teachers who go through training to be able to carry firearms on school property.' McCullough made the now-familiar argument that people intent on mass shootings are unlikely to follow the law:"
"This sacrosanct notion that we cannot do anything but have gun-free zones is just a fallacy. What we’re dealing with here is people who don’t care. They’ve erased their moral compass. They don’t care about the law, and they are intent on horrific acts." ...

NY: AG: Other state's gun laws not welcome here
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, along with nine other attorneys general, sent a letter to the U.S. Senate asking lawmakers to reject two federal bills that would directly override New York's tough gun laws by forcing states to 'recognize concealed carry permits issued by any other states,' according to a press release from the attorney general's office." ...

OR: The Second Amendment needs review, tweaking
Submitted by: James A. Farmer

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... "The Second Amendment needs review. It was not, contrary to common belief, a free pass for anyone who thinks he’s John Wayne. The Second Amendment had a single purpose: to let plantation owners form militias to shoot runaway slaves. That isn’t conjecture: read the contemporary debates."

"When a fellow flies into a rage at the mention of gun oversight, won’t even talk, I know one thing for sure: our children and grandchildren will keep on dying before they’ve read our Constitution."

NY: Gun show now issue
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Tuesday's City Council meeting opened with a moment of silence for the shooting victims of Newtown, Conn."

"But speakers later addressed gun violence and called for banning the sales of semiautomatic weapons from gun shows held in the Saratoga Springs City Center."

"City resident Charles Brown lamented the presence of semiautomatic guns at the show, which is scheduled to return to the city center Jan. 11 to 13. Alan Turkheimer asked for more police to monitor the event." ...

RI: Rhode Island prof demands NRA chief’s “head on a stick”
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"Erik Loomis is an assistant professor of American history at the University of Rhode Island. He also blogs at 'Lawyers Guns and Money' blog."

"In reaction to the murders in Connecticut, Loomis tweeted that he had never been so angry except maybe for the invasion of Iraq (I guess 9/11 was chopped liver to him), and that he wanted the NRA chief’s 'head on a stick':" ...

While not illegal, it's really hard to own a gun in Israel
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Had Nancy Lanza wanted to stockpile her guns in Israel, it would not have happened, said Yacov Amit, the head of Israel's Firearm Licensing Department."

"Without coming right out and saying so, Israeli authorities have instituted a policy of making it as difficult as possible to request permission to possess a gun."

"'There is no right to own firearms in Israel,' Amit said, a 25-year veteran of the Israeli army. 'It is a privilege we sometimes allow.'"

"An official 'policy of reduction,' has been in place since 1999."

"It is now almost impossible for any civilian to keep more than a single gun at home — a gun, not a rifle. The sale of assault weapons to civilians is prohibited." ...

Dick’s Sporting Goods Stops AR15 Sales
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Its been announced that Dick’s Sporting Goods has pulled ALL GUNS from its store nearest to Newtown, Conneticut as well as suspended sales of ARs in all of its stores nation wide."
"Dick’s said its decision was reached out of respect for the victims and their families 'during this time of national mourning,' it said in a statement." ...

UT: Statement on Firearms and Hunting Section
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Like everyone else in the country, the management of KSL is profoundly saddened by the tragedy in Connecticut. In the wake of this and other similar incidents, important questions have been raised about the ease of access to guns. These questions deserve time for careful consideration and we are confident that an appropriate resolution will be found. Accordingly, KSL has temporarily suspended firearms listings on classifieds. ..."

NY: Westchester County Not Renewing Contract For Annual Gun & Knife Show
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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... "In a statement Monday, county officials said, 'First and foremost, Westchester County mourns with the nation for the families who lost loved ones in the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. ...'"

"In the days and weeks ahead, the county will review its own policies and procedures to see if anything can be done to prevent these senseless acts of violence in the future."

"With respect to the Sportsmen Firearm and Knife Show at the County Center, there is no signed contract for this event in 2013. The shows in past years were popular and run in a thoroughly professional manner. But at this time as the country grieves the loss of life in Newtown, a contract renewal is not appropriate." ...

Kagan on the Second (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "There’s a marvelous clip up on the World Wide Web of Senator Leahy, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, asking the then-solicitor general, Ms. Kagan, about Heller. Not only does she acknowledge that such an individual right exists, but she declares that it is 'settled law.' Not only does she do that, but Mr. Leahy, who is about as far left as one can get in the United States Senate, declares that he agrees with Heller. He points out that he’s from Vermont, where there just aren’t any gun control laws at all (and which, incidentally, has the lowest firearms homicide rate in the country)." ...

We Have the Technology To Make Safer Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "But we aren’t likely to see smart guns on the market anytime soon. Even though the [smart gun] idea is technologically sound—researchers at the New Jersey Institute of Technology have created a working prototype of a gun that determines whether or not to fire based on a user’s 'grip pattern'—gun makers aren’t taking it up. They’ve been slow to add other safety technologies, too, including indicators that show whether a gun is loaded and 'magazine safeties' that prevent weapons from being fired when their ammunition magazine is removed. (The magazine’s removal might lead some users to assume the gun isn’t loaded when there may in fact be a round in the chamber.)" ...

Submitter's Note: The 4 Rules are the only "technology" needed for safe guns.

SAF, CCRKBA call for ‘commission on violence,’ NRA sets press conference
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms acknowledged that 'a national dialogue on violence has already begun in the wake of the Sandy Hook school tragedy, but that a national commission would be more able to address the complexity of this dilemma.'" ...

IA: Mayor Cownie calls for a discussion on gun issues
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In what should be a surprise to nobody who follows gun rights in central Iowa, Des Moines Mayor Frank Cownie used Monday night's City Council meeting to push the standard anti-gun agenda. Mayor Cownie is one of only five Iowa Mayors who belong to Mayors Against Illegal Guns ('MAIG'), the group founded by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. MAIG represents itself as a group of Mayors who respect the Second Amendment, but believe that 'common sense' gun laws are necessary to stem the tide of gun violence. Mayor Bloomberg is one of the most rabid anti-rights proponents in the country, which by itself is enough to indict MAIG as more than just a group concerned about gun violence." ...

St. Louis County police chief questions wisdom of schools as 'gun-free' zones
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the aftermath of Friday's heinous atrocity in Newtown, Connecticut, those with no compunction about exploiting the mass murder of children in furtherance of their forcible citizen disarmament agenda have made the most noise. That is not to say that there is a complete lack of more honorable, more reasoned voices. St. Louis County police chief Tim Fitch, for example, is speaking not about building an edifice of 'gun control' on the bodies of the slain children, but of protecting would-be victims from the next monster." ...

WA: Full-court press by Seattle liberals to gut state gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Seattle liberals are joining the nationwide full-court press, led by anti-gun New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, to gut American gun laws, undermine Second Amendment rights and push their prohibitionist agenda by exploiting the tragedy in Newtown, Conn."

"How else could one describe the one-two punch that was thrown Monday, first by former Seattle councilwoman Tina Podlodowski, as this column reported, and Councilmen Tim Burgess and Bruce Harrell, who both unveiled their anti-gun shopping lists." ...

ACT MP influencing US commentator on gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Research on gun control by the ACT's Andrew Leigh is being quoted in the United States after the latest mass shooting there claimed the lives of 26 people including school children."

"Conservative US political commentator Bill O'Reilly cited Dr Leigh's work during a debate on tighter gun control on Fox News."

"O'Reilly was interviewing the gun ownership advocate and founder of the Second Amendment Foundation Alan Gottlieb on tighter gun controls in the wake of the Newtown school massacre in Connecticut last week." ...

As nightfall does not come all at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight. And it is in such twilight that we all must be aware of change in the air, however slight, lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness. — Justice William O. Douglas, US Supreme Court (1939-75)

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